Medical School Interview Questions: Background & Motivation For Medicine

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Interviewers are constantly coming up with new styles of questions. We have set out one this page a comprehensive list of medical school interview questions, all of which were asked over the past year atmedical school interviews. Background & Motivation for medicine 1. Tell us about yourself. 2. Take us through your personal statement. 3. Why do you want to be a doctor? What do you want to achieve in medicine? 4. What have you read or experienced in order to prepare you for medicine? 5. Why do you believe you have the ability to undertake the study and work involved? 6. Why do you want to be a doctor, rather than another profession that is caring or intellectually challenging? 7. What do you think being a doctor entails, apart from treating patients? 8. What branch of medicine do you think would interest you? Why? 9. When you think about becoming a doctor, what do you look forward to most and least? 10. What impact do you hope to make in the field of medicine? 11. What one question would you ask if you were interviewing others to study medicine? What would you most like us to ask you in this interview? 12. Why study medicine rather than any other health care profession? How do you think medicine differs from other health professions? 13. What aspect of healthcare attracts you to medicine? 14. Why do you want to be a doctor? If you were to become a doctor, how would you wish your patients to describe you and why? 15. What steps have you taken to try to find out whether you really do want to become a doctor? 16. What things do you think might make people inclined to drop out of medical training? 17. There are many different ways of helping people. Why do you want to study medicine, rather than working in any other health or social care professions? 18. Can you tell us about any particular life experiences that you think may help or hinder you in a career in medicine? 19. How would you dissuade someone from going into Medicine. 20. How old are you when you become a consultant? Knowledge of the medical school and teaching methods 21. What interests you about the curriculum at [Medical School]? What previous experiences have you had of learning in a small group setting? 22. When you read the [Medical School] prospectus, what appealed to you or interested you in the course here? 23. Tell us what attracts you most and least about [Medical School]. 24. What do you know about the course at [Medical School]? Why do you think it will suit you personally? 25. What do you know about PBL? Why do you want to come to a PBL medical school? 26. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of a PBL course? 27. I expect you have thought about problem-based learning. Why do you think a PBL course will suit you personally? Tell us about 2 other aspects of the programme that will also suit you. 28. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of coming to a new medical school? 29. This course will require a good deal of independent study, how have you managed this approach to learning in the past? 30. Why do you think problem based learning will suit you personally? 31. How does this PBL school differ from the others? 32. What previous experiences have you had of learning in a small group setting? 33. What ways of learning work best for you? How does this fit with this medical school? Depth & Breadth of interest 34. Do you read any medical publications? 35. Tell us about Hippocrates. 36. Can you tell me about a significant recent advance in medicine or science? Why has this interested you?

37. What do you consider to be important advances in medicine over the last 50 / 100 years? 38. Can you tell us about any significant medical stories in the media at the moment? 39. Tell us about something in the history of medicine that interests you. 40. Have you seen a film or read a book recently that has made you think, and why? 41. What do you think is the most important medical discovery in the last 100 - 200 years, and why? 42. If a benefactor offered you a huge amount of money to set up a Medical Research Institute and invited you to become its director, what research area would you choose to look at, and why? 43. Can you tell us about a book or a film that has influenced you as a person or made you think, and why? 44. Tell me about someone who has been a major influence on you as a person / in your life? 45. What do you think was the greatest public health advance of the twentieth century? 46. Can you describe an interesting place you have been to (not necessarily medical) and explain why it was so? 47. Do you think putting a man on the moon money well spent? If yes - why? If no - how would you have spent that money? 48. Tell me about a non-academic project or piece of organisation that you were involved in. How did it go? 49. If you had to have a gap year, and could go anywhere in the world or do anything, what would you chose to do, and why? 50. How do you think the rise in information technology has influenced / will influence the practice of medicine? 51. If you could invite 3 people, alive or dead, to dinner, who would they be? Empathy 52. Give an example of a situatio where you have supported a friend in a difficult social circumstance. What issues did they face and how dod you help them 53. What does the word empathy mean to you. How do you differentiate empathy from sympathy? 54. Is it right for doctors to 'feel fof their patients'? 55. What thoughts and feelings might face someone offered alcohol to celebrate after receiving a liver transplant? 56. A person with learning disabilities is regularly being teased by their neighbours. How might that affect them? 57. What do you guess an overweigth person might feel and think after being told their arthritis is due to their weight? 58. A friend has asked your advice on how to tell her parents that she intends to drop out of university and go off travelling. How you respond? 59. A friend tells you he feels bad because his family has always cheated to obtain extra benefits. How would you respond? Team work 1. Thinking about your membership of a team (in a work, sport, school or other setting), can you tell us about the most important contributions you made to the team? 2. Can you think of a team situation where your communication skills have been vital? Tell us about the situation and your contribution. 3. Tell us about a group activity you have organised. What went well and what went badly? What did you learn from it? 4. Tell us about a team situation you have experienced. What did you learn about yourself and about successful team-working? 5. When you think about yourself working as a doctor, who do you think will be the most important people in the team you will be working with? 6. Who are the important members of a multi-disciplinary healthcare team? Why? 7. Are you a leader or a follower? 8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being in a team? Do teams need leaders? 9. Modern day health care is very much a team effort. Please tell us a role that you have played in a team, and what you think you contributed.

10. What do you think of nurses developing extended roles and undertaking tasks previously done by doctors? 11. What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of nurses replacing doctors as the first contact person in primary care? 12. When you are a doctor you will be working in a team. Who do you see as the key members of your team, and why? How will you help the team to develop? 13. What do you think is the role of humour in team working. Give an example. Personal insight 73. What ways of working and studying have you developed that you think will assist you through medical school? What will you need to improve? 74. How do you think you will cope with criticism from colleagues or other health professionals? 75. Is there such a thing as positive criticism? 76. Give us an example of something about which you used to hold strong opinions, but have had to change your mind. What made you change? What do you think now? 77. Have you ever been in a situation where you realise afterwards that what you said or did was wrong? What did you do about it? What should you have done? 78. How do you think you will avoid problems of keeping up to date during a long career? 79. What are your outside interests and hobbies? How do these compliment you as a person? Which do you think you will continue at university? 80. Tell us two personal qualities you have which would make you a good doctor, and two personal shortcomings which you think you would like to overcome as you become doctor? 81. Medical training is long and being a doctor can be stressful. Some doctors who qualify never practice. What makes you think you will stick to it? 82. What do you think will be the most difficult things you might encounter during your training? How will you deal with them? 83. What relevance to medicine are the A levels (apart from biology and chem istry) that you have been studying? 84. What skills do you think are needed in order to communicate with your patients; how do you think they are best acquired? 85. Can you learn communication skills? 86. How have you developed your communication skills? 87. What interests do you bring from school/college life that you think will contribute to your studies and practice? 88. What challenges do you think a career in medicine will bring you? 89. What do you think you will be the positive aspects and the negative aspects of being a doctor? How will you handle these? 90. What attributes are necessary in a good doctor? Which do you have, and which do you need to develop further? 91. Can you tell us about an interesting experience, and what you learned from it about yourself? 92. Thinking about yourself: what characteristics do you think you would most need to change in the course of becoming a good doctor? 93. If you could only tell me one thing about yourself, to help me to get a sense of you as a person, what would it be and why? 94. If you could change two things about yourself, what would they be and why? 95. What do you think are your priorities in your own personal development? What qualities do you lack that would be useful for a doctor, and what do you intend to do about this? 96. What qualities do you think other people value in you? 97. How do you think other people would describe you? 98. How will you cope with being criticised or even sued? 99. Tell me about a time that you have been sad or confused. 100. Which of your qualities do other people find frustrating? What might you do about this? 101. You will probably have got high marks throughout school. On this medical course, most marks are awarded as 'satisfactory' or not. How will you feel about seeming 'average' in this new situation? 102. How will you cope with the death of a patient as a result of your mistakes?

103. Think of a time when you had to say 'sorry' to someone. How did that change your relationship with that person? 104. Some people are always very certain that whay they believe is right. Some people are never certain. What kind of person are you in this regard? 105. What makes a good working relationship? Understanding of the role of medicine in society 106. What is wrong with the NHS? 107. What problems are there in the NHS other than the lack if funding? 108. What relevance has the Hippocrates oath to modern-day medicine? 109. What would you prefer in a doctor? Bad communication skills with good clinical skills or good communication skills with bad clinical skills? Why? 110. Would you argue that medicine is a science or an art, and why? 111. How do politics influence health care provision? Is it inevitable? 112. Why do you think we hear so much about doctors and the NHS in the media today? 113. Do you think doctors should set a good example to their patients in their own lives? How or why might this be difficult? 114. In what ways do you think doctors can promote good health, other than direct treatment of illness? 115. Do you think doctors and the NHS get a bad press, and if so, why? 116. From what you have read and found out, where do you see the health service going? 117. What are the arguments for and against non-essential surgery being available on the NHS? 118. What does the current government see as the national priorities in health care? Do you agree with these? 119. How should the health service achieve a balance between promoting good health, and in treating ill health? 120. What do you think are the similarities and differences between being a doctor today and being a doctor 50 years ago? 121. Should doctors have a role in regulating contact sports, such as boxing? 122. Do you think doctors should ever strike? 123. Do you think patients treatments should be limited by the NHS budget or do they have the right to new therapies no matter what the cost? 124. What does the term inequalities in health mean to you? 125. Do you think medicine should be more about changing behaviour to prevent disease or treating existing disease? 126. What do you think is the purpose of the health service in the 21st century? 127. What do you think are the chief difficulties faced by doctors in their work? 128. Why do you think people in the north of England live, on average, 5 years less than those in the south? Do you think this should be a matter for government intervention? 129. What are the arguments for and against people paying for their own health care as and when they need it? 130. What do you understand by the term holistic medicine? Do you think it falls within the remit of the NHS? 131. How accurately do you think the media (particularly television) tend to portray the role of the doctor? 132. Do you think the bulk of medical treatment takes place in hospital or in the community? What makes you think this? 133. What do you think about the way doctors are shown in the media, say in the Simpsons or on the news? How do you think this will affect patients views of their own doctors? 134. What do you think is the greatest threat to the health of the British population today? 135. Ten years ago most doctors in hospitals wore white coats; now few do. Why do you think this is? What do you think are the arguments for and against white coats? 136. Animals that are thought to be suffering are put down. Should human suffering be treated in the same way? 137. Do you think more doctors or more nurses would be of greatest benefit to the nations health? 138. What are the arguments for and against banning the sale of tobacco?

139. In the UK at present 60% of medical students are female. Do you think we should have equal quotas for medical school places for males and females? What do you think will be the consequences of having more female doctors than male doctors? 140. What issues should be considered in deciding to terminate or not continue a patients life-sustaining treatment? 141. Medicine will bring you into contact with a vast range of different people, with different cultures; what experience have you had of different types of people? 142. What are the consequences of obesity for health services? Why? 143. Can you tell us about a significant recent advance in medicine or science? Why is it significant? Why has this interested you? 144. Tell us about something in the history of medicine that interests you. Why was it important? 145. What do you think was the greatest public health advance in the 20th century? 146. People are living longer and longer. Should doctors take credit for this? 147. What lessons can be learnt from how the swine fly pandemic was handled? What would you have done differently? 148. How do you think the rise of information technology has influenced and will influence the practice of medicine? Work experience 149. What experiences have given you insight into the world of medicine? What have you learnt from these? 150. What aspect of your work experience did you find the most challenging, and why? 151. In your work experience, what skills have you learnt that you can apply to medicine? 152. Can you give me an example of how you coped with a conflict with a colleague or friend; what strategy did you use and why? 153. Reflect on what you have seen of hospitals or a health care environment. What would you most like to organise differently, and why? 154. What aspect of your work experience would you recommend to a friend thinking about medicine, and why? 155. What impressed you most about the doctors in your work experience? 156. Can you think of a situation where good communication has saved the day and give a reason why? 157. Thinking of your work experience, can you tell me about a difficult situation you have dealt with and what you learned from it? 158. Have you visited any friends or family in hospital, or had work experience in a hospital? From these experiences, what did you see that you would like to change? 159. Can you tell me the key things you learned from your work experience, in caring or other settings? 160. What have you done on work experience/ in employment previously? What would you change about what you saw, if you could, and how would you set about this? 161. What do you think would be the advantages, and difficulties, for a person with a major physical disability (e.g. blindness) wishing to become a doctor? 162. Tell me about a project, or work experience, that you have organised, and what you learned from it? Tolerance of ambiguity & Ethics 163. Is it better to give health care or aid to impoverished countries? 164. Why can't doctors give a guarantee that a medical or surgical procedure will be successful? 165. Should doctors have a role in contact sports such as boxing? 166. Do you think doctors should ever go on strike? 167. Do you think we should find out more about patients views of their doctors, their illness or their treatments? How would you set about this? 168. What do you think are the major sorts of problems facing a person with a long-term health problem, such as difficulty breathing? 169. What are the differences between length of life and quality of life? 170. Is there a moral case against drug companies becoming as large and powerful as the market allows them to be? 171. What are the arguments for and against the decriminalisation of drugs such as cocaine? 172. Should alternative or complimentary medicine be funded by the NHS, and why?

173. Should the NHS be involved in non-essential surgery? 174. Should the NHS fund the treatment of self-inflicted diseases? 175. With the growing problems of overpopulation should the NHS fund IVF treatment? 176. How do you think doctors should treat injury or illness due to self-harm, smoking or excess alcohol consumption? 177. Female infertility treatment is expensive, has a very low success rate and is even less successful in smokers. To whom do you think it should be available? 178. Would you prescribe the oral contraceptive pill to a 14-year old girl who is sleeping with her boyfriend? 179. What is your feeling about euthanasia? 180. Would you perform abortions as a doctor? 181. Is it right that Viagra should only be available to certain groups of men? 182. Some Trusts are refusing to perform some elective operations on obese patients. Why do you think that it? Do you think it's right? 183. What do you think about the use of animals for testing new drugs? 184. How do you respond and what do you feel when you see a beggar in the street? 185. Do you think that Class A drugs should be legalised? 186. Would being a Christian, and therefore having a more positive view to death, be detrimental in your role as a doctor? (This was a Cardiff questions! Potentially discriminatory...) 187. A man refuses treatment for a potentially life-threatening condition. What are the ethical issues involved? 188. A woman who is bleeding heavily refuses to receive a blood transfusion that you are proposing. Why do you think this might be? How would you handle the issue? 189. You have one liver available for transplant, but two patients with equal medical need. One is an ex-alcoholic mother with two young children, the other a 13 year old with an inborn liver abnormality. How would you decide to whom it should be given? 190. You have one dialysis machine to share between three patients with equal medical need. One is a 17-year-old drug addict who has just overdosed, one is a 40-year old woman with terminal breast cancer and only 6 months of life expectancy, the third one is a 70-year old marathon runner. Who gets the machine? 191. Imagine you are on committee able to recommend only one of two new surgical treatments to be made available through the NHS. The treatments are: an artificial heart for babies born with heart defects, or a permanent replacement hip for people with severe arthritis. Both treatments are permanent, i.e. never need repeating, and are of equal cost. On what grounds would you make your arguments? Creativity, innovation and imagination 192. Imagine a world in 200 years' time where doctors no longer exist. In what ways do you think they could be replaced? 193. You are holding a party on a medical theme. How would you make it memorable? 194. Describe as many used as you can for a mobile phone charger. 195. How many different ways can you improve the process of selecting students for this medical school? 196. Imagine you had 6 months with enough money and nothing you had to do. Tell us the most imaginative (and no-medical) way you;d spend the time. 197. Your house catches fire in the night. You are told you can pick only object to take with you when escaping. What would it be and why? 198. Can you think of something fu you'd like to invent? 199. Fashion has changed hugely over the past 400 years. What do you think we'll be wearing in 200 years from now?

Take 2 minutes to read and consider the PROMPT 2. Take 8 minutes to answer the PROMPT (or other exact length of time that you will be given for each MMI station by your institution. Length varies by each university/organization conducting the MMI).

Station #1:
PROMPT (Read and consider for 2 minutes): A close friend in your 1st-year medical school class tells you that his mother was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. He feels overwhelmed by his studies and is considering dropping out of medical school to spend more time with his mother. How do you counsel your friend? YOUR RESPONSE: (Speak for 8 minutes)

Station #2:
PROMPT (Read and consider for 2 minutes): Joe is a pizza delivery worker. The pizza shop he works for has a 30 minutes or less delivery guarantee or else the customer does not have to pay. On Joes most recent delivery, he spots a woman bleeding on the street. There is no one else around and the woman seems to be unable to move by herself. However, Joe knows that if he returns empty handed again, he will be fired from this job he most desperately needs. What do you think Joe should do? Justify your solution in terms of practicality and ethical considerations. YOUR RESPONSE: (Speak for 8 minutes)

Station #3:
PROMPT (Read and consider for 2 minutes): Liberation Therapy (LT), a vascular operation developed to potentially cure multiple sclerosis (MS) in certain patients, has recently come under very serious criticism delaying its widespread use. Among other experimental flaws, critics cite a small sample size in the original evidence used to support LT. As a healthcare policy maker, your job is to weigh the pros and cons in approving novel drugs and therapies. Please discuss the issues you would consider during an approval process for LT. YOUR RESPONSE: (Speak for 8 minutes)

Station #4:
PROMPT (Read and consider for 2 minutes): Because of federal and provincial subsidy policies and return-of-service agreements, international medical graduates (IMGs) now make up an increasingly large proportion of rural doctors. As a consequence, the shortage of doctors in rural areas has prompted many family medicine residencies to increase their quotas for IMGs in their programs. Effectively, this

development is leading to a relative reduction in spots available for Canadian medical graduates. Please discuss the pros and cons of such a development. YOUR RESPONSE: (Speak for 8 minutes)

Station #5:
PROMPT (Read and consider for 2 minutes): Discuss one of your pastimes outside of school and how the skills you acquired from this activity will help you in your career. YOUR RESPONSE: (Speak for 8 minutes)

Station #6:
PROMPT (Read and consider for 2 minutes): You are a family physician seeing Jane, a 67 year old woman with a recent history of multiple fragility fractures. You diagnose her with osteoporosis and prescribe some bisphosphonate drugs and other pharmacological treatments. Jane tells you that she has heard some good things over the internet about alternative medicine treatments such as Chinese medicine, and she is adamant on trying these as well. You are concerned about the use of these alternative medicine treatments and the possible negative effects they could have on Janes health. How would you handle the situation and what would you recommend Jane do? Discuss any ethical considerations that are present. YOUR RESPONSE: (Speak for 8 minutes)

Station #7:
PROMPT (Read and consider for 2 minutes): You are on the committee for selecting a new Dean of Science. What characteristics and/or qualities would you look for when selecting an effective dean? YOUR RESPONSE: (Speak for 8 minutes)

Station #8:
PROMPT (Read and consider for 2 minutes): In June 2011, the infamous Vancouver riots took place after their hockey team lost in the Stanley Cup Finals. Stores were ransacked and cars were burned. Hundreds of people were injured and sent to overcrowded hospitals. As the police chief in Vancouver, what measures or policies would you put in place to make sure this does not happen again? YOUR RESPONSE: (Speak for 8 minutes)

Station #9:
PROMPT (Read and consider for 2 minutes):

Clostridium Difficile (C. difficile) is a type of bacteria that increases its activity with most antibiotic use, and is therefore very difficult to treat. Research shows that the most effective way to prevent the spread of infection is frequent handwashing. However, many people have flat-out refused to wash their hands in hospitals. The government is contemplating passing a policy to make it mandatory for people entering hospitals to wash their hands or else risk not being seen by doctors and being escorted out of the building against their will. Do you think the government should go ahead with this plan? Consider and discuss the legal, ethical or practical problems that exist for each action option and conclude with a persuasive argument supporting your decision. YOUR RESPONSE: (Speak for 8 minutes)

Station #10:
PROMPT (Read and consider for 2 minutes): Discuss an experience that allowed you to learn something important about yourself. How will this lesson help you succeed in your career? YOUR RESPONSE: (Speak for 8 minutes)

Due to a number of requests I am going to impart the advice I would give those people to everyone, about how I believe one can be best prepared for a MMI. Note that I bombed my traditional interview through lack of preparation and so I won't provide any information on the traditional interview. The areas I believe are important for the interview are: communication ability, ethical reasoning, and manual dexterity for some. If you have more please feel free to add them. 1. Communication competence is the main quality of an applicant that cannot be assessed by a personal statement or reference. MMIS involve stations involving roleplay or talking to an interviewer about a statement. For the latter it is simple enough to say that you should be able to coherently talk about everything in that PS. For the roleplay scenarios you may be talking to someone playing one of many roles including: deaf/blind, learning difficulties, foreign, elderly, child, upset friend. You need to be able to act in a very special way that shows how you deal with people like this. Don't have a 'treat everyone the same' attitude', tailor your chat to the person. Here are a few tips on how you can prepare: -get a job/volunteer requiring you to talk to people such as the elderly or children. practice makes perfect. -learn to ask open questions instead of closed questions. This is a great tool for eliciting a lot of information quickly and is used in healthcare extensively for questioning patients. I suggest googling this and becoming aware of how to use it. -if you struggle to come up with a quick coherent answer to questions try practicing doing a 2 minute speech on a topic your friends or parents just decide immediately before you start. A good club for doing this is 'Toastmasters' which is in most cities in the UK. I believe many schools have a similar club. If not, why not ask an english teacher to start one at lunch? I reiterate this: COMMUNICATION IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING BEING ASSESSED AT THE MULTIPLE MINI INTERVIEW!

2. Ethical Reasoning is something some people manage more than others. Should HIV positive patient controlled on a medication be allowed to practice dentistry? Should a homosexual be prevented from giving blood? Should I give money to a homeless man? It is hard to decide on these but my approach worked well in the interview. I used a structured approach to take the interviewer through what I thought the dilemma was, what was involved in my decision making and what my decision was. I believe taking the interviewer through the journey is the best way forward in this. I have found a good link explaining roughly what I did: . Please check it out. REMEMBER that there is no right or wrong answer in an ethical dilemma. You just have to be able to justify it.

3. Manual dexterity is tsted by some universities. I am not going to say how I was tested but try to think about ways that you as a non-dentist could show your manual dexterity skills in an interview. Google it too. I think all the manual dexterity tests I had are up there on the internet.

Miscellaneous Read the instructions at the station and don't be bullied into starting too early. It helps to even clarify with the station assessor if you need to.

Be able to reflect on a mistake or something you have done that you could have done better. This is a big part of CPD when you qualify. Wear smart clothing and don't try to stand out with a skinny tie or silly gelled hair. You might be a professional dentist one day, act it at the interview! Arrive early with all your required documents, passport sized photographs and a smile on your face. Dont' be shy about making yourself sound like the best thing since sliced bread, others won't! Although amalgam fillings and fluoridation of water are big issues...they are not necessarily the big thing in dentistry at the moment. Keep up to date with information on dental sites. Start in places like and see how you get on. I am fascinated by air abrasion technology myself!

Most of all relax and enjoy the interview as most people wil tell you it is quite pleasant. I you can get out without talking to anyone then do!

Communication - you'll meet lots of interviewers, never forget the simple polite gestures such as hand shakes etc, this is protocol in a standard interview but by the 9th mini interview you may forget, I think it's really important to make a good first impression. Every interviewer will be marking you on the specified task at each station, but you will also be judged on communication and the ever loved 'professionalism'. Always ensure you speak coherently like Firepoint said, remember to smile as well, you are in a formal situation but ultimately the interviewer will be thinking, would I want this person to treat my mother? Make sure the answer is yes, if you get something wrong and they pull you up on it, stay calm, apologise and take the appropriate action, the interviewer knows you will be nervous and may get it wrong! Attributes - what will help you here is a variety of experience, teamwork, leadership, community contributions and also very importantly leisure hobbies! Make sure you don't do things for the sake of doing them, interviewers love it when you can talk passionately about something. Think of specific situations within each activity which is a direct representation of the skill being assessed. Work experience - in MMI the question is likely to be very ambiguous, instead of requiring lots of prompts your answer to a question involving work experience (unless it's a directly closed question) should cover a lot of ground; what did you see (mention attributes in the team), what did you like, what surprised you, what you didn't like and anything interesting you saw. Role play - seems scary, really isn't! Be yourself, looking back I was probably a little nervous, but got into it in the end, literally speak to them like your friend but in a professional manner, dentists do make jokes and as long as they are appropriate there is no reason why you cannot include one if you read the situation as appropriate to do so! They want to see you are human and can communicate well, so eye contact, coherent speaking and listening are important, don't answer what you want to answer, answer what is asked, this can be really fun so enjoy it! Ethics - always show both sides of the argument but make sure you clearly stand on one side of the fence, a good argument has your point introduced at the beginning and justified upon, you should include a counter argument but then prove how your argument in your view is better and conclude. People tend to want to show both sides as it is a

good skill, but not settle on one side, a good argument is a clear argument. You cannot usually be wrong in an ethical scenario, however your answer should reflect obligations dentists have as set out by the GDC - Fitness to Practise, recommended reading! When giving your argument some interviewers may act surprised, this is fine (as long as what you are saying isn't weird or unprofessional), they are testing you, stand a firm ground, as long as you are being professional and considering both sides before reaching your judgement, there is nothing to worry about. In terms of ethical scenarios it's hard to give advice as scenarios can be so different, but think about everyone's interests, the wider dental team is so important, many people concentrate on just dentist and the patient, think about the nurse, practice staff, hygienist, technician, the rest of your patients and how dentists are viewed as a group.

MMI interviews usually take a lot longer than a traditional interview, this can be good and bad, good as you go around you become more relaxed and are able to get rid of initial nerves, but bad because of the risk of becoming complacent! Honestly it will be one of the quickest hours you will ever remember and be over in a tick! Key points to remember are communication and presentation; speak coherently, look people in the eye, dress smart, sophisticated and professionally, and Smile! You have to prove people can trust you and confide in you, you need to be welcoming! Professionalism is another key aspect, a good read of the GDC - Fitness to Practise ([1].pdf) I would recommend reading this!

- Due to the shortage of physical therapists in rural communities, it has been suggested that physical therapy programmes preferentially admit students who are willing to commit to a 2 or 3 year tenure in an underserviced area upon graduation. Consider the broad implications of this policy for health and Consider the broad implications of this policy for health and health care costs. For example, do you think the approach will be effective? At what expense? Discuss approach will be effective? At what expense? Discuss this issue with the interviewer. - Universities are commonly faced with the complicated task of balancing the educational needs of their students and the cost required to the educational needs of their students and the cost required to provide learning resources to a large number of individuals. As a result of this tension there has been much debate regarding the result of this tension, there has been much debate regarding the optimal size of classes. One side argues that smaller classes provide a more educationally effective setting for students while provide a more educationally effective setting for students, while others argue that it makes no difference, so larger classes should be used to minimise the number of instructors required. Discuss your opinion on this issue with the examiner. - Your company needs both you and a co Your company needs both you and a coworker (Sara, a colleague from another branch of the company) to attend a critical branch of the company) to attend a critical business meeting in San Diego. You have just arrived to drive Sara to the airport. Sara (played by an actor) is in the room. Sara (played by an actor) is in the room. -

You are a major of a city, and a high profile rapist who finished his jail time is going to be released from prison next month. He is deemed to be of high risk to reoffend once he is free. The word is that he is considering relocating to somewhere near your city and possibly adopt a new identity. There is tremendous public pressure to increase police surveillance on him, make his new identity public, or at least warn the public of his imminent release. What would you do?

You are a third year medical student doing a clinical rotation in surgery. The surgeon you are working with is abusive towards everyone, constantly yelling at patients for disobeying his orders, criticizing nurses for failing to "do things my way in my OR", and having unreasonable expectations of you then calling you an idiot who shouldn't be in med school. You feel offended, humiliated, and lost. What would you do? Your rotation is coming to an end and your evaluation is in one week.

After a long school term, you are excited about the winter break. You planned ahead for a ski trip with some friends, and you booked a condo for 8 people who confirmed that they are coming with your own credit card. They agreed to pay you later. At the last minute, however, one of your friends suddenly called you and said he couldn't make it. To make matters worse, he was one of the drivers. Now you are not only short on people paying rent, you have to figure out how to get another 4 people on the mountain possibly at a higher cost than agreed upon. What are you going to do? What do you say to this friend?

The story of Canadian Olympian and Paralympian Brian McKeever has touch many during the 2010 Winter Games in Vancouver. He was the first ever to qualify for both the Olympic games and Paralympic games, but at the last minute, the Olympic skiing couch decided that Brian has a smaller chance in winning than his teammates, so he did not get to race. If you were Brian's friend, what would you do when he found out he couldn't race in the Olympic games? You knew that his Paralympic games would take place 2 weeks after the Olympics.

Statistics have shown that effects of advanced age such as changes in vision and response time may adversely affect elderly drivers' ability to drive safely. As a matter of fact, many doctors discuss the issue of stopping driving with their older patients as a precaution for the safety of theirs as well as the public's. Do you think older drivers have to give up driving when they reach a certain age?

You are a family physician. One of your patients, Mark, did not attend one of his classes and missed an important exam. He told you that his teacher would like a doctor's note

explaining his absence from class; otherwise, he will receive zero, and all hell will break loose. He wants to you write a note for him, indicating that he was not feeling well enough to write the exam. Not able to find any physical symptoms, explain how you would deal with this. Some follow up questions:

1. What if Mark told you that he wasn't really sick, but he really really needed your note? 2. What if Mark was your son? What must you consider in this case?

Do you think general practitioners have an obligation to report their patients' health status to a public health agency, if their patients have active infectious diseases?

Your friend Jason hasn't come to class for a few days. Being a hardworking premed student, he very seldom skips classes. You know that he is applying to medical school in the past several weeks. You called his house and he said you can visit him. You decided to pay him a visit after your classes. Enter the room and talk to Jason.

You are a genetic counselor. One of your clients, Linda, had a boy with a genetic defect that may have a high recurrence risk, meaning her subsequent pregnancies has a high chance of being affected by the same defect. You offered genetic testing of Linda, her husband, and their son to find out more about their disease, to which everyone agreed. The result showed that neither Linda nor her husband carry the mutation, while the boy inherited the mutation on a paternal chromosome that did not come from Linda's husband. In other words, the boy's biological father is someone else, who is unaware that he carries the mutation. You suspect that Linda nor her husband are aware of this non-paternity. How would you disclose the results of this genetic analysis to Linda and her family? What principles and who do you have to take into consideration in this case?

In a particular socialist society, the health care system is set up as follows: the public shares the cost of health care, and everyone who needs it enters a line-up. Because the public funding is limited, the health care system does not operate to its full capacity (in other words, some doctors want to work more hours but can't get paid for extra hours), and the line up for health care is long. It has been proposed that in order to reduce the burden on health care, we allow some patients to pay for their medical services and receive them faster. It is argued that the rest of the public will not have to wait any longer, because the doctors and surgeons have unused hours, and the private funding goes to pay for these hours instead of jumping the public line.

Discuss the pros and cons of the introduction of this two-tier system (ie. coexisting public and private funding sources for health care).

You are an ER resident who specializes in trauma. One day, a martial arts sportsman is sent to your ER with an apparently throat injury. His coach said he was hit by the opponent in the throat during the semi-finals match. You are aware that in this type of martial arts, attacking unprotected areas of the head such as the throat is ground for disqualification. Your attending physician (your boss in the hospital) told you that the opponent of the injured player is your countryman, whereas the injured player is a foreign contender of the champion title that your country values highly. He wants you to "examine the injury carefully" right after he remarks how important the match is for the country. How would you handle this situation?

You are a cardiologist at a local hospital, who just finished a shift and has a tight run to your daughter's high school graduation ceremony. As you headed off to the door, Mark, a patient who knew you well, saw you from the waiting room and grabbed your attention. "Doctor! I have a bad chest pain. Please stay for a bit. I'll feel much better if you were here." Enter the waiting room and talk to Mark.

You have been in a new relationship for 5 months, and you just got into medical school. As the saying goes, many relationships are ended in med school because of the stress, and lack of time, and the excitement of meeting hundreds of new, young, intelligent soon-to-be doctors. You suspect that your partner is slightly worried about your attending medical school. One evening, you have to attend a social event that your partner cannot go to. One of your colleagues from out of province asks you for a ride to the party, as he/she does not know how to get there. You feel slightly uncomfortable but at the same time obligated to help as a local and a friend. How would you approach this situation?

You are working alone in a convenience store as a cashier late at night. An older man comes in and buys a coffee. He is staggering, seems disoriented, and you smell alcohol on his breath. On the way out, he bumps into a shelf and knocks some cereal boxes off. He tries to put the boxes back, but cannot manage this task. What actions might you take in this situation? Provide reasons for your responses. Q You are on holiday at a Mexican beach resort with some friends who are staying one floor down from you. In the middle of the night, a large earthquake takes place, and the building you are in is severely damaged. You have injured your leg, suspect it might be fractured, and you hear someone yelling for help near by. What would you do?

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