Types of Tender
Types of Tender
Types of Tender
Open tender is an arrangement where an advertisement in local newspapers or trad e journals invites contractors to apply for tender documents. A deposit is usually required to ensure that only serious offers are made; Presumably it is needed to cover the cost of copying the documents. Local author ities have been advised against open tendering because it often leads to excessi ve tender lists where the cost of abortive tendering is considerable. There are instances of selection criteria being applied after the tender has been submitte d, so a bid could be rejected if a contractor does not belong to an approved tra de association. Advantages of Open Tender The main advantage of such tendering is as follow: Give high level of competition and contractors tend to give best prices as compa re to other tendering method There is no list of restrictive tenderer, which does not allow favoritism It is very transparent process which ensures that only the contractor with the b est price and meeting all the technical requirements will win the tender. This process is usually manage by procurement board where its staff are trained for such exercises and board ensure that all the procedures involved in tender a re followed.
Disadvantages of Open Tender The low price usually detriment of quality and often result in the client obtain ing poor quality job and late completion of work. Given that its open tender and thus there are no restrictions on the number of c ontractor who can bid and become bulky and lengthy job for tender analyses which often result in delays and high cost.
Selective tender: Selective tendering consists of drawing up a list of chosen fi rms and asking them to tender. It is by far the most common arrangement because it allows price to be the deciding criterion; all other selection factors will h ave been dealt with at the pre-qualification stage. There are three ways in whic h selective tendering lists are drawn up: An advertisement may produce several interested contractors and suitable Firms a re selected to tender. The consultants may contact those they would wish to put on an ad-hoc list. Many local authorities and national bodies keep approved lists of contractors in certain categories, such as work type and cost range. Contractors who ask to be included on select lists of tenderer are usually asked to provide information a bout their financial and technical performance, particularly about the type of w ork under consideration. The National Joint Consultative Committee for Building (NJCC) has written the 'Standard form of tendering questionnaire - private editi on' so contractors can prepare answers to relevant questions in advance. The que
stions mainly deal with projects carried out during the previous three years. On ce the form has been completed, it can be used for specific projects or for thos e compiling lists of selected contractors.
Ngotiated Tender :under this method normally one contractor is approached and su ch tender mainly used for specialist work such as lift system or airport project at big level, in such case there are limited number of contractor who do such w ork in the market .it is based on one-to-one discussion with contractors to nego tiated the terms of contract