Learning-Inventory-Elem 1
Learning-Inventory-Elem 1
Learning-Inventory-Elem 1
How Do I Learn?
Place a check ( ) in all the blanks that describe you. The list with the greatest number of checks is how you like to learn best.
. I follow spoken directions well. !. I like to sing or hum to myself. $. I like to talk to my friends or family. %. +usic helps me learn things better. '. I can easily remember what people say. ). It helps when the teacher e,plains posters or pictures to me. 1*. I can remember more about something new if I can talk about it.
How many checks ( ) did you have? Tactile !inesthetic Learning Style
1. I remember best if I can make something that tells about what I am learning. 2. I would rather play sports than read. 3. I like playing card or board games to learn new things. . I like to write letters or write in a -ournal. !. I like it when teachers let me practice something with an acti#ity. $. I like putting together pu..les. %. If I ha#e to sol#e a problem" it helps me to mo#e while I think. '. It is hard for me to sit for a long time. ). I en-oy dancing or mo#ing to music. 1*. I like to act things out to show what I ha#e learned.
Tell "e # # #
&hich list had the most () checks/ &hich list had the fewest () checks/ 0id you ha#e any lists that had the same number of () checks/ If so" which ones/ 0o you think the list that had the most checks () tells how you like to learn best/