Level 2 Lessonplan 2

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Music Lesson Plan: Rhythm and Rover (lesson 2) Grade: 1

= Focus : concept and skills to emphasize

Beat/Tempo Rhythm Meter Form

Melody Harmony Tone Color

Materials/Equipment: Trombone Dry Erase sheet/markers/erasers Parachute

*Have first line of Rover written on board* Enter: 5 minutes -Welcoming song. Lead into circle seating -Run through Name Song review. Invite students to choose beat placement if I mess up their name. Transition: Who remembers what instrument I brought yesterday? I brought a different surprise today! Wait for all to be waiting quietly then bring out trombone. Demonstrate how making it longer makes it lower, etc. Rhythm: 10 minutes -2 min Toy Story game. Instruct students to use fast movements when the music is fast and slow movement for slow. -Have students sit down facing the board,review process for notating rhythm, dismiss them by birthday month to get sheet/marker/eraser. -Do a a few four beat patterns with Mrs. Droe keeping the beat on the board. -Choose a student to make up a four beat pattern to write on the board above the heartbeats. Pat beat and say the rhythm as a class. Tell class they will be the music detectives and find the mistake I make playing. Demonstrate multiple times and have a student write what I did play under the heartbeats. -Have students return their supplies while Mrs. Droe and I get out the parachute Melody: 10 minutes -Review ground rules: nobody touches parachute until I say, freeze position, fair turns,start down-go up on highest notes at end -I will sing the first few rounds of game with students just listening then invite students to join in singing while we play. -Put parachute away. Direct students attention to the board with lyrics written on them. Work through the first line with students notating solfege- what notes have we been working on? yesterday we figured out that was is the la. . .. Sing through with words then with solfege first with me then without me. Reading: 5 minutes -Read next chapter of Magic Tree House -Dismiss to line up, give daily points, and walk out to teacher

Nat. Music Standard(s) Achieved:

! Singing,

alone and with others, a varied repertoire DATE: of music ! Performing on instruments, alone and with Objectives: others, a varied repertoire of music ! Improvising melodies, variations and accompaniments ! Composing and arranging music within specific guidelines !Process: Reading and notating music ! Listening to, analyzing, and describing music ! Evaluating music and music performances ! Understanding relationships between music, the other arts and disciplines outside the arts ! Understanding music in relation to history and culture

Iowa Core Curriculum: - Math - Literacy - Social Studies - Science - 21st Century Skills

Stage of Teaching: - Introduce - Reinforce - Assess

Experience: - Speak - Play - Listen - Sing - Move



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