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Question 2

You are studying a virus called DK15, which is known to cause tumors in mice. The genome of DK15 is a 5.3 kb, double-stranded, circular DNA molecule. You are interested in learning more about DK15, so you decide to map its DNA using restriction enzymes. As a first step in your analysis, you digest DK15 DNA with three enzymes: SspI, XhoI, and SmaI. You run the digested DNA on an agarose gel, along with an uncut sample of the DK15 DNA as a control. You obtain the following pattern of bands**:

**You may assume that all the digests worked (i.e. all enzymes were "active") a) Fill in the blanks with the identities of the uncut DNA bands labeled A, B, and C: A___________________ B___________________ C___________________ b) How many times does XhoI cut the DK15 DNA? Justify your answer in one sentence. c) How many times does SspI cut the DK15 DNA? How do you know?

You are a bit puzzled by the SmaI result, and show your gel to Kate to get her input. Kate concludes that the DK15 DNA contains two SmaI siteseven though you observed three bands on your gel. d) Assuming that Kate is correct, propose a simple explanation for your observation of three bands. Explain your answer by stating the probable identity of each band you observed, and how you deduced this. To determine the restriction map of DK15 DNA, you perform the following complete digests with XhoI, SmaI, and a third enzyme, EcoRI. You run the digested DNA on an agarose gel, and obtain the following fragments (all sizes are in kilobases):

e) Draw a restriction map of the DK15 DNA that is consistent with all the data provided. Be sure your map includes: 1) the location of all restriction sites; 2) the distances between restriction sites; 3) the total DNA size.

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