LPN Job Posting
LPN Job Posting
LPN Job Posting
Requisition #: 275838 Union: AUPE AUX Classification Title: Licensed Practical Nurse Department: SZ CARD HOSP NU C !"dSr# Open: 2$%&'$3'28 Close: 2$%&'$&'$7 Location: Cardst(n Healt) Centre ' At City: Cardst(n Employee Class: *e +(rar, Part'*i e FTE: $-5$ Date !aila"le: 2$%&'$&'%& End Date: 2$%5'$5'27 #ours Per $%ift: 7-75 Len&t% of $%ift Cycle: & $%ift Per Cycle: %$ $%ift: Da,s. E/enin#s. Ni#)ts. 0ee1ends Days Off: As Per R(tati(n Rates of Pay: "ini u 2 25-%7 +er )(ur "a3i u 2 32-45 +er )(ur 'e%icle Required: N( Cate&ory: Nursin# ' Practical Nurse
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*)e Licensed Practical Nurse +r(/ides sa6e and e66ecti/e nursin# care acc(rdin# t( H(s+ital78acilit, +(licies and nursin# care standards- 0(r1in# 9it)in t)e 6ull sc(+e (6 +ractice. t)e LPN (!ser/es. (nit(rs. re+(rts. and d(cu ents c)an#es in t)e +atient:s +),sical. ental. and e (ti(nal state. assists t)e +atient 9it) acti/ities (6 dail, li/in# and +r(/ides +atient and 6a il, 9it) rele/ant in6(r ati(n and teac)in#- *)e LPN is res+(nsi!le t( c(lla!(rate as a e !er (6 t)e )ealt) care