Full 5741 - Gray Iron
Full 5741 - Gray Iron
Full 5741 - Gray Iron
3, 2009
ISSN 1454-2331
Keywords: grey cast iron, preconditioning, inoculation, Al, Zr, foundry case studies 1. Introduction The main objective of grey iron production technology is to secure the formation of a large number of nuclei which can initiate nucleation of graphite. This will give a low degree of undercooling in order to prevent solidification very close to the metastable eutectic temperature (D and E type graphite formation) or
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University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania, e-mail:stan@foundry.pub.ro University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania 3 University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania 4 ELKEM Foundry Products Division, Norway 5 ELKEM Foundry Products Division, Norway 6 ELKEM Ltd., UK
116 Mihai Chisamera, Iulian Riposan, Stelian Stan, Chris Ecob, Geir Grasmo, David Wilkinson
below it, where carbide (white) structures are formed. Charge materials and melting practice will influence the structure of the resultant base iron melt, while later treatments, such as preconditioning and inoculation will influence the solidification behaviour of the castings. After melting, the resulting metallic liquid is characterized by a colloidal condition which includes: Fe-C-Si (Xi) base solution (1-2wt%C), residual graphite particles (0.1-10 m), and other non-metallic inclusions. The colloidal condition of the iron melt is preserved for a long time by the presence of the remnant graphite particles. The dissolution rate of the residual graphite particles is very low immediately after melting, especially due to the high stability of the C-C connections and the presence of the superficial active elements (S, O) on the surface of the residual graphite particles (dissolution is hindered). The heating of the iron melt in the furnace will bring about important changes of the liquid iron characteristics; such as diffusion of elements and homogenization, remnant graphite dissolution, and non-metallic inclusions flotation (at least of the large particles). The iron melt will evolve, due to the heating effect from the colloidal condition stage (just after melting) to a quasihomogeneous solution [Fe-C-Si (Xi) and C-atoms as groups or clusters] up to the quasi-ideal solution at the highest superheating level (Fig. 1). Remnant graphite particles will gradually disappear, while non-metallic inclusions and phases will be drastically reduced, both in quantities and sizes [1, 2].
Thermal analysis is applied to evaluate the state of the base iron, the necessity for inoculation (inoculant type and addition rate) and the response of the final inoculated iron to this specific treatment. As Fig. 2 shows, increased superheating promotes higher eutectic undercooling and visible change of graphite morphology, inclusively as transition from grey iron through mottled iron
Fig. 2. Typical cooling curves and lamellar graphite morphologies in cast irons
up to white iron structure. High superheating level is useful to sustain the dissolution of coarse remnant graphite, to float coarse micro-inclusions and to deactivate the remnant micro-inclusions as they are able to act as un-controlled nuclei for graphite. But new and controlled nucleation sites of graphite must be promoted, to avoid undercooled graphite morphologies and chill tendency. A possible ranking of graphite nuclei is as follows: graphite (highest-least energy required), silicates, oxides, sulphides, carbides, nitrides and austenite (lowest). Graphite substrates or non-metallic micro-inclusions covered by a graphite layer can nucleate eutectic graphite during solidification with minimal undercooling [3, 4]. The ability of sulphides to nucleate graphite is hindered because these substrates belong mainly to the cubic system. However, the nucleation potency of sulphides can be enhanced by inoculating elements to transform MnS into complex (Mn,X)S compounds. These might have a better lattice match to graphite, a low coagulation capacity, good stability and adequate interfacial energy [3-10].
118 Mihai Chisamera, Iulian Riposan, Stelian Stan, Chris Ecob, Geir Grasmo, David Wilkinson
A three-stage model for the nucleation of graphite in both un-inoculated and inoculated grey irons has been proposed (Fig. 3): (i) Small oxide-based sites (usually less than 2.0 m) are formed in the melt; (ii) complex (Mn,X)S compounds (usually less than 5.0 m) nucleates at these micro-inclusions; (iii) graphite nucleates on the sides of the (Mn,X)S compounds with low crystallographic misfit with graphite. It was found that three groups of elements are important to sustain
graphite nucleation in industrial grey cast irons: (i) strong deoxidizing elements, such as Al and Zr, to promote early formed very small micro-inclusions, which will act as nucleation sites for later formed complex (Mn,X)S compounds; (ii) Mn and S to sustain MnS type sulphide formation; (iii) inoculating elements which act in the first stage and/or in the second stage of graphite formation, to improve the capability of (Mn,X)S compounds to nucleate graphite [8-10]. The current experimental investigation was designed to evaluate the possibility to control the solidification pattern of electrically melted grey cast irons subjected to preconditioning with Al or/and Zr and inoculation, both under laboratory experiments and plant trials. 2. Results and Discussion A. Laboratory experiments Laboratory experiments were performed to compare the effect of strong deoxidizing elements, such as Ti, Al and Zr, to determine their individual capacity
towards preconditioning of un-inoculated and Sr-FeSi- inoculated grey cast irons [11, 12]. Iron melts were made in an acid lined induction furnace. Irons were characterized by the chemistry including 3.15-3.30wt% C, 1.50-1.65wt% Si, 0.550.65wt% Mn, 0.095-0.10wt% S, 0.002-0.003wt% Al and 0.003-0.005wt% Ti, giving carbon equivalent of 3.7-3.9wt% CE and Mn/S ratio of 5.5-6.5. Al-metal (99.5wt% Al), Ti-metal (99.5wt% Ti) and FeSiZr (43.5wt% Si, 30.8wt% Zr, 0.56wt% Al) were used as preconditioning agents. The three strong deoxidizing elements (Al, Ti or Zr) were added at the same level (0.03wt% each) into the metal stream during tapping at 1450oC into acid lined small poring ladles of 3 kg. Non-preconditioned irons (as reference) and a range of preconditioned irons (Al, Ti, Zr) were also inoculated in the ladle with same low aluminium Sr-FeSi alloy (76.9wt% Si, 0.8wt% Sr, 0.01wt% Al, <0.0005wt% Ti). 0.3wt% inoculant was added at 1400-1420 oC after deslagging on the melt surface and mechanically stirred for about one minute (steel rod). Un-inoculated and Sr-inoculated irons were poured into test castings made from furan no-bake bonded moulds. A round bar specimen of 20 mm diameter and 100 mm height was cast for structure analysis and cooling curve recording (K-type thermocouple was incorporated). The aluminium content was 0.002-0.004wt% Al range in the base iron and at 0.027-0.028wt% Al level in final cast irons. Similarly, the titanium content was varied from 0.003-0.005wt.% Ti in base irons to 0.011-0.017wt% Ti in Ti enriched irons. Zirconium was only detected in Zr-preconditioned irons, the content in the melt was in the range of 0.011-0.013wt%. For inoculated irons, it is assumed that the majority of the microinclusions play a role in the nucleation of graphite in size range between 1 and 10 m, mainly depending on the preconditioner type, as Fig. 4 shows. Zr generates twice the number of particles as Al and four times the number of Ti. The morphology of graphite nucleation sites is also dependent on the preconditioner type. Generally, the compounds have a polygonal shape (mainly irregular or quasi-regular shape) especially in Al and Zr preconditioned irons. Particles with indented outline (like a dendrite) characterize Ti-preconditioning irons (Fig. 5). The graphite particles started growing on the surface irregularities of the nuclei, such as edges, peaks or other irregular areas where the energetic state is higher. The graphite particles are interacting with their nucleation site covering it partly or entirely.
120 Mihai Chisamera, Iulian Riposan, Stelian Stan, Chris Ecob, Geir Grasmo, David Wilkinson
900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
Fig. 4. Graphite nuclei count and average size in inoculated irons [R is reference]
As it appears, the particles with a higher compactness degree and smaller size favour a more simple involvement of graphite with lower branching tendency, such as type A graphite (Al and especially Zr preconditioned irons). The big size particles having a complex morphology give a higher branching tendency of graphite, such as type D graphite (un-inoculated and Ti treated irons) (Fig. 5).
Graphite Graphite
Not only inoculation, but also the preconditioning before inoculation of the base iron is important to control undercooling referring to the metastable
(carbide) eutectic temperature (Tmst) of cast irons (Fig. 6). At negative values, the T1 parameter indicates the free carbides formation at the beginning, while T2 parameter indicates at the end of eutectic reaction, respectively. Applied inoculation moved the cooling curves from white iron characteristics to mottled iron for non-preconditioning melts and grey iron for all cases of preconditioned melts. In experimental conditions, all of un-inoculated irons start the eutectic reaction under the carbide eutectic temperature (T1 < 0), but at different levels depending on the preconditioning agent: Al and Zr are better than Ti. Inoculation was more effective in all of preconditioned irons, but also with Al and Zr being more effective. A forced chill test specimen (50 mm high and 75 mm long) was used for chill tendency evaluation (Fig. 7). The chilled iron consists of two zones. The
white iron from the chilled face to the first appearance of a grey spot was designated as clear chill. The distance from the chilled face to the last appearance of a spot of white iron was designated as total chill. The portion of the chill affected zone between the clear chill and the total chill was designated as the mottled zone. At lower carbon equivalent level (3.70-3.72wt% CE), un-inoculated irons are characterized by high chilling tendency. Inoculation gave, as expected, overall lower chill than no inoculation. Al and Zr preconditioning of the base iron during the tapping period appears to have a beneficial effect on both chill measures, with zirconium having the most impact. Ti preconditioning had a limited benefit. The mottled zone was also affected by inoculation: the zone was larger for all of un-inoculated irons, but at lower incidence if base iron was pre-
122 Mihai Chisamera, Iulian Riposan, Stelian Stan, Chris Ecob, Geir Grasmo, David Wilkinson
conditioned with Al or Zr. A lower difference between un-inoculated and inoculated irons is typically for Al or Zr preconditioning. It has been shown that small levels of aluminium in final grey iron castings is beneficial for the solidification process as required undercooling for nucleation is reduced. Recent research has given more knowledge about the fundamental effect of aluminium in the grey iron nucleation process [8-10]. This effect is significant even at very low aluminium levels (~0.003wt%) in both inoculated and un-inoculated grey iron. Increasing the residual aluminium content in iron melt helps the initiation of graphite nucleation with lower undercooling. A 0.005-0.010wt% Al content in melt therefore appears to be beneficial, even up to 0.015wt% Al can be secure in some cases, without occurrence of the detrimental pinhole effect. The optimum aluminium level suppresses or at least reduces carbides and chill, while the graphite morphology is improved: A-type graphite
Fig. 7. Influence of Ti, Al or Zr preconditioning on the chill parameters (a-Test specimen; b-Clear and Total chill; c-Mottled zone)
flakes are promoted and B-D-E type graphite morphologies are suppressed. During casting operation it is important to control the constituent levels of the melt, including aluminium. It could be better to adjust the aluminium content by use of Al-bearing preconditioner and subsequently add appropriate inoculants. The improved nucleation effect is also possible by use of aluminium containing inoculants, provided there is adequate control of the base iron conditions. It is important to verify the Al, S and Mn levels in the case of problems with undercooled graphite morphology. B. Foundry cases studies As both aluminium and zirconium sustain the typeA graphite nucleation at lower degree of eutectic undercooling and suppress generation of free carbides, also in thin wall castings, these elements were associated in a complex alloy: 6269wt% Si, 3-5wt% Al, 3-5wt% Zr, 0.6-1.9wt% Ca, balanced by Fe. This preconditioner was tested under different foundry conditions [13]. Electrically melted grey cast irons, especially thin wall castings (2-5 mm sections) were considered for production of automotive or general engineering specific products and rainwater pipe fittings. Major problems were reported; carbides in thin sections, shrinkage or breakages of castings during transit. High steel charges, variable charge quality or/and extended hold period incidences characterize these foundries. Fig.s 8 and 9 illustrate some representative benefits of Al,Zr-FeSi preconditioning by furnace addition, at 8-10 minutes before tapping and after deslagging, respectively. Good results were also obtained by Al, Zr-FeSi alloy addition to transfer ladles, before inoculation. Thermal analysis was applied to monitor the liquid iron quality, especially the eutectic undercooling parameters. Micro-samples were taken from the last ladle/castings, to evaluate the graphite morphology and occurrence of carbides. Standard tensile test bars were used to evaluate the tensile strength level. By creating stable and long-lasting particles within the melt, Al,Zr-FeSi increases the nucleation potential of the iron at an early stage in the treatment process. This helps to eliminate variations caused by charging, holding and temperature differences between melts and creates a significantly more consistent and stable iron from the melting unit. By increasing the low eutectic temperature, and maintaining this over a long period (up to 40 minutes), the iron is more responsive to subsequent inoculation. Foundries globally have reported the following advantages from the use of Al,Zr-FeSi preconditioning:
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a) Increase of tensile strength, typically between 10-15% improvement; b) Elimination of types B, D and E graphite forms and promotion of type A graphite; c) No loss of properties on long holding times; ] d) Reduction of chill levels in thin section castings; e) Reduced shrinkage tendency; f) Reduction in pig iron usage.
30 Undercooling 25 20 15 10 5 0 Recalescence Undercooling Recalescence
Sr-FeSi Ca,Zr-FeSi .
T E N S IL E S T R E N G T H , N /m m 2
300 Un-Preconditioning 0.1 wt.% Al,Zr-FeSi 290 280 270 260 250 240 230
Sr-FeSi Ca,Zr-FeSi .
Fig. 8. Effects of Al,Zr-FeSi preconditioning on the cooling parameters (a) and tensile strength (b) of Sr-FeSi and Ca,Zr-FeSi inoculated irons [Foundry A]
25 20 15 10 5
T E N S IL E S T R E N G T H , N /m m2
240 Un-Preconditioning 0.1 wt.% Al,Zr-FeSi 230 220 210 200 190
Fig. 9. Effects of 0.1 wt% Al,Zr-FeSi preconditioning on cooling parameters (a) and tensile strength of Ca,Ba-FeSi inoculated irons [Foundry B]
3. Conclusions After melting, the resulting metallic liquid may be considered to be in a colloidal condition, which includes: Fe-C-Si (Xi) base solution with 12wt% C, residual (remnant) graphite particles (0.1-10 m); non-metallic inclusions. The liquid iron condition is mainly dependent on the nature of the charge materials and can be changed by superheating the melt. Liquid iron evolves from a colloidal liquid state after melting (suspension of graphite particles) through a quasi-homogeneous state into a quasi-ideal solution. Controlled superheating is useful to sustain the dissolution of coarse remnant graphite, to float coarse inclusions and to de-activate the remnant micro-inclusions as their ability to act as un-controlled nuclei for graphite. Excessive superheating levels promote undesired undercooled graphite morphologies and free carbides. For electrical melting, three technological steps appear to be necessary to produce high performance grey cast iron: 1) Furnace super-heating of the molten iron, depending on the charge characteristics and melting practice, to eliminate un-desired heredity influence of charge; 2) Pre-conditioning of the base iron, especially for low quality charge materials or/and melting practice, low performance inoculation or/and pouring practice; 3) Inoculation, as final treatment, especially to control eutectic undercooling and recalescence during solidification. Al or Zr preconditioning of the base iron led to improved characteristics for solidification when measuring the most significant temperatures of thermal cooling curves, giving a positive trend for eutectic and final solidification. It was found that 0.005-0.010wt% Al content in the melt is important to sustain type A graphite nucleation, with lower occurrence of undercooled graphite and reduced chill, without pinholes incidences. Foundry case studies for casting of 3-5 mm sections showed that addition of 0.1wt% Al,Zr-FeSi alloy to the melt in the induction furnace decreased the eutectic undercooling and recalescence, improved graphite characteristics, avoiding carbides, increased tensile strength and heat treatment was eliminated. Al,Zr-FeSi preconditioning of electrically melted base iron appears to be beneficial especially for critical foundry conditions, such as high steel charges, variable charge quality, superheated irons, extended hold periods, low sulphur or/and excessive low aluminium residual content.
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Acknowledgments Laboratory research was conducted by POLITEHNICA University of Bucharest, Romania, with the collaboration and funds provided by ELKEM AS Foundry Products Division, Norway. REFERENCES
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