Roaming Connectivity and Signaling Traffic Optimization - High Efficiency For Complex or Segmented Networks

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Roaming connectivity and signaling traffic optimization

High efficiency for complex or segmented networks
PROTEI GLR (Gateway Location Register) is a node between the VLR and/or SGSN and the
HLR, which may be used to optimise the location updating and the handling of subscriber
profile data across network boundaries. When a subscriber is roaming the GLR plays the role
of the HLR towards the VLR and SGSN in the visited network and the role of the VLR and
SGSN towards the HLR in the home network. The subscriber information is downloaded from
HLR to GLR at the first location update procedure under the GLR. Using the information, GLR
handles Update Location message from VLR as if it is the HLR of the subscriber at second
and further location updating procedures. GLR enables the procedure invisible from the
home network so that this hierarchical location management can reduce the inter-network
signalling for the location management. The GLR keeps the information until receiving
Cancel Location message from HLR.
PROTEI Gateway Location Register that is developed in strict accordance with ETSI 3GPP
standards gives the Operator unique possibility to optimize its roaming connectivity and
signaling traffic. GLR captures all information about inbound roamers profile during initial
registration and provides this information upon any request from VLR dramatically
decreasing the necessity to interrogate with HPLMN elements. Such approach visibly
decrease many risks that may finally lead to loosing the roamer.
Decreasing the volume of signaling traffic between Operator and SCCP-provider
Secure roamers in Operators network (less chances to lose the roamer during interrogation
with home network or in case of short-terms failures /minor coverage problems)
Full compliance with applicable ETSI standards (ETSI TS 23.119) and GSMA regulation
High efficiency for complex or segmented networks

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