First Language Urdu: Paper 3247/01 Reading and Writing

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Paper 3247/01
Reading and Writing


The performance of the majority of the candidates was more than satisfactory, with many producing very
good performances. Candidates coped well with the different technical demands of the question format, the
only limitations being that of

(a) The candidates' ability to understand and respond appropriately to the texts and the questions, and

(b) Their linguistic ability and competence in reading and following instructions.

The standard format of this paper is that there are two passages of about 350 words each, on a linked theme
which this year was Food, Diet and Health.

The first passage was an historical account of the development of cooking and types of food popular on the
subcontinent, while the second passage was a more health related passage on the effects of changing to a
modern western style diet and its problems.

Candidates had to read these passages and then answer just two questions, both of which required
extended responses. Marks are awarded for content, language and organisation/structure on a scale of 10,
10 and 5, giving a total of 25 marks for each question. There was equal weighting to each question giving a
total for the paper of 50 marks.


DonoN ybaratoN ke havale sesahyt mand zindagi men ghiza ki ahmiyat ka muwazana kijiye

With reference to both passages compare the importance of diet in a healthy life.

This question required candidates to write a direct comparison of the two contrasting facts and comments
discussed in the texts.

Candidates were, as always, expected to:

(i) Make comparisons making direct reference to these texts

(ii) Use, as far as possible, ' their own words.'

As always, it was a combination of the above two points which provided the Examiners with the opportunity
to discriminate between the poor, the satisfactory and the good candidates performances.

This question was satisfactorily rather than well answered by most of the candidates. The best were those
who were able to extract the main points of each passage and fit them together in such a way as to make
appropriate comparisons and contrast. Of course there are points from each text that should be mentioned:
the importance of a balanced diet, effects of a modern fast food diet, etc., but this does not mean that the
content should be copied word for word. Such responses scored lower marks for language because the
language used was copied from the text and was not the candidates own.

The best responses were those who wrote their own response to the question, compared and contrasted
these different facts and points of view expressed in the two passages. The most significant problem this
year was that far too many candidates simply wrote two lengthy paragraphs, the first paraphrasing Passage
A and the second summarising Passage B. Indeed, some even wrote the Urdu word for summary,
'khwlaasa', at the beginning of their responses. Because they were asked to compare the two passages,
3247 First Language Urdu June 2007
merely summarising them without making any direct comparisons or contrasts did not enable them to score
high marks. That is not a 'muwazana'.

The better candidates wrote about the points raised in each passage and then commented on their differing
points of view and compared and contrasted the relative importance in each passage of diet and health.
They did not merely paraphrase the two passages without comment.


The main thrust of this question, although based on the central theme of the texts, is to provide a stimulus for
more creative and imaginative writing on a topic deriving its theme from the texts, but not directly so. This
time the candidates were asked to write a letter giving advice to a friend.

'Aap ka dost ghar ka khana taqriban chor chukka hai awr bahyr ke khane ko tarjih deta hai- apne dost
ko khat ke zariye fast food ke nuqsanat se aagah kijiye'

'Your friend has practically given up home cooking and much prefers take-aways, etc. Write a letter to your
friend making him aware of the disadvantages of fast food, take-aways, etc.'

This gave candidates an ideal opportunity to demonstrate their powers of language and argument. The
stronger candidates produced well constructed and often amusing letters telling their friends off for not eating
mothers good home cooking and wasting money and health on rubbish food. Some were very forceful and
got their point across very well. They were able to make their points using their own words within a planned
framework, unlike weaker candidates who merely rambled from point to point in an unstructured way.

Although the question was designed so that candidates would not necessarily need to make use of much
material from the passages, the weaker candidates did rely overmuch on material drawn from the passages.
One surprising point of interest emerged, and that was the fact that there were some candidates who held
very strong views on the subject of diet and health and were enjoying the chance to berate a friend about his
unhealthy lifestyle. Certainly the humour displayed by a good many candidates was here entirely
appropriate in an informal communication between friends.

This question was much better attempted by candidates than the first task.

There were very few candidates whose written Urdu was not up to the task, although a minority of papers
displayed very messy handwriting style with crossings out and scribbled insertions. Presentation of work and
clear legible handwriting is important.

The length of some of the responses was also problematical. The rubric states that answers should be
about a side and a half of paper, depending on size of handwriting. The length of some scripts was well over
double that limitation; these will have lost some marks for structure and content. It is very important to follow
rubrics if high marks are to be achieved.

That being said, overall the majority of candidates wrote relevant, interesting and linguistically accurate
responses to both questions.
3247 First Language Urdu June 2007

Paper 3247/02

General comments

The overall performance of candidates was very good. Candidates showed a very good command of
language as well as knowledge of the texts. Most candidates demonstrated the ability to write very detailed
responses with confident use of complex sentences structures enabling them to communicate their points
well. Most candidates answers were relevant and well illustrated. All six questions were attempted by some

Comments on specific questions

Section 1: Poetry

Question 1

This question was about a poem/ghazal written by Bahader Shah Zafar .

There are five parts to this question and candidates are required to answer all five parts. This question was
very popular and the majority of candidates gave excellent responses.

(a) Almost all candidates answered this part correctly except a very few who did not name the poet.

(b) The majority of candidates answered this part well and comprehensively, though a few candidates
were unable to explain the background to the poem.

(c) Most candidates answered this more challenging part of the question very well. Referring to
second poem in the text, candidates expressed the sentiments of the poet very well and showed a
good understanding of the depth of feeling portrayed.

(d) This was a very straightforward question and almost all the candidates gained full marks.

(e) A very popular part of the question. Candidates demonstrated the ability to write very detailed
responses and showed a confident use of complex sentences. Most candidates gained full marks.
The question required using the words in sentences, so candidates who just mentioned the
meaning of those words were awarded fewer marks.

Question 2

This year this question was divided into two parts: one worth five marks and the second worth twenty marks.

Part 1 was about Mir Taqee Mir asking candidates to give reasons for his gloomy poetry. The majority of
candidates answered this part very well and secured full marks.

Part 2 was about five poetic qualities/features. Candidates were required to find these five qualities in any
two poets from the prescribed texts apart from the poet discussed in Question 1.
3247 First Language Urdu June 2007
Apart from a very few candidates, most showed a very good understanding of the topic. Most candidates
were able to discuss the poetic qualities/features well and those who illustrated their answers with close
reference to the texts achieved the highest marks.

Section 2: Prose

Question 3

Almost all candidates who attempted this question gained good marks. Candidates covered the topic well
and correctly identified the value of Mrs Niazs independence. They were also able to give quotations from
the original text.

Again the majority of candidates competently discussed the attitude of civil servants, giving examples from
society. Some very good answers with quotations were given mentioning all the relevant points clearly and

Question 4

This proved to be a very straightforward question for many candidates. The majority wrote very well
explaining their own feelings about the nation. Again those who supported their answers with close
reference to the texts gained the most marks.

Question 5

This was the least popular question set on a passage from the new novel; however candidates who
attempted it performed very well and secured good marks.

Candidates were clearly able to write about the mental conflict Sulat Jehangir was experiencing.

This part of the question was very well attempted and candidates illustrated their answers with close
reference to the novel.

Question 6

Only a few candidates attempted this question but those who did answered well with good references from
the text.

3247 First Language Urdu June 2007

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