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Paaras Alumini

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Submitted to: Mr. SAKET GUPTA Lovely School A"d Scie"ce' ! E"#i"eeri"#

Compiled by:PAARAS GUPTA $.tech %M$A&$io-tech Roll "o.: R()*$*( Re#d. +o. - ,-.-/0),

Many people helped to create this file and each of their contribution has been valuable. The timely completion of this file is mainly due to the interest and persuasion of Mr.SAKET GUPTA faculty but also "ood friend and "uide. #er contribution ill be remembered forever. $ ould li%e to ho!s not only my

than% many other individuals completion of this file. $t is

ho have "reatly contributed in

ith deep sense of "ratitude and immense pride that

ac%no led"e the valuable "uidance& constructive remar%s and advice "iven to us by our orthy teachers. 'or completin" This tas% is more a learnin" fashion than as a burden & e ould li%e to place on record the sincere contribution of our

friends& there care and support. (e o n immensely to our respected parents& our every replenishin" source and stren"th and encoura"ement& for their infinite love & silent prayer and selfless sacrifices made for our better.

Sr.no. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10 11 Page no. Topic

1 2 3 4 5 6-20 21 22 23 24 25

Title Page Ac%no led"ement Contents Introduction System Requirement Source Code Requirement nalysis System !escri"tion Testing #uture sco"e Re$erences

Operating System: RAM: !AR" "#S$ 'ro(essor +ompi,er Windows 2000/NT/Xp/Vista 256 M or more %0 & or more ') or !ig* Standard +-- +ompi,er

Source code
34 Alum"i pro#5mmi"# Record Sy'tem - C impleme"t5tio" lovely Pro!e''io"5l U"iver'ity Ph5#65r5785l5"dh5r Pro#r5mmed by: 'ub9ect Pro!e''or: 43 :i"clude;'tdio.h< :i"clude;co"io.h< :i"clude;'tri"#.h< :i"clude;do'.h<

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Requirement Analysis :
T!. 'RO/.+T W!#+! #S &#V.N TO M. # +AN . MA". ON AN0 W#N"OWS 1#$. W#N"OWS2V#STA W#N"OWSX'3 W#N"OWS 20004 T!. MA#N +ON"#T#ON #S T!AT #T S!O51" !AV. M#+ROSO6T #NSTA11." W#T! M#+ROSO6T W#N"OWS AS AS#+ N.++.SSS#T04 T!. S0ST.M S!O1" !AV. RAM O6 256M OR MOR.4 !AR" "#S$ +A'A+#T0 O6 %0& OR MOR.4 'RO+.SSOR M5ST . '.NT#5M ) 0R % W#T! +-- +OM'#1.R4

T!. O'.RAT#N& S0ST.M 5S." #N T!#S 'RO/.+T #S W#N"OWSX'#T !AS M#+ROSO6T O66#+. #NSTA11." #N #T4 #T !AS RAM O6 2& 4 !AR" "#S$ +A'A+#T0 O6 O'.RAT#N& S0ST.M #S 760& 4 #T +ONS#STS O6 '.NT#5M2% 'RO+.SSOR4T!. O'.R.AT#N& S0ST.M A1SO !AS +-- +OM'#1.R4 T!. S0ST.M A1SO !AS T0'. +ONV.RS#ONS W!#+! +ONV.RT 1OW.R TO 5''.R T0'.4 T!. O'.RAT#N& S0ST.M !AV. 7& RAM 6OR M#+ROSO6T WOR1"4


T!. SO5R+.+O". ".+1AR." A OV. 6OR T!. 'RO&RAM O6 6A+51T0 #N6ORMAT#ON 8 MANA&.M.NT S0ST.M !AS ..N T.ST." AN" #T !AS ..N 6O5N" T!AT T!. A OV. SO5R+. +O". #S O$A0 AN" +ORR.+T4T!. 'RO&RAM #NVO1V.S MAN0 T0'. O6 +ONV.RS#ONS4 T!.S. +ONV.RS#ONS !AS TO "ON. +AR.651104 T!. 'RO&RAMM. #S "ON. #NT.&RAT#ON V#S.4


Review performance and objectives with your manager. Focus on delivering quantifiable results. Link to goals and objectives. Monitor development needs & action plan. Resource for review monthly to ensure completion by year end. dd new development needs to list as identified. !uild resume for potential job changes. First impression for potential hiring manager




+,,KS) -et us c A PR,GRAMM$.G $. A.S$ / 0 TUR+, /

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