Tilt&Turn Window CA

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Why Choose Tilt & Turn Windows?

The Luchesa timber inward open tilt and turn windows range is sometimes referred to as a German style window. This type of window opens into the room, tilting first (hinged at the bottom) then turning into the room as a side hung window. Tilt & Turn windows are a recognized standard in Europe and are becoming an increasingly popular window type in the ! and in "# in recent years. There are a number of reasons for this. #$%#&T#GE" ' They are able to accommodate far larger opening lights and can sustain hea(ier weights than outward opening systems due to the strength of the hinge system and frame. )n their tilt position, they offer summer (entilation while bloc*ing drafts and rain. ' They can be either timber or aluminium clad timber, negating the need for e+ternal decoration ' "ecurity is also impro(ed, as the espagnollette system loc*s around the entire circumference of the sash ma*ing it all but impossible to force it open without totally destroying the window, and in the tilt position it would be (irtually impossible for an intruder to enter or a young child to fall out ' Tilt & turn windows can be double, triple and e(en ,uadruple glazed when combining internal blinds. ' (alues (referred to heat and noise insulation), this is perhaps the most beneficial reason for using a tilt and turn window o(er a -asement style window. Especially when comparing the triple glazed system the (alues of tilt and turn are up to and sometimes greater than ./0 better than an outward open window. 1ne of the primary reasons for the impro(ed performance is the glazing pac*age. The glazing pac*ages that can be incorporated into the window are much thic*er on a tilt and turn window, typically up to 22mm3s4 5hereas a casement struggle to incorporate glazing pac*ages greater than 6/mm. The fact that the sash opens inwards and is stepped o(er the frame internally results in no gap between the sash and frame such as you get with an out open -asement window, which is a cold bridge compromising the thermal and noise performance. ' #nother area where a tilt and turn window has superior performance of other opening types is airtightness. $ue to the loc*ing system mentioned abo(e and the ability to add in secondary seals, both thermally and acoustically, the o(erall airtightness can beyond 7// 8ascal3s, this is a particularly important consideration if you are trying to achie(e high le(els of airtightness such as 8assi(haus certification. ' The ability to ma*e cur(ed and angled head units open (sub9ect to shape and acuteness of angle). ' They are much easier to clean than standard casements.

Tilt and turn window will be a better option in e(ery way, as people come to understand the ad(antages of this system it will become a far more common place specification.

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