Kitchen and Park1
Kitchen and Park1
Kitchen and Park1
How many a How many quarters are quarters are there? one there? Eat Eat one piece. How piece. How many quarters many quarters are left? are left?
!in !in some some packets an packets an tins tins an at them an look look at them to fin how to fin out out how much they weigh. much they weigh. Which is the Which is the lightest? is lightest? Which Which is the hea(iest? the hea(iest?
Look at best Look at best before/sell by before/sell by ates. How ates. How many or many ays ays or months before months before this this ate? ate?
Estimate how Estimate how many items in aa many items in packet (e.g. packet (e.g. biscuits). biscuits). Count Count them. Was your them. Was your estimate close? estimate close?
Look at some Look at some cooking times on cooking times on some packets. some packets. Which takes the Which takes the longest to cook? longest to cook? Which takes the Which takes the shortest time to shortest time to cook? cook? Help to set the timer on Help to set the timer on aa microwa(e to cook microwa(e to cook ifferent items. ifferent items.
!in bottles !in some some bottles an cartons. an cartons. Look Look at how much they at how much they hol them into hol . . "ort "ort them into more than # litres$ more than # litres$ between %% an between an ## litres an less then litres an less then aa litre. litre. !in small containers. !in some some small containers. Estimate which hol the most& Estimate which hol ss the most& least. use an e(en smaller least. 'ow 'ow use an e(en smaller container to measure) e.g an container to measure) e.g an egg*cup. how many egg* egg*cup. Count Count how many egg* cupfuls in each container. cupfuls in each container.
Kitchen Kitchen
How many steps to How many steps to climb to the top of climb to the top of the sli the sli e? e? How many How many altogether ifif you altogether you climb up twice? climb up twice?
What shapes can you What shapes can you see in the park? How see in the park? How many triangles? many triangles? cuboi - cuboi s? s? circles? - circles?
How many chil How many chil ren ren are at the park? are at the park? How many can How many ogs ogs can you see? you see?
How far are the swings How far are the swings from the sli from the sli e? e? Estimate first$ then Estimate first$ then count footsteps. count footsteps. Compare this Compare this measurement with the measurement with the istance between two istance between two other pieces of play other pieces of play equipment. equipment.
Park Park
+sk your +sk your frien an frien ss an family about family about their fa(ourite their fa(ourite piece of play piece of play equipment? equipment? Which is the Which is the most popular? most popular?
Count to %,, as Count to %,, as you are swinging. you are swinging.
How many whole turns How many whole turns can you on the can you oo on the roun roun about? about? (without getting dizzy!) (without getting dizzy!)