Glides Manufacturing Components
Glides Manufacturing Components
Glides Manufacturing Components
Tepco India Biggest company in North India Sheet metal and plastic components make. It is located at mohali, punjab, Tepco India company Import and export a product other country. Tepco Company more year work in metal and plastic product manu acture in India.
About Us
The company started the manu acturing acti"ities at #umbai in $%&'. Now T()C* has shi ted its manu acturing acti"ities in the year $%%' to its own more spacious +,',--- S.. /t.0 premises at #ohali 1 Shimla. India T()C* the name is synonymous with .uality.
Company Profile
Technical )roducts Corporation +T()C*0 IS* %--$2,--- , $--3 (xport oriented manu acturing unit, a 4o"t. o India recogni5ed Star (xport 6ouse, has gained international reputation or excellence and customer oriented ser"ice in exports and manu acturing o "arious engineering items or the last 7' years and has been honored with "arious awards or export excellence.
Production Facilities
T()C* has ollowing In8house production acilities with its own Tool 9oom to de"elop #oulds, :ies and Tooling. a0 CNC plastic injection moulding machines upto ,;-T b0 )ower presses upto '-T c0 <utomatic lathes upto =-mm Capacity d0 CNC Turning centre upto ,--mm e0 >ell e.uipped tool room 0 <utomatic Coil orming machines upto $-mm wire diameter and spring end grinding machines g0 >ire?Bar drawing h0 /abrication 1 welding i0 )owder Coating
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>e mold "arious plastic materials like 6:)(, ))C), )), Nylon, <crylics, )olycarbonate and <BS or meeting customi5e re.uirements. T()C* has latest state o art Injection #oulding #achines and is e.uipped with a well set Tool 9oom to make and maintain "aluable moulds.
Contact Us
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T(C6NIC<@ )9*:ACTS C*9)*9T<I*N C8$-B, IN:AST9I<@ <9(<, )6<S(8CII, #*6<@I+C6<N:I4<960 IN:I< )in Code2 $=--'' Tel 2 D%$ $&, ='7&B== 1 ='B&,=& /ax 2 D%$ $&, '-%&=-; email 2 , 1