Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

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Some of the key takeaways from the document are that high population density can lead to increased stress, aggression, and physical and mental health issues. It also discusses how density affects interpersonal relationships and territoriality.

High population density can cause stress and has been shown to increase aggression and decrease helpfulness according to studies. It may also lead people to withdraw or depersonalize interactions as a coping mechanism for the increased stimuli.

Studies on rats have shown that very high densities can lead to increased mortality, disrupted social behaviors, hyperactivity, abnormal physical conditions, and even cannibalism when the population grows too large for the space available.


Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Part I- Urbanization
Box Urbanization is not a problem 5
Introduction 4
Dia City Growth
A Brief History of Urban Expansion –Three Phases
Box Classification of cities
India Urban Areas 6
Components of a city 6
What Makes Cities Grow? 6
Dia World urban population 7
Percentage of population residing in urban areas
Box 10 Larger Urban Agglomeration 8
Urban challenge in Asia & India
Tab Urban density –World & India 9
Consequences of Urbanization
Dia Urban Rural population -Comparison 10
A Healthy Urban Future
Dia Urban population by size of the town -India 11
Urban Indicators 12
Box Urban transition is inevitable
Dia Growing trend of urban population in India 13
Box Passive urbanization

Part II - Types of Urban Settlemnts

Meaning of Urban 14
Rural-Urban Areas- Meaning of Urban: Indian census:
Box Gesellschaft & Gemeinschaft
Urbanization & Urban Growth: 15
Demographic characteristics of urban areas:
Characteristics of urban areas
Determinants & Causes of urbanization 16
Box Urbanism -Causes of urbanization
Urban Evolution
Pseudo Urbanization 17
Box Urban culture & personality 18
Metropolis & Megalopolis 19
Box Examples of Metropolis & Megalopolis in India
Metropolitan Management
Metropolitan Management - Pre metropolitan phase: 20
The sectoral response
Tasks of Metropolitan Management:-
Tasks: 1. Provisions of services. 2. Economic development
Ways to promote economic development in metropolitan areas 21
Scarcity of land & Spatial Planning:
Problems of metropolitan management
Environment 22
Pseudo-urbanization 23
Box Passive urbanization 23

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Gentrification 24
Urban Agglomeration
Dia Rural Urban Continuum & Urban sprawl 25

Part III - Urban Community Development

Why urban Community Development
Polarized Cities 26
What will happen if CD is not there
Four key roles of community development workers (CDWs)
Values and principles of CD 27
Achieving better community development 28
Urban Community Development in India
Social Work & Urban Community Development 29
Box Concept & Definions of community development
UCD Pilot projects in India
The Rural Urban Relationship Committee (RURC) 30
Box RURC Terms of reference
Need for (or concept of) urban community development
Tab Number of Urban centers in India 31
Urban problems & Solutions
Box Scope of Urban Community Development (UCD) 32
Philosophy of urban community development
Definitions of community & Impact of CD 33
The Philosophy of the Programme
Urban Community Development (UCD) Pilot Projects
Dia Invisibility of the urban poor 34
Guiding Strategies
Box Objectives of Urban Community Development
Objectives of the project - Hyderabad U.C.D project 35
Self help activities, Educational activities, Economic activities
Dia Community Development
Civic amenities
Content/Component of urban community development program: 36
Environmental change / improvement programmes
Family welfare programmes
Dia Stakeholders & Target Groups in UCD
Non formal education programmes
Self employment programmes: 37
Community Development & Inclusive Development 38
Urban Indicators in India 39
Dia Percentage of Slums having Drinking Water (Tap) & Latrine Facility in India 40
Notes on Urbanization & Administration in Tamilnadu
Tab Urban population in Tamilnadu
Administrative arrangements for urban development 41
Other Programmes
Box Rural –Urban development 42
Tab The distribution of Asia’s largest cities among its largest economies in 2000
Box More about urban development 43

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Urbanization is not a problem. Urbanization may be the best solution for the future. It may
be the only way to deal with the massive population increase. The problem is not that
cities are bad. The problem is that with more and more people relying on the city's
services and infrastructure, governments, planners and the society have not managed to
keep pace with the demands and the pressures. This world and its cities have the
resources to provide for the population that lives there. What it takes is a stronger will and
a better distribution of resources.

We all talk about cities and many of us live in one, but what
exactly is a city? We often think of the city as a "modern" or
recent development, but cities have existed for thousands of
years and have their roots in the great river valley civilizations
of Mesopotamia, Egypt, India and China. The English word
comes from the Latin "civitas", which describes a highly
organized community like the city-states of Ancient Greece.

Although we might know or sense what a city is, there is no

exact definition of its boundaries, of where it starts and where it
ends. In the past, walls may have defined a city. In many ancient
cities you can still see the ruins of those walls, but the walls no
longer mean anything. How do you define a city today? Do you
include all the outlying areas and suburbs (called the
"metropolitan region") or do you only include the city centre?
Questions like this can cause inaccuracies and disagreements.
For example, depending on the boundaries used, Bombay in
India, can have a population of anywhere
between 8 and 40 million.

Celebrate Every Nation’s

Urban Heritage

No matter how you define a city, however, there is agreement

that cities play an important role in all our lives today and in the
years ahead. After the industrial revolution, urban centers grew
rapidly and over the past 50 years there has been an "explosion"
in the growth of cities, both in their numbers and in their size --
this is called "urbanization". Today, the most rapid urbanization
is taking place in countries in Asia, Latin
America and Africa.

Cities have always been at the center of economic growth,

technological advances and cultural production. But their rapid
growth has also brought negative things: urban violence &

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

poverty, homelessness, overcrowding and health problems, pollution and waste.

300 yrs before 150 yrs before Today

Cities have had a great impact on our lives and on world civilization in general. They are
becoming more and more important as their sizes and numbers grow. By the 21st century, it is
estimated that half the world's population will be living in cities.

A Brief History of Urban Expansion

With their industries, traffic jams and sleek buildings, cities are often seen as new developments
in history. In fact, the origin of cities goes back thousands of years and
passes through at least three distinct phases.

THE FIRST PHASE began between 5 to 6 thousand years ago with settlements that grew into what
we call the river valley civilizations of Mesopotamia (present-day Iraq), Egypt, India and China.
Early on, the settlements depended largely on agriculture and domesticated animals. However, as
the civilizations grew in size and trade routes grew
Classification of cities in number; these settlements became centers for
Henri Pirenne: Political (Intellectual) merchants, craftspeople, traders and government
centers & Economic centers. officials. The division between "town" and
Hoselitz: "country", "urban" and "rural" had begun. A similar
Generative City & Parasitic City:
path was taken by later civilizations such as
Generative City: It its impact on economic
growth is favorable i.e. its formation and the Greek, Iranian, Roman and the Great
continued existence and growth is one of Zimbabwe.
the factors accountable for economic
growth of the region or country in which it THE SECOND PHASE in the development of cities
is located came much later with the industrial revolution in
Robert Redfield: Europe around the middle of the 18th century.
Orthogenetic City & Heterogenetic City: Factories needed a large labour force and a rise in
Orthogenetic City Carrying forward into commercial activity created new opportunities in
systematic and reflective dimensions a old
culture; cities of moral order.
cities. Looking for employment and a better life,
Heterogenetic City: Creating of original people moved from rural areas into cities in greater
modes of thought that might have a numbers
authority beyond or in conflict with old than ever before.
cultures and civilizations.
Philip M. Hauser: THE THIRD PHASE began after the Second World
Pre Industrial Town & Industrial Town: War. The largest and fastest growth in the world's
urban population has taken place in the decades
since 1950. As the world economy became more international and grew in size, cities all over the
S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

world began to grow larger at a very fast pace. Most of this growth has been concentrated in
Asia, Latin America and Africa, although some U.S. cities such as Phoenix and Los Angeles
have been growing at the same pace.

Components of a city
India - Urban areas contribute
75% of GDP and more than 50%
Cities often get a bad reputation for being chaotic,
of our population to live in urban crowded places. We will see that cities have serious
areas by 2050. problems to cope with, but they are also very efficient
Rurbanization of the countryside places that provide services to
to pose newer challenges. thousands and sometimes millions of people.
Cities would be the key drivers to
our economy but… No matter where you live, you need some essential
…unless a focused approach
coupled with heavy investment in
things to survive: shelter (housing), food, and water. Life
urban infrastructure is put in… in a city requires more than that. Electricity for buildings
and streets; a safe way of dealing with the garbage;
transportation so that people can get from one place to another.

Citizens also need schools so that they can get an education; places for recreation such as
museums, sports arenas, concert halls and parks; shops so they can buy what they need, from
clothing to food. These are “services" available in a city.

None of these appear by magic. They all need something to support them, just as the bricks or
wood in your home need strong beams to keep them up. Electricity needs electric lines, water
needs plumbing, cars and buses need roads, schools need buildings and so on. These are part of a
city's "infrastructure".

It is a tremendous task for a city to provide the necessary infrastructure and services to its
citizens. Some of this task is handled by city ("municipal") governments, some of it by private
groups, such as businesses or neighborhood organizations. All of it, however, requires
cooperation between the citizens and the government.

The advantage of a city is that it has a greater population density than rural areas, which means
that many people are concentrated in a small space rather than being spread out over a large
territory ("low population density"). This allows the government and others to provide more
services to a larger number of people. One electricity line to a single neighborhood can serve
hundreds or thousands of people. Of course, this requires highly complex planning and money,
which is collected through taxes. Not all citizens have equal access to what their city offers. In
some areas of every city there are people without homes, without electricity and without water.

What Makes Cities Grow?

Two hundred years ago (around 1800 A.D.) there was only one city in the world —London —
with a population of 1 million. At the beginning of this century, almost a hundred years ago,
there were three cities with a population of 1 million or more. Today, there are 281 cities with a
population of over 1 million! Why have cities been growing so big so fast?

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Cities have existed for thousands of years but grew faster after the industrial revolution. Since
the 1950s, rapid urban growth has become a global phenomenon. Given that cities are in
different parts of the world, each with its own geography and history, it is difficult to draw
universal conclusions about the reasons for city growth.

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

We can make a few general observations. For the most part, cities have grown as a result of three
things: "economic growth", "natural increase" and "rural-urban migration". There are exceptions
to this general rule. Some cities, for example, are "created" by governments that want to take the
burden off the large cities. Sometimes, such cities are made the capitals of the country. Assigning
a new capital usually means transferring government offices, foreign embassies and businesses
to a smaller city in order to attract people away from over-crowded and over-burdened sites.
Example of a “created capital" city is Brasilia, in Brazil.

In simple terms, "natural increase" is the number of people being born each year minus the

10 Large Urban
Agglomerations in 2015
Tokyo: 26.4M
Bombay: 26.1M
Lagos: 23.2M
Dhaka: 21.1M
Sao Paolo: 20.4M
Karachi: 19.2M
Mexico City: 19.2M
New York: 17.4M
Jakarta: 17.3M
Calcutta: 17.3M

Urban challenge in Asia

The urban population in Asia is expected to increase from 1.55 billion to 2 billion by 2016
Asia (excluding Japan) is projected to become 50 per cent urban by 2025 from the current 38%
The urban population growth in Asia is 2.3 compared to 0.14 in Europe
Number of million plus cities likely to increase from 194 to 288 by 2015
Urban challenge in India
Education - 20% of the urban population age 6-17 are out of school;
Power - ~10% of urban households do not have electricity;
Water - ~25% of urban households do not have access to piped water; ~50% do not purify water
before drinking;
Sanitation - 20% of urban households do not have toilets;
Fuel - >25% of urban households use wood or cow dung or charcoal for cooking;
Shelter - >3 people share one room in 30% of urban households;
Health – Urban populations (especially the poor) are at high risk to infections and chronic diseases
Governance – Slum populations are not often represented

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

number of deaths. Population grows when there is a positive rate of natural increase. This is the
main contributor to the growth of cities in developing countries.

"Migration" also affects the growth of cities. "Rural-urban migration" takes place when people
from the country-side move, or migrate, to the city. This was the main contributor to urban
growth after industrialization and all the way up to the 1970s. Today, international migration, or
the movement of people from one country to another, adds a large number of people to the
world's major cities.
People move to the city for various reasons, but
the most significant reason is economic—when
a city's economy is prospering it attracts people.
The promise of jobs and comfort, glamour and
glitter, "pulls" people to cities. There are also
"push" factors: droughts or exploitation of
farmers can cause extreme rural poverty and
that "pushes" people out of the country-side.

The city's promises are not always fulfilled.

Cities may be known for their bright lights, but
not everyone who moves to the city, or is born
there, benefits from it. The city can't always
keep up with the number of people who move
there, so urban poverty and homelessness have
have become global phenomena. The question that remains to be answered is how we can
transform the disadvantages of cities into advantages for its inhabitants.

Consequences of Urbanization
Cities draw migrants with the promise of higher living standards. City residents have greater
access to health care, more employment and opportunity and access to more social and cultural
events. Previous units pointed out that cities have been at the center of civilizations and continue
to be the engines of social and economic growth.

For all the relative advantages of city life, however, widespread poverty casts a shadow over the
urban future. A vast number of people in urban areas are threatened by homelessness, health

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

hazards and violence among other things. These may affect a portion of the urban population
directly, but their indirect effects are felt by the whole society.

Residents of urban areas are at risk from pollution and other health hazards. Pollution from cars,
the burning of fossil fuels and industry cause illnesses such as respiratory infections and lead

Homelessness is a growing problem in cities all over the world. In addition, there is the problem
of poor housing. Estimates of the world's homeless population plus those living in poor housing
can reach a figure of 1 billion people. People whoare homeless or live in poor housing are
constantly threatened by illnesses and have a much lower life expectancy than other portions of
the population.

Crime and violence are other, specifically urban, problems that are not limited to one region of
the world alone. Urban violence has been growing by about 3 to 5 percent a year over the last
two decades. Poverty and social disintegration are cited as the causes of urban crime and

These are not problems that must exist simply because cities exist. They are often the results of

“Cities, like dreams, are made of desire and fears...” “The shape of a city changes
faster, alas, than the desires of the human heart”

% Urban Year % Urban Year % Urban Year

poor income distribution (a few people with high incomes, many people with low incomes) and
bad policy. They can be overcome and in many places they have been overcome.
A Healthy Urban Future
The child waiting in line for hours to collect water for her family at the communal tap; the
woman scavenging through mounds of garbage , searching for saleable items so she can feed her
children; a student., who has to carry a gun to school to protect himself; the day-labourer who

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

leaves his shanty of reeds every morning to haul cartloads of bricks to the construction site of
luxury apartments; a family carries its belongings in one bag and looks for a place to sleep
tonight. Common scenes from the urban landscape.

From newspapers to discussions at home, much is said about the problems of cities. Much less is
said about the health of cities.

Yet, urbanization may be the best solution for the future. It may be the only way to deal with the
massive population increase. The problem is not that cities are bad. The problem is that with
more and more people relying on the city's services and infrastructure, governments, planners
and the society have not managed to keep pace with the demands and the pressures. This world
and its cities have the resources to provide for the population that lives there. What it takes is a

P e rce n ta g e D i s t ri b u ti o n o f u rb a n p o p u l a ti o n b y
s i z e o f T o w n s /U A ( C e n s u s o f I n d i a , 2 0 0 1 )
40 31
30 21
17 15
9 6
B e lo w 1 0 0 , 0 0 0 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 1 m il li o n 5 m i ll io n 10
Below One lakh to five Five lakhs to Ten lakhs to Fifty lakhs to More than one
1 0 0 ,
one lakh 0 0 0 lakhst o to 1
Ten lakhs t o lakhs
Fifty 5 tone
o crore
10 m il lio n
4 9 9,9 99 m i lli o n m il lio n m i lli o n an d
4622 cities 354 cities 39 cities 29 cities 3 cities a3bcities

P e r c e n t a g e D is t r ib u t io n

stronger will and a better distribution of resources.

To begin with, we should ask: what is a healthy city? As part of its healthy city programme, the
World Health Organization (WHO) has come up with a set of criteria.

Among other things, a healthy city must have:

• a clean and safe environment
• meets the basic needs of all its inhabitants
• involves the community in local government
• provides easily accessible health services

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has outlined these priorities as part of its
urban strategy:

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

• increasing shelter for the urban poor

• provision of basic urban services such as education, primary health care, clean water and
• improving women's access to basic services and government facilities
• upgrading energy use and alternative transport systems
• reducing air pollution

An urban transition is inevitable

Virtually all growth will be urban in the future
Growth is fastest in slums
Most of urban growth and population will be in small and medium size cities
Mega-cities will continue to grow – and have importance relative to governance and national
Health risks of urban poor are comparable to rural populations

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Hui PENG, Jianping RYE,
Cities have various amenities and are highly civilized and productive. It is always considered that peasants
are eager to migrate to cities with their own initiative. In reality, the phenomenon of passive urbanization
has only appeared recently. Passive urbanization implies that peasants have to give up their rural lifestyle
and migrate to cities before they are willing or well prepared to be urbanized. The reasons for peasants to
be passively urbanized include:
The adjustment of government administrative zones, urban sprawl, the construction of key projects. As a
result of GLP a large amount of cultivated land in the suburb of big cities has been expropriated by the
governments as a result of urban growth. Accordingly, a large number of peasants lose their land and
become urban residents unwillingly. The phenomenon of passive urbanization has become more and more
prevalent, causing many serious problems to our society.
Disadvantages of Passive Urbanization
Disadvantages of Passive Urbanization Violates the Property Rights of Peasants
Passive Urbanization Widens the Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents
Passive Urbanization Makes Landless Peasants a Marginalized Group
Passive Urbanization Affects the Quality and Sustainability of Urbanization
The Advantages of Participatory Urbanization
Participatory Urbanization can justly distribute the Benefits of Urbanization
Participatory Urbanization can integrate the Production Elements from Urban and Rural Areas
Participatory Urbanization Respects and Protects Property Rights of Peasants
Participatory Urbanization is Conducive to the Building of Harmonious Society

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Meaning of Urban
Urban: Polished, polite
An urban area is an area with an increased density of human-created structures in comparison to
the areas surrounding it. Urban areas may be cities, towns or conurbations, but the term is not
commonly extended to rural settlements such as villages and hamlets. Urban areas are created
and further developed by the process of urbanization. Measuring the extent of an urban area
helps in analyzing population density and urban sprawl and in determining urban and rural
populations. Unlike an urban area, a metropolitan area includes not only the urban area, but also
satellite cities plus intervening rural land that is socio-economically connected to the city.

Rural-Urban Areas- Meaning of Urban: Indian census:

There is no uniformity in the definition of the cutoff point between rural and urban settlements
adopted by different countries. Census authorities in India have not only their own variant of this
definition but also changed it further since the 1961 census. For the earlier five census from 1901
– 1951, a settlement was regarded as urban (usually town) if it satisfied any one of the following
three conditions.
1. If it was governed by a municipality, irrespective of its size
2. If it was a civil lines even though not included with in municipal limits.
3. If it consisted of a continuous collection of houses, permanently inhabited by not less than
5000 persons.

Form 1961 the urban settlement should fulfill all the following three criteria
1. A population of at least 5,000
2. A density of not less than 1,000 persons per square mile
3. A minimum of three fourths of its working force in non agricultural occupations.

In the Census of India 2001, the definition of urban area adopted is as follows:
(a) All statutory places with a municipality, corporation, cantonment board or notified town area
committee, etc.
(b) A place satisfying the following three criteria simultaneously:
1. A minimum population of 5,000;
2. At least 75 per cent of male working population engaged in non-agricultural pursuits; and
3. A density of population of at least 400 per sq. km. (1,000 per sq. mile).
For identification of places which would qualify to be classified as 'urban' all villages, which, as
per the 2001 Census had a population of 5,000 and above, a population density of 400 persons
per sq. km. and having at least 75 per cent of male working population engaged in non-
agricultural activity were considered. To work out the proportion of male working population
referred above the data relating to main workers were taken into account.
Mere size of population, surface area or density of settlement are not in themselves the sufficient
criteria of distinction, while many of their social co relates (division of labour, non agricultural
activity, central place functions) characterize in varying degrees all urban communities from the
small country town to the giant metropolis

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Increasing degree of urbanization –urban settlements are not isolated one. So the census (1951)
introduced the concept of ‘Town Group’ was introduced to mean “a group of towns which
adjoined one another so closely as to form a single inhabited urban locality”.

1971 Town group concept was changed – “urban agglomeration” which includes a city and all
other urban areas outside its municipal boundaries but excluding rural pockets. Also “standard
urban area” to take into account rural but potential urban areas surrounding a city.

Gesellschaft: A term used by Ferdinand Tönnies to describe communities, often urban, that are
large and impersonal with little commitment to the group or consensus on values.
Gemeinschaft: A term used by Ferdinand Tönnies to describe close-knit communities, often found in
rural areas, in which strong personal bonds unite members.

Urbanization & Urban Growth:

Urbanization refers to the percentage of the total population which is concentrated in urban
settlements as well as the rise in this percentage: a rise in this percentage implies a corresponding
decrease in the % of the rural population.

Urban growth refers to the percentage increase in the absolute size of the urban population. As a
matter of fact, from the historical perspective the urban demographic situation so far during the
20th century is said to be characterized by a relatively low rate of urbanization but a high rate of
urban growth.
Demographic characteristics of urban areas:
1. Birth and death rates are lower in the urban population.
2. The age composition in marked by a higher proportion of the population in the age ranges of
15 – 59 and lower proportion in the younger and order groups.
3. Nuclear families
4. Better educated
5. Religious minorities are over represented in the urban population.
6. S.C & STs. are underrepresented.

Characteristics of urban areas

1. An extensive and complex division of labour which replaces the artisans who has participated in
every phase of manufacture.
2. Emphasis on success, achievement and social mobility as morally praiseworthy.
3. Decline of the family and weakening bonds of kinship, with previous family functions transferred to
specialized outside agencies (schools, health & welfare agencies, commercial recreation)
4. Breakdown of small face to face group ties and substitution of large formal, secondary group
control mechanisms (Police, court)
5. Relating to others as players of segmented roles (bus driver, shop clerk) rather than as whole
persons. Utilitarian (goal oriented) rather than affective (person oriented) relationship with others.
Superficial sophistication substituted for meaningful relationships, leading to alienation.
6. Cultural homogeneity replaced by a diversity of values, view points and opinions.
7. Spatial segregation into different neighborhoods on the basis of income, status, race, ethnicity.

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Determinants of urbanization
1. Urbanization depends on the growth of urban functions. The urban way of life, behavior pattern,
production method and so on is positively co related to the growth of urbanization.
2. The economic factor such as the non agricultural occupation, the growth of sophisticated
technology, factories and places or production, increasing commercialization, diversification of the
economy growth of large scale industries mechanized methods of production and so on are
responsible of urbanization.
3. Demographic factors like excessive growth of population rural urban migration and so on may lead
to the growth of urbanization.
4. Social economic awakening, charge in the value pattern, attitudes, stage of development and
policies may contribute to the growth of urbanization.
5. Urbanization is positively co ordinates to industrialization and economic development.
6. Construction of railways, better mobility, better business prospects, better banking and financing
facilities, better managerial talents contribute growth of migration.
7. Rural condition - Decay of village industries, land scarcity, change of lucky break in cities.

India : Causes of urbanization

1. Famines 2.Partition of country 3.Railway construction 4.Epidemics 5.Decay of handicrafts
6.Growth of new industries 7.Trade and commerce 8.Creation of a land less labour class 9.Settlement
of landlords in towns 10.Backwardness of the village

• Urbanism is a way of life: The outcome of urbanization is called as urbanism: The
tradition breaking way of life is called as urbanism
• Cities and social problems have almost gone together
• City is seen not only as the setting for problems but also as their cause
• City living does not, of course directly result in deviant behavior but many of the
conditions associated with city life are, to a preponderant degree, conducive to
deviation. - Marshell Clinard
• In cities there is the best and worst of everything. Cities have both greater strengths
and weaknesses. Urban areas have more wealth and more poverty: more crime and
more culture; more pollution and more industry; more crowding and more social
mobility than do rural place.

Causes of urbanization
Philip Hanser
1. Population explosion 2.Population implosion 3.Population displosion 4.Technoplosion
There are three ways to understand the urbanization.
1. Relationship between people and the physical environment ie a physical structure
comprising a population base, a technology and ecological order.
Social organization
2. Social organization for which urban society is noteworthy ie a system of social
organization involving a characteristic social structure and a typical pattern of social relationships,
3. Way of thinking which typifies urban life ie a set of attitudes and ideas and a constellation
or personalities engaging in typical forms of collective behavior and subject to characteristic
mechanisms of social control.

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Urban Evolution
A six stage process developed by James E.Vance, Jr. The six stages are
1. Inception 2.Exclusion 3.Segregation 4.Extension 5.Replication 6.Readjustment & Redevelopment
The process of inception refers to the factor which gives rise to a city in a particular place.eg. mining,
port, transportation agricultural service centre, resources or climate. They indicate the types of
activities which help support cities and perhaps were responsible for their initial location.
Is the pattern of forcing activities out of an area. The costs of rent in the central business district may
be so high that activities cannot locate there a large super market may be excluded from a location in
the central business district because of the combination of its need for a large area and the relatively
lower return per square foot or floor space.
Segregation is much like association; similar industries may tend to locate in particular area.
Segregation is the process through which separate functional districts those identified with particular
set of goods or services, come about,
Innovations in transportation produced the process of extension. As the term implies, extension is the
outward often radial movement of activities from the center.
The large suburban shopping centres and malls are examples of the occurrence of replication and
readjustment if the suburban or downtown centres have to maintain their economic and social
viability, they have to replicate or readjust.
Redevelopment implies physical transformation an altering of the morphology of the city which
reflects changing functions. This may result from the conversion of one type of commercial activity to
another, or from the renewal of residential areas within the city.

Pseudo-urbanization is the condition in which a large city has formed in an area without a
functional infrastructure to support it. As the population of an urbanized area grows, the city's
infrastructure must grow with it, or else shortages will develop, typically in housing, education,
transportation, clean water and waste removal services, or other services such as law enforcement.
Overpopulation in urban areas is often characterized by shanty towns, where such services are
inadequate or wholly absent. A city in which significant growth in the absence of adequate
infrastructure has taken place will be deemed "pseudo-urbanized".

A town (The word "town" is originated from "tun", an enclosed piece of land) is a type of
settlement ranging from a few hundred to several thousand (occasionally hundreds of thousands)
inhabitants, although it may be applied loosely even to huge metropolitan areas; the precise
meaning varies between countries and is not always a matter of legal definition. Usually, a
"town" is thought of as larger than a village but smaller than a "city", though there are exceptions
to this rule. Historically, in Britain at least, a village became a town only when it had been
granted a charter to hold a regular livestock market. This had little to do with the size of the

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Town: Any populated place not incorporated as a city but large than a village.

Urban culture and personality

Adaptation to city life thought to produce distinctive attitudes and personality traits. The urbanite has
been characterized by his sophistication and cosmopolitanism, his nationality, matter of fact ness, and
reserve in social relations.
The large numbers, the density and the diversity of people in a city necessarily affect personality and
social relationship. An urbanite may think of people as “numbers” “laborers” etc.
Fallaciously settle –ability to conceal feelings and to manipulate situation”
Time consciousness
Blasé attitude – dulled to pleasures – indifferent attitude
Life in the city
City is the heart of the cultural activity within its boundaries are found, the institutions the facilities,
the personnel the atmosphere and the conditions ---- from which a rich a intellectual and cultural life
can spring and through it can be promoted and diffused. Because of its dominance of the cultural
apparatus the city moulds the thoughts and attitudes of the nation. Thus what happen in the city is of
tremendous importance for all of us.
Inter dependent mechanism:
A city is a huge inter dependent mechanism. City dweller buys his living unlike the country man who
makes his living.
Danger of specialization
Concern with the jobs tends to produce people who known more about their work than the society in
which they live –city life tends to produce vocational man not total man.
The anonymity of city life
City is the collection of impersonal man social cohesion is almost nonexistent.
Proximity of existence makes it impact upon the city dweller. Poverty, crime, health and a multitude of
other problems acquire new dimensions within the city.
The dangers to public health and welfare are multiplied. As the balance of nature is destroyed, human
development becomes more difficult. The anonymity the dependence upon the job, the tensions of
city life are reflected in the vital process of birth rates have been so low, that without migration from
the farm and overseas, the population of the cities would have decreased.
Consequence of city growth
Intellectual stimulus:
City life creates new economic activities, new political ideas and ideals, new forms of social intercourse
new possibilities of interchanges in ideas.
Today man in contrast to the slave of ancient Greece, has brought leisure within the compass of all
classed it provided the precondition for intellectual growth.
Changed concept of liberty:
In city the point of contact between the individual and the community are multiplied- the price of
survival in the city consists of the acceptance of the principle that the individual must subordinate his
selfish interests to the community as the whole. E.g. the disposal of sewage and refuse in the country
may be carried out as the farmer sees fit but in the city action of this sort may menace society as a
whole. Individual impulse is curbed and the permanent interest of the community is recognized.

A city is a relatively large and permanent settlement, particularly a large urban settlement.
Although there is no agreement on technical definitions distinguishing a city from a town in
English language, many cities have a particular administrative, legal or historical status based on
local law. Historically, in Europe, a city was understood to be an urban settlement with a

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cathedral.Cities generally has advanced systems for sanitation, utilities, land usage, housing, and
transportation and more. This proximity greatly facilitates interaction between people and
businesses, benefiting both parties in the process. In India, towns with population of 1,00,000
and above are called cities
“For sociological purposes a city may be defined as a relatively large, dense, permanent
settlement of socially heterogeneous individuals” – Louis Wirth.
City is the workshop of the nation providing the goods and services essential for modern

City: A legal occupying a fixed area holding a charter from the state in which it is located
subject to the state, and serving as a unit of local government.
Historic Roles of Cities
Industrial city: A city characterized by
Prior to modernization
relatively large size, open competition, an Market Colonial administrative centre
open class system, and elaborate Roles during emerging nationhood
specialization in the manufacturing of goods. Point of contact with outside world
Locus of power
Metropolis & Megalopolis Agency and diffusion point of social change
A metropolis is a big city, in most cases with Receptacle of talent and man power
Place of investment.
over half a million inhabitants in the city
Contemporary roles & Continuing functions
proper, and with a population of at least one Centre for domestic and foreign trade
million living in its urban agglomeration. A Magnet for rural population.
metropolis is usually a significant economical,
political and cultural center for some country or region, and an important hub for regional or
international connections and communications. The plural of the word is most commonly
metropolises. In India, the Census Commission defines a metropolitan city as one having a
population of over 40 lakh (4 million). Mumbai, Delhi, Chennai, Kolkata, Bangalore,
Hyderabad, Ahmedabad are the seven cities that qualify. Residents of these cities are also
entitled to a higher House rent allowance. The figure only applies to the city region and not the
A megalopolis (sometimes called a megapolis) is defined as an extensive metropolitan area or a
long chain of roughly continuous metropolitan areas.
Examples of Megalopolis in India
• The National Capital Region of Delhi, Noida, and Gurgaon can be considered as a
megalopolis with a population of about 1.2 crore (12 million).
• The industrial-IT hub between Mumbai and Navi Mumbai with a total population of
around 1.6 crore (16 million) can also be considered a megalopolis.
• The Kolkata metropolitan region with a population of 1.4 crores (14 million)
• The Bengaluru-Hosur corridor with a population of 70 lakh (7 million) may soon be a
megalopolis with the current rate of increase in population.
• The Hyderabad-Secunderabad stretch which is called is Greater Hyderabad is having
the population of 10 million

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Metropolitan Management – Asian Experience K.G. Sivaramakrishanan

Metropolis meant the mother city and principal seat of govt. of a state or colony
Urban geographers and planners now tend to use the term “Metropolitan” to refer to a large
identifiable area of continuous urbanization consisting of several administrative jurisdictions.
Demographers tend to refer a city as metropolitan as one which has more than 1 million population
World population increased 60% between 1920 – 1960 (1860 million to 3000 million.
Urban population increased 180% (i.e. 270 million to 760m) Urban proportion 14% - -35%
Out of the 225 metropolitan cities 116 are in the developing countries
Metropolitan Management
Pre metropolitan phase:
Before massive urbanization, management consisted of a few day to day functions such as the:
1. Delivery of essential public services 2. Provision of up keep 3. Regulation of private activities.
These cities managed on traditional and hierarchical lines; long established bureaucracies that
had been legitimized by history and seemed impervious to change.
The metropolitan challenge:
Independence and subsequent industrialization had brought high population growth rates
nationwide and vast migrations of people from rural to urban areas. Stability has been replaced
by explosive change
Urban management was beset with problems for beyond the historical experience and capability
of established institutions.
Due to migration –
1. Linguistic & cultural diversity of cities increased.
2. Age and sex structure of the populations skewed progressively in favor of males.
3. Old city boundaries were quickly eroded
4. Congestion & lack of access to industrial and commercial locations
5. Conflicting and chaotic use of land
6. The daily up keep of basic services became almost an impossible task
The problems were challenged by project oriented / Sectoral approach

The sectoral response

We adopted the sectoral approach to produce perceptible and politically acceptable results in the
short term and facilities the identification of beneficiaries and the recovery of costs,.
Sectoral - housing
Sub sectoral - slum upgrading
To look into the sectoral aspects of a development number of public corporations, statutory
bodies and para – statal agencies created in each sector.
But what is the impact? The proliferation of new special authorities tended to enhance the role of
appointed professional in urban management rather than that of the elected representatives. Not
only a consensus of opinion more difficult to obtain than in the pre metropolitan city , but it was
arguably a luxury to be forgone in the face of massive urban problems demanding urgent
attention. The issue of public access and participation thus remained low in the list of priorities
and was generally unresolved.
Tasks of Metropolitan Management:-
The principal task of metropolitan management to identify and attack the critical metropolitan
issues – is easy enough to describe, but extremely difficult to carry out.

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1. Provisions of services.
a. Deficiencies in the service – over loaded
b. Increasing cost of city services
c. These service are labour intensive – the labourers come under the influence of labour unions
they won wage increases
d. So. Salaries constitute a high proportion of most municipal budgets .
e. Obsolescence (with respect to both equipment and operating practices) coupled with
inefficiency has added to unit costs.
f. Continuing deficiency + high cost + limited funds – cities responded by scaling down
standards and adopting innovative approaches (Shelter + cities + Services).
2. Economic development:
The role of metropolitan management in promoting employment and improving incomes is
possibly the least understood – not to mention the least – recognized or all its functions.

Although national policy will remain a major determinant of employment incomes, it is largely
at the city level that the economics and externalities of agglomeration can be promoted and
inefficiencies minimized, “There are several ways by which metropolitan management can
accomplish this, such as the provision of land and infrastructure, direct business support,
vocational training, review or regulations and soon.
Ways to promote economic development in metropolitan areas
1. Provision of land and infrastructure.
Traditionally it considered as one of the effective method of economic development e.g. The
City and Industrial Development Corporation of Bombay - establishing warehouses, telephone
exchanges etc.
2. Direct business support – credit scheme for small enterprises eg. Calcutta urban development
3. Vocational training and technical assistance to entrepreneur’s large urban development
4. Review of regulations and procedures for business location & construction, licensing,
purchase of materials for municipal use)

Scarcity of land & Spatial Planning:

Locational problems – few cities are located in ideal places. Many are located in swamps and
marshes because strategic or trading considerations in colonial times.
Calcutta – Low lying area
Bombay – Marshy & Malarial islands.
Massive urbanization has seriously compounded these natural disadvantages. Major reclamation
work has had to be done and expensive communication network built to maintain urban access.
Some cities (such as Bombay, Madras) have even to bring in potable water from distant sources
to avoid contamination or to supplement local supplies. Such large scale public works have
tended to influence the spatial pattern of subsequent urban growth.
So far, the public sector has played mainly a passive role in land use development, merely
nodding its approval or disapproval or private initiatives. Except where legislation has permitted
the creation of new town corporations or authorities, as in Madras or Bombay, public action has

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been directed to functional sectors only –such as water, housing, power and industrial estates as
opposed to more comprehensive spatial development.
Problems of metropolitan management
1. Inability of tradition – bound bureaucracies to cope with continuously shifting demographic
social and economic factors of life in large cities.
2. Inability to augment public expenditure, particularly capital expenditure, at rates
commensurate with rising needs for public investment in urban areas.
3. Inadequate skill and manpower to deal with the increasingly technical and complex job of
managing a large and rapidly growing city.
4. Strain on organizational arrangement ill suited to new modes of a communication, joint
planning, and intergovernmental leadership and co-op was needed.
5. Inadequate time perspectives in urban planning budgeting, financial and decision making
That which surrounds us, cities can modify the physical environment in many ways.
1. Removal of plant cover and replacement by concrete, asphalt and other rock like materials,
resulting in greatly increased thermal capacity and reduced porosity.
2. Increased rates of surface water runoff, leading to a lowering of the levels of underground
3. Dispersal into air and water of numerous inorganic and organics compounds and elements.
4. Release of heat energy produced by process of combustion.
1. In the past environment was seen as the ruler (i.e. homes were built only in spots dictated by
the environment)
2. Now human beings are rulers- environment servant.
3. But the passive environment has awakened and has shown that it is not willing to become the
slave of humans.

A conurbation is an urban area or agglomeration comprising a number of cities, large towns and
larger urban areas that, through population growth and physical expansion, have merged to form
one continuous urban and industrially developed area. In most cases, a conurbation is a
polycentric agglomeration, in which transportation has developed to link areas to create a single
urban labour market or travel to work area. Internationally, the term "urban agglomeration" is
often used to convey a similar meaning to "conurbation".

Suburbs are defined in various different ways around the world. They can be the residential areas
of a large city, or separate residential communities within commuting distance of a city. Some
suburbs have a degree of political autonomy, and most have lower population density than inner
city neighborhoods. Modern suburbs grew in the 20th century as a result of improved road and
rail transport and an increase in commuting. Suburbs tend to proliferate around cities which
ideally have an abundance of adjacent flat land. Any particular suburban area is referred to as a
suburb, while suburban areas on the whole are referred to as the suburbs or suburbia, with the
demonym being a suburbanite.

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Suburbanization (or suburbanization) is a term used to describe the process of population

movement from within towns and cities to the rural-urban fringe. It is one of the many causes of
the increase in urban sprawl. Many residents of metropolitan areas no longer live and work
within the central urban area, choosing instead to live in satellite communities called suburbs and
commute to work via automobile or mass transit. Others have taken advantage of technological
advances to work from their homes, and chose to do so in an environment they consider more
pleasant than the city. These processes often occur in more economically developed countries
where majority of the population lives in the suburbs, rather than in the cities or in rural areas.
Proponents of containing urban sprawl argue that sprawl leads to urban decay and a
concentration of lower income residents in the inner city.

Pseudo-urbanization is the condition in which a large city has formed in an area without a
functional infrastructure to support it. As the population of an urbanized area grows, the city's
infrastructure must grow with it, or else shortages will develop, typically in housing, education,
transportation, clean water and waste removal services, or other services such as law
enforcement. Overpopulation in urban areas is often characterized by shanty towns, where such
services are inadequate or wholly absent. A city in which significant growth in the absence of
adequate infrastructure has taken place will be deemed "pseudo-urbanized".
Hui PENG, Jianping RYE,
Cities have various amenities and are highly civilized and productive. It is always considered that peasants
are eager to migrate to cities with their own initiative. In reality, the phenomenon of passive urbanization
has only appeared recently. Passive urbanization implies that peasants have to give up their rural lifestyle
and migrate to cities before they are willing or well prepared to be urbanized. The reasons for peasants to
be passively urbanized include:
The adjustment of government administrative zones, urban sprawl, the construction of key projects. As a
result of GLP a large amount of cultivated land in the suburb of big cities has been expropriated by the
governments as a result of urban growth. Accordingly, a large number of peasants lose their land and
become urban residents unwillingly. The phenomenon of passive urbanization has become more and more
prevalent, causing many serious problems to our society.
Disadvantages of Passive Urbanization
Disadvantages of Passive Urbanization Violates the Property Rights of Peasants
Passive Urbanization Widens the Income Gap between Urban and Rural Residents
Passive Urbanization Makes Landless Peasants a Marginalized Group
Passive Urbanization Affects the Quality and Sustainability of Urbanization
The Advantages of Participatory Urbanization
Participatory Urbanization can justly distribute the Benefits of Urbanization
Participatory Urbanization can integrate the Production Elements from Urban and Rural Areas
Participatory Urbanization Respects and Protects Property Rights of Peasants
Participatory Urbanization is Conducive to the Building of Harmonious Society

Urbanization in the third world tends to consist primarily of pseudo-urbanization. This happens
largely because of so-called "rural push": factors which push people from the countryside into
the cities, without the city being prepared to accept them. Rural-urban migrants in the third world
usually move into the cities due to poverty-related reasons, leading to a demographic explosion

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and a progressive concentration of poor migrants in the cities. This is a finite process, as one city
can only hold so many people due to limited infrastructure and available resources.

Penurbia describes country districts close to metropolitan areas in the United States. Penurban
districts look like rural areas. They are, however, heavily influenced through outmigration by
metropolitan settlers. Settlers to penurbia are attracted by rural ambience. Many incomers,
though, carry metropolitan ideas with them in their journeys from built up urban areas, even as
they build a new-country self conception. Consequently, penurbanites construct a unique mindset
which blends an appreciation of country values with reliance on metropolitan incomes.

Gentrification and urban gentrification denote the socio-economic, commercial, and
demographic change in an urban area resulting from wealthier people buying housing property in
a poor community. The resettlement of low-income city neighborhoods by prosperous families
and business firms. Consequent to gentrification, the average income increases and average
family size decreases in the community, which may result in the informal economic eviction of
the lower-income residents, because of increased rents, house prices, and property taxes. This
type of population change reduces industrial land use when it is redeveloped for commerce and
housing. In addition, new businesses, catering to a more affluent and sophisticated base of
consumers, tend to move into formerly blighted areas, further increasing the appeal to more
affluent migrants and decreasing the accessibility to less wealthy natives. Urban gentrification
occasionally changes the culturally heterogeneous character of a community to a more
economically homogeneous community that some describe as having a suburban character. This
process is sometimes made feasible by government-sponsored private real estate investment
repairing the local infrastructure, via deferred taxes, mortgages for poor and for first-time house
buyers, and financial incentives for the owners of decayed rental housing. Once in place, these
economic development actions tend to reduce local property crime, increase property values and
prices, increase tax revenues, and increase the social acceptance of gay people and racial and
ethnic minorities. Political action, to either promote or oppose the gentrification, is often the
community’s response against unintended economic eviction effected with rising rents that make
continued residence in their dwellings unfeasible. The rise in property values causes property
taxes based on property values to increase; resident owners unable to pay the taxes are forced to
sell their dwellings and move to a cheaper community.

Urban Agglomeration
An Urban Agglomeration is a continuous urban spread constituting a town and its adjoining
urban outgrowths (OGs) or two or more physically contiguous towns together and any adjoining
urban outgrowths of such towns. Examples of OGs are railway colonies, university campuses,
port areas, etc., that may come up near a city or statutory town outside its statutory limits but
within the revenue limits of a village or villages contiguous to the town or city. Each such
individual area by itself may not satisfy the minimum population limit to qualify it to be treated
as an independent urban unit but may deserve to be clubbed with the town as a continuous urban

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For the purpose of delineation of Urban Agglomerations during Census of India 2001, following
criteria are taken as pre-requisites: (a) The core town or at least one of the constituent towns of
an urban agglomeration should necessarily be a statutory town; and (b) The total population of
all the constituents (i.e. towns and outgrowths) of an Urban Agglomeration should not be less

20,000 (as per the 1991

Census). With these two basic
criteria having been met, the
following are the possible different
situations in which Urban
Agglomerations would be
constituted: (i) a city or town with
one or more contiguous
outgrowths; (ii) two or more
adjoining towns with their
outgrowths; and (iii) a city and one
or more adjoining towns with their
outgrowths all of which form a
continuous spread.

Squatter settlements: Areas occupied by the very poor on the fringes of cities, in which
housing is often constructed by the settlers themselves from discarded material.
Urban ecology: An area of study that focuses on the interrelationships between people and their
Urbanism: Distinctive patterns of social behavior evident among city residents.

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Why Urban Community Development? Polarized Cities

A profound change is taking place in public Globalization and diversity has become a daily reality in
understanding of how society is governed. Whilst our cities, and to some extent everywhere. On average,
governments are responsible for running the country and prosperity grows, but this is accompanied by inequalities
are held accountable for how they do it, there is a in income and opportunity. Within a single town, part of
growing appreciation that responsibility and power are city or rural area life expectancy between different
much more widely distributed and that another function neighborhoods and parishes can vary by as much as ten
of government is to support, negotiate and reconcile that years – as much as the average difference between well-
dispersal of power. Modern developments are too off and poorly-off countries. Traditional vehicles for mass
complex, fast-moving and diverse to be micromanaged participation, such as political parties and trade unions,
from the centre.et things have to be held together by have declined and local voting is very low. Scores of
common aims and transparent structures. Government issues attract public concern yet most people feel that
remains the essential, accountable focal point of power they have little influence over the decisions that affect
but its job is changing to some degree from delivery to their lives, and this is particularly acute in disadvantaged
enabling. areas.

Of course, no government wants to – or could – simply All this means that we are living in a society that urgently
let go of the power it has, or can avoid being held needs better means of participation and that requires of
accountable for its actions and the delivery of public us adaptation and lifelong learning at a level more
services. So the shift to an enabling role requires a intensive than previous generations. It also means that
complex, paradoxical, partial transfer of power and some people benefit far less than others from prosperity
responsibility. Inevitably this can face resistance and and democracy, that poverty persists, and new forms of
tensions. Community development helps people and poverty and conflict can emerge in the midst of plenty. It
public institutions to respond positively to this is an exciting but very demanding time to be alive. Huge
transformation by creating additional avenues for advances are being made in science, health, nutrition,
participation and releasing new energies from below. It productivity, yet equally huge challenges are facing us –
can also assist more traditional forms of government to challenges of polarization between those who benefit
adapt to change and disperse power by stages. most and least, challenges of the clash of beliefs and
affiliations, and challenges of ‘success’, such as the costs
of longevity, diversity and the environmental costs of
increased productivity.

What will happen if CD is not there:

To understand the necessity for CD, it is useful to reflect on the kinds of situation that can be found in many localities without
CD. It is often the case that:
• People in general do not realize that the issues that concern them are shared by others and can be affected by joint action
• The most disadvantaged people receive poor quality public services yet are least confident and skilled at representing their
needs to authorities
• Some of the groups that do exist remain small and exclusive, dominated by cliques or strong individuals who keep decision-
making (and sometimes benefits) to themselves; organizations may be run unconstitutionally or unfairly
• Community organizations fail to adapt to changing circumstances or miss out on funding opportunities which might enable
them to expand or change direction. Their work becomes unsustainable or inappropriate and does not evolve
• Community leaders and representatives are not properly selected and held accountable and may flounder or be ineffective
on partnership boards
• Different interests in communities are unable to reach a consensus or vision that articulates their views to others and as a
consequence their interests do not register in public decision-making
• Sections of the local population are not able to participate in activities that are intended for the whole community because
prejudices, assumptions and cultural differences are not tackled
• Public agencies and departments that need to engage with local communities are unaware of each other’s efforts, lack
insight into how communities work and have few channels for dialogue with them
Community Development is often instrumental in setting up groups, supporting forums and networks, and organizing events
and activities that enable people to work together across organizational and community boundaries.
CD actively tackles the divisions, social exclusion and discrimination that deter some people in communities from participating
in mainstream activities and decision-making.

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Four key roles of community development workers (CDWs)

Change Agent Service Developer

Identify community concerns and Advise on training and education of
gaps in services staff
Seek out capabilities to develop Highlight the importance of culture
innovative practice in service systems and practice
Increase channels of communication Develop joint working between
between community and statutory statutory and community services
Access Facilitator Capacity Builder
Help people find effective pathways Develop socially inclusive
across services communities
Direct people to community Engage in establishment of
resources community leadership
Address language and other barriers Assist in development of community
to services organizations

Values and principles of CD:

• Social justice
• Self determination
• Working and learning together
• Sustainable communities
• Participation
• Reflective practice
Key Roles CD:
• Develop working relationships with communities and
• Encourage people to work with and learn from each
• Work with people in communities to plan for change
and take collective action
• Work with people in communities to develop and use
frameworks for evaluation
• Develop community organizations
• Reflect on and develop own practice and role
Five aspects of community development
CD is a set of values
Embodied in an occupation
Using certain skills and techniques
To achieve particular outcomes or
provide an approach used in other services or

Definition: Community development is a set of values and practices which plays a special
role in overcoming poverty and disadvantage, knitting society together at the grass roots and
deepening democracy

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Achieving Better Community Development (ABCD) framework

Alan Barr and Stuart Hashagen 2000, ABCD Handbook, Community Development Foundation

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development


Community Development = Treating People & Communities as Assets
"There is a desperate need for community development minded people of all skill sets and
specializations to stay put and build our neighborhoods up. We need community
members who understand Business, Technology, History, Politics, Economics, Education,
and every other field in order to have well rounded and developed communities."

Social Work & Urban Community Development

Social work itself is an urban phenomenon. The earliest experience in urban community
development (UCD) is lying in several facts.
- Solving social problems like beggary, prostitution, juvenile delinquency.
- Provision of housing facilities like constructing colonies for industrial workers establishing
city improvement trusts, cooperative housing societies.
- Undertaking slum clearance programmes.
- Organizing welfare & recreational services like social education child welfare, nutrition
programmes, welfare programmes for destitutes, aged & widows etc.
Concept of community development
The term community development has come into international usage to connote the process by which
the efforts of the people themselves are united with those of governmental authorities to improve the
economic, social and cultural conditions of communities, into the life of the nation, and to enable
them to contribute fully to national progress.
Urban Community Development – Definitions
1. Urban community development aims to organize and stimulate community leadership to handle
problems on a mutual aid and self help basis
2. Urban community development means the working together of two factors the collective initiative
of families living in the same neighborhood and support of their effort through services rendered to
them by a higher level of government – (un)
3. Urban community development means integrating the organized popular effort and governmental
services for the improvement of conditions in the urban neighborhood (un)
4. Urban community development is a strategy of intervention to combat urban problems through
citizen’s participation B.Chatterjee
5. Urban community development is one the strategy of intervention to solve some of the problems of
the city in general and of the depressed areas in particular.
6. Urban community development is a process by which the city dwellers can become more
competent to live with and gain some control over local aspects of a frustrating and fast changing
7. Urban community development aims to arouse and organize among urban dwellers recognition of
the need for self help, a wider participation in civic affairs and the more effective use of civic
8. Urban community development seeks to involve the people and to create in them an urge to
change and improve their conditions of living by their own efforts and resources supplemented by
utilizing all the opportunities and assistance that are offered by governmental and other voluntary

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Urban Community Development (UCD) in its proper form originated in the following
Delhi Pilot Project (1958) Ford Foundation Aid
Jamshedput (1958) TISCO
Ahmedabad (1962) Ford Foundation Aid
Baroda (1965) American Friends Service Committee
These projects were experimental and voluntary in nature.

After independence (1947) – problems in the partition of the country – need to rehabilitate large
number of displaced persons – this transformed the “problem solving” “welfare oriented”
approach to “development oriented” approach-Establishment of new township like Nilckheri,
Faridabad – Providing opportunities for economic improvement.

The Rural Urban Relationship Committee (RURC)

After careful observation of earlier projects and experiments, a Rural – Urban Relationship
Committee was set up by the Ministry of Health, Government of India to plan and initiate Urban
Community development projects on a nation-wide scale specifying the role of local bodies
while implementing them.

The committee observed that there was lack of awareness and interest among urban poor and
suggested the need to motivate change and encourage people to exercise their own initiative in
planning and carrying out improvement projects based on their felt needs. Technical and welfare
resources would then be directed to these communities to support them in their effort.

The establishment of the Rural – Urban Relationship Committee (1963) paved the way for the
extensive application of community development method to solve the problems of urban life.
The terms of reference of this committee was:
1. Determination of criteria for the demarcation of urban and rural areas
2. Making recommendations regarding the relationship between the urban local bodies and
the panchayat raj institutions.
3. Defining the structure and functions of the urban local bodies.
4. Making recommendations about the lines on which urban community development work
may be undertaken in municipal areas.
5. Making recommendations for the more efficient and effective functioning of urban local
bodies in general.

The committee submitted an interim report on the programme of urban community development
to facilitate the implementation of urban community development in the Third Five Year Plan
itself. The Third five-year plan (1965-70) drew pointed attention to the social and economic
consequences of the rapid growth of urban population. The plan laid particular emphasis on the
need and potentialities of UCD for bringing about social and economic changes in urban
communities and create conditions for a better life for its citizens.

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Need for (or concept of) urban community development

Studies reveal that “In mid 1960s one out of five
people lived in cities”. Statistics reveals that one Size Number of urban centers
In India
out of three persons live in cities now and the
1981 1991 2021
projected figure in 2020 is one out two persons > million 12 23 70
will be leading city life. *House densification* has > 100,000 204 273 500
witnessed a geometric progression since 1975. 50-100,000 270 341 700
20-50,000 738 927 1,200
In 2008 the World’s total urban population 10-20,000 1,053 1,135 1,500
surpassed the rural population and by 2030 the 5-10,000 739 725 630
urban population will account for about 48% of <5,000 229 185 400
total population. Total 3,245 3,609 5,000

Urban Problem Solution

Transition of society from the rural to the 1. Urban community development has emerged
urban, especially as brought about by as a possible strategy of intervention to solve
industrialization and urbanization beyond a the problems of the city in general and of the
point has resulted in depressed areas in particular. It involves two
1. Destroying human capacity for self fundamental ideas: the development of
support on the one hand and effective community feeling within an urban
relationships with his neighbors on the context and the development of self help and
other. Complex and difficult world of citizen participation in seeking community
relationships characterized by anonymity, integration and change
growing lack of face to face relationship 2. Social change can be most effectively brought
coupled with marked decline in effective about of problems can be solved in the limited
communication and conflicting standards areas where people live, that is in lanes and
of behavior sub lanes where most city families particularly
2. Increased the deficits and congestion of women and children spend most of their lives.
existing urban services, particularly in 3. Permanent change will come only when a local
health, housing, education and civic community sees the need for change and
amenities resulted in proliferation of develops the capacity for making such changes
slums which has assumed unimaginable as a group.
dimensions. 4. Change which is desired and self imposed by
3. Made urban residents much more the people themselves has a meaning and
dependent on a variety of institutions permanence than the changes imposed from
other than his own family which outside
symbolizes the contemporary urban Urban community development envisages a
society. But these urban institutions process of social transformation in urban areas
suffered a sharp decline in its efficiency through which the people could organize
and moral standards and has no themselves in communities, understand their local
resources and skills to grapple with the situation and work for its improvement with
stupendous problems of urban limited assistance from the government.

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

This mammoth growth has brought havoc in the normal life of people. Pollution, encroachment
of roads, parks, recreational grounds and conflicts related to property has increased at an
alarming rate. Providing jobs and services along with improving the livelihood and managing
city lifestyle for so many city dwellers have a problem of a magnitude beyond imagination. To
Scope of Urban Community Development (UCD)
U.C.D programmes provide an almost unlimited scope for the practice of professional social work.
1. On a person to person basis
• Locating and motivating key individuals i.e., local leaders, with the objectives of helping them to
overcome their narrow loyalties; helping them to come out from the clutches of customs and
traditions whose blind pursuits may be inimical to an urban way of life.
• Helping the truants, drop outs, hide bound school teachers, alcoholics, drug addicts, socially
• Helping the rural migrants to when away from their rural way of thinking to an urban one which
instills in them, slowly but surely, a sense of urban and urbanity leading ultimately to the
development of responsible citizenship which is sin qua non for healthy and happy urban life.
2. On group basis
• Organizing the street urchins in the community into a well knit groups then can develop their
numbers personality.
• Organizing responsible groups from youth, women and adult.
• Developing responsible leadership from the groups.
3. Macro level
• Inter group work
• Inter group rivalry elimination and posturing of inter group co-operation i.e., synchronization of
group and community objectives.
• Resource person or repository of knowledge
• Liaison work with civic administration i.e., enabling the people and their representatives muster
enough skill and courage to constructively approach and utilize their elected representatives and
government for making the community voice heard.
• Management expert – imparting skills to local leaders in office management, accounting, public
relations, fund raising.
• Organizing civic groups …, when lokashakti or janashakti is not awakened and channelised, it
provides a field day for unscrupulous “opportunists” to exploit fellowmen.

make the scene worst, cases of traffic accidents, bus accidents, theft, murder, insecurity and loss
of capital and property are happening daily.

Philosophy of urban community development

1. Citizen’s co-operation can be definitely and positively evoked.
2. The cost of managing civic affairs can be reduced and or alternatively that the civic
services could be improved with people’s participation.
3. People’s participation is a pre cursor to the development of civil pride.

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Definitions of Community
• Community… An interdependent collectivity of persons living relatively permanently in a
geographically limited area which serves as a focus for a major portion of the resident’s daily life;
usually involves people who share a common culture, although sometimes applied to collectives--
e.g., the prison community--where the culture similarity of the participants may be minimal;
• Community ….although sometimes used to denote entire nations, usually applied only to relatively
small areas and numbers of people, the maximum of the latter sometimes being designated as the
number who can maintain face-to-face relationships with one another; sometimes denotes
specialized groups (e.g., the academic community, the business community) set off from society at
large by the unique ways of doing and thinking that are maintained by group members. (Hoult
• Community. . . combination of social units and systems that perform the major social functions
having locality relevance. In other words, by community we mean the organization of social
activities to afford people daily local access to those broad areas of activity that are necessary in
day-to-day living. (Warren 1978:9)
Definition of Community Development
The process, and the results of the process, wherein an attempt is made to solve, or to mitigate the
effects of, localized social problems by means of locally controlled action programs which, under the
guidance of technical experts, emphasize various forms of purposive change; often used
synonymously with the term community action and with community organization. (Hoult 1969:73)

Impact of
Community Economic Political Social Environmental
Development on
Delivering Urban Reduces costs Increases public Increases sense of Reduces negative
Services of corruption. support for fairness in impacts through
difficult choices. distribution of waste and misuse
benefits. of resources.
Attracting Generates more Increases investor Increases local Ensures
Investment, lasting and visitor benefits of compliance with
Visitors employment. confidence. investment and environmental
tourism. laws and
Managing Risks, Reduces costs Increases public Increases Reduces
Assuring Safety of lost engagement in likelihood of all environmental
production managing risks income groups impacts of
when disasters and promoting surviving disasters; disasters caused
occur; reduces neighborhood reduces crime by human
costs of crime. security. rates. actions; increases
Budgeting, Increases Increases public Reduces efforts to Increases support
Financing effective support for evade taxes and for expenditure
collection of allocating fees. on environmental
revenues, resources to protection.
capacity to priorities.
borrow at lower

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

The Philosophy of the Programme

Self-help has been the philosophy of the Urban Community Development Project since the
beginning. The project proceeded on the assumption that any neighborhood, no matter however
poor, can do something to improve itself by its own efforts and that any approach for outside
help should be resorted to, only after it has exhausted its own resources fully.

This was not always an easy message to get across to poor people who sometimes felt that the
Government should freely meet their needs because they were poor. Further, the project’s desire
to be thought of as a “People’s Project” may also have posed difficulties because it was, after all
a Government project. Basically it was the intention of the project to encourage people to
identify their own felt needs and be involved fully in meeting them. It was hoped that through a
process of community education and community self – help action, people’s lives could be
enriched and improved.

Urban Community Development (UCD) Pilot Projects

On the basis of the recommendation of the RUR committee, the Government of India initiated
the urban community development programme on an experimental basis. Originally planned for
forty cities, pilot projects were finally taken up in 14 cities. Some State Governments were not
enthusiastic in supporting this experiment and consequently seven closed down, and of the
remaining seven projects, Hyderabad is one with a continuous history of success in
implementation and expansion of the Urban Community Development programme.

Guiding Strategies
The project addresses itself to
human development by adhering
to certain basic principles. It
advocates that the ever increasing
gap between the demand and
provision of civic services in the
growing cities can only be
bridged by creating and making
the best use of abundant
resources and energies that can
be tapped from the people
themselves. The project creates
stronger communities in
problematic urban areas with
their own leader, who could plan
in problematic urban areas with
their own leaders, who could
Invisibility of the poor is a major impediment to plan and carry out self-help
bring changes projects. Community
organizations have proved to be
the backbone of Urban Community Development Project

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Objectives of Urban Community Development

Objectives of the Urban Community Development as mentioned in HUCD Project:
1. Creating a sense of social coherence on a neighborhood basic through corporate civic action and
promoting sense of national integration.
2. Developing a sense of belonging to the urban community through increased participation of people
in community affairs and creating a way of thinking which concentrates first on solving problems
with their own initiative, organization, self help and mutual aid.
3. Bringing about a change in attitudes by creating civic consciousness and by motivating people to
improve their conditions of life particularly those affecting social and physical environment.
4. Developing local initiative and identifying and training of local leaders and
5. Ensuring fuller utilization of technical and welfare services by helping the community to locate what
help can be had from the municipality or other organizations and how to get it; and what
assistance and guidance can be obtained from governmental and higher authorities and how to
approach them
In simple terms the objective of u c d is to promote the growth of community life and to promote the
growth of community life and to encourage the development of citizens’ participation in programmed
of self help and civic improvement
Elements of Community Development
(1) Participation of the people
(2) Local initiative
(3) Technical & other support to reinforce initiative, self help and mutual help

Objectives of the project

Hyderabad U.C.D project
A number of goals and objectives covering the various facets of the project’s work were outlined
by project staff. They are given below in four categories:

Self help activities

• To promote self reliance without too much dependence.
• To bring about awareness in the community of its capacities, and develop initiative through
young, dynamic and democratic leadership.
• To make people realize that it is they that can carve the nations future through united effort.
• To create a sense of participation pride and satisfaction through self experience in
community action.

Educational activities
• To create in the people a new outlook and desire for better standards of living
• To broaden their horizon and acquaint them with the latest technological development
• To bring about changes in their behavioral pattern in accordance with the changing values.
• To promote better understanding and healthy neighborhood relations.
• To enlighten the citizens on government policies and programmes so that they any
effectively play their role in the nation building activities.

Economic activities
• To provide job opportunities through training courses in better skills

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

• To assist people in securing jobs and introduce leisure time activities to supplement home
• To encourage cottage industries through cooperatives and loans.
• To develop the habit of thrift.


Civic amenities
• To promote better living conditions and establish new patterns of civilized behavior.
• To improve slums and other backward areas by providing basic physical needs.
• To develop civic consciousness for greater civic responsibilities.

Content / Component of urban community development program:

Environmental change / improvement programmes:
• Slum improvement scheme
• Provision of adequate latrines and urinals
• Provision of street lights
• Provision of adequate water supply / maintenance of water taps.
• Construction of drains / cleanliness of the drains
• Placing dust pins with area name on them / garbage disposal
• Encouraging the people to keep the houses clean
• White washing of the public buildings
• Paving lanes & other community works
• Construction of community halls

Family welfare programmes

• Immunizations
• Health and first Aid classes
• Comprehensive medical check up scheme
• Maternal & Child Health programmes
• Organizing eye camps & family planning work
• Cooking and home making demonstrations
• Supplementary feeding programme, special nutrition programme & mid day meal programme

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Stakeholders & Target Groups in UCD

Non formal education programmes

- Balwadis and primary schools
- Night schools
- Libraries and reading rooms
- Community listening sets
- Wall news papers and bulletins
- Organizing study / sight tours
- Cultural, recreational and youth activities
- Cultural programmes & celebrations

Self employment programmes:

- Vocational training, - sewing centers, type writing and short hand, auto rickshaw driving
photography, radio, television mechanics and other apprenticeship programmes.
- Arranging bank loans housing loans, loans for cobblers, self employed women vendors.
- organizing co operatives, production centers

- Civil defence programme
- Emergency relief

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

- Gardening and flowering plots

- Beautifying the area
- Zone demarcation and name plates
- Guide map of the area
- Citizen’s advisory bureau.

Community Development = Inclusive Development

Physical separation = social segregation integration = social symbiosis

What we build is expression of our cultural and

social values
Isolating the poor is projecting the idea of rejecting
the poor
Building cities + building communities
Integration of communities reduces social
segregation & isolation
Consolidation= increased opportunities for social
Support system to flourish

Segregation means: doubling of services = doubling of costs

Establishing a separate settlement for the poor implies

establishing all the services and infrastructure that goes
with it
The doubling of infrastructure doubles the immediate
installation costs and also long term maintenance cost
There is no opportunity to subsidize, rehabilitate and share
the existing infrastructure

City Center Slum Green Urban

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Urban Indicators in India

India India
Per Cent Slum Population 2001
Urban Poverty 2000

Per cent Slum Population

0- 2 Per cent Urban Poverty N
3 - 13 0- 2
14 - 22 W E 3 - 10
23 - 33 11 - 22 W E
34 - 65 S
23 - 33
34 - 43 S

India India
Mirgation 1991-2001
Informal Sector

Rural to Urban Gross Decadal Migration

Informal Sector ( In %)
0 - 4.82 1 - 49
4.82 - 7.63 W E
50 - 57
7.63 - 9.4 58 - 62
63 - 71
9.4 - 11.45 S S

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Percentage of Slums having

Drinking Water (Tap) & Latrine Facility in India
Latrine Drinking
Facility Water
States Source (Tap) Slums without Tap Water
Notified Non- Notified Non- 2002
Slum Notified Slum Notified
Slum Slum
Andhra Pradesh 90 32 87 45
Bihar 66 0 0 0
Delhi 69 48 100 98
Gujarat 94 31 33 74
Karnataka 34 47 89 77
Madhya Pradesh 88 25 68 75
Maharashtra 82 75 95 91
Orissa 0 0 100 57
Punjab 52 5 43 0 Percentage of Slums without Tap Water
Rajasthan 67 2 100 27
1- 15
Tamil Nadu 85 33 85 97 15 - 35 W E
35 - 55
Utter Pradesh 99 49 33 59 55 - 75
75 - 100 S
West Bengal 100 70 89 72
All India 83 49 84 71

Notes on Urbanization & Administration in Tamilnadu

Attitudes to urban growth may tend to swing between two extremes. Cities are seen either as an
unavoidable evil or in a more positive way 'engines of growth'. The former view is held by those
who focus on the growth of slum and squatter colonies, the congestion on the roads and
environmental degradation. The others, in contrast, focus on the bustling formal and informal
sectors in urban areas and the contribution to the economy, the diversification of occupations
away from traditional land-based ones to newer forms of production and services, and the lower
levels of poverty as compared to rural areas.
Urban frame in Tamilnadu Urbanization in Tamilnadu
2001 (Population in millions)
Category of ULB 2001 1991 2001 2011
Corporations 10 Total Population 55.86 62.11 67.8
Municipalities* 148 Urban Population 19.08 27.24 30.5
Cantonments 2 Urban Growth Rate 19.59 42.79 45.0
Town Panchayats 561
*Special Grade 20 +Selection Grade G29 +
Grade I 29 +GII 21+GII 49

In 1991 the level of urbanization was only 34.15 percent with an urban population of 1.9 crore,
when Tamil Nadu was in third place behind Maharashtra (38.7 percent) and Gujarat (41.0
percent). The advance to first place is mainly due to a change in definition. Following the Nagar
Palika Act of 1994 all the 611 town panchayats were brought under the category of statutory
towns, irrespective of whether they satisfy the demographic criteria of "urban".
S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

The positive impact of urbanization is often over-shadowed by the evident deterioration in the physical
environment and quality of life in the urban areas caused by the widening gap between demand and
supply of essential infrastructure services, like water supply, sanitation, solid waste management,
transportation and development of housing etc. This results from increasing population pressure on urban
centers, most of which are financially and organizationally ill-equipped to respond to infrastructural
Administrative arrangement for urban development
The following agencies are concerned with implementation of most of the developmental and welfare
schemes in their respective areas.
1. Directorate of Municipal Administration - Municipal Services.
2. Corporations of Chennai, Madurai, Coimbatore, Tiruchirapalli, Salem,Tirunelveli.Tiruppur Vellore
Erode, Tuticorin
3. Directorate of Town Panchayats.
4. Chennai Metropolitan Development Authority.
5. Commissionerate of Town & Country Planning.
6. Tamil Nadu Water Supply and Drainage Board.
7. Chennai Metropolitan Water Supply and Sewerage Board.
8. Tamil Nadu Urban Finance and Infrastructure and Development Corporation (TUFIDCO)
9. Tamil Nadu Urban Development Fund (TNUDF)
10. Tamil Nadu Slum Clearance Board (TNSCB)
11. Town and Country Planning Department

Other Programmes
Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
Anaithu Peruratchi Anna Marumalarchi Thittam
Urban Infrastructure Development Scheme for Small and Medium Towns (UIDSSMT)
Integrated Housing and Slum Development Programme (IHSDP)
Urban Basic Service for the Poor (UBSP)
Integrated Development of Small and Medium Town (IDSMT)
E- Governance
Rain Water Harvesting
Supply of Computers and Soft wares
Solid Waste Management
Under Ground Sewerage Scheme
Toilets - Integrated Sanitation Programme
Swarna Jayanthi Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY)
National Slum Development Programme (NSDP)

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

Tamil Nadu Urban Development Project-II

Investment for Integrated Sanitation Programme.
Community Based Environment Development scheme (CBED)
Local Body Assistance Programme Scheme (LAP)
Compensation grant for Loss of Entertainment Tax to ULBs
Western Ghat Development programme
Minimum Needs Programme (MNP)
MPsLAD Programme
MLAsCD Programme
Tsunami Emergency Assistance Project (TEAP)
Emergency Tsunami Reconstruction Project (ETRP)

Urban development and rural development grow together, each reinforcing the other in a
mutually dynamic set of interrelationships
What rural gets from urban
Income (product markets) * Income (remittances) * Employment
* Infrastructure (transportation, telecommunications) *Technology (production and consumption)
Goods *Services *Capital (investment, financing) *Education *Information
Culture and Entertainment *Economic and Social Networks

The distribution of Asia’s largest cities among its largest economies in 2000
Nations (listed by the No of No of cities with No of mega-cities (with
size of their economy ‘million 5- 9.99 million 10 million plus
in 2000/2001) cities’ inhabitants inhabitants)
China 90 3 2
Japan 6 2
India 32 3 3
Republic of Korea 6 1
Indonesia 6 1
Turkey 5 1
Iran 6 1
Thailand 1 1
Philippines 2 1
Pakistan 7 1
Saudi Arabia 3
TOTAL FOR ASIA 194 13 10

S.Rengasamy. Understanding Urbanization & Urban Community Development

More about Urban Environment: Public Territories: are occupied only 1. High density is perceived as
Components of Urban Environment: temporarily and which are available positive at a party and as negative while
Spatial Non- Social almost everyone. (eg. Park, beach) studying
spatial Social density: When groups of 2. High density subjects were more
Personal Noise Prostitution different sizes occupy a space of negative towards their immediate
space constant size. environment than low density subjects.
Territoriality Air Juvenile Spatial density: A same size group 3. For males, the greater the
delinquency occupy different amount of space. classroom density, the more aggressive
Density Water Sociofugal space: Spatial they felt.
Crowding Solid & arrangement that discourages social 4. High density leads to a decrease in
Liquid interaction. interpersonal attraction.
Socio petal space: Spatial Effect of population density on
arrangement that encourages social helping
Personal space: interaction. City residents are less helpful and less
That area around an individual which he Density: informative to strangers than rural
or she feels ownership and control of. The amount of space available for each dwellers in a number of different ways.
Is the bubble or invisible boundary we individual in a defined area. Effects of density on
maintain between ourselves and others. Crowding aggressiveness?
It moves with us wherever we go. A stressful experience in which an Under some conditions, density appears
How much personal space we need and individual feels restricted by high to lead to aggressive behavior, under
how we respond when our personal space density. other conditions; it leads to withdrawal
is invaded? We never like others Environment influences the human as a coping strategy.
“breathing down our necks” we all behavior & human beings in turn Roke and Patterson study a group of
maintain an area around our bodies – influences the environment constant size. It was subjected to
personal space is defined as invisible The effects of density: conditions of both high and low spatial
boundary surrounding each individually, Studies suggest that high density is densities. There were significant
through which most others people should often sufficient to cause social increases in destructive and aggressive
not pass. It moves about with us and has disorganization and physiological ill behaviour as a result of increased
been found to expand and contract, effects among several species. density. Not surprisingly, the negative
depending on the situations in which we A number of studies illustrate that effects of high density were heightened
find ourselves animal populations are unable to adapt if decreased room size was
Functional to high density without destructive accompanied by a decrease in resources
Facilitate communication. Closer personal effects such as fewer toys available.
space is a consequence of increased Calhoun’s study: Constructed an Urban environment
attraction. What happens in (1) in apparatus which can contain some 40 City offers several advantages but what
appropriately close, 2) In appropriately rates. price we pay? Physical and mental
distance, (3) appropriate, personal space? But then population reached eighty, a diseases are higher in the inner city.
Four types of personal space: series of abnormal reactions were Why the psychology of the city is often
1) Intimate distance 0 – 1 ½ feet observed. characterized as cold and unfriendly?
2) Personal distance 1 ¼ - 4 feet 1. Mortality rate of your rates became Vilgram suggested that the seeming
3) Social distance 4 -12 feet extremely high. aloofness and unfriendliness of the city
4) Public distance 12 feet 2. Nest building and maternal behavior dweller may be a defensive responsive
Territoriality: were distributed. to a highly overloaded environment.
Involves the mutually exclusive use of 3. Rates became hyperactive, 1. In urban areas larger number of
areas and objects by individuals or hypersexual, homosexual and events/ stimuli.
groups. cannibalistic. 2. A person cannot respond to all
Types of Territory 4. Physiological disorders such as these events/ stimuli.
Primary Territory: tumors, and abnormalities of the 3. A person cannot respond each
Area of object that is exclusively owned kidney’s liver and adrenal glands person on an individual basis.
or controlled on a permanent basis by an become common. 4. To manage the stimuli / events,
individual or group and is viewed as a Crowding: the individual removes the uniqueness
central part of the individuals’ life. Density is not always negative – density from events and people and responds to
Secondary Territory: is required to create threshold, Cinema them only as classes.
Used by a specific group of people who halls . 5. This leads to depersonalize or de
have less complete control, ownership Crowding: is a subjective condition – individuate the people and events.
and power to regulate, who comes and individual become sensitive to the 6. This depersonalization results in
goes than in the case of primary restrictive aspects of high density. the unfriendliness
territories (eg. Classroom, theatre, seats) Density and interpersonal behavior 7. This depersonalization is often
No trespassing is a common sign 1. Number of people per residence blamed for the lack of altruism.
indicating our territoriality consciousness (inside density) and physical illness, 8. The depersonalization of other
emotional problems and crime are co people eliminates the possibility of
related empathy, and empathizing with person
2. High density is perceived as in distress, is one of the motivating
positive at a party and as negative while forces behind helping behavior.


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