Johnson-Cook Constitutive Model For OL 37 Steel

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6th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEM SCIENCE and SIMULATION in ENGINEERING, Venice, Italy, November 21-23, 2007


Johnson-Cook Constitutive Model for OL 37 Steel

EUGEN TRAN* TEODORA ZECHERU** MIHAI BUGARU*** TUDOR CHERECHE* Department of Mechanics Military Technical Academy 81-83 Bd. George Cobuc, Bucharest ROMANIA,, ** Department of Macromolecular Compounds University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest 149 Calea Victoriei, Bucharest ROMANIA, *** Department of Mechanics, Politehnica University of Bucharest Splaiul Independentei 313, Bucharest 77206 ROMANIA,

Abstract: - Experimental studies proved that the strain rate has a high influence on the mechanical characteristics of materials and consequently on their response to different stresses. The exact determination of materials response to dynamic loadings permits the economic and adequate use of the material, through a corect design of structures, systems and equipments, which implies a technical-economical progress step. In the present work we present some aspects regarding the determination of Johnson-Cook coefficients for OL 37 steel, by using a gasodynamic single-stage equipment and the finite element method. Key-Words: - OL 37, Johnson-Cook coefficients, strain rate, flow stress, gasodynamic equipment, equation of state.

1. Introduction
The first theoretical and experimental researches regarding the properties of materials in static and quasistatic regime were first made in the Middle Age (Leonardo da Vinci); the determination of the properties of materials in dynamic regime (excluding the case of shock waves) represents a more recent target. Regarding the particular case of the Taylor test, the start of theoretical and experimental researches is represented by the year 1948, when G. Taylor published a theory which permitted the determination of an average value of the flow stress limit in dynamic regime, c, for a material submitted to high strain rates. The experiment consisted in the collision between a cylinder made of the tested material and a

rigid plate. Suite of the tests, Taylor obtained a relation among the dynamic flow stress of the material and the report between the initial and final length of the cylinder (L0/Lf). By renewing the experiment for several different materials (different steels, copper, lead) and dimensions, he demonstrated that c exclusively depends of the impact speed and samples geometry. For his model, Taylor considered that the cylinders material develops an ideal plastic behaviour, and in this case the elastic limit, e, of the material coincides with the dynamic flow stress c. Moreover, there were added the following hypotheses [6]: o The speed of the elastic wave should be much greater than the impact speed and than the elastoplastic wave speed;

6th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEM SCIENCE and SIMULATION in ENGINEERING, Venice, Italy, November 21-23, 2007


o Radial forces of inertia should have low values, because, in this theory, they are neglected; o There are considered only plastic deformations of the missile, the elastic ones being neglected. Further, the growing necessities of data concerning the behaviour of material solicited in the field of high speeds, leaded to a large scale utilisation of the Taylor experiment [1]: in 1953, Lee and Tupper re-staged the experiment, using an elasto-plastic theory for analysis; in 1968, Hawkyard, Eaton and Johnson actualised the Taylor test for high temperatures with different one-dimension analysis, but the results obtained were not conclusive; in 1972, Wilkins and Guinan performed a bidimensional elasto-plastic analysis in order to study the cylinder wave propagation and to design the material behaviour using an elasto-plastic law. With this type of analysis, they confirmed the results obtained by Taylor; in 1984, C. Erlich brings two important modifications to the classic Taylor method: o Using an ultra speed TV camera (106 images/s), he measured the sample strain during the impact. Next, he compared the results obtained experimentally with those obtained with numerical simulation; o He replaced the rigid plate with another cylinder, identical with the missile as geometry and material. After the impact he observed that both specimens deform identically. The test was performed both at room temperature and at high temperatures. in 1985, Bois and Grave experiences, using the Taylor test, two types of steel and a titanium alloy and compares the results with those obtained using J. Cooks method; in 1988, G. Paulus establishes Taylor-type formulas, which he applies for several studies, including the no-strained part of the cylinder; in 1992, Holt, Moch, Zerlli and Clark study the influence of microstructures charges modifications and also the thermal effect of the shock in the material; in 1994, Woodmark, Burman and Baxter perform the Taylor test on Hopkinson bars, taking also into consideration the elastic strain of the rigid surface.

model of a material. In the literature there are two types of constitutive models: Semi-physical models based on the combination of experimental determinations and analytical approach; Models totally based on experimental determinations, case justified by the phenomena complexity. The most well-known and used constitutive model for metallic materials is the Johnson-Cook model [3]. It evidences the influence of plastic strain and temperature on flow stress. In its original form, this law is expressed with the relation

= A + B( p ) [1+ C ln ] 1 T


where: - equivalent stress (von Mises);

p - equivalent plastic strain;

p - equivalent plastic strain rate (non = 0


p - plastic strain rate;

0 - quasistatic strain rate;

T - function of temperature;
A, B, n, C, m material characteristics. The elaboration of an algorithm for the material coefficients extraction is based, as evidenced by House in his paperwork [4], on the relationship between the differential equations that describe the one-dimension behaviour of a material submitted to the Taylor test. In the view of considering with equal importance the three base parameters of a Taylor test (mushroom diameter, final length and undeformed length) we consider an objective function f, function of minimum, expressed by the relation [5]
M LC F ,i LF ,i i =1 LF ,med N M LC + FU ,i LFU ,i LFU ,med N 2

f =

DC D M i + i Dmed


2. Theoretical aspects

The determination of the dependence = ( , , T ) represents the determination of the constitutive

where: N number of tests; LF final length of the cylinder; LFU final length of the undeformed part of the cylinder; D final diameter of the mushroom; C and M indicate the calculated and measured value, respectively; med average value.

6th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEM SCIENCE and SIMULATION in ENGINEERING, Venice, Italy, November 21-23, 2007


In the process of determination/validation of the Johnson-Cook coefficients of the material by using the finite element method, it is necessary to use also an equation of state of the material that only represents the relationship between the hydrostatic pressure, local density (or the specific volume) and the specific local energy (or the temperature). It finds use especially in the case of processes that have as a result the induction of a compression status in the materials. The importance of the equation of state during impact processes and/or perforation is given by the fact that, in the case of such a process, a material presents important modifications of its thermodynamic status. Therefore, the material might present solid, liquid, gaseous or even mixed phases. In the present work, we have used the MieGruinesen equation of state, whose form is given by the expression [2]

The main parts of the experimental device are: Installation composed by compressor, holder, tank, electrovent, pipe, protection box, target, device for the measure of the speed and manometers (Fig.2); Sabot-cylinder assembly (Fig.3).

p p0 =

( 0 )


where: p pressure; p0 pressure at 0 Kelvin; V specific volume; - internal energy; 0 - internal energy at 0 Kelvin; - Gruneisen parameter. It is a characteristic of the Gruneisen equation that while p and depend both of volume and temperature, p0 and 0 depend only of volume. Another characteristic of the above-mentioned equation (3) is that the parameter is determined by measuring shock waves induced in the analysed material.

Fig.2 Gasodynamic device

Fig.3 Sabot-cylinder assembly

3. Apparatus and Experimental equipment

In the view of the determination of Johnson-Cook coefficients it was used a gasodynamic single-stage device. The OL 37 steel, under the form of cylindrical samples of 7.9 mm diameter and three different lengths: 25, 32 and 37.9 mm, has been submitted to tests by using this device (Fig.1).

4. Experimental data and discussions

On the basis of theoretical aspects presented above, we submitted to analysis an OL 37 steel with the following characteristics: density - 7830 kg/m3; Young modulus 2.10x105 N/mm2; transverse elastic modulus 0.880x105 N/mm2; Poisson coefficient 0.26; static flow stress 220 N/mm2 and melting temperature - 1793 K. In order to determine Johnson-Cook coefficients of material, we considered the minimisation of f function, the determination of calculated dimensions using numerical simulations in the program LsDyna. The numerical simulations started with the unitary value for the material coefficients.

Fig.1 Cylindrical samples

6th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEM SCIENCE and SIMULATION in ENGINEERING, Venice, Italy, November 21-23, 2007


Considering a simple gradient algorithm, we pursued the minimisation of the objective function that leaded to a good agreement of the form obtained numerically with the one determined experimentally. After the rolling of several steps, we obtained for the OL 37 steel the following values of JohnsonCook coefficients (Table 1). Table 1 A (MPa) B (MPa) n C m 220 620 0.12 0.010 1.00 The experimental determinations and numerical simulations leaded to the obtaining of the results presented in Table 2, Table 3 and Table 4. The results as graphics are given in Fig.4. Table 2 No. Di Li Vi DF (mm) (mm) (mm) (m/s) measured calculated 1 7.9 25 87 8.90 8.71 2 7.9 25 98 9.02 8.91 3 7.9 25 125 9.71 9.55 4 7.9 32 156 10.71 10.55 5 7.9 32 174 10.93 11.18 6 7.9 37.9 100 9.12 9.02 7 7.9 37.9 134 9.71 9.90 8 7.9 37.9 182 11.34 11.55 9 7.9 37.9 209 12.41 12.66 Table 3 No. Di Li Vi LF (mm) (mm) (mm) (m/s) measured calculated 1 7.9 25 87 23.71 24.08 2 7.9 25 98 23.12 23.85 3 7.9 25 125 22.87 23.22 4 7.9 32 156 28.37 28.67 5 7.9 32 174 28.12 27.88 6 7.9 37.9 100 36.30 36.09 7 7.9 37.9 134 34.99 34.82 8 7.9 37.9 182 32.91 32.75 9 7.9 37.9 209 31.71 31.45 Table 4 No. Di Li Vi LFU (mm) (mm) (mm) (m/s) measured calculated 1 7.9 25 87 15.05 15.44 2 7.9 25 98 14.73 15.17 3 7.9 25 125 14.09 14.64 4 7.9 32 156 17.49 17.83 5 7.9 32 174 17.95 17.51 6 7.9 37.9 100 23.80 23.61 7 7.9 37.9 134 22.87 22.27 8 7.9 37.9 182 20.85 20.18 9 7.9 37.9 209 19.60 19.35

Fig.4 Measured vs. calculated values The determination of the expression of JohnsonCook model allowed a room temperature evaluation of flow stress in function of strain and three different strain rates (Fig.5).

Fig.5 Variation of flow stress We obtained a similar shape, as the one given in Fig. 5, in the case of numerical simulation in LsDyna (Fig.6):

Fig.6 Variation of flow stress for OL 37 at a 100 m/s speed impact After the impact between the cylindrical sample and the rigid target we were able to observe a radial increase of the sample and a decrease of its length; the profile of the cylindrical sample after such an impact is given in Fig. 7 and Fig.8:

6th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEM SCIENCE and SIMULATION in ENGINEERING, Venice, Italy, November 21-23, 2007


Fig.7 Sample profile after a 100 m/s speed impact

Fig.8 Sample profile before and after the impact

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5. Conclusions
The present paperwork frames the experimental works that study the response of dynamically solicited materials. The analysis of numerical data from the tables above evidenced the fact that the difference among the values calculated and those measured regarding all the three analysed dimensions, is in a 5% range. The results obtained evidenced the fact that the OL 37 steel, as the vast majority of steels, presents a rather high sensitivity to the variation of the strain rate.

References: [1] "Review of Experimental Techniques for High Rate Deformation Studies", Part of the Keynote Lecture delivered at "Acoustics and Vibrations ASIA 98", Singapore, 11-13 November 1998, pp. 9-38, and updated since then. [2] Cernat M., Structuri de rachete, Editura Academiei Tehnice Militare, Bucureti, 2001. [3] Johnson G.R. and Cook W.H., A constitutive model and data for metals subjected to large strains, high strain rates, and high temperatures,

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