101 Recipes For The Deep Fryer

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101 Recipes For The Deep Fryer

Deep Fryer Italian Zeppole

2-1/2 cups all purpose flour 1/8 tsp. salt 2-1/2 cups water 1/2 cup white wine olive oil 1 Tbs. ground cinnamon 1 cup sugar Sift flour and salt together in a bowl and set aside. Combine water and wine in a saucepan over medium high heat. Do not boil. hen bubbles appear on the bottom of the pan! add flour mi"ture all at once. Stir constantl# with a wooden spoon until dough comes together into a ball. Transfer to a lightl# oiled wor$ surface. %ound with a rolling pin about 1& minutes! until smooth. 'oll dough into strips about 1/2 inch around. Cut into 8 inch lengths and pinch ends together to ma$e rings. (eat oil in an electric deep fr#er to )*+,-. ithout overcrowding! deep fr# 2-) pieces at a time )-. minutes until golden! pric$ing each one with a s$ewer as it fries. Drain on absorbent paper. Combine cinnamon and sugar in a bowl. Dip /eppole in sugar mi"ture while still hot.

Deep Fryer Sopaipillas

vegetable oil 1 cup all purpose flour 1/2 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. ba$ing powder 1-1/2 tsp. nonfat dr# mil$ 1 tsp. vegetable shortening 1/2 cup cold water (eat oil in an electric deep fr#er to )*&,- - )8&,-. Combine flour and ne"t . ingredients in a food processor and pulse )-. times. ith machine running! pour in water through feed tube and process about 1+ seconds! or until ingredients begin to come together. Transfer mi"ture to a lightl# floured wor$ surface and mi" b# hand! adding more flour as needed! to ma$e a soft dough. 'oll into a circle about 1/8 inch thic$ and cut each circle into 12 wedges. 0dd 2 or ) at a time to fr# bas$et. 1ower into hot oil and fr# +-* minutes! turning several times! until golden. Drain on absorbent paper and repeat with remaining sopaipillas. Serve with hone#! s#rup! guacamole or salsa

Spicy Hot Chicken Bits

Spic# chic$en pieces dredged in flour mi"ture and deep fried in hot oil. 234'5D253TS6 ) pounds boneless chic$en breasts without s$in 1/8 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder 2 tablespoons red pepper! 7or less8 1/2 teaspoon blac$ pepper 1 cup flour vegetable oil %'5%0'0T2936 ash chic$en breasts and pat dr#. Cut into 1-inch strips. Sprin$le chic$en strips with salt and garlic powder! turning pieces so all sides are seasoned. Continue seasoning with with red and blac$ peppers. 'efrigerate for 1 hour to bring out the flavor of seasonings. Dust chic$en with flour! then deep fr# in vegetable oil at )*&,! for ) t . minutes. Drain on paper towels: serve with #our favorite dipping sauce! or tr# one of the sauces below. Serves ; to 8.

Cajun Fried Fish

These fish fillets are battered with a beer batter with Ca<un seasonings then deep fried. 234'5D253TS6 2 pounds of fish fillets ) eggs! slightl# beaten 1/2 cup mil$ 1/2 cup beer ) tablespoons prepared mustard 1/2 to 1 teaspoon Tabasco sauce 2 tablespoons salt! divided 2 teaspoons blac$ pepper! divided 1/2 to 1 teaspoon ca#enne pepper! divided! or to taste ) cups fine #ellow corn flour= vegetable oil or shortening for deep fr#ing %'5%0'0T2936 2n a mi"ing bowl! whis$ together eggs! mil$! beer! mustard! Tabasco! and half of the salt and peppers. Cut fish fillets into bite si/ed pieces! or nuggets. %lace fish in egg mi"ture! coating well: cover! refrigerate! and let soa$ for about 1 hour. >i" corn flour with the remaining salt and peppers in a shallow! wide bowl or pie plate. %reheat oil in deep fr#er to about )*&?-. 'emove fish from mi"ture and dredge with corn flour mi"ture. -r# fish until the fish nuggets float to the surface and turn golden brown! ta$ing care not to overcoo$. %lace fish nuggets on paper towels to drain! patting gentl# with paper towels to blot up e"cess oil. @se this batter to fr# shrimp! o#sters! and other shellfish. Serves .

Jalapeno Poppers
Aalapeno peppers are stuffed with a cream cheese mi"ture then battered and deep fried to ma$e delicious little appeti/ers. 234'5D253TS6 12 <alapeno peppers! sliced in half lengthwise! seeds removed 8 ounces cream cheese! room temperature 2 eggs! beaten 2 tablespoons water dash salt 1 cup plain dr# breadcrumbs oil for deep fr#ing %'5%0'0T2936 -ill <alapeno pepper halves with cream cheese and press halves bac$ together. Combine eggs! water and salt. Dip <alapeno peppers into egg mi"ture and into breadcrumbs. %lace on a coo$ie sheet and free/e for 2 hours. (eat oil in deep fr#er to )*&,. Deep fr# peppers in batches for about ) minutes! or until golden brown. Transfer <alapeno poppers to paper towels to drain.

Homemade Potato Chips

234'5D253TS6 ; or more medium lg. potatoes 9il or fat for deep fr#ing Salt %'5%0'0T2936 ash and peel the potatoes. Slice ver# thin. 0n old fashioned cabbage slicer can be used Bcareful of the fingersC or use a sharp $nife or food processor with a thin slicing blade. %ut the slices at once into a bowl of cold water and let stand for at least one hour. 2ce water is best! but #ou can set the whole bowl in the refrigerator if #ou wish. Dr# well b# sha$ing them in a towel. -r# in hot oil at )D& degrees -. until a light golden brown. DonEt tr# fr#ing too man# at once! better to put one la#er on the fr#ing bas$et. Drain on paper towels or an# $ind of plain crumpled absorbent paper. 2f #ou havenEt an# paper! use a worn dish towel. Salt lightl#. These can be $ept for some time if the# are sealed into plastic bags or containers after the# have cooled.

Crispy Fried Frog Legs

234'5D253TS6 2 to 2 1/2 pounds small frog legs 1/) cup lemon <uice crushed ice 1/) cup mil$ 2 eggs! separated 2 teaspoons vegetable oil salt and pepper dash ca#enne pepper! optional 2 cups all-purpose flour vegetable oil for deep fr#ing %'5%0'0T2936 ash frog legs thoroughl#. %lace in a large bowl: sprin$le with lemon <uice! and cover with crushed ice. 'efrigerate 1 to ) hours. 2n a small bowl! whis$ together mil$! egg #ol$s! and 2 teaspoons oil. Feat egg whites until stiff: fold into mil$ and egg #ol$ mi"ture. Sprin$le frog legs with salt and pepper! and a little ca#enne! if using: dip each in mil$-egg mi"ture! then dredge in flour. (eat vegetable oil in a deep-fr#er or s$illet to )*+,. -r# frog legs until golden brown. ith a slotted spoon! transfer to paper towels to drain. Serves . to ;.

Deep Fried !"inkies

2ngredients ; Twin$ies %opsicle stic$s . cups vegetable oil -lour for dusting 1 cup mil$ 2 tablespoons vinegar 1 Tablespoon oil 1 cup flour 1 teaspoon ba$ing powder 1/2 teaspoon salt Directions 1. Chill or free/e Twin$ies for several hours or overnight. 2. (eat . cups vegetable oil in deep fr#er to about )*+ degrees. ). >i" together mil$! vinegar and oil. .. 2n another bowl! blend flour! ba$ing powder and salt. +. his$ wet ingredients into dr# and continue mi"ing until smooth. 'efrigerate while oil heats. ;. %ush stic$ into Twin$ie lengthwise! leaving about 2 inches to use as a handle! dust with flour and dip into the batter. 'otate Twin$ie until batter covers entire ca$e. *. %lace carefull# in hot oil. The Twin$ie will float! so hold it under with a utensil to ensure even browning. 2t should turn golden in ) to . minutes. Depending on the si/e of #our deep fr#er! #ou might be able to fr# onl# one at a time! two at the most. 8. 'emove Twin$ie to paper towel and let drain. 'emove stic$ and allow Twin$ie to sit for about + minutes before serving. >a$es ;.

Deep Fried Smelts

-resh smelts should be stored refrigerated at )2,- to .&,- 7&,C to ., C8! e"cess liGuid drained! pac$ed into airtight containers and eaten within ) to . da#s or 1 to 2 da#s when fried. Smelts should be fro/en at &,- 7-18,C8! into airtight food containers! immediatel# after bu#ing: bought fro/en! smelts should be eaten within . to ; months for ma"imum freshness. 2ngredients Hegetable oil 1 pound 7.+. g8 smelts 1 cup 72+& m18 mil$ -lour Salt! to taste %arsle# sprigs 2 lemons! Guartered 2nto a deep-fr#er! heat vegetable oil to )*+,- 71D&,C8. ipe dr# smelts: dip smelts into mil$! then coat with flour. Deep-fr# smelts into hot oil for + to * minutes! until golden. Drain smelts ontp paper toweling. Salt smelts. 0rrange smelts onto a serving plate Serve! decorated with parsle# sprigs and lemon segments

Deep Fried #ars Bars

2ngredients6 1 >ars Far B@IC or >il$# 1 cup plain flour 1/2 cup corn flour 0 pinch of bicarbonate of soda Bba$ing soda to Jan$sC >il$ or beer 9il for deep fr#ing Directions6 Chill the chocolate bar b# $eeping it in the fridge! but donEt free/e it. >i" the flours and bicarbonate of soda Bba$ing sodaC together. 0dd mil$ BtraditionalC or beer Bwhich gives a lighter resultC until #ou get a batter with the consistenc# of thin cream. (eat the oil until a small piece of bread will brown in a few seconds! but donEt allow to smo$e. 'emove wrapper from chilled chocolate bar. Coat completel# in batter. Carefull# lower into hot oil and fr# until golden brown. Serve! with ice cream or french fries! if #ouEre so inclined. B9f course! if #ou want to be sophisticated! #ou can cut the bar into bite-si/ed pieces before coating in batter.C a# B@SC

Deep Fried Chitterlings

234'5D253TS6 2 pounds chitterlings 1 egg! lightl# beaten 1 tablespoon water fine crac$er crumbs oil for deep fr#ing %'5%0'0T2936 Clean and %repare chitterlings6 ash chitterlings ) or . times and place in a large $ettle with . or + cups of water with 1 or 2 chopped onions! 2 ba# leaves! 2 teaspoons salt! 1/. teaspoon pepper! 2 cloves minced garlic! and other seasonings as desired. Simmer for 2 hours or until chitterlings are tender. Feat egg with 1 tablespoon water. Cut boiled chitterlings into pieces about the si/e of o#sters. Dip each piece into egg mi"ture then roll in crumbs. -r# in oil at about )*&, until golden brown. Serves ;

Deep Fried Cod

1 1 1 1 )/. 1/2 1b. C. C. Tsp. Tbsp. fro/en cod Fatter6 egg flour water salt sesame seed

>i" together. Cut cod fillets into serving si/es. Dip pieces into batter Bma$e sure pieces are dr# so batter will stic$C. Deep fr# in 1-inch of oil for 1& to 1+ minutes each side or until golden brown. Serves ) to . adults.

Deep Fried S$uid

) lb SGuid! cleaned and cut into -rings -lour for coating! at least -) cups Salt and pepper to taste 9il for deep fr#ing. %eanut -oil is best. Deep-fried sGuid is one of the most popular seafood dishes in the world. 2t is made in almost ever# countr# where sGuid is eaten. 9nce #ou taste it! #ouEll see wh#. The rings emerge <uic#! sweet and crisp. Served with several dipping sauces! this dish ma$es an e"cellent hors dEoeuvre or main course. This recipe calls for a dr# coating. et coatings! such as tempura batter! are delicious! too! though the# are a little more trouble to appl#. Dr# the rings thoroughl# with paper towels. which salt and pepper have been added. Coat with flour! to

(eat oil to )+&- in a deep-fat fr#er or heav# casserole. 2f #ou donEt have a temperature control or thermometer! #ou can guess at the temperature b# dropping a few drops of water into the oil. 2t should si//le immediatel# on contact. %lunge bas$et laden with one la#er of sGuid into oil which should bubble vigorousl# on contact. 2f #ou donEt have a bas$et for deep fr#ing! use a large spoon or tongs to immerse sGuid in oil! and to remove. -r# until coating turns golden brown! about ) or . minutes. 'emove sGuid and drain. Turn down heat to moderate until <ust before #ou are read# to coo$ the ne"t batch: oil will overheat when the fr#er is empt#. 'emove e"cess oil from sGuid with paper towels. Serve rings hot with an# of the dipping sauces described below or with lemon wedges. Cole slaw is a natural with deep fried sGuid.

Cajun Deep Fried !urkey

1& 1& ; ; ; ; ; 1; gal %eanut oil lb Tur$e#: up to 1+ lbs ts Salt ts %apri$a ts hite pepper ts Ca#enne ts 0ccent: opt o/ 1iGuid crab oil concentrate

39T5-3ot recommended for indoor coo$ing. 'inse tur$e# inside and out. >i" 1 part crab boil concentrate to . parts water. Combine dr# ingredients with crab boil solution. 0d<ust seasoning to taste. 2n<ect tur$e# Bappro"imatel# 2K apartC with mi"ture using s#ringe Bavailable from gourmet $itchen stores.C Cover tur$e# with foil and refrigerate over night. (eat oil to )+&L. C0@T2936 @se a grease thermometer to monitor the oil. 2t ma# ignite if the temperature goes be#ond )*+L. %ut tur$e# in bas$et and C0'5-@11J lower it into the pot. Coo$ + minutes per pound. Chec$ in 1 hour using a meat thermometer. 39T5-This is a great dish! but should onl# be attempted b# someone who has e"perience with doing this. 2t is also e"pensive due to the large amount of oil needed.

%pple Fritters&deep Fried

1 1 1 1/. 1/. 1 ) 2 2 1 lg c c c ts ts tb ts c tb 5gg: beaten >il$ 0pples: = see note Sugar Salt 4reated orange peel 9range <uice Hanilla e"tract 0ll-purpose flour Fa$ing powder Hegetable oil ConfectionerEs sugar

= unpeeled apple which is finel# diced or grated. 2n mi"ing bowl! combine beaten egg! mil$! apple! sugar! salt! orange peel! orange <uice and vanilla. Sift together the flour and ba$ing powder: fold into the apple mi"ture! stir <ust until all flour is moistened. Drop batter b# rounded teaspoon into hot oil B)+& degreesC. -r# until deep golden brown! about )-. minutes! turning once. Drain fritters thoroughl# on paper towels. 'oll in sugar or sift the sugar over the tops. Jield6 about .& fritters.

5"ported from


'%()%B**! #%'L+ ,D**P F(I*D C%-LIFL./*(0

1 1 lg t Cauliflower Salt 9il for deep fat fr#ing Taratoor Sauce

Cut awa# the thic$ stem at the base of the cauliflower and remove the green leaves. Frea$ the florets off the center core and cut the core into 1K cubes. ash the florets and cubes under cold running water. 2n a ) to . Gt enameled or stainless steel saucepan! bring 1 Gt of water and the salt to a boil over high heat. Drop in the cauliflower and coo$ bris$l#! uncovered! for 1& minutes! or until the pieces are tender but still somewhat resistant to the point of a small! sharp $nife. Drain in a sieve or colander. 2n a heav# 1&K to 12K s$illet with a deep fr#ing thermometer or in an electric s$illet! heat 1K or 2K of oil until it reaches a temperature of )*+-. %at the cauliflower completel# dr# with paper towels! and a do/en or so pieces at a time! fr# them in the hot oil for about 1+ minutes! or until golden brown on all sides. 0s the# brown! remove them with a slotted spoon and drain them on paper towels. The# ma# be served hot or at room temperature covered with taratoor.

Deep Fried Shrimp Balls

1 lb Shrimp! cleaned M deveined 2 Facon strips . ater chestnuts -9' 1/2 md 9nion Salt %epper 1 5gg! beaten 2 tb Corn starch 9il for deep fr#ing 1. >ince shrimp! bacon! onion or water chestnuts together until fine. %lace mi"ture in bowl. 'emove crusts from bread. Dice bread into ver# fine cubes. %lace cubes in shrimp mi"ture. 0dd salt! pepper! egg and 2 tablespoons corn starch to mi"ture. Combine thoroughl#. 2. -ill deep f#er halfwa# up with oil. (eat oil on highest heat setting. hen #ou thin$ oil is sufficientl# heated! test the temperature of it with a small piece of bread crust. 2f it fr#s to a golden brown colour! then oil is read# for deep fr#ing. 2f bread crust fails to brown readil#! then oil is not read# #et. 2f bread crust fr#s to a dar$ brown! then oil is too hot. Shut heat off of wo$! allow oil to cool + minutes before turning heat on again. 'etest oil with bread crust to see if it is of proper temperature. ). hen oil is read# for deep fr#ing! ta$e 2 teaspoons! dip into shrimp mi"ture and form a 1K diameter ball. Drop ball into hot oil! %lace about 8 balls into the hot oil. 0llow each ball to deep fr# ) minutes. Turn balls so that each will fr# to a golden brown colour. 'emove balls to paper toweling to drain e"cess oil from them. 'epeat procedure for deep fr#ing rest of shrimp mi"ture until all of the mi"ture is used up. %lace shrimp balls on a serving platter. 4arnish with parsle# or other raw vegetable.

(.)I*(I1S D**P F(I*D P%(SL*+

1 2 1/. )/. bn c c -resh parsle# 0ll-purpose flour 5ggs -- beaten @nseasoned bread crumbs Hegetable oil for deep -fr#ing 1owr#Es Seasoned Salt

ash the parsle#! brea$ off the tough stems and ma$e small bunches of parsle# heads. hile parsle# is still wet! dip into flour! then eggs! then into the bread crumbs. Sha$e off e"cess. (eat oil to )*+ degrees -. %lace prepared parsle# in the oil and fr# until golden brown! about +& seconds. Drain well and season to taste.

2%-D*!1S D**P F(I*D PIC'L*S

1 1 1 2 ) 1/. 1/. c c ea " c tb c Sour cream %repared blue cheese dressin 1;-o/ <ar sliced dill pic$le 9il for deep-fr#ing >a#onnaise Di<on-st#le mustard Seasoned bread crumbs

>i" sour cream! ma#onnaise! blue cheese dressing and mustard together in a serving bowl. Set aside. Dredge pic$les in bread crumbs and deep-fr# in oil at )+& degrees until golden. Serve with sauce for dipping.

D**P F(I*D S3-ID (I)2S

2 1 1/2 lb c t ts c c SGuid -lour Salt %epper 5ggs >il$ 2talian bread crumbs

1/8 2 1 1 1/2

Cut 2 the cleaned sGuid bod# sac$s into 1/2K wide rings. 'inse well under cold running water. 2n deep fr#er heat oil to )*+. 2n plastic bag combine flour! salt M pepper. 0dd a few sGuid rings at a time! sha$e until well coated. 2n a shallow bowl combine 2 eggs and 1 cup mil$ BbeatenC. Dip sGuid in liGuid then in about 1-1/2 Cups 2talian Fread Crumbs. -r# a few at a time about .+ seconds or until golden brown. Drain and $eep warm. Serve with coc$tail sauce or tartar sauce.

D**P F(I*D !.F1 ) 1/2 lb c tb Tofu! cut in 1/2 inch cubes heat germ Cornstarch Hegetable oil for deep fr# So# sauce -N9'OSweet and sour sauce

1C 'oll the tofu cubes in the wheat germ mi"ed with cornstarch. (eat the oil to )+&- on a deep-fat fr#ing thermometer. 2C -r# the cubes! a few at a time! in a bas$et in the hot oil. Drain on paper towels and $eep warm while ma$ing the remainder. )C Serve with so# sauce or sweet and sour sauce dip.

Deep Fried De4ils ,+ou Zha 2ui or +ou !iao0

2 1 1 1 1 1 1/. ) 1/2 ; ts ts ts ts ts c c c Coarse salt 0lum= 0mmonium carbonate powder= Fa$ing soda Fa$ing powder ater at room temperature @nbleached flour Bappro".C 9r more peanut or corn oil -or deep fr#ing! preferabl# 2n a wo$

=available at pharmacies. note6 Chains ma# not carr# these. Tr# to find an old mom M pop pharmac#. %ut the salt! alum ammonium carbonate! and ba$ing soda and powder in a large mi"ing bowl. 0dd the water and stir until all the powders are dissolved. 0dd ) cups of the flour and use #our hands in a pressing and pushing motion to mi" the dough. 0dd the remaining flour if the dough is too soft. 2t should be firm enough to handle Transfer the dough to a floured surface and $nead until smooth with no lumps. The $neading should ta$e no longer than 2 or ) minutes. Divide the dough into two pieces! and with a little flour shape them into two oblong loaves! then coat with oil and wrap tightl# in plastic. 1et them sit at least .hours and up to 8 hours at room temperature. Sprin$le a large cutting board with flour and put it near the stove. Stretch the loaves so that each measures 1. inches long and ) inches wide. 1a# them on the board at least . inches apart. Sprin$le some flour on top. ith a rolling pin! roll on loaf out to about 1/. inch thic$! . inches wide! 1; inches long. 'epeat with the other loaf. Cover with a damp towel M let rest 1& minutes. (eat ) inches of oil to )+& deg. (ave a tra# lined with paper towels nearb#. Cut . crosswise strips 2/) inch wide from one of the loaves. Frush the top of 2 with water! then la# the other 2 on top. %ress a chopstic$ lengthwise on each pair of strips to ma$e them stic$ together. Stretch each double strip to 8 to 1& inch length. 1ower the pieces into the oil! immediatel# turning them gentl# with chopstic$s! without sGuee/ing them! until all sides become lightl# browned. This ta$es about 2 minutes. Drain on paper towels. 'epeat the cutting and fr#ing with the rest of the dough. rapped in plastic! the# $eep well 1 wee$ in the refrigerator and 1 month in the free/er. 'eheat in a preheated .+& deg oven for about 2 minutes! until crisp but not dr#.

Deep Fried Dill Pickle Fondue Balls

2 1 1/) 1/2 cup cup dash cup eggs whites -- slightl# beaten Swiss cheese -- grated dill pic$les -- chopped garlic salt dr# bread crumbs

Combine egg whites! swiss cheese! chopped pic$les and garlic salt. Drop b# teaspoonsful into the bread crumbs: roll and coat well while forming small balls. Chill until read# to serve. -r# in deep fat B)*+ degreesC until golden brown! about 2-) minutes. Drain well on paper towels. 0bout 2 do/en appeti/ers.

P..(I ,Deep 5ried6 Pu55y Bread0

1 1 2 1/2 1/2 cup cup teaspoon tablespoons cup sifted whole-wheat flour Bsift to ta$e out some of the larger bran bitsC all-purpose flour salt vegetable oil P more for deep-fr#ing water

%ut the 2 flours and salt in a bowl. Dri//le the 2 tablespoons oil over the top. 'ub the oil in with #our fingers so the mi"ture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Slowl# add the water to form a stiff ball of dough. 5mpt# the ball on to a clean wor$ surface. Inead it for 1&-12 minutes or until it is smooth. -orm a ball. 'ub about 1/. teaspoon oil on the ball and slip it into a plastic bag. Set it aside for )& minutes. Inead the dough again! and divide it into 12 eGual balls. Ieep 11 of them covered while #ou wor$ with the twelfth. -latten this ball and roll it out into a +-+ 1/2K round. 2f #ou have the space! roll out all the porris and $eep them in a single la#er! covered with plastic wrap. 2n a deep frier fill about 1/) with oil. 1et it get ver#! ver# hot. >eanwhile! line a platter with paper towels. 1ift up one poori and la# it carefull# over the surface of the hot oil. 2t might sin$ to the bottom but it should rise in seconds and begin to si//le. @sing the bac$ of a slotted spoon! push the poori gentl# into the oil with tin#! swift stro$es. ithin seconds! the poori will puff up. Turn it over and coo$ the second side for about 1& seconds. 'emove it with a slotted spoon and put it on the platter. >a$e all the pooris this wa#. The first la#er on the platter ma# be covered with a la#er of paper towls. >ore pooris can then be spread over the top. Serve the pooris hot Bimmediatel#C.

Deep Fried Pra"ns "ith Batter ,Jo" Ha0

1 1 )/. 2 1 %rawns Salt -lour Fa$ing powder Cornstarch 7JepPP1 cup... -S.C.8 1 5gg 1 tb 9il )/. c ater . c 9il Shell and devein prawns! leaving the tails on. Devein and clean. Sprin$le with salt and mi" well. 'efrigerate for two hours. >i" flour! ba$ing powder! cornstarch! eggs! oil and water to ma$e a batter. C99I2346 (eat deep frier. 0dd . cups oil and reheat. (olding the prawns b# the tails! dip in batter! then drop into hot oil. -r# until golden! turning once. Drain. Serve hot. Do-ahead notes6 Deep fr#! cool and free/e. %reheat oven to )+&-. %lace fro/en prawns in single la#er on coo$ie sheet and heat for 12 to 1+ minutes. Comments6 @se coc$tail sauce! chili sauce or sweet and sour sauce for dipping. 9ne cup prepared biscuit mi" ma# be substituted for the flour and ba$ing powder. lb ts c ts c

S(I L%)'% #-(-''- D**P F(I*D D-#PLI)2

2+& 1/2 1 Directions >i" together the flour! salt and chile powder! then add sufficient coconut mil$ to ma$e a paste which can be sGuee/ed through a muru$$u mould or through an icing s#ringe with a star no//le. 1eave for 1 hour then pipe the paste onto a floured board! cut into desired lengths and ma$e into loops. (eat the oil and deep fr# until golden. Drain and toss in salt and chile powder. g ts l -lour -salt to taste Chile powder Coconut mil$! thin 9il

) ) 1 D 1 8 1 1/2 1 1/2 1/2 . 2/) 1 2 ; 1 1 1/. 1/2 1/2

'%Z%'H D**P F(I*D H*(B F(I!!*(S

tb tb tb tb tb tb ts c ts tb c t c tb ts tb ts t tb ------211234----Dill freshl# chopped fine %arsle# freshl# chopped fine 4arlic minced Scallions chopped fine Flac$ pepper frshl# ground Futter Salt -----D9@4(----0ll purpose flour Salt Futter! softened 1u$e warm water -----S0@C5----Cider vinegar Sour cream Futter -lour -inel# minced onion Salt Flac$ pepper frsshl# ground 1emon or lime <uice frshl# - sGuee/ed M strained

D9@4(6 %lace the flour into a deep mi"ing bowl. >a$e a hollow in the center. 0dd the water into the hollow! salt! M 2 T of the butter. Stir slowl# until$ all of the ingredients are well mi"ed and the water is totall# absorbed. Feat vigorousl# with a large spoon until a firm! stiff dough is formed. 4ather the dough into a ball. on floured surface roll the dough ball out into a rectangle appro". 1;K " 18K. Frush the dough with the remaining butter! fold into Guarters! then roll it out as thinl# as possible. Cut into a 1;K " 18K rectangle the cut that into .8 each 2K sGuares. -2112346 Combine the salt! pepper! scallions! garlic! parsle#! M dill. Cut the butter into tin# bits and chill until the dough is read#. %lace a teaspoon of the filling mi" into the center of each sGuare! add a piece of the butter to each. Draw up the corners and pinch them together firml# thus closing the filling into the dough. (eat enough oil in a deep pot. (eat to )*+ degrees -. and drop in .-; of the filled sGuares. Coo$ for . minutes! remove from the oil! drain! and serve warm. S0@C56 >elt the butter! add the chopped onions! the salt! the pepper! M the vinegar. Coo$ for . minutes then add the remaining ingredients. Stir constantl# until it thic$ens. 'emove from the heat. 0dd the lemon <uice and serve over the fritters.

CHI#ICH%)2%S ,D**P F(I*D B-((I!.S0

1 lb 4round meat! browned and -drained 1 md 9nion! chopped 1/2 c 'ed chile sauce or enchilada -sauce 12 -lour tortillas 9il for fr#ing 2 c Cheddar cheese 2 c Shredded lettuce 2 c Chopped green onions 2n a large s$illet! brown meat and drain. 0dd onion and chile or enchilada sauce. Spoon about ) tbsp of meat filling in center of each tortilla. -old tortilla! tuc$ing in ends! and fasten with wooden toothpic$s. 9nl# assemble 2 or ) at a time as tortilla will absorb liGuid from sauce. 2n a deep frier with . inches of oil on medium heat! fr# folded tortilla! turning until golden about 1 to 2 minutes. Drain on paper towels and $eep warm. 4arnish with cheese! lettuce! and onion.

Fried So5t Shell Cra7

; 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ea c " " " ea " " " Crabs!soft-shell >il$ %epper to taste Hegetable oil %arsle#!minced!fresh 5gg!beaten Salt to taste -lour 1emon slices

1. ash cleaned crabs well. 2. >i" egg! mil$! salt and pepper: soa$ crabs in mi"ture. ). Coat crabs with flour! then deep-fr# in hot oil until brown. .. Drain on paper towels: garnish with lemon slices and sprin$le with minced parsle#.

D**P F(I*D /.)!.) C..'I*S , !**# 2.'0

1 1/2 1 1 1/2 1 1/2 1 2. c c c c c Chopped prunes -Bor chopped dried applesC Chopped dried apricots Frown sugar! pac$ed -la$ed coconut Chopped almonds onton s$ins 9il

>i" together prunes! apricots! brown sugar! coconut and almonds. %lace about 2 teaspoons mi"ture in center of each wonton s$in. >oisten edges with water. -old each s$in in half to form triangle. %ress edges firml# to seal. Cover to prevent dr#ing. (eat oil B) to ) 1/2 inchesC to );&-. -r# ) to . wontons at a time! turning occasionall#! until golden brown! about 1 minute on each side. Drain. Cool thoroughl# and store in airtight container. Serve with ice cream or sherbet if desired.

B(%IS*D D**P F(I*D P.(' SLIC*S I) /I)* S%-C*

1 ts 'ed rice vinegar 2 tb >edium sherr# )/. c Stoc$ Cornstarch paste 1 1/2 lb Foned por$ butt ) tb %eanut oil ) Cloves garlic! minced 2 5gg #ol$s 1 ts ater 1 c -ine plain bread crumbs . c 9il for deep-fr#ing %0ST56 2 tb Coo$ed rice 1/2 ts Sugar 1 ts Dr# ba$erEs #east 2 tb Dar$ so# sauce 2 tb arm water 1 ts et bean cheese BoptC The flavoring of the por$ with our version of -u<inese Kwine lees pasteK gives it a distinctive and uniGuel# delicious flavor. Prepare Paste8 @se mortar and pestle to pulveri/e coo$ed rice. Combine with sugar! #east! so# and warm water. 1et stand in warm place for )& minutes to activate #east. 0uthentic wine lees paste is not available in the @.S. to our $nowledge! this is the best substitute we have found. Jou can add wet bean cheese for a sharper flavor. Braise Pork8 Slice por$ butt across the grain into strips! 1K b# )K b# 1/2K thic$. (eat peanut oil in wo$ until it begins to smo$e. 0dd some of por$ to hot oil: stir-fr# pieces until the# lose their pin$- ness: repeat in batches until all por$ is browned. 3e"t! add garlic to wo$: stir briefl#. %our in wine lees paste! rice vinegar! sherr# and stoc$: bring to slow boil: add por$ slices. 'educe heat! cover! and simmer for )& minutes. 'emove por$! without sauce! to large platter. Cool por$. Cooling is essential so that it will deep-fr# properl#. 'eserve sauce in small pan. Jou can hold por$ for several hours! if #ou wish to braise it in advance. Deep 5ry Pork8 (eat deep-fr#ing oil. hile oil is heating! beat egg #ol$s with water: set out bread crumbs on platter. Dip por$ pieces in egg mi"ture! then bread crumbs! to thoroughl# cover. hen oil is at deep-fr#ing temperature! )*+ degrees! slip in a slice of por$ as a test6 por$ should lightl# brown in about 1 minute. %lace ; por$ slices on Chinese strainer! and lower into oil! strainer and all. Chec$ in 2 minutes Bbrowning should ta$e slightl# longer than test because strainer cools the oilC. 2f #ou prefer to fr# in larger batches! use more oil. 'emove fried por$ to warm platter! uncovered. Finish8 'eheat sauce! and pour over por$ <ust before serving.

-ried 9nion >ums 9r %om %oms + 2 . + 2 1 2 1 c t T t t t Jellow onions - medium to -small onions - 9' Her# large onions 0ll-purpose flour Fa$ing powder %apri$a 4arlic powder 4ree$ seasonings Salt - or to taste -blac$ and/or Ca#enne -pepper - to taste 5ggs >il$ -oil for deep fr#ing

) 1 1/2 c ; c

Cut off and discard the top half-inch of the onions. %eel them but do not cut off the root end. %lace each onion! root end up! on a cutting board. ith a sharp! pointed $nife! ma$e vertical cuts all around the onion about a Guarter inch apart. Start the cut a Guarter-inch from the root for small onions or a half-inch from the root for ver# large ones. >a$e sure the $nife goes into the center of the onion. %lace all the onions in a large bowl of cold water! add ice cubes! cover and refrigerate several hours or overnight. The onions will open up li$e mums. Drain upside-down when read# to proceed. 2n a large bowl! mi" together thoroughl# the flour! ba$ing powder and spices. 2n another bowl! beat together the eggs and mil$. Dip the onions one b# one into the egg mi"ture! opening the petals with #our fingers: let the e"cess drip off! and place in flour. or$ the flour mi"ture into the center gentl# with fingertips. Sha$e off e"cess flour and repeat egg dip and flouring! sha$ing off the e"cess thoroughl#. (alf-fill a deep fr#er or large! deep! heav# pot with oil. (eat the oil to );&- or until a small piece of dr# bread turns deep gold in 1+ seconds. -r# the onions without crowding them -- one at a time for large ones -- $eeping them submerged with a spatula or b# placing the fr#ing bas$et on top of them. %lunge them in root end up and turn them over once. To serve at once! fr# large onions for about si" or seven minutes! small ones for five minutes! or until deep gold. Drain upside-down on paper towels: then invert on a serving plate. Ieep warm in a low oven while fr#ing the others. 'emove the centers of large onions with a ver# sharp $nife. Small onions ma# be left whole or the center can be scooped out with a melonball cutter. 2f serving the ne"t da#! fr# the onions until pale gold: do not fr# completel#. 1et cool. hen read# to serve! reheat the oil to )8&- and fr# the onions <ust long enough to heat and brown! about 1+ seconds. Drain and serve. To get the same taste without ma$ing mums! simpl# cut onions verticall# to ma$e KpetalsK or crosswise and separate into rings. This can be done ahead and the petals or rings $ept in ice water. 5gg! flour and fr# as above.

Fried Ice Cream 9

1 1 1/2 1/2 1/. . Quart Teaspoon Cup Cup Cup Hanilla 2ce Cream 4round Cinnamon Sugar Cornfla$e Crumbs 9il -- for deep fr#ing (one# hipped Cream >araschino Cherries

1. 1et the ice cream stand at room temperature for about + minutes to soften slightl#. 2. Combine the cinnamon! sugar! and cornfla$e crumbs in a shallow pan. ). @sing an ice cream scoop! ma$e . large balls of ice cream. 'oll these balls in the crumb mi"ture to cover completel#. rap in pieces of aluminum foil and free/e for + hours. .. (eat the oil to .+& - in a deep fr#er. 0s soon as it comes to heat! uncover the ice-cream balls and deep-fr# ver# briefl#-about 2 seconds. Drain momentaril# and place in dessert dishes. +. Top each ball with 1 tbs. hone#! a little whipped cream! and a maraschino cherr#. Serve immediatel#.

Fried Ice Cream :

1 ) 1 ) 1 8 1/2 Quart Cups Teaspoon Cup Cup Hanilla 2ce Cream Corn -la$es -- finel# crushed Cinnamon 5gg hites 9il -- for deep fr#ing hipped Cream (one# >araschino Cherries

Scoop ice cream into 8 balls! using about 1/2 cup per ball. -ree/e until firm! about 1 hour. 2n shallow dish! combine crumbs and cinnamon. 2n another shallow dish! beat egg whites until foam#. 'oll ice cream balls in egg whites! then crumb mi"ture! covering ice cream completel# to avoid lea$age during fr#ing. 'oll in egg whites and crumbs a second time! if necessar# to cover completel#. -ree/e until firm! ) to . hours. 2n deep slotted seconds free/er whipped fr#er or heav# saucepan! heat oil to )*+. @sing bas$et or spoon! fr# ice cream balls 1 or 2 at a time for 1& to 1+ or until golden brown. Drain Guic$l# on paper towels. 'eturn to while fr#ing remaining ice cream balls. Serve immediatel# with cream! hone# and cherries.

>a$es 8 servings.

!.FF** %PPL*S %)D B%)%)%S

2 2 lg 1/. 1/. c c lg t c ts c tb -irm apples -irm bananas 0ll-purpose flour Cornstarch 5gg Sesame oil 9il! preferabl# peanut Sesame oil 4ranulated sugar hite sesame seeds! toasted

1 1 1 1/) 2 )/. 2

%551 03D C9'5 T(5 0%%15S and cut each into 8 large wedges. %eel the bananas and cut them into 1 1/2-inch chun$s. Combine the flour! cornstarch! egg and 1 teaspoon of sesame oil in a small bowl. >i" them well to form a smooth! ver# thic$ batter. Combine the peanut oil and 2 teaspoons of sesame oil in a deep fat fr#er or wo$ and heat the mi"ture until it is moderatel# hot. %ut the fruit into the batter mi"ture. Then lift out several pieces of fruit at a time! using a slotted spoon! and drain off an# e"cess batter. Deep-fr# for about 2 minutes! until the# are golden. 'emove with a slotted spoon and drain on paper towels. 'epeat the process until #ou have deep-fried all the fruit. Aust before serving! prepare a bowl of ice water filled with ice cubes. 'eheat the oil over moderate heat and deep-fr# the fruit a second time for about 2 minutes. Drain again on paper towels. %ut the sugar! sesame seeds and 2 tablespoons of oil from the deep-fr#ing oil into a pot. (eat the mi"ture until the sugar melts and begins to carameli/e. B atch the heat to prevent it from burning.C hen the caramel is light brown! add the fruit sections. Stir them gentl# in the caramel s#rup to coat them. Then ta$e them out and put them into the ice water to harden. Do a few at a time to prevent them from stic$ing together. 'emove them from the water and place on a serving platter. Serve at once.

'h4orost , Fried Sugar Circles0

1 ) 1 1/. 1 2 1/2 1 1 c tb ts ts -lour Sugar Cinnamon Salt 5gg beaten to blend tb ater tb Hod$a ts Hanilla 9il for deep fr#ing Cinnamon sugar

Combine flour! sugar! cinnamon and salt in medium bowl. 0dd egg! water! vod$a and vanilla and blend well. Turn dough out onto lightl# floured surface and $nead + minutes. Cover and let rest for 1+ minutes. 'oll dough out on lightl# floured surface to thic$ness of 1/8 in. cut into strips. Cut small lengthwise slit neat 1 end of each strip. Twist opposite end of strip through opening! handling gentl#! to form loop. (eat oil in deep fr#er to )+&. -r# loops in batches until golden brown. Drain on paper towels. Sprin$le generousl# with cinnamon sugar. Serve immediatel#.

%lmond Fried Ice Cream

8 1 c 2 c SC99%S H032110 2C5 C'50> 921 -9' D55% -'J234 T0345'235 S0@C5 S12C5D 01>93DS

Scoop the ice cream in advance: return to free/er until e"tremel# hard. (eat the coo$ing oil in a deep-fr#er. 'oll each ice-cream ball in the tangerine sauce then in the sliced almonds! coating thoroughl#. Deep-fr# for a few seconds onl#. Serve immediatel#.

C(%)B*((+ F(I!!*(S
8 + + o/ tb ts ts tb Cranberr# <ell#! canned -lour Fa$ing powder Sugar ater Hegetable oil -- for deep-fr#ing -lour -- for dredging

1/2 1/2

Cranberr# tartness suggests the original Chinese ingredient! a firm! gelatinous <ell# flavored with the hawthorn berr# Bor Eshand/aE! which in northern China is pureed to ma$e a delicious tart! thic$! cooling drin$C. 5nclosed within a light! deep-fried batter! the strips of <ell# become hot and soft or! in the case of cranberr#! almost liGuid. Fu# the K<ellied cranberr# sauceK! not the whole-berr# t#pe. This recipe ma$es three to four small servings. D2'5CT293S6 Cut the <ell# crosswise into three round slices! 1/2 inch thic$. Cut each slice into three strips! appro"imatel# 1/2 " 1/2 " 2-1/2 inches. %repare a batter b# blending the flour! ba$ing powder! sugar! and water. (eat oil for deep-fr#ing: after it is hot! $eep the heat around medium-high. Dredge the cranberr# <ell# strips lightl# in flour! ma$ing sure all sides! including the ends! are dusted. Then dip them in the batter to coat completel#! and immerse them in the oil until golden brown. -r# onl# a few at a time. Drain on paper toweling! and eat while hot.

Sichuan Dry Fried String Beans

1 1 cho#C ) 1 1 1 . 1 1 tablespoon tablespoon cups pound tablespoon tablespoon ounces teaspoon Dried shrimp %reserved Sichuan %reserved -- Hegetable B<ar %eanut oil for deep fr#ing String beans -- snapped in R&D >inced ginger -inel# chopped garlic 4round por$ butt 4reen onion -- minced Sugar

pn hite pepper 2 ts Dar$ so# sauce 2 tb Chic$en stoc$ 0 swirl of sesame oilR This green-bean dish is outstanding. The green beans e"ude aromatic flavors and have an interesting chew# te"ture. 2 do not fr# the beans as long as traditional recipes call for because 2 want them to have some te"ture left. Cover the dried shrimp with hot water for )& minutes. Drain. Chop into the consistenc# of coarse bread crumbs. 'inse the Sichuan preserved vegetables with cold water to wash off the brine and salt: chop into the same te"ture as the shrimp. 2n a deep fr#er add the oil and heat to )*+-. Deep fr# the beans in two or three batches for 2 to ) minutes or until the# loo$ wrin$led! blistered and $ha$i color. 'emove all but 1 tablespoon of the oil from the wo$. over high heat. 'eheat the wo$

0dd the ginger and garlic: stir-fr# for 1+ seconds. 0dd the por$! preserved mustard! dried shrimp: stir-fr# for 1 minute longer. %o$e and brea$ up the clumps of por$ so that it loo$s crumbled. 0dd the green onion! sugar! white pepper and so# sauce: toss together to blend. Serves . to ;.

F(I*D *#P%)%D%S /I!H B**F .( CHIC'*) FILLI)2

1 2+& 1 .&& 1+& 2 *+& 8 1 . 2+& 1 1 1 1 1 +&& ) 2&& )&& . ) $g g ml g tb g tb g t c t t t c g tb g g tb %lain flour Futter! lard or margarine 5gg Salted water Feef filling6 Futter! lard or margarine 9il >inced beef 9r 1& green BspringC onions %apri$a Salt and pepper (ard boiled eggs! chopped 4reen olives 4round chilli Tomato puree 4round cumin >i"ed spices Cinnamon Feef stoc$ Chic$en filling6 >inced chic$en To . tb oil 'ed capsicum! finel# chopped 9nions! finel# chopped Tomato puree (ard-boiled eggs! chopped


Dough6 9il or a mi"ture of oil and solid vegetable shortening for deep fr#ing. To ma$e dough6 Sift the flour! add the melted shortening and the egg. 0dd the salted water bit b# bit and mi" to a firm dough. Inead for 1& minutes if ma$ing b# hand! .-+ minutes if using an electric mi"er with a dough hoo$! or 1-2 minutes if using a food processor with a dough hoo$. 1eave it to rest for 1+ to )& minutes. To ma$e the beef filling6 (eat the oil and shortening in a fr#ing pan and saute the green onions! finel# chopped. 0dd the meat and stir until it is coo$ed. Stir in the tomato puree and remaining ingredients! coo$ for a few minutes more. 1eave until completel# cold before assembling empanadas. To ma$e the chic$en filling6 (eat the oil and fr# the onions! then add the capsicum and dr# until soft. 0dd the minced chic$en and stir until it has all changed color. Season to taste! add the tomato puree! mi" well and simmer for a further ) minutes. 1eave until completel# cold before assembling empanadas. 0ssembl# and coo$ing6 'oll out the dough about ) mm thic$ and! using a saucer or something similar as a guide! cut into 2.-)& circles about 1. cms in diameter. Divide whichever filling mi"ture #ou are using between the circles! putting it on one side of

the circle onl#. >oisten the outer rim of the dough with water and fold over into a semi-circle. Curve the ends of the folded side together a little to form a crescent! then secure the <oined edges b# folding them over each other in small sections to form a KropeK effect Bif this sounds too confusing! <ust press together and decorate with a for$ in the usual wa#C. (eat about ;-8 cm deep fr#ing oil to ver# hot and deep fr# the empanadas one or two at a time <ust until golden. 'emove from the oil immediatel# and drain well on $itchen paper. Serve ver# hot (alve the filling ingredients or double the dough if ma$ing both beef and chic$en empanadas. 5mpanadas often include raisins or sultanas which create an interesting flavour contrast with the meat. 0 handful can be added to either of these recipes if #ou li$e.

9'242301 F@--019 + lb

234S -resh large chic$en wings %eanut oil for fr#ing Dur$ee/-rench (ot Sauce ingers 9riginal 'ecipe (ot >elted >argarine Celer# Stic$s Chun$# Flue Cheese Salad Dre

1. Split the wings at the <oint and remove the tips. 0nchor Far has barrels of tips the# use in soup stoc$. 2. Spread the wings out on a rac$ in a pan and refrigerate so the# drain of moisture/blood. 0 minimum of 2. hours. This small step will help produce a EcrispierE final product. ) (eat deep fr#er to )+&-);& degrees. .. -r# wings in small batches until done-8-1& the eGuipment. minutes! depending on

+ Drain of e"cess oil and immediatel# place in large bowl and coat with hot sauce M melted margarine. ;. Serve with celer# stic$s and blue cheese. 39T56The amounts of (ot Sauce and >argarine are reall# to taste. >edium E(50TE ings are appro". obtained b# using 1 cup of (ot Sauce for the entire +S and 1/2c. of melted margarine. 5"periment-some places do not use the melted marg. at all and <ust var# the volume of hot sauce to get the taste the# want.

.nions Fried In Deep Fat

; 1 1 1 medium cup cup 1/. teaspoon onions -- B; to 8C flour mil$ egg salt coo$ing fat

S$in the onions! slice ver# thin! separate into rings! dip into a batter made from the flour! mil$! egg! and salt! and drain well. (ave read# a $ettle of fat hot enough to brown a small piece of bread in ;& seconds. %ut the onions in a wire bas$et! lower into the hot fat! fr# until the onions are golden brown! remove! drain on absorbent paper! sprin$le with salt! and $eep hot until served. 9nions fried in this wa# will generall# $eep crisp for several da#s! or ma# be reheated in the same wa# as potato chips.

P%(SL*+ F(I*D .)I.) (I)2S

1 )/. )/. )/. c c c ts lg %lus 2 tb beer Bnot dar$C 0ll-purpose flour -inel# chopped fresh parsle# Salt plus additional for -sprin$ling rings 9nion Hegetable oil for deep-fr#er Salsa Herde for dipping -BoptionalC

2n a bowl! whis$ beer into flour until batter is smooth and whis$ in parsle#. 1et batter stand )& minutes and stir in )/. ts salt. Cut onion crosswise into 1/2-inch-thic$ slices and separate slices into rings. 2n a deep fr#er heat ) inches oil to )8& deg -. or$ing in batches of . or + onion rings! drag rings through batter to coat completel#! letting e"cess drip off! and fr#! turning! until golden! about 1 to 2 minutes. ith tongs! transfer rings as fried to paper towels to drain and season with additional salt. Serve onion rings with Salsa Herde.


%asta! in desired shapes 9il for deep fr#ing 4arlic salt = =3ote6 0nother seasoned salt ma# be used instead of garlic salt. Coo$ pasta in boiling salted water until almost tender. Drain and pat dr# on paper towels. (eat oil in deep fr#er to )*+-. 0dd pasta! a few pieces at a time! to hot oil and fr# until lightl# browned and crisp. Drain on paper towels and sprin$le with garlic salt. Serve immediatel#! or cool then store in airtight container.

-'25D 9I'0 Dipping sauces Hegetable oil for fr#ing 9$ra Jellow cornmeal %apri$a 4round red pepper Salt Drop hot pepper sauce 5gg

+ 1

1/2 1/2 1/. 1/.

o/ c ts ts ts

C(@3IJ T9>0T9 S0@C56 2n small saucepan over medium heat! combine an 8 o/ can tomato sauce! 1 small chopped onion! 1 seeded and chopped green bell pepper! 1/8 ts chopped garlic! 1 1/2 ts olive oil! 1/8 ts chili powder and 1/8 ts blac$ pepper. Coo$ about 1+ minutes to blend flavors. S%2CJ C(55S5 S0@C56 2n small saucepan! over low heat! melt 1/1/2 Tb butter/margarine. STir in 2 Tb all purpose flour: coo$ + minutes! stirring occasionall#. 2n crease heat to medium: stir in )/. cup mil$. Coo$ + minutes! stirring occasionall#! until slightl# thic$ened. 4raduall# stir in )/. cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese! then stir in . o/ can drained! chopped green chilies! 1/8 ts each ground red pepper and blac$ pepper. Ieep dipping sauces warm. 2n deep-fr#er thermometer! heat 2 inch oil to );+ degrees. >eanwhile! slice stems and tips from o$ra. 2n medium bowl! combine ne"t five ingredients. 2n small dish! beat together egg and 1 Tb water. Coat o$ra with egg mi"ture. 2n small batches! fr# coated o$ra until golden brown! about 1 1/2 minutes. ith slotted spoon! remove to paper towel to drain. Serve immediatel# with warm dipping sauces.

/arm Springs Fried Bread

) 1 2 )/. c tb ts c Sifted all-purpose flour Futter Fa$ing powder Bto 1cC arm mil$ 1 2 1 1 ts tb ts " Salt >elted butter Sugar -at for deep fr#ing

Combine dr# ingredients: cut in butter. 0dd enough warm mil$ to ma$e a soft dough! eas# to handle. Inead on floured board until dough is ver# smooth and soft but elastic. Do not use a lot of e"tra flour. Divide dough into ;-8 balls and brush the tops with melted butter. Cover and let stand )&-.+ minutes. %at out each ball into a round! + or ; inches in diameter and 1/. inch thic$. -r# in deep fat Bpreheated to );+ degreesC. Dough should rise immediatel# to surface. Coo$ until brown on one side! turn! and brown on other side being careful to not pierce crust. Drain on absorbent paper and serve hot.

Special Chic$en 1 1/2 lb Chic$en wings! cut-up into -segments at <oints. -------------------------->0'230D5-------------------------------------------------------0 >2TT@'5-----------------------------2 tb So# sauce 1 ts Sugar 1 tb Sherr# wine 0 few gratings of fresh -ginger 2 ts (oisin sauce 1 Clove garlic! minced 1/. ts Sesame oil 1 ts Salt ds >S4 BoptionalC -------------------------F >2TT@'5-----------------------------2 5ggs 1/2 c Cornstarch 1/2 c -lour 9il for deep fr#ing 1ettuce leaves! shredded 4reen onion! Chinese parsle# and cashew nuts! all chopped! for garnish This is one of the better deep-fried chic$en recipes 2Eve found. 2t calls for chic$en wings! but 2 used a whole chic$en! cut up Chinese st#le and <ust increased the marinade ingredients a tad. Serve this with side dishes of hoisin sauce! spiced salt Btoasted salt mi"ed with blac$ pepper about half and halfC! hot mustard and chili oil along with a bowl of finel# chopped scallions. Dip piece of chic$en into the dip of #our choice! then into the scallions and en<o#U 2ce cold beer goes great with this dish. 9h #eahPPsteamed rice too... Fe sure to use the dar$! toasted sesame oil rather than the health food store stuff. 1. Soa$ cut-up chic$en in marinade ingredients 0 for 1 hour. >i" ingredients F into bowl with marinated chic$en. Stir well. ill be ver# stic$# and stiff to mi". 2. (eat + inches oil in deep fr#er to )*+-. Drop batter covered chic$en piece b# piece carefull# into hot oil. Do not fill too full of chic$en or it will ta$e too long to brown. Should ta$e onl# + minutes to coo$ through. 'esult will be crisp# golden brown chic$en pieces. ). Drain on paper towels. shreds. %lace on platter lined with lettuce

.. 4arnish if desired with chopped green onions! Chinese parsle# and cashew nuts.

Fried Banana
1 Fanana! Guartered 1/2 c -lour 2 ts Double action ba$ing %owder ; tb ater . c Coo$ing oil . tb (one#

1ight! sweet dessert - a perfect ending to the dinner. 1. 'oll the banana pieces in flour. >i" the ba$ing soda with water to ma$e a paste and roll the banana pieces in it. 2. (eat the oil until it is hot. Deep fr# bananas for . minutes or until the# are golden brown. Drain. ). %our 1 tablespoon of hone# on each banana piece and serve.

(ick1s on the Bricks Fried Dill Pickles

1 1 + ) 1;-o/. <ar cup drops cups hamburger dill pic$les -- sliced whole mil$ #ellow food coloring -- B+ to * dropsC flour salt and pepper vegetable oil -- for fr#ing

Spread pic$les in single la#er on paper towels to drain. 2n small bowl! combine mil$ and enough #ellow food coloring to produce a medium color. %lace flour! salt and pepper to taste in large! shallow bowl. Set aside. To small saucepan! add enough oil to come 1 inch up the side of the pan. (eat oil to )+& -. over medium-high heat. 2n small batches! submerge pic$les in mil$ mi"ture. Transfer to flour bowl and roll in flour to coat all sides well. Separate slices if the# stic$ together. 'epeat process b# returning pic$les to mil$ mi"ture and flour! again ma$ing sure slices are coated evenl# and do not stic$ together. Carefull# drop one b# one into hot oil and fr# ) to + minutes or until golden brown and crisp#. Drain on paper towels. 'epeat this process until all pic$les are coo$ed. >a$es ; servings.

F(*)CH F(I*D P.!%!. S'I)S

%otatoes 9il -- for deep fr#ing Salt 4arlic salt or celer# salt -- R9'R- grated


Scrub potatoes thoroughl# with brush. @sing potato peeler! cut off long thin spirals of s$in from potatoes. B@se potatoes for another dish.C Cover s$ins with ver# cold water and let stand )& minutes to 1 hour. Drain and carefull# pat curls dr# with paper towels. Drop curls into deep oil heated to )D&- and fr# until golden brown and crisp! about 1 minute. Drain on paper towels and sprin$le with salt or garlic salt! celer# salt or %armesan cheese. Serve hot.

French Fried Skunk

2 1 2 2 ) 1 1/2 1/2 2 tablespoon cups cups cups teaspoon tablespoons s$un$s -- s$inned and cleaned salt water to cover bear fat or lard egg #ol$s!beaten mil$ or cream flour salt ba$ing pow

Clean and wash the s$un$s! ma$ing sure that the scent glands are removed. Cut up into small serving pieces. %ut a soup $ettle on the stove and add the meat. Cover with cold water and bring to a boil over high heat. 1ower the heat and boil until the meat is tender! about .& minutes. 'emove all the scum that rises to the surface. >a$e a batter b# mi"ing together the egg #ol$s! mil$! flour! salt and ba$ing powder. >i" real good until the batter is about li$e ca$e batter. (eat the bear fat or lard in a deep fr#er to about );& degrees. Dip the pieces of s$un$ in the batter and then fr# them until golden brown. Drain well and serve.

5"ported from


CH*((+ D*SS*(! /.)!.)S

.8 )& ) ea o/ c %remade onton rappers B1 -%ac$ageC Tart Cherr# %ie -illing Hegetable 9il

%owdered Sugar 9r Cinnamon Sugar To assemble wontons! place appro"imatel# 1 1/2 Tsp Cherr# %ie -illing B2 cherries plus sauceC in the center of each wonton wrapper. >ositen the edges of each wrapper! bring one corner up over the filling to the opposite corner at an angle so that two overlapping triangles are formed. %ull the two bottom corners of the folded triangle forward so that the# meet one another and slighl# overlap. >oisten one end and pinch the two ends firml# together. 'epeat. %our the oil into a deep fr#er and heat to )*+ degrees -. Deep fr# the wontons! 8 to 1& at a time for about two minutes or until crisp and golden. Drain on paper towels. -ried wontons can be $ept warm for about one hour in a 2+& degree -. oven or reheated for + minutes in a .+& degree -. oven. %owdered sugar or cinnamon sugar can be sprin$led on the fried wontons! if desired.

C(ISP+ F(I*D P.(' ; %PPL*S

; 1 2 2 1 1 lg tb c t ts ts ts %or$ chops 7butterflied and VK thic$8 0pple 7peeled M cored8 5ggs (alf and half Fread crumbs 7unseasoned8 4inger 7ground8 Salt 0llspice 7ground8 C'2SC9 oil for fr#ing -----9%T29301----Coriander 7ground8

)/. 1/. 1/2

1C %ound each chop with a meat mallet! and slice the apple into si" rings... 2C Flend the half and half and the eggs in a small bowl and then in a shallow ba$ing dish! or on wa"ed paper! mi" the bread crumbs! ginger! salt! Bcoriander! if desiredC! and allspice! and set aside... )C (eat 2K to )K of Crisco oil in a deep fr#er or large saucepan to )+&W... Dip the por$ chops and the apple rings into the egg mi"ture! then into the bread crumbs to coat... -r# 2 pieces of por$ at a time for * min until the crust is a deep golden brown and the por$ is no longer pin$ in the center... Drain on paper towels... .C -r# the apple rings for 2 to ) min. or until the# are a deep golden brown! and drain them also on the paper towels... +C Serve one apple ring on top of each por$ chop.

F(I*D *22PL%)! .( Z-CCHI)I

1 1/8 1/. 1/2 1/. 1/. 1/. 1/. 1/. 1/8 1 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts ts c c c c -----S50S93234 >2T----Salt %apri$a hite pepper 9nion powder 4arlic powder 4round red pepper Bca#enneC Flac$ pepper Dried t#me leaves Dried sweet basil leaves -----234'5D253TS----%eeled and coarsle# chopped -eggplant or /ucchini 0ll purpose flour Dried bread crumbs Bver# fin -eC >il$ 5gg Hegetable oil for fr#ing %owdered sugar is optional

Combine seasoning mi" ingredients is a small bowl! mi"ing thoroughl#. Sprin$le the vegetables evenl# with about 1/2 tsp of the mi". %lace the flour in a small bowl and the breadcrumbs in another. 0dd 1 tsp of the seasoning mi" to the flour and one tsp to the breadcrumbs! mi"ing each well. B@se an# leftover mi" to season other vegetables before coo$ing. 2n a separate small bowl combine the mil$ and egg until well blended. (eat 1 inch oil in a 2 Gt. saucepan or deep fr#er to )+& degrees. Aust before fr#ing! dredge the chopped vegetables in the seasoned flour! sha$ing off e"cess. or$ Guic$l# so flour doesnEt get too moist: itEs best to use #our hands for this! but a slotted spoon will do. Then coat well with the mil$ mi"ture! then Guic$l# with the breadcrumbs! sha$ing off e"cess. %lace the vegetables in hot oil until dar$ golden brown! about 2-) minutes! ma$ing sure to seperate the vegetable pieces as #ou drop them into the oil. 0d<ust heat as necessar# to $eep at )+& degrees. Drain and serve immediatel#. Sprin$le lightl# with powdered sugar B2f desiredC

Fried %lligator
1.&& 1.&& 1.&& 1.&& 1.&& 1.&& 1.&& 0lligator meat Ca#enne pepper 9il Hinegar -lour Corn meal Salt M pepper to taste

Tenderloin fresh alligator tail! cutting pieces not to e"ceed 2KT 1K thic$. %lace in shallow dish. %our on small amount of vinegar and add salt and pepper and ca#enne to taste. 1et stand for appro"imatel# )& minutes. hile gator soa$s! pour into dusting bag or other container . parts corn meal to 1 part flour. %ut about 1K oil in s$illet and heat to .&& degrees -. 'oll or sha$e alligator strips in dusting mi"ture! then place in hot oil and fr# until golden. Serve hot. Suggestions6 Tr# deep-fried 0lligator nuggets as an appeti/er.

Batter Fried Dandelion

2 1 1 1 Cups Cup Cup Tsp. Tsp. Dandelion Flossoms 5gg -- beaten >il$ -lour Salt %epper -at -or -r#ing

1/2 1/.

%ic$ the dandelions as close to the head as possible Bthe stems are ver# bitterC. 'inse well: pat dr# with paper towels. Feat the egg! mil$! flour! salt! and pepper in a small bowl. Dip each flower into the batter. Deep-fr# in oil that is hot but not smo$ing B)+&- - )*+-C! until golden brown. Drain on paper towels and sprin$le with salt.

CHIPP*/% I)DI%) F(I*D B(*%D

2 1/2 1 1/2 1 )/. 1 1 c tb t c tb tb 0ll-purpose flour Fa$ing powder Salt arm water Hegetable oil 3onfat dr# mil$ powder Hegetable oil Bfor deep -fr#ingC Cinnamon sugar

>a$es 8 Combine flour! ba$ing powder and salt in large bowl. Combine water! oil and dr# mil$ powder and stir into flour mi"ture until smooth dough forms. Turn out onto lightl# floured surface. Inead . times into smooth ball. Cover and let rest 1& minutes. Divide dough into 8 balls. -latten with fingertips or roll out each ball to form 8- to 1&-inch round. >a$e small hole in center of each with finger or handle of wooden spoon. 1ightl# flour rounds! stac$ and cover with towel or plastic wrap. (eat about 1 inch oil to )*+ - in deep fr#er. 4entl# place 1 bread round in hot fat and coo$ until golden and crisp! 1 to 2 minutes on each side. Drain on paper towels. 'epeat with remaining dough. Serve bread hot or at room temperature! sprin$led with cinnamon sugar.

F(I*D C-C-#B*(
1 Cucumber Salt %epper Crac$er crumbs 5gg -- beaten Salad oil

%eel cucumber and cut lengthwise into 1/. inch slices. %at dr# between paper towels: sprin$le with salt and pepper. Dip slices in crac$er crumb! then in egg! and again in crumbs. Deep fr# in hot oil at )D& degrees until delicatel# browned. Drain on absorbent paper.

F(I*D F(%2(%)! B*LLS

lb 4round por$ -inel# chopped green onions sl >inced ginger tb Chic$en broth tb Dar$ so# sauce tb Dr# Sherr# 5gg tb Cornstarch tb ater Dried bean curd sheet 0dditional cornstarch 1/. c Salt 2 tb S/echwan peppercorns 2 To . cups vegetable oil Combine por$! onion! ginger! broth! so# sauce! Sherr#! egg and 1 tablespoon cornstarch in bowl and mi" well. Combine remaining 1 tablespoon cornstarch with water in small bowl. >oisten 1 bean curd sheet under running water. %lace on wor$ surface and spread with 1/. of meat mi"ture. 'oll as for <ell# roll: brush long edge with dissolved cornstarch to seal. 'epeat to ma$e three more rolls. Cut each into slices 1 1/2 inches thic$: dip each end in additional cornstarch to seal filling. BCan be done ) to . hours ahead to this point and refrigerated.C -or salt6 Combine salt and peppercorns in small s$illet and coo$ until browned. Crush in mortar with pestle. (eat oil in deep fr#er to )*+ deg. 0dd slices a few at a time and fr# until crisp. Drain on paper towels. Serve hot with peppercorn salt! if desired. 1 2 1 ) 1 1 1 2 ) .

Crispy (attlesnake Coils

1 'attlesna$e: cut in strips -lour Salt M %epper Crisco

%'5%0'0T293 Cut rattlesna$e into 8K strips about 1/.K thic$. Salt and pepper lightl#. %ut flour into a container that can be covered. 0dd strips. Sha$e. 'efrigerate for about two hours. This will allow the flour to become stic$# and while the Crisco is heating in a deep fr#er! pull the pieces apart and re-flour the pieces again. 0dd flour if necessar#. hen the Crisco shortening is hot! add onl# enough sna$e strips so that all pieces are covered b# the hot grease. -r# until golden brown. Dump into a container that has been prewarmed in the oven. Continue fr#ing the rest of the rattlesna$e strips. 39T56 The fried rattlesna$e strips will appear to be coiledU

S5'H234 @se a bas$et lined with a cloth nap$in. 0dd the fried! coiled sna$e pieces. Cover with the nap$in.

Sri Lanka Fried Chiles

2. Dried ca#enne 9r <apone chiles . tb Salt 1 Gt ater 9il

>a$e a brine from the salt and water. Soa$ the chiles for an hour in the brine. (eat a good Guantit# of oil. hen itEs ver# hot! deep fr# the chiles until the# are crisp. Drain! salt and serve. This is the simplest wa# to fi" dried chiles. 2 am told it is eaten as a snac$ at movie theaters in Sri 1an$a.

Te"as -ried 4reen Tomatoes ) 2 1 1 1 2 2 large cups tablespoon tablespoon tablespoon cups 4reen tomatoes -- T9 . -lour Salt %epper 1awr#Es seasoned salt 5ggs >il$ 9il -- for fr#ing

Cut tomatoes into almost 1/2-inch thic$ slices. >i" flour! salt! pepper and seasoned salt in one bowl. >i" eggs and mil$ in another bowl. Dip each tomato slice into the mil$ mi"ture!then into the flour! bac$ to the mil$! and then to the flour again.. coating well. (eat oil in a deep-fr#er to )+& degrees: add battered tomato slices a few at a time! and coo$ for + minutes! or until golden brown. Can also be coo$ed in a heav# s$illet! turning once. 3ote. Jan$ees can substitute crac$er crumbs for flour: Southerners can use cornmeal. 2n an# case! adding a little flour will improve coverage.

1 c 1/. c Sugar ater

1/2 ts 3utmeg . . 1/2 c 5ggs -lour!self-rising!sifted Hegetable oil for deep-fr#in

1. 2n large mi"ing bowl! blend sugar and water: stir in nutmeg. 2. Feat in eggs! one at a time! beating well after each addition. ). 4raduall# blend in enough flour to ma$e a stiff dough that can be easil# handled. .. Turn out onto lightl# floured surface: divide in half. +. 'oll out each half 1/2-inch thic$. ;. ith floured 2 1/2-inch doughnut cutter! cut out doughnuts.

*. (eat oil to )*+E-.: deep-fr# doughnuts until golden brown! turning once. 8. Drain thoroughl# on paper towels. D. Dust with sugar! as desired. 39T56 3ew 9rleans is $nown for its fried ca$es. The name derives from the -rench verb KcroGuer!K to crunch.

!/IC* F(I*D SH(*DD*D B**F

)/. lb Feef sirloin or flan$ stea$ ------------------------->0'230D5------------------------2 tb Dr# sherr# 2 tb So# sauce 1 ts Sugar 1 ts Cornstarch 1 sm Carrot 1 4reen bell pepper 2 'ibs celer# 1 sm 9nion ---------------------------S0@C5--------------------------2 tb 'ice vinegar 1 tb So# sauce 2 ts Sesame oil 1 ts Sugar 1/2 ts Chili oil 1/2 ts Cornstarch %reparation6 Trim and discard fat from beef. Cut beef across the grain into 1 1/2-inch matchstic$ pieces. Combine marinade ingredients in a medium-si/e bowl. 0dd beef: stir to coat. Set aside for )& minutes. Cut carrot! bell pepper! and celer# into 1 1/2-inch matchstic$ pieces. Thinl# slice onion. Set vegetables aside separatel#. Combine sauce ingredients in a small bowl and set aside. Coo$ing6 2n a deep fr#er add oil to a depth of 1 1/2 to 2 inches. %lace over high heat until oil reaches about )*+ degrees -. 0dd beef! half at a time! and deep fr# for 1 minute until browned! turning occasionall#. 1ift out and drain on paper towels: set aside. Coo$ remaining beef. 'eheat oil to high heat . 0dd carrot and onion: coo$! stirring constantl#! for 1 minute. 0dd bell pepper and celer#: fr# for 1 more minute. Stir in sauce and beef. Coo$ until well mi"ed.

Hush Puppies
'ecipe F# Serving Si/e Categories 6 5li/abeth %owell 6 ; %reparation Time 6&6)& 6 0merican Freads! >uffins M 'olls 'ice Freads 1ow -at Dressings

0mount -------2 2 1 1 2 1 2/) ;

>easure -----------cups teaspoons teaspoon whole tablespoons cup cups

2ngredient -- %reparation >ethod -------------------------------cornmeal ba$ing powder salt onion -- minced bacon fat egg mil$ peanut oil

>i" cornmeal! ba$ing powder! salt. Saute onion in bacon fat until <ust limp: cool slightl#. Feat egg until light! stir in mil$ and onion. Stir into dr# ingredients to form a stiff batter. (eat oil in deep fr#er to )+& degrees. Shape batter into )K long crescents. -r# in single-la#er batches in hot oil until golden brown. Serving 2deas 6 Serve hot with fried fish.

S!(-FF.LI ,Honey Balls0

) 1 1 1/2 2 1/2 1 tb ts c c ts c 1arge eggs Futter: softened Sugar: plus Sugar 0ll-purpose flour Fa$ing powder (one# Hegetable oil: for deep-fr#i Colored sprin$les

his$ together6 eggs! butter! 1 tsp sugar until foam#. 0dd ba$ing powder: add flour. or$ the mi"ture into a soft dough with #our hands. Divide dough into . pieces. 9n a floured surface! roll each piece into a rope about the width of #our inde" finger and 12 inches long. Cut the ropes into 1K pieces. Toss the pieces with enough flour to dust them lightl# and sha$e off e"cess flour. (eat oil to )*+- in a deep fr#er. -r# the struffoli a few handfuls at a time until the# puff up and are golden brown. @sing a slotted spoon! transfer to a paper towel to drain. Combine the hone# and the 1/2 cups sugar in a large saucepan over low heat: stirring until the sugar has dissolved: $eep warm over low heat. 0dd the fried balls! a few at a time! and turn them with a wooden spoon to coat on all sides. Transfer the balls to a large platter and mound them into a p#ramid! shaping with wet hands. Sprin$le with the colored sprin$les and let stand for 1 to 2 hours. Then <ust brea$ off some pieces with #our hands to eat.

Fried .ysters
1 Do/. large o#sters seasoned flour beaten egg soft bread crumbs fr#ing fat tartar sauce

%ic$ over the o#sters carefull#! pat dr# in a soft cloth! then roll in seasoned flour Bflour to which a little salt and pepper have been addedC. Dip in beaten egg! then in crumbs. This dipping ma# be repeated a second time if desired and all loose crumbs should be sha$en off. -r# golden brown in deep hot fat B)*+ degreesC using a fr#ing bas$et and fr#ing not more than . o#sters at a time. Drain on soft crumpled paper toweling and serve with tartar sauce. Serves four. -or %hiladelphia -ried 9#sters6 Dip first into ma#onnaise! then into crumbs after which dip them in beaten egg and crumbs and fr# them in hot deep fat.

Fry Bread6 ,Baking Po"der (ecipe0

1 1/2 1 1 . 2 1 1 c c tb tb c @nbleached flour hole wheat flour (alf cup cornmeal Fa$ing powder Sugar -ourth teaspoon salt arm mil$ Bwater can be Substituted if desiredC 9il or Shortening for -r#ing

-r# bread is one of the most popular and widespread of the modern 3ative 0merican 2ndian foods. There are two main t#pes of this bread that are used for ever#thing from a Guic$ snac$ to an ever#da# dinner bread. 2n the 3orth and 5ast regions! a fried #east bread is most popular! while in the South and west regions a recipe utili/ing ba$ing powder in lieu of #east is the more common form. 2n Te"as the 0labama-Coushatta use the same recipe as the 3ava<o -r# Fread listed below. 2n a mi"ing bowl! sift together flour! ba$ing powder and salt. Stir in mil$ and $nead briefl# with lightl# oiled hands until smooth. 'ub the remainder of the one tablespoon of oil over the dough. Cover and let sit in a warm area for about )& minutes. 5ither pat or roll out enough dough to fit in the palm of #our hand in a circle about one Guarter inch thic$. Deep fr# in a hot )+& degree oil for about one minute per side or until golden brown. >a$es 1&-12 pieces. 3ote6 Dough can also be cut into triangles! sGuares or perfect circles if rolled out and a coo$ie cutter li$e device is used. Serve with hone#! maple s#rup! or as a bread for meals.

Special Fried Peanuts

%eanut oil %eanuts Salt -ill deep-fat fr#er with peanut oil. 1et heat to )*+E-. %ut raw shelled peanuts in fr#ing bas$et and drop down into hot oil. hen white peanuts start turning brown! ta$e bas$et out and let drip. %our out on paper toweling: salt while hot. 0fter the# are cool! place in airtight containers to $eep fresh.

'FC Chicken
) 1 1 2 1 1 1 1/2 pounds cup pac$age tablespoons cup teaspoon teaspoon teaspoon Chic$en pieces -lour Dr# 2talian-st#le salad dressing Salt 5gg Club soda panca$e mi" -- Bor moreC %oultr# seasoning %apri$a %epper 9il for deep fr#ing Bthe rea


'inse chic$en pieces: pat dr# with paper towels. >i" flour with dr# salad dressing mi" M salt to taste. Dip chic$en pieces in this mi"ture and let sit for a couple of minutes. Feat egg and club soda: in another shallow bowl! blend panca$e mi" with poultr# seasoning! papri$a and pepper. Dip flour-coated chic$en pieces in egg mi"ture! then in panca$e mi" mi"ture. 1et sit on wire rac$ while heating deep fat to )*+ degrees. Coo$ chic$en pieces! turning once! until a rich golden brown! about 2&-2+ minutes. Drain on paper towels.8 Jield6 . servings. Hariation6 To prepare 5TT'0 C'2S%J C(2CI53! dip the chic$en Bafter it has been coated in the panca$e mi"tureC bac$ in the egg mi"ture and again in the panca$e mi"ture. -r# until done.

B%)%)% <*L<*! D.-2H)-!S

2 1/2 2 1/2 1/2 1/. 1/2 2 1/2 1 2 1/2 1/2 c ts ts ts ts c tb c ts -lour Fa$ing powder Fa$ing soda 3utmeg Salt 5gg (one# Fanana Futter or margarine Sour cream Hanilla -at for deep fr#ing

Sift together dr# ingredients. Feat eggs until light. 0dd hone# graduall# and continue beating until well mi"ed. Feat in mashed banana! butter! sour cream and vanilla. Stir in flour mi"ture. BDough should be soft.C Chill 2 hours or longer. 'oll out on floured board about 1/.-inch thic$. Cut with doughnut cutter. 2n deep fat heated to )*& -! fr# a few at a time. B-r# the holes as well as the doughnuts.C Turn doughnuts when the# rise to the surface and are brown on the underside. -r# until brown on both sides. 'emove from fat and drain thoroughl#. 3ote6 >a# form into long rolls and twist together to form crullers! cutting off ever# 2 inches.

Fried Cra"5ish !ails

>>>>>--------------------------C'0 -2S(------------------------------1 lb Crawfish tails! peeled! -- and deveined 1/2 c Sherr# 1 1/2 c -lour 2 lg 5ggs 1 pn Salt 12 o/ Feer! dar$ 1 ds %epper! ca#enne %epper Bto tasteC Salt Bto tasteC 9il Bfor deep fat fr#ingC >>>>>---------------------------S0@C5-------------------------------2 lg 5gg #ol$s 1 tb Auice! lemon 1/2 ts >ustard! dr# 1/. ts Sauce! orcestershire 1 ds Tabasco )/. c 9il 1 tb ater! hot 1 tb Sherr# 1 ts Chives! minced 1 ts Ietchup 1 ds %epper! ca#enne %epper Bto tasteC Salt Bto tasteC Crawfish6 RRRRRRRRR >arinate the tails in sherr# for an hour or more. >eanwhile! mi" the cup of flour! eggs! salt and ca#enne until smooth and slowl# add beer to ma$e the batter the consistenc# of panca$e batter. Drain tails and roll in remaining flour. Sha$e off e"cess and dip in batter. -r# in hot oil until golden. Sauce6 RRRRRR Feat the #ol$s with lemon <uice! mustard! orcestershire and Tabasco. Slowl# dri//le in oil to form ma#onnaise base. 0dd hot water to stabili/e the sauce. -old in remaining ingredients and correct seasoning. Serve with hot crawfish tails.

F(I*D (%BBI! I) B(*%DC(-#BS

'ecipe F# Serving Si/e Categories 0mount -------) 1 1/. 1/. 1 1 1 ) . 6 6 . %reparation Time 6&6&& 6 >eats >ain dish

>easure -----------tb o/ ts ts

t o/

2ngredient -- %reparation >ethod ------------------------------->il$ -lour Salt Flac$ pepper . lb rabbit! cleaned - cut into serving pieces 5gg -- lightl# beaten with ater -resh breadcrumbs Hegetable oil for deep fr#in %arsle# sprigs

>ethod6 %lace mil$ in one bowl and mi" together flour! salt and pepper in another. Dip rabbit in mil$ then flour mi"ture! coating thoroughl#. set aside for 1& minutes. Combine egg and water in one bowl and breadcrumbs in another. dip rabbit first in egg mi"ture! then in breadcrumbs! coating thoroughl#. -ill deep fr#er one third full with oil and heat until it reaches );& degrees f or a cube of dr# bread dropped into the oil turns brown in +& seconds. -r# the rabbit pieces for 2& minutes or until tender when pierced with a for$. 'emove from pan and drain on paper towels. 0rrange on a serving dish garnish with parsle# sprigs and serve immediatel#. This can be served with sauteed potatoes and an# fresh green vegetables.

S%L<%!I.) %(#+ D.-2H)-!S

0mount -------2 1 2 . )/. 2 1 )/. 1/2 1/2 >easure -----------tb c c ts t c ts ts 2ngredient -- %reparation >ethod -------------------------------Hegetable shortening Sugar Featen eggs -lour Fa$ing powder Salt >il$ 3utmeg Hanilla powder or -vanilla e"tract.

Cream shortening and sugar until fluff#. 0dd eggs and vanilla if using e"tract and beat well. Combine dr# ingredients Bincluding vanilla if using powderC then sift together. 0dd dr# mi"ture to creamed mi"ture! alternating with mil$. 'oll dough 1/2 inch thic$ on floured board. Cut into rounds! and cut out centers. 0 glass wor$s well for cutting! with a small! empt# prescription pill bottle to cut the centers. The centers can be rolled together for more doughnuts or fried as the# are for Edonut holes.E Deep fr# in vegetable oil! turning once! until browned. Drain on grocer# bag Bto absorb oilC and dust with confectionerEs sugar. Jield6 depends on how thin #ou roll! and what #ou do with the centers.

Corn Dogs
; 1 1 1 1 1/2 1/. cup cup teaspoon teaspoon cup large fran$furters #ellow corn meal sifted all-purpose flour salt ba$ing powder mil$ egg vegetable oil for fr#ing

%at fran$furters dr# and set aside. 2n a bowl whis$ together the cornmeal! flour! salt! and ba$ing powder. 2n a small bowl whis$ together the mil$ and egg until combined. 0dd the mil$ mi"ture into the dr# ingredients! whis$ing until smooth. 2n a deep pot heat ) to . inches of oil to )*+ degrees -. Dip a fran$furter in the batter and coat completel#. -r# until browned about 2 to ) minutes. Two to three fran$furters can be fried at a time. Transfer to paper towels to drain. 0llow oil to return to appropriate temperature and fr# remaining fran$furters in same manner. Jield6 ; corn dogs

Coconut -ried 2ce Cream 1 Gt 2ce cream! vanilla 2 5ggs: beaten 1/2 ts Hanilla e"tract . c Coconut-flavored coo$ie -crumbs 1/2 c Coconut! fla$ed %lace 8 scoops of ice cream on a coo$ie sheet: free/e at least 1 hour or until firm. Combine eggs and vanilla: mi" well! and divide in half. Cover half of egg mi"ture and chill. Combine coo$ie crumbs and coconut: divide mi"ture in half. Set half of crumb mi"ture aside. Dip each ice cream ball in egg mi"ture! and dredge in crumbs mi"ture. %lace on a coo$ie sheet! and free/e at least 1 hour or until firm. 'emove from free/er: dip in remaining egg mi"ture! and dredge in remaining crumb mi"ture. 'eturn to coo$ie sheet: cover and free/e several hours or until firm. -r# ice cream balls in deep hot oil B)*+ degreesC for )& seconds or until golden brown. Drain on paper towels! and serve immediatel#.

D**P F(I*D CH*((I*S

1 1 1/. 1/) 1/) lb c c c c -resh ripe red cherries -lour! all purpose Sugar >il$ Dr# white wine 5ggs -fat for fr#ing ConfectionerEs sugar Cinnamon

K-resh fruit coated with batter and deep fried is a favorite dessert in several eastern 5uropean countries. %lums! apples or currants are prepared in the same manner. 2n (ungar# this dessert is called Cseres/n#e IisutveK. ash cherries and wipe dr#. Do not remove stems. Tie with thread to form clusters of . cherries. Combine flour! sugar! mil$! wine and eggs in a bowl. >i" to ma$e a smooth batter. Dip each cluster of cherries into batter! coating well: and drop into a $ettle of deep hot fat B)*+on fr#ing thermometerC. hen golden! remove with a slotted spoon and drain. Serve at once with confectionerEs sugar and cinnamon. S5'H5S6;

Deep Fryed #o==arella Cu7es

Pizzaola Sauce 1 tablespoon olive oil 1/3 cup finely chopped onion 1 clove garlic, crushed in press 1 cup tomato sauce 1/4 cup water 1 teaspoon dried oregano 1/2 teaspoon dried basil 1/4 teaspoon hot red pepper fla es !ozzarella "ubes 1 pound !ozzarella cheese, cut in 3# 1$ cubes 1/2 cup all%purpose flour 3 large eggs, beaten 3/4 cup &talian bread crumbs 1' strands spaghetti, bro en into 3# 3%inch lengths vegetable shortening or oil, for frying (o ma e the sauce) &n a small saucepan over medium heat, heat the oil* +dd the onion and coo , stirring occasionally, until golden, about 4 minutes* +dd the garlic and coo until fragrant, about 1 minute* Stir in the tomato sauce, water, oregano, basil, and red pepper fla es* ,ring to a simmer and reduce heat to low* Simmer until slightly thic ened, about 1' minutes* Set aside and eep warm* -(he sauce can be prepared up to 1 day ahead, covered, and refrigerated* .eheat before serving*/ (o ma e the cubes) Preheat the oven to 2'' degrees 0* 1ine one ba ing sheet with wa2ed paper, and another ba ing sheet with paper towels* &n a deep 3utch oven, melt vegetable shortening over high heat to a depth of 2 to 3 inches and heat it to 3#4 degrees 0* Place the flour in a shallow bowl* ,eat the eggs in another shallow bowl* Place the bread crumbs in a third shallow bowl* 5ne at a time, roll each mozzarella cube in the flour, dip in the eggs, then coat completely with the bread crumbs* Set aside on the wa2ed paper* 3eep%fry the spaghetti until golden brown, about 2 minutes* 6sing a wire%mesh s immer, transfer to the paper towels to drain and cool* &n batches, without crowding, deep%fry the mozzarella cubes until golden brown, about 3 minutes* 6sing the s immer, transfer to the paper towels and eep warm in the oven while frying the rest* (o serve, spear each cube with a spaghetti stic * Serve immediately with a bowl of the warm sauce for dipping* !a es 3# cubes* -4 to # appetizer servings/

!una Cro$uettes
Serve these deep fried tuna cro7uettes with 0rench fries or rice 2 tablespoons butter 1/4 cup all%purpose flour 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper 1 cup mil 2 cans -9 ounces each/ tuna, drained 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1/2 teaspoon lemon :uice fine dry bread crumbs 1 egg, lightly beaten 2 tablespoons water oil for deep frying &n medium saucepan, melt butter* +dd flour, salt and pepper; mi2 well* <radually add mil and coo until thic , stirring constantly* Stir in tuna, parsley and lemon :uice; mi2 well then chill* Shape mi2ture into 8 cro7uettes; roll in crumbs, dip into slightly beaten egg mi2ed with water and roll again in crumbs* 0ry in small batches in deep fat at about 39'= for about 4 minutes "ro7uettes should be golden brown* (ransfer tuna cro7uettes to paper towels to drain* Serves 4

Crispy Potato Skins

Serve these potato s ins with sour cream and chives, shredded cheese, salsa, bacon bits, or other toppings* &><.?3&?>(S) 4 large ba ing potatoes, scrubbed salt pepper oil for deep frying sour cream mi2ed with chives, optional shredded cheese, optional P.?P+.+(&5>) Pric potatoes in several places with a for ; ba e in a 4''= oven until tender, about 1 hour* .emove, cool slightly, and cut in halves lengthwise* Scoop out potatoes and refrigerate for another meal or casserole topping* "ut s ins in half again* @eat oil in a deep fryer to 394=* Place potato s ins in deep fryer bas et; lower into oil and deep fry for about 2 to 3 minutes, or until s ins are browned and crisp* (ransfer potato s ins to paper towels to drain* Sprin le with salt and pepper* Serve with sour cream and chives, if desired, or top with cheese and place under the broiler to melt*

Deep Fried Li4er Strips

1 pound calfAs liver 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspon dried leaf oregano 3ash pepper 1/4 cup olive oil 2 tablespoons lemon :uice ".&S"5 Shortening for deep frying 1emon wedges -optional/ Parsley -optional/ "ut liver into strips, 2%1/2 2 1/2 inch, and put into a bowl; sprin le with salt, oregano, and pepper* +dd olive oil and lemon :uice* Stir to coat liver* "over and refrigerate for 2 hours or longer* @eat "risco to 3#4' in a deep saucepan or deep fryer* .emove liver from marinade* 0ry several strips at a time in hot "risco for 2' to 3' seconds or until brown* Serve immediately garnished with lemon wedges and parsley, if desired*

Farmhouse Fried Pork and %pples

"risco Shortening for deep frying # boneless loin por chops, 1/2 inch thic 1 large apple, peeled and cored 2 eggs, slightly beaten 2 tablespoons mil 1 cup unseasoned dry bread crumbs 1 teaspoon ginger 3/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander -optional/ 1/4 teaspoon allspice @eat 2 to 3 inches "risco to 3#4B0 in deep%fryer Pound each chop to 1/4 inch thic ness with meat mallet* Slice apple into # rings* "ombine eggs and mil in shallow bowl or pie plate* !i2 well* 3ip por and apple rings in egg mi2ture* "oat with crumbs* 0ry por and apple rings, a few at a time, in oil heated to 3#4B0* 0ry 2 or 3 minutes or until deep golden brown* (urn as needed for even browning* 3rain on paper towels

Chicken 'ie4
4 large whole chic en breasts, s inned and boned 1 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup butter or margarine 1 tablespoon minced parsley 1 teaspoon lemon :uice 1 clove garlic, minced 1/3 cup all%purpose flour 1%1/2 cups dry bread crumbs 2 eggs, lightly beaten ".&S"5 Shortening for deep frying "ut chic en breasts in half and sprin le with salt* "ream butter, parsley, lemon :uice, and garlic* Spread 2 teaspoons along the center length of each chic en breast half* (uc in ends and long sides around flavored butter; s ewer or tie to close* Place flour and bread crumbs in separate flat dishes; beat eggs in a shallow bowl* 3ip each prepared chic en breast first in flour, then eggs, and then crumbs* Place seam%side% down on a plate; refrigerate for at least 2 hours or until crumbs are set* @eat a 1%1/2%inch layer of "risco to 3#4B0 in a deep fryer* 0ry chic en rolls in hot "risco for 4 minutes or until done* .emove with slotted spoon* Serve immediately with brown rice*

Fish Sticks6 !aco Style

".&S"5 Shortening for deep frying 1 pac age -C ounces/ frozen fish stic s 1/4 cup taco sauce 1/2 cup shredded !onterey Dac cheese @eat "risco to 3#4) in deep saucepan or deep fryer* 0ry frozen fish stic s in hot "risco for 3 minutes or until browned* 3rain on paper towels* +rrange fried fish stic s on a broilerproof serving platter* 3rizzle taco sauce over fish stic s; sprin le with cheese* ,roil 4 inches from heat for 1 to 2 minutes or until cheese is melted

Pineapple Drumsticks
1 egg, slightly beaten 1/4 cup water 2 tablespoons mil 1/4 cup all%purpose flour 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon cornmeal 1/8 teaspoon ba ing powder 12 broiler%fryer chic en drumstic s ".&S"5 Shortening or ".&S"5 Stic for deep frying Pineapple Sauce 1 cup green pepper chun s 1/2 cup coarsely chopped onion 1 tablespoon ".&S"5 all%vegetable shortening or 1 tablespoon ".&S"5 Stic 1 can -2' ounces/ pineapple chun s in pineapple :uice, drained; reserve :uice 2/3 cup cider vinegar 1/2 cup pac ed brown sugar 2 tablespoons soy sauce 4 teaspoons cornstarch 2 tablespoons water "ombine egg, water, and mil * "ombine flour, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, cornmeal, and ba ing powder; add to first mi2ture and mi2 until smooth* 3ip each drumstic into batter, letting e2cess batter drain for a couple of seconds* @eat "risco to 34'B0 in a deep fryer or a large heavy saucepan* 0ry drumstic s in hot "risco for 14 to 1# minutes or until chic en is crisp, brown, and tender* .emove with slotted spoon and place on paper towels* Ehile chic en is frying prepare sauce* !elt 1 tablespoon "risco in a saucepan* SautF green pepper and onion for 3 to 4 minutes or until crisp%tender* +dd reserved pineapple :uice, vinegar, brown sugar, and soy sauce* !i2 cornstarch into water* +dd to sauce until blended, stirring constantly* +dd pineapple chun s* ,ring to boiling, stirring occasionally* "oo for 2 minutes* Spoon half of sauce over fried drumstic s* Serve with coo ed rice and remaining sauce*

Deep Fryer #onte Cristo Sand"ich

vegetable oil 12 slices white bread 8 slices <ruyGre cheese 1/2 lb* sliced coo ed ham 1 (bs* plus 1 tsp* prepared mustard 1/2 lb* sliced coo ed chic en breast toothpic 4 eggs, beaten 3/4 cup mil @eat oil in an electric deep fryer to 4''=0* Place a slice of cheese on a slice of bread and top with ham slice* Spread with mustard and top with another piece of bread* "over with another slice of cheese, chic en and last piece of bread* "ut triple dec er sandwich into 7uarters and secure with toothpic s* "ombine egg and mil in a bowl* 3ip sandwich 7uarters into egg mi2ture, coating all sides* 3eep fry 3%4 minutes until golden* 3rain on absorbent paper* .emove toothpic s before serving*

Deep Fryer Cinnamon Funnel Cakes

vegetable oil 2 cups all purpose flour 2 (bs* sugar 1 tsp* ba ing powder 1 tsp* ground cinnamon 1/4 tsp* salt 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1%1/4 cups mil 1 cup powdered sugar @eat oil in an electric deep fryer to 394=0* "ombine ne2t 4 ingredients in a mi2ing bowl* "ombine beaten eggs and 1 cup mil in another bowl* Stir into flour mi2ture until smooth* &f batter is too thic , stir in additional mil * 0ry one ca e at a time* @olding finger over funnel spout, pour about 1/3 cup of batter into funnel* @old funnel over preheated oil and release finger* 6sing a circular pattern, pour batter into fryer* 0ry about 1%1/2 minutes until golden* (urn and fry another 1%1/2 minutes* (ransfer ca e to absorbent paper to drain* Sprin le with powdered sugar* .epeat process until batter is used* Serve warm* +lternately) ,atter may be slowly poured into hot oil from a glass measuring cup*

Deep Fryer Corn Fritters

vegetable oil 3 large eggs 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted 1/2 cup mil 2/3 cup all purpose flour 1 (bs* plus 2 tsp* ba ing powder 1/2 cup brown sugar 1/4 tsp* salt 1 lb* corn, thawed if frozen, drained 9 ounces canned creamed corn "ombine eggs, butter and mil in a bowl and beat with an electric mi2er on medium speed* +dd ne2t 4 ingredients and mi2 thoroughly* ,eat in remaining ingredients on low speed* @eat oil in an electric deep fryer to 39'=0* <ently drop large spoonfuls of batter into fryer* 3o not crowd* 0ry, turning occasionally, until golden on all sides* 3rain on absorbent paper*

Cala7ash Style Flounder

4%1/4 flounder fillets, s inned, about # ounces each 2/3 cup mil 1/2 cup buttermil ba ing mi2 1/2 cup white cornmeal 2 cups vegetable oil 3/4 lemon, cut in wedges 4%1/4 sprigs parsley Place flounder fillets in a shallow ba ing dish* Pour in enough mil to cover* !arinate 14 minutes* "ombine ba ing mi2 and cornmeal in a bowl* (oss with a for to blend* @eat 2 inches of oil in a heavy nonstic s illet over medium%high heat to 3#4=0 or until a 1 inch bread cube turns golden brown in #' seconds* 3rain fish from mil mi2ture* 3redge each fillet in cornmeal mi2ture, coating well on both sides* Sha e off e2cess* +dd fillets to hot oil and deep%fry about 4 minutes, turning once, until golden brown and crisp on both sides* (a e care to maintain correct oil temperature* 3rain on paper towels and serve hot, garnished with lemon wedges and parsley sprigs*

Deep Fryer %pple Dumplings

vegetable oil 1/4 cup unsalted butter # <ranny Smith apples, peeled, cored and cut into bite%sized pieces 1/4 cup brown sugar 1 tsp* ground cinnamon 1 tsp* lemon zest 1' wonton wrappers 1/4 cup confectionerAs sugar !elt butter in a heavy nonstic s illet over medium heat* SautF apples and ne2t 3 ingredients, stirring occasionally, until softened* (ransfer to a bowl and chill well* Place about 1/4 cup of apple mi2ture in the center of each wonton wrapper* !oisten edges of wrapper with water and bring corners to the top, forming a point, and press firmly* .epeat with remaining wrappers and filling* @eat oil in an electric deep fryer to 394=0* +dd dumplings to fry bas et 2 at a time* 1ower into hot oil and fry until golden* 3rain on absorbent paper and serve hot sprin led with confectionerAs sugar*

Jalape>o 'ickers
1' to 12 fresh :alapeHo peppers or 1 -3 1/2%ounce/ can :alapeHo peppers "ream "heese 1/2 cup flour 1 egg 1/2 cup mil 2 tablespoons bread crumbs 1/4 teaspoon onion salt 1/8 teaspoon garlic salt 1/4 teaspoon vegetable oil 1/4 cup flour 1 teaspoon sugar "+6(&5>) Eear plastic gloves when wor ing with peppers* 3o not touch eye area*(o prepare fresh :alapeHo peppers) rinse, cut in half lengthwise, remove seeds and stems, place in boiling water and remove after 2 minutes; drain well* (o prepare canned :alapeHo peppers) drain, cut in half lengthwise, and remove seeds and stems* 0ill each pepper half with cream cheese until slightly rounded* Place 1/2 cup flour in separate bowl, set aside* &n a second bowl, beat egg with mil * &n a third bowl, prepare breading by combining bread crumbs, onion salt, garlic salt and oil* Stir in flour and sugar until mi2ed thoroughly* .oll each pepper in flour, dip in egg mi2ture and then cover with breading* 0or a heavier breading, dip in egg mi2ture again and cover with breading a second time* <ently set aside until ready to deep fry* 3eep fry appro2imately 1 to 2 minutes or until golden brown* -(ip) .emove immediately if cream cheese filling appears through the coating*/ Place fried peppers on paper toweling* Serve warm* &f desired, serve with salsa*

Curried Chicken S$uares

18 slices soft white bread 3 tablespoons soft bread crumbs 1 -4%ounce/ can chun white chic en or 3/4 cup minced coo ed chic en 1/4 cup roasted shelled Iirginia type peanuts 1/4 cup minced green onion 1/8 teaspoon 4%spice powder or +llspice 1 teaspoon curry powder 1/4 teaspoon sugar 3ash pepper 1 teaspoon soy sauce 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 1 egg yol , slightly beaten .emove crusts from bread; cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap to eep soft* !a e crumbs from crusts by putting a few at a time into a blender* "ombine 3 tablespoons bread crumbs with chic en, peanuts, green onion, 4%spice powder, curry powder, sugar, pepper, soy sauce, and parsley; mi2 well* .oll bread slices very thin with a rolling pin* "ut each s7uare in half, place a teaspoon of chic en mi2ture on each piece* ,rush edges of bread with egg yol ; fold in half to form a s7uare* Pinch to seal, trimming if necessary* >5(?) !ay be made ahead of time and refrigerated or frozen* Jeep s7uares covered to prevent drying* &n deep fryer, fry 3 or 4 at a time, turning once until desired browness is reached -about 2 minutes/* .emove from oil and drain on absorbent paper* .epeat until all s7uares are coo ed* !ay be served with mustard sauce* !a es about 3#

.l1 <iginia Peanutty Chicken Bites

1 1/2 cups finely chopped roasted shelled Iirginia type peanuts 1/4 cup cornstarch 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger 2 tablespoons lemon :uice 2 egg whites, lightly beaten 2 whole chic en breasts, s inned and boned Put chopped peanuts in a C%inch pie plate* &n a small bowl, combine cornstarch, sugar, and ginger; blend in lemon :uice and egg whites* "ut chic en into thin slices* 3ip slices in egg mi2ture, then roll in peanuts to coat* "oo 3 or 4 "hic en ,ites at a time in deep fryer until desired browness is reached -about 2 minutes/, turning once* .emove from oil, and drain on absorbent paper* .epeat until all ,ites are coo ed* !ay be served with peach sauce* !a es about 3'

Chili Cheese Balls ,#e?ican !id7it0

3 tablespoons chopped Dalapeno chilies 1 -8%ounce/ pac aged grated Parmesan cheese 1 -8%ounce/ pac age cream cheese 2 egg yol s 1/2 cup chopped roasted shelled Iirginia type peanuts ,read crumbs !i2 chilies, cheeses, and egg yol s together until well blended; add peanuts* 0orm into 1% inch balls* .oll in bread crumbs; refrigerate* "oo 3 or 4 at a time in deep fryer, until they float in oil and desired browness is reached -about 2 minutes/* .emove from oil and drain on absorbent paper* .epeat until all "heese ,alls are coo ed* !a es about 92

Beignets ,)e" .rleans Style S$uare Donuts0

1 -1%pound/ pac age @ot .oll !i2 1/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla "onfectionersA sugar, sifted Prepare roll mi2 according to pac age directions, adding 1/4 cup sugar to flour mi2ture and vanilla to hot water* Ehen neading is completed, proceed as follows) "oat a bowl with shortening or oil; roll ball of dough in bowl to coat with oil* "over with wa2ed paper and a towel* .efrigerate for several hours or overnight* .emove dough from refrigerator; punch down and cut in half* 5n a lightly floured surface, roll each half to ma e a C% 2 12% inch rectangle* "ut each into 12 -3%inch/ s7uares* "over with a towel and let rise for 3' minutes* 3eep fry beignets, two at a time, in deep fryer* 0ry 1 1/2 minutes; turn and fry 1 1/2 minutes or until golden brown* Sprin le generously with confectionersA sugar* !a es 2 dozen

2 cups flour, plus e2tra for rolling 1/3 cup confectionersA sugar, plus e2tra for dusting 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, chilled, cut into small pieces 1 egg plus 3 egg yol s 1/4 cup sour cream 2 teaspoons lemon :uice 3 to 4 teaspoons grated lemon peel, or to taste Iegetable oil for frying &n medium bowl, sift together flour and confectionersA sugar* "ut in chilled butter until mi2ture is sandy loo ing* +dd egg and yol s, sour cream, lemon :uice and lemon peel* <ently mi2 with for until :ust combined* (urn dough onto lightly floured surface and gently nead until dough is smooth* 0orm into 2 dis s, wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 1 hour* Preheat oil in deep fryer* 6sing only as much flour as necessary, roll one dis out no more than 1/8%inch thic * Eith a pastry wheel, cut dough into 2% by 4%inch rectangles* !a e a 3/4%inch diagonal slit in center* Pull one end through slit and gently pull as far as it will go without tearing* 1et sit about 1' minutes before frying* .epeat with second dis * +gain let bowties sit about 1' minutes before frying* 0ry a few at a time until golden on both sides, turning carefully as needed* 3o not overcoo * 3rain on paper towels* 3ust with confectionersA sugar when cool* .ose Iariation) 6sing fluted or plain biscuit cutters, cut circles of three different sizes* Put the circles one on top of the other, with the smallest on top* Pinch together securely in the middle, forcing the circles to bend upward* 1et sit for about 1' minutes before frying* "arefully place in oil* 6sing a wooden spoon, gently hold under the oil to brown* 3rain on paper towels* 3ust with confectionersA sugar and place a drop of :am in the center*

2 cups all%purpose 1 teaspoon ba ing powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon sugar 2 teaspoons anise seeds, pulverized or ground in a spice grinder 1 egg 1/2 cup mil 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted Iegetable oil for frying 1/2 cup sugar 1 tablespoon anise seed, pulverized 2 teaspoons ground coriander 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves &n medium bowl, sift together flour, ba ing powder, salt, sugar and ground anise* &n a second bowl, whis together egg, mil and butter* Stir into flour mi2ture until combined* 5n a lightly floured surface, gently nead until dough is smooth and elastic* Shape into balls about 1 1/2 inches in diameter* "over and let rest 14 to 3' minutes* -3ough may be refrigerated overnight, if necessary*/ Preheat oil in deep fryer* .oll each ball of dough into a thin dis , about 4 to 4 inches wide* 0ry one dis at a time, until golden, about 2 minutes, turning fre7uently* 3rain on paper towels* Sift sugar, anise, coriander, cinnamon and cloves together* Sprin le ,unHuelos with spiced sugar mi2ture while still warm and serve

Cardamon Funnel Cakes

2 cups all%purpose flour 2 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon ba ing powder 1 teaspoon ground cardamon 1/4 teaspoon salt 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 to 1 1/4 cups mil "ombine flour, sugar, ba ing powder, cardamon, and salt in a mi2ing bowl* "ombine beaten eggs and 1 cup mil ; pour into flour mi2ture and stir until smooth* &f batter is too heavy, add additional mil * ,atter should pour in a heavy stream* Pour about 1/3 cup of batter into funnel* -@old finger over end as funnel is filled*/ @old funnel over preheated oil in deep fryer; release finger and let batter pour into fryer in a circular pattern* 0ry 1 1/2 minutes; turn and fry another 1 1/2 minutes* 0ry one ca e at a time* "ontinue until all batter is used* Serve warm with powdered sugar or syrup* !a es about #

3/4 cup orange :uice 1/2 cup margarine 1/4 cup sugar 2 pac ages dry yeast 3 1/2 cups flour 2 eggs, beaten 3ash of salt Iegetable oil for frying 1 cup sugar 1 tablespoon cinnamon &n small saucepan, combine :uice, margarine and sugar* @eat until margarine melts and ingredients are blended* "ool the mi2ture until it is lu ewarm* +dd yeast to mi2ture in saucepan and stir until dissolved* &n large bowl, combine flour, eggs and salt* +dd to :uice%yeast mi2ture* !i2 well* (urn dough onto lightly floured surface and nead until dough is smooth and elastic* Place dough in greased bowl, cover with a cloth and let rise in a warm place for 1 to 1 1/2 hours* Punch down* 5n lightly floured surface, roll dough to 1/2%inch thic ness and cut doughnuts using a 2%inch cutter* Place doughnuts on wa2ed paper about 1 inch apart and let rise for another 3' to 44 minutes* Preheat oil in deep fryer* 0ry in hot oil, a few at a time, until golden* 3rain well on paper towels* "ombine 1 cup sugar and 1 tablespoon cinnamon in a plastic bag and sha e well* (hen add fried doughnuts, a few at a time, and sha e until each is coated with the mi2ture*

Lithuanian Fried Cookies

# egg yol s # tablespoons dairy sour cream 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon grated lemon peel 3ash salt 1 1/4 cups all%purpose flour 2 tablespoons flour ,eat egg yol s, sour cream, vanilla, lemon peel, and salt together until well mi2ed* +dd 1 1/4 cups flour, stirring to form a soft dough* Sprin le 1 tablespoon flour on pastry cloth or other surface* (urn dough out onto floured surface* Sprin le remaining flour over surface* Pat and roll dough to form a 1#% 2 14%inch s7uare* 1et stand a few minutes before cutting* !a e 8 cuts -2%inches apart/ across 1#%inch sides* !a e 4 cuts across the 14%inch side* Kou will have 42 -2% 2 3%inch/ rectangles* "ut these each diagonally to ma e 84 triangles* !a e a slit in the center of the widest end; pull the other end through* &n deep fryer, coo 3 or 4 at a time, turning once, until desired browness is reached -about 2 minutes/* .emove from oil and drain on absorbent paper* .epeat until all coo ies are coo ed* !a es about 84

Batter Fried .riental Dinner

1 egg 3/4 cup ice water 1 cup all%purpose flour 2 to 3 tablespoons "hinese Seasoning !i2 2 tur ey, por or beef cutlets 5. 1' cleaned and shelled green shrimp Salt and pepper 12 or 1# assorted mushrooms, pepper strips, pea pods, eggplant slices 5. s7uash slices 5. 2%inch pieces of asparagus 2 cups coo ed rice Preheat oil in deep fryer* ,eat together egg, ice water, flour and seasoning; mi2 until smooth* +dd an ice cube or two to eep mi2ture cool* Sprin le meat with salt and pepper and cut into thin strips* Select an assortment of vegetables* 3ip meat and vegetables into batter a few at a time* 0ry 2 to 4 minutes or until golden brown* (o serve, arrange an assortment of vegetables and meat on plate with a scoop of rice* &f desired, serve with !ahogany 3ip -below/ and soy sauce* !a es 2 servings !ahogany 3ip 1 8%ounce can :ellied cranberry sauce 1/4 cup orange marmalade 1 tablespoon soy sauce 1 tablespoon wine vinegar 1/2 teaspoon dry mustard Sprin le of dried red pepper fla es "ombine all ingredients in a small saucepan* @eat, stirring, until cranberry sauce and marmalade are melted* Serve warm or cold* !a es about 1 cup

<eggie Fritters "ith !hai Peanut Sauce

1 cup all%purpose flour 1 tablespoon ba ing powder 1/4 teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons vegetable oil 2/3 cup cold water 4 cups asparagus tips, broccoli or cauliflowerettes, carrot stic s, pea pods, zucchini slices, or mushrooms (hai Peanut Sauce -.ecipe below/ "ombine flour, ba ing powder, and salt in bowl* Stir in oil and mi2 until a loose ball is formed* +dd water gradually, mi2ing until a stiff batter is formed* ,lanch asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots -zucchini and mushrooms do not have to be blanched/ by dipping them into boiling water for 1 minute; drain and cool under cold running water* 3ry on paper towels* 3ip vegetables into batter, allowing e2cess to drip off* "oo 3 or 4 at a time, until they float in oil and desired browness is reached -about 2 minutes/* .emove from oil and drain on absorbent paper* .epeat until all vegetables are coo ed* !a es about 1 1/3 cups batter (hai Peanut Sauce 2 tablespoons finely chopped onions 3/4 cup roasted shelled Iirginia%type peanuts 1/4 cup shredded coconut 3/4 cup water 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder 2 teaspoons brown sugar 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon "ayenne 2 tablespoons soy sauce 2 tablespoons lemon :uice Put onions, peanuts, coconut, water, garlic powder, sugar, and "ayenne in a blender container; blend until almost smooth* Pour into a small sauce pan* "oo and stir until mi2ture boils and thic ens* !ay be served warm or cold* !a es about 1 cup

De4iled *gg (oll -ps

# hard coo ed eggs 3 tablespoons mayonnaise 2 teaspoons 3i:on mustard 2 teaspoons minced pimiento 1/2 teaspoon minced dill or chives 12 phyllo dough sheets 1 egg white, lightly beaten "ool eggs and peel* "ut in half lengthwise and carefully remove yol s* Set white aside* !ash yol s and mi2 with remaining ingredients, e2cept phyllo dough and egg white* 0ill coo ed egg whites with mi2ture; cover and chill* "ut each filled half egg in half lengthwise to ma e 24 pieces* Eor ing 7uic ly, fold 1 sheet of phyllo dough into 7uarters; cut in half* Place one deviled egg piece at one end* ,rush sides with lightly beaten egg whites* .oll phyllo strip to enclose egg* (wist ends to close* Jeep dough and wrapped eggs covered with plastic or a damp cloth as you wor * &n deep fryer, deep fry 2 wrapped eggs at a time for 2 minutes* !a es 24

Cra7 Pupus
1 -#%ounce/ can crab meat 1 -3%ounce/ pac age cream cheese or 1/2 cup crumbled tofu, drained 1/2 teaspoon soy sauce 1/8 teaspoon garlic powder Several drops (abasco 1 pound won ton s ins 1 egg yol , beaten Shred crab meat, removing cartilage* ,lend crab with cream cheese, soy sauce, garlic, and (abasco* Put about 1/2 teaspoon of crab into the center of each Eon (on s in* !oisten edges with egg* Pic up the four corners and pinch them together* &n deep fryer, deep fry 3 or 4 at a time, turning once, until desired browness is reached -about 2 minutes/* .emove from oil and drain on absorbent paper* .epeat until all Pupus are coo ed* !ay be served with coc tail sauce

Sea5ood Pin"heels
# coo ed frozen or canned crab or shrimp 1 tablespoon lemon :uice 1 -8%ounce/ pac age cream cheese 1/4 teaspoon celery or garlic salt 1/8 teaspoon white pepper 1/4 cup finely chopped water chestnuts 1/4 cup finely chopped green onions #' won ton wrappers -1%pound/ 1 egg white, lightly beaten 5. 1 tablespoon flour mi2ed with 2 tablespoons cold water .inse and drain seafood thoroughly* Shred crab or chop shrimp to ma e about 1 cup; sprin le lemon :uice over seafood* ,eat cream cheese and seasonings until smooth and creamy* Stir in seafood, chestnuts, and onions* !a es 2 cups Place a scant teaspoon of seafood mi2ture in center of each won ton wrapper* ,rush edges of wrapper with lightly beaten egg white or 1 tablespoon flour mi2ed with 2 tablespoons cold water* ,ring the 4 corners up over filling and pinch together* Pinch edges together and shape to resemble a pinwheel* Jeep covered as you wor * &n deep fryer, deep fry 3 or 4 pinwheels at a time for 2 to 3 minutes* !a es about #'

Pumpkin Doughnuts "ith Spiced Bro"n Butter 2la=e

3 1/2 cups all%purpose flour, divided 1 cup sugar 3 teaspoons ba ing powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1 teaspoon ground ginger 1/4 teaspoon ground cloves 3/4 cup canned solid pac pump in 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted 2 eggs plus 1 egg yol Iegetable oil for frying Sift 1 cup flour, sugar, ba ing powder, salt, and spices into mi2ing bowl* &n separate bowl, stir together pump in, butter, and eggs* +dd to dry ingredients and mi2 on medium speed until smooth, about 3' seconds* +dd remaining 2 1/2 cups flour and mi2 on low speed until :ust combined, about 3' seconds* (urn out onto floured surface and let sit 14 minutes* .oll out to 1/2%inch thic ness with floured rolling pin, or pat out with floured hands* "ut out doughnuts and holes with floured cutter* (ransfer to a ba ing sheet lined with wa2 paper* ,rush off e2cess flour* 1et sit 14 minutes* !eanwhile preheat oil in deep fryer* 0ry 1 to 2 doughnuts at a time until golden, about 1 minute per side* 3rain on paper towels* 3ip warm doughnuts in glaze* (ransfer to rac or tray until set* Spiced ,rown ,utter <laze 3 tablespoons unsalted butter 1 cup confectionersA sugar 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger Pinch salt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla 1 or 2 tablespoons mil 1 cup walnuts, lightly toasted, and chopped !elt butter in small saucepan over low heat* Ehen melted, continue to heat butter over moderate heat until it begins to brown* Eatch carefully* .emove from heat as soon as butter reaches a golden brown color* &t will move 7uic ly from golden to blac -burnt/ if not watched* 1et cool* &n small bowl, sift together sugar and spices* <radually mi2 in cooled butter, vanilla, and enough mil for desired consistency* Sprin le chopped walnuts over glazed doughnuts*

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