How to Make Triangular Pieces 27
Using origami paper 27 Vsing flyer or wrapping paper 28 Using craft paper 29
Instruetions 30
Photographer: Yasuyuki Okada Translator: Yoko Ishiguro Project editor: lkuko Mitsuoka English editor: Mieko Saba
Origami, or paper folding, has long been recognized as a hobby for children. It is fun to create a familiar figure simply by folding a square of origami paper, and when a project is done, you might want to keep it as a decoration. However, authentic origami figures 'are so light-weight and fragile they don't last long nor stand by themselves, and they were meant to be thrown away after all.
This book introduces you to an innovative approach to origami craft. The projects are heavy-weight and stable so you can keep them as ornaments. A small rectangular piece of paper is folded into a tiny, "magic" triangle. Make as many pieces as you. can and build the figures or structures you fancy. You can suit your own sense by changing colors and numbers of pieces in certain rows, and by using paper of different thicknesses or textures. The possibities are e~dless.
Origami is quite a time-consuming craft, but you need no special tools or workplace. With just paper and scissors, 3D origami is fun for all ages. In Japan, it has also become popular among people recovering after all illnesses. Everybody can enjoy fold'ing and interlocking the "magic" triangles just as you would patchwork, knit or build with Lego'" blocks.
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No part of this book or portions thereof may be reproduced in any form or by any means including electronic retrieval systems w.thout prior written approval from the author or publisher.
Printed in Japan
FISH: P.10
Our daily life is filled with various kinds of paper that are destined to be thrown away; catalogs, wrapping paper, magazines, tickets, flyers, etc. Before just getting rid of them, why don't you consider recycling them by creating delightful 3D figures? Save glossy, thick papers, patterned or solid, for later use.
each basic rectangle should be 2" X 4", you can cut any size used paper down to that size out
from any used paper. Surp r isbeautiful effects will be ned when patterned pieces are bled together. This handicraft
be satisfying to you in a number learning a new skill, a
use of your time, and
ted paper into an
Fold in half.
Fold in half again.
Make a triangle at the center. (See P.28 for details>.
Fold in bottom corners.
Stack by inserting the points of triangles.
Prepare necessary number of triangles.
Fold in half again.
Fold in half.
Use one half of a Fold in half to make a Fold in half in the other
Fold up (upper flap) so the bottom edge aligns with the left.
Turn over and fold in the same manner.
Fold in half to complete a basic triangular piece.
Open as shown. Fold down upper cor- Fold down in half. ners.
There are 3 types of triangle, according to the project. See P.27 -29 for more details.
Each of the three sides of the triangle has a different form of edge, which enables the crafter to vary the direction of inserting more pieces, creating 2D or 3D designs.
------ ... '"
Instructions: "-aJV-4"
--#6 _
------ TW.O-T~E RING
Hold the first piece with your Hold the second piece with Insert two points into double Insert deeply as shown. left hand, the pockets facing your right hand so two pocket of the first piece.
you. pointed points face left.
Insert two points of the third piece into double pocket.
Continue so the pocket side alternates its angle, vertically and diagonally.
Apply a dash of glue between Completed RING. pieces, adjusting the shape.
* Pieces used in the actual project are smaller. 7
!!! ....
.. ..
Different colors are used here for easy comprehension.
Make 40 triangular pes.
Place 3 pes, as Row 1, double Row 3: Insert 5 pes.
pockets down. Join them with 4
pes, by inserting double points
into adjoining pockets of 2 pes.
Row 4: Insert 6 pes.
Row 5: Insert 5 pcs., leaving side triangles unworked .
Row 6: Insert 4 pes.
Row 7: Insert 3 pes.
Row 8: Insert 2 pcs.
Row 9: Put 1 pc. between 2 pcs. of Row 8, and glue to secure.
1& 1U1
I~ I~
Cover it again with 1 pc .. inserting into outer pockets.
Fore legs: Open 1 pc. and insert one point into an outer pocket of Row 2. Repeat on the other side.
Head: Insert 1 pc. into center piece of Row 1 .
Cover with 1 pc. inserting into adjoining pockets.
Hind legs: Open 1 pc. and insert one point into an outer pocket of Row 6. Glue to secure. Repeat on the other side.
Glue on eyes to finish.
Instructions: P.39
Most larger projects are constructed on a round base. Once you have' learned the trick of the triangula"! pieces, this sunflower can be a goo(l basis from which to start to proceeci to more com plicated d~signs. The I pieces you start with, the mort'l can join them, althoughl hole will t* enlarged as' to' pfactice joiningl
s of pieces securely.
Completed 6" diameter Materials #24: 54
48 #25: 54 24 24
'<>M,:,nr.I<>", of craft paper (yellow) ~rt'~nnll<>", of craft paper (browm) :>M!OInr,I",,,, of craft paper (yellow) 'crt<:>nr,I",c> of craft paper (black) 'art,<:>nr,I",c> of craft paper (ocher)
\ -
Repeat to make a 5-6 pc, cluster.
Interlock 1 pc, so as to covering the adjoining points.
24 pes. are inserted all around.
Keep adding until 12 pes, are inserted.
Increase petals by inserting 1 pc, into the opening between every 2 pes,
Hold the flower downside up, and insert a piece held at the double pocket into adjacent openings.
Secure by gluing the final row pieces from the back side.
When 18 pes, are added, turn over and adjust the angles of petals.
Make several clusters until 24 pes, are joined. Join into a ring and glue to secure.
Holding the double pocket side of a yellow piece, insert its points into adjoining pockets.
Now, the real color petals, 36 in all.
Apply glue all over the back side and attach onto a cardboard.
First make a circular base with triangular pieces. Then stack upward to create a 3D project. Once you have mastered the construction of the first piece, which is a little tricky, various shapes can be constructed as you wish. Start with a small number of pieces and proceed to more elaborate designs using a larger number of pieces.
Instructions for #26 & #27: P.40
TOOTHPICK HOLDER Instructions for #28 - #30: P .35
Instructions for #31-#33: P.41
MINI PINEAPPLE Instructions for #36 & #37: P.44
Pedestal tor Pineapple
, #39 LEMON Instructions: P.67
#38 WATERMELON ctions: P.46
Instructions: PA7
Instructions for #46 - #48: P .56
CROWNED CRANE for #52 & #53: P .52
Instructions: P.53
TEMARI BALL Instructions for #49 & #50: P.68
· J
PENGUIN Instructions--=:fQL #69 & #70:
Instructions for #71 & #72: P.84
I nstructions for #73 & #74: P .86 25
Instructions: P.78
Instructions: P.78
.Using origami paper: Type "/1('
The rectangular piece for Type "~' has an exact ratio of 2 : 1 for length to width because it is a half of square origami paper. Some projects require other types which have a slightly different ratio. (See P.28-29.)
~ 0------)------
Back side
\l--------K~ I
Fold in half.
Turn over. /
~------~ ~------~
Folf up corner.
'-- ......J
Cut origami in half.
Fold corners in.
Fold in half again.
Fold up corner.
(@ Fold in half.
Completed piece
* Basic Assembly
*Note the differences between the three sides.
Double points
In most cases triangles are joined by inserting double points of a triangle into the double pockets of new trianqles.
Hold two pieces together, double points facing up, then stack on a new piece by inserting the middle points into the double pockets. This makes the second row that connecs the pieces of the first row at the same time.
Usually commercial paper does not have the I exact ratio of 2 to 1 for its length to width. Sc the width of Type "8" rectangle is slightly longer than a half of the length. This type piece is oftel\ useful.
.Using flyer or wrapping paper: Type "8"
[Cut into rectangles]
Layer several sheets aligning edges. Fold and cut into halves.
@ -..====;====i1
Fold and cut into Icn-F=====.I halves again.
13/ "
74 ~ Cut
Basic rectangle
[Fold into triangles]
Precisely fold each into % rectangle, and cut.
Enlarged. 0 ~--- 'trF=====-
8 rectangles are made.
Fold corners in.
--------)~ ------- CD~ '2"~ -----+--~!
\bI Fold in half again.
& Tum ova.
Double pocket V2 is tormed.:?
~ Completed peice
Fold in half.
® Fold down.
./ Va" difference
Fold up corner.
IUsing craft paper: Type "C"
Commercial rectangular papers are available at handicraft shops. This Type "C" rectangle has a width slightly less than a half of the length.
Fold in half again.
Fold in half.
Fold corners in.
Fold up corner.
Turn over.
Fold up corner.
Fold down.
Fold in half.
@) ~DoUble~
pocket VcomPleted. is formed.
OCutting board 8Flyer
@)Ruler 8Scissors (3Paper cutter 0Bamboo skewer
to apply glue .Wood glue f3f)4I!)Craft papers
~@w 1l@ ~&~§ 1llF3~[}!J®(!!Jlb&lF3 ~O§@§0
.Using flyer or wrapping paper: Type "8" Usually commercial paper does not have thl exact ratio of 2 to 1 for its length to width. ~ the width of Type "8" rectangle is slightly long, than a half of the length. This type piece is oftet useful.
[Cut into rectangles]
Layer several sheets aligning edges. Fold and cut into halves.
Fold and cut into 1rm======.1 halves again.
1----- ---
1%" ~ Cut
Basic rectangle
Precisely fold each into % rectangle, and cut.
Enlarged. 0 ~--- 'uF=:::J
@~ + ~=Repeat. tIL_J __ ...LI_~l a
8 rectangles are made.
[Fold into triangles]
L- ~~
Fold in half.
Fold in half again.
Fold corners in.
Double pocket f/2 is torrned.:"
~ Completed peice
® Fold down.
lfa" difference
/ ~
/ /
& Tum ave
Fold up corne
.Using craft paper: Type "C"
Fold in half.
Fold corners in.
Commercial rectangular papers are available at handicraft shops. This Type "C" rectangle has a width slightly less than a half of the length.
Fold in half again.
Fold up corner.
Turn over.
Fold up corner.
OCutting board 8Flyer
@)Ruler eScissors ti)Paper cutter (3Bamboo skewer
to apply glue flWood glue Of)4D)Craft papers
~ Double -r=?
pocket . VcomPleted. is formed.
Fold down.
Fold in half.
Materials RING: 50 11,.2" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (gradated color) CRANE: 1 3" square origami (solid color)
Note See P.? for "RING" instructions.
Fold in half.
~ To stand, pull down wings.
Fold in half again.
Spread out from inside and press down to make squares on both sides.
Inside told"
. Fold to meet at the center.
// Un
~ Bring up;
and press
fold alor
creases. Inside fold"': Iylake a crease at an angle and unfold. Spread and fold up using the crease. Fold again.
Materials RING: 52 11h" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (gradated color) FROG: 1 3" square origami (green, colored on both sides) Note See P.? for "RING" instructions.
/CJ' ~~~::
T urn over. I2!6J I U ---v
i ~ 7' Enlarged. --1
~-r:-}J1 \
Bring 3 corners to the center.
Fold down up
Materials RING: 50 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (gr;adated color) GOLDFISH: 1 3" square origami (red, colored on both sides) Note See P.7 for "RING" instructions.
Fold corners down.
Fold in half.
Fold up upper flaps.
Flip to the right, leaving little
allowance, to make tail. "-
Fold up upper flap.
Spread out from inside and press down to show the sides. "
tL (j)
Completed GOLDFISH.
Fold back.
®~ ~@)
~ --}-
_ Spread out from inside and Fold up
press down. <r Enlarged upper flap.
Fold back.
ld ~
Fold back Sl es. r-7'.--".A
Fold down upper flap.
Eyes are made.
Make creases along eyes.
Fold triangles in half.
Completed FROG.
#2 & #3 ORNAMENT STAND (P.6) :;:~~::'~i
Materials :1+2: 12 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (gradated color) :1+3: 12 4%" x 9%" rectangles of origami paper (6 colors)
Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used.
Holding the first piece double pocket facing left, insert the points of the second piece into the longer pockets, not too deeply.
Insert the third piece into the second.
Insert the fourth piece into the third.
Fold again to make reinforced leg. Make 4.
Make legs. Unfold a triangular piece. Place another unfolded piece in the center.
Push the corners inward to make table top.
Insert the points of the fir piece into the fourth.
Unfold one triangle of a IE and insert into the low pocket of table top.
Repeat with the remaining legs.
Bring the triangular flap onto the "table top". Repeat with remaining legs.
Insert the final flap under the first triangle.
Materials #7: 9 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (dark green) 1 3- x 6" rectangle of origami paper (browm)
#8: 5 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (green)
1 3" x 6" rectangle of origami paper (brown)
11 sequins and beads
Make trunk
See left, CD to @.
Fold in half.
f<) Inserting points
Make triangles for leaves.
(2) Fold in half again.
------ \_-----
Back side)
Fold in half.
(f) Fold corners in.
Fold up corner.
r==~'/==9 Turn over.
Fold up corner.
® Fold in half. Completed piece
pocket -)
1/8" difference.
9 pes. are used ~ for FIR TREE.
Glue on sequins and beads.
5 pes. are used for Trunk TREE WITH LIGHTS.
Trunk assembly
Completed size #16 & #17: 2" wide, 5" long #18 & #19: 1Vs" wide, 3Vs" long Materials #16: 16 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (gradated color)
12 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (solid)
#17: 28 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (assorted colors)
#18 & #19: 28 1%" x 3%" rectangles of glossy paper (from magazine) 2 %" diam. plastic eyes each
* See opposite page for diagram.
Hold the first piece double pocket facing Insert into 3 pes, to make Row 3.
the left, and insert its points into the
adjoining pockets oftwo pes, to form Row 2.
Join 4 pes, as Row 6. Open side triangles of Row 5 to form fins.
Join 4 pes, as Row 4, then 5 pes, f Row 5.
Join 3 pes, as Row 7. Insert side flaps of Row 6 into the outer pockets.
Insert the center 4 points into 1 pc, form Row 8.
Insert all points into 1 pc, Repeat Row 10 so the tail tapers.
Make tail fin: Join 2 pes, to make Row 11, and 1 pc, for Row 12.
Glue on eyes to finish.
- --
Completed size :1128 & #30: 2" high, H4" wide :1129: 2W' high, 2" wide Materials #28: 64 11;2" x 3" rectangles of patterned wash; paper
5 11;2" x 3" rectangles of solid wash; paper
#29: 69 1%" x 3%" rectangles of glossy paper (from magazine) #30: 69 1W' x 3" rectangles of patterned wash; paper
Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used.
. { \7 ················Row 12 (1 pc.) Tall
\7 \7 Row 11 (2 pes.)
\7 ··············Row 10 (1 pc.) 9 (1 pc.)
#16 - #19 GOLDFISH & FISH
r;\7~ ROW
~ ············Row
8 (1 pc.) 7 (3 pes.)
Fin \7\7\7\7 Row 6 (4 pes.)
L\7\7\7\7\7·········Row 5 (5 pes.)
\7\7\7\7 Row 4 (4 pes.)
Eye. ~ttaching_ \7 \7 \7 Row 3 (3 pes.)
position ••
\7 \7 Row 2 (2 pes.)
\7 Row 1 (1 pc.)
Hold a pair of pieces, double pockets down and the right angles away from you. Join them with a piece, the right angle facing you. Repeat to make 6 3·pc sets.
Rows 3-5: Join in the same direction. The center of bottom is somewhat twisted.
vvvvvvvVvVvvVvvvvvvvvvvv·········Row 4 HAT VvvVvVvvVvvvvv\7vvvvvvvvv···········Row 3 vvvvvvvvVVVvVV\7VVVV\7vvvv·········Row 2
241 in e row
£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.···········Row 1
~JOin ends to form a ring of 24 pes.~
IF! -~
~~gns for piece di(PG.~ion
"'L ._
~ Double~ ~ C§~
c. v 1\ V here.
LJ~le Double pocket L
pocket pocket pocket L
I 40
Materials #34: 375 2%" x 6%" rectangles of patterned paper (green) #35: 375 2*" x 6%" rectangles of patterned paper (orange) 1 20" X12" crepe paper (green)
7 14" #28 wrapped wire (green)
4" 1/,2" thick craft wire
60" 112" floral tape
* Materials except rectangular paper are for each item.
Join 18 sets to form a ring. (See Step 2, opposite page.!
Referring to the figures on the opposite page, Join 2 sets by inserting their adjoining points
join 3 pes. and glue to secure. Make 18 sets. into a new piece. Continue to form a ring.
For Row 4 to Row 18, join the pieces Row 18 is completed.
at an angle to form a pineapple shape.
Make pedestal referring to the diagram on the opposite page.
Core Direction of Cover top %" with floral tape.
~ "'ut out 14 aves from repe paper.
Glue wrapped wire
onto back side.
Form leaves as illustrated below.
Craft wire (2%" -3")
Turn over and hold in your hand.
Turn upside down so the 1st row comes on top.
Insert stem into the top and place on the pedestal.
USing floral tape, attach leaves around wire, 2-3 pes, at a time.
Add 2-3 leaves binding with floral tape. Repeat until all leaves are attached. Bind down the tape and make a lump at the end. Insert into the top of the fruit.
.. - - - -
Completed size
#36 & #37 MINI PINEAPPLE (P.16) :~~;~~~i~~:'~'
~ --
Materials :It=36: 118 1%"x3" rectangles of origami paper (yellow) 26 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (green) 12 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (brown)
#37: 123 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (yellow, 4 colors) 28 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (green)
21 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (brown)
10 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (pale green)
V Yellow ""Brown
V' Pale green
VVVVVVVVVVVVVV }LeaVeS 66666666666666 (2 rows)
V \1 V \1 V V \1 V V V \1 \1 \l 'V Row 11
\1 V \1 \1 V V \1 '\J \1 \7, V \1 \1 \7 Row 10
\1 ... v ... v ... \1 ... \1 ... v ... \1 ... ········Row 9
6666666666666 ·········Row 1 "'--Join ends to form ~
a ring of 13 pes.
Insert leaf
Signs for piece direction
Detail of Step 9, opposite page.
~ Double~ ~ C§'""
6 \1 A ViDoob~~ her
LJDoo~ I Double pocket L
pocket pocket pocket L
r I I 44
· - .
- -
Hold a pair of pieces, double pockets down and the right angles away from you. Join them with a piece, right angle facing you.
Row 3: Insert yellow and brown pieces alternately, all around.
Rows 4-5: Join yellow pes. all around. Row 6: Work the same as Row 3.
Row 9: Work the same as Row 2.
Rows 10-11: Work as directed in the diagram shown on the opposite page.
Repeat and join into a ring. The center of bottom can look somewhat twisted.
Row 7: Join yellow pes. all around. Row 8: Join yellow pcs., plus one pale green.
Make top: Interlock 3 green pes. as shown on the opposite page. Make 7 sets.
Insert each set of leaves into the fruit as shown on the opposite page.
Join 2 adjacent sets by inserting a new piece all around.
Check the shape of leaves and glue to secure.
. . -- -
#38 WATERMELON (P.17) ~?~r~:~e:%
1 pc. so double faces right. Apply some glue onto points of another piece and insert into the pockets.
Repeat until Rowand 2 are constructed.
Row 3: Join 15 pcs., tucking in side flaps of the bottom row.
Join Rows 2 and 3 as directed. (Turn upside down)
Work Row 5 by changing colors as directed in the diagram, and add 1 green pc. to each side.
Materials 114 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (red) 66 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (green) 17 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (white) 16 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (black)
- Note The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the pape
v Red ...-Slaek ~White '"V Green
v Row 21 (1 pe.)
v v· .. ····························· Row 20 (2 pes.) vvv······························Row 19 (3 pes.) vvvv .. · .. ·······················Row 18 (4 pcs.) vvvvv .. ························Row 17 (5 pes.) vvvvvv .. ······················Row 16 (6 pes.) vvvvvvv .. ·····················Row 15 (7 pes.) v v v v v v v v .. ··················Row 14 (8 pes.)
... V V V V ...... V V V ...... V V V V V ...... V \7 \7 \7 V V V ···· Row 11,
V V V V V V V V \7 V V \7 \7 V V V V V V VV V V V V V v·· Row 10
V V V V V V \7 V V V \7 V V \7 V V V V \7 V V V V V V V V···· Row 9 Head /Neck \7 V V V \7 V V V V V V V V V V \7 V V V V V \7 V V V V v·· Row 8
for #42 VV\7\7VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV\7V .... Row 7 ~7 1=
In e. \7 V V V V \7 V \7 \7 V V \7 \7 V \7 \7 \7 \7 \7 V V \7 \7 V VV v·· Row 6 row
V \7 \7 V V V \7 V V \7 V V V \7 V V V V V V \7 V V V V V V···· Row 5
(Actual size)
(12 pcs.)
V V \7 V \7 V \7 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V .. Row 4 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V \7 V V \7 V V V V V \7 V···· Row 3 V \7 \7 V \7 V V \7 V VV V V \7 \7 V V V \7 V V VV V V\7 \7 .. Row 2 666666666666666666666666666····Row 1 '-------Join ends to form a ring of 27 pes.-----'
In Row 11, divide pieces into four groups:
6 pes. for Chest, 5 for Left wing, 7 for Tail, and 9 for Right wing.
~See P.50 for step-by-step i nstructioi
i ~ Double~ ~'-
1\ V ~ here.
6 V! ~Ie~
~DoU~ Double pocket L
pocket pocket pocket L
, I I , 48
~ - - - -
Completed size :1141: 3" wide, 4%" high :1142: 3" wide, 5%" high :1143: 31h" wide, 6%" high
-- - -----
1143: 60 1%" x 3%" rectangles of wash; paper (red)
79 1%" x 3%" rectangles of wash; paper (green) 75 1%" x 3%" rectangles of wash; paper (purple) 74 1%" x 3%" rectangles of wash; paper (blue)
4 1%" x 3%" rectangles of wash; paper (gold) Note
The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used.
24 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (silver) 4 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (brown) 2 11;2" x 3" rectangles of origami paper
(green, blue, black, purple, orange, gold)
2 Va" diam. eyes (black cardboard)
Completed size 2%" wide, 2=¥s" long Materials
25 1%" xa 1;2" rectangles of paper (green) 5 1%" x3 1;2" rectangles of paper (orange) 5 1%" xa 1;2" rectangles of paper (red)
2 1%"" x 3 %"" rectangles of papei (blue)
2 1%"" x 3 1;2"" rectangles of paper (purple) 1 1%"" x 3 %"" rectangle of paper (gold)
2 Va"" diam. eyes (black cardboard)
* Patterned washi paper is used here.
:11=11-:11=15 Completed size 2=¥s"" wide, 2=¥s"" long Materials
40 1%"" x 3"" rectangles of origami paper (blue for #11, red for #12, orange for :11=13, brown for #14, pale green for #15)
2 Va"" diam. plastic eyes each
* Gradated origami paper is used here .
~See P.8-9 for step-by-step instructions.
:1152: 365 3%" x 41;2" rectangles of 1-ply board (white)
3 3%" x 4%" rectangles of textured paper (black) 31 2%" x 4%" rectangles of 1-ply board (white)
1 2%" X4%" rectangle of textured paper(black) 1 2%" x 4%" rectangle of textured paper (red)
2 %" diam. plastic eyes
:1153: 309 2%" X4%" rectangles of 1-ply boar 56 2%" x 4%" rectangles of 1-ply boa 3 2%" x 4%" rectangles oftextured ps 31 2" x 3112" rectangles of 1-ply board I 1 2"X3%" rectangle of textured pap 1 2" X3%" rectangle of textured pap 2 %" diam. plastic eyes
Head/Neck for ~53 (Actual size)
Signs for piece direction
T Black 'V Blue 'V White
For #53, use white pieces for W
.... ···········································Row 18 (1 p
Tail '" Row 17 (2 P
V'V'V' Wing \7···············Row 16 (5 Pi
V' V'V' V'V'V'
'V\l \lV'V' "\lVVV' VV'V'VV'
V'V' .. · · .. · .. Row 15 (8 Pi
vV'v · .. Row 14 (12 I
V'V'V' \1''''''''''' Row 13 (16 I \7\7wV'V' ........ Row 12 (20 I
V'V'V'V' V'V'V'V'V' V'V'V'V'V'V' V'V'V'V'V'V'V'
V'V'V'V' vVVV'V'V' V'V'V'V'V'V'V'V' V'V'vV'V'V' .. · .. ·Row 11 (24 f V' V' V'V' V' V V' V v v \7 V'V' V' V' V'V' V'V' V' V'V' vV' V'\1V'v····Row 10
5 pes, for Chest, 7 for Left wing, 9 for Tail, and 7 for Right wing.
~ C§ lnsert
L:, LJDoUb~ V' A ~ V ~ here.
Double Double pocket L
pocket pocket I pocket L
I , 52
For'1l52: 32 3W' x 5" rectangles of 1-ply board For 1153: 28 3W' x 5" rectangles of 1-ply board Note
The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used.
Assemble points. Fold the edges under
® (Repeat on the back side).
~--'lf-- -y.c:===","
#52: %" #53: !¥a" -,
Head/Neck for #52
(Actual size)
32 pes, for #52
28 pes, for #531'
\ \
, , ,
\ \
\ \ \ \ \ \ ,
, ,
Make a crease.
(Front side)
Fold up in half.
Fold in half pulling center and folding the rest diagonally.
Align the center with the bottom. 53.
26 pes. D. for Neck6.
6. Eye attaching
6. position 6.
.... <0
6. Bow/sequin .... attaching
First 6. position piece of ~ Neck 6. "-6.
Tie ribbon around Neck into a bow, and secure the knot with marking pin.
A S (P Compl
#44-B BY WAN .19) 4%" wi
- --
#44: 285 1%" X3" rectangles of craft paper (black) 52 1%" X3" rectangles of craft paper (white) 1 1'12" x 3" rectangle of craft paper (red) #45: 286 1'12" X3" rectangles of craft paper (red) 52 11/2" X3" rectangles of craft paper (white)
16" %" ribbon
1 1f2" diam. sequins
1 pearl-headed marking pin
* Materials except rectangular pap each item.
The completed project may Ie depending on the thickness of the p
I-----Using 30 pes., make 2 rings of 1%" inner diameter. Glue each other.---
Row 1: Put a pair, double pockets down. Apply glue onto center 2 points and insert them into a piece held in the same direction. Make 14 of this 3-pc set. Row 2: Join 2 sets with 1 piece held in the same direction. Continue to join all sets.
Turn OVer and join into a ring with a piece.
Turn over and work Row 3 as directed in the diagram on opposite page, interlocking at an angle so as to form a ball shape.
Work Rows 4-6 in the same Divide into quarters, and join manner. All pieces are glued 6 pes, to each, in a
together. contrasting color.
Rows 8-12: Decrease the number of pieces as directed, changing color as well.
Onto 1 point, add 1 piece in opposite direction to make base of neck.
Form neck interlocking 25 pes. as directed.
Tie ribbon around neck and make a bow. Attach a sequin by pushing marking pin into the knot.
Make a pair of pedestals and glue them together.
Place SWAN on the pedestal and glue to secure.
* Pieces used in the actual project are smaller. 55
low 1: Put a pair, double pockets down. Apply glue onto :enter 2 points and insert them into a piece held in the same lirection. Make 14 of this 3-pc set. Row 2: Join 2 sets with 1 Jiece held in the same direction. Continue to join all sets.
Turn over and join into a ring with a piece.
Turn OVer and work Row 3 as directed in the diagram on opposite page, interlocking at an angle so as to form a ball shape.
Work Rows 4-6 in the same Divide into quarters, and join manner. All pieces are glued 6 pes, to each, in a
together. contrasting color.
Rows 8-12: Decrease the number of pieces as directed, changing color as well.
Onto 1 point, add 1 piece in opposite direction to make base of neck.
Form neck interlocking 25 Tie ribbon around neck and pes. as directed. make a bow. Attach a sequin by pushing marking pin into the knot.
Make a pair of pedestals and glue them together.
Place SWAN on the pedestal and glue to secure.
* Pieces used in the actual project are smaller. 55
Tie ribbon around Neek into a bow, and seeure the knot with
marking pin. 112"
pin Sequin
'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V
'V 'V 'V 'V 'V
'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V 'V
#46-#48 SWAN (P.19) ~?:~:
- - -
519 1%" x 3" rectangles of craft paper
(patterned gold-red for :1146, pink for :1147, white for :1148) 1 11;2" x3" rectangle of craft paper (red)
16" %" ribbon
1 1;2" diam. sequin
1 pearl-headed marking pin
* Materials except rectangular paper count for each item.
Neck assembly
c. Gold-red for :lt46 Pink for :lt47 White for :lt48
.6. Red
First pieee Wing
of Neek 'V··························Row 19 (2 pes.)
~ C§'"
6 \7 1\ V ~ h.
LJDoob~ Double Double pocket L
pocket pocket pocket ~ L
I 60
vv Tail feathers v V··············· Row 39 ( 4 pes.)
VVVV vv VV VV VV vv vvv·············Row 38 (17 pes.)
\7 ............ V \7VV VVV VVV VVV VVV V ........ V····· ...... Row 37 (24 pes.) \7 V V V. V V V V v v v v v v·········Row 36 (32 pes.)
\7 \7 v v vv v vv v vv v vv v v v v v v vv v·······Row 35 (38 pes.)
\7'Y \7\7 V v v V v v v v v v v v v v v vv v vv v v······Row 34 (39 pes.) ,
"V''Y\7\7vvv vvv vvv v v v vvv vvv vvvv v····Row 33 (40 pes.)
\7\7vvvvv v v v v vvvv vvvv v v v v vvvv vvvvvV·····Row 32 (39 pcs.)
288 1lh" x 2*" rectangles of craft paper (white) 35 1%" x 2%" rectangles of craft paper (black) 32 1%" x 2%" rectangles of craft paper (white) 7 2%" x 4" rectangles of craft paper (black)
1 1lh" x 1lh" rectangle of craft paper (yellow) 1 1'At x 2%" rectangle of craft paper (red)
cutout.J~ [J] Layer front and back side of Wing, and glue.
~ Make slits into Wing @.
Slit only into lower feathers.
Do not slit . ~
toP~~(/' ~
2 pes. Bind 4 pes. of wire.
1 pe.
1 pc.
~ Make slits into Wings 0) and CZ>.
Wing 0) I
} Do not slit top layer.
}Slit only into lower [2J Glue Wings made in Step [1J
feathers. (above) onto Wing @.
Glue on. Wing 0)
[5J Make 2 copies of Wing 0) and CZ>.
Glue onto board.
Cut out and make a pair.
Wing CZ>
} Do not slit top layer.
} Slit only into lowe! feathers.
~ Pull tape as you work.
[1J Glue Wing 0) and Wing CZ>, front sides up.
Wing 0)
Glue. {WingO)
'lliJWing CZ>
Wing CZ>
lID Shape wire to align with upper curve of Wing @.
Let 1" of wire out.
Make 2 legs.
Do no upper
Align top ed ges and glue onto @.
Actual size (Make copies)
Slit only into bottom layer, carefully.
Make slits carefully.
Do not slit upper layers.
Do not slit top layer.
Slit only into bottom layer, carefully.
Put a pair of pieces double Join into a ring, by covering pockets down. Join them end pieces with a new with a piece held in the piece.
same direction. Make 7 sets.
(14 pes, on Rows 1 and 2)
Rows 3-20: Applying glue each time, interlock 14 pes. in each row, shaping the body.
Row:21: Join 14 small without glue.
Make neck by interlocking Form upper neck and head Make legs as directed on Make tail and glue onto al 15 pes. with glue. Attach to referring to diagram on P.62. P.63, and insert into the indicated position.
body so as to conceal the Attach crest, eyes and beak. indicated positions with glue.
Make of wings (P.64-
65) and as directed.
Pierce 2 holds at the indicated positions and insert completed wings.
£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.£::,.········Row 1 Join ends to form
'------ -----/
a ring of 16 pes.
* Pieces used In the actual project are smaller.
Apply a dab of glue on single points of Continue until 16 pes. are pasted. Join 2: Insert adjoining points into 3-4 yellow pes., and paste them together. into a circle and put on double double pocket of a white piece.
pockets. Continue.
Row 3: Rep~ t with yellow pieces. Rows 4-6: Continue joining the same T urn over for completed LEMON.
, number of pieces, interlocking at an
\ angle to shape. Glue top to secure.
Completed size
#57-#58 TEMARI BALL (P.16) :i;:~::::~::~::
~- - -- -- -
#22: 52 each 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (4 colors) 26 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (1 color)
13 1%" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (1 color)
8" %" ribbon
#23: 60 each 2" x 3" rectangles of origami paper (10 colors) 12" 1" ribbon
1 miniature bell Note
The completed project may look different depending on the thickness of the paper used.
Apply a dab of glue on single points of 4-5 pes., and paste them together Make several sets.
When 19(30 for #58) pcs. are used, paste each other and join into a circle.
Row 2: Insert adjoining points of Row into the double pocket of a piece Continue all around.
Row 3-18: Continue, altering colors as directed on the left page, and shaping into a ball with as small opening as possible.
~ ~ LJ
Cover the top with a bow. (Sew a miniature '"'~il onto
wrong side of the bow before attaching.) ~
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V .... Row 13 v v V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V' Row 12
... v v'" v'" V V V V ...... V V Row 11
v v v v v v v"'''' vv ··Row 10
v v'" v V V V v V v Row 9
v'" v'" V v V v V v'" v .. Row 8
v V VV vv v v V····Row 7 19 pes, in each row .
... v v v v v v V V V .. Row 6
........ V \7 v V V V V v v Row 5 Color is alternated every 2 pcs .
... V V V v v v v V V Row 4
... v V V v v v V v V Row 3
v v v v v V V V V Row 2
6 66 66 66 66 ····Row 1
'-- Join ends to form a ring of 19 pcs.r-:
A repeated pattern consists of 10 colors.
Make your favorite stripes by arranging the color chart.
\J \J \7 V' V V V V v V V' V V V V V V V \7 V V Row 20
\J \7 W v v V V v v \7 v v V V v v V' v V v V· Row 19
\J\7Vv",v", V VV v v v V V VV v'\7V "'v'" V V··· Row 18
\JV\7 V .... V vVV\1 v"" V V V v\7\7v"'V'" v ",vv·Row 17
\JW\7 vvV V vV'\7V'" v v v'" v V vW v .... VvV .... VV··· Row 16
V\7\7vv v'" v V V W v v VVV ... v v v "\Y v V v v v'" v v v- Row 15 \J\J\7 \7V v'" v V v V V v v V v'" v v v v v VV v v'" vv V'" Row 14
\J \7 \7 v v ... v V v V v v V V V v v V V V v v v v V V v V' Row 13
\J\J \7\7 v'" V v v v v v v V V v v v VV v v v V V Vv V'" Row 12
\J\7\7 v'" vV v v v v VV V v V v v V V v v V v v Vv v-now 11
\J\7\7v'" v v v v V v v v V v v v v v v V v v'" v v vV V'" Row 10
\J \7 \7 v v V v v V V V V v v v v V V v v v ... V v V V v V· Row 9
\7\7\7 vVv v V v V VV v v v VVV v v v'" VVVVV v··· Row 8
\J '\j' V v v v V V V v V v v V V v V v v v v ... V v V v v v V· Row' 7
\J\7Vvvv VVVV v V v VVVVV v v v'" v v VVVv v··· Row 6
\7V\7vvV v v v v v'" VVV v V v v V v'" v V v v v vV v·Row 5
\JT \7VVV v vVVV'" v v VV v v V v V v v v v V VV v··· Row 4
T \7 \7 v v v V v v V v v v v v V v V v v v v V v v v v V' Row 3
T\7\7VV vVv VV VV v v v VV V v v VV V V v vV v··· Row 2
b.b. 6 6 6 6666 .. 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6" 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6· .. · Row 1 '------- Join ends to form a ring of 30 pcs.------
30 pes, in each row.
Completed size
tt:59: 5%" wide, 10" high tt:60: 5%" wide, 9" high tt:61: 4%"wide, 7" high Materials
tt:59: 762 2%" x 4%" rectangles of wash; paper (silver) 3 ft. cord with fringe
:11=60: 762 3" x 6" rectangles of origami paper (pale green) 1f2 ft. cord with fringe
tt:61: 762 1%" x 3%" glossy paper (from magazine) % ft. cord with fringe
marking v v v v vv v v v v v vvvvvvvvv············Row
pin here. v v v v v v v v v v vvvvvvvvv Row
Silk flower attaching position
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v··· Row
v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v···· Row
L:::,. L:::,. L L:::,. L L L L:::,. L:::,. L:::,. L L:::,. L:::,. h,.L:::,. L L:::,. L L:::,. L L:::,. L:::,. •••••••••••• Row
\ centl front )
Join ends to form a ring of 22 pcs./
22 pes, in each row
7 How to make
6 ~
2 1 " Slit to the middle.
vm~ ~
Signs for piece direction
~See P.77 for step-by-step instructs
~ Double~ ~'~
L:::,. V /\ V ~ hen
LJ~ble Double pocket L
pocket pocket pocket L
I 74
399 2%"X4%" rectangles of craft paper (white) 75 2%"X4%" rectangles of craft paper (pink) 1 2%" x 4%" rectangle of craft paper (gold) 1 2%" x 4%" rectangle of craft paper (red)
~--f~p.",~-=- - -- - - - __ ...1 V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Row 1 0
V V V V V V V V V V ... V V V V V V V V V .. ···· Row 9
Silk flower
attaching position srv: V VV V VV V V V V VV V V V V···· Row 8
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V·· .. ·· Row 7
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V .. ·· Row 6
VVVVV ... V ... V ............ V ... V ... VVVVV· .. Row 2 .................................................................... · .. ···Row 1
'. ., front ..
Join ends to form a ring of 22 pes,
~See P.77 for step-by-step instructions.
@Tie into a knot winding twice,
How to secure beads before the glue becomes dry.
(DUsing a threaded needle, ®Apply a dab of glue
sew on bead twice. onto the first stitch.
\4GIUe -7
®When the glue is dry, 75
trim away excess thread.
] Body
! (6" for
:r'4" IL..----= __ ...,.- __ ~~ kidj owl)
Center front ----13"
(6%" for kid owl)
Bead embroidery pattern
22 pcs. in
each row
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V .... Row 14
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V·· Row 5
vv vv V V V V V V V V V VV V Row 4
V V V V V V V V V V V V V V V Row 3
~ 00 Dot of the tulle Back S~lde ~
Pearl bead o~ Tulle -?
(cross section) Bead
Front side
c: Yellow for #62 Blue for #63 Pink for #64
.a. White
., ,
6 2 6 4 OWL (P 24) Completed size
:t:t: - :t:t:. 4" wide, 6%" high
Materials <#62> [#63] 1#641 328 2" x 3W' rectangles of craft paper <yellow> [blue] lpinkl 88 2" x 3%" rectangles of craft paper <white> [white] lwhitel
1 2" x 3%" rectangle of craft paper <red> [red] Iredl
Apply a dab of glue on single points of 5-6 pcs., and paste them together. Repeat to make this set until 22 pes. are used.
Paste each other and join into a circle of 22 pes. (Row 1).
Row 2: Insert adjoining points of Row 1 into double pocket of a piece, double points facing up. Continue all around.
Rows 3-12: Continue joining the same number of pieces, altering color as directed on the opposite page.
Row 13: Shape neck by changing direction of pieces, the right angles facing outward. See diagram for colors.
Rows 14-16: Change direction of pieces again, and work as directed on the color chart.
Insert bill (red) into Row 16.
Row 18: Form ears; change Both ears are completed. direction of pieces and work
only on ears.
Glue on eyes.
Row 17: Work in the same manner as the previous row.
Attach bow and bead wheel by pushing in marking pin.
Materials <#77> [#78) 1#791 274 1%" x 2%" rectangles of craft paper <yellow> [blue) {pinkl 88 1%" x 2%" rectangles of craft paper <white> [white) 1Whitel
1 1%" x 2%" rectangle of craft paper <red> [red) ked I
1 pearl-headed marking pin <yellow> [blue) 1pinkl
3" %" ribbon <silver> [silver) lsilverl
1 lh" diam. bead wheel <gold> [gold) 19o1dl
5 stemmed silk flowers plus 1 stemmed bud each
2 lh" diam. plastic eyes each 5" x 8" tulle (for #79)
L •• L L •• ,0,;···························Row 20 (8 pcs.) Glass attaching position L ••• L L ••• L··························Row 19 (10 pes.) ~LLLLLLLLLLL························Row 18 (12 pes.) Eye attaching vvvvv\7lvvT!YvTTTvvivvvvv·········Row 17
~ Double~ ~ [§ Insert
c. V' A V here.
LJDoowe Double pocket L
pocket pocket pocket L
I I 80
Apply a dab of glue on single points of 5-6 pes., and paste them together. Repeat to make this set until 20 pes. are used.
Paste each other and join into a circle of 20 pcs. (Row 1).
Row 2: Insert adjoining points of Row 1 into double pocket of a piece, double points facing up. Continue all around.
Rows 3-13: Continue joining the same number of pieces, altering color as directed on the opposite page.
Row 14: Shape neck by changing direction of pieces, the right angles facing outward.
Rows 15-17: Change direction of pieces again, and work as directed. Insert bill (yellow) into Row 17.
in same
manner as the previous row, altering colors as directed.
Row 19: Make hair by joining 20 black pes.
Row 20: Make rain hat by joining 20 yellow pes.
Insert hair ornament into center back of Row 20.
Glue on eyes and felt nostrils. Glue felt navel onto Row 10.
Make arms and hands with wire and triangles, and insert into body.
#69 & #70 PENGUIN (P.2S) ~~4~~~~6~:'\i9h
Materials <:1169> [:1170] 304 2%" x 4%" rectangles of craft paper <black> [blue] 48 2%" x 4%" rectangles of craft paper <blue> [white]
7 2%" x 4%" rectangles of craft paper <yellow> [yellow] 3 2%" x 4%" rectangles of craft paper <black> [blue] for wing and feet 1 1%" x 2%" rectangle of craft paper <yellow> [yellow] for bill
(Following materials are for each item.) 4" %" ribbon (red)
2 %" diam. plastic eyes 1 straw hat for dolls
Bill attaching position
Eye attaching POSiti~~ Eye attaching position 'V'V'V'V'V'V'Vvl'V 'Vl'V'VV'V'V'V'V'V'VRow 18 (19 pcs.) Body 'V'V'V'V'V'V'V'V'V 'V'V'V'V'V'V'V'V'V'V Row 17 'V'V'V'V'V'V'V'V'V'V'Vv'V'V'V'V'V'V'V'V~w16
1-----. Join 30 pes, into a ring of 2" in diameter. Make 2 and glue together. -----I
Pedestal assembly ~~
Place URN on the pedestal and secure with glue.
Signs for piece direction ~See P.90 for step-by step instructions.
~ Double~ ~ ~ lnsert
6, \7 /\ V here.
L:J Double Double pocket L
pocket pocket pocket L
I .' 88
This side becomes the bottom.
Rows 1-2 assembly Direction of pieces
r: oct", ~
Row 2 Row 1
Turn upside down.
This pair makes 1 pc. for Row 1. Make 40 pairs and join into a ring.
How to decrease number of pieces
Repeat this pattern .
Row 5 assembly
Row 3 assembly
• ~.ROW19ROW2
Row 1
Row 1
Front Side view
Side view
Handle (20 pcs.)
r. 6, r. r. r. r. /'::,.
r. r. r.
r. /'::,.
r. r. r. r. First piece r.
of Handle r.
How to attach Handle
Row 18 ~
End of Handle
Apply glue onto points and
insert between pieces.
Handle assembly
Handle (Actual size)
Apply glue onto points and insert between pieces.
First piece of Handle
\7 Shape according to the pattern (right) \
First piece of Handle
This side becomes the bottom .
Rows 1·2 assembly Direction of pieces
t. oc6 ~
Row 2 Row 1
Turn upside down.
This pair makes 1 pc. for Row 1. Make 40 pairs and join into a ring.
How to decrease number of pieces
Repeat this pattern .
Row 5 assembly
Row 3 assembly
• ~,ROW19ROW2
Row 1
Row 1
Front Side view
Side view
Handle (20 pcs.)
L 6- L L L L L L r:
L f":,
L L L L First piece L of Handle L
How to attach Handle
Row 18 ~
End of Handle
Apply glue onto points and
insert between pieces.
Handle assembly
Handle (Actual size)
Apply glue onto points and insert between pieces.
First piece of Handle
\7 Shape according to the pattern (right) '\
First piece of Handle
... -
#55.-#56 METALLIC'URN (P.22) r
Make a 2-pc. set interlocked as directed overleaf. Repeat and prepare 40 sets.
Put a set upside down. This makes Row 1 and Row 2.
Showing the interlocking direction of a Row 3 piece.
Join a pair of set by inserting adjoining points into a new piece.
Continue to join all 40 sets, into a ring.
Row 4: Work in the same manner, with 40 pes.
Row 7: Pieces are joined almost vertically.
Rows 8-13: Work in the same manner, this time expanding the diam, gradually.
Row 21: Work in the same manner, slightly enlarging the opening to form rim.
Make pedestal and handles as directed.
Row 5: Change the direction of pieces, the right angles facing out.
Rows 14-18: Work in the same manner, reducing the diam.
Attach handles to sides. Glue pedestal and the bottom of the URN together.
Rows 5-6: Join pieces at an angle so the opening is 1%"-2" in diam., securing with glue.
Rows 19-20: Decrease the number of pieces to 32, referring to the figure overleaf.
Tie a ribbon around the neck to finish.
1- r" f . I "I -I" - I t I I II I
o 1 em 2 em 3 em 4 em 5 em 6 em 7 em 8 em 9 em 10 em 11 em 12 em 13 em 14 em 15 em
Linear Measures
inches x 2.54 = centimeters centimetsers x 0.39 = inches
. ', ~ ...
. ;.: .
: I
(nearest (nearest ,"
equivalent) equivalent) .,f"\
Va" %cm 4114'~ 11 cm
V4" %cm 4%" 12 cm
=0/'8" 1 cm 5" 13cm
V2" 1%cm 5%" 14cm
=0/'4" 2 cm 6" 15 cm
1" 2%cm 6%" 16 cm
1Va" 3 cm 7" 18 cm
1%" 4 cm 8" 20cm
1%" 4%cm 9" 22cm
2" 5 cm 10" 25cm
2%" 6 cm 1 ft. 12" 30cm
3" 7%cm 1% ft. 18" 45cm
3%" 9 cm . 20" 50cm
4" 10 em 2 ft. 24" 60 em o
Origami is created by folding small squares of paper into various shapes. 3D Origami takes that tradition to the next level by combining smaller origami projects into three-dimensional structures.
These impressive and seemingly difficult sculptures are deceptively easy to make. Each solid object is formed from simple folded units. The works include cranes, swans, turtles, owls, penguins, pineapples, sunflowers, baskets, hats, urns, kittens, rabbits, and others. Most of the processes are illustrated with photographs and step-by-step illustrations.
3D Origami is sure to engage fans of the craft and open up a new world of delight to origami devotees.