General Pathophysiology: Predisposing Factors: Precipitating Factors

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General Pathophysiology

Predisposing factors: -Hereditary -Gender: Male -Age: 51 Precipitating factors: -Hypertension -Cardiovascular disease -Cigarette smoking -High cholesterol -Being overweight -Heavy Drinking -Obstructive sleep apnea -Diabetes Milletus

Narrowing of blood vessels

Formation of plaque deposit

Occlusion of major vessels

Increase pressure in the blood vessels

Due to thrombosis, some neurons die because of lack of oxygen and nutrients

CVA (Stroke)

Cerebral Ischemia

Initiation of ischemic cascade

Anaerobic metabolism of mitochondria, which generates a large amount of lactic acid

Transient Ischemic Attack (weakness of the face, fingers, hands, arms)

Altered Cerebral Metabolism and decrease cerebral perfusion

Damage of the hemisphere of brain

Increased Intracranial pressure

Impaired perfusion and function

-Numbness on the left side of the brain -Trouble speaking -Difficulty of walking, dizziness -Sudden severe headache If not managed If managed

Space occupying blood clot put more pressure on the brain tissue

-Pallative care -Frequent vital sign and neuro vital sign

The ruptured cerebral vessels may constrict to limit blood loss, however, this vasospasm will result to further ischemia and necrosis of brain tissue Good improvement Good cerebral perfusion


Good Prognosis

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