New York City Voters Back Cuomo No-Tax Pre-K Plan, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds Keep The Carriage Horses, Voters Say Almost 3-1
New York City Voters Back Cuomo No-Tax Pre-K Plan, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds Keep The Carriage Horses, Voters Say Almost 3-1
New York City Voters Back Cuomo No-Tax Pre-K Plan, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds Keep The Carriage Horses, Voters Say Almost 3-1
New York City voters support 54 35 percent Gov. Andrew Cuomos plan to pay for universal pre kinder!arten usin! e"istin! state funds# wit$ no new ta"es# over %ayor &ill de &lasios plan to pay for pre ' wit$ a city income ta" $ike on families makin! more t$an (5))#))) per year# accordin! to a *uinnipiac +niversity poll released today. ,n anot$er -uestion# support for state funded universal pre ' is ./ 00 percent# t$e independent *uinnipiac 1'2,N u$ pe ack3 +niversity poll finds. 4n t$e ta" issue# support for Gov. Cuomos plan is /5 06 percent amon! 7epu8licans# 50 40 percent amon! 9emocrats# /) :. percent amon! independent voters# 5) 35 percent amon! men# 56 33 percent amon! women# 5/ 34 percent amon! w$ite voters# 50 4) percent amon! 8lack voters and 54 36 percent amon! ;ispanic voters. <oters wit$ c$ildren in pu8lic sc$ool support t$e !overnors no ta" pre ' plan 5: 4). A total of ./ percent of New York City voters say universal pre ' is =very effective> or =somew$at effective> in improvin! education for all c$ildren. A total of .: percent of voters say universal pre ' is =very effective> or =somew$at effective> in $elpin! to put poor c$ildren on a pat$ out of poverty. =?ust a8out every8ody favors %ayor &ill de &lasio@s call for universal pre kinder!arten instruction# 8ut most New Yorkers prefer Gov. Andrew Cuomo@s plan to do it wit$out a new ta"#> said *uinnipiac +niversity Aoll Assistant 9irector %aurice Carroll. =B$ould pre ' 8e mandatory like ot$er sc$oolin!C <oters say yes 5: 46 percent# less t$an t$e overw$elmin! support for t$e !eneral concept. <oters wit$ kids in pu8lic sc$ools say 56 43 percent t$at pre ' s$ould 8e mandatory.> -$%&'-
Q)*//*0*(+ U/*1'&-*.2 P%,,;M(&+9 19, 2014 < 0(=' 2 %ayor de &lasio s$ould increase t$e num8er of c$arter sc$ools# 4) percent of New York City voters say# w$ile 04 percent say $e s$ould decrease t$e num8er and 35 percent say $e s$ould keep t$e num8er t$e same. Bupport for increasin! t$e num8er of c$arter sc$ools ran!es from 3/ percent amon! 9emocrats to 5: percent amon! 7epu8licans# wit$ w$ite# 8lack and ;ispanic voter support all at a8out 4) percent. Amon! parents of pu8lic sc$ool c$ildren# 45 percent want more c$arters w$ile 04 percent want less and 35 percent say keep it t$e same. <oters are divided on w$et$er c$arter sc$ools s$ould 8e re-uired to pay rent w$en t$ey are located in New York City pu8lic sc$ools as 44 percent say pay and 46 percent say no. Au8lic sc$ool parents say no 54 4) percent. New York City voters !ive de &lasio a ne!ative 3. 45 percent ratin! for t$e way $e is $andlin! pu8lic sc$ools. Approval is 5) 4) percent amon! 8lack voters and 46 4: percent amon! 9emocrats. 9isapproval is 6. 00 percent amon! 7epu8licans# 55 :. percent amon! independent voters# 55 3: percent amon! w$ite voters and 5) 36 percent amon! ;ispanic voters. Au8lic sc$ool parents disapprove 55 35 percent. Bc$ool C$ancellor Carmen Darina !ets mi"ed !rades as 34 percent approve and 3/ percent disapprove. Au8lic sc$ool parents disapprove 45 36 percent. C(&&*(=' H%&-'New York City voters say /4 :4 percent t$at %ayor de &lasio s$ould not 8an $orse drawn carria!es from t$e city. 4pposition amon! every !roup listed ran!es from /) :. percent amon! 9emocrats and ;ispanic voters to ./ 6 percent amon! 7epu8licans. =4n an issue t$at $as !enerated an immense amount of interest wit$ cele8rities speakin! loudly on 8ot$ sides voters reEect almost 3 0 %ayor de &lasio@s opposition to $orse drawn carria!es#> Carroll said. Drom %arc$ 0: 06# *uinnipiac +niversity surveyed 0#:34 New York City voters# wit$ a mar!in of error of FG :.. percenta!e points. Hive interviewers call land lines and cell p$ones. I$e *uinnipiac +niversity Aoll# directed 8y 9ou!las Bc$wartJ# A$.9.# conducts pu8lic opinion surveys in Aennsylvania# New York# New ?ersey# Connecticut# Dlorida# 4$io# <ir!inia# ,owa# Colorado and t$e nation as a pu8lic service and for researc$. F%& $%&' */>%&$(.*%/, 1*-*. 9..0:;;???8@)*//*0*(+8'A);0%,,*/=, +(,, 320#4 562-5201, %& >%,,%? )- %/ T?*..'&8
3. Do you approve or disapprove of the way Carmen Farina is handling her job as New York City S hools Chan ellor! $ot +pprove Disapprove D#6N+ 3,34 .5 %ep ./23 .. Dem ,0.5 3/ &nd .1,0 3. 'en 333, 33 (om 3233 .1 (ht .1,0 3. )lk ,2.1 .3 "sp 3332 .1 "v#ids &n*ubS h 31,2 03
02. Do you approve or disapprove of the way 'ayor de )lasio is handling the publi s hools! $ot +pprove Disapprove D#6N+ 33,5 03 %ep 0013 00 Dem ,1,. 0. &nd .322 01 'en ,0,2 0, (om 3223 0. (ht 3.22 03 )lk 2/,/ 0/ "sp 312/ 03
./. Do you think 'ayor de )lasio should or should not ban horse drawn New York City! $ot Should ban Should not D#6N+ .,4, 00 %ep 134 1 Dem .34/ 0. &nd .,4, 0. 'en .44. 0. (om .344 00 (ht .344 00
$%7ND8 Do you think 'ayor de )lasio should or should not ban horse drawn New York City! 'ar 05 9an 04 ./0, ./0, Should ban Should not D#6N+ ., 4, 00 .3 40 00
arriages from
.2. Do you support or oppose the state government funding universal pre:# edu ation; so that all New York State hildren an attend pre:s hool! $ot Support <ppose D#6N+ 3400 3 %ep 403/ 5 Dem 534 0 &nd 3.02 3 'en 3,03 , (om 330/ . (ht 1503 , )lk 5.4 . "sp 5,2 . "v#ids &n*ubS h 503 0
.4. "ow effe tive do you think universal pre:# would be in improving edu ation for New York State hildren very effe tive; somewhat effe tive; not so effe tive; or not effe tive at all! $ot =ery effe tive 22Smwht effe tive 30 Not so effe tive 2 Not effe tive at all 1 D#6N+ . %ep .134 0, .0 . Dem 42.3 . 3 . &nd ,033 5 0/ . 'en ,532 1 1 3 (om 25.5 , 4 . (ht 3535 0/ 5 3 )lk 41.2 3 3 . "sp 10.. . , : "v#ids &n*ubS h 45.2 0 2 :
.1. "ow effe tive do you think universal pre:# would be in helping to put poor hildren on a path out of poverty> very effe tive; somewhat effe tive; not so effe tive; or not effe tive at all! $ot =ery effe tive ,3Smwht effe tive 35 Not so effe tive 3 Not effe tive at all 3 D#6N+ . %ep 04,. 03 .4 3 Dem 2333 2 3 0 &nd 3,,/ 00 0. 3 'en 35,0 5 5 3 (om ,133 4 1 . (ht 3/,2 0. 00 . )lk 223, 2 2 . "sp 2533 3 , . "v#ids &n*ubS h 2/31 2 1 :
.3. ?overnor +ndrew Cuomo wants to pay for pre:# for all New York State hildren without raising ta@es by using e@isting state funds. New York City 'ayor )ill de )lasio wants to pay for pre:# for New York City hildren by raising New York City in ome ta@es on households earning more than A2//;/// saying that if state funding gets ut; pre:# for New York City hildren will still be funded. Do you think that New York City should raise these ta@es to fund New York City pre:# or do you think that New York State should fund statewide pre:# without raising ta@es! $ot NYC w ta@ in rease 32NYS w e@isting funds 2, )<$" B=<CD 3 N7&$"7% B=<CD 3 D#6N+ 2 %ep 0145 . 3 , Dem ,020 3 0 2 &nd .34/ . , 1 'en 352/ . , 2 (om 3321 3 . 2 (ht 3,24 3 , 3 )lk ,/20 3 0 4 "sp 312, . : 1 "v#ids &n*ubS h ,/2. 3 3 .
.5. Do you think pre:# edu ation should be mandatory or optional! $ot 'andatory <ptional D#6N+ 2.,1 0 %ep 344. . Dem 4/35 0 &nd ,.24 . 'en ,320 . (om 22,, 0 (ht ,/23 . )lk 4433 : "sp 22,, 0 "v#ids &n*ubS h 21,3 :
3/. +s you may know; harter s hools are operated by private or non:profit organiEations. $he s hools are paid for with publi funds and do not harge tuition. Do you think the mayor should in rease the number of harter s hools; de rease the number of harter s hools; or keep the number of harter s hools the same! $ot &n rease De rease #eep the same D#6N+ ,/0, 35 1 %ep 2.1 35 . Dem 3403 35 1 &nd ,15 33 4 'en ,302 31 2 (om 3303 ,0 3 (ht 3501 31 1 )lk 350. ,3 4 "sp ,.0/ ,, , "v#ids &n*ubS h ,20, 32 4
30. Do you think harter s hools should be reFuired to pay rent when they are lo ated in New York City publi s hool buildings or not!
$ot Yes6*ay rent No D#6N+ 3.. Do you have any harter s hool! ,,,1 3
%ep 3/40 5
Dem ,3,3 5
&nd ,.20 1
'en ,1,2 5
(om ,3,5 3
(ht ,3,1 0/
)lk 2/,4 ,
"sp 3223 0.
hildren in a
%ep 45. 0
Dem 55/ 0
&nd 535 3
'en 453 0
(om 0/33 .
(ht ,52 0
)lk 0033 :
"sp 0130 .