IJIYI\IaCU iNc. 3060 JellersDn se, Philadelphia, Pa.19121 U.S.A.
The new I lne of' DYNACO output Iron~f.c:lrfnen lneorpcrotes I he fint basic advance in output mmsformer design since the tnfroducucn of interleaved windings. All DYNACQ models +eeture pere-eeupled winding'!;, a design by DO\lid Hofler on which pctents (Ire pending. n,i~ novel cure neemenl provides an cccurctely he lanced coil with Ught coupling between the IIQriQI,..I:50 sections end o choice of perometere which Furnish superior quclity at moderate cost. The low distortion which results from the pnre-eeupled design give!. 9reol~r definition of musicel derctl=cnotcqces to the way in which complex coupling 01 lens elements can provide greoter resolution of photographic detail.
The bo stc aim i~ the design of OYNACO trcn .. former s
wcs 10' provide the finest possible per lcrmence under ectvel audio cperctinq condltions as. well as under stecdv stote lc borctcry test ccndhlcns. This goal wos eehieved by buildina into the tronslcrmers a large mer- 9ill of performanc-e cnpcbditles, over 1"01 normally expected in an ou~pui trcnsformer. One result of 'this policy 15 that Ihe d-e~ign is not crifico ~ on tube bnlnnce, and cireclt ... Lon be slmpliflecl end rncintenonce minimlaed by omi5'Soion QI' components whi(" Clre used :soolely lor the purpose of belcncinq currents in the- output transformer
Recogn~ti-on of the impertent fact Ihat output tronsjormer:i ere intended TO operate wtth loudspecke- load~ rather then re5~'Sotive leeds alone- led to desiqn fecteres whleh preserve l he quality of performance even w"en the load impedance §hifh such ns noppem. 01 the ends of the audio spectrum with loodspecker leeds. The subsrenne T reserve of power handling ecpebtllty whijch i~ built inlo every DYNACO Super-Fidelity output trorrsformer permits full und'.doded power trcnsmlsslon 01 frequency extremes. Most better grade sronsformers can deliver a recsonc ble 0 mount of power In the middle of the nudlo bend. Unfortvnctelv however, in most units the. distortion at' high levels increcse shorplv at the ends of the bond. Thls is nol true for' DYNACO treosfcrmere since the peru-coupled arrangement reduces middle o nd high frequency dls+crricn. while 0 mcssive core of thin govge groin 'Oriented steel provides distortkmless trcnsrnission of high level. low Ireq u enl;:y 5igno I component s.
Modern high fidelity cmplifier clrcults lncorporcte ~ub. stc nncl proporliom of neqe+ive feedbeek, primoritylo reduce distortion to extremely low levels. H ow-ever, there 15 a penally which is inl;wred i,n the use of large cmcunts o! teedbeek-cp-cblems of instc 6ilily are introduced, and a lorqe pert of i hese p;oble!TI5 ore due to the delrimentol phose eboreetertsties 101 thoiOc oUlput trc nsformer used. Amplifiers which do not hove syrTjeienl margin -of ste bllily under feedback eeedltiens tend to get "blcopy" and muddy ot lew frequencies onci harsh and strident ct high Frequencies. The remedy requires close control of the o mpljfier o nd trcnslormer phase chorccterbtlcs even 01 freql.len(iE"s -10 r removed from the oudio bond.
AdvonlCed pulse techniques hove been i!,}oC;orpQroled into the de-5.;gn and produc::tiorl of DYNACO Super-Hdelitv trcnsformers to rnoke 1he phOSE! c-h(lr(JcteJ""i~tjcs sl.liloble for ompliflers. wil" hign proportion!. of feedbot:k. The goin jf'i margin of stability whkh Qcc::rl.les from this de:s.ign
technique makes an audible improvement 1., 1i5tening quality, The best test lor inherent ~tcbility under feedback conditions is the use of the ~qL.lore wove test=both on the transformer clone ond on the comp Ie-te cmpl.fler
with Joud~peO'ke-..- lood. The -s;upe(lority of DYNACO
trensfcrmers is recdily confirmed in tl1i~ square wova test by noting the !ilraighl sides und flo! lop of the waveform end the absence of rippie:s. c:md spikes, even at high freqlJ~nc;ie~.
DYNACQ Soper-Fidelity trensfcrmers ore built to g,ive consistent, long lasl'ing performance. Such Fectures .os 3000 volt insulcrion, vncuum lmpreqnetlon, nigh temperature patting compound, and rigorou~ production te:s.t1ng protect the perforrnemce obtained by unique design and precision -Winding. The design, the materials, and the fabrication are the fineo;.t oOyoiloble, ond tney provide the finest per+ermenee.
CIRCl.IIT5 FO~ PYNACO TRANSfORMERS The h~gh performance l:(lPO bllhles of DYNACO Super, Fidelity trensformers will improve any circuit in whLch these trcnsformers ore used. A:so ogenerol rule they ccn be inserted in any high quollty circult configuration in· I:luding "willlcmson," "ultr c lineor," "muhl-leep,' or any other wil" grolifyi'n9 improvement ill amplifier slebility end disfcrtjon chnrcctetlstlcs. H-owever, the benefits avail-able from c gi~f!n trcnaiermer ere bounded by the circuit in which n is used. Ihereiore, we recommend s-ome ~pecifil; (:ircuil orrcnqements whieh hove been core fully dS!iigned 0 nd tested to insure mcxlmum user 5aHsfocliorl.
The eleeuits shown ore ~lJg'gested for "those who roll ; hejr own," either in l:ompl-e1e amplifier construction or in mcdemlzcticn Clnd ecnversion of alder equipment or moderote-Itdel ity commctcic! eql,..lipmel1t,
The DYNACO eirecrt, O~ used in the DYNAKIT Mark ill, wcs deslqned to rnctcb the ouhlonding chcrccreristica IOf the A-431 trensformee. The ~implidty, ~toObility. and qUIJ'llty of this cirCUIT are unequalled by ony r-e90rdle~:s. 01' complexiry or cost.
The thcuscods of people who hove WmiOrTlSQI"'. type crnplifiers. in ony of Ihe populcr ver ... Ions, cun flOW modernize them tc improve the cmplifier stcbllity chcreeterlstlea CT1d to lnereese their power evtput to ever 50 worts CIS shewn in ngLJre 2. this modernization c nd conversion, Uo'8.ing Ihe DYNACO A-431 rrcns+crmer, mckee on improvement in quolity which is audible even to the untroined e{)r since there i~ gre(]ter cie(]n I,..,o'l~s o nd smoothness of The sound.
Figure :3 illlJ~t.ate~ a row power circuit (12 woth ot Iess thol'l 'I % 1M di§lorlioI1) whi-ch i~ simllcr 10 inal used in many of the medium priced commercial cmplifiers. Either EL-84',s, or tubes of the 6V6 and 6AQ5 type Carl be used in thls eonfiqorcticn wi1 h th'e A~41 0 IrO/1:~form.er'. The use of this 5lJper-fidelily trens+ermer in commercic l grade equipment rnckes a substcnticl lmprovereent in tronstera response cs well 0$ drcstiec By lewerinq the d istortlcn. Mod comrner cio! ompllf'Ns can be greo.1ly imprQ'ied merely by direct ~l)b$lilu!;oof"1 of the A-·.no for Clmplifier~ of the ,6V6 type or the A-420 for amplifiers of tbe .5881, 6l6, end I<T-66 type wilhou1' any other circuilcncr1ge§.
TIle 120woTi A-44i rrens+ermer is. descgned specifically lc be used in applications requiring 0 1ightly coupled terl'iory winding for' srreen feedback. ccthcde foodrng. Or for be lcnced feedback to earlier S'lage~. Wi1h 6550 tube~ u~in9 600 plcte YoI1§, 350 scr een v clts ond 35 volts of fixed hies, it ~:s: prccticul sc get 100 wells of cleon output with superb li~tening quolitYT The output stoge t:on be reodily dril1el1 from W1mClm~OI"l-I)'p~ -(ir· cuits of the !TIoderni~ed type.
A·.no A-,ji20 A_Jill' ,10,.4,41 A-4.51 A-UO
"· ... 31·70'
Impcdo1"lce 8000 ohm) (I 6600 o.hm~ ct 4300ohm~ (I 4JOOO'hmscl 2200 ohml (. 4300 ohms ct
ratio IOJ B. 1611:'(" 10. a,16 lee le4.8,16$(!(' 'c4,8,16s(!c fo4-,8, 1.0, It"C 10 4, 8, 16 sec:
10' 4.8" 16 ~~d 7(JV~
to 1251! or soon'
p~ .... er
30CP~10 IS h 30 watts 60 woltS 120 waif:!> 240 watts 240 watts 70 wens
20 cp~ 10. 20 ~( 15 w<'>llS 30 .... 011$ 60 .... alr~ 120 ..... afts 120 watTS 3.5 wens
MirlimLl"'! Ire- ± 1 db 6 (Pi ± 1 db 6 tps j: 1 db 6 cp~ ± I db 4 epv '" 1 db , 'P' :!: I db 6 cps
q"l!'l'Ily ~o!"~pon'lo! 1060 kc 10 60 ~( to. 60 k.:. 10. 60 :~" to 60 kc 1060 kc
Sill! {inche1) 2~7/8./1 J 3~3 4 x 3~'I 12 -4 x 4'5/8 5 7/8" .<1-3/", 5-7;8.0; 4-3 , J.3fA. x 3d 12
!l J-3IA hi9h l( 4-1/1 hlg" II 5 h;9" x 6 hIgh ,< hi9h x 4.1/2 high
MCIIJnliog cenl.:" 2 x '2" '2-314 x 2~I/.o! '2-3/ ... II 3·7/8 4 II J·1(2 , >3 I , 2,,3/4 JII 2_1/.01
Weigflt 5 lbs. 7 lbs. Ulb\. " lb., 23 Ib,. 7 lbs.
65S0"t ~, KT·88"~ tpp par EL3.t"s" at
ApplicQliO'n 0"6' •. El-8A·~. KT·66'. 65SO·~. KT-8S"'. I" pow." up 10
6A.QS'~ 5881·5 EL34·~. 01' 100 wall, 1I.inil 65!D's, KT-S8':s.. 6CA7's
.... n ... , "'ndiftl
EL34'~. or 6CA7's 1 .. ,,,;111,,, EL34's, 'Or ppc par El84'~
6CA7'~ pp par KT~66 .cl~gd. "' 6CA7's
I(t~.~ I.~<fb~ •• "
1111 ~or Et.3J',
;~ p ...... " .. " I ..
~oo .... It.
Net Pric;e 520,,95 S26.95 ~39.95' U9.95 $59.9) .$26.95
(sli'\lhtly l1'gfui!r 544.951
'!I~ 4,,95'
Ir'I I~~ W!!_,) All unil5 hClye laps on primary winding';. 'nCe-pl A·441 whic:n hO'S tightly coupled '.,.rri,ur .... i"ding.
Ali unirs are furnished in h~ay)' gouge steel I;Qns wilk 12" color e eded leads and ';.Ieei mO'unting "Iuds wilh mounting hardware.
Unil-s nr e c0I15elvgt.""ly doslgfl~d 'Ond can hendl e twice the de (un .. n! aT Ihe Tl.Jbe Type'S re!;omo mended lor u'So(l" Ni!-ii"r.el o ... edoods nor ony amount of ... nbolonced operojion wlll harm the nen e- 10rml'"s. Fc r oprfmum low di~lorlion rep.oduclion. the de belenee should bo I.ept w"r.in 10%.
P_782 po ..... er Ir'On$formo:~ o~ ustld fn Dvnokit Markm410·0-S.5-.nO, 200 mo; 5 v , 30; 6.3 ... , IIQ. Weight 9 lb$: size 4")(4J1".4~~'· high; nel price: S20.00. {Fu~ni!;h~d only in vertical mounting" end !;h e 11 construcTioni.
C-35.-1 choke {200 rna) NeT price 52.BO
PC.7006 pawtH transform!!:!' fo-t use wilh A,,451 in 120 watt amplifier cin;;uit: ~'O-Q·5S--110, <i00 rno ; 5vJ 6(1; 6.3 v , 80_ IYI!-fghr 14 l b a, Net prie!} $3"1,,00. (Furnished in ...... ,11<:01 (lrod shells only).