IntotoPLSQL Newclass
IntotoPLSQL Newclass
IntotoPLSQL Newclass
What is PL/SQL
Procedural Language SQL An extension to SQL with design features of programming languages (procedural and object oriented) PL/SQL and Java are both supported as internal host languages within Oracle products.
Acts as host language for stored procedures and triggers. Provides the ability to add middle tier business logic to client/server applications. Provides Portability of code from one environment to another Improves performance of multi-query transactions. Provides error handling
FUNCTION <name> RETURN <datatype> IS BEGIN -statements EXCEPTION END;
Note: Non PL/SQL variables include bind variables, host (global) variables, and parameters.
PL/SQL Comments
DECLARE v_salary number(9,2) := 40000; BEGIN /* this is a multi-line comment that will be ignored by the pl/sql interpreter */ v_salary := v_salary * 2; -- nice raise END; -- end of program
SET SERVEROUTPUT ON DECLARE v_max_gpa number(3,2); v_numstudents number(4); v_lname students.lname%type; v_major students.major%type; BEGIN select max(gpa) into v_max_gpa from students; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('The highest GPA is '||v_max_gpa); select count(sid) into v_numstudents from students where gpa = v_max_gpa; IF v_numstudents > 1 then DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('There are '||v_numstudents||' with that GPA'); ELSE select lname, major into v_lname, v_major from students where gpa=v_max_gpa; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('The student name is '||v_lname); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('The student major is '||v_major); END IF; END;
Set serveroutput on DECLARE v_student students%rowtype; BEGIN select * into v_student from students where sid='123456'; DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (v_student.lname); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (v_student.major); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (v_student.gpa); END; /
A cursor is a private set of records An Oracle Cursor = VB recordset = JDBC ResultSet Implicit cursors are created for every query made in Oracle Explicit cursors can be declared by a programmer within PL/SQL.
Cursor Attributes
cursorname%ROWCOUNT cursorname%FOUND cursorname%NOTFOUND Cursorname%ISOPEN Rows returned so far One or more rows retrieved No rows found Is the cursor open
DECLARE CURSOR students_cursor IS SELECT last, major from students; v_Last students.last%type; v_major students.major%type; BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('******************'); OPEN students_cursor; FETCH students_cursor into v_last, v_major; WHILE students_cursor%found LOOP DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (v_last); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (v_major); DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE ('******************'); FETCH students_cursor into v_last, v_major; END LOOP; CLOSE students_cursor; END; /
Stored Procedures
PL/SQL code stored in the database and executed when called by the user. Called by procedure name from another PL/SQL block or using EXECUTE from SQL+. For example EXEC SQR(50) Example: Create procedure SQR (v_num_to_square IN number) AS v_answer number(10); BEGIN v_answer := v_num_to_square * v_num_to_square; dbms_output.put_line(v_answer); END; /
PL/SQL user defined function stored in the database and executed when a function call is made in code: example x := SQUARED(50) Example: Create or Replace Function SQUARED (p_number_to_square IN number) RETURN number IS v_answer number(10); BEGIN v_answer := p_number_to_square * p_number_to_square; RETURN(v_answer); END; /
PL/SQL code executed automatically in response to a database event, typically DML. Like other stored procedures, triggers are stored in the database. Often used to:
enforce complex constraints, especially multi-table constraints. Financial posting is an example of this. Trigger related actions implement auditing logs pop a sequence when creating token keys
Triggers do not issue transaction control statements (such as commit). Triggers are part of the SQL transaction that invoked them. USER_TRIGGERS provides a data dictionary view of triggers.
CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER <trigger_name> [BEFORE/AFTER][DELETE/INSERT/UPDATE of <column_name |, column_name |> ON <table_name> |FOR EACH ROW| |WHEN <triggering condition>| |DECLARE| BEGIN trigger statements END; To delete a trigger use: DROP TRIGGER <trigger_name>;
CREATE SEQUENCE <sequence_name> |INCREMENT BY <number>| |START WITH <start_value>| |MAXVALUE <maximum_value>|NOMAXVALUE| |MINVALUE <minimum_value>| |CYCLE|NOCYLE| |CACHE <number of values>|NOCACHE| |ORDER|NOORDER|
To pop the next sequence use: SEQUENCENAME.NEXTVAL (CURRVAL shows last pop)