Print XML Publisher PDF Reports With PASTA Printing

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Print XML Publisher PDF reports with PASTA printing

Date: 2/26/2007 Goal: To be able to print XML publisher PDF reports directly ro! the concurrent !ana"er# $etup: %# &nstall Xpd 'http://(((# oolabs#co!/)pd /do(nload#ht!l* on the ser+er (here the
concurrent !ana"er runs# FTP ,)pd -.#0%pl2-solaris#tar#"/, to the ser+er# Telnet into the ser+er and beco!e the root user# 0 "un/ip )pd -.#0%pl2-solaris#tar#"/ 0 tar )+ )pd -.#0%pl2-solaris#tar Follo( the directions in the &1$T2LL ile# Test the co!!and out by puttin" a pd docu!ent on the ser+er# 0 /usr/local/bin/pd tops Docu!ent#pd This should result in a Docu!ent#ps ile# 0 lp -d 3printer4na!e5 Docu!ent#ps & you "et output ro! the printer you should be set#

2# Pasta co!es bundled in 6racle 2pplications release %%i7 but ensure that Pasta is the latest +ersion o .#0#8# & not install the latest released Pasta patch '..2969%*# 0 :F1D4T6P/bin/F1DP$T2X -+

.# Ma;e sure that the printer dri+ers are de ined to print PDF iles# <nder the syste!
ad!inistrator responsibility na+i"ate to: Install -> Printer -> Driver

8# =eri y the >PDF Publisher? print style e)ists# <nder the syste! ad!inistrator
responsibility na+i"ate to: Install -> Printer -> Style

9# 2ssociate the >PDF Publisher? print style and P2$T24PDF dri+er to the printer type

you are usin"# <nder the syste! ad!inistrator responsibility na+i"ate to: Install > Printer -> Types

6# 1o( !a;e sure that printer type is associated (ith the printer that you (ant to
use# <nder the syste! ad!inistrator responsibility na+i"ate to: Install -> Printer -> Register

7# =eri y that the ile :F1D4T6P/resource/pasta4pd #c " is present and that it contains
an unco!!ented entry as ollo(s:

prepro ess!"usr"lo al"bin"p#$tops %in$ile& %out$ile& @# 1o( (hen you sub!it your XML Publisher report clic; on the 6ptions button# &n the $tyle ield choose >PDF Publisher? and then choose the printer that you setup earlier#


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