The Entreis Are As Below
The Entreis Are As Below
The Entreis Are As Below
~ For Domestic Procurement of Raw Material 1. During GR 1. Material Stock 2. GR/IR clearing 2. During Excise Invoice Credit 1. Cenvat Account 2. Cenvat Clearing 3. During Invoice Verification 1. Cenvat Clearing 2. GR/IR Clearing 3. Vendor Pa a!le Dr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr.
4. For Domestic proceurement of Capital Goods 5. During GR 1. Material Stock 2. GR/IR clearing 6. During Excise Invoice Credit 1. Cenvat Account 2. Cenvat 'n()old 3. Cenvat Clearing 7. During Invoice Verification 1. Cenvat Clearing Dr. Dr. Dr. "#$%& "#$%& Cr. Dr. Cr.
2. GR/IR Clearing 3. Vendor Pa a!le 8. Su!se*uent of Ca+ital Goods 1. Cenvat Account 2. Cenvat 'n()old
Dr. Cr
9. For Import Procurement of Raw Material 10. During Custo,s Dut Clearing invoice 1. Custo, Clearing 2. Custo, Pa a!le 11. During GR 1. Material Stock 2. GR/IR clearing 12. During Excise Invoice Credit 1. Cenvat Account 2. Custo, Clearing 13. During Invoice Verification 1. GR/IR Clearing 2. Vendor Pa a!le Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr. Dr. Cr.
14. For Excise Duty Credit of Raw Material without PO 1. Cenvat Account 2. Cenvat Clearing Dr. Cr.
15. For Excise Duty Reversal throu h Excise !" 1. Cenvat Clearing 2. Cenvat Account Dr. Cr.