How To Use Woobox
How To Use Woobox
How To Use Woobox
Welcome to Woobox
Signing Up
Two ways on doing this.
Signing Up
You can sign up by email. Just Enter email address and password
Signing Up
If you choose signing up thru Facebook. Click this
Signing Up
You will be asked for confirmation. Click Okay.
Signing Up
Next, you will be asked for this. Click Okay.
Welcome to Woobox
Main dashboard
Facebook tab
We will be making a Blog tab. Click the f Static tab.
Facebook tab
Click HTML Fangate tab.
Facebook tab
HTML Fangate tab dashboard
Facebook tab
Type the text you want to appear on the share link. Edit the texts in Share Title and share description.
Facebook tab
You can also select an image for it.
Facebook tab
Tick the check box.
Facebook tab
Scroll down. Then click URL. *the purpose of this tab is to view my blog site without redirecting the visitor to another site. So I chose URL.
Facebook tab
Enter URL.
Facebook tab
You may change this setting depending on the content of your URL landing page. By default its 800px. I set it to 2400 px.
Facebook tab
If you want the entire page to appear without scroll bars, tick the checkbox.
Facebook tab
Non-fan page Source is turned off by default. Meaning people who both already like and not yet like your page will see the landing page.
Facebook tab
Also Friend-Gate is turned off by default. Meaning visitors does not need to be on your friends list to view this content.
Facebook tab
Form-Gate is turned off by default. Meaning visitors does not need to be fill out a form to see the content.
Facebook tab
Click Save Settings
Facebook tab
Check how it looks. Click view Facebook tab.
Facebook tab
You will be directed to Facebook. And asked for this. Click Authorize the Tab Application.
Facebook tab
This window will appear. Click Okay.
Facebook tab
This is how mine looks. How was yours? Still need some tweaking? you can edit it inside the Facebook woobox dashboard.
Facebook tab
On the upper right, just above the share button. Click Settings.
Facebook tab
This is the Facebook woobox settings dashboard
Facebook tab
The same settings can also be viewed here.
*you can edit tab settings here, no need to go back to the woobox website.
Facebook tab
You can change the name of the tab. I changed mine to BLOG.
Facebook tab
Save the changes. Click Save settings
Facebook tab
To check the changes youve made. On the upper right click View tab
Facebook tab
The name of the tab is changed from Welcome to Blog.
Facebook tab
This is how it looks in the FB main page. Lets change the picture of the tab. Click the Tab.
Facebook tab
This will bring you back to the Blog tab page. Click Settings
Facebook tab
Facebook tab
Take note of the guidelines for the size of the image. Click Choose File.
Facebook tab
Choose file. Click Open.
Facebook tab
Click Save Settings.
Go to your main page. Check how it looks.
Welcome tab
Do you want your visitors to like your page first before viewing your content?
Welcome tab
Lets make a landing page for non-fans or those who didnt liked your page yet
Welcome tab
. Click the f Static tab.
Welcome tab
We will be making landing page for fans to like first your page before redirecting them to the content. Click the f Static tab.
Welcome tab
Click HTML Fanpage Tab
Welcome tab
Fill out the fields for the share link contents. Same as before you can upload an image for it.
Choose image
Tick the Show Share button at top of tab checkbox.
Choose image
Scroll down a bit, in Page Source, choose URL ( You can opt for Image or HTML. Depends on the source of the content.
Choose image
Enter your URL.
Choose image
Tick the check box Hide Scrollbars (depends on your preference)
Choose image
Change the height according the content. Since I hide the scroll bar, this is set to 2400 px, long enough to view entire content of the page.
Choose image
Scroll down. In the Non-fan Page Source, Click Image. Unless you know coding you can opt for HTML or your image is being hosted on a certain website choose URL.
Select Image
Click Select image.
Select Image
Choose image. Click Open.
Click Save Settings.
Click it
Since Facebook does not anymore allow a default landing page to be customized, and visitors are always taken to the homepage. The key is to make the welcome tab irresistible to click. How? Change the photo. Edit the tab name like there is something waiting too be seen; a reward; or an exclusive content for fans only.
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Customize tab
Click Settings.
Customize tab
Change the tab name
Customize tab
Click Change Tab Image. Take note of the suggested size of the image.
Customize tab
Choose image. Click Open.
Customize tab
Save the changes youve made. Click Save Settings.
Customize tab
You will be asked for permission. Click Grant Permission to Application.
Customize tab
Next this window will appear, Click Okay.
Settings saved
This prompt will appear at the top of the pane.
Lets check
Go to homepage, check how it looks.
What else
How about increasing engagement on your Facebook page with rewards? Awesome way for marketing! Woobox can help you with that!
Generate traffic
By creating promotion like games and giving rewards, visitors will be attracted to visit your page and also it will make your page interactive.
*However this feature of Woobox is not free. But it is relatively cheap and totally worth it, you can see the available plan options at the end of this tutorial
Here is how
Go to Promotions tab by clicking this
Then click Rewards.
Then click Rewards.
General Settings
Fill out the fields required.
Helpful info
See the little question marks. Hover over the mouse and you can see an information about the fields.
We want to generate likes to our page that is why we are making this promotion. So tick the check box.
Fan gate
If you do not have a personalized Fan gate display yet, you can customize it, by clicking Customize section.
You will be directed to this page. The customization dashboard
Helpful Info
The first box is a useful information about the customization settings that you can do. Please read it.
Here is how
Next is the customization panel, its set by default. We are going to change the Fan-Gate, so click Image or HTML. (we will be using image)
Select image
Then select image from your computer. Take note of the guidelines for the required size of the image.
Select image
Select image. Then, Click Open
Pop-up Share
Tick this check box, to increase the chance you content will be shared. Left everything else default.
Click Save Changes.
You have successfully edited your fan-gate page.
General Settings
Go back to Edit dashboard. Click Edit.
There are check boxes to tick for additional restrictions and settings for your offer. This is a great way to make your audience share your page. Ive set mine to:
Tweet it
If you want the twitter box to be checked, you need to connect your account first to twitter.
Here is how
Click your account name, then choose Edit Businesses.
Here is how
Then Click External Connections.
Connect to twitter
Then click Connect to twitter. *this account is already connected That is why the address is already there
Connect to twitter
Then this window will pop up. Click Authorize app.
Your twitter address will now appear. Click Save.
Check box
You should be able to check the boxes now, for the twitter settings.
Next, Set the expiration date of your offer.
Tick the Use redemption codes check box. Then choose Automatically generate codes from the drop box.
Click Save Changes.
This is because account used here is a free account. For the purpose of the tutorial lets proceed, as you can still view it as an Admin of your page.
Lets see
Lets us see the overview. Click Overview.
This is the overview of you offer.
Lets give it a go
Lets try to activate. Click Activate.
Aw, snap!
Unfortunately we cant view it on our Facebook page. As woobox requires your account to be upgraded into business plan type of account. The plans are relatively cheap though and totally worth it .
I hope you had fun learning a thing or two on what Wooxbox can do for your page. Go ahead apply what you have learned and make your page stand out. Stay updated for more tutorials.
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