Introduccion OpenSees

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Advanced Analysis and Modeling Techniques in Structural Earthquake Engineering

Finley A. Charney, Ph.D. P.E. Francisco Flores, Ph.C.

Lecture Date 1 March 13 Introduction to OpenSEES and TCL Topic
Introduction to OpenSees. Install Tcl and OpenSees. Modeling a 2 Story frame. Apply gravity loads and lateral loads. Check forces and reactions. March 20 Introduction to Perform Modal Analysis using the 2-Story model developed OpenSEES and TCL, in first class. Continued Matlab: Animate modes and create videos of the animations. March 27 Using Phenemonological Write a script that performs a cyclic test on a zero length Models in OpenSEES element and check different materials. Matlab: Use matlab to create an input file for OpenSees and create a video that tries different material parameters to match a specific cyclic test. April 3 Using Fiber Models in Using Fiber Models in OpenSEES OpenSEES in OpenSEES Application: Obtain Moment-Rotation plot using a concrete section with fibers. April 10 Modeling a SMF without Modeling a 2Story frame including plastic hinges at beams panel zones and columns. Analyze under gravity loads and obtain periods. April 24 Geometric Perform Pushover analysis and compare curves including Nonlinearities in and not including P-Delta effects. OpenSEES TBD* Modeling Inherent Perform Free Vibration analysis using model created in Damping in OpenSEES previous class. Matlab: Use matlab to calculate inherent damping from the 2 analysis.

Lecture Date 8 May 8 Ground Motion Selection and Scaling Topic Use of Spectrum Matching tool and Toolkit scaling module


May 15 Incremental Dynamic Analysis

May 22 Example Application of Chapter 16

Application: Write script to perform nonlinear dynamic analysis and Incremental dynamic analysis.
Modeling 3D structures in OpenSees and other advanced modeling capabilities

12 13 14 15 16

May 29 Example Application of Chapter 16, continued June 5 Example application of Chapter 16, continued
June 12 Example Application of Chapter 16, continued June 19 Example Application of P695 June 26 Example Application of P695, continued July 3 Example Application of P695, continued

Development of 3D example for Chapter 16 analysis

Static pushover and evaluation of torsional response Dynamic analysis and compliance with acceptance criteria Learning the ToolKit. Use the 2-story model frame to perform analyses. Using the ToolKit to perform Pushover, IDA and create scripts to run in parallel. Example of how to submit files to run IDA analyses using NeesHub. The scripts to run the analyses are given by the ToolKit.

Introduccin OpenSees

OpenSees por sus siglas Open System for Earthquake Engineering Simulation fue desarrollado por el Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) con el apoyo del National Science Foundation. Este software es utilizado para investigacin y simulacin de sistemas geotcnicos y estructurales. OpenSees usa Tcl/Tk como lenguaje de programacin y se extendi con comandos para OpenSees. El modelamiento de estructuras es muy flexible, permite la seleccin de distintos elementos y materiales en conjunto con diferentes aproximaciones cinemticas para considerar grandes desplazamientos y efectos P-Delta. Tiene distintos procedimientos y algoritmos para dar solucin a problemas no-lineales estticos y dinmicos. 5

Descargar OpenSees y Tcl/Tk.

Instalar Tcl/Tk: la localizacin por defecto para instalar este programa es C:\tcl, es muy importante cambiar esto a "C:\Program Files\Tcl" durante la instalacin. Si al correr OpenSees aparece el error Cannot find tcl85.dll es porque no cambio el lugar donde se debe instalar Tcl y se debe reinstalar. Finalmente ubicar ejecutable de OpenSees (opensees.exe) en el directorio deseado.

Pasos para realizar anlisis en OpenSees:

1. Definir modelo
Define Model (2D o 3D)

2. Geometra
3. Definir resultados a grabar (Recorders)

Model Geometry

4. Anlisis

Define Recorders


1. Definir Modelo
1. Definir modelo

Definir si modelo va a ser en 2D o 3D y el nmero de grados de libertad.

Model Command: Se usa para definir las dimensiones y el nmero de grados de libertad del modelo.
model BasicBuilder -ndm $ndm <-ndf $ndf>

2. Geometra
2. Geometra En este paso, todos los nodos, elementos, materiales, restricciones y cargas son definidas.

2. Geometra
Node Command: Comando utilizado para definir nudos de la estructura. Asigna coordenadas y masas (opcional).
node $nodeTag (ndm $coords) <-mass (ndf $massValues)>

Element Command: Comando utilizado para construir un elemento:

element eleType? arg1? ...


Tipos de Elementos en OpenSees:

ZERO LENGTH ELEMENTS zeroLength Element zeroLengthND Element zeroLengthSection Element CoupledZeroLength Element zeroLengthContact Element zeroLengthContactNTS2D zeroLengthInterface2D zeroLengthImpact3D JOINT ELEMENTS BeamColumnJoint Element ElasticTubularJoint Element Joint2D Element LINK ELEMENTS Two Node Link Element TRUSS ELEMENTS Truss Element Corotational Truss Element BEAM-COLUMN ELEMENTS Elastic Beam Column Element Elastic Beam Column Element with Stiffness Modifiers Beam With Hinges Element Displacement-Based Beam-Column Element Force-Based Beam-Column Element Flexure-Shear Interaction Displacement-Based Beam-Column Element

BEARING ELEMENTS Elastomeric Bearing Element Flat Slider Bearing Element Single Friction Pendulum Bearing Element TFP Bearing Triple Friction Pendulum MultipleShearSpring Element MultipleNormalSpring Element KikuchiBearing Element BRICK ELEMENTS Standard Brick Element Bbar Brick Element Twenty Node Brick Element Twenty Seven Node Brick Element SSPbrick Element

QUADRILATERAL ELEMENTS Quad Element Shell Element ShellNL Bbar Plane Strain Quadrilateral Element Enhanced Strain Quadrilateral Element SSPquad Element U-P ELEMENTS UC San Diego u-p element (saturated soil) Four Node Quad u-p Element Brick u-p Element bbarQuad u-p Element bbarBrick u-p Element Nine Four Node Quad u-p Element Twenty Eight Node Brick u-p Element Twenty Node Brick u-p Element Brick Large Displacement u-p Element SSPquadUP Element SSPbrickUP Element


MISC ShallowFoundationGen SurfaceLoad Element

CONTACT ELEMENTS SimpleContact2D Element SimpleContact3D Element BeamContact2D Element BeamContact3D Element BeamEndContact3D Element zeroLengthImpact3D


2. Geometra
SP_Constraints: (Single Point Constraint): Los comandos para crear este tipo de constraints son: fix, fixX, fixY, fixZ.

MP_Constraints: (Multi Point Constraint): Comandos usados para este tipo de constraints : equalDOF rigidDiaphragm, rigidLink.
Pattern Command: Comandos usados para definir cargas.


3. Recorders
3. Recorders:
element eleType? arg1? ...

Node Node Recorder Node Envelope Recorder Drift Recorder Element/Section/Fiber Element Recorder ElementEnvelopeRecorder Graphics Plot Recorder

4. Anlisis
4. Anlisis: En este paso, los mtodos a usar para analizar la estructura son definidos. En OpenSees, un anlisis esta compuesto por diferentes partes o componentes definidas por el usuario. Los componentes a definir previo a todo anlisis son:


4. Anlisis
1. ConstraintHandler: Determina como las ecuaciones de los constraints definidos son realizados en el anlisis. Maneja las condiciones de borde o desplazamientos impuestos. a) Plain Constraints: Usado comnmente con comandos tales como (fix command) o (equalDOF command). b) Lagrange Multipliers c) Penalty Method d) Transformation Method
constraints constraintType? arg1? ...


4. Anlisis
2. DOF_Numberer: Determina la manera en que los grados de libertad son numerados para resolver las ecuaciones. Se los puede renumerar para optimizar la matriz de rigidez y hacer ms rpido el anlisis.
a) Plain Numberer b) Reverse Cuthill-McKee Numberer c) Alternative_Minimum_Degree Numberer
numberer numbererType? arg1? ...


4. Anlisis
3. SystemOfEqn/Solver: Especifica como guardar y resolver el sistema de ecuaciones en el anlisis.
a) b) c) d) e) f) BandGeneral SOE BandSPD SOE ProfileSPD SOE SuperLU SOE UmfPack SOE FullGeneral

system systemType? arg1? ...

g) SparseSYM SOE h) Mumps


4. Anlisis
4. Convergence Test: Determina el mtodo para verificar la convergencia del sistema.
a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Norm Unbalance Test Norm Displacement Increment Test Energy Increment Test Relative Norm Unbalance Test Relative Norm Displacement Increment Test Total Relative Norm Displacement Increment Test Relative Energy Increment Test Fixed Number of Iterations
test testType? arg1? ...


4. Anlisis
5) SolutionAlgorithm: Determina la secuencia de pasos a tomar para resolver las ecuaciones nolineales en el tiempo presente (t). a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Linear Algorithm Newton Algorithm Newton with Line Search Algorithm Modified Newton Algorithm Krylov-Newton Algorithm Secant Newton Algorithm BFGS Algorithm Broyden Algorithm algorithm algorithmType? arg1? ...


4. Anlisis
6. Integrator: determina el paso a predecir para el tiempo t+dt.
Static Integrators: a) Load Control b) Displacement Control c) Minimum Unbalanced Displacement Norm d) Arc-Length Control Transient Integrators: a) Central Difference b) Newmark Method c) Hilber-Hughes-Taylor Method d) Generalized Alpha Method e) TRBDF2
integrator integratorType? arg1? ...


4. Anlisis
7. Analysis: Define el tipo de anlisis a ser ejecutado.
analysis analysisType? analysisType Static - for static analysis Transient - for transient analysis with constant time step VariableTransient - for transient analysis with variable time step


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