Currency Convertibility and Its Impact On BOP
Currency Convertibility and Its Impact On BOP
Currency Convertibility and Its Impact On BOP
Current Capital
Account Account
Convertibi Convertibi
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Current Account
• It refers to currency convertibility required
in the case of transactions relating to
exchange of goods and services, money
transfers and all those transactions that
are classified in the current account.
From 1992
to 2000
on began
in 1991
Till 1990
Current Situation on Current
• India is fully convertible on the current
• Provides full freedom to both residents
and non-residents to trade in
• RBI has placed a cap in creation of a
capital asset
Capital Account
• Capital Account consist of short term
and long term capital transactions
• As per FEMA "capital account
transaction" means a transaction
which alters the assets or liabilities,
including contingent liabilities,
outside India of persons resident in
India or assets or liabilities in India of
persons resident outside India
Capital Account
1. Direct Foreign Investments (both inward &
2. Investment in securities (both inward & outward)
3. Other Investments (both inward & outward)
4. Government Loans (both inward & outward)
5. Short-term investments (both inward & outward)
Capital Account
Capital Account transactions are classified
as :-
• Capital Flight