Aluminum Production and Refining in The Caribbean

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Bauxite In the Caribbean

What's Bauxite
Bauxite is formed in weathered volcanic rocks. Bauxite maily contains aluminium ore, which is very expensive. Bauxite is used in cement, face make up, soda cans and dishwashers. an amorphous clayey rock that is the chief commercial ore of aluminium. It consists lar!ely of hydrated alumina with variable proportions of iron oxides

"luminum Can #roduction$ %tep & ' Bauxite (inin!

bauxite )ore* in the Caribbean come from open pit or strip mines in +amaica and ,uyana Bauxite minin! results in land clearance, acid mine draina!e, pollution of streams and erosion - tons of mine waste produced per ton of bauxite ore is removed

.and /e!radation from minin!

0nvironmental effect of bauxite

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"luminum Can #roduction$ %tep 4 ' "lumina 5efinin!

Bauxite ore is mixed with caustic soda, lime and steam to produce a sodium aluminate slurry )"lumina* is extracted from this slurry, purified and shipped to smelters .eftover )sla!* waste contains a variety of toxic minerals and chemical compounds "lumina refinin! process is also fossil fuel ener!y intensive

5efined alumina

"lumina 5efinin! 6acilities

"luminum #roduction$ %tep 7 ' %meltin!

#owdered alumina is heated 8smelted9 in order to form aluminum alloy in!ots "luminum smeltin! uses massive amounts of electricity 8usually from coal9 :ne ton of aluminum production re;uires ener!y e;uivalent of - barrels of oil 84&< !allons of !asoline9 "luminum smeltin! also produces =.> tons of air pollutants 8particulate matter, sulfur oxides, ?:Cs9 for every & ton of aluminum produced

"luminum In!ots

"luminum %melter

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