Justin Gilbert has experience in advertising, public relations, photography, and graphic design. He received a B.A. in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Central Florida in 2014, with a minor in Studio Art and Photography. Gilbert has held internships at several creative and marketing agencies where he helped with concepting ads, photography, social media, and public relations. He also has experience in restaurant service and hospitality.
Justin Gilbert has experience in advertising, public relations, photography, and graphic design. He received a B.A. in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Central Florida in 2014, with a minor in Studio Art and Photography. Gilbert has held internships at several creative and marketing agencies where he helped with concepting ads, photography, social media, and public relations. He also has experience in restaurant service and hospitality.
Justin Gilbert has experience in advertising, public relations, photography, and graphic design. He received a B.A. in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Central Florida in 2014, with a minor in Studio Art and Photography. Gilbert has held internships at several creative and marketing agencies where he helped with concepting ads, photography, social media, and public relations. He also has experience in restaurant service and hospitality.
Justin Gilbert has experience in advertising, public relations, photography, and graphic design. He received a B.A. in Advertising and Public Relations from the University of Central Florida in 2014, with a minor in Studio Art and Photography. Gilbert has held internships at several creative and marketing agencies where he helped with concepting ads, photography, social media, and public relations. He also has experience in restaurant service and hospitality.
EDUCATION University of Central Florida, 2014 B.A. in Advertising and Public Relations, Minor in Studio Art / Photography EXPERIENCE + Royall Advertising Orlando, FL Creative Intern (Jan 2014 - May 2014) Worked with creative director to create brand images for new clients Concepted copywriting, operations, and design of ads and clients + Her Campus UCF Magazine Orlando, FL (http://www.hercampus.com/ucf) Creative Director / Secretary / Social Media / Writer (March 2011 May 2014) Lead creative team to produce marketing materials and event photography Managed Instagram: @hercampusucf increased followership by 250% + Bluelink Marketing New York City, NY Editorial Intern (May 2013 - Aug 2013) Wrote 7+ articles a week for family of 9 different niche targeting websites Managed and created HauteTalk.coms editorial and social media calendars + Archetype Fashion Showroom and Gallery New York City, NY Public Relations Intern (May 2013 - August 2013) Created pitch letters for new products and fashion lines Constant correspondence with Lucky and Marie Clare to get clients published + BMG Models and Talent Orlando, FL Intern / Assistant (Aug 2012 - Dec 2012) Worked on-set at photo shoots in art directing and styling departments Booked model test shoots with photography clients ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE + Sonnys Real Pit BBQ Orlando, FL Server / Bartender (May 2012 - Present) + Universal Studios Orlando, FL Stilt Walker (May 2012 - May 2013) + Gymnastics Plus Panama City, FL Gymnastics Coach (May 2009 - May 2012) SKILLS + Photography & Graphic Design + Adobe Creative Suite + Social Media + Content and Copywriting + Restauraunt Service & Hospitality