Prolog Lab File

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Laboratory Manual


Knowledge Systems (IT 714)


June 2010 Faculty of Technology Dharmsinh Desai University Nadiad.

Table of Contents

Experiment-1 Turbo Prolog features and format4 Experiment-2 Write a program using variables in Prolog..5 Experiment-3 Write a program for usage of rules in Prolog6 Experiment-4 Write a program for using Input, Output and fail predicates in prolog.......7 Experiment-5 Write program for studying Usage of Arithmetic operators in Prolog8 Experiment-6 Write program to study usage of Cut, Not, Fail predicates in Prolog.....................9 Experiment-7 Write program to study usage of Recursion in prolog11 Experiment-8 Write programs to study usage of Logical , Arithmetic ,String operators in Prolog ...12 Experiment-9 WAP for studying usage of Compound Object and List in prolog13 Experiment-10 Write a program for studying usage of Dynamic Database in prolog14

LABWORK BEYOND CURRICULA Experiment-11 Generate a murder mystery solver software in prolog...16 Experiment-12 Design Expert System to do diagnosis of home appliances problems17

Knowledge Systems Lab Manual

Sample experiment

1. Aim:- To make a knowledge system for medical diagnosis . The system should store the various disease and their symptoms. On being prompted system should respond with information related to symptoms of a given disease. 2. Tools / Apparatus: Turbo Prolog GUI software. 3. STANDARD PROCEDURES: 3.1 Analyzing the Problem: Analyze real life system and find out the various facts and rules in the system to be designed. Find the various attributes (variables ) needed to store this information. 3.2 Designing solution: Define the contents of three sections of prolog program as follows1. Define Domain section :Define various variables and symbols needed for problem. (Similar to definition part of conventional programming ) In given example, there are two symbolic names needed to store the disease and indication parameters . 2. Define Predicates:Different relation between symbols and variables are to be declared . (similar to defining function prototype in conventional programming) For example:- in given example there is only one relation namely symptom between disease and indication. 3. Define Clauses:Various facts and rules supporting the predicates declared are to be defined . For example:- various facts indicating symptoms of various disease are found and stored as facts .The format for storing facts is same as defined in predicates section. 3.3 Implementing ,compiling and executing the Solution o o o Start Turbo Prolog Select the Edit mode Type in the program

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Exit the Editor using Esc. Save the program Select Run (which compiles the program for you in memory) o Once you have followed these steps you will see the following prompt in the Dialog Panel: Goal: o Using a Prolog program is essentially about asking questions. To ask the executing Prolog program a question you specify the Goal.

3.4 Testing the solution

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If the goal is symptom (X,runny_nose), it should respond with all the matching indications of runny_nose after looking up in the facts stored in the clauses section,as shown in above snapshot. Turbo Prolog will respond with True and prompt for another goal. Possible outcomes of specifying a goal: 1. The goal will succeed; that is, it will be proven true. 2. The goal will fail; Turbo Prolog will not be able to match the goal with any facts in the program. 3. The execution will fail because of an error in the program.

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Tools / Apparatus: Turbo Prolog GUI software .

EXPERIMENT1 Aim:- Turbo Prolog features and format. Procedure: Write a simple prolog program to study fact, verification, domain, predicate and clauses section.(see program on pg 41 of book) Example:-

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EXPERIMENT2 Aim:- WAP Using variables in Prolog Procedure: Write a Prolog program containing facts related to following predicates a) Location (city, state) b) Stays (person, city) in clauses section. Display (i) list of person, state and city Example:Output:- Person= ram City=anand State=Gujarat Person= Lakshman City=anand State=Gujarat Person= Seeta City=Baroda State=Gujarat Person= Ravan City=Columbo State=Srilanka

(ii) Given person staying in which state . Example:Output:- Person= ram State=Gujarat

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EXPERIMENT3 Aim:- WAP for Usage of rules in Prolog Procedure:->Create a family tree program(of EXP2) to include following rules

M is the mother of P if she is a parent of P and is female F is the father of P if he is a parent of P and is male X is a sibling of Y if they both have the same parent. Then add rules for grandparents,uncle-aunt,sister and brother .

Based on the facts , define goals to answer questions related to family tree. Example:- Suppose family tree is as follows-


Sheena-harsh Lakshman- Urmila

Ram-Seeta Luv Kush

Output:- goal :-grandfather(Luv,X) X=Dashrath Goal:-father(Luv,X) X=Ram Goal:-sibling(luv,X) X=kush Goal:-aunt(luv,X) X=Urmila

goal:-uncle(luv,X) X=lakshman

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EXPERIMENT4 Aim:- WAP for using Input, Output and fail predicates in prolog Procedure:Write program using write, writef, readint,readchar,readln ,readreal predicates Store facts of employee name, age, job location, marital status and gender. Display (i) list of married & unmarried employees (ii) List of male & female employees (iii) List of employees for given job location Example:Output :*********OPTIONS********** 1. Display list of married employees 2. Display list of unmarried employees 3. Display list of male employees 4. Display list of female employees 5. Display list of employees at a given location Enter your choice:5 Enter location :Anand List of employees staying at anand are Sr No. Name of employee 1. Ram 2. Lakshman

Create a small set of facts and rules on who is the ancestor of whom. Display i) who is ancestor of given person. ii) Complete list i.e who is ancestor of whom. Example:-[with reference to above given family tree in experiment3) i) Input persons name-Luv Output :- Ancestors of luv isRam ,Lakshman ii) Output:- person Ancestor Luv Ram ,Lakshman Ram Dashrath ,Sheena Lakshman Dashrath,Sheena Dashrath Bharat

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EXPERIMENT5 Aim:- Write programs for studying Usage of arithmetic operators in Prolog Procedure:-Write programs to Accept name of the student, rollno, his subject name ,maximum marks and obtained marks in the subject. (Take marks of atleast 6 subjects ) . Compute the percentage of a student. Display his result with other information. Use variables, arithmetic operators, I/O predicates appropriately. Example:Output:- Enter name of student:- ram Enter roll number of student-IT1 Enter subject information for 6 subjects :Subject name- daa Max marks:-150 Obtained marks:-120 Subject name- oopd Max marks:-150 Obtained marks:-110 Subject name- cn Max marks:-150 Obtained marks:-100 Subject name- dc Max marks:-100 Obtained marks:-60 Subject name- amp Max marks:-150 Obtained marks:-140 Subject name- cpi Max marks:-150 Obtained marks:-30 **********RESULT*************** Student name:-ram Roll no-IT1 Subject names-daa ,oopd, cn,dc,amp,cpi Total max marks-. Total Obtained marks- . % percentage -

Accept department, designation, name, age, basic salary, house rent allowance(HRA) of an employee . Compute dearness allowance (DA) which is 15% of basic salary . Determine the gross salary(basic salary+HRA+DA) of the employee. Display all information of the employee. (Use variables, rules, I/O predicates, arithmetic operators as per needed). Example:Output:- Enter employee name:- xyz Enter department :-IT Enter age:-43 Enter basic salary-50,000 Enter HRA:- 2000 ----------------------PAYSLIP Employee Name is xyz Department-IT BA-50,000 DA - 7500 HRA-2000 Gross salary- 59500/Department of Information Technology, Faculty of Technology, D. D. University, Nadiad. 8

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EXPERIMENT6 Aim :- Write program to study usage of cut,not,fail predicates in prolog. Procedure:Write a prolog program having facts in clauses section for predicate student(studentname,branchname) .Use cut !, fail, not predicates to Display list of all students Display list of students for given specific branch. Display list of students excluding specific branch

Example:- Output:- ***********MENU*********************** 1) Display list of all students 2) Display list of students for given specific branch. 3) Display list of students excluding specific branch Enter your choice3 Enter branch name to be excluded from result CE List of all students except from CE branch are -> Student name- Department Harsh IT Deep-EC Heena-IC Do you want to continue? y ***********MENU*********************** 1) Display list of all students 2) Display list of students for given specific branch. 3) Display list of students excluding specific branch Enter your choice-2 Enter name of branch for which student list needed CE List of all students in CE branch are -> Student name- Department Amardeep CE Anand-CE Do you want to continue? y ***********MENU*********************** 1) Display list of all students
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2) Display list of students for given specific branch. 3) Display list of students excluding specific branch Enter your choice-1 Student name- Department Harsh IT Deep-EC Heena-IC Amardeep CE Anand-CE

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EXPERIMENT 7 Aim:-Write program to study usage of recursion in prolog Procedure: Write predicate fact(n) ,which finds and display factorial of a given number . Example:- Output:Goal :- fact(5) 5 != 5*4*3*2*1= 120 .

Write predicate fibbonacci (n) ,which finds the series for first n values . Example:- Output:Total number of numbers needed in output? 6 Fibonacci series of first 6 numbers:1,1,2,3,5,8

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EXPERIMENT 8 Aim:-Write programs to study usage of logical , arithmetic ,string operators in Prolog . Procedure: Write a predicate max(num1,num2,num3) which finds and displays maximum number from three given numbers and min(num1,num2,num3) which finds and displays minimum number of three given numbers ,use logical operators. Example : Output Enter three numbers : 1 2 3 maximum is 3 , minimum is 1

Write a predicate which accepts integer number as an input and displays its square .It should also find its positive square root value ,if its sqrt is integer, otherwise display NA .Use arithmetic operators /in-built conversion predicates to achieve this. Example1 :- Output:Enter no. : 3 3(number) , 9 (square) ,NA(square root not possible) Example1 :- Output:- Enter no. 4 4 (number), 16 (square) , 2(square root) Write a program to find substring from a given string. The substring should start from 1st location of source string and should contain the entered number of characters from the source string. Example:Output:-Enter source string: tested Enter number of charcthers needed in substring: 4 Original String is : tested Substring is test

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EXPERIMENT 9 Aim:- WAP for studying usage of 1) compound object and 2) list in prolog Procedure:1) Write a program to maintain inventory items using a compound object. The format of compound object should be (item type, item (no, description, qty, cost)) Item-type can be fg-finish good, sf-semi finish good, rm-raw material, Write appropriate predicates to i) Accept from user the details of atleast 10 such objects ii) Display the details of objects entered by user. Example:Output:- enter information of 10 items Enter item type .. Enter item number .. Enter item description.. Enter quantity of item. Enter cost of item.. .. The details of objects entered are as follows- Item type Item number description quantity cost Fg 1 keyboard 10 2000 Rm 2 plasticbox 10 300 Sf 3 keypad 10 500

2) Find and display odd and even numbers from a given input list of integers Example:Output:- Enter list of 10 integer numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Even numbers -> 2,4,6,8,10 Odd numbers-> 1,3,5,7,9

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EXPERIMENT10 Aim:- WAP for studying usage of dynamic database in prolog Procedure: Store facts of student(name, branch, semester , percentage) dynamically. Use asserta predicate to enter new data in dynamic database. Use retract predicate to delete a given data from dynamic db. Create appropriate predicate to search and display some specified students details. Create appropriate predicate to list all the students having percentage greater than some specified value. Example :- Output:*******************MENU************************ 1) enter new student details 2) delete a student data 3) display specific student details 4) list of students having % greater then specified % 5) Exit Enter your choice:4 Enter minimum % 60 The student details having % greater than 60 are Std name std branch semester % Ram IT 7 61 Lakshman CE 7 69 . Do you want to continue? (y/n) y *******************MENU************************ 1) enter new student details 2) delete a student data 3) display specific student details 4) list of students having % greater then specified % 5) Exit Enter your choice:2 Enter student name to be deleted:Ram Record deleted successfully . Do you want to continue? (y/n)
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y *******************MENU************************ 1) enter new student details 2) delete a student data 3) display specific student details 4) list of students having % greater then specified % 5) Exit Enter your choice:- 5 Thankyou have a good day

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EXPERIMENT 11 Write a prolog program to solve a murder mystery problem. Design a system which stores rules to judge a person as culprit. Rules can be like- the person should have access to weapon by which murder was done, he should be at the crime site at the occurrence of crime, and he had a motive to conduct the crime and so on. Then based on facts and rules, the culprit should be identified.

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EXPERIMENT 12 Expert system for household appliances- The problems can be related to any house hold appliance like refrigerator. The problems can be like led not glowing, not cooling properly, not defrosting etc. The system should store a set of symptoms related to a particular problem and its solution. Then it should ask a series of questions and attempt to diagnose the problem, based on the indications of problem reported by user.

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Introduction to turbo prolog o Carl Townsend. bpb publications Artificial Intelligence o Rich and Knight tata mcgraw hill

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