Badge: Valentine's Day
Badge: Valentine's Day
Badge: Valentine's Day
The Enrichment Project
Valentines Day
1. Learn about the holiday.
Valentines Day or Saint Valentines Day is observed on February 14 every year. Explore
the facts and ction of this holiday.
2. Around the world.
This holiday is celebrated in many countries, even those that do not consider it as such.
Find out about how others celebrate this holiday.
3. Paper valentines.
Paper valentines started in Great Britain with suggested verses in 1797. In the United
States, mass produced valentines appeared after 1847. Today, we purchase packages
with many smaller cards for people we care about and larger cards for those we love.
Of course, the Internet changed our giving even further with the ability to send e-cards.
Look at samples of valentines to see how they have changed over the years.
4. Flowers.
Flowers are another way we celebrate Valentines Day. Check out the meaning of various
owers before you purchase any. Which truly communicate what you want to share?
5. Candy and other sweets.
In Japan, the quality of the chocolate reects how one feels about the people she is
giving chocolate to on Valentines Day. While kids may not care about the quality of the
confections they receive, adults tend to be more discriminating. Try a few diferent types
of sweets and experience the diference before you give a gift of this type.
6. Time together.
You might want to go out to dinner, cuddle and watch a movie or nd another way to be
together. Explore the ways you can spend time with that person (or those people) closest
to you without being interrupted with everyday life.
7. Taking it up a notch.
Adults may nd champagne, jewelry and lingerie a much more tting gift for this holiday.
If you have a special someone to spend time with, explore the possibilities.
8. Single doesnt mean sad.
Being single doesnt mean you cant enjoy the holiday. Instead, do things for the people
you love, including yourself. Create the day you want.
Valentines Day
Celebrating love,
Valentines Day is a
holiday most people
cant wait to arrive.
Lets look at this
special holiday.
9. Celebrating for kids.
For kids, celebrating often includes sharing valentine cards and candy with classmates.
Sometimes they make their own cards and crafts. Check out the Enrichment Project badge
program Valentines Day Crafts for more information on these possibilities.
10. Your traditions.
Do you have your own traditions for Valentines Day? If not, explore what others do
to celebrate this holiday and start your own traditions.
Sites to Explore
Check out larajlas Enrichment Project
to start your own adventure.