Technical Challenges For Cognitive Radio in The TV White Space Spectrum
Technical Challenges For Cognitive Radio in The TV White Space Spectrum
Technical Challenges For Cognitive Radio in The TV White Space Spectrum
. (1)
Negative values of p in (1) assigns more weight to smaller
values of x
. Different single duplexer designs are described in
Table I. The white space availability results for these designs
averaged over the largest fty cities in the Unites States are
shown in the Table II. From these results, SD
( Band A (14 to
28) and Band B (31 to 51)) captures a good tradeoff between
the minimum number of available channels and the average
white space availability.
2) Dual Duplexer Approach: A dual duplexer can be used
to increase white space availability for FDD networks. The
dual duplexer approach divides the whole band into four
sub-bands which results in a more exible RF architecture
compared to the single duplexer. One of the disadvantages of
the dual duplexer design is the increased band gaps required
to separate the four bands, therefore reducing the total white
space available. The design of the dual duplexer can be
optimized to increase white space availability and overcome
this disadvantage. One possible approach is to switch between
a set of single duplexers.
3) Tunable Filter Approach: Tunable lters are the most
exible RF architecture for an FDD network since the trans-
mitter and receiver can be independency tuned to different
channels. In order to achieve the required RF isolation between
the transmitter and receiver, a tunable LC lter with a high
inductor Q factor is required. High inductor Q factors can
be achieved, for example, through Q-enhancement techniques
[11]. For this case study, we assume a tunable lter with Q
equals 400 which represents an ideal scenario. To achieve the
required RF isolation between the transmitter and receiver, the
selected channels should be separated by at least 5 channels.
C. White Space Availability for Different RF Architectures
We analyzed the white space availability for three different
locations: San Diego, Dallas and the Bay area. Figure 8
compares the number of networks that can be constructed
using the different approaches. Figures 9 and 10 compare the
worst case and average white space availability results for the
different duplexing and RF architecture approaches.
The results show that TDD provides the most exible
duplexing approach in terms of utilizing the available white
spaces especially in congested areas as in the Bay area.
For areas with plenty of white spaces as in San Diego, the
performance of the single duplexer, dual duplexer and tunable
lter FDD designs are comparable. For such cases the single
duplexer would strike a good tradeoff between performance
and complexity.
The FCC rules require both xed TVBDs and per-
sonal/portable TVBDs in operating Mode II be directly con-
nected through the Internet to incumbent databases. The prin-
cipal purpose of this requirement is to provide a mechanism
to inform TVBDs about their neighboring TV/wireless micro-
phone signals and peer TVBDs. Indeed, all TV broadcasting
stations (including low-power TV, translators, boosters, etc.)
are required to be archived in incumbent databases, and such
information essentially overrides the outcomes of spectrum
sensing for TV signals. That is, for a TVBD located within
the contour of a TV station as indicated in the geo-location
database, even if spectrum sensing reports that the TV channel
is unoccupied (say, due to shadowing), the TVBD still needs
to view this channel as occupied by TV.
Providing incumbent databases requires knowledge of the
locations of TVBDs themselves. The FCC rules specify a pre-
cision of 50 meters for TVBDs locations. For xed TVBDs,
their locations are manually set when they are installed. Since
their installation is thoroughly planned and performed by
professionals, obtaining their locations is by no means a
technical challenge. For personal/portable TVBDs, if global
positioning service (GPS) is equipped and TVBDs are outdoor,
obtaining their geo-locations may still be less a technical
challenge. If no GPS is available or if TVBDs are indoor, then
obtaining geo-locations becomes a challenging task. Reference
anchors, e.g., peer TVBDs with known geo-locations, may
not be accessible. Even if reference anchors are accessible,
distance ranging using physical-layer measurements may be
inaccurate, due to inaccuracy in anchors geo-locations as well
as channel effects such as shadowing and multipath fading, and
may be insecure, due to spoong and other possible attacks.
In [1] the FCC has provided a number of out-of-band
emission requirements that impact the spectral mask of a
Number of networks without requiring co-channel sharing
Bay Area Dallas San Diego
FDD - Single Duplexer
FDD - Dual Duplexer
FDD - Tunable Filter
Fig. 8. Number of networks without requiring co-channel sharing.
Minimum Number of TV channels occupied by other White
Space Networks before co-channel sharing is required
Bay Area Dallas San Diego
FDD - Single Duplexer
FDD - Dual Duplexer
FDD - Tunable Filter
Fig. 9. Minimum number of TV channels occupied by other networks before
co-channel sharing is required.
Average Number of TV channels occupied by other White
Space Networks before co-channel sharing is required
Bay Area Dallas San Diego
FDD - Single Duplexer
FDD - Dual Duplexer
FDD - Tunable Filter
Fig. 10. Average number of TV channels occupied by other networks before
co-channel sharing is required.
TVBD. There are three sets of rules that impact the spectral
mask: adjacent channel rules, beyond adjacent channel rules,
and rules for Channels 36-38. Some of these rules are stated
in terms of spectral masks and other are in terms of the
electromagnetic eld strength measured at a specied distance
within a specied bandwidth. These eld strength rules must
be translated into spectral mask requirements.
The FCC rules state that In the 6 MHz channels adjacent to
the operating channel, emissions from TVBD devices shall be
at least 55 dB below the highest average power in the band.
These measurements are made using a minimum resolution
bandwidth of 100 kHz. This indicates that a spectral mask in
the adjacent TV channel is required to be at least 55 dB below
the maximum in-band signal.
The out-of-band emission requirements for beyond the
adjacent channel must satisfy FCC Section 15.209. In that
section of Part 15 it states that in the UHF frequency band the
electromagnetic eld strength measured in 120 kHz bandwidth
at a distance of 3 meters from the transmitter must be below
200 microvolts/meter. Since this is a xed eld strength
measurement in order to translate this into a spectral mask
requirement we will need to consider the transmission power
and antenna gain of the TVBD. First we must be able to
convert between electromagnetic eld strength and transmit
To do this we begin with the formula for the eld strength
in terms of the transmit power. The eld strength at d meters
from transmitter, assuming free space path loss, is given by
FS = P + G+ 104.77 20 log(d) (2)
The eld strength (FS) is in dB microvolts/meter (dBu),
the transmit power (P) is in dBm, the antenna gain (G) is
in dB and the distance (d) is in meters. Once we calculate
the out-of-band transmit power in 120 kHz we must relate
that to the total transmit power to determine a spectral mask
requirement. If we let P
be the total transmit power and
BW the bandwidth which captures the majority of the signal
power, then the spectral mask requirement can be written as,
10 log
Now let us apply these equations to determine the spectral
mask beyond the rst adjacent channel. For d = 3 meters,
the 200 microvolts/meter give the following maximum out-of-
band transmission power, measured in 120 kHz, beyond the
rst adjacent channel,
P = 20 log(200) G104.77 + 20 log(3) (4)
= (G+ 49.21) (5)
To determine the spectral mask beyond the rst adjacent
channel we need to know the total transmit power, the antenna
gain, and the signal bandwidth. The transmit power and the
antenna gain are different for xed and portable devices. We
will use the maximum values allowed by the FCC. For xed
we will use a maximum transmit power of 30 dBm and an
antenna gain of 6 dBi. For portable devices we will use
Channel 37
Fixed 55 dB 69 dB 95 dB
Portable 55 dB 53 dB 79 dB
maximum transmit power of 20 dBm and a 0 dBi antenna
gain. In both cases we will use a signal bandwidth of 5 MHz,
which is a reasonable choice since it uses the majority of the
6 MHz channel bandwidth but allows for some guard band.
For xed we have the out-of-band emissions are P
(6 + 49.21) = 55.21dBm. Therefore, for a xed device
the spectral mask beyond the rst adjacent channel is,
30 10 log
(55.21) = 69 dB (6)
If we do the same calculation for portable devices we get
20 10 log
(49.21) = 53 dB (7)
The third requirement is for the eld strength in Channel 37
and also the two channels adjacent to that channel, Channels
36 and 38. The eld strength limit is lowered from the bound-
ary between Channels 35 and 36 from 120 dBu measured at
1 meter, down to 30 dBu within Channel 37.
It is possible for a portable device to transmit in Channels 36
and 38 as long as they meet these eld strength requirements.
No matter which channel you operate in, the eld strength
from the out-of-band emissions in Channel 37 must be below
30 dBu, as measured in 120 kHz. The out-of-band transmit
power in Channel 37 is then,
P = 30 G104.77 + 20 log(1) = (G+ 74.77) (8)
For a xed device the spectral mask in Channel 37 is,
30 10 log
20 10 log