CIS101 Course Outline
CIS101 Course Outline
CIS101 Course Outline
CIS 101 - INTRO. TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Instructor: Te%e& one: E-/!i%: O00ice: Mrs. Nyeis ! Geor"e-Minott# $.Sc. '(0-)''(*+,# --.--1'(*c, *Instructors O00ice: Roo/ )11,
Course Description This course introduces students to computers and computing. Students are introduced to computer hardware, software and operating systems. Also covered are the Internet, application software, databases, networks, computer security, mobile devices, IT privacy issues, and future trends in technology. Students will make use of the World Wide Web as a repository of the latest information and an integrated learning tool; develop an in depth understanding of why computers are essential components in the business world and society in general. 3 credits Textbook (Required) Title! Technology in Action, "th #dition Authors! Alan #vans, $endall %artin, %ary Anne &oat Publisher! &rentice 'all Course Objectives (pon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to! (nderstand and describe the types of computers and their purposes (nderstand and describe how the components of a computer system function )hardware and software* (nderstand the legal and privacy issues concerning information technology (nderstand what is a network, the different types of networks and what are the advantages of setting up one (nderstand how hackers can attack a network, what harm they cause and how you can protect your computer from hackers. (nderstand why wireless networks are more vulnerable than wired networks, and what special precautions are re+uired to ensure your wireless network is secure. (nderstand how to protect your computer from viruses ,emonstrate the use of the Internet for research Gr din! "#ste$ nd "c le A%&&T uses letter grades to indicate +uality of academic work. -,. is the lowest passing grade. 'owever a grade of -/. is re+uired for satisfactory completion of the course.
Gr de
"t nd rd
R n!e'
Course Assess$ent nd 5ei!htin! The following table provides the due dates for each of the assignments in the course and the relevant grading assessment! Assi!n$ent Gr din! %idterm #0am 6* ' 1inal #0am 6* ' 2ui33es ,/' 'omework Assignments ,/' Attendance4,iscussion 6*' 5esearch &aper ,*' Total ,**'
Course Policies
Attend nce
Attendance at class is a re+uirement for successful completion of the course. The Institute therefore provides for some reasonable absences due to hardship, i.e. up to four )6* absences in a course. 'owever, student $ # 7 il the course i7 he8she h s $ore th n 7our (1) unexcused bsences and therefore may become a candidate for dismissal. 9 teness 5ill not be toler ted. Two une0cused latenesses 7 one )8* absence. (Please refer to the student handbook for Policies concerning the Code of Conduct for the Institute) Assi!n$ents
#nd of chapter assignments and +ui33es will be given regularly throughout the trimester to be returned on the due date indicated. /heck MOODLE daily for updates to activities. All assignments must be submitted on time. &lease ensure that you have a working internet and computer at all times, as failure in this area will not be accepted as an e0cuse for non submission of assignments. (v lu tion : (x $s
A Student9s final grade will be evaluated based upon class participation, assignments, +ui33es, e0ams, and a final pro:ect. 2ui33es will be given on the completion of each chapter. ; ke0up (x $s CIS101-01 Introduction to Information Technology Course Outline Page 2
/heating on an e0am4+ui34assignment will result in loss of credit for that e0ercise. Although students are encouraged to discuss issues with each other, all work submitted )e0ams, +ui33es and assignments* $ust be your own work and only #our 5ork< Students will be harshly penali3ed should they fail to abide. This can result in a failing grade for the course for ll persons involved and possible e0pulsion from the class. /onse+uently, A== students are e0pected to abide by the honour code of the institution at all
Cl ssroo$ beh vior %utual respect, decency in speech and deportment, maturity and a good sense of clean humor are e0pected and encouraged. Dress Code
Students are asked to dress at all times in such a way as to uplift the dignity of the Institute. 1or e0ample, e0posure of undergarments, whether while walking or while seated, is therefore not acceptable. Absolutel# =O e tin! in the cl ssroo$< All Cell Phones should be turned o77 or put on silent8vibr tin! $ode 5hile in cl ss<
Rese rch P per As part of the final grade, each student is re+uired to prepare a research paper. It is to be presented in type written form at least four )6* pages of content with a cover page and reference page making )>* pages total and should be bound and presented accordingly using the following format!
,ouble Space
Si3e 8? font 8 inch %argins )top, bottom, left, right* @ inch indent the first line of each new paragraph
Week 3
Week 4
Application Software! &rograms That =et Cou Work and &lay (sing System Software! The Aperating System, (tility &rograms, and 1ile %anagement (sing System Software! The Aperating System, (tility &rograms, and 1ile %anagement (nderstanding and accessing 'ardware! #valuating your system Eetworking! /onnecting computing ,evices file ,igital lifestyle! %anaging ,igital ,ata and ,evices Securing your System! &rotecting Cour ,igital ,ata and Services Submission of 5esearch &aper
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
/hapter >
Week 8
2ui3 D
Week 9
Week 10
2ui3 F
Week 11
2ui3 G Assign. 6
Week 12
1inal #0am
1inal #0am