The Enormous Crocodile Program

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Term 1,Weeks 2-7

Focus Reading texts, Vocabulary knowledge, Comprehension. When learners comprehend, they interpret, integrate, critique, infer, analyse, connect and evaluate ideas in texts. They negotiate meaning not only in their heads but in the minds of others. When comprehending, learners strive to process text beyond word-level to get the big picture. When comprehension is successful, learners are left with a sense of satisfaction from having understood the meaning of a text (Foc us on Reading, Module 1, pp. 5). While vocabulary is learned indirectly through everyday experiences with oral and written language, some vocabulary must be taught explicitly. Vocabulary contributes to comprehension, fluency, reading achievement and effective oral and written communication with others. Effective writing is characterised by precise, appropriate and creative use of words and provides evidence of the quality of students thinking.


Reading & Viewing

EN2-4A: uses an increasing range of skills, strategies and knowledge to fluently read, view and comprehend a range of texts on increasingly challenging topics in different media and technologies

Outcome & Content

draw on experiences, knowledge of the topic or context to work out the meaning of unknown words use graphological, phonological, syntactic and semantic strategies to respond to texts, eg knowledge of homophones, contractions, syllables, word families and common prefixes read different types of texts by combining contextual, semantic, grammatical and phonic knowledge using text processing strategies for example monitoring meaning, cross checking and reviewing (ACELY1679, ACELY1691) summarise a paragraph and indicate the main idea, key points or key arguments in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts interpret text by discussing the differences between literal and inferred meanings justify interpretations of a text, including responses to characters, information and ideas

Writing & Representing

EN2-2A: plans, composes and reviews a range of texts that are more demanding in terms of topic, audience and language

plan, draft and publish imaginative, informative and persuasive texts containing key information and supporting details for a widening range of audiences, demonstrating increasing control over text structures and language features (ACELY1682, ACELY1694) plan, compose and review imaginative and persuasive texts reread and edit texts for meaning, appropriate structure, grammatical choices and punctuation (ACELY1683) reread and edit for meaning by adding, deleting or moving words or word groups to improve content and structure (ACELY1695) understand that effective organisation of ideas in imaginative, informative and persuasive texts enhances meaning understand that paragraphs are a key organisational feature of written texts (ACELA1479) identify and use grammatical features, eg pronouns, conjunctions and connectives, to accurately link ideas and information understand that the meaning of sentences can be enriched through the use of noun groups/phrases and verb groups/phrases and prepositional phrases (ACELA1493)

Grammar, Punctuation & Vocabulary

EN2-9B: uses effective and accurate sentence structure, grammatical features, punctuation conventions and vocabulary relevant to the type of text when responding to and composing texts

Speaking & Listening

EN2-1A: communicates in a range of informal and formal contexts by

use interaction skills, including active listening behaviours and communicate in a clear, coherent manner using a variety of everyday and learned vocabulary and appropriate tone, pace, pitch and volume (ACELY1688, ACELY1792) use information to support and elaborate on a point of view

Developed by Leanne WILLIAMSON 2012, revised in 2014

adopting a range of roles in group, classroom, school and community contexts

retell or perform part of a story from a character's point of view

Best Start Clusters


Retells and responds to incidents from a story book or film with attention to plot elements such as setting, character, conflict and resolution. Builds understanding of media texts by discussing different interpretations of the one text. Shows awareness that information about one topic can be sought from a number of sources, e.g. graphs, posters, reference texts, websites. Analyses and evaluates a characters actions/motives in a story

6th cluster

7th cluster
Responds to texts by referring to prior experiences. Responds to and analyses a text by discussing a point of view presented in the text. Analyses and evaluates how visual images support print to create meaning in texts. Interprets and responds to texts by skimming and scanning to confirm predictions and answer questions posed by self and others while reading.

8th cluster
Refers to prior knowledge and experiences to build understanding of a text. Justifies predictions about sections of a text. Builds understanding of a text by using knowledge of text organisation and features, e.g. referring to headings to locate information. Draws conclusions by using clues in a text. Identifies more than one perspective or point of view when responding to questions about texts. Articulates the main idea and provides a synthesised retell that captures key events in texts. Exemplifies descriptive words or sequences of information and ideas in texts by creating mental images.

9th cluster
Builds understanding during reading by discussing possible consequences of actions and events. Interprets texts by recognising and discussing the difference between literal and inferred meaning in relation to facts, qualities, characteristics, events. Builds understanding about the meaning of a text by actively seeking information from different parts of a text. Shows awareness through discussion that texts can present different perspectives. Analyses the ways ideas and information are presented by making comparisons between texts. Identifies and interprets main ideas and important information in a text to provide an accurate retell of a text. Analyses a text by discussing visual, aural and written techniques used in the text. Builds understanding about the meaning of a text by identifying and discussing text organisation and features, including cohesive links.

Reading Text

Understands that pathways for reading literary and factual, print and screen texts can be navigated in different ways. Self-corrects when meaning is disrupted, e.g. by pausing, repeating words and phrases, rereading and reading on. Reads aloud with fluency and phrasing, adjusting pace, volume,

. Understands text features such as illustrations, diagrams, tables, maps and graphs to enhance meaning. Automatically integrates a range of information, e.g. meaning, grammar and letter/sound relationships to read in a phrased and fluent way. Knows that literary, factual and screen texts need to be read in

Reads increasingly complex texts with less familiar content and vocabulary and more extended descriptions. Engages with both literary and factual texts of increasing length and difficulty for longer periods of time (at least 10 minutes). Reads texts in different ways to meet a range of reading purposes.

Reads for sustained periods (1520 minutes) and sustains understanding in longer texts over time, e.g. reading short novels over several days. Uses visual representations, e.g. photographs, tables, charts to enhance meaning when reading factual texts. Selects and uses the most

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pitch and pronunciation to enhance meaning and expression (RR level 16 18).

differing ways. Responds to punctuation and adjusts expression to enhance meaning when reading aloud.

Independently monitors own reading by using a variety of selfcorrection strategies to maintain meaning.


Creates longer texts supported by visual information, e.g. diagrams, maps, graphs on familiar topics for known audiences. Begins to use text features such as headings and paragraphs to organise information. Demonstrates elementary proofreading and editing, e.g. circles a word that does not look right. Accurately spells an increasing number of high frequency and topic words. Uses simple punctuation, e.g. full stops, exclamation marks and question marks. Writes a sequence of thoughts and ideas. Experiments with using some complex sentences to enhance writing. Uses a refined pencil grip, correct posture and paper placement to write more fluently and legibly. Uses computer functions to edit texts.

Plans texts by making notes, drawing diagrams, planning sequence of events or information, etc. States purpose and intended audience before creating texts. Spells words with regular spelling patterns correctly and makes plausible attempts at words with irregular spelling patterns. Applies spelling generalisations when writing. Uses contraction apostrophes and capitals for proper nouns as well as other simple punctuation. Writes short, connected and sequenced texts to narrate events or convey information. Includes different types of verbs using appropriate tense and demonstrates subject-verb agreement. Uses a computer to produce texts with graphics.

Creates longer texts (at least one page) that achieve the intended purpose and are appropriate for less familiar audiences. Experiments with producing/publishing texts using an increasing range of mediums and modes. Writing shows evidence of revision, editing and proof-reading. Writes for a wider range of purposes, including to explain and to express an opinion. Demonstrates a range of spelling strategies to spell unfamiliar words. Uses quotation marks for direct speech and commas in lists. Produces a range of grammatically accurate sentences. Fluently writes letters of consistent size and formation in NSW Foundation Style.


Expresses a point of view with supporting information about an expanding range of texts/topics. Speaks clearly and confidently in a variety of informal situations to a known/familiar audience. Plans and presents a brief oral presentation about a topic to a familiar audience. Adjusts register, tone and volume appropriate to situation. Demonstrates attentive listening across a range of school contexts, e.g. assemblies, performances.

Expresses a point of view about a text/topic and listens to and accommodates the viewpoint of others. Plans and delivers short oral presentations on familiar topics for audiences beyond the immediate classroom, e.g. report or message. Automatically adjusts speech to suit different audiences, purposes and situations. Demonstrates attentive listening and viewing for extended periods of time. Stays on task and participates effectively in longer class and group

Expresses more detailed ideas and justifies a point of view about familiar texts/topics. Automatically adjusts speech to suit familiar audiences, purposes and situations. Communicates confidently with a range of less familiar audiences for a wider variety of purposes. Contributes to collaborative group problem solving to complete a task by questioning, listening and responding to the ideas of others and making suggestions. Listens and understands a series of instructions related to a task and

effective word identification strategy to maintain fluency and meaning. Demonstrates an awareness of how to use skimming/scanning and text features such as subheadings to locate specific information. Uses screen navigation features when reading and viewing Internet texts. Constructs well-sequenced imaginative, informative and persuasive texts using language appropriate to purpose and audience. Plans and organises ideas using headings, graphic organisers, questions and mind maps. Rereads texts during and after writing to check accuracy, consistency of meaning and fitness for purpose. Structures texts using paragraphs composed of logically grouped sentences that deal with a particular aspect of a topic. Uses a variety of spelling strategies to spell high frequency words correctly. Uses simple word processing functions such as spell check, grammar check. Chooses verbs, adverbials, nouns and adjectives to express specific ideas and details. Uses joined letters of consistent size. Experiments with creating simple multimodal texts using digital text creation programs. Plans and delivers oral presentations on an extended range of topics for audiences beyond the immediate classroom, e.g. assembly presentations. Enhances presentations by using some basic oral presentation strategies such as using notes as prompts, volume and change in emphasis. Discusses the features of different spoken texts, e.g. formal versus informal interactions; persuasive versus informative. Contributes relevant ideas to discussions, asks questions and re-

Developed by Leanne WILLIAMSON 2012, revised in 2014


successfully completes the task.

phrases to clarify meaning. Listens attentively, makes appropriate responses to what others say and constructively builds on the ideas of others. Uses group discussion protocols, e.g. turn taking

Students will:

o o o o o o o o o

locate and recall information draw on the knowledge of text structures and text organizers write responses complete multiple choice questions think deeply and express verbally complete descriptions make logical connections interpret graphics and images identify points of view and specific details


Teacher Modelling: Students will be explicitly shown how to locate specific information in extracts of a text and how to use this information to answer comprehension questions. Think aloud strategies will be used to effectively model how to use the vocabulary in text to develop students comprehension and improve their responses both orally and written. Guided Tasks: Students will participate in whole class tasks where guided support is provided and they have the opportunity to practice learned strategies. Differentiating questions and tasks can occur in small groups. Independent Tasks: Students will be reminded of the strategies that have been explicitly taught and students who are capable will complete activities using their learnt skills.

Q.T. Elements

QUALITY LEARNING ENVIRONMENT 2.1 Explicit Quality Criteria, 2.2 Engagement and 2.3 High Expectations Visualising, Prediction, Summarising and Making Connections The students are received explicit instruction in utilizing these strategies for the past fifteen weeks. This unit has been written with this in mind. The idea of this program is to consolidate the students understanding of how these strategies assist us with developing a deeper understanding of the text. Work samples overtime, anecdotal records

Focus on Reading Strategies- FOCUS


Activities that will occur throughout the reading of the text: Predict what the next few Create a word bank of Have students pose Students write reflections Discuss what the authors

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pages will be about.

words as we read through the book.

questions or I wonder.. sentences in their books. Students share their I wonders and questions with a learning partner.

about what they have learnt by using the comprehension strategies.

intentions are.

Analyse the choice of words and how the author creates meaning and interest throughout the text.

Stop reading the text at particular points and pose I wonder. questions throughout the text to model self-questioning strategy.

Have students discuss I wonder.., predictions or pose questions or have discussions with a learning partner.

Stop and have students discuss parts of the story of interest. Use the following starters to guide their discussions: I found ____interesting because. I am confused about. The picture helped me to understand because. This part of the story reminds me of:

Developed by Leanne WILLIAMSON 2012, revised in 2014

Explicit Teaching Sequence

Learning Sequence Resources
Focus On Reading Strategy: Prediction

Week 2: Lesson 1 INTRODUCE THE NOVEL & Vocab

Introduce the novel- The Enormous Crocodile as the novel we will be using for the rest of the term. Navigate and talk about features of a novel. What makes a novel a novel? (Chapters etc.) Discuss how this book was originally a picture book that has been rewritten into a short novel. What is the social purpose of a novel? Discuss the title and look at front cover predict what this book might be about. Remind students that when we predict we make a smart guess about what is going to happen next based on the text or illustrations . Pose questions to make students think (predict) and promote interest (I WONDER QUESTIONS)

Notebook with front cover and blurb

Eg. I wonder why this book is called The Enormous Crocodile? Who do you think the main character/s could be? What does the text or illustration give you to confirm your guess? What words/images do you expect to see or hear in this text?

Notebook file for brainstorming synonyms

Talk about the blurb and what does a blurb mean. Read the blurb to the class. Discuss the language that the author has used. Discuss the language used in the blurb to determine if students know the meaning of the words and can come up synonyms for the words: 1. horrid (exceedingly bad) synonyms dreadful - terrible - horrible - frightful - awful 2. brute (A savagely violent person or animal) synonyms beast - animal 3. cunning (Having or showing skill in achieving one's ends by deceit or evasion) synonyms sly - crafty - artful - wily - astute - clever - shrewd 4. fiend (An evil spirit or demon). Synonyms devil demon o Discuss what kind of character the crocodile is likely to be. Make a list on any suggested words .E.g. bully etc.

title pages

THE ENORMOUS CROCODILE TITLEPAGE Students complete The Enormous Crocodile title page and glue into their workbooks .

Lesson 2

Setting & Character Description

Focus On Reading Strategy: Visualisation IWB text from first page minus adjectives

Display the text from the first page of the novel minus the adjectives. Explain to students that we are going to use this information to build an image of the setting and characters in our minds.

Developed by Leanne WILLIAMSON 2012, revised in 2014

Remind them that this comprehension strategy is called VISUALISING and it helps us to understand what is happening in a book. To create a detailed image in our minds we need to pay close attention to the words in the text that describe the setting, characters and their personalities. Have the students attempt to draw the setting and the crocodiles. Discuss students drawings (or lack of) Read the text a second time (this time with the adjectives). Have the students sketch the setting and characters. Discuss what the students noticed this time. Was it easier? How much detail were the able to include? Why do they think this was the case? Revise what adjectives are and the role they play in enabling you to create visual images in your heads. Explain that the first page of a story aims to open the storys plot and capture the readers interest. Circle the words Africa and the Enormous Crocodile. Comment on how quickly the setting is established and how quickly the title character is introduced. Have students highlight the adjectives in the text on their own printed copies. Pose a few questions to ensure students understanding of the text thus far: 1. Who are the characters in this text?

IWB - text from first page without pictures.

Notebook _ Comprehension questions

2. How are the characters related to one another? 3. What type of character/s are they? 4. What words described the river? 5. Why doesnt the Not So Big One eat children?

Lesson 3 o Character Description (Continued) Focus On Reading Strategy: Making Connections Notebook containing retrieval chart, pages 10 13 and a copy of the worksheet

Revise the term adjectives. Have students give examples of adjectives they found in the text yesterday. Have students refer to the blurb and the first page of text to tell us the words the author has used so far to describe the main characters appearance and personality. Record on a retrieval chart. Appearance *enormous *one hundred, sharp white teeth * horrid * greedy * brute * cunning *foul fiend Personality

o o

Read pages 10 -13. Point out that most of the extract is dialogue. Investigate layout and punctuation, particularly speech marks. Identify paragraph changes for new speech and highlight exclamation marks in the dialogue. What do the exclamation marks indicate? (Perhaps a loud, forceful tone.)

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o o

Discuss the content of the conversation. Underline the Enormous Crocodiles second speech. What does the reader learn about? (The Crocodiles dangerous lunch plan.) Emphasise the detailed descriptions as the crocodiles discuss eating children. Circle adjectives, contrasting the Enormous Crocodiles positive words (nice, juicy, fat, yummy, bigger) with the Notsobig Ones negative words (tough, chewy, nasty, bitter).

Class set of worksheets

Circle gollop. Is it a real word? (No.) Do the children find it easy to understand? Why? (It is like the word gulp.)

o o o

Have students suggest additional words that are found in the text as well as using the visuals. Add these words to the retrieval chart. Model how to use some of the words and phrases from the retrieval chart to write compound and complex sentences. Have students choose 10 adjectives or descriptive phrases that describe the enormous crocodile and record on their worksheet. Explain that they are going to use this information to write a description of the Enormous crocodile.

Week 3: Lesson 4 Summarising the text to page 13


Focus On Reading Strategy:

Re-read 9 to 13 Explain how small chunks should be summarised in order. Move through each section of the text. As a class write down key facts/ideas after reading each page ( IWB Proforma) Page ___ Page ___ Discuss MAIN IDEA of each page referring to the SUM IT UP notes.

Pages 9 -13 on IWB

Sum it up Pro forma on Notebook file

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Lesson 5 SUMMARISING/MAIN IDEA) MY PARTNER SAID Read pages 14 -17 paragraph by paragraph with a learning partner

Focus On Reading Strategy: Summarising

Stop at the end of each paragraph/section of text- ask your learning partner what the main idea/key point of that paragraph was. Write it down in your books Remind students to consistently re-read their writing to ensure it makes sense. Have students share their summaries Encourage students not forget to ask questions/discuss things you dont understand with your partner. Week 6: Lesson 6 Here Questions Read pages 18 -23. Have students answer comprehension questions related to the book thus far in their workbooks Remind students that they will need to locate answers in the novel as answers to the questions are written in the text. Explain to students that these questions are Here questions which means they are here in the book. Students can discuss answers with their learning partner once they are completed. Focus On Reading Strategy: Monitoring

Pages 14 17on IWB

Student workbooks Student booklets containing text.

Pages 18 -23 for students to refer to in a copy of their own booklet

Questions: 1. Who did Enormous crocodile meet after getting out of the water? (page14) 2. What did Trunky hope would happen to Enormous crocodile? (page 18)

Comprehension questions from pages 18 -23 on IWB

3. What did Muggle Wump Monkey offer Enormous crocodile to eat? (page 19) 4. What did the enormous crocodile try to do to Muggle Wump Monkey? (page 21) 5. What simile did the author use to describe how quickly the Enormous Crocodile took a bite out of the tree? (p21 Clue: A simile is a comparison between two different things using the words like or as) 6. What are characters have been introduced into the story? (pages 18-23)

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7. What words throughout the text have been used to mean eat?

Week 4: Lesson 7
Read pages 24 -26.

Character personalities & Vocab knowledge Pages 25 -26 on IWB

This extract covers the Crocodiles encounter with the Roly -Poly Bird. Underline Roly-Polys first speech. Point out that this initial greeting is quite friendly. What makes Roly-Poly Bird suspicious? Underline secret plans and clever tricks.

Circle the word nasty. Remind the children that the other animals also applied this adjective to the Crocodiles behaviour, suggesting he has behaved badly before. Comment on the verse, written like a riddle. Ask: What is the verse about? (Eating children.) Why does Roly-Poly think the Crocodile means berries? (Berries are the Birds favourite food.) Underline the Enormous Crocodile in a moneybox. Use the term simile. What is compared to what? (Teeth are compared to pennies.) How are they alike? (The noise they make as they clatter together is similar.) Read the Crocodiles final speech to the end of the extract. Comment on the serious tone. Circle snapped, emphasising the Crocodiles sudden and fast attack. Is the attack taken seriously? What proves that the Crocodile is dangerous? Read to the end of the incident with the Roly-Poly Bird. Remind the children that many characters living out of the river have been introduced. Which ones can the children think of? (Humpy-Rumpy, Trunky, Muggle-Wump, RolyPoly Bird.) Ask the children to work in pairs to name a character they like. Which one do they dislike? Why? Discuss views as a class. Share ideas on how writers reveal characters personalities in a story. Explain that the writer usually lets reader s form their own impression of a character, rather than telling them what to think. For example: when MuggleWump is shaking all over, it may lead the reader to decide that he is nervous. Give out copies of the work sheet Early Impressions. Suggest that the children concentrate on one character at a time and work with a partner, searching the text to find where that character appears, speaks or is referred to. Encourage them to make their own adjective choices from the photocopiable sheet. Finally, ask them to write four new adjectives, linking each word to a different character. Work sheet: Early Impressions

Posters of the six

Developed by Leanne WILLIAMSON 2012, revised in 2014

Lesson 8 Adjectives
Strategy Making connections: Visualising: Predicting: Monitoring: Ask Questions:

Focus On Reading Strategy: Revise the six strategies that we to assist us with understanding a text:
Definition Connections can be made between texts (books, movies, TV) or between text and ones own experiences. Connections help you understand what youre reading. You need to use your imagination to create your own pictures of what youre reading to be able to relate to whats happening in the story. To predict is to make a smart guess about what is going to happen next based on the text or illustrations As you read, notice when something is confusing. Go back to reread the text or look at illustrations to find clues to help you understand it. Asking questions of yourself and the story to add to your understanding. Sometimes the answers are in the text or illustrations and sometimes you have to look somewhere else (like the library or the internet). Sum up, retell the most important details of the story so far to make sure you understand and

comprehension strategies



Have students give a verbal retell of the story to date. Ask students to suggest what an adjective is. Record suggestions on the board. Explain to the students that adjectives are words that tell us more about nouns or pronouns. Explain how they are sometimes referred to as describing words. By using adjectives, we can add meaning and interest to our sentences. Have students highlight with a highlighter of some of the sentences in the text where the author has used adjectives to describe nouns. Have students complete IWB activity on adjectives in their workbook. Student workbooks Adjectives worksheet on IWB

Lesson 9 Visual images

Focus On Reading Strategy: Predicting

Visuals from pages 28, 30

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& 31 on IWB Show the students the visuals from pages 28,30 & 31

Pose the following questions and have the students share their responses with their learning partners: 1. What do you see? 2. What do you think might happen next? 3. What words do you expect to see in the text? Then display the text with the visual images on the IWB. Read the pages 28 -31. Remind students that drawing conclusions about a picture or an image can help to build a better understanding of what is happening in the picture or image and how it makes the accompanying text clearer. Discuss the role that images play in supporting the text and how sometimes they give you additional information that the text doesnt. Discuss if the students predictions were correct .

Pages 28 -31 for students to refer to in a copy of their own booklet

Week 5: Lesson 10 Visual images

Read the text on page 33 what is going to happen next

Focus On Reading Strategy: Predicting Page 33 text on IWB

Show the students the visual from page 34 & 35 and have the students work with their learning partner to predict Visual on Pages 34 & 35 on IWB

Lesson 11 Justifying reasons for predictions

Focus On Reading Strategy: making connections

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Read the text on pages 36 -37 Have students make predictions and justify their responses as to what they think is going to happen next. Record their responses on the following table (displayed on IWB) I predict because

Pages 36 -37 for students to refer to in a copy of their own booklet

Justification retrieval chart for IWB Have students re read the text before they predict. Remind students that being correct is not the most important thing - being able to justify predictions with reference to the text is important. Allow students to work with their learning partner for a few minutes to determine their prediction. Select a few students to make their predictions and justify their reasons. Record on the table. Save entered data so that we can come back to it later to revisit their predictions and reflect on how accurate their predictions were. Lesson 12 Creating a wanted Poster Focus On Reading Strategy: Making connections Wanted Poster Proforma for IWB

Explain that today we are going to draft a wanted poster on the Enormous Crocodile. Explain how we need to draw on the skill of making connections to the text to complete the proforma. What has the text told us about the characters appearance and personality? What crime is the character attempting to commit? Where the character was last spotted? Display the poster and instructions on IWB and talk through expectations. Allow time for students to discuss their ideas with their learning partner before they begin their draft

Week 6: Lesson 13 Publishing

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Wanted poster publishing paper

Have students Publish their Enormous Crocodile Wanted Posters Display in the classroom

Lesson 14 What do Illustrations show?

Focus On Reading Strategy: Visualisation

Provide students with copies of the text on pages 36 42 (no pictures). Ask the students to read the text and as they do to think about where the events are taking place and to think about what the characters might look like, the sequence of events and what might happen next. Provide the students the text from these pages in order. Have the students illustrate the text. Then provide the students with a copy of the text and illustrations from the book. Encourage the students to talk about the differences between their interpretations and the books illustrations.

Copies of the text pages 36 -42 (no pictures) in a text box profroma for students to illustrate

Lesson 15 Verbs & nouns Circle the word waddled. (page 37) Ask the children to demonstrate the movement. Suggest that the verb emphasises that the Crocodile moves his body quite slowly and clumsily. Circle crept, another slow movement. Examine the detailed fair description. Circle nouns naming attractions: for example, slides, popcorn and candyfloss. Underline the paragraph The roundabout their mouths. Point out detailed descriptions of the creatures. Suggest that there is so much detail because the Crocodile is realising it is the best place for his trick. Investigate the Crocodiles actions, underlining the paragraph When no onethe roundabout. Are the children surprised by the Crocodiles ingenuity? In what way is he patient? (Remaining stationary.) Underline kept very still. Why does the Crocodile wait for the girl to come to him instead of going after her? (She will run more quickly than he can waddle or creep.)

Read the remainder of the story

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Week 7: Lesson 16 Pass around retells

Focus On Reading Strategy: Summarising

Have students work in teams of three or four. Each student is given a piece of paper. At a signal everyone begins writing a retell of the story on their own paper. When a timer rings each writer passes their paper to the right. Students need to read what has been written and continue the story from that point. Continue until paper reaches back to the original writer. ( Refer to page 141 Revisit, Reflect, Retell)

Paper for Pass around retells

Have students share their retells with the class.

Lesson 17 Similes Discuss what a simile is ( a comparison between two different things using the words like or as) View the worksheet on the IWB. Discuss the examples that were used in the book Have students write their own similes about the story in their writing books.

Similes worksheet

Lesson 18 Comprehension Quiz

Developed by Leanne WILLIAMSON 2012, revised in 2014

Have students complete comprehension quiz

Comprehension Quiz

Lesson 18 Crocodile Times Inform students that they are going to draft a newspaper article based on the book The enormous Crocodile. Explain that there are three different sections: Headline NEWS Story Explain to the students that they are going to write a newspaper article that warns the people living in the town about the Enormous Crocodile. Explain to the students that in their article they need to give examples of some of the ways that the crocodile has tried to harm the children in the town. Remind them to include the following information in your newspaper article: Who, What, Where, When, and Why (The 5 Ws) Sports Update Explain to students that in this section they need to write a short summary of a recent sporting event that happened in town. Use characters from The Enormous Crocodile as the athletes in this newspaper article. Restaurant Review Explain to students that they need to choose one of the animals (crocodile, hippopotamus, monkey, bird, or elephant) in the book, and create a restaurant that this type of animal would enjoy eating at. Create a special meal on the menu that

Crocodile times draft paper

Developed by Leanne WILLIAMSON 2012, revised in 2014

this animal would love to eat. Lesson 19 Publish the Crocodile Times Have students publish their Newspaper article Crocodile Times Publishing paper

Lesson 20 BOOK REVIEW (Optional) o Have students fill out a book review in their workbooks.

Book Review
Book Title: Author: Illustrator: Main Characters: The book was about: Favourite Character: Why?: Favourite part of the story: I liked/didnt like the book because: Book Review Proforma on IWB


Developed by Leanne WILLIAMSON 2012, revised in 2014

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