Himachal Pradesh

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Himachal Pradesh

Research & Extension National Conference of Agriculture for Kharif Campaign 2012, on th 5 March, 2012 Himachal Pradesh

Extension Reforms Program

Deployment of Manpower
Name of Post States Eligibility 12 24 Provision (SEWP) 2011-12 12 12 Present Status 12 12 Remarks

Project Director Dy. Project Director

Accountant -cum Clerk

Computer Programmer Block Technology Manager Asstt. BTM (SMS)

13 76

12 76

12 76

Placement through Service Provider Non availability of suitable candidates and low salary and incentive Cont.




Name of Post

States Eligibility 1

Provision (SEWP) 201112 -

Present Status -


State Coordinator

To be appointed next year

Director, SAMETI

Director, SAMETI of the rank of Dy. Director is already functioning

4 Training Officers of the rank of SMS (below the rank of Dy. Director) are functioning

Dy. Director, SAMETI





Farmer Friend



Issues: Need to put age bar of 50 years & above in farmer friend as they are now demanding jobs or this component be excluded from 2012-13. Emoluments of SMS be increased.

Financial Status of SEWP 2011-12

Approved Plan for 2011-12 First Installment of Central Share Second Installment of Central Share State Share Total Expenditure incurred 1578.41 lacs 648.34 lacs 500.00 lacs 185.24 lacs 1333.58 lacs 1001.50 lacs

Unspent balance (31.01.2012)

332.08 lacs
450.00 lacs

Requirement for 1st Quarter of 2012-13 -

Financial Progress of 2011-12:

(Rs. in lacs)

PIA Farmer oriented activities (B1-B7, B16 & farmer friend)

Expenditure 551.42

Farm information dissemination

Agriculture Technology Refinement, Validation & Adoption


Establishment of ATMA like Institution (Operational

Expenses) Sub Total SNO SAMETI Sub Total Total


960.00 27.00 14.50 41.50 1001.50

Physical Progress of 2011-12:

Activity Trainings Demonstration Target 404 4595 Achievement 323 3675

Exposure Visit
Group Mobilization Best Group Award

790 45

632 36

Best Farmer Award

Farm Schools Farmer Friend

236 3243

210 3243

Exhibitions, Kisan Mela,

Fruits/Vegetable Shows Kisan Gosthies Farmer scientist Interaction



147 23

117 23

Farmers Benefited
Activity Trainings (No.) Male Female Total Demonstration Male Female CIGs Total Exposure Visit Male Female Total Target 404 11019 4799 15818 4595 2000 1835 760 4595 186 9237 4203 13440 Achievement 323 8855 3784 12639 3675 1725 1550 400 3675 146 6982 3173 10155

Group Mobilization (No.) Male Female Total Best Group Award Best Farmer Award Farm Schools Male Female Total Farmer Friend Exhibitions, Kisan Mela, Fruits/Vegetable Shows Male Female Total

790 8800 7000 15800 45 299 236 3900 2000 5900 3243 17 9560 5940 15500

632 6640 6000 12640 36 239 210 3000 2250 5250 3243 13 7648 4752 12400

Kisan Gosthies Male Female Total Farmer scientist Interaction Male Female Total

147 10498 5702 16200 23 386 189 575

117 8398 4962 12960 23 386 189 575

Farm Schools
Cereals Vegetables Pulses 60 40 15

Multiple Crops


Animal Husbandry


Convergence between Agricultural Research and Extension

Programme Coordinator KVKs and PD, ATMAs started interface meetings and joint visit of Villages. SAUs have designated the expert for each district. Districts have been allocated to SAU Scientists. Five villages are being visited by ATMA & KVK and SAU Scientists. ATMA and KVK are coordinating in the conduct of Field Days, Kisan Melas, Gosthies and setting up of Farm Schools.

Incharge KVKs have opened the Bank Accounts for the implementation of ATMA

Mass-Media Support to Agriculture Extension

Meetings of State Level Committees (SLC) and District Level Committees, being

held regularly.

Constitution of Technical Support Group (TSG has been done.

Active participations of all stakeholders in the monthly meetings of inter media Publicity Coordination Committee and Quarterly meetings of

Agriculture Programmes Coordination Committees (State +District level).

Focused Publicity compaign through electronic and print media, telecasting programmes like Krishi Darshan Diallect, Live phone in programmes, Success stories & Field visits programmes & Krishi Jankari and Mausam on Doordarshan and broadcasting programmes on Khetibhari, Sunhari Kirne & Krishi Jagat on Radio.

Mass-Media Support to Agriculture Extension

(Physical Progress) Particulars 2010-2011 2011-2012 (Till date)

Press News and Advertisement

Radio and Doordarshan Programmes Radio and Doordarshan Jingle

101 4

112 4

Flash Messages through Radio and

Doordarshan Technical Literature and Booklets





Number of Extension Officers visited

Radio/Doordarshan Programmes Fairs/Exhibitions and Crop Seminars





Establishment of ACABC
Nodal training institute - Indian Society of Agri-business professionals, Solan. Selection of candidates for training - NABARD, Agriculture Department, lead bank,

MANAGE, Nodal Officer.

Issue of certificates to successful agriventures Organization of refresher and sensitization training (Amritsar). Benefit of allocation made for private sector to agri-preneures Agri-preneures are yet MANAGE. 10 candidates participated

Services of agri-preneures in distributions of inputs and implementation of flagship schemes - Agri-preneures are yet establishing.

Establishment of ACABC
No. of training batches No. of candidates trained No. of agriventures established Bank financed agriventures Candidates trained in the year 2011-12 9 302 102 45 65

Trained / established agriventures joined other agencies.

Bank financed agriventures may start the agribusiness.

MANAGE & EEI Training Programmes

No. 1 2 Mainstreaming Gender Concerns in Agriculture Workshop on implementation of Modified


No. of Participants
MANAGE 9 11 EEI, Nilokheri -

Guidelines on Extension Reforms Scheme

3 4 5 Public Private Partnership Farm Business Management Effective Communication 5 15 14 4 -


Participatory Extension Management (PEM)

Training programmes on Promotion of


Commodity Interest Groups and federations 8 Writing for Print Media 7 -

Training on Integrated Watershed Programme



Training methods for trainers of State and Regional Institutes for extension


S. No.


No. of Participants


EEI, Nilokheri

11 12

Managerial skills for Extension personnel Development and management of Agricultural

5 7

Programmes of Radio 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Human Resource Management for extension personnel Workshop on Urban Agriculture Market Led Extension Mass Media for transfer of technology Motivational Techniques in Propagating Organic Farming W.T.O. in the Context of Agriculture Entrepreneurship Development in Agriculture and allied fields 20 Motivational Techniques for effective performance of Extension Total 105 18 2 5 7 2 2 2 2 2

PG Diploma in Agricultural Extension Management

S.No Years No. of Candidates Enrolled 1. 2. 3. 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 35 53 56 No. of Candidates Completed PGDAEM 35 53 56


2011-12 Total

44 250

Enrolled 144

Adequate Publicity of Diploma in Agriculture Extension Services for Input

dealers is being done. Enrollments of candidates are expected from the next year.

Kisan Call Centre

(12th August, 2008 to January, 2012)

H.P Calls Received Level-2 IVR Call Grand Total

1,36,417 1618 1266 1,39,301

Call frequency increased manifold. Three Lines are Managed by One Person at a time.

Four Persons are Managing the Centre against 8 and 12 in Haryana and Punjab
with similar call frequency. Need to provide additional staff.

Publication of Farmers Friendly Handbook

Centrally Sponsored Schemes implemented in the State are scrutinized. State Plan Schemes are included under the appropriate theme. Draft flyer of the state intimated. Additions / Deletions shall be intimated.

Extension Reforms through ATMA

All Districts covered under ATMA.

Institutional Mechanism setup to operationalize cafeteria activities.

Action Plans prepared every year based upon SREPs covering all stakeholders. Specialist and functionary support provided at various levels. R-E-F Linkages established.

Innovations through ATMA

Introduction of System of Rice Intensification & System of Wheat intensification.

Popularization of Polyhouse technology. Introduction of Zimikand, Turmeric & Ginger to combat Monkey menace. Popularization of vermi-composting. Introduction of low cost cooling chambers. Introduction of cultivation of milky mushroom. Popularization of Organic Farming. Popularization of Dairy based farming system in the area prone to wild animals. Popularization of Pearl cultivation.

Changes introduced by ATMA

Farmer empowerment through farmer oriented activities.

Improved Extension reach to more number of farmers through FIGs. Improvement in relations with other departments (regular meetings). Common platform for interaction with farmers and other agencies. Better response to the demands of farmers. Implementation in gap filling mode - convergence. Changes in skill and attitude of stakeholders MANAGE & SAMETI trainings. Moving towards sustainability in extension Beneficiary contribution.

Extension support at ground level, Bottom up planning Groups / FACs.

Linkages with SAUs, KVKs, line departments & Private sector.


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