Employee Engagement Questionnaire

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Employee engagement questionnaire

I/ Employee information 1. Employee name: 2. Position: 3. Department: 4. Start working from: II/ Rating scales: 1. Strongly Disagree(1) 2. Disagree (2) 3. Neither gree nor Disagree (3) 4. gree(4) !. Strongly gree(!) III/ Employee engagement questions 1. " ha#e the materials an$ e%&ipment " nee$ to $o my 'o( effi)iently. 2. " re)ei#e the information an$ )omm&ni)ation " nee$ to $o my 'o(. 3. " reg&larly re)ei#e re)ognition*praise for $oing goo$ work. 4. +he (enefits offere$ here are fair an$ reasona(le. !. +he people here are pleasant an$ )o,operati#e to work with. -. +here is someone at work who en)o&rages my $e#elopment. .. /y opinions an$ i$eas seem to matter. 0. /y s&per#isor pro#i$es me with fee$(a)k an$ g&i$an)e. 1. /y s&per#isor helps me know what is e2pe)te$ of me. 13. /y s&per#isor )ares a(o&t me as a person. 11. E#en if " ha$ the opport&nity to get a similar 'o( with another organi4ation5 " wo&l$ stay with my present )ompany.

12. "n the last year5 " ha#e ha$ opport&nities to learn an$ grow. 13. " wo&l$ re)ommen$ the organi4ation as a goo$ pla)e to work. 14. 6#erall5 " ha#e )onfi$en)e in the senior managers at the )ompany. 1!. 6#erall5 " am e2tremely satisfie$ with my 'o(.

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