HSC English Standard - Tom Brennan Essay

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The key takeaways are that drink driving has severe consequences and can destroy families and communities. Letting go of the past allows people to move forward.

Running symbolizes Tom's transition to a new phase of his life and helps him process his grief and anger towards Daniel. It also allows him to bond with Brendan.

Baseball is used as an enigma throughout Charlie St Cloud to represent the connection and bond between Charlie and his deceased brother Sam.

You cant alter the past. Only when individuals move on can they achieve Happiness.

Discuss this in relation to your understanding of The Story of Tom Brennan and one related text. The Story of Tom Brennan ! reflects modern youth! "y relating to situations such as teenagers experiencing loss from accidents whilst one is drun# driving! the use of first person narration of the protagonist engages the developing transition of the offenders family after the impact of the incident. This transition is descri"ed "y $.%.Bur#e in descriptive language! dialogue! metaphors and idiomatic first person narration to descri"e the themes of fear! Drin# Driving! relationships! friendships and irony. This is also evident in the related text! &%harlie St %loud movie! directed "y Burr Steers '()*)+! whereas the protagonist is portrayed as a victim. Drin# driving has played a strong role in modern society due to current status of deaths and accidents reoccurring display the medias presentation of young drivers as &hoons . The descriptive language of the car "eing a metaphor of change is significant in The story of Tom Brennan & Daniels "lue ,alcon up on a side against a tree..-the Brennans were changed forever . Tom who was a victim witnessed this as well the death of .icole and /u#e and his cousin ,in! who is left paralysed for the rest of his life. Toms emotions were "road which consisted of heavy guilt as well as anguish and pain for what Daniel had caused. The shame that was "rought upon Tom is evident when &0um"illi had turned their "ac#s on not only Tom "ut the Brennan family . The use of non linear structure engages the term &flash"ac#s to retell the incident throughout the novel to show the impacts and distraught the Brennan family are going through! which caused them to move out of their comfort 1one. $.% Bur#e conveys the offenders perspective whereas Burr Steers conveys from a victims perspective. .2hile most people search for somewhere to "elong! others re3ect the notion of "elonging. %harlie St %loud engages the connection of the protagonist &%harlie played "y 4ac 5fron! with the transition of reality to the afterlife. %harlies relationship to Sam is signified "y their close "onding of sporting activities! &what ever happens dont leave me! %harlie 6 7 wont . This signifies %harlies love for Sam as he screams &7 2ont and Sams voice echoing &Dont leave me . The use of Bright lighting in this scene! /ow

angle shot of ,lorio 'the paramedic+ as he shines the light at the two "oys! captures the glimpse of ,lorio glowing and "right indicating that he is a holy saviour. 8 flash of "right lighting is an enigma throughout the movie as a sym"olism of change occurring! the high angle shot of the ground as the trac#ing shot of the camera draws closer to the car! this "uilds suspense and distant sounds of the am"ulance approaching engages the audiences attention to the car. 2ith "arriers to society! coming into a new world can alter an individuals physical! spiritual or mental state. The Story of Tom Brennan is developed with the constant fear of what others thin#! which had led the Brennans to flee early in the morning to %oghill. &.. 9ast the ugly words that told us we werent wanted anymore! as they left their hometown in fear. The use of &:gly words is a reflection of the communities disgust with the family and creates a sense of mystery of what disaster had happened to cause this pain 2ith the move to %oghill and the use of collo;uial language we get an idea of the change of communities. The metaphor &Down! down we glided represents their reputation and moral standing in their town went downhill. The ,ear intensifies when it consumes the Brennans sense of sanity! similarity to %harlie St %loud with the fear of losing his "rother forever.

9eople within the same situation have a "etter understanding which can hinder or help their relationships with other people. Sam is represented "y a ghost figure that supports %harlie and helps him to move on. The 0ise en Scene where %harlie plays "ase"all with his dead "rother! &You cant do the solo race- You cant "e alone for < months indicates %harlies ina"ility to continue his passion for sailing. The lighting which is ;uite dull doesnt represent the fun and enthusiasm of "ase"all "ut represents the irony. The "ase"all glove and the "all is an enigma code throughout this film "ecause it is used to create fun and entertainment rather than 3ust conversation "etween the "rothers. %harlie St %loud demonstrates the connection of "ase"all "etween the "rothers! whereas running Tom and Brendans connection. The o"stacles individuals have to overcome can either positively or negatively impact on their life. Tom "egins to run again which is a motif and sym"olism through6out the play! it is a positive step for finding happiness and allows creating a strong "ond with Brendan. &..7 hadnt decided if 7 was playing ever again. 7 didnt #now

if 7 could without my "rother. 7t gives Tom a goal to achieve to "ecome fit enough for .epal. =unning is a ma3or transition which is metaphorical for training to enter a new world. This indicates the struggle which helps Tom let go of his anger towards Daniel. The reoccurring of events which "oth protagonists overcame with distinctive struggles that came with a price either positively or negatively determined their future. The use of film and literal techni;ues engaged the audiences perspectives of what each characters strengths and wea#ness were and how the situation was con;uered. /etting go of the past gives you strength to move forward! to see the light and strive for success.

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