Classical Tidal Harmonic Analysis Including Error Estimates in Matlab Using T Tide
Classical Tidal Harmonic Analysis Including Error Estimates in Matlab Using T Tide
Classical Tidal Harmonic Analysis Including Error Estimates in Matlab Using T Tide
Classical tidal harmonic analysis including error estimates in MATLAB using T TIDE$
Rich Pawlowicza,*, Bob Beardsleyb, Steve Lentzb
Department of Earth and Ocean Sciences, University of British Columbia, 6270 University Blvd., Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4 b Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543 USA Received 24 September 2001; received in revised form 13 February 2002; accepted 28 February 2002
Abstract A standard part of any oceanic pressure gauge or current meter analysis is the separation of tidal from non-tidal components of the signal. The tidal signal can either be discarded, or its characteristics described in some fashion useful for further analysis. Although tidal signals can be removed by standard high or bandpass ltering techniques, their relatively deterministic character and large amplitude make special techniques more effective. In classical harmonic analysis, the tidal signal is modelled as the sum of a nite set of sinusoids at specic frequencies related to astronomical parameters. A set of programs has been written in MATLAB to (a) perform classical harmonic analysis for periods of about 1 year or shorter, (b) account for (some) unresolved constituents using nodal corrections, and (c) compute condence intervals for the analyzed components. r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Tides; Condence interval; Oceanography
1. Introduction As the earth rotates on its axis, spatially varying gravitational forces from the moon and the sun act on the ocean, generating a forced elevation and current response primarily (but not solely) at diurnal and semidiurnal frequencies. Body forces act directly on deep oceanic waters. Tidal effects in coastal regions are not directly forced by these astronomical forces. Instead they arise as a side-effect of deep oceanic variability, propagating through shallower coastal waters as a wave or a combination of waves. In a typical oceanic time series, tidal variability is often the largest signal. Power spectra for such time series are often characterized by a broad hump with a low-frequency maximum and a decline at higher frequencies. Superimposed are a
$ Code available from server at or *Corresponding author. Tel.: +1-604-822-1356; fax: +1604-822-6091. E-mail address: (R. Pawlowicz).
number of sharp tidal peaks near diurnal and semidiurnal frequencies, and sometimes a broader peak associated with Coriolis or inertial effects. Dynamical analysis requires the separation of the tidal signal from sub or super-tidal variations, or in some cases separation of tidal effects from inertial effects at a nearby frequency. The tidal information is either discarded or kept for further analysis. Standard high/low/bandpass ltering techniques (e.g., Jackson 1986) can be used but in general these are inefcient because fairly narrow lters with a great deal of rejection are needed. Also, although these are useful in analyzing non-tidal variability, they provide no compression of the tidal information. Specialized techniques have been devised to take advantage of the deterministic nature of tidal processes. In classical harmonic analysis, the tidal forcing is modelled as a set of spectral lines, i.e., the sum of a nite set of sinusoids at specic frequencies. These frequencies are specied by various combinations of sums and differences of integer multiples of 6 fundamental frequencies arising from planetary motions (Godin, 1972). These fundamental
0098-3004/02/$ - see front matter r 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 0 9 8 - 3 0 0 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 1 3 - 4
parameters represent effects of rotation of the earth (lunar day of 24:8 h), the orbit of the moon around the earth (lunar month of 27 days) and the earth around the sun (tropical year), and periodicities in the location of lunar perigee (8.85 years), lunar orbital tilt (18.6 years), and the location of perihelion (E21 000 years). The set of 6 signed integers required to describe a particular frequency are called the Doodson numbers. Many of the more important frequencies have names such as M2 , K1 , etc. From astronomical considerations alone, an equilibrium response can be predicted; this is the phase and amplitude that would be observed if the response of the earth was fast enough that the surface deformation was effectively in equilibrium with the forcing at all times. The real ocean is denitely not in equilibrium with the tidal forcing. However, as tidal amplitudes are small compared with the total ocean depth, the dynamics are very nearly linear, implying that the forced response contains only those frequencies present in the forcing. A least-squares t can be used to determine the relative phase and amplitude of each frequency in the response. This phase/amplitude data thus provides a compression of the data in the complete time series, which can then be compared with similar data at other locations to understand the characteristics of tidal dynamics, or can be used to synthesize time series of tidal effects at other times for predictive purposes. There are several drawbacks to classical harmonic analysis. The rst is that, ignoring the modulation of perihelion which is effectively constant over historical time, an E18:6 year time series is required to resolve all of the listed frequencies (that is, the number of wavelengths of each constituent in the record is at least 1 different from all other constituents). In practice, record lengths are often 1 year or shorter. In order to handle this issue an assumption is made that the phase/ amplitudes of response sinusoids with similar frequencies (i.e., those whose rst three Doodson numbers are identical) are in the same proportion as those of the equilibrium response under the reasonable premise that the ocean response should be similar at similar frequencies. In such a cluster large equilibrium peaks are surrounded by small subsidiary peaks in frequencyspace which provide nodal modulations (or more correctly, satellite modulations) to the main peak. The appearance of the total signal will be a sinusoid whose phase and amplitude varies slowly with time. These changes are slow enough to be considered effectively constant for record lengths of up to 1 year. At much shorter record lengths another problem arises. The frequency resolution further degrades until even dissimilar constituents are unresolvable. The best solution is to apply inference. This technique for nding the absolute phase/amplitude requires that the relative differences in phase/amplitude between the two unre-
solved constituents is known from other nearby data. If this is not the case, it is thought best to either discard the smaller constituents and t only to the largest in a given frequency interval, or to use the equilibrium response to establish the desired differences. Another drawback of classical analysis is that it provides no easy way to determine whether the resulting phase/amplitude of a given sinusoid is meaningful in a deterministic way (i.e., it is truly a tidal line), or whether it results from tting to a component of the non-tidal broad-spectrum variability. In general a t is likely to include elements of both and some kind of condence interval for the deterministic part is useful. To address this issue, the response method was invented (Munk and Cartwright, 1966). Although this provides better results than classical harmonic analysis, it has not found widespread use. Further problems with classical harmonic analysis arise in coastal regions where the tidal response is in the form of a wave propagating onshore. In large estuaries, the seasonal change in salinity and ow may change the dynamic response but as these changes can vary from year to year the tidal process is not really stationary. Instead spectral peaks are broadened so that they are no longer pure lines, but, depending on the situation, such variations may be treated as lines in the analysis. Within smaller estuaries, tidal height variations may be signicant compared to water column depth and a variety of non-linear effects can occur. For example, ood periods shorten and intensify and ebbs lengthen. As long as these effects are reasonably deterministic they may be handled by adding extra shallow water constituents which occur at sum/difference frequencies of the major constituents. More problematic in these regions are the effects of internal variability. Tidal interactions with varying topography can produce large internal waves and bores whose characteristics are highly sensitive to ambient stratication. In such cases the assumption of line frequencies becomes questionable and other techniques such as wavelet analysis have been suggested (Jay and Flinchem, 1999). More comprehensive descriptions of analysis techniques, their use, and their limitations is given in, e.g., Foreman et al. (1995) and Godin (1991). Here, we describe T TIDE, a package of routines that can be used to perform classical harmonic analysis with nodal corrections, inference, and a variety of userspecied options. Predictions can also be made using the analyzed constituents. There are several novel features. First, although the harmonic analysis algorithm with nodal corrections, etc., itself is not original (other than conversion to complex algebra), it is implemented in MATLAB, an analysis package widely used by oceanographers. This allows for easy use within the framework of a complete analysis involving plotting of raw data, scatter plots, and so forth. Second, the code is written
directly in matrix terms and thus relatively easy to understand and modify if required. Finally, in order to differentiate between true deterministic (line) frequencies and broad-spectrum variability, condence intervals for the estimated tidal parameters are computed using one of several user-selectable algorithms. The package is made up of a number of les each of which contain one or more functions. User-callable functions generally have a t prex to prevent namespace collisions. The paper is composed of four parts. In the rst the form of the equilibrium potential is described. In the second part the mathematical basis of the technique for making phase/amplitude estimates is described. In the third part the generation of condence intervals is outlined. Finally an illustrative example is discussed.
constants as the radius of the earth and the masses and separations of the earth, moon, and sun. The equilibrium amplitude for a constituent is dened as GA0 =g or G0 B0 =g; where g is the gravitational acceleration, and can be generated for a particular latitude using t equilib.
3. Phase/amplitude estimates The algorithm used here for making phase and amplitude estimates is based on algorithms and FORTRAN code described by Godin (1972), Foreman (1977), and Foreman (1978). However, unlike those authors we use complex algebra directly rather than deal with sine and cosine ts separately. This has the advantage of unifying the treatment for scalar (e.g., pressure) and vector (e.g., horizontal currents) time series which are represented as complex numbers u iv: Note that the complex form for currents is based on a physical model of a rotating current vector, and is only valid for linear or nearly linear tidal waves. In some cases it may be better to treat, e.g., along and acrosschannel currents as two separate scalar time series. Consider a time series of observations yt; t t1 ; t2 ; y; tM arranged in a vector, where the observation times are regularly spaced at an interval Dt (default 1 h) and M is an odd number (an endpoint is discarded if required). The time axis is dened such that the origin (or central time) is at tM 1=2 : Some missing observations can be handled by using a missing data marker in the input vector (by MATLAB convention this is NaN, the IEEE arithmetic representation for Not-aNumber). This regular interval restriction does not arise from the least-squares t itself but rather from the automated constituent-selection algorithm and is also a requirement when spectra are estimated in one of the condence interval algorithms. This time series may be composed of either real or complex numbers. The time series is passed to the analysis program t tide along with a variety of (mostly optional) parameters. The tidal response is modelled as X xt b0 b1 t ak eisk t ak eisk t ; 2
2. Tidal potential The effect of gravitational force vectors from the sun and moon, F; can be written as the gradient of a scalar potential V ; F rV : The magnitude of this potential at the earths surface at any time obviously is dependent on the relative positions of the earth, moon, and sun. In Doodsons development (Doodson, 1954, described in Godin, 1972) the potential is written as a function of lunar time t (dened to begin at lunar midnight) and other astronomical variables (which are also functions of time): s is the mean longitude of moon, h the mean longitude of sun, p the longitude of perigee, N 0 the negative of the longitude of the ascending node, and p0 is the longitude of perihelion, where all terms are in units of cycles. These variables can be evaluated for a given Julian date using the function t astron which implements formulas in Seidelmann (1992). Their effects are combined with the Doodson number set for a particular constituent fi0 ; j 0 ; k0 ; l 0 ; m0 ; n0 g into the astronomical argument Va i0 t j 0 s k0 h l 0 p m0 N 0 n0 p0 : Sets with a common i0 are called a species (thus the slow, diurnal, and semidiurnal species for i0 0; 1; and 2; respectively), and sets with common i0 j 0 k0 are called a subgroup. The constituent frequency s is dened as s 2p dVa =dt: The tidal potential is then written in the form " 3 X X Gi0 y A0i0 j 0 k0 l 0 m0 n0 cos2pVa V
i0 0 j 0 k0 l 0 m0 n0
Gi00 y
j 0 k0 l 0 m0 n0
# sin2pVa : 1
B0i0 j 0 k0 l 0 m0 n0
For a given Doodson number set either A0 or B0 is nonzero, but not both. These constants are tabulated and stored in data structures that can be loaded using t getconsts. The geodetic functions Gi0 and Gi00 vary with species i0 and latitude y; and also depend on such
where N constituents (each with unique Doodson number sets) are used. Each constituent has a frequency sk which is known from the development of the potential, and a complex amplitude ak which is not known, although if yt is a real time series ak and ak are complex conjugates. A possible offset and (optional) linear drift is handled by the rst two terms. The traditional approach uses real sinusoids: X Ak cossk t Bk sinsk t 3 xt b0 b1 t
and is related to Eq. (2) by Ak ak ak and Bk iak ak : The real representation is more convenient for the linear error analysis described later. Constituents can be chosen from a list of 45 astronomical and 101 shallow-water constituents. Data structures containing names and other information about these constituents are loaded using t getconsts. There are several alternatives for selecting constituents. For general use, an automated selection algorithm (following Foreman, 1977) is in place, which works as follows. A basis of all astronomical and 24 of the most important shallow-water constituents are gathered together. All constituents are listed in order of predened importance based on equilibrium amplitudes. Less important constituents whose frequencies are less than a Rayleigh resolution limit aN Dt1 (with default a 1) apart from more important constituents in frequency are discarded. Additional shallow-water constituents can be specied if required. If the relative phase/amplitude of two constituents that are otherwise unresolvable is known from other sources, then an inference procedure can be carried out. Alternatively, constituent lists can be explicitly specied. The least-squares t are the coefcients minimizing X E jxtm ytm j2 jjTa yjj2 ; 4
are called the nodal correction amplitude and phase, respectively. That is, X # k eisk t fk ak eisk tiuk ak eisk t akj eiskj t : 5 a
where y yt1 ; yt2 ; y; ytM 0 ; a b0 ; b1 ; a1 ; a1 ; a2 ; a2 ; y; aN 0 ; and T is an M 2N 2 matrix of linear and sinusoidal basis functions evaluated at observation times. The solution is found using the Matlab W matrix division operator. Once the t has been performed, various corrections are applied. These are generated in t vuf. First, the phase of the constituent response is usually reported as Greenwich phase gk ; that is, phase referenced to the phase of the equilibrium response at 01 longitude (the Greenwich meridian). This can be interpreted as reporting the phase of the response at the time when the equilibrium forcing is at its largest positive value at 01 longitude. It is simplest to nd the tted phase at the central time of the record t 0; the equilibrium phase vk is then just Va for the given constituent computed at the Julian date corresponding to this central time, with 1 3 possible adjustments of 1 4; 2; or 4 cycle depending on whether A or B is non-zero, and their signs. Second, if a latitude is specied, then nodal or satellite corrections are computed as follows. Consider a main peak of index k with satellites with indices kj : The effect of the different satellites will be to slowly modulate the phase/amplitude of the main peak over various periods, # k over usually more than 8 years. Our tted response a some period can then be written as a modication of the true response of the main constituent ak ; in which the amplitude is changed by a factor fk and the phase by an angle uk due to the presence of the satellites. fk and uk
The nal approximation will hold as long as skj sk t remains small (i.e., N dt58 years). In general the true phases and amplitudes of the satellites are not known. However, since their frequencies are very similar to that of the main peak it is standard to assume the ratio of true amplitudes is the same as the ratio of amplitudes in the equilibrium response, and the difference in true phases will be equal to the difference in equilibrium phases. The nodal corrections are thus computed from the equilibrium response Eq. (1). A latitudinal depen0 dence arises from the geodetic functions. G1 is zero at the equator and a crude limiting is used to prevent some diurnal corrections from getting overly large. The validity of using the latitude-dependent equilibrium response to predict an aspect of the dynamic behavior in one part of an ocean basin in such a simple way is not clear. If the record length is longer than 1 year the comparison of successive 1 year analyses with and without nodal correction can be used to test the validity of this process. Note that if the time series to be analyzed is longer than 18.6 years in length then the true satellite amplitude/phase terms can be estimated directly (Foreman and Neufeld, 1991) but this is not currently possible in T TIDE. The products of the analysis above are a pair of complex values fak ; ak g; possibly corrected for nodal modulation, for each constituent k: These are converted into standard parameters: Lk jak j jak j; lk jak j jak j; yk angak angak mod 180; 2 7 8 9 10
gk vk angak yk :
For horizontal currents, these parameters describe the features of an ellipse traced out by the tip of the velocity vector: the length of the semi-major and semi-minor axis of the ellipse (Lk ; lk ; respectively), the inclination of the northern semi-major axis counter-clockwise from due east yk ; and the Greenwich phase gk : If lk > 0 o0 then the ellipse is traced in a counter-clockwise (clockwise) direction. For scalar time series, the parameter Lk is the amplitude, and lk ; yk 0 (the ellipse degenerates to a line along the positive axis). Note that the restriction of the denition of inclination to the northern axis (via the
modulo operator) means that analyses of constituents whose ellipses are aligned in an east/west direction may have inclinations that uctuate between close to 01 and nearly 1801 due to noise. These apparently large jumps are an artifact of the restriction but do not represent similarly large changes in the physical behavior. Once ellipse parameters are found, these can be used for further analysis. They can also be used to generate predictions at other times using t predic. Nodal corrections in t predic are computed at the time series midpoint so that it is an exact inverse of t tide.
4.2. Conversion to standard parameters (real) A conversion from errors in the cos/sine amplitudes to errors in standard parameters (amplitude and phase) can be done using a linearized analysis. Consider a constituent k: Let x F Ak ; Bk be a non-linear function of these parameters, either the amplitude or the Greenwich phase. Then if fAk ; Bk g are independent random variables, we can nd a linearized estimate of the standard error of x in terms of the standard errors of the sinusoid amplitudes: @F 2 2 @F 2 2 s2 s sB ; 11 x A @Ak @Bk where the partial derivatives can be derived exactly (but tediously) from Eqs. (7)(10). Alternatively the non-linear mapping can be handled directly using a parametric bootstrap (Efron and Tibshirani, 1993). In this situation the residual variance estimates are used by the code to simulate a number of realizations or replications of the analysis by taking the estimates of the sinusoid amplitudes and adding Gaussian noise with the appropriate variance to them. All of these realizations are then converted non-linearly to standard parameters using Eqs. (11)(10) and an estimate of the standard error computed from this replicate data set directly. Once a standard error is determined, 95% condence intervals can be estimated using standard techniques. Alternatively, a signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) can be computed based on the square of the ratio of amplitude to amplitude error. Simulations performed in t synth (and described in the text le t errors) in which the variability of analyses carried out on a xed data set with different noise realization are compared with estimated condence intervals show that the linear procedure appears to be adequate for real time series (e.g. tidal height), as long as the SNR > 10; and is probably not bad for SNR as low as 2 or 3. The nonlinear procedure gives similar results to the linearized procedure at high SNR, and is more accurate at low SNR. 4.3. Residual noise (complex) A complex residual time series u iv can be modelled 2 as bivariate white noise and variances s2 u ; sv and covariance suv computed. If we assume further that the noise in both components is not correlated suv E0; then a coloured bivariate noise model can be used and variances assigned to real and imaginary parts of constituent amplitude separately on the basis of local spectral densities as described above. If it is suspected that suv a0 then it is recommended that the time series be rotated into a coordinate system in which this is true
4. Condence intervals One drawback of classical harmonic analysis is that the degree to which a given constituent represents true tidal energy as opposed to the energy of a broad-band non-tidal process is not determined. This is useful information for two reasons: rst, it allows one to make better estimates of the tidal behavior, and second, it can allow one to quantitatively compare different analyses. There are two steps to producing condence intervals. First, we must form an estimate of the characteristics of non-tidal or residual noise affecting the ak (or Ak ; Bk ). Second, we must convert these estimates into condence intervals for the standard parameters through a nonlinear mapping. We discuss the situation of real time series rst. 4.1. Residual noise (real) After the harmonic analysis for an N-point real time series yt is performed, we examine the structure of the residual series. In the simplest situation, the residuals are statistically Gaussian and uncorrelated in time. If this is the case then the total residual power PT s2 x P=Dt; where P is the two-sided spectral density. The amplitude of the t to sine and cosine terms (A and B; respectively) will be contaminated by errors arising from unresolved noise components within a frequency inter2 val of Df N Dt1 around the line. Thus s2 A sB PDf s2 = N : It is unlikely that a geophysical series will x be spectrally at, and a more sophisticated approach used in t tide is to nd a local value of P suitable for constituents in that neighborhood by making a spectral estimate from the residual time series (i.e., after the removal of all tted constituents) and averaging the power over frequency bins in a window around the frequency of any constituent, neglecting bins in which tted constituents reside. Here we chose a sequence of windows of width 0.4 cpd centered on 1; 2; 3; y cpd (actually on multiples of the M2 frequency, see the code for details). The value of P appropriate to, say, semidiurnal constituents would be estimated from the second of these bins.
Tuktoyuktuk Elevations 1975 5 Elevation (m) 4 3 2 1 0 190 200 210 220 Yearday 230 240 250
6 4 2 0 2 190 200 210 Tidal and residual series
Elevation (m)
10 Amplitude (m)
220 Yearday
Greenwich Phase (deg) 360 270 180 90 0 0
Fig. 1. Tuktoyuktuk analysis example. (A) Raw time series. (B) Upper curve is residual time series after removal of tidal signal. Lower curve is synthesized tidal series using signicant constituents. (C) Amplitude of all analyzed components with 95% signicance level. Note frequency dependence. Signicant constituents are marked with solid circle. (D) Phase of signicant constituents with 95% condence interval.
R. Pawlowicz et al. / Computers & Geosciences 28 (2002) 929937 Table 1 Analysis results for Tuktoyuktuk data set File name: PAPEROUT.txt Date: 17-Aug-2001 Nobs 1584; ngood 1510; record length (days)66.00 Start time: 06-Jul-1975 01:00:00 Rayleigh criterion 1:0 Greenwich phase computed with nodal corrections applied to amplitude and phase relative to center time x0 1:98; x trend 0 Varx 0:82196 varxp 0:21224 varxres 0:60972 Percent var predicted 25:8% Tidal amplitude and phase with 95% CI estimates Tide Freq Amp Amp err Pha Pha err Snr MM 0.00151 0.2121 0.503 263.34 161.41 0.18 MSF 0.00282 0.1561 0.526 133.80 188.82 0.088 ALP1 0.03440 0.0152 0.044 334.95 150.82 0.12 2Q1 0.03571 0.0246 0.044 82.69 106.21 0.31 Q1 0.03722 0.0158 0.045 65.74 160.30 0.12 * O1 0.03873 0.0764 0.055 74.23 43.35 1.9 NO1 0.04027 0.0290 0.035 238.14 74.68 0.69 * P1 0.04155 0.0465 0.045 71.88 70.96 1.1 * K1 0.04178 0.1405 0.059 64.81 23.49 5.7 J1 0.04329 0.0253 0.050 7.32 129.76 0.25 OO1 0.04483 0.0531 0.059 235.75 72.96 0.81 UPSI 0.04634 0.0298 0.055 91.73 137.06 0.29 EPS2 0.07618 0.0211 0.030 184.59 104.65 0.51 * MU2 0.07769 0.0419 0.034 83.23 48.82 1.5 * N2 0.07900 0.0838 0.035 44.52 25.54 5.9 * M2 0.08051 0.4904 0.035 77.70 4.51 1.9e02 L2 0.08202 0.0213 0.037 35.22 113.22 0.33 * S2 0.08333 0.2197 0.038 126.72 9.14 34 * K2 0.08356 0.0598 0.043 149.12 46.60 2 ETA2 0.08507 0.0071 0.033 246.05 207.25 0.048 * MO3 0.11924 0.0148 0.014 234.97 67.38 1.1 M3 0.12077 0.0123 0.014 261.57 62.11 0.81 MK3 0.12229 0.0049 0.012 331.60 144.92 0.18 SK3 0.12511 0.0023 0.010 237.69 219.86 0.054 MN4 0.15951 0.0092 0.011 256.47 69.76 0.68 * M4 0.16102 0.0126 0.011 291.78 65.09 1.4 SN4 0.16233 0.0083 0.011 270.85 91.22 0.54 MS4 0.16384 0.0010 0.008 339.35 248.82 0.015 S4 0.16667 0.0047 0.010 299.56 142.32 0.23 2MK5 0.20280 0.0013 0.005 310.10 181.03 0.067 2SK5 0.20845 0.0045 0.006 104.00 99.71 0.64 2MN6 0.24002 0.0035 0.007 271.24 133.30 0.22 M6 0.24153 0.0017 0.006 158.88 197.43 0.093 2MS6 0.24436 0.0056 0.008 306.10 90.03 0.54 2SM6 0.24718 0.0023 0.007 298.92 175.13 0.11 * 3MK7 0.28331 0.0086 0.006 212.25 44.21 2.1 MS 0.32205 0.0030 0.004 42.43 75.29 0.55 M10 0.40256 0.0009 0.003 198.23 209.99 0.089
(e.g., into along/across channel axes or into the principal axes). 4.4. Conversion to standard parameters (complex) The linearized analysis now involves functions of four variables, since both Ak Ar iAi and Bk Br iBi have real and imaginary parts, and analytic expressions for partial derivatives 2 2 @F 2 2 @F @F 2 s s s2 s2 x Ar Ai Br @Ar @Ai @Br 2 @F s2 12 Bi @Bi become large. Some analytical simplication is possible by assuming that all four variables are independent. The bootstrap approach can also be applied to the complex coefcients ak : One minor complication that 2 arises is that unless the noise is circular s2 u sv ; suv 0; the errors in ak and ak are correlated with each other. The bootstrap process requires the generation of correlated noise replicates.
an SNR cutoff of 2). Fig. 1B shows the residual series and an elevation series synthesized from the signicant constituents (note that it spans the 3-day gap). Results of the analysis are shown in a spectrum in Fig. 1C. Most of the signicant constituents are in the diurnal and semidiurnal bands (E0:04; and E0:08 cph; respectively) although several higher-frequency constituents also appear to be marginally signicant. In spite of the large amount of energy in the fortnightly band E0:002 cph the tted constituents there are apparently not signicant. The analyzed phases of signicant constituents are shown in Fig. 1D. The signicant constituents generally have reasonably small phase errors.
6. Summary Separation of tidal and non-tidal energy is an important task in any analysis of oceanic time series. Here, we discuss the theoretical foundation and implementation details of a MATLAB package for classical harmonic analysis. The package can also compute condence intervals for the tidal parameters using one of three different sets of assumptions about the structure of residual noise. An example is provided to show typical results. The code is available at http://, or the IAMG Server.
5. Example The analysis of an example data set provided in Foreman (1977) is shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1. This example is included in datale t example.mat. The example data set consists of 66 days of hourly elevations with a 3 day gap. A tidal variation is visible superimposed on subtidal variability. The time series can be loaded and analyzed using the demonstration script t demo. Code within this script illustrates how the programs are called. In this example, the automated constituent selection algorithm is used and it selects 35 constituents. In addition, one shallow water constituent M10 is manually added and two other constituents analyzed via inference. The P1 constituent is inferred from K1 ; and K2 is inferred from S2 : Nodal corrections are performed. A linear trend is not included in the analysis. The coloured bootstrap analysis is used to determine signicance and condence intervals. Table 1 gives the output of the program. In the rst column the name of the constituent is given. Signicant constituents (those with SNR in the last column > 1) are marked with a *. The SNR is the squared ratio of amplitude (third column) to the error in amplitude (fourth column). The error factors (and hence SNR) will change slightly in repeated analyses due to the stochastic nature of the bootstrap procedure but amplitudes and phases themselves will be invariant. Frequencies (rst column) are listed in cph and Greenwich phase/phase error (fth and sixth columns) in degrees. Eleven constituents were judged to be signicant (only 6 would be signicant at
Acknowledgements Elements of this MATLAB toolbox for tidal harmonic analysis were developed over the last few years as part of the authors research into tidal phenomena. We want to rst acknowledge Mike Foremans major contribution in providing the FORTRAN codes and documentation to the community in 197778 that served as our starting point. Rich Signell rst derived the formulae for the linearized error analysis used here, and Julio Candela and Jim Irish also provided useful input. Support for this effort was provided by Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada under grant OGPO194270 (RP) and the National Science Foundation and Ofce of Naval Research (SL and RB).
Doodson, A.T., 1954. Appendix to circular-letter 4-H. The harmonic development of the tide-generating potential. International Hydrographic Review 31, 3761. Efron, B., Tibshirani, R.J., 1993. An Introduction to the Bootstrap, Vol. 57. Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability. Chapman & Hall, New York, 436pp.
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