Empire and The Great War Newspaper

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EXTRA NEWS The Philippine


After the United States claimed a victory in the Spanish-American war, many countries have come into their possession. The Treaty of Paris, which ended the fourmonth war, forced Spain to dissolve all claims to Puerto Rico, Cuba, and uantanamo !ay. The United States also purchased the Philippines for "#$ million. %ilipinos were ecstatic that they would no lon&er be under Spanish rule and that the American victory would lead to complete independence. The %ilipinos soon reali'ed, however, that this war would not brin& about their independence but rather simply a chan&e of rulers. This reali'ation an&ered the %ilipinos tremendously, and they (new somethin& had to be done for them to &ain complete independence.

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eneral )milio A&uinaldo

The Philippine discontent led to an insurrection. Revolutionaries under eneral )milio A&uinaldo too( hold of the main Philippine island of *u'on and declared the Philippines to be an independent republic. The insurrection be&an when the %ilipinos reali'ed the United States intended to claim the Philippines due to their imperialistic views. The first part of the insurrection be&an with the American army fendin& off A&uinaldo+s poorly e,uipped troops. *ater, there was a shift to &uerilla-style warfare because the %ilipinos suffered terrible losses. This lasted until the United States captured A&uinaldo. !y that time, the resistance had been e-hausted. )ach side suffered e-treme losses after many soldiers from both countries were captured and tortured by the opposin& side. After three years of continuous fi&htin&, the last ma.or Philippine revolutionaries surrendered. Unfortunately, the United States lost appro-imately /,#$$ Americans, and as many as #$$,$$$ %ilipinos died from either combat or disease. Thou&h it was a difficult 0 years, America added yet another strate&ic piece to their ever-&rowin& empire.

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