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RAVI MNP Full Dissertation Project

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the degree in Master of Business Administration of Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. BY RAVI PRATAP SINGH Roll No: 1213370103 UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF Mrs. ARTI RATHORE



I RAVI PRATAP SINGH, hereby declare that this research project report entitled CUSTOMER PERCEPTION TOWARDS MOBILE NUMBER PORTABILITY has been prepared by me on the basis of survey done the course of my 4TH semester of MBA programme under the supervision of This research project report is my bonafied work and has not been submitted in any university or Institute for the award of any degree or diploma prior to the under mentioned date. I bear the entire responsibility of submission of this project report.


3 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT A research project report is never the sole product of a person whose name has appeared on the cover. Even the best effort may not prove successful without proper guidance. For a good project one needs proper time, energy, efforts, patience and knowledge. But without any guidance it remains unsuccessful. I have done this research project report with the best of my ability and hope that it will serve its purpose. It was really a great learning experience and I am really thankful to Dr. Dileep Singh (Head MBA Department), who not only helped me in the successful completion of this report but also spread his precious and valuable time in expending on my knowledge base. I am very grateful to Mrs. Arti Rathore for his great is part while completing my survey report. She not only guides me but also helped me to perform this research in the efficient and effective way. After the completion of this research project report I feel myself as a well aware person about the research procedure and the complexities that can arose during the process. Also I get an insight of the training and development activities in an organization. Finally, I am also grateful to all those personalities who have helped me directly or indirectly in bringing up this project report.


4 . CONTENTS Sr.No. CHAPTER-1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 CHAPTER-2 CHAPTER-3 CHAPTER-4 CHAPTER-5 CHAPTER-6 CHAPTER-7 CHAPTER-8 CHAPTER-9 CHAPTER-10 CHAPTER-11 Topic Introduction Introduction of the topic Types of number portability Number portability routing variants Clearing house Mobile number portability in india Impact of MNP Procedure for mobile number porting Advantage of MNP Objective Scope of the study Literature Review Importance of the study Research methodology Data analysis & interpretation Finding & conclusion Suggestion Bibliography Annexures PageNo. 1 2-22 23-41 42-50 51-51 52-63 64-65 66-66 67-69 70-71 72-74 75-88 89-90 91-95 96-117 118-121 122-123 124-125 126-130

Mobile Number Portability offers the subscriber the flexibility to retain his telephone number even when he switches to another operator in a service area. Number portability is a feature that allows a mobile subscriber to use the same number across different service providers. The person/user has the liberty to opt for any service provider without the time-consuming exercise of letting the rest of the world know about the change of number. Very often subscribers do not switch to another operator even if the competitor is offering lower tariff and better services because they do not want to change their number. In a consultation paper issued in July 2005, TRAI said that subscribers and operators would benefit from the introduction of the number portability system. As per TRAI, "In most service areas in India, subscribers have a choice of operators, however, the subscriber's inability to retain his telephone number when changing operators is an obstacle to competition. Therefore, MNP will benefit subscribers and increase the level of competition, rewarding operators with the best customer service, coverage, and service quality.

Further, in this Project



Mobile Number Portability (MNP) allows the Mobile service subscribers to retain their existing mobile number when they move from one Service Provider to another Service Provider with in a same licensed service area. Mobile number portability (MNP) requires that mobile telephone customers can keep their telephone numberincluding the prefixwhen switching from one provider of mobile telecommunications services to another. In the absence of MNP, customers have to give up their number and must adopt a new one when they switch operators. As a result, customers face switching costs associated with informing people about changing their number, printing new business cards, missing valuable calls from people that do not have the new number, etc. Based on these considerations, many regulatory authorities have imposed mandatory MNPor are about to require its introductionso as to reduce customers switching costs, attempting to make mobile telecommunications more competitive. Mobile Number Portability (MNP) is an initiative to allow Mobile phone users to retain their mobile number when they switch from one Mobile Operator to other irrespective of mobile technology or from one technology to another within same operator. For example, if you have a mobile number 9452175007 (which belongs to BSNL (GSM) in U.P.), you can shift your number to Vodafone (GSM) or to Tata Indicom (CDMA) within U.P. circle. You might be wondering, why would a subscribe want to shift the operator. Well, there can be many reasons, the main reasons

8 being bad service quality, poor customer support, unreasonable pricing and billing. In such cases, the subscriber who has a lucky mobile number or a long-standing mobile number (which is widely circulated among his relations/contacts) would like to retain the mobile number while seeking better operator service. In the absence of MNP, the above action is not possible. MNP makes sense in those markets where high competition and penetration exists. MNP is consumer-friendly initiative that aims to bring high level of customer service, competitive pricing and quality. MNP is also operator-friendly as it gives a level ground to compete for customers through innovative products, competitive pricing and high quality services. MNP allows portability within a cirlce. The portability across cirlces (Inter-circle Portability) is not allowed yet and no details on that is available yet. The worlds first country to introduce MNP was Singapore in 1997, followed by the UK, Hong Kong and the Netherlands in 1999. As of 2003, a number of other countries, especially in Europe, require MNP (see Table 1).

Year 1999 2000 2001 2002

Countries where MNP is available UK, Hong Kong, Netherlands Spain, Switzerland Australia, Sweden, Denmark, Norway Belgium, Italy, Portugal, Germany Ireland, France, Finland

2003 2004

Luxembourg, Greece (planned), Austria (planned) USA (planned)

India is today one of the largest telecom markets in theworld, with an addition of more than 18 millionsubscribers every month. Telecom sector has continued toemerge as the prime engine of economic growth,contributing to nearly 2% of the Indian GDP. Indiantelecommunication sector has undergone a majortransformation through significant policy reforms, particularly under NTP 1999. Driven by various policyinitiatives, the Indian telecom sector has achieved a phenomenal growth during the last few years and is poisedto take a big leap in the future.The history of telephone services in India found its beginning when a 50-line manual telephone exchange wascommissioned in Kolkata in the year 1882 in less than fiveyears after Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone.Today India has the world's second-largest mobile phoneusers with over 903 million as of January 2012. In recentyears, the Telecom sector has been delivering strongreturns on investments and steady subscriber additions.This growth has been built on wireless revolution. Theindustry is expected to reach a size of 344,921 Crore (US$68.81 billion) by 2012 at a growth rate of over 26 per cent,and generate employment opportunities for about 10million people during the same period.

Trends in the Industry

Rise in Cloud Computing: As improved broadbandcapacity helps to overcome network bottlenecks, cloud- based offerings from telecom operators and ICT providerswill continue to grow. One Nation, One License Policy:With this, there will be no difference between Local andSTD Calls. This also means that there will be no roamingcharges while in India. New telecom policy is likely to bedeclared in June 2012. Digitization of Cable TV: This willhelp the government to pursue India's broadband goals andthereby help to boost economic growth. Smart devices andDigital content: As

10 3G will be stabilized by 2012 whichwill fuel 4G, smart devices like tablet, smart phone, smartTV will become a media for video and digital contentconsumption. Bharti recently set the trend by launching4G services in India.The growth of Indian telecommunication sector is highlydriven by supportive government policies, emerging newtechnologies and changing consumer behavior. The factthat the industry has made stupendous growth in recenttimes is reflected in the statistics below: Key Statistics Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) hasrevealed that the country's mobile subscriber base hasincreased from 893.84 million in December 2011 to903.73 million in January 2012. Telecom operators added9.88 million mobile subscribers in January 2012. Theoverall tele-density reached 77.57 per cent. Broadbandsubscriber base increased from 13.30 million at the end ofDecember 2011 to 13.42 million at the end of January2012.Industry experts believe that Smartphone segment would be the fastest-emerging division that would even outpacethe overall handset market. The segment is anticipated toaccount for 29 per cent of the total handset volume with97.2 million units by 2017, registering a CAGR of around40 per cent. Third largest in the world and the secondlargest among the emerging economies of Asia, the IndianTelecommunication network has emerged as a leader timeand again. Owing to this growth, a large number ofmultinational telecommunication leaders are pouring intothe nation and expressing their interest to invest in thetelecom industry in India. (DOT) The main purpose of this study is to understand the customers behavior towards the choice of changing their existing service provider and the strategies used by the telecom companies to pull the customers towards themselves and to retain their existing customers. The regulatory bodies like Department of Telecommunications and Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) have facilitated the cell phone users to freely roam among desirable services by retaining their existing mobile numbers and also to avail different technologies like 2g, 3g, CDMA and GSM or post- paid

11 and pre-paid. MNP has brought many new prospects in the telecom sectors which for sure are going to intensify the competition in market to pull each others customers and retain their existing customers as well as it would end the existing monopoly of several big players in the telecom sector and would be a leverage to ascertain the best possible services to the common mobile users in the country. This competition has emerged into the better services provided by the telecom operators as well as introduction of newer technologies like 3G, Blackberry services, etc to attract the customers. This study reveals what the technology of MNP is, its background history and the its effect on the telecom companies in India. This study is done with Reliance Communications Ltd., India where customers were demonstrated with the MNP scheme of Reliance Communications and the feedback of customers regarding their complaints and service expectations were noted. The study is carried out with the help of a well designed questionnaire which included all the queries regarding customers preferences to all the services of telecom companies. The data analysis and its graphical representation help to study different parameters in a systematic manner. The conclusions and the recommendations are given at the end of this report.

Portability: Keeping Your Telephone Number When You Change Service Provider Under the Federal Communications Commissions local number portability (LNP) rules, so long as you remain in the same geographic area, you can switch telephone service providers, including interconnected Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) providers, and keep your existing phone number. If you are moving from one geographic area to another, however, you may not be able to take your number with you. Therefore, subscribers remaining in the same geographic area can switch from a

12 wireless, wireline, or VoIP provider to any other wireless, wireline or VoIP provider and still keep their existing phone numbers.

Initiating the Process

If you want to change companies:

Do not terminate your service with your existing company before initiating service with the prospective new company.

Contact the new company, which will start the process of porting your number by contacting your current company. Be prepared to provide the new company with your 10-digit phone number, customer account number, and five-digit zip code. If you had created a passcode to protect your account, you may also need to provide that passcode.

Be aware that when terminating service with a wireless company, you may be obligated to pay any early termination fees under your existing contract. Also, when terminating service with any company, you are usually required to pay any outstanding balance owed. Review your bill or contract to determine what fees or charges apply. Once you request service from the new company, however, your old company may not refuse to port your number, even if you owe money for an outstanding balance or termination fee.

You may request service from a new company at any time.


Fees and Charges

Companies may charge their customers fees to recover the costs that they incur in providing number portability. Fees may vary between companies, and some companies may not charge any fees.

Companies may not refuse to port a number because a consumer has not paid for porting. When considering a switch, consumers should ask the new company whether it charges any number portability fees and whether those fees can be waived.

The Porting Period FCC number porting rules require simple ports to be processed in one business day. The deadline applies to all simple ports, including intermodal ports such as wireline to wireless, wireless to wireline, wireline or wireless to VoIP or any other combination. Simple ports generally do not involve more than one line or more complex adjustments to telephone switching equipment.

During Porting If you port from a wireline phone to a wireless phone, there may be a period of mixed service when you essentially have two telephones with the same number. Ask your new wireless company whether you will be able to continue using your current wireline number during the one-day transfer process. Also, if you port from a wireline phone to a wireless phone, your wireline long distance company will not move with you. Your long distance service will generally be provided by your

14 new wireless company, but you should verify this with the new wireless company before changing service providers.

Emergency Services

In some areas, 911 operators automatically receive the phone number or location of a wireless call, but in many areas, that is not the case. Technology that will provide that information Enhanced 911 or E911 is currently being implemented, but is not yet available for some wireless phones and in some parts of the country.

As noted above, during the one-day porting process from the old company to the new company, there may be a period of mixed service - when you may have two telephones with the same number. During this time period, your E911 service may be affected. The call should go through, but the 911 operator may not be able to call you back if the call gets disconnected. For this reason, before porting either a wireless or a wireline number, ask the new company if the one-day porting process will affect a 911 call.

Handset and Special Services

In some instances, wireless handsets of different wireless telephone companies are incompatible. If you switch wireless companies, you may need to purchase a new handset, even if you retain the same phone number. If you have concerns about purchasing a new handset, ask your new wireless company whether or not your current handset will work with that companys network.

15 Also, be aware that in a few areas, as consumers with ported numbers roam outside their normal wireless service areas, they may only be able to send and receive calls. Other services, such as caller ID, may not function properly.

Filing a Complaint

If you have a problem porting your phone number from one service provider to another, first try to resolve it with the service provider. If you cannot resolve the problem directly, you can file a complaint with the FCC. There is no charge for filing a complaint. You can file your complaint using an FCC online complaint form. You can also file your complaint with the FCCs Consumer Center by calling 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322) or 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888-835-5322) for TTY; faxing 1-866-418-0232; or writing to the Federal Communications Commission at:

Federal Communications Commission Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau Consumer Inquiries and Complaints Division 445 12th Street, SW Washington, DC 20554

What to Include in Your Complaint

The best way to provide all the information the FCC needs to process your complaint is to complete fully the online complaint form. When you open the online complaint form, you will be asked a

16 series of questions that will take you to the particular section of the form you need to complete. If you do not use the online complaint form, your complaint, at a minimum, should indicate:

The telephone and account numbers that are the subject of your complaint; the names and phone numbers of any companies involved with your complaint; your name, address, email address and phone number where you can be reached; the amount of any disputed charges, whether you paid them, whether you received a refund or adjustment to your bill, the amount of any adjustment or refund you have received, an explanation if the disputed charges are related to services in addition to residence or business telephone services; and

the details of your complaint and any additional relevant information.

For More Information

For more information on wireless number portability visit the FCC website.

For information about other communications issues, visit the FCCs Consumer website, or contact the FCCs Consumer Center using the information provided under File a Complaint.

What is MNP?
Mobile Number Portability (MNP) allows the Mobile service subscribers to retain their existing mobile number when they move from one Service Provider to another Service Provider with in a same licensed service area. This move is irrespective of the mobile technology or from one cellular

17 mobile technology to another of the same access provider, in a licensed service area. In other words, the Mobile Service Subscriber can switch from one operator to other. Using Mobile Number Portability, you can change the operator without having to change your number. So if you are using a mobile number (say) 9876543210 for and are using the service from some operator (say Reliance) and you want to switch over to another operator, say BSNL, then you will not have the need to change the number. So when Mobile Number Portability in India comes to effect, you will have the ease of having the same number while using any operator's service you want. Mobile Number Portability in India will offer you the freedom to select the operator whose network and the features you like without having to think 100 times about informing the change in your mobile number to your hundreds of friends and contacts! While this seems to be a dream for some people, it will be reality in the coming days in India.

Features of MNP..
1-- No need to change the mobile number while changing operator. 2-- Applicable for Mobile numbers only 3-- Customer willing to port should approach Recipient operator only. 4-- Customer can migrate between prepaid to post-paid and vice versa at the time of porting 5-- MNP is applicable to numbers within same circle. 6-- Customer can migrate between GSM to CDMA and vice versa. 7--Customer can withdraw the port in request within 24 hrs of initial porting request 8-- No direct interaction would happen between RO & DO. All communication would happen through MCH


Mobile Number portability (MNP) enables mobile subscribers to change their service providers or their location without having to change their existing phone numbers. If the subscribers are not satisfied with the services of their service provider, they can change their service provider while retaining the existing phone number. This infuses competition among service providers and forces them to improve their service standards to check subscriber churn. Many countries have made number portability mandatory to liberalize competition. Many others are in the process of implementing it. A significant technical aspect of implementing number portability is related to the routing of calls or mobile messages (SMS, MMS) to a number once it is ported to some other network. In Indian cellular communication scenario, the term MNP is becoming more popular. Sticking to Herbert Spencers theory on Survival of the fittest, the mobile operators will be forced to follow this theory in serving the customers. Either they have to satisfy their customers with the service or lose them to their competitors without any problem to the customers. It could also be termed as, a customer having the option of switching service providers without changing the mobile number.

19 With current scenario, if a customer is dissatisfied on the service by mobile operator either he has to reluctantly accept the service or switch to another service provider that he wishes. In the later case, he has to drop his identity, the mobile number. In most cases when the mobile number is used for all business and family correspondence, it becomes generally impossible to leave the number. To overcome these hardships, the concept of MNP was introduced.

Regulatory Rules

The Telecommunications Act and its Bylaw require all service providers to develop implementation plans, to deploy number portability and to have the capability of delivering calls from their networks to ported numbers anywhere in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Article 27 of the Act states: The operators shall ensure the transfer of number according to the user requirements. The By-Laws state the associated procedures and conditions Article (87) of the Bylaw sets out the responsibilities of the Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC) and the service providers as follows: 87.1- The Commission may, after consultation with the affected service providers, issue a decision directing one or more service providers to develop a number portability implementation plan. The decision may set out guidelines for the development of the plan, including guidelines on:

20 (a) the schedule for implementation of number portability; (b) markets and service providers covered by the plan; (c) technical means of providing number portability; and (d) payment of costs for implementation of the plan.

87.2- Upon receipt of a decision under paragraph 87.1 of this Article, the service providers to whom the direction applies shall negotiate with each other to develop a number portability implementation plan. A plan developed under this Article shall be submitted to the Commission for approval before it is implemented. 87.3- If service providers cannot agree on a number portability implementation plan within ninety (90) days after a decision is made under paragraph 87.1 of this Article, the Commission may: (a) appoint an inquiry officer under Article 8 of this Bylaw and direct the inquiry officer to develop a plan; or (b) deal with the issues in dispute between the service providers pursuant to Chapter 6 of this Bylaw.

Article 87.4 The Commission may issue a decision approving a number portability implementation plan, before or after completion of the processes outlined in paragraph 87.3 of this Article. Service providers shall provide number portability in accordance with the plan approved by the Commission.


Number Portability Policy Initially, number portability will be applied to Mobile service. In the longer term number portability will be extended to cover basic telephone service Phase 1: Mobile Telephone Number Portability Policy Statement To promote competition in the Mobile services market by ensuring that all users in the Kingdom are able to keep their existing telephone numbers when changing Mobile Service Providers and ensuring that numbers are ported without significant degradation in the quality of service. Number Portability should benefit end users by increasing their flexibility to choose between Service providers, which should, in turn, lower prices for the end users. The Act and its Bylaw mandates the CITC to establish a national framework that promotes competition and provides advanced and adequate telecommu nications services at affordable prices.

The Act and its Bylaw also direct service providers to offer "telephone number portability" in accordance with requirements prescribed by CITC guidelines and procedures. In order to provide the kind of telephone number portability envisioned by the CITC, service providers have to invest in upgrades to their networks.

22 The CITC is of the view that bringing competition to the mobile marketplace is the best way to reduce prices, motivate service providers to provide high quality service, deploy advanced services and provide more choice to end users. To foster competition in the Mobile market service, the CITC recognizes that certain barriers to competition must be eliminated. One of the significant barriers to competition is the inability of end users to switch from one Telephone Company to another while retaining the same telephone number.

4.2 Phase 2: Basic Telephone Service Number Portability Policy Statement

To promote competition in the basic telephone service market by ensuring that all end users in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, have the ability to keep their existing local telephone number at the same location when changing local telephone service providers or locations, and ensuring that numbers are ported without degradation in the quality of telecommunications service.

As a general principle, CITC considers that service providers should be able to provide portability for any numbers which they have been allocated. The policy therefore provides for portability not only of mobile numbers but also in the longer term of geographic numbers (ordinary residential and business numbers) and non-geographic numbers (specially tariffed services such as freephone, local and premium rate numbers). CITC considers that any service provider offering geographic or non-geographic services should be able to provide portability for such numbers.

Benefits of MNP


Entry into the mobile market is limited by various factors including spectrum scarcity and market size. It is therefore all the more important to remove any barriers to competition between the limited numbers of market players in order to ensure a dynamic and fully competitive market. The introduction of Mobile Number Portability will remove a significant obstacle to competition and should help bring to all mobile customers the benefits of greater innovation and variety of services, better quality and lower prices. Implementation of MNP will provide the followings benefits:

1. Removes a significant obstacle to customers changing service providers 2. Creates substantial direct benefits to customers. They do not have to incur costs of changing stationery and fewer wrong numbers are dialled. 3. Encourages innovation, raises quality, drives down prices, while avoiding the administrative hassles and expense of having to update business cards, letterhead and company advertisements. 4. Allows customers to take advantage of great mobile phone offers without having to change their number. 5. Motivates incumbent service providers to increase the efficiency of their networks and lower their cost of service to retain their existing customers. More importantly, comp etition enhanced through MNP is likely to result in a greater variety of products and services as service providers seek to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. Service providers are also more likely to discover what customers are willing to pay for, and seek to more actively meet their customers needs.

24 6. MNP leads to a more efficient use of numbering resources. The public benefits from a stable numbering system and the efficient use of numbering resources. The value of a stable directory infrastructure may be significant. These benefits are largely external in nature, as they accrue to all subscribers, not just those who make the porting decision

ADVANTAGE AND DISADVANTAGE Disadvantages of Mobile number Portability

This can definitely made a huge impact on the post paid services provided the companies

with the unique VIP mobile numbers but extend the choices and options of the service users or subscribers.

It is applicable with in the circle of that service and you cannot use the mobile portability

number feature in case you wants to shift from one city to another.

All the pre-paid users will lost their balance if you have got some balance in their accounts so

it is better to spend your all balance before switching your network.

You are not provided with the option to switch operator and retain number if you have been

using that service for the less than three months.


Advantages of Mobile number Portability

The best thing of this is that the service can be changes easily with the retain of the previous

number and help a subscriber to get in touch with its friends and colleagues.

As far as the pricing and the stickiness of the post paid connections in concerned, it will be

quite reasonable for the customers and the call rates will be reduced because it will put pressure on the post paid companies which in turns develops a competition among the companies and allows them to reduce their calling rates.

The new tariff plans will be introduced for the customers who are using this new service with

some high speed value added services that provides the video calls and other so many facilities for the new customers.

It will improve the quality of service for the customers by storing the details of the messages

and contacts which is there in the previous SIM card by sending a request to the new service provider through the help of application form whose information is given below in switching operator section.


TELECOM REGULATORY AUTHORITY OF INDIA Customer guide for availing the facility of Mobile Number Portability Request for porting
I. Contact the new mobile service provider to whom you want to port your mobile number. II. III. Obtain Customer Acquisition Form (CAF) & Porting Form. Read the eligibility, probable reasons for porting rejection and other conditions carefully.

IV. If eligible, fill up the CAF and Porting Form. For filling up of porting form you need a Unique Porting Code (UPC) V. To obtain UPC send SMS from the mobile number you want to port to the number 1900 with text PORT followed by space followed by your 10 digit mobile number you want to port. [ As pre-paid SMS is not permitted, in Jammu & Kashmir the subscriber has to dial 1900 to get an UPC, the operator at 1900 provide the UPC after verifying subscriber number with CLI. ]

VI. It may be noted that you will receive an auto generated 8 digits UPC from the Donor operator. The first two characters of the UPC consists of Alphabets and remaining 6 digits will be numerical characters except zero. The UPC is valid for 15 days (30 days in case of J&K, NE &Assam Service Areas).

27 VII. Submit the duly filled Porting Form and CAF along with requisite documentary proof to the mobile service provider. VIII. If you are a post paid subscriber, submit a paid copy of the last bill issued along with Porting Form and CAF. IX. Obtain new SIM card from the new service provider X. Service provider may charge porting charge maximum upto

28 You can withdraw your porting request within 24 hrs of applying. However, theporting charge is non-refundable.

Activation of ported number: XI. Your new mobile service provider will intimate you the date & time of porting on your mobile phone. Change over takes place on the 7th working day (15th working day in case of Jammu & Kashmir, Assam and North East service areas).


XIII. The service disruption time shall be around 2 hrs during night time of the date/time of porting. XIV. Replace the old SIM with the new SIM provided by your new mobile service provider after the specified date and time.

Eligibility and Other Conditions

You are allowed to move to another mobile service provider only after 90 days of the date of activation of your mobile connection or from the date of last porting of your mobile number, which ever is applicable. You are allowed to change mobile service provider within the same service area only. If you are a postpaid subscriber, please ensure that you have paid all the dues as per your last bill (You will have to sign an undertaking in the Porting Form also). If you are a Pre-paid subscriber, please note that the balance amount of talk time, if any, at the time of porting will lapse. Detailed regulations are accessible in TRAI website www.trai.gov.in




The government has defined and mandated three basic types of number portability: 1. service provider portability (commonly referred to as Local Number Portability), 2. location portability, and 3. service portability. The three types may be combined to form variations on number portability services.

Service Provider Portability:

Service provider portability or Local Number Portability, as defined in the

Telecommunications Act of 1996, is the ability of end users to retain existing directory numbers at the same location as they change from one service provider to another. Historically, all directory numbers in one NPA-NXX were assigned to a single telephone switch. The incumbent had a significant advantage in retaining customers by controlling or, in effect, owning the customers telephone number. A customer who wanted to change local service providers faced the potential costs and inconveniences of changing to a new phone number, including distributing it to family, friends, and business contacts. To facilitate competition at the local exchange, the FCC mandated that phone numbers be portable among local exchange competitors (ILECs, CLECs, cellular providers, and so on). With the introduction of local number portability, individual directory numbers in one NPANXX may be moved to a different telephone switch. Therefore, the first six digits of a directory number (NPA-NXX) no longer uniquely identify the switch that serves that customer. To identify the correct switch, the concept of a location routing number (LRN) was introduced by


30 industry experts and approved by the FCC. Each switch that hosts portable numbers will be assigned a 10-digit LRN that will be used in routing a call to that switch. The order calls for porting only within a rate center. A rate center, or the portability domain, is an area (usually under the jurisdiction of the state Public Utilities Commission) in which directory numbers can be ported. All LNP-capable network elements, including service switching points (SSPs), signal transfer points (STPs), and signal control points (SCPs), must maintain a list of NPA-NXXs that are considered portable.

Location Portability

Location portability, as defined in the FCCs First Report and Order, Docket No. 95-116, released July 2, 1996, is the ability of users of telecommunications services to retain existing directory numbers without impairment of quality, reliability, or convenience when moving from one physical location to another. In this case, a given telephone number could be associated with any network termination device, independent of location. Location portability would allow customers to take their directory number when they move to a geographic location outside of the original rate center. In the Second Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration regarding FCC Docket 95-116, the FCC concluded that nothing in the Act would preclude it from mandating location portability in the future; however, no requirements have yet been designated or mandated.



Service Portability

Service portability, as defined in the FCCs First Report and Order, Docket No. 95-116, is the ability of users of telecommunications services to retain existing directory numbers without impairment of quality, reliability, or convenience when switching from one service to another service provided by the same carrier. It is the ability of a subscriber to retain the existing Mobile number when changing from one service to another service, say from GSM to CDMA services. The FCC has not addressed service portability at this time, and requirements for service portability are still undefined.




There are two types of LNP(local number portability) architecture: 1. Wireline LNP Architecture 2. Wireless LNP Architecture

Wireline Local Number Portability (LNP) Architecture and Processes:

There are many components and processes involved in a Local Number Portability system.

Network Elements:
Architecturally, seven basic components are required to deploy local number portability: Service order administration (SOA) Number portability administration center (NPAC) Local service management system (LSMS) Service control point management system (SCP MS) Number portability database (NPDB) Signal transfer point (STP) Service switching point/mobile switch center (SSP/MSC)

Service Order Administration (SOA)


33 Serves as an interface element between carriers' order and provisioning systems and the Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC). SOA's primary functions include subscription audit request or management, data administration, data transfer to the NPAC, report generation, bulk file parse and upload, subscription tracking, legacy order entry interface, and logging. Figure 1.4.1 following, illustrates the telecommunications management network (TMN) reference architecture for the seven LNP components.



Fig ure 1.4.2: LNP architecture




Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC)

Number Portability Administration Center (NPAC) is a third-party, neutral database administration function that supports number portability. This database is designed to receive information from both incumbent and new service providers, validate that info. and download the new routing information when a customer has been physically connected to the new service provider's network.


Local Service Management System (LSMS)

The Local Service Management System (LSMS) is a fault-tolerant hardware and software platform that contains database with routing information to ported telephone numbers.

The primary functions of the LSMS are subscription management, network data management, service provider data management, error processing and notification, transaction event logging and reporting, transmission of

activation/deactivation events to the network elements, and audits.


Service Control Point Management System (SCP MS)

The service control point management system provides interface services between the LSMS and the SCP.


36 The SCP MS may or may not be physically integrated with the SCP.


Number Portability Database (NPDB)

The Number Portability Database (NPDB) contains all ported numbers within a ported domain as well as routing info. necessary to support number portability. Its function is to provide the association between the called party and the carrier LRN, identifying the switch to which the call should be routed.


Signal Transfer Point (STP)

The signal transfer point receives the LRN query from the SSP/MSC and routes the query to the appropriate LNP SCP. The STP returns the SCP response to the SSP/MSC.

The basic core functionality of the STP as a network message router has not been impacted.


Service Switching Point/Mobile Switch Center (SSP/MSC)

The Service Switching Point/Mobile Switch Center (SSP/MSC) is operated by the exchange carrier. owned and


37 These switch points must be able to generate a LNP query to the NPDB when a call is placed to a telephone number in a ported domain. A ported domain here is defined as a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) that has implemented number portability

Call Flo: Wireline to Ported Wireline Number

The following steps outline the call flow from a wireline customer to a ported wireline number. 1. A wireline customer dials a ported wireline number. The SSP queries an internal table that identifies all portable NPA-NXXs. 2. If the dialed NPA-NXX is marked as portable, the originating SSP will determine whether an SSP query should be launched. A query is not required when the following conditions exist: the called party directory number is served by the switch; the call is routed to an operator system or interexchange carrier; a number portability query was already made for the call; or the serial triggering limit is exceeded. If none of the above conditions exist, the SSP formulates and launches an SS7 TCAP query to the NPDB. 3. The originating switch receives the NPDB response and analyzes the data. The LRN is translated in the number portability routing tables and an ISUP route out of the switch is determined. The LRN is stored in the called party number (CdPN) parameter and the dialed digits are stored in the generic address parameter (GAP) of the ISUP initial address message (IAM). In addition, the forward call indicator (FCI) or number translated indicator is set to indicate a query has been performed (set to translated number).


38 4. The call is routed to the recipient switch based on the LRN. The recipient switch receives and processes the contents of the IAM message and completes the call to the subscriber. 5. If, after initiating a query and analyzing the response data, the originating switch determines that the dialed number has not ported, the call is routed to a donor switch based on the original dialed digits. As with a ported telephone number, the dialed number is translated in the number portability routing tables and an ISUP route out of the switch is determined. The dialed number is stored in the CdPN parameter and the FCI is set to indicate a query has been performed. The GAP is not included in the IAM for this scenario. The donor switch receives and processes the contents of the IAM message, digitally analyzes the dialed digits, finds the subscriber on the switch, and completes the call.

LNP Architecture and Methodology in a Wireless Environment

Although the basic infrastructure for wireless and wireline number portability is the same, wireless service providers face some unique challenges associated with service and network operations design and implementation. One significant architectural difference is that the mobile switch center (MSC) replaces the signal switching point (SSP) of the wireline model. These centers must be capable of terminating a call to a ported telephone number. There are several ways to accomplish this. Typically, an MSC should be able to generate a NP query to an NPDB when a call is placed to a telephone number in a ported domain. A query is generated on any call to an NPA-NXX that has been designated as portable in the local exchange routing guide (LERG), the NPAC, and marked as such in the switch routing tables.


39 In order to implement local number portability, a wireless providers MSC(s) must be able to process calls destined to ported subscribers. In Phase I this is strictly a wireline ported subscriber call, originating at a mobile station. This requirement expands to include wireless ported subscribers in Phase II. Whether now or later, the provider will need to provision software to recognize the specialized trigger mechanisms required for query capability. A trigger is defined and implemented in the MSC in order to launch the NPDB query to obtain necessary routing information for call completion. Wireless providers should discuss the trigger mechanism and software provided by the MSC vendor in preparation for implementation.

Based on the nature of most wireless technologies (excluding GSM), the mobile identification number (MIN) has been identical to the mobile directory number (MDN). In order to satisfy the FCC directive to support nationwide roaming (clarified in Memorandum and Order CC-95-116), wireless carriers using this identification assignment process will need to separate the two numbers.

Within the WNP framework, mobile stations will possess two types of numbers: a mobile station identifier (MSID) and a mobile directory number (MDN). The MDN will be a dialable NANP directory number (NANP format) and will be portable. The MSID will be either an IMSI and/or NANP-like MIN and will not be portable. When a customer ports, the MDN and the MSID will become separate and distinct, with the MSID being surrendered to the donor network. The ported subscribers MDN however, will remain the same. Once the MDN and MSID are separate, each switch serving a subscriber with these parameters must be capable of recognizing these parameters as separate and distinct.



Overall, industry groups have identified supplementary hurdles to overcome, including rate center parity issues, directory listing issues, and wireline-to-wireless porting intervals and billing issues. Currently, these issues have either been referred to or are being addressed by a variety of official industry bodies, including the FCC, Order and Billing Forum (OBF), and NANC.

In addition to the MSC switching software modifications, wireless providers must ensure that global title (GT) routing is supported from the switch. Typically, this means a routing indicator in the called party address of the service connection control part (SCCP) portion of the TCAP message. Routing to the NPDB can either be done using global title or destination point code/subsystem number. Benefits to GT routing include support of and ability to use a regionally distributed architecture as well as load balance functionality across databases and associated linksets. Previously, wireless carriers did not access enhanced services databases and as a result opted to not implement GT routing.

During Phase II, wireless providers must be able to port subscribers and upload information on numbers that either port to or from them to appropriate NPAC for access by other providers. A service order administration (SOA) system provides this necessary functionality to interface with the wireless providers order and provision systems to update the NPAC.

Phase I: Call Completion in a Portable Environment


41 Phase I involves delivering calls to ported wireline telephone numbers. Wireless carriers capable of launching number portability request (NPREQ) messages and equipped with switch trigger capabilities may participate in this initial phase of wireless number portability (WNP). Capability is contingent upon the following requirements: 1) Wireless service provider must have the location routing number (LRN) switch software upgrade implemented for call delivery. 2) The mobile switch center (MSC) must be able to launch queries using global title data, i.e., launching queries to an alias point code (APC) and translation type (TT) instead of routing on a destination point code/ and subsystem number (DPC/SSN).

Phase II: Wireless Number Porting

Phase II implementation encompasses the process of porting a customer from wireless to wireless service providers, as well as the complete integration of the wireline and wireless porting process. This phase requires implementation of all the components of the NP functional architecture, which are described in the previous Wireline Architecture and Processes section and in the Inter-Carrier Communications Requirements and Specifications section following.

Call Flow: Wireless to Ported Wireline Number

The following steps outline the call flow from a wireless customer to a ported wireline number. 1. A mobile subscriber dials a wireline number that is ported. The MSC queries an internal table that identifies all portable NPA-NXXs.


42 2. If the NPA-NXX is marked as portable, the MSC queries the NPDB using the IS756 number portability request (NPREQ) message containing the directory number derived from the dialed digits. 3. If the dialed number is found in the NPDB, the LRN identifying the recipient switch is returned in the response or (NPREQ) message. The routing digits (ROUTDGTS) parameter includes the LRN associated with the ported directory number. 4. The MSC selects the appropriate trunk group based upon the LRN. If the call is routed using ISUP signaling, the LRN is populated in the called party number parameter (CdPN) and the ported number translation indication (FCI) bit is set to number translated, verifying that the LRN query has been performed. 5. The call is handed off to the appropriate network and the recipient switch terminates the call. 6. If the destination directory number has not been ported, the NPREQ response message does not contain any parameters.



There are two basic implementation of MNP 1. 2. Indirect Routing or decentralized or bilateral architecture Direct Routing or centralized architecture

Indirect Routing or decentralized or bilateral architecture:

This model works bilaterally between the donor and recipient service providers who are responsible for informing all others of the change. It would suit to markets with less number of service providers. Each provider will have a dedicated setup and comprehensive database of ported out and ported in subscribers. As the number of service providers increases, the bilateral approach becomes a great burden to all service providers involved in terms of time, cost and resources. FNR (Flexible Number Register) will help the service providers have the ported database in addition to the original HLR database.

Sample implementation of MNP in middle east:

In one of the countries of middle east, the MNP service is implemented in bilateral architecture. There are two operators available in the country and each have their own customized system for handling the MNP database. Whenever a customer wants to change his service provider, he visits the recipient provider and initiates a request to port in the subscription with the recipient provider. The recipient party then coordinates with the donor party for porting the number. During the process, the donor deletes the number from its HLR database and updates the number in its FNR ported out list. Similarly the recipient party updates the number in its HLR database and FNR ported in list. 43

44 Coming to the MT transactions, there are two possible options,

1. Call from same PLMN: As both the service providers have the complete list of
Ported out and ported in numbers, the originating MSC will route the call either to its own network or to other network based on available database.

2. Call from outside the PLMN: As the originating network needs not to be
aware of the MNP functionality, it will route the call based on the number series database available with it. The recipient network will make further analysis for routing of the call by following the procedures mentioned in previous point.

Ericsson MSC perspective of indirect routing MNP:

For a single operator, three considerations have to be made.

1. Analysis for ported in Home subscriber or Native subscriber. 2. Analysis for ported in other PLMN subscriber or non-Native subscriber. 3. Analysis for ported out subscriber. The value D is represented as #13 in Ericsson AXE. Value # is represented as #12.

In sample network, for case 1, the reply from the FNR will have a format of mccD98msrn. It is represented in B-number analysis as 8 mcc#1398msrn. For case 2, the format is also mccD98msrn. For case 3, the call is routed to the other operator in mccD95msisdn format. The main aim of using the special formats D95 and D98 is to help the network in discriminating the numbers for routing. These special indicators can be assigned upon the 44

45 network convenience. The receiving network should recognize the numbers based on the format received.

Available origins supporting FNR:

Result from HLR in BO=8 with mcc#1395. Result from IN in BO=78 with mcc#1395 and mcc#1398. The Origin 8 is derived from EXROP: DETY=GRI; and the origin 78 is derived from SHRSP: OSR=ALL; . In this case, the 75 gets modified into 76 and in turn into 78.

Issues with this type of routing:

Routing to the ported user is indirect and possibly costly, because additional transit charges, interconnect charges, and/or extra conveyance costs may be generated even when the originating provider is the same as the terminating recipient provider. For the donor network, billing associated with ported and non-ported numbers cannot be differentiated easily. If the donor network uses a small, non-high-performance database, increased call setup time for ported numbers is inevitable. Due to the dependence on the donor network, the receiving network cannot serve the ported user reliably, because it has no control over the quality of service on the donor network. If the donor provider discontinues its operations or is experiencing a network failure, the ported subscribers cannot be reached even if they ported numbers years ago. This is a


46 growing concern due to the increasing number of failures and the high cost to put these subscribers back in service.

Direct Routing or centralized architecture

Direct Routing Eliminates Donor Involvement


47 In direct routing, the concept of CDB comes into picture. This central database or Central clearing house will handle all activities related to porting of subscribers between service providers. This model is suited for markets with several service providers and this model is currently used almost in all MNP implementations. Two options are available with this model with all the service providers updating the ported number database in synchronization with the CDB and the other is to query the CDB for all call interrogation to get proper routing procedure. After obtaining the rules, rest of the call is handled normally.

Thus the complexity and risk is reduced to a minimum with the little increase in work for the service providers to make an additional check. This model is highly recommended for MNP implementation and the routing procedures can be discussed between the operators.




In the following, a number of Number Portability routing variants are shown. If IN is used to control the switches, all solutions can in principle be based on the same IN service with necessary adaptation to national database specifications and routing principles. The online databases held by the SCP's are updated via the SMP through servers interfacing the national administrative network. The interface towards the administrative network is normally based on XML. Donor is the network porting out a number and the recipient is the network porting in the number.



Fixed Network Routing:

Onward Routing:
Onward routing is normally used in the early faces of the introduction of number portability when there are not many numbers ported. This solution can be solved using, but does not require, IN, and there is no need for a central database. Only the donor and recipient networks need to know about the porting of a number. A call to a ported number is routed to the original destination network where the call is rerouted to the present destination network either by means of call forwarding or an IN look-up.



Fig 1.6.2 : Onward Routing

Query on Release:

Query on Release is, as onward routing, also best suited for low volumes of ported numbers. This method requires, however, IN. The originating network routes all calls to the original destination network (the number range holder). If the number is ported a release message is sent to the originating network, indicating a ported number. The originating network will then make an IN look-up and route the call to the correct destination network.



Fig1.6.2: Query on Release

All Call Query:

The All Call Query method is the most efficient method for large, interconnected networks and a high number of ported numbers. Using the All Call Query method, the originating network will always make an IN look-up for outgoing calls, routing the call to the correct destination network right away. Depending on the routing information conveyed in the signalling to the destination network, the destination network may or may not need to make a new IN look-up for the incoming call to terminate the call correctly within its own network.



Fig1.6.3: All Call Query


Terminating Query on Digit Analysis:

Terminating Query on Digit Analysis is similar to onward routing for fixed networks, except that in the mobile case, IN look-up is performed on all terminating calls to decide whether the number is ported or not. If the destination number is ported, the call will be rerouted from the original destination network to the present destination network.



Terminating query on digit analysis Query on HLR Release:

Query on HLR Release is similar to Terminating query on Digit Analysis, but before a look-up is done towards IN, the call is attempted terminated through normal procedures. If the destination number is not present in the HLR, an IN look-up is made, and the call is routed to the present destination network.



Query on HLR Release

Originating Query on Digit Analysis:

Originating Query on Digit Analysis is similar to the All Call Query method for fixed networks. The originating network does an IN look-up for all outgoing calls, and routes the call directly to the present destination network.



Originating query on digit analysis


For routing of SMS messages and other non-call related signalling to ported numbers, the Signalling Relay Function (SRF) has been introduced. The SRF is usually implemented as an integral part of an IN solution. A SMS results in the SRF making a number database inquiry, and if the result is that the destination number is ported, then the home network SRF is contacted in order to provide the new routing information from the new HLR.



Routing of non-call related signalling (SMS)




What is Clearing House?
The Centralized Clearinghouse is a message processing system through which service providers communicate using the same set of rules for handling porting requests and exchanging information required for porting numbers.

This centralized clearing house will be managed by third party to avoid conflict of interest.

The Number Portability Database will have the mobile numbers of all mobile users. All mobile service providers will then link their networks with that of the MCHAs(Mobile Number Portability Clearing House Administrator) and

NPDB(National Portability Database).

Role of Clearing House

National Number Portability Clearing House a regulatory body responsible for managing port-in/out numbers across the operators in India.

It maintains a database with Port-In/Out information across the country / operators. It also maintains historical trail of porting for audit trail. This database is pushed / pulled into Reference Database also called Routing Database which will assist network elements (MSC) to direct each call to their respective telecom operator (servicing that number).




Mobile number portability enables mobile telephone users to retain their mobile telephone numbers when changing from one network operator to another. It is a very important concept that should be implemented in India where total number of mobile subscribers cross 45 crore mark at the end of August 2009. Number portability is also likely to help new entrants into the Indian mobile-services market, such as the Indian joint ventures of Telenor and Etisalat. The move to introduce the MNP comes as the country's mobile subscriber base is expanding fast, sometimes having an impact on network quality. Presently, MNP is already existing in many developing and developed countries across the world. The MNP option will, however, not lead to a dramatic shift by subscribers from one operator to another, as quality of service and network coverage are not significant differentiators in the Indian market. The introduction of number portability in other countries did not lead to a significant shift by subscribers from one operator to another, and in India too there will be an initial churn of up to 20 percent of subscribers, which will then taper off. Usually, customers do more likely to shift if new operator will introduce new services or if another operator introduces an aggressive tariff plan.

Some Stats/Information
India is the 8th nation in Asia to launch MNP. Around 60 countries have already adopted MNP.



There are two types of porting 'Recipient-led porting' & 'Donor-led porting'. In case of
former, the responsibility of recipient operator to complete all process & formalities. While in case of latter, the responsibility lies with donor network. The Donor-led porting has proved to be very inefficient. India is following the 'Recipient-led porting' model.

Central Database of Numbers (CDB) will hold list of all ported numbers. Network
operators hold local copies of this CDB and will look up this to decide which network to divert to. This process is called All Call Query (ACQ) and has successfully been tried in Europe and upcoming countries.

Salient Points MNP will be rolled out in phases, starting with metro and gradually to other cities in

Subscriber wishing to switch from one operator to another should be active in the parent
network for atleast a period of 90 days!

If a number is already ported, the subscriber has to wait for another 90 days before he can
switch operator.

The subscriber willing to port should approach the recipient operator (i.e. the operator
that the customer wants to SWITCH TO).

The subscriber has to pay a Porting charge of Rs.19/- only. Telecom Operators charge a porting fees from subscribers willing to switch operator. The subscriber making the porting request is required to clear all the dues prior to porting
request. The subscriber should also provide an undertaking that he/she has already paid 59

60 all the dues to the donor operator and that he/she will pay any dues that might accrue till the porting is complete. In case of non-payment, the recipient operator has full rights to disconnect the mobile connection.

If a subscriber decides to cancel his switching request, he/she can do so within 24 hours
of initial request. However, the porting charges that may have been deducted would not be refundable.

TRAI Guidelines clearly says that the maximum time period for completing the switching
process is 4 days in all licensed areas except Assam, North east and J&K (where the time period is 12 days)

Once the shifting is done, the donor operator is responsible and required to route the call
to the recipient network.

Unique ID likely to replace Mobile Number

After implementation of the MNP, ones mobile number can be recognized as a unique identification number. As per the announcement by government of India to introduce Unique Identification Number, MNP will improve the system by allocating mobile number as a unique identification. MNP and UID will make KYC and other identification process easy and convenient to end user as well as authority.



It rolled out from December 31 2009

The introduction of mobile number portability (MNP) has been long awaited in India. A variety of factors have caused the delay, including the formulation of clearly defined policies, consensus building, and stakeholder preparation. However, it is expected to become a reality by 2Q10. MNP will open up competition, but the benefits for the majority of customers, which are pricesensitive prepaid customers, are marginal. Adoption will be limited to a relatively small segment of customers comprising post-paid and high-spending prepaid subscribers. A more pronounced effect of MNP is likely to be an increased focus on improving the customer experience. Mobile number portability (MNP) has been implemented from December 31 in metros and category 'A' service areas, and by 20th March, 2010, in rest of the country. MNP will come under Act Telecommunication Mobile Number Portability Regulations, 2009 and TRAI said the MNP facility shall be available only within a given licensed service area.

Mobile Number Portability More Attractive To India's Postpaid Users and High Spenders: Nielsen Study
Reliance, Tata, and BSNL Subscribers More Likely To Switch The introduction of Mobile Number Portability is considered good news for consumers, but presents a looming threat for mobile operators since it presents consumers with the choice of retaining their current mobile phone numbers even if they change their operator. And according to a recently conducted Mobile Consumer Insights study conducted by The Nielsen Company to gauge consumer attitudes and behavior towards mobile operators in India, it seems that close to one in five (18%) Indian mobile phone subscribers would change their mobile operator if Mobile Number Portability is introduced into the market. 61

62 Among the respondents, one in four Reliance and Tata Indicom subscribers would be keen to change their operator if Mobile Number Portability is introduced, followed by close to one in five (19%) of BSNL subscribers. In the third consecutive round of the Mobile Consumer Insights study by Nielsen in India, 12,500 mobile subscribers were surveyed across 50 centers in India. Nielsen augments the study with objective measurement of network performance, with the Consumer Insights part of the study measuring metrics such as satisfaction, willingness to recommend, reasons for churn and reasons for operator selection. Mobile Number Portability represents a powerful opportunity for operators to drive in -bound porting of high-value subscribers provided they have a good understanding of who is more likely to switch and why, said Shankari Panchapakesan, Executive Director, Telecom Practice, The Nielsen Company, India. According to the Nielsen Mobile Consumer Insights study, high spenders, postpaid subscribers and business subscribers show a greater tendency to switch if Mobile Number Portability is introduced. Prepaid, low and medium spend users are not motivated to switch. Postpaid subscribers have almost double the minutes of usage compared to pre-paid subscribers and the incidence of data application usage is also higher among postpaid and high spenders. Vodafone has the highest postpaid subscriber base in India. When Mobile Number Portability was introduced in the US, price/promotions were by far the leading drivers of acquisition. Ultimately the operator who leveraged the propensity of subscribers to choose based on price/promotions was successful in riding the Mobile Number Portability wave. In India, Mobile Number Portability can be leveraged by operators through


63 smart, targeted marketing and promotions to coincide with the introduction of the facility, continued Panchapakesan.

Who will Manage MNP Database

Syniverse was selected to receive the license for Zone 1, which includes the service areas of Delhi, Mumbai, Maharashtra, Gujarat and seven others. MNP Interconnection Telecom solutions was granted for MNP service Zone 2, which includes service areas of Eastern and Southern India

Reasons for operator selection

In the previous wave of the Nielsen study, Network Quality was a bigger driver of operator choice, driven by GSM subscribers, whereas Price was the primary consideration for valueconscious CDMA subscribers. In this round, Price is the primary driver for selecting an operator across all subscribers, but still to a greater degree among CDMA subscribers. According to the Nielsen study, among those subscribers who selected a mobile operator in the past year, Price was the motivator for close to two in five (39%), and Network Quality the driver of choice for over a third (36%). Promotion, Reputation/Recommendation and Customer Service were among other considerations before selecting a mobile operator. (See Chart1)



Intention to Switch Operator

Satisfaction levels with current operators

More than half (55%) of all respondents were generally satisfied with their mobile operator& 48 percent were satisfied with the network quality. However, satisfaction scores on network quality dropped for almost all operators, with Airtel, BSNL and Reliance registering the greatest drops. 46 percent were satisfied with the network coverage area of their operator & 43 percent were satisfied with the price they paid for the mobile phone service by their operator.


65 Other areas of satisfaction included customer service experience and quality of voice (both 42%), strength of signal, Voice & Data tariff options and accuracy of bills (all 41%), indoor coverage (40%), dropped calls (32%). Loyalty to operators is seen to be higher among lower socio-economic groups, older age groups, and among females. The circles in which subscribers are more likely to shift are Mumbai and Delhi Metro, UP East and West, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala, and Rest of West Bengal (does not include Kolkata Metro). Circles in which subscribers show higher retention levels are Chennai Metro, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab, UP East, Rest of Maharashtra (does not include Mumbai Metro), Rest of Tamil Nadu (does not include Chennai Metro), Bihar, and Jharkhand. Consumers and the market will decide who the predominant player will be, with the significant developments in the industry of Mobile Number Portability. As the market grows and hyper-competition takes effect, retention of the right type of customers will become critical, said Panchapakesan.



About Nielsen Telecom Practice

Nielsen Telecom Practice, an industry-focused service of The Nielsen Company, is the worlds largest independent provider of both syndicated and customized consumer research to the telecom and mobile media markets. Nielsen Telecom Practice focuses on tracking the behavior, attitudes and experiences of mobile consumers; their reports also provide up to seven years of data on internet, video, gaming, audio and advertising trends for mobile phone users. Nielsens technology-driven research provides unique and holistic insights into how mobile customers use their devices and what they think about brands, devices and services. Nielsen has the unique capability to offer objective measurement of Consumer Experience of network quality in its comprehensive solutions suite.



Mobile Network Portability will not likely to change churning rate of Prepaid customer:

Postpaid users were found to be more overwhelmed by the MNP news that will help them switch networks without their number being changed. Nielsen on Mobile Consumer Insights indicates that business subscribers mostly from the postpaid category are more likely to shift their service providers gears.

Fig. Classification by Connection Type



Fig. Classification by Usage



Reasons behind switching service provider

One would switch service providers because of:

Most of the subscribers shift to the new operators because of the competitive tariff rate offered by new operator. subscriber will be benefited from lower prices (Eg.Idea, vodafone.) by the competition between operators to provide the best service packages, customer service, or other benefits. Introducing number portability will allow some of subscribers to shift between operators and could improve subscriber satisfaction once it is introduced. 69



Impact of MNP on Mobile Operators

Operators who are having existing pool of strong customer base will be able to retain customer by providing competitive services. New telecom service providers can survive in the market by providing competitive tariffs and VAS. ARPU is likely to improve as customer reduce number of active connection of several operators.

Competition among telecom service providers is increasing. Profit margins are likely to erode Complex task to find out subscribers owns by operators as it can change service providers when ones found better value for money 70

71 Cartel in the existing operators to form synergy lead to hard game for rest of the players.

Impact of MNP on Mobile Subscribers

1. Subscribers would likely to have efficient services at cheapest rate. 2. Can retain one number lifetime while choosing competitive plans from other operators. 3. CDMA users can switch to GSM network providers without changing the handset, and hence subscribers need not to purchase the different handset for the different network.

Fees for transfer is yet not decided as new services introduced it will cost high. A subscriber is eligible to make a porting request only after 90 days of the date of activation of his mobile connection. Subscribers transferring the mobile number with some balance amount, no credit transfer would be allowed to the new account. Consumers allowed to change operators within their registered circle only (So if you are moving to another city and want to retain your mobile number, MNP is not the answer).




first send an sms to 1900 from your current number-port <your mobile number> e.g. port 123456789 you will be assigned a unique porting code which you have to send to the operator you want to switch to via sms. this number will be given through ads or on the operators website. however, this code is valid only for a few days. so, you have to act quickly. the new operator will communicate with your existing operator to ensure you dont have any dues pending. after confirmation, your existing operator will give the approval for number porting. you will have to fit a form and submit relevant documents. if you are a post-paid customer, you will have to submit a copy of your latest bill also. after completing these formalities, you will get an sms for the porting time and date. as per trai regulations, it is compulsory to complete the entire process within four days.



Fig: Overview of Procedure


Number portability implementation removes barriers to competition between operators and services and ensures a dynamic, fully competitive market. The two constituencies that will benefit most from the introduction of number portability in India will be subscribers, and operators who price competitively and provide quality service. Currently in India, subscribers are required to change their telephone numbers when changing operators. Changing a telephone number can be a major inconvenience and a barrier preventing them from exercising the choice of changing operators. As a result, the customer may be unable to take full advantage of the growing competition among operators or the introduction of new services and technologies.

Number portability eliminates these hurdles, and subscriber benefits may be categorized as: a. Type 1 benefits accrue to subscribers who retain their telephone number when switching an operator, and include cost savings from having to change mobile number. Such subscribers are able to avoid the costs of reprinting stationary, informing callers, changing signs and lost business. b. Type 2 benefits are those that arise out of efficiency and service quality improvements and any associated price reductions resulting from increased competition. 73

74 c. Type 3 benefits are those that accrue to callers to porting users who are able to avoid the need to change entries in their diaries, directories, databases and abbreviated dialers. They would also dial fewer wrong numbers and make fewer directory inquiries.

Additionally, subscriber will be benefited from lower prices (Eg. Hong Kong, Australia etc.) by the competition between operators to provide the best service packages, customer service, or other benefits. Introducing number portability will allow some of subscribers to shift between operators and could improve subscriber satisfaction once it is introduced. Operators who provide the best quality of service and coverage, and highest value-formoney will benefit because consumers will prefer to begin service with them and will no longer hesitate because of changing phone numbers. In the United States, for example, when unsatisfied cell phone customers want to change their service but not their phone number, more switch to Verizon Wireless than other major carriers. Verizon had the best porting-in to portingout ratio of 3:1 while AT&T Wireless was the worst at 1:5. According to Tole Hart, principal analyst with Gartner, Verizon is doing well because of the quality of their network and customer service.



Interesting facts about MNP:

United Kingdom is yet to switch to centralized solution ( as of Jan2008). The time taken to port a subscriber between the service providers should not be greater than the time taken to activate a new subscriber. It takes only 3 minutes in Australia to port a subscriber successfully. The first MNP implementation was made in 1990 Singapore.

Free of charge in countries and chargeable in some countries.






The project entails analyzing the implementation of Mobile number portability being carried out by Department of Telecommunication and they are being aided by TRAI. The broad areas to be covered include: Analysis of DoTs and TRAIs suggestions for the implementation of MNP including the technical and administrative decisions. Looking at MNP from other stakeholders perspective: customers and operators To analyse the customer prefrece towards MNP To analyse that to which network maximum people are swithing. To find out the association of network coverage on customer satisfaction To find out the association of Billing services on customer satisfaction To find out the association of value added services on customer satisfaction To get the Customer Satisfaction Index for mobile services
To access that how peer influence, customer service quality, product quality, promotion and network coverage going to become the factor for customer to using specific telecommunication service provider. To determine whether the customers like the mobile service providers' marketing activities

To determine the mobile service provider positioning strategies in serving their customers.







The scope of study is getting familiar with awareness and adoption of MNP services in the market of Ghazipur. Study should cover all areas of individuals insuring capacity and interest towards the MNP service and the satisfaction level of the user of the service. This research is particularly interested in investigating consumers' behaviors and perceptions such as motivations of changing or remaining with mobile operators with the introduction of MNP. This paper is tending to find out what are the factors that affecting customer perception in choosing their service provider through this study. All respondents are assumed to have basic mobile knowledge. There are many factors that cause the consumers to choose their mobile service provider. The study will also include the implications of switching cost on the telecommunication industry, service providers and consumers.




Consumers allowed to switch operators only 90 days after a connection is activated. Consumers allowed to change operators within their registered circle only (i.e. if you are within the Gujarat circle you cant shift to a Karnataka circle and so on). You might loose balance on prepaid cards.
In case you make a platform shift you will have to change handsets. This means if you

decide from CDMA-to-GSM or vice-versa, you will also have to change your handset.
Shortage of time for the preparation of dissertation. Report.



CHAPTER 4 Literature Review





The Indian telecom industry is one of the fastest growing in the world and is projected that India will have 'billion plus' mobile users by 2015. Projection by several leading global consultancies is that Indias telecom network will overtake Chinas in the next 5 years. Amid this the introduction of Mobile Number Portability (MNP) would benefit subscribers as they will be getting improved services that too at a lesser cost. MNP allows subscribers to retain their existing mobile telephone numbers when switching from one access service provider (telecom operator) to another, irrespective of mobile technology or from one technology to another, of the same or any other access service provider. In other words, it enables the subscriber to retain his/her phone number, when switching subscription from one mobile service provider to another. This study focuses on the competitive problems and profits in implementation to the subscribers and the service providers in the Indian market and various aspects covering portability rate, charges, benefits of MNP to customers and telecom service providers, prospective effects of MNP on telecom subscribers, suggestions for telecom service providers etc. Mobile Number Portability (MNP) has been introduced in many developed countries and is now being contemplated in many developing countries. The competition will intensify because of implementation of MNP and telecom service providers will be compelled to innovate their services to retain existing market share.



KEYWORDS Mobile number portability, MNP by country, Problems and Profits.


Mobile Number Portability means the facility which allows a subscriber to retain his mobile telephone number when he moves from one Access Provider to another irrespective of the mobile technology or from one cellular mobile technology to another of the same Access Provider; (TRAI) Though it was introduced as a tool to promote competition in the heavily monopolized wire line telecommunications industry, number portability became popular with the advent of mobile telephones, since in most countries different mobile operators are provided with different area codes and, without portability, changing one's operator would require changing one's number. Some operators, especially incumbent operators with large existing subscriber bases, have argued against portability on the grounds that providing this service incurs considerable overhead, while others argue that it prevents vendor lock-in and allows them to compete fairly on price and service. Due to this conflict of interest, number portability is usually mandated for all operators by telecommunications regulatory authorities. The Indian telecom industry was about to launch Mobile Number Portability (MNP) in a phased manner, on September 2009 and to be completed by March 2010. But it delayed due to some reasons.

Competition is one of the major driving factors of the Indian telecom industry. Launch of CDMA services and entry of new players are the major events, which made the industry highly


84 competitive over a period of time. Consistent rounds of tariff cuts and improvement in the quality of services only resulted from high competition. Players upgraded themselves by making huge investments to improve the infrastructure and thereby the quality of services offerings, in view of the size of the market and the opportunities it offered.

Indian telecom industry is one of the most competitive telecom industries in the world with 12 players offering services to over 390mn subscribers. However, the top 5 players have captured significant market share of 85%, while the other 7 players account for just 15%. Considering the size of the market, the TRAI has allowed entry of new players, which would fuel competition further. Mobile operators offering telecom services in India include state-owned BSNL and MTNL, besides private operators like Airtel, Reliance Communications, Vodafone, Idea Cellular, Loop Mobile, Aircel, MTS and Tata Indicom/DoCoMo. Once mobile number portability is across in India, every operator will have to facilitate customers exit from and entry to their networks with the same number.


MNP is implemented in different ways across the globe. The international and European standard is for a customer wishing to port his/her number to contact the new provider (Recipient) who will then arrange necessary process with the old provider (Donor). This is also known as 'Recipient-Led' porting. The UK is the only country to not implement a Recipient-Led system, where a customer wishing to port his/her number is required to contact the Donor to obtain a Porting Authorisation Code (PAC) which he/she then has to give to the Recipient. Once having


85 received the PAC the Recipient continues the port process by contacting the Donor. This form of porting is also known as 'Donor-Led' and has been criticised by some industry analysts as being inefficient. It has also been observed that it may act as a customer deterrent as well as allowing the Donor an opportunity of 'winning-back' the customer. This might lead to distortion of competition, especially in the markets with new entrants that are yet to achieve scalability of operation.





Country United states Mexico Dominican Republic Brazil ASIA PACIFIC

Implementation date November 24, 2003 July 5, 2008 September 30, 2009 October 1, 2008

Time to port (days) 3 4 3 - 10 5

Country Australia Hong Kong Pakistan Singapore New Zealand Thailand India

Implementation date October 25, 2001 March 1, 1999 March 23, 2007 June 13, 2008 April 1, 2007 September 1, 2009 March 2, 2011

Time to port (days) 1 2 4 3-5 2 4 7



Country France Italy Germany Finland Denmark Sweden

Implementation date June 1, 2003 January 15, 2002 November 1, 2002 July 25, 2003 January 1, 2001 September 1, 2001

Time to port (days) 10 3 2 5 30 - 60 21


Country Israel Jordan South Africa Oman Egypt Source: www.wikipedia.com

Implementation date December 3, 2073 June 1, 2010 November 10, 2006 August 28, 2006 April 1, 2008

Time to port (days) 3 4 hrs 7 2 6 5



There are four main methods to implement MNP by routing a number to new service provider:-

All Call Query (ACQ) The operator that originates the call always checks a centralized database and obtains the route to the call. Query on Release (QoR) The operator that originates the call first checks with the operator to which the number initially belonged, the donor operator. The donor operator verifies the call and informs that it no longer possesses the number. The operator that originates the call then checks the centralized database, as is done with ACQ.

Call Drop back Also known as Return to Pivot (RoP). The operator that originates the call first checks with the donor operator. The donor operator checks its own database and provides a new route. The operator that originates the call then uses this route to forward the call. No central database is consulted.

Onward Routing (OR) The operator that originates the call checks with the donor operator. The donor operator checks its own database and obtains a new route. The operator to which the number was designated routes itself the call to the new operator. This model is called indirect routing.



Earlier the subscribers were hesitant to change their operators due to fear of loosing their existing mobile number, but now with MNP subscribers can easily switch to new operator while retaining same mobile number. Theres a catch though. You cannot switch operator and retain number if you have been with that operator for less than three months. Prepaid users must remember that their balance talk time will disappear if they switch to a different operator. The maximum downtime between deactivating the existing connection and starting the new connection will be a maximum of two hours.

TRAI has forwarded the responsibility to the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) to select an operator who will be licensed to manage an end-to-end MNP solution.

1. Subscribers must pay up all pending bills before making an application for MNP.

2. The porting fee is to be paid to the new operator.

3. No payment is required to be given to the operator you are leaving.

4. TRAI said that porting between mobile operators should be accomplished within four days.



Mobile Number Portability More Attractive To India's Postpaid Users and High Spenders:

According to the Nielsen Mobile Consumer Insights study, postpaid subscribers have almost double the minutes of usage compared to pre-paid subscribers and the incidence of data application usage is also higher among postpaid and high spenders. Vodafone has the highest postpaid subscriber base in India.

They found on the basis of the survey that postpaid subscribers will show higher switching rate then the prepaid subscribers.

Consumers and the market will decide who the predominant player will be, with the significant developments in the industry of Mobile Number Portability. As the market grows and hypercompetition takes effect, retention of the right type of customers will become critical, said Panchapakesan.



Free mobility from one service provider to another, without changing the mobile number.

KKK. Price competition if the market is competitive.


91 LLL. Competition among service providers will lead to improvement in quality of service and product innovation, in order to retain and expand the customer base.

MMM. Many value-added services may be offered by service providers to attract customers, either free or at low costs.



Telecom operator charges porting fees in many countries. These charges comprise

of administrative fees and recurring monthly fees for number porting services.


Waiting period for mobile subscribers to get their number successfully ported. This

waiting period ranges from 1-2 working days in Hong Kong, to 4-7 working days in Taiwan and Singapore, 4 days in India as directed by TRAI resulting in too much inconvenience for subscribers.


It increases competition by allowing consumers to switch service providers, yet retaining their old mobile phone number, which help telecom operator to improve its product line and services.

It provides a fair chance to all the service providers. Player with better quality of service


92 and innovative products can sustain in the long term.

It can be one of the major reasons for the industry to consolidate.


Increase in churn rate directly affects the revenues of the service provider. Increases price competition.

It may put pressure on margins, as product innovation costs and marketing costs may increase.

Increased investments in back-end services.


The arrival of the new system in India will definitely make mobile network operators stay on guard as the subscriber has the flexibility to move out of their network at any time. Mobile network operators will have to face this huge hurdle and will have to improve upon their customer service and products to be the best if they wish to retain their esteemed customers.

There are many exit barriers or strategies that the operators can adopt to prevent their base from churning. A few examples of such strategies are:



Offer advance rental plans with bundled free airtime before introduction of MNP to lock-in the subscribers.

Enhance network coverage by providing in-building solution.

Offer personalized customer care.

Focus on services like mobile money, navigation, email that would make subscriber think twice before leaving the network.


The move is sure to unsettle the market. It will generate fierce competition between service providers and force big ones to improve their services. At the same time, it will benefit new players immensely. Introduction of mobile number portability will facilitate the easy exit of disgruntled users. This also means telcos will have to put more effort to retain those customers, who earlier stayed loyal to the operator out of the necessity of retaining their number. There are some additional factors which affect porting. These are procedure for porting, porting time, porting costs/fee, lock-in period, customer awareness, exit barriers, launch of services by new operators, attractive/aggressive tariff plans, innovative services, VAS offerings, quality of service, time to resolve disputes & porting process complexity etc.


94 As seen internationally, the porting rate is high in the initial period of introduction of MNP and then reaches a plateau. Unlike other countries where at the time of introduction of MNP, the telecom sector had matured, in India, several new operators are entering the market and the monthly addition of new subscriber is still very high. As the churn rate is quite high, it is expected that once MNP is available, subscribers may use this facility as an alternative to switch over to other operators. Price competition may intensify post MNP implementation. We believe that services and the quality of services in the telecom industry are quiet homogenous, making pricing the key differentiator, and major tool to attract and retain subscribers. In a worst-case scenario, new players or small existing players may adopt cheap pricing strategies to attract and retain subscribers.






The True Importance Of Mobile Number Portability

Today, mobile phones have become inevitable in one's life. We've seen it grow from a mere luxury to now a necessity. The transformation in the lifestyle of we, the people is a major reason for this change. What started with a several bucks for incoming call has moved on to a plethora of plans which have free outgoing calls today.

The telecom sector has had a great time in the past 10 years. Early players have minted a huge sum of money already despite the licensing fee they would have paid to get into the play-field. From just 40.6 million mobile phone users in Spetember'2004, India is to have over 650 million users by 2012, as predicted by the Indian prime minister last year.

Admist all the number games, an acronym which is of more interest to the mobile phone subscribers is MNP or the well known and self explanatory, Mobile Number Portability.

A large percentage of mobile users are willing to switch to a different service provider but cannot afford to change their phone numbers. MNP is for them. The latest news in this context was DoT's notification on rolling out MNP by September 2009 in Delhi, Mumbai, Maharashtra and Gujarat which form Zone I and Kolkata, Tamil Nadu, Chennai, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka of Zone 2 within the following 6 months.








Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. One can also define research as a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic. The word research has been derived from French word Researcher means to search FRANCIES SUMMER defined Research: It is a careful inquiry or examination to discover new information or relationship and to expand or verify existing knowledge. Research is the solution of the problem, whether created or already generated. When research is done, some new outcome, so that the problem (created or generated) to be solved.


Every project work is based on certain methodology, which is a way to systematically solve the problem or attain its objectives. It is a very important guideline and lead to completion of any project work through observation, data collection and data analysis According to Clifford Woody, Research Methodology comprises of defining & redefining problems, collecting, organizing &evaluating data, making deductions &researching to conclusions. Accordingly, the methodology used in the project is as follows: Defining the objectives of the study 98

99 Framing of questionnaire keeping objectives in mind (considering the objectives) Feedback from the employees Analysis of feedback Conclusion, Findings and suggestions.


Research Design is the conceptual structure within which research is conducted. It constitutes the blueprint for collection, measurement and analysis of data. The design used for carrying out this research is Descriptive.

Sources of Data Collection: Research will be based on two sources: 1. Primary data 2. Secondary data


Questionnaire: Primary data was collected by preparing questionnaire for customers. The questionnaire was filled through personal interview.




Secondary data will consist of different literatures like books which are published, articles, internet, the company manuals and websites of company- www.iciciprulife.com. In order to reach relevant conclusion, research work needed to be designed in a proper way. This research methodology also includes:Familiarization with the concept of insurance and its various terms. Thorough study of the information collected. Conclusions based on findings.

Selection of Sample Size: For the survey, a sample size of 100 has been taken into consideration Sampling Technique Used: This research has used convenience sampling technique 1) Convenience sampling technique : Convenience sampling is used in exploratory research where the researcher is interested in getting an inexpensive approximation of the truth. As the name implies, the sample is selected because they are convenient SAMPLING PLAN: It is very difficult to collect information from every member of a population .As time and costs are the major limitation that the researcher faces. SAMPLE AREA: The sample area of the project is New Delhi.







103 Q.1. Which of the following services you are using?

Particulars Pre-paid Post-paid Total

No. of respondents 89 11 100

Percentage 89 11 100

No. of respondents
Pre-paid 11% Post-paid



From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents 89% of respondents are using pre-paid service 11% of respondents are using post-paid service




Most of the respondents were having prepaid connection and as it can be seen from the graph that the no. of post paid connections is very less.

Q.2. Which mobile operators service you are using?

Particulars Vodafone Airtel Idea Others Total

No. of respondents 26 20 30 24 100

Percentage 26 20 30 24 100



No. of respondents
24% 26% Vodafone Airtel 30% 20% Idea Others


From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents 26% of respondents are using Vodafone 20% of respondents are using Airtel 30% of respondents are using Idea 24% of respondents are using Other network


From the above chart we can see that majority of people are using idea. Vodafone and Idea ratio is more than the other network provider in New Delhi.



Q.3. What is your current on an average monthly spending on mobile?

Particulars Less than 100 100-200 201-300 Above 300 Total

No. of respondents 13 27 32 28 100

Percentage 13 27 32 28 100

No. of respondents



less than 100 100-200 201-300


above 300




From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents 13% of respondents average monthly spending on mobile is less than Rs 100 27% of respondents average monthly spending on mobile is between Rs 100-200 32% of respondents average monthly spending on mobile is between Rs 201-300 28% of respondents average monthly spending on mobile is above Rs 300


From the above chart we can see that maximum no. of respondents are youth who spends below Rs 300 in a month on mobile. And about 28% of respondents are service and businessman who spends above Rs 300.



Q.4 Are you aware of the MNP Services?

Particulars Yes No Total

No. of respondents 38 62 100

Percentage 38 62 100

70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No




From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents 38% of respondents are aware of MNP 62% of respondents are not aware of MNP


From the above chart we can see that majority of respondents are not aware of MNP. Its may be so because of lack of publicity.



Q.5 After the availability of MNP Service in New Delhi, would you like to change your service provider?

Particulars Yes No Already changed Total

No. of respondents 28 52 30 100

Percentage 28 52 30 100

No. of respondents
Yes No 27% 26% Already changed





From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

28% said yes 52% said No 30% has already changed


From the above chart we can see that majority of respondents would like to be with their own network. Some would like to switch to other network for better service and some has already changed their network.



Q.6 To which cellular service you have moved or want to move?

Particulars Vodafone Airtel Idea Others Total

No. of respondents 13 27 34 26 100

Percentage 13 27 34 26 100

No. of respondents



Vodafone Airtel Idea






From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents 13% would like to switch to Vodafone 27% would like to switch to Airtel 34% would like to switch to Idea 26% would like to switch to Other network


From the above chart we can see that majority of respondents would like to switch to Idea for better network coverage. Switchers of Airtel is wants cheap call rates. And it seams that Vodafone is not much successful in New Delhi.



Q.7 Have you face any difficulty while changing your service provider?

Particulars Yes No Total

No. of respondents 38 62 100

Percentage 38 62 100

No. of respondents
Yes No






From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents

38% of respondents face difficulty while changing their service provider 62% of respondents does not face difficulty while changing their service provider


From the above chart we can see that majority of respondents some cellular co.s MNP procedure is long and difficult by which people are facing problem in swithing


116 Q.8 On a scale of 1 to 5 what marks will you award to the quality of MNP services that you have used?

Particulars Network Excellent Service Prior Experience Others Total

No. of respondents 185 120 70 125 100

Percentage 37 24 14 40 100

No. of respondents
25% 37%

Network Excellent Service Prior Experience Others





This question was to find the quality of MNP services used by the user on a scale of 1 to 5 Since the points are given out of 5 and there are 100 respondents so the marks will be out of 500.


From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents Network has got 185 marks out of 500 Excellent Service 120 marks out of 500 Prior Experience 72 marks out of 500 Others 125 marks out of 500

INTERPRETATION From the above data we can see that majority of the respondents have use MNP for getting better network and good service.



Q.9 Why have you chosen this service provider?

Particulars Network Excellent Service Prior Experience Others

No. of respondents 36 23 25 16

Percentage 36 23 25 16




No. of respondents
16% 36%

Network Excellent Service Prior Experience Others






From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents 36% of respondents have chosen the network better network 23 of respondents have chosen the network excellent service 25 of respondents have chosen the network prior experience 16 of respondents have chosen the network for other reason


From the above data we can see that majority of respondents have chosen the MNP service for getting better network. and most of the respondent get excellent service and have already got prior experience


120 Q.10 Will you recommend the service to your friends/ relatives?

Particulars Yes No May be Total

No. of respondents 38 30 32 100

Percentage 38 30 32 100

No. of respondents

Yes No May be 41%





From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents 38% of respondents will recommend the MNP service to their friends/ relatives 30% of respondents will not recommend the MNP service to their friends/ relatives 32% of respondents may recommend the MNP service to their friends/ relatives


From the above data we can see that majority of respondents who have chosen the MNP service are satisfied with it and will recommend others also for this service for getting better network and cheap calls



Q.11 What makes you to not to use MNP services?

Particulars Satisfied with current services. MNP service is complex Not aware about MNP Others Total

No. of respondents 34

Percentage 34

18 21 27 100

18 21 27 100

No. of respondents
27% 34%

Satisfied with current services. MNP service is complex Not aware about MNP

21% 18%




From the survey it was found that amongst 100 respondents 34% of respondents have not use MNP service because they are Satisfied with current services. 18% of respondents have not use MNP service because they think MNP service is complex 21% of respondents have not use MNP service because they are not aware of it. 27% of respondents have not use MNP service because of other reasons


From the above data we can see that most of the respondents are satisfied with their network and dont want to use MNP service. Among them most are using idea and Vodafone.







On an analysis and evaluation of the data collected from the respondents the following findings were found. Most of the population of New Delhi uses Idea. The average monthly spending on mobile of the population is above Rs 500. Service provider like Vodafone and Idea does not provide good network in semi-urban area. Maximum population is aware of MNP facilty through various media The youth of the society moves towards MNP for getting better service and cheap call rates




On the basis of the research conducted, it can be concluded that most of the people feel that mobile is just a means of communication which helps them to stay connected with their friends, relatives and society. Most of the respondents are concerned about the quality of the service provided by the mobile companies and they are not much concerned about the price charged for the service.

According to the research, Idea is at the top as far as number of subscribers is concerned. It is also noteworthy that Idea and vodafone are also doing well as they have shown a regular increase in the number of subscribers. On the basis of the results, it can be assumed that most of the customers are satisfied with the services provided by their preffered company but the percentage of partially satisfied customers is lagging behind with the fully satisfied customers with a slight difference. It can be considered that the telecom services has created a positive image in the mind of the local residents as the respondents feel that the advent of telecom services in the town has assisted in the development of the town and it has created employment opportunities in the town.


127 The peoples are much concerned about the info. Services and entertainment services provided by the mobile companies. Based on the perception of the respondents, it is quite clear that the mobile and WLL services provided by BSNL in the rural areas are not upto the mark. The intensity of the network is also not good as compared to the intensity of the town.

Most of the respondents are likely to switch on to the new entrant in the market if it provides them more services, it shows that most of the peoples are switchers within the specified age group.

On the basis of the study, it can be predicted that maximum of the respondents are expecting that increment would be seen in the new offers with the regular entry of new service providers. It is quite sure that the economic condition of the local residents has improved in the recent years as the respondents feel that the increment in the no. of subscribers is due to the improved economic condition of the local people. The respondents feel that telecom services has totally changed the traditional communication system and there will be no adverse effect on the number of subscribers due to the present recession in the economy.






The MNP option will, however, not lead to a dramatic shift by subscribers from one operator to another, as quality of service and network coverage are not significant differentiators in the Indian market. But there is lots of draw back and limitations in MNP procedure of various service provider Reliance GSM takes lots of time in MNP procedure. It service should be fast Idea and Vodafones procedures are very tough and the did not easily let to swith their user to other network. So, there need of improvement in it. The documentation process must be improved Some service provider ask for Id-proof many times. The should not do so.










http://ebookbrowse.com/11086172-mobile-number-portability-in-india-progress-outlookand-implications-pdf-d40664915 http://ebookbrowse.com/whitepaper-mobile-number-portability-correction-pdfd39002466 http://ebookbrowse.com/mobile-number-portability-in-india-keynote-capitals-pdf20090626 http://informationmadness.com/blog/25-blog/1545-india-mobile-number-portabilitycomplete-guide.html www.mnpindia.in http://ebookbrowse.com/mobile-number-portability-pdf






Note: I RAVI PRATAP SINGH student of NIET conducting a survey and hereby request you to fill up the questionnaire. The information provided by you will be kept strictly confidential and will be used for academic purpose only.


[ ] Under 20 [ ] Male

[ ] 21-30 [ ] Female

[ ] 31-40

[ ] 40-41

[ ] 41-50

[ ] Above 50

Occupation:- [ ] Business Family Monthly Income:[ ] Less than 5,000 15,001

[ ] Service

[ ] Student

[ ] Other

[ ] 5,000 to 38


[ ] 10,001 to 15,000

[ ] Above


Which of the following services you are using?

[ ] Pre-paid

[ ] Post-paid

Q.2 Which mobile operator service you are using?

[ ] Vodafone

[ ] Airtel

[ ] Idea

[ ] Others_________

\ 133

134 Q.3 What is your current on an average monthly spending on mobile? [ ] Less than 100 [ ] 100 to 200 [ ] 201 to 300 [ ] Above 300

Q.4 Are you aware of the MNP Services? [ ] Yes [ ] No

Q.5 After the availability of MNP Service in New Delhi, would you like to change your service provider

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

[ ] Have already changed

If Yes or have already changed then continue otherwise go to question number 12.

Q.6 To which cellular service you have moved or want to move?

[ ] Vodafone

[ ] Airtel

[ ] Idea

[ ] Others


135 Q.7 Have you face any difficulty while changing your service provider?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

If yes then, specify reason________________________________________

Q.8 On a scale of 1 to 5 what marks will you award to the quality of MNP services that you have used?

Q.9 Why have you chosen this service provider?

[ ] Network

[ ] Excellent Service

[ ] Prior Experience

[ ] Others

Q.10 Will you recommend the service to your friends/ relatives?

[ ] Yes

[ ] No

[ ] May be 135


Q.11 Please describe that forced you to terminate the companys services? ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________

If No then,
Q.12 What makes you to not to use MNP services?

[ ] Satisfied with current services.

[ ] MNP service is complex

[ ] Not aware about MNP

[ ] Others______________________

Q.13 How long have you been the customer of this service?

__________________________________________________________ Q.14 How can the service that you are using can be improved?

__________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Q.16 Please rate your satisfaction with the quality of our survey?

[ ] Excellent [ ] Poor

[ ] Good [ ] Very Poor 136



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