Revised Emotion Regulation Homework Sheet 1

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Revised Emotion Regulation Homework Sheet 1 : Observing and Describing Emotions

Emotion Names: ______________ _________________ Intensity (0-100): ___

Prompting Event for the emotion (who, what, where, when started the emotion?):

Interpretations (beliefs, assumptions) of the situation:

Challenges to Interpretations (What evidence is there that the above interpretations are
incorrect? e.g. If the interpretation is ‘I am stupid’ find counterexamples such as ‘I have
always done well in school.’):

Body Changes and Sensing (What am I feeling physically? e.g. tense, shaky, thirsty…):

Body Language (facial expressions, posture, gestures):

Changing Physical Reactions (What are some ways I can change my physical responses
in the future? e.g. If you notice you crouch when you cry, you can try standing up the
next time you are crying.):

Action Urges (What do I feel like doing? What do I want to say?):

What I Said or Did in the situation (Be specific):

What after effect does the emotion have on me (state of mind, other emotions, behaviour,
thoughts, memory, body…)?

Function of Emotion (All emotions have a purpose. For instance, you may get anxious
walking down a dark street and the function of this anxiety might be to protect from an

Opposite to Emotions Actions (What are some other, positive, ways I can respond to this,
or a similar, situation in the future? e.g. if you have the urge to hurt yourself, you can
instead do 20 sit-ups…Try to be specific to the emotion (this may take some time to
figure out). For instance, going for a walk might be helpful when you are angry, but a
different activity (doing a household chore) might work better if you are feeling

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