Notes Chapter 6 FAR

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FAR - Notes Chapter 6
Pension Plans
• The pension plan (trust that handles the fund) and the sponsoring company are two separate legal entities
2 main pension plan methods allowed by GAAP
- Defined contribution plan – defines the amount contributed to the plan
- Defined benefit plan – defines the benefits to be paid to employees upon retirement

Accumulated benefit obligation (ABO) – PV of benefits using current salary levels

Projected benefit obligation (PBO) – PV of benefits using future/projected salary levels

Prior Service Cost (PSC) – cost of benefits based on past service; granted when
- service prior to the initiation of the pension plan that retroactively receive credit
- subsequent plan amendments
PSC should be amortized over future periods benefited (avg expected future service life)
F6-5 be able to redraw graph

I/S expense formula

S Current service cost
I Interest cost
(R) (Expected return on plan assets)
A Amortization of unrecognized PSC
G Gains/losses
E Amortization of existing net obligation or net asset
Net pension expense

To record net pension expense for period

Net pension expense xx
Accrued pension cost xx (current liability on the B/S)

To record payment of cash to pension plan

Accrued pension cost xx
Cash/prepaid pension xx

S Current service cost = PV of all benefits earned this period (an increase in PBO from employee services
this period

I Interest cost = beginning period PBO * settlement rate [rate agreed upon by stakeholders, not market or
prime rate]

(R) (Expected return on plan assets) – actual return adjusted for the diff btwn actual and expected return
Expected return on plan assets = beg FV of plan assets * expected rate of return on plan assets
Beg FV of PA + contributions + actual return on PA – benefits paid = End FV of PA

A Amortized of unrecognized PSC – increase in PBO amortized straight line over future periods

G Gains/losses – arise from either

- differences between expected and actual return on PA and
- changes in actuarial assumptions
If its material we record it, and anything over 10% amortize over the average remaining service period
Unrecognized gain/loss
(greater of 10% of PBO or market related value of PA)
= excess

FAR - Notes Chapter 6
÷ avg remaining service life
= minimum recognized amount to be reported [excess of 10% is amortized]

E Amortization of existing net obligation = PBO – FV of PA

At transition date if PBO > FV of assets, amortization of difference in increase pension expense
If PBO < FMV, means overfunded, amortization of difference will decrease pension expense
Minimum amortization = (PBO – FMV of PA) ÷ (greater of 15 years or avg service life)

Unfunded accrued pension cost

Beg balance prepaid cost + employer contributions - pension expense = End balance unfunded cost

Prepaid pension costs = contribution – (pension cost – return on assets)

B/S – the only time you use the ABO

• No entry necessary when pension PA have FV > ABO
• When ABO > than FV of PA, it creates a intangible pension asset
- the plan is considered underfunded and the sponsor company must reflect a liability
- only recognize amount up to the extent of unamortized PSC

If the prepaid/accrued pension cost has a debit balance then its reported as a current asset
Net pension expense xx
Prepaid pension xx
Cash xx

Current liability = SIRAGE – payments – prior year prepaids

Net pension expense xx
Accrued pension cost/liability xx

Non-current liability or accumulated other comprehensive income

ABO [total we owe our people]
(FMV of PA – current overfunded/prepaid) [less FMV of assets available to cover that liability]
= Minimum pension liability [net liability that unfunded shortage]
(accrued pensions cost) [less current liabilities] {net pension expense – contribution}
= additional pension liability [non current liability]
(unrecognized PSC) [less intangible asset]
= amount goes to P in PUFE [other comprehensive income]
Intangible asset – deferred pension cost xx
Excess additional pension liab over unrecognized PSC xx (goes to PUFE)
Additional pension liability xx

Pension settlements - occur when the pension PA increase to the value where the company can buy annuity

Curtailments – reduce expected remaining years of service for present employees or eliminate defined benefits

Termination benefits – when employees are paid to terminate their right to future pension payments
Special term benefit = lump sum payment + PV of termination benefit (dr. exp, cr. liab)

Pension plan disclosures – usually ask what are the disclosure requirements for _______? Choose the solution
that reveals the most info; most disclosure
- do not repeat information or predict or project good information
FAR - Notes Chapter 6

Postretirement benefits other than pensions (SFAS 106; modified by SFAS 132)
Must accrue the cost of post retirement benefits if:
• Obligation is attributable to employees services already rendered
• Employees’ rights accumulate or vest
• Payment is probable
• Amount of the benefits can be reasonably estimated

This cost must be projected and accrued during the period the employee works (attribution period)

Accumulated Postretirement benefit obligation (APBO) – PV of benefits that have vested as of the
measurement date
Expected postretirement benefit obligation (EPBO) – PV of benefits expected to be paid as of the measurement

Two I/S approaches

1. Benefit of years service approach
2. Attribution period – PBO is accrued during the period the employee works (hire date to vesting date)

I/S expense formula

S Current service cost
I Interest cost (on APBO)
(R) (Actual return on plan assets)
A Amortization of unrecognized PSC
G Gains/losses
E Amortization of existing transition amount (net obligation)
Net postretirement benefit expense

Can choose to expense or amortize (at the adoption of SFAS 106)

Minimum amortization = (APBO – FMV of PA) ÷ (greater of 20 years or avg service life)
Expense full amount immediately as an accounting change (IDEA)

Current asset – prepaid/accrued pension cost
Non current asset – there is none
Current liability:
Net cost [SIRAGE]
(employer contribution) [paid in]
Accrued postretirement benefit cost [current liability]

Non current liability: no JE required, only disclosure required

Unfunded noncurrent liab = (APBO – FV of PA) – unfunded SIRAGE or + overfunded SIRAGE
Remember only required to disclose the noncurrent liability in the footnotes

Accounting for Post employment Benefits (SFAS 112)

Paid to employees fired; severance package

Must report as a liability if it meets all four criteria:

1. Employers obligation to pay employee benefits is attributable to services already rendered
2. Obligation relates to rights that vest or accumulate
FAR - Notes Chapter 6
3. Payment of the compensation is probable
4. Amount can be reasonably estimated
When all four are not met disclose in the footnote

Estimated Liability vs. Accrued Liability

Estimated liability (looking forward) – probable future charge resulting from a prior act
- estimated liability for warranties
Accrued Liability (looking back) – expenses recognized or incurred but not yet paid
- (accrued interest, accrued wages)

Total payroll tax liability = Federal income tax withheld + Employee FICA + Employer matching FICA

Payroll tax expense = wages * FICA tax rate

Beg escrow liab + escrow receipts – escrow disbursements + interest earned = end escrow liab

Classification of contingencies
- Probable (record) – likely to occur
- Reasonably possible (disclose) - more than remote but less than likely
- Remote (ignore) – slight chance of occurring

If a range is given for a probable loss (100 to 500). GAAP requires the best estimate. However, is no amount in
the range is a better estimate than the other use the minimum amount in the range (100) and disclose the
possibility of an additional 400 of loss

Disclose “guarantee type” remote loss contingencies

D Debts of other guaranteed by company
O Obligations of commercial banks under letters of credit
G Guarantees to repurchase receivables that have been sold or assigned

If an asset was impaired or liability incurred after year end date but before F/S issuance, if material may need to

The contingent liability for a discounted note receivable is the maturity value and should be disclosed

For gain contingencies wait until you realize

Accounting for Income Taxes

Income taxes are governed by the IRS tax code
F/S’s are governed by GAAP

Permanent differences – only affect current taxes; no deferred taxes

- current income tax expense/benefit is determined by corporate tax form of current year
Temporary differences – affect deferred taxes
- deferred income tax expense/benefit is the change in deferred tax liab or asset over the year
- TI inc > F/S inc = DTA
- TI inc < F/S inc = DTL

FAR - Notes Chapter 6
If its more than 50% likely that part of all of the deferred tax asset will not be realized, a valuation allowance
should be established

Use the enacted tax rate for temporary differences, not the anticipated or proposed or unsigned

Changes in tax laws or rates are recognized in the period of change (enactment)
- the adjustment enters into income tax expense for that period in income from continuing operation

B/S Presentation
Rule 1: Deferred tax items should be classified based on the classification of the related asset or liability
- not when its expected to reverse
Rule 2: Deferred tax items not relating to an asset or liability should be classified based on the reversal date
- example: NOL
Rule 3: Net across – example: current DTA’s and DTL’s must be netted and presented as one amount

Operating losses carrybacks - are 100% collectible, so no valuation account

- Loss carrybacks can be used to reduce taxes or to receive a refund and should be recognized in the
period they occur

Operating losses carryforwards – valuation allowance may be required if it is more than not likely that it will
be realized – (must have future positive income to realize)

Investee pays dividends to the parent

Depending on the ownership % part of the dividend income is excluded from taxable income
Ownership 0-19%: 70% exclusion
Ownership 20-80%: 80% exclusion
Ownership over 80%: 100% exclusion

Total income received under completed contract - Total income received under % of completion = difference *
enacted tax rate = DTL (if +)

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