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Online Shopping Site Synopsis

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Online shopping marketing products online.

Introduction Internet is the rapidest growing media during the past decade. Especially, online shopping is a rapidly growing e-commerce area. Online shopping basically provides the way consumers go shopping and purchase services and goods with reasonable price on the Internet. For some consumers, shopping and purchasing online have become part of their daily lives, while others may not even care about it.

oftware !e"uirements

pecification # ! $

%his document fully and formally describes the re"uirements of the proposed said pro&ect system. It sets out the functional and non-functional re"uirements and includes a description of the user interface and documentation and training re"uirements. Introduction Internet is attracting all type people day by day. %he users are increased to '( million in India alone. )s it gets popularity there are many sites offering products online. *eople have the choice to buy the product online. +ut all the business segment people can,t able to sell the product online because the technology problem. -ere we made an attempt to provide generali.ed program to suit all the people to sell their products. Existing System *resently there are only few sites offering online sales. Online sales is not much popular and all types of products are not available on internet present. Proposed System %his general Online shopping site program will help many people who want to sell their product online. %his is general product. Each business people can customi.e this program according to their re"uirement. people to sell their product online with their own site. o it help the many

Requirement Specification
Hardware Requirements *entium I/ '0-. and )bove 12'3+ !)3 214 5olor 3onitor 6eyboard 3ouse

Software Requirements Operating ystem 7 8indows 9*:/ista Operating /isual web developer '((; )sp.net +ackend 7 +rowser 7 8ebserver 7 "l II erver '((; 1.( ystem.

Front End tools 7

Internet E<plorer = or above

System architecture description

Document Outline -ere is the outline of the proposed template for software design specifications. *lease note that many parts of the document may be e<tracted automatically from other sources and:or may be contained in other, smaller documents. 8hat follows is &ust one suggested outline format to use when attempting to present the architecture and design of the entire system as one single document. %his by no means implies that it literally is a single document #that would not be my personal preference$7 Major Screens/Page 3ain and >ogin *age *roduct 5ategory ?isplay page *roduct election creen Description 3ain page ?isplay all the categories products earch screen

*roduct search result screen /iew 5art creen creen creen

display the products elected item display Order details after confirm the details.

Order ?etails

Order 5onfirmation

Detai ed description of components

Main and !ogin Page " %he main page, neatly designed page, here login option is provided to login. )lso new signup option is provided to for new user to signup. Product #ategory Disp ay page " %his screen display all the main categories from this point user can select any category and they can proceed to select the products in this category. Product Se ection Screen " %his search screen. Option must be provide to select the product based on name. select product based on the category and based on the company. Etc., Product search resu t screen " %his screen shows all the products under the search criteria. If there are no products under this search criteria then system will give the message that there are no products found under this category. )lso option is provided to select the products. $iew #art Screen " /iew cart screen shows all the selected items, here "uantity as to be entered. )nd also option is provided to deselect the products. %rder Detai s Screen " %his screen shows the final products in the view cart. %his gives product list, "uantity, %otal )mount etc., o user will get the clear information that how much is the total amount of this selection. %rder #onfirmation Screen " %his is the final screen in buying process. -ere customer as confirm the order.

%his pro&ect is readily available, to buy this pro&ect send your postal address by 3 #3obile @o &'()*+*(',$ or email #ra-shainfotech.gmai /com$, we will send you this pro&ect by postal /** you can pay to the postman and collect the 5?. If you are looking for different backend please email the details. 8e will give this pro&ect in different backend with additional cost along with video how to change the backend, and how to use the pro&ect. If you wish to write the whole pro&ect yourself, the option is open we can help you to design and write the pro&ect. 8e will make a video how to write the whole pro&ect and we will send to you, by watching that video you can able to write the pro&ect yourself. For more details please contact us. 8e also undertake new pro&ects, if you wish develop a new pro&ect please contact us.

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