Field Identification of Soil
Field Identification of Soil
Field Identification of Soil
NT NO. 1
Importance of Field Identification:-
Visual Examination:-
1) Colour of soil:-
Visual examination should establish the color, grain size,
grain shapes (of the coarse-grained portion), some idea of the gradation, and
some properties of the undisturbed soil. It helps in Unified classification of
soil. Color is often helpful in distinguishing between soil types, and with
experience, one may find it useful in identifying the particular soil type. Color
may also indicate the presence of certain chemicals. Color often varies with
moisture content of a soil. For this reason, the moisture content at the time of
color identification should be included. Some of the more familiar color
properties are listed below. Generally, colors become darker as the moisture
content increases and lighter as the soil dries. Some fine-grained soils (OL,
OH) with dark drab shades of brown or gray, including almost black, contain
organic colloidal matter. In contrast, clean, bright looking shades of gray,
olive green, brown, red, yellow, and white are associated with inorganic soils.
Gray-blue or gray- and yellow-mottled colors frequently result from poor
drainage. Red, yellow, and yellowish brown result from the presence of iron
oxides. White to pink may indicate considerable silica, calcium carbonate, or
aluminum compounds.
2) Compressive strength:-
Knowing the consistency index (consistency) of the soil
we can have the value of compressive strength by field determination.
However, this value is an approximate value and can be used as a guideline.
It can be tabulated as follows:-
1) Pioneer tools:- Use a pick and shovel or a set of entrenching tools for
collecting samples. A hand auger is useful if samples are desired from depths
of more than a few feet below the surface.
2) Stirrer:- The spoon issued as part of the mess equipment serves in mixing
materials with water to the desired consistency. It also can aid in collecting
3) Knife:- Use a combat knife or pocket knife for collecting samples and
trimming them to the desired size.
4) Mixing bowl:- Use a small bowl with a rubber-faced pestle to pulverize the
fine-grained portion of the soil. Both may be improvised. You could use a
canteen cup and wood pestle.
5) Paper:- Several sheets of heavy paper are needed for rolling samples.
6) Pan and heating element:- Use a pan and heating element to dry samples.
7) Scales:- Use balances or scales to weigh samples of soil.
8) Soil testing kit:- Consists of pH papers, pH meters, test tubes, chemical
capsules and various other accessories.
Coarse Grained Soil:-
Coarse grained soils are easily identified by visual
inspection on the basis of particle size. Rounded to angular, bulky, hard rock
fragments of average diameter more than 20 cm are described as boulders.
Stones of sizes between 20 cm and 6 cm are termed as cobbles. Soil fraction
between the sizes of 60 mm and 2 mm is known as the gravel fraction. Soil
with particle size visible to the naked eye but less than 2 mm is classified as
sand. Sand is further divided into coarse, medium and fine fractions for which
sieve analysis is usually required.
Mixtures of gravel and sand are given in dual
designations in the following table:-
Main content Descriptive term Subsidiary constituent
Gravel Gravel and san About 50%
Gravel with some sand or 25-40%
sandy gravel
Gravel with little sand 10-25%
Gravel with a trace of sand Upto 1%
If sand is the main constituent, gravel and sand will interchange in the above
descriptive terms, for example, sand with some gravel or gravelly sand will
represent sand having 25 to 40 percent of gravel. Very fine unifom sand is
difficult to be distinguished visually from silt. However, when dry, it does not
hold together (no cohesion) and feel gritty in contrast to the very slight
cohesion and smooth feel of the dried silt.
The description of coarse grained soils should give
grading, grain-shape, colour, in-situ strength and structural features, and
presence of fines if any.
Grading:- The grading or particle size distribution as judged by visual
inspection is expression by the terms well-graded, poorly graded or uniformly
Grain size:- The terms used to describe the grain shape are angular, sub-
angular and rounded. Angular particles have sharp edges and relatively plane
sides with unpolished surfaces. Sub-angular particles are similar to angular but
have rounded edges. Rounded particles have smoothly curve sides and no
Colour:- The colour of the soil is expressed as brown, white, yellow, red-
brown etc.
Strength and Structure:- The in-situ strength of a deposit of coarse-
grained soil is expressed as compact or loose. If a pick is required for
excavation, it is compact and if it can be done with a spade, it is loose.
The arrangement and state of aggregation of soil
particles in a soil mass is known as soil structure. The structure of coarse
grained which may be recognized in the field is described as honmogeneous.
If it is composed of arranged in strata or layers, e.g. stratified alluvium, it is
said to have stratified structure.
Pressure of Fines:- If the soil contains some fines (particle size not
individually visible to the naked eye), but not sufficient to cause cohesion.
This should be noted. Presence of any organic matter, if any, should also be
Specimens to be analysed
Sample analysis:-
Specimen 2:- It shows gravels of uniform size. They may have more moisture
content as compared to specimen 1 due to their dark appearance. The presence
of red, yellow and yellowish-brown gravels show presence of compounds like
iron oxides and small amounts of silicates. They basically have sub-angular or
rounded structures.
1. Compaction test:-
It determines the stability of soil
after densification.
2. Percolation test:-
Vertical and lateral movement of water through the soil by gravity is
percolation. It is necessary on sites related with water like dams,
purification houses, etc.
3. Erosion test:-
Useful in the area of flowing waters.
4. Radiation test:-
This actually is not feasible to do on site. It is used for calculating
water content in the soil using radio isotopes.
• It is a must do procedure.
• It helps in Unified soil classification which makes it more easy to
understand the physical properties and thus derive its chemical
• It aids us to determine approximate compressive strength of soil and
thus helps us in constructive measures.