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Teaching Philosophy Establishing a foundation of knowledge for students to realize the enjoyment and positive effects of becoming and

maintaining physically fit and active is one of the most important components of any effective physical education curriculum. In order to establish this foundation in a positive and beneficial light, a physical educator must have the desire to pass on their own knowledge to broaden student learning as well as a passion for teaching. Teaching can be both an intrinsically and extrinsically rewarding experience and never lose its thrill. With an open mind and sheer love for passing on knowledge, I anticipate a long career in the teaching profession. Effective physical education has changed significantly over the years. In this era, detailed, structured, and developmentally appropriate lesson plans must be implemented to engage students in each of the three domains: psychomotor, cognitive, and affective. We aim for our students to become physically literate so they may possess the ability to understand and perform a variety of movements and skills, and so that they can proficiently demonstrate and teach them themselves. To teach and develop these characteristics through constructivism, we as teachers can provide various opportunities for our students while maintaining structure and upholding standards. This allows students to develop a sense of self-actualization and determine their true interests and passion. While aiding in the students exploration of interests, teachers must still maintain class organization and create a safe learning environment. Structuring the environment to allow optimal learning and implementing managerial and instructional components in a classroom is critical. Small managerial tasks, such as keeping students backs to distractions, having a known

signal for attention and putting the class into squads can allow your class to run virtually effortlessly. Planning the lessons content as well delivering that content is instrumental in running a successful class. Using command and practice teaching styles together often work very well and allocates for optimal learning to occur. It also allows the teacher to observe and assess students performance levels which enables them to create more appropriate lesson plans based on ability and providing students with positive corrective feedback. This gives students the opportunity to progress at an ideal rate and learn most adventitiously. Students must view their teacher as a mentor, someone they strive to become; just as a teacher, should view his/her students as protgs. To establish this relationship, students as protgs, students need to be held accountable for their behaviors. This will give them a sense of responsibility. Being proactive by creating clear rules, stating what students will do must be introduced immediately as the school year begins along with a clear list of consequences for their actions. After the rules and routines of the classroom are learned, fewer issues should occur. Being consistent in upholding rules and consequences, students will be aware of your authority and position and in turn, be more respectful as a whole. My goal as an educator is to influence and impact childrens lives by enlightening them on how to become more healthy and physically active and to provide the most ideal learning environment for all students. To achieve this, a tremendous amount of effort, planning, and patience is required. Impacting their lives in ways that advocates lifelong fitness is the most awarding experience of all. My desire to be a part of childrens educational experience by sharing my knowledge of physical education and my own lifelong fitness plan is all the motivation I need to maintain a high level of excellence in teaching.

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