Glides Manufacturing Components

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Technical Products Corporation (Tepco India)

Tepco India Biggest company in North India Sheet metal and plastic components make. It is located at mohali, punjab, Tepco India company Import and export a product other country. Tepco Company more year work in metal and plastic product manu acture in India.

About Us

The company started the manu acturing acti"ities at #umbai in $%&'. Now T()C* has shi ted its manu acturing acti"ities in the year $%%' to its own more spacious +,',--- S.. /t.0 premises at #ohali 1 Shimla. India T()C* the name is synonymous with .uality.

Company Profile

Technical )roducts Corporation +T()C*0 IS* %--$2,--- , $--3 (xport oriented manu acturing unit, a 4o"t. o India recogni5ed Star (xport 6ouse, has gained international reputation or excellence and customer oriented ser"ice in exports and manu acturing o "arious engineering items or the last 7' years and has been honored with "arious awards or export excellence.

Production Facilities

T()C* has ollowing In8house production acilities with its own Tool 9oom to de"elop #oulds, :ies and Tooling. a0 CNC plastic injection moulding machines upto ,;-T b0 )ower presses upto '-T c0 <utomatic lathes upto =-mm Capacity d0 CNC Turning centre upto ,--mm e0 >ell e.uipped tool room 0 <utomatic Coil orming machines upto $-mm wire diameter and spring end grinding machines g0 >ire?Bar drawing h0 /abrication 1 welding i0 )owder Coating

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j0 (lectroplating and chrome plating plant k0 6eat Treatment


>e mold "arious plastic materials like 6:)(, ))C), )), Nylon, <crylics, )olycarbonate and <BS or meeting customi5e re.uirements. T()C* has latest state o art Injection #oulding #achines and is e.uipped with a well set Tool 9oom to make and maintain "aluable moulds.

Contact Us
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T(C6NIC<@ )9*:ACTS C*9)*9T<I*N C8$-B, IN:AST9I<@ <9(<, )6<S(8CII, #*6<@I+C6<N:I4<960 IN:I< )in Code2 $=--'' Tel 2 D%$ $&, ='7&B== 1 ='B&,=& /ax 2 D%$ $&, '-%&=-; email 2 , 1



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