STS-127 Press Kit
STS-127 Press Kit
STS-127 Press Kit
Section Page
MISSION PROFILE................................................................................................................... 15
STS-127 CREW........................................................................................................................ 23
SPACEWALKS ......................................................................................................................... 73
EXPERIMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 83
D E TA IL E D T ES T OBJECT I VE S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 83
S H OR T- D UR AT I O N U. S. I NT E GR AT E D R ES E AR C H T O BE C O MPL E TED D U R IN G STS - 1 2 7 /2 JA ( 4) . . . . . . . . . . 85
Against a black sky, the space shuttle Endeavour and its seven-member STS-126 crew head toward
Earth orbit and a scheduled link-up with the International Space Station.
There won’t be much time for relaxing during space station going after the shuttle’s
the next mission to the International Space retirement.
Station, despite the fact that space shuttle
Endeavour will be delivering the station’s The crew will conduct five spacewalks to install
porch. the new space station components and
equipment, and to set up some storage
Endeavour, commanded by veteran space flier locations on the station’s truss.
Mark Polansky, 53, is scheduled to launch at
7:17 a.m. EDT on June 13 and arrive at the space The shuttle will also deliver a new flight
station two days later. The shuttle will bring engineer – Tim Kopra, 46 – to join the
with it the final pieces of the Japanese Kibo Expedition 20 crew, and return Expedition 20
complex and a load of large spares to keep the Flight Engineer Koichi Wakata, 45, of the Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency to Earth.
Marine Corps Lt. Col. Doug Hurley, 42, will
Astronaut Mark Polansky, STS-127 commander, looks over a checklist during a training session
in the Jake Garn Simulation and Training Facility at NASA’s Johnson Space Center.
On the fourth day of the flight, Wolf and Kopra and Payette, who will be controlling the
plan to spend six and a half hours outside the shuttle’s robotic arm from the shuttle’s flight
station on the mission’s first spacewalk. They’ll deck, will pick up the exposed facility and lift it
be preparing the exposed facility for out of the payload bay to hand off to the
installation, as well as doing some work to get station’s robotic arm. Hurley and Wakata will
the berthing mechanism on the Kibo laboratory be standing by at the robotics workstation
where it will be install-ready. Once that work inside the Destiny laboratory to take over from
is done, the robotic arm operators waiting there, flying the 9,000-pound porch to its home
inside the station will get to work. Polansky on the end of the Kibo laboratory.
Astronauts Tim Kopra (left), Dave Wolf and Tom Marshburn, all STS-127 mission specialists, attired
in training versions of their shuttle launch and entry suits, prepare for a training session in the
Mission Simulation Development Facility at NASA’s Johnson Space Center. United Space
Alliance (USA) suit technician Fred Utley assists the crew members.
On flight day 6, Wolf will go out for his second After a relatively slow day on flight day 8,
spacewalk of the mission, joined this time by things will pick back up for the robotic arm
Marshbun. Most of the 6.5-hour spacewalk will operators on flight day 9. Wakata and Kopra
be spent transferring spare equipment from the will become the first to use the Japanese robotic
newly unloaded integrated cargo carrier, which arm for work – as opposed to the testing that’s
will have been handed off to the station’s been done up to this point – when they begin to
robotic arm that morning and temporarily transfer the systems and scientific experiments
installed on the station’s mobile base system – carried up inside the experiment carrier to the
the railcar that moves along the station’s truss. exposed facility. They’ll start with the
They’ll leave the batteries on the cargo carrier interorbit communication system, which gives
for later, and wrap up the spacewalk by station another path for communication with
installing vision equipment on the exposed the ground. Then they’ll maneuver the Monitor
facility, to be used as the experiment carrier is of All-sky X-ray Image, an X-ray camera
installed. designed to monitor astronomical objects and
the universe, into place.
The experiment carrier will be installed the
following day, flight day 7, in another complex Flight day 10 will mean more battery swap
robotics operation. Polansky and Payette will work, this time for Cassidy and Marshburn
work together to remove the module from the during the fourth spacewalk of the mission.
shuttle’s cargo bay using the shuttle’s robotic There would be about three hours and
arm, and then hand it off to Hurley and 40 minutes of battery work left, after which,
Wakata, at the controls of the station’s robotic they’ll be installing a second set of vision
arm for installation on the end of the exposed equipment for the exposed facility. After the
facility. spacewalkers come back inside, Polansky and
Hurley will use the shuttle’s robotic arm to
The third spacewalk, on flight day 8, will be store the integrated cargo carrier back inside
performed by Wolf and Cassidy. They’ll spend the shuttle’s cargo bay.
about half an hour removing insulation on the
Japanese external science experiments delivered After 10 straight days of hard work,
by Endeavour and relocating handrails and Endeavours’ crew will spend flight day 11
worksite interfaces before moving on to the enjoying some well-earned off duty time.
main task of the day. They’re scheduled to
Transfer of the exposed facility science Marshburn and Cassidy will again venture
experiments will wrap up on flight day 12, with outside the station on flight day 13 for the fifth
Wakata and Kopra again at the controls of the and final spacewalk of the mission. Cassidy
Japanese robotic arm. Once they’ve unloaded will start out by swapping some connectors on
the Space Environment Data Acquisition a patch panel on the station’s zenith truss
Equipment, which measures things like segment, while Marshburn removes one and
neutrons, plasma, heavy ions, high-energy light resecures two thermal covers on the special
particles, atomic oxygen and cosmic dust in the purpose dexterous manipulator. They’ll then
space environment, the experiment carrier will work together to deploy two cargo attachment
be empty, and Wakata and Hurley can detach it systems on the station’s starboard truss and
from the exposed facility using the station’s install a video system that supports
robotic arm. They’ll then hand it off to transmission of video from spacewalkers’
Polansky and Payette, at the helm of the helmet cameras. The tasks should take a total
shuttle’s robotic arm for storage back inside the of six and a half hours, with about 30 minutes
shuttle’s cargo bay. to spare for “get-ahead” work.
• Umbilical Well and Handheld External • U.S. spacesuit transfer from Endeavour to
Tank Photo and TV Downlink space station
1. Perform space station crew rotation with 7. Perform H-II Transfer Vehicle (HTV)
NASA astronaut Tim Kopra replacing readiness tasks
Koichi Wakata of the Japan Aerospace
Exploration Agency 8. Install and activate JEM-EF aft camera
2. Install Japanese Experiment Module-
Exposed Facility (JEM-EF) to Japanese 9. Conduct other spacewalk tasks:
Experiment Module-Pressurized Module
− Perform Crew and Equipment
(JEM-PM) and activate (spacewalk)
Translation Aid Cart Modifications
3. Deliver and install Japanese
− Open Node 1 (Unity) Port Common
Experiment Logistics Module Exposed
Berthing Mechanism Window Flap
Section (ELM-ES) to JEM-EF
− Reconfigure Grounding Tabs on JEM
− Install Japan Aerospace Exploration
Robotic Arm End Effector
Agency EF Payloads and Inter-Satellite
Communication System (ICS) to
− Relocate Grapple Bar to P1 Ammonia
Tank Assembly Nadir
4. Install Integrated Cargo Carrier (ICC) to
− Deploy Starboard 3 (S3) Inboard Nadir
Payload Orbital Replacement Unit
Payload Attachment System (PAS)
Accommodation (POA)
− Install floating connector sleeve
− Remove and replace six Port 6 batteries
(spacewalk) − Relocate articulating portable foot
− Transfer PM-2, Linear Drive
Unit (LDU) and Space-to-Ground 10. Deploy Atmosphere Neutral Density
Antenna (SGANT) to External Stowage Experiment (ANDE) and Space Shuttle
Platform-3 (spacewalk) Picosat Launcher/Dual RF Autonomous
GPS On-Orbit Navigator Satellite
5. Return ICC (with six P6 batteries) to
payload bay 11. Resupply food, water, oxygen
• Transfer and stow critical items − Open Node 2 Zenith CBCS center disk
cover flap
• Install JEM-EF to Japanese Pressurized
Module (JPM) • Perform daily space station payload status
checks as required
• Install ICC on the POA
• The following tasks are deemed to fit within
• Install ELM-ES onto JEM-EF existing timelines but may be deferred if the
spacewalk is behind schedule:
• Remove and replace P6 batteries
− Remove grounding tabs on the JEM
• Install ICS on JEM-EF using JEM robotic robotic arm end effector
− Deploy Port 3 Nadir Unpressurized
• Install SGANT, PM, and LDU onto External Cargo Carrier Attach System (UCCAS)
Stowage Platform-3 (for flight STS-129/ULF3)
• Return ICC to shuttle payload bay − Deploy Starboard 3 Upper Outboard
• Install Monitor of All-Sky X-ray PAS (for flight STS-129/ULF3)
Images (MAXI) and Space Environment − Zenith 1 Patch Panel reconfiguration
Data Acquisition equipment – Attached
Payload (SEDA-AP) on JEM-EF using JEM − Install 6 Station-to-Shuttle Power
robotic arm Transfer System (SSPTS) floating power
connector grounding sleeves
• Return ELM-ES to orbiter payload bay
− Deploy Starboard 3 Lower Outboard
• Perform minimum crew handover of PAS (for flight STS-133/ULF5)
12 hours
− Deploy Lower Inboard PAS and open
• Transfer remaining cargo items target cover (for flight STS-133/ULF5)
• Install, activate and check out JEM-EF − Tuck down Lab/Node 2 cables
forward camera
− Install JPM spacewalk handrails and
worksite interfaces
• Transfer nitrogen and oxygen from shuttle • Perform imagery survey during fly around
to space station airlock high-pressure gas
tanks. Quantities shall be consistent with • Perform an additional four hours of
plan to have tanks full at shuttle retirement. handover per rotating crew member
• Perform Detailed Test Objective (DTO) 701, • Perform Maui Analysis of Upper
DragonEye Atmosphere (MAUI), Shuttle Exhaust Ion
Turbulence Experiments (SEITE), and
• Perform DTO 695, Thrust Oscillation Seat SIMPLEX (payloads of opportunity – not
during docked operations)
• Perform program-approved spacewalk
get-ahead tasks • Perform Station Detailed Test Objective
13005-U, ISS Structural Life Validation and
− Deploy S3 Upper Inboard PAS (for Extension during Shuttle Mated Reboost
flight STS-133/ULF5) and undocking
− Install Wireless Video System External
Transceiver Assembly (WETA) No. 3
A crew spokesperson had the following words of the astronaut symbol culminating in the
for the patch. “Bathed in sunlight, the blue star-like emblem characteristic of the Japanese
Earth is represented without boundaries to Space Agency, yet soaring further into space as
remind us that we all share this world. In the it paves the way for future voyages and
center, the golden flight path of the space discoveries for all humankind.”
shuttle turns into the three distinctive rays
Mark Polansky
Mark Polansky will lead the crew of STS-127. operations and flight operations, including
He served as the pilot on STS-98 in 2001 and as landing. He also will fly Endeavour through its
the commander of STS-116 in 2006. Polansky rendezvous and docking to the International
has overall responsibility for the safety and Space Station.
execution of this mission, orbiter systems
Astronaut Doug Hurley, a lieutenant colonel in He will be responsible for orbiter systems
the Marine Corps, will serve as the pilot for operations and will assist Polansky in the
Endeavour’s mission. This will be his first rendezvous with the space station. Other
journey into space. Selected by NASA in 1998, responsibilities include orchestrating the
he has worked technical aspects of shuttle photographic and video documentation of the
launches, landings and integration for the mission.
Astronaut Office and Space Shuttle Program.
Veteran astronaut Dave Wolf will serve as the facility and replace batteries. Wolf has flown
lead spacewalker for this mission. He is tapped on four prior shuttle flights and a long-duration
to conduct the first three of the five planned stay on the Russian Mir Space Station. Wolf
spacewalks. On the first, he will join flew on STS-58 in 1993 and STS-112 in 2002,
Tim Kopra to prepare Kibo and the exposed where he conducted three spacewalks to help
facility for installation, then move on to tasks with the installation of the S-1 Truss. He also
on the truss. For the second spacewalk, he and flew on STS-86, his ride to Mir, where he spent
Marshburn will transport and install parts and 128 days and conducted an emergency
hardware. And for the third, Wolf will be spacewalk in a Russian Orlan suit. He returned
joined by Cassidy to work on the exposed on STS-89.
This is the first spaceflight for Navy Cmdr. they prepare the exposed facility for
Christopher Cassidy. He was selected as a experiment transfers and replace batteries on
NASA astronaut in 2004 and completed his the truss. He will join Tom Marshburn for his
initial training in February 2006. He is slated to final two spacewalks to replace more batteries,
perform three spacewalks on this mission. He install cameras, remove thermal covers and
will pair up with Wolf for the first spacewalk as make electrical configurations.
This will be the second spaceflight for and space hardware processing for the
Julie Payette of the Canadian Space Agency. International Space Station and served as the
She reported to NASA’s Johnson Space Center chief astronaut for the Canadian Space Agency
for training in 1996 and went on to represent from 2000 to 2007. She flew on STS-96. During
the astronaut corps at the European and this mission, she will lead the intensive robotic
Russian space agencies, where she supervised arm operations.
procedure development, equipment verification
Tom Marshburn will be new to spaceflight but initial training, he will now embark on his first
not new to spaceflight medicine. Marshburn spaceflight, where he will conduct three
holds a medical degree and originally joined spacewalks. The first will be with Wolf, as they
NASA back in 1994 as a flight surgeon. For relocate parts on the station’s exterior. He will
10 years, he served various roles in NASA’s join his astronaut candidate classmate Cassidy
medical operations until he was selected as an for the final two spacewalks of the mission.
astronaut in 2004. After nearly two years of
Tim Kopra, a colonel in the Army, also has a training at each of the international partner
history at NASA that precedes his joining the training sites and served as a backup crew
astronaut corps. Kopra was assigned to NASA member to Expeditions 16 and 17. Kopra will
at the Johnson Space Center in September 1998 launch to the station with the crew of STS-127
as a vehicle integration test engineer. In this and, once docked, replace Koichi Wakata as the
position, he served as an engineering liaison for Expedition 20 flight engineer. He will remain
space shuttle launch operations and space on the station and return with the STS-128
station hardware testing. He was selected as an shuttle crew.
astronaut in 2000. Since then, he has completed
Koichi Wakata, the first Japanese mission begin his long-duration stay as a flight engineer
specialist and now the first Japanese on the Expedition 18, 19 and 20 crews. When
long-duration crew member on the space he lands with the STS-127 crew, he’ll have spent
station, will be returning to Earth with the more than 100 consecutive days in space.
STS-127 crew. He rode up to the station with Wakata also flew on STS-72 in 1996 and STS-92
the STS-119 crew, his third flight, in March to in 2000.
The 2J/A mission patch (above) shows the element modules which constitute Kibo’s
exposed facilities. Inscribed are the names of the element modules and
JAXA astronaut Koichi Wakata who will participate in the assembly
tasks during the mission
The STS-127 mission will deliver MAXI and During the STS-124 mission, the experiment
SEDA-AP, two of the three JEM Exposed and system racks were installed in the PM, and
Facility (EF) payloads developed for Kibo’s since then, JAXA’s science experiments have
First Phase Utilization, to the station. These EF been performed using these two scientific
experiments will be installed on the EF during experiment racks.
the docked mission, and then Kibo external
experiment operations can begin. SMILES – Another JAXA EF experiment, will
be launched to the station on the H-II Transfer
In 2008, the STS-123 mission installed Kibo’s Vehicle (HTV) mission targeted to launch in
pressurized logistics/stowage module, called September 2009.
the Experiment Logistics Module-Pressurized
Section (ELM-PS), which carried JAXA’s two The KOBAIRO Rack – An additional
major experiment racks called the SAIBO Rack experiment rack, which will be installed and
and the RYUTAI Rack along with some of operated on Kibo, is planned to be launched in
Kibo’s system payload racks, to the station. 2010 on an HTV mission.
In the same year, the STS-124 mission installed At this point, all the experiment facilities
Kibo’s main experiment module, the developed and prepared for the Kibo First
Pressurized Module (PM) with Kibo’s core Phase Utilization will be on board Kibo. After
systems and experiments, onto the station. that, Kibo will move into its full utilization
Naoko Yamazaki
Mar.2008 June.2008
Satoshi Furukawa
Koichi Wakata
JAXA astronauts Takao Doi and Akihiko Naoko Yamazaki, assigned to the STS-131
Hoshide participated on the previous Kibo mission, will fly to the station in early 2010.
assembly missions, STS-123 and STS-124, When the STS-131 mission arrives at the station,
respectively, and completed installation of Noguchi will be staying on board the station as
Kibo’s two pressurized component modules. a flight engineer for the Expedition 22/23
mission. This will truly be a remarkable event
Wakata is the first Japanese astronaut to serve in Japanese space development history because
as a flight engineer for an Expedition mission. two JAXA astronauts will be on board the
When the STS-127 mission arrives at the station station at the same time, participating on
delivering Kibo’s last components, Wakata will missions to set the stage for the final
be on board the station and see through the completion of the space station.
completion of Kibo, the Japanese Experiment
Module, in orbit. In 2008, JAXA selected two JAXA astronaut
candidates with the purpose of promoting the
Soichi Noguchi and Satoshi Furukawa, next generation of JAXA astronauts for the
assigned to future Expeditions, will spend more station missions and future human space
time on utilization activities on board the exploration. JAXA is contributing to the
station while performing various station tasks. world’s human spaceflight by providing
Exposed Facility (Space Station Testing Building, Tsukuba Space Center (TKSC))
Passive EFBM
Passive EFBM
Active EFBM
Passive EFBM
Capture Latch
EF Payload
Power / fluid
Guide cone
Visual Equipment
VE units will be
installed here
Small Fine Arm Stowage Equipment SFA when the SFA is not in use. The SFA
receives heater power from the EF through the
The Small Fine Arm (SFA) Stowage SSE when stored on the SSE. The SSE also
Equipment (SSE) is a device that can stow the provides communications interfaces.
Width 4.9 m
Length 4.1 m
STS-127 crew members checking the PIU during the Crew Equipment Interface Test (CEIT)
SLM Alignment Guides
Alignment Guides
The Umbilical Connector Mechanism (UCM) The Structure Latch Mechanisms (SLMs) catch
will enable heater power to be supplied to the onto and fasten an EF payload with four
EF payloads from the EF through the ELM-ES, latches.
and this will keep the payloads within the
required temperature.
The System Element Investigation and The JAXA Extravehicular Activity (JAXA EVA)
Integration Officer (SENIN) is responsible for team is for Kibo‐related EVA operations and
Kibo’s system elements. The SENIN monitors provides technical support to the crew
and ensures that each Kibo system is running members who perform Kibo‐related
smoothly and integrates all systems spacewalks.
information provided by each flight control
section. The JAXA EVA console is not in the Space
Station Operations Facility (SSOF) at TKSC.
Tsukuba Ground Controller Instead, the JAXA EVA flight controllers are
stationed at NASA’s JSC.
The Tsukuba Ground Controller is responsible
for the overall operation and maintenance of JEM ENGINEERING TEAM
the ground support facilities that are essential
for Kibo flight operations. This includes the The JEM Engineering Team (JET) is responsible
operations control systems and the operations for providing technical support to the flight
network systems. control team and technical evaluation of
real‐time data and pre‐ and post‐flight analysis.
JEM Communicator JET consists of the JET lead and engineers for
Kibo’s electrical subsystem, fluid subsystem
The JEM Communicator (J‐COM) is responsible and IVAs, who are the members of the JEM
for voice communication with the crew on Development Project Team. JET engineers also
board Kibo. The J‐COM communicates all work in the NASA Mission Evaluation Room at
essential information to the crew for operating NASA JSC in order to perform joint
Kibo systems and experiments and/or responds troubleshooting and anomaly resolution.
to Kibo‐specific inquiries from the crew.
Astronaut-Related IVA and Equipment Support
All scientific experiments and educational
Astronaut‐Related IVA and Equipment Support operations on board Kibo are conducted by the
(ARIES) is responsible for Intra‐Vehicular Payload Flight Control Team (PL FCT)
Activity (IVA) operations on board Kibo. The stationed at the User Operations Area (UOA)
ARIES manages the tools and other IVA‐related under the direction of the JEM PAYLOADS.
support equipment on Kibo. The PL FCT consists of ten expert groups who
JEM Payload Officer have special knowledge in order to support
each experiment operation.
The JEM Payload Officer (JEM PAYLOADS) is
responsible for Kibo’s experiment payload
The JAXA Payload Operations Conductor The Biology Ops Lead team (BIO) is responsible
(JPOC) is the leader of the PLFCT. The JPOC for overall operations of the Cell Biology
oversees and manages experiment operations Experiment Facility (CBEF) and the Clean
on board Kibo. This role includes evaluating Bench (CB) installed on the SAIBO Rack.
and decision-making concerning experiment
planning, operations procedures, readiness, RYUTAI Rack User Integrator/Principal
and actual operations. Investigator/Engineer (UI/PI/Eng.)
The following activities are conducted in this • Astronaut training and health care
This building is also the primary site for Japan’s
space medicine research.
Weightless Environment Test Building (WET) astronaut training. Design verification tests
on various Kibo element modules and the
This facility provides a simulated weightless development of preliminary spacewalk
environment using water buoyancy for procedures were conducted in this facility.
The Space Station Operation Facility (SSOF) is • Monitoring and controlling Kibo operating
used for the control of Kibo operations. At the systems
SSOF, operation of Kibo systems and payloads
are supervised, and Kibo operation plans are • Monitoring and controlling Japanese
prepared in cooperation with NASA’s Space experiments on Kibo
Station Control Center (SSCC) and Payload • Implementing operation plans
Operation Integration Center (POIC).
• Supporting launch preparation
This is the location of the planning of in-orbit Training for flight controllers, integrated
and ground operations based on the power rehearsals, and joint simulations with NASA
distribution, crew resources, and data take place in this room.
transmission capacity. If the baseline plans
need to be changed, adjustments will be Engineering Support Room
conducted in collaboration with the control This is the location of the engineering support
room, the User Operations, and NASA. for Kibo operations. In this room, the JEM
Engineering Team monitors the data
downlinked to the MCR from Kibo and
provides engineering support as required.
Astronauts use the Integrated Cargo The ICC configuration flown on STS-127 is
Carrier (ICC) to help transfer unpressurized called the ICC-VLD and provides heater power
cargo such as Orbital Replacement and electrical connections for the ORUs. The
Units (ORUs) from the space shuttle to the empty weight of the ICC-VLD is 2,645 pounds.
International Space Station and from the station The total weight of the ORUs and ICC-VLD is
to worksites on the truss assemblies. The approximately 8,330 pounds. The STS-127/2JA
carrier also is used to return items for assembly mission ICC-VLD will carry
refurbishment. replacement components and spare parts for
the space station.
The Astrium ICC, formerly provided by
SPACEHAB Inc., is an unpressurized flatbed The ICC is grabbed by the space shuttle and the
pallet and keel yoke assembly housed in space station robotic arms during its move from
the shuttle’s payload bay. Constructed of the payload bay. It is attached to the station’s
aluminum, it is approximately 8 feet long mobile transporter and can be held at the
(105 inches), 13 feet wide (165 inches), and various worksites by the station’s robotic arm
10 inches thick, and carries cargo on both the while the ORUs are transferred.
top and bottom faces of the pallet. Using
modular elements, several pallet configurations
are available, accommodating various mass
capabilities and cargo envelopes.
The above image depicts space shuttle Endeavour on final docking approach with the
International Space Station.
Rendezvous begins with a precisely timed As Endeavour moves closer to the station, its
launch that puts the space shuttle on a rendezvous radar system and trajectory control
trajectory to chase the International Space sensor will provide the crew with range and
Station. A series of engine firings over the next closing-rate data. Several small correction
two days will bring Endeavour to a point about burns will place Endeavour about 1,000 feet
50,000 feet behind the station. Once there, below the station.
Endeavour will start its final approach. About
2.5 hours before docking, the shuttle’s jets will Commander Mark Polansky, with help from
be fired during what is called the terminal Pilot Doug Hurley and other crew members,
initiation burn. The shuttle will cover the final will manually fly the shuttle for the remainder
miles to the station during the next orbit. of the approach and docking.
The photos will be downlinked through the Once motion between the shuttle and the
station’s Ku-band communications system for station has been stopped, the docking ring will
analysis by systems engineers and mission be retracted to close a final set of latches
managers. between the two vehicles.
Backdropped by the blackness of space, the International Space Station is seen from space shuttle
Discovery as the two spacecraft begin their relative separation.
Dave Wolf, STS-112 mission specialist, his feet secured to a foot restraint on the end of the
Space Station Remote Manipulator System or Canadarm2, participates in a six-hour,
four-minute session of extravehicular activity.
There are five spacewalks scheduled for the accomplished during the last shuttle mission to
STS-127 mission – only the second time that a the space station.
crew has gone into a space station mission
planning to perform so many. The main event Mission Specialists Dave Wolf, Tim Kopra,
will be the installation of the Japanese Kibo Tom Marshburn and Christopher Cassidy will
laboratory’s exposed section on the first spend a combined total of 32.5 hours outside
spacewalk, but that’s only a small slice of the the station on flight days 4, 6, 8, 10 and 13.
work to be done. The spacewalkers will also Wolf, the lead spacewalker for the mission, will
deliver spare equipment, change out batteries suit up for the first, second and third
and finish up some work that wasn’t spacewalks in a spacesuit marked with solid
Kopra, Marshburn and Cassidy will perform During the campout, the two astronauts
their first spacewalks. Kopra will participate in performing the spacewalk will isolate
the first spacewalk, wearing an all white themselves inside the airlock while the air
spacesuit. Marshburn will take part in pressure is lowered to 10.2 pounds per square
spacewalks two, four and five and wear a inch, or psi. The station is kept at the near-sea-
spacesuit marked with a broken red stripe. level pressure of 14.7 psi. The morning of the
And Cassidy will wear a spacesuit with a line spacewalk, the astronauts will wear oxygen
of horizontal red stripes for spacewalks three, masks while the airlock’s pressure is raised
four and five. back to 14.7 psi for an hour and the hatch
between the airlock and the rest of the station is
On each EVA day, a spacewalker inside the opened. That allows the spacewalkers to
station will act as the intravehicular officer, or perform their morning routines before
spacewalk choreographer. And all but the fifth returning to the airlock, where the air pressure
spacewalk will require at least two crew is lowered again. Approximately 50 minutes
members inside the station or shuttle to be at after the spacewalkers don their spacesuits, the
the controls of one or more of the robotic arms – prebreathe protocol will be complete.
the station’s 58-foot-long robotic arm or the
shuttle’s 50-foot-long one – to carry and The procedure enables spacewalks to begin
maneuver equipment and spacewalkers. earlier in the crew’s day than was possible
before the protocol was adopted.
Preparations will start the night before each
spacewalk, when the astronauts spend time in
• WETA installation
Space Shuttle Solid Rocket Motor The Enhanced Data Acquisition System, or
Pressure Oscillation Data Gathering EDAS, is a data acquisition system that will
record pressure data from one of the Reusable
The Space Shuttle Program is gathering data on Solid Rocket Booster Operational Pressure
five shuttle flights, beginning with STS-126, to Transducers, or OPT, and from accelerometers
gain a greater understanding of the pressure and strain gauges placed on the forward skirt
oscillation, or periodic variation, phenomena walls. These data will provide engineers with
that regularly occurs within solid rocket time-synchronized data that will allow them to
motors. The pressure oscillation that is determine the accelerations and loads that are
observed in solid rocket motors is similar to the transferred through the structure due to the
hum made when blowing into a bottle. At pressure oscillation forces.
1.5 psi, or pounds per square inch, a pressure
SRB ignition can occur only when a manual The general purpose computer, or GPC, launch
lock pin from each SRB safe and arm device has sequence also controls certain critical main
been removed by the ground crew during propulsion system valves and monitors the
prelaunch activities. At T minus 5 minutes, the engine-ready indications from the SSMEs. The
SRB safe and arm device is rotated to the arm main propulsion system, or MPS, start
position. The solid rocket motor ignition commands are issued by the on-board
commands are issued when the three SSMEs computers at T minus 6.6 seconds. There is a
are at or above 90 percent rated thrust; no staggered start — engine three, engine two,
SSME fail and/or SRB ignition pyrotechnic engine one — within 0.25 of a second, and the
initiator controller, or PIC low voltage is sequence monitors the thrust buildup of
indicated; and there are no holds from the each engine. All three SSMEs must reach the
launch processing system, or LPS. required 90 percent thrust within three seconds;
otherwise, an orderly shutdown is commanded
The solid rocket motor ignition commands are and safing functions are initiated.
sent by the orbiter computers through the
Though the foam insulation on the majority of Beginning with the first Return to Flight
the tank is only 1-inch thick, it adds mission, STS-114 in June 2005, several
4,823 pounds to the tank’s weight. In the areas improvements were made to improve safety
of the tank subjected to the highest heating, and flight reliability.
insulation is somewhat thicker, between 1.5 to
Forward Bipod
3 inches thick. Though the foam’s density
varies with the type, an average density is The external tank’s forward shuttle attach
about 2.4 pounds per cubic foot. fitting, called the bipod, was redesigned to
eliminate the large insulating foam ramps as a
Application of the foam, whether automated by source of debris. Each external tank has two
computer or hand-sprayed, is designed to meet bipod fittings that connect the tank to the
NASA’s requirements for finish, thickness, orbiter through the shuttle’s two forward
roughness, density, strength and adhesion. As attachment struts. Four rod heaters were
in most assembly production situations, the placed below each forward bipod, replacing the
foam is applied in specially designed,
DB Data Book
DC Docking Compartment
DCSU Direct Current Switching Unit
DDCU DC-to-DC Converter Unit
DEM Demodulator
DFL Decommutation Format Load
DIU Data Interface Unit
DMS Data Management System
DMS-R Data Management System-Russian
DOSIS-DOBIES Dose Distribution Inside ISS – Dosimetry for Biological Experiments in Space
DPG Differential Pressure Gauge
DPU Baseband Data Processing Unit
DRAGONSat Dual RF Astrodynamic GPS Orbital Navigator Satellite
DRTS Data Relay Test Satellite
Japanese Data Relay Satellite
DTO Detailed Test Objective
DYF Display Frame
FA Fluid Accumulator
FAS Flight Application Software
I/F Interface
IAA Intravehicular Antenna Assembly
IAC Internal Audio Controller
IBM International Business Machines
ICB Inner Capture Box
ICC Integrated Cargo Carrier
ICC-PM ICC Pressurized Module
ICC-VLD Integrated Cargo Carrier – Vertical Light Deploy
ICS Interorbit Communication System
ICS-EF Interorbit Communication System - Exposed Facility
IDRD Increment Definition and Requirements Document
IEA Integrated Equipment Assembly
IELK Individual Equipment Liner Kit
IFHX Interface Heat Exchanger
IMCS Integrated Mission Control System
IMCU Image Compressor Unit
IMV Intermodule Ventilation
INCO Instrumentation and Communication Officer
IP International Partner
IP-PCDU ICS-PM Power Control and Distribution Unit
IP-PDB Payload Power Distribution Box
IPT Intelligent Pressure Transducer
IPU Image Processing Unit
ISP International Standard Payload
ISPR International Standard Payload Rack
ISS International Space Station
ISSSH International Space Station Systems Handbook
ITCS Internal Thermal Control System
ITS Integrated Truss Segment
IVA Intravehicular Activity
IVSU Internal Video Switch Unit
LB Local Bus
LCA LAB Cradle Assembly
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LDU Linear Drive Unit
LED Light Emitting Diode
LEE Latching End Effector
LEO Low-Earth Orbit
LIDAR Light Intensification Detection and Ranging (Range?)
LMC Lightweight MPESS Carrier
LSW Light Switch
MA Main Arm
MAUI Main Analysis of Upper-Atmospheric Injections
MAXI Monitor of All-sky X-ray Image
Mb Megabit
Mbps Megabit per second
MBS Mobile Base System
MBSU Main Bus Switching Unit
MCA Major Constituent Analyzer
MCC Mission Control Center
MCC-H Mission Control Center – Houston
MCC-M Mission Control Center – Moscow
MCDS Multifunction Cathode-Ray Tube Display System
MCR Mission Control Room
MCS Mission Control System
MDA MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd.
MDM Multiplexer/Demultiplexer
MDP Management Data Processor
MELFI Minus Eighty-Degree Laboratory Freezer for ISS
MGB Middle Grapple Box
MIP Mission Integration Plan
MISSE Materials International Space Station Experiment
MKAM Minimum Keep Alive Monitor
MLE Middeck Locker Equivalent
MLI Multi-layer Insulation
MLM Multipurpose Laboratory Module
MMOD Micrometeoroid/Orbital Debris
MOD Modulator
MON Television Monitor
MPAC Micro Particles Capture
MPC Main Processing Controller
MPESS Multipurpose Experiment Support Structure
MPEV Manual Pressure Equalization Valve
MPL Manipulator Retention Latch
MPLM Multipurpose Logistics Module
MPM Manipulator Positioning Mechanism
MPV Manual Procedure Viewer
MSD Mass Storage Device
MSFC Marshall Space Flight Center
P/L Payload
PAL Planning and Authorization Letter
PAM Payload Attach Mechanism
PAO Public Affairs Office
QD Quick Disconnect
S3 Starboard 3
SAFER Simplified Aid for EVA Rescue
SAM SFA Airlock Attachment Mechanism
SARJ Solar Alpha Rotary Joint
SCOF Solution Crystallization Observation Facility
SCU Sync and Control Unit
SD Smoke Detector
SDOM Standard Dose Monitor
SDS Sample Distribution System
SEDA Space Environment Data Acquisition equipment
SEDA-AP Space Environment Data Acquisition equipment - Attached Payload
SEED Space Environment Exposure Device
SEITE Shuttle Exhaust Ion Turbulence Experiments
SEL Space Experiment Laboratory
SELS SpaceOps Electronic Library System
SENIN System Investigation and Integration Officer
SEU Single Event Upset
SFA Small Fine Arm
SFAE SFA Electronics
SGANT Space-to-Ground Antenna
SI Smoke Indicator
SIMPLEX Shuttle Ionispheric Modification with Pulsed Localized Exhaust Experiments
SIS Superconductor Insulator Superconductor
SLM Structural Latch Mechanism
SLP-D Spacelab Pallet – D
SLP-D1 Spacelab Pallet – Deployable
SLP-D2 Spacelab Pallet - D2
SLT Station Laptop Terminal
System Laptop Terminal
SM Service Module
SMDP Service Module Debris Panel
SMILES Superconducting Submillimeter Wave Limb – Emission Sounder
SOC System Operation Control
SODF Space Operations Data File
SOLO SOdium Loading in Microgravity
SPA Small Payload Attachment
SPB Survival Power Distribution Box
SPDA Secondary Power Distribution Assembly
SPDM Special Purpose Dexterous Manipulator
TA Thruster Assist
TAC TCS Assembly Controller
TAC-M TCS Assembly Controller - M
TCA Thermal Control System Assembly
TCB Total Capture Box
TCCS Trace Contaminant Control System
TCCV Temperature Control and Check Valve
TCS Thermal Control System
Trajectory Control Center
TCV Temperature Control Valve
TDK Transportation Device Kit
TDRS Tracking and Data Relay Satellite
THA Tool Holder Assembly
THC Temperature and Humidity Control
Translational Hand Controller
THCU Temperature and Humidity Control Unit
TIU Thermal Interface Unit
TKSC Tsukuba Space Center (Japan)
Z1 Zenith 1
ZSR Zero-g Stowage Rack
Steve Roy
Public Affairs Specialist
Space Shuttle Propulsion