Japan ICIseminar02282012
Japan ICIseminar02282012
Japan ICIseminar02282012
Feisal Sham, Vice President, Sales and Marketing Asia Pacific Tokyo, 22 February 2012
London, Houston, Washington, New York, Portland, Calgary, Santiago, Singapore, Beijing, Tokyo, Sydney, Dubai, Moscow, Astana, Kiev, Hamburg and Johannesburg
Presentation Guide
What is ICI How ICI is published Who use ICI and how they use it ICI and HBA(ICPR)
What is ICI
Independent Index
ICI stands for
ICI evolves
ICI now covers 5 different grades
Calorific value ICI-1 ICI-2 ICI-3 ICI-4 ICI-5 6,500Kcal/kg GAR 5,800kcal/kg GAR 5,000kcal/kg GAR 4,200kcal/kg GAR 3,400kcal/kg GAR Sulphur 1.0% 0.8% 0.6% 0.4% 0.2% Ash 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% TM 12% 18% 30% 40% 50% Size Panamax Panamax Panamax Tug and Barge Mother vessel Timing in 90 days in 90 days in 90 days in 90 days in 90 days
PT Coalindo Energy
Founded to facilitate the ICI partnership in 2006 Working closely with Indonesian government, regulators and ICMA Conduct weekly pannel-based assessment
An ideal basket
ICI is a basket index derived through the following formula
Coalindo index
Panel-based calculation Reflects views of desired prices by players
50:50 average
Argus analysts discuss with around 30 players on a weekly basis A proven method that is also applied to API
Panels are selected to make balance of buyers, sellers and traders Top and bottom 10% outlier submissions are removed Submissions of 20pc higher or lower than last week are removed Consistent outliers are approached and replaced if necessary Selection of panels are reviewed every six month (Jan-Jun/Jul-Dec)
Argus Web/Link
Annual production asset planning to Directorate of Mines and Minerals Driving component of monthly HBA (ICPR), tax and royalties
Financial applications (project valuation and feasibility) Audit and internal reporting Basis for development of derivatives and OTC market Future exchanges interest for longer term pricing indicators
ICI-1 vs HBA
HBA analysis
ICI summary
ICI designed to reflect these changes and has become a critical tool for coal companies to peg their pricing and intelligence needs
Thank you
Feisal Sham, Vice President, Sales and Marketing Asia Pacific Tel : +65 6496 9964 Mail : feisal.sham@argusmedia.com
Please also contact our Tokyo office at Tel : 03-3561-1805 Mail : argusjapan@argusmedia.com