Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus - Epistle To Pope Francis

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The letter is from two Orthodox bishops in Greece addressed to Pope Francis, urging him to return to Orthodoxy and confess the errors of the Papacy.

The letter aims to restore Pope Francis and the Roman Catholic Church to the Orthodox Church by confessing errors and heresies of the Papacy over the centuries.

The Orthodox bishops urge Pope Francis to repent of pride, confess errors of the Papacy, and return to the Orthodox Church before the end comes.


A Letter to Pope Franci s Concerni ng

Hi s Past, the Abysmal State of Papi sm,
and a Plea to Return to Holy

The lengthy letter that follows was written by His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Piraeus,
Seraphim, and His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Dryinoupolis, Andrew, both of the
Church of Greece. It was sent to Pope Francis on April 10, 2014. The Orthodox Christian
Information Center ( assisted in editing the English translation. It was
posted on on Great and Holy Monday, April 14, 2014. The above title
was added for the English version and did not appear in the Greek text.

Metropolitan Seraphim is well known and loved in Greece for his defense of
Orthodoxy, his strong stance against ecumenism, and for the philanthropic work carried
out in his Metropolis ( His Metropolis is also well known for
Greeces first and best ecclesiastical radio station: This radio
station is one of the most important tools for Orthodox outreach in Greece.
Metropolitan Seraphim was born in 1956 in Athens. He studied law and theology,
receiving his masters degree and his license to practice law. In 1980 he was tonsured a
monk and ordained to the holy diaconate and the priesthood by His Beatitude Seraphim
of blessed memory, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece. He served as the rector of
various churches and as the head ecclesiastical judge for the Archdiocese of Athens
(1983) and as the Secretary of the Synodal Court of the Church of Greece (1985-2000).
In December of 2000 the Holy Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarch elected him as an
auxiliary bishop of the Holy Archdiocese of Australia in which he served until 2002. He
was then appointed preacher and Chancellor of the Archdiocese of Piraeus in 2002,
where as in 2005 he was chosen as the Chief Secretary of the Holy Synod of the Church
of Greece. He was elected as Metropolitan of Piraeus on the 28
of February, 2006.
Metropolitan Andrew was born in Patra in 1939 and is a graduate of the Theological
School of the University of Athens. He was ordained to the Holy Diaconate (1968) and to
the Holy Priesthood (1969) by the Metropolitan of Dryinoupolis, Pogoniani and Konitsa
Sebastian of blessed memory. From 1968 until his election as Metropolitan he served as a
Preacher of the Metropolis. He was elected as Metropolitan of Dryinoupolis, Pogoniani
and Konitsa by the Holy Synod of the Church of Greece in 1995.


44002 !"#$%&'(%)& / 44002 DELVINAKION, GR, e-mail:, *+#. ,-&./) / Tel. +3026570 22203, Fax +3026570 22344

0(.1 2"%3.)(#-)45 190, 18539 6789:87;< / 190 Themistokleous Coast, 18539 Piraeus, GR, e-mail:, *+#. ,-&./) / Tel. +30210 4514833, Fax +30210 4518476

April 10, 2014

To His Excellency, Francis,
Head of State of the Vatican City
Vatican City, Rome

Your Excellency,

With due respect and sincere love, we send you this Episcopal letter, the purpose of
which doesnt come from any selfish motive, but from pure, sincere and selfless Christian
love, from Christian duty, from an essential commandment of our Savior Christ, Who
desires all men to be saved and to come to a full knowledge of the truth,
and finally
from a warm and ardent desire for your salvation. Because of this we feel it to be our
holy and mandatory duty, as the least of the members of the All-holy and All-pure Body
of Christ, and especially as Orthodox Bishops, who belong as such to the Holy Synod of
the Holy Autocephalous Church of Greece, which is our highest ecclesiastical authority,
as to the whole and Undivided One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church, to
endeavor with all our might to restore you to the Mother Orthodox Catholic Church, from
which you left and from which you were cut off, a work which we hope, the Uncreated

1 Timothy 2:4
Divine Grace of the Lord cooperating, shall be achieved. This holy obligation of the
return of heretics to the Orthodox Church has, of course, holy canonical grounds and
basis and is supported by the 131
, and 133
holy Canons of the Local Council of
Carthage (418 or 419 A.D.).

From the outset we must clarify that we Orthodox, not taking part in the politically-
correct spirit of western and especially ecumenist Christianity, do not refer to those
religious communities who have, sadly, been separated from the One, Holy, Catholic and
Apostolic Orthodox Church as Churches. But, following the example of our Holy
Fathers throughout the ages, refer to them as heretics, and you, Your Excellency, and
your followers, we denominate as Papists and your heresy as Papism. These terms
are, for us, not derogatory, neither are they slurs, but they are theological and even
technical terms which best describe the spiritual and ecclesiastical delusion and error in
which you find yourselves. We, in fact use them with love, for when one loves his
brother he tells him the truth hoping to bring him back to his senses.

It should also be made clear that the following words are written with pain of heart and
not from some personal bitterness or hatred towards your respectable personage. Our
purpose is not to offend you, but to reveal, rebuke, admonish and to refute your deluded
and heretical ideas, theories and actions. Our basic rule is that we should love the heretics
but rebuke and hate their heresy and delusions. Our only interest is our Holy Orthodoxy,
the only place in which humans have salvation. We unceasingly pray that our Lord Jesus
Christ gather together the deluded Pope and his followers, through repentance and the
renunciation of your delusion and heresy, into the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic,
Orthodox Church and to assume as an Orthodox Pope, according to seniority of honor of
the Pentarchy and in agreement with the Divine and Holy Canons, the Chairmanship of
honor of the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches as primus inter pares.

An additional reason, which shows the timeliness and importance of our present
Episcopal epistle, are the intrigues in the realm of the modern heretical Ecumenical
Movement with its ecumenist theological dialogues between Orthodox and Papists,
where the representatives from the Orthodox side, animated unfortunately by the pan-
heretical spirit of inter-Christian and inter-religious syncretistic ecumenism, and
employing the false ecumenist love, a love without true love and unity in the Orthodox
faith, deceive you, Your Excellency, claiming that Papism is a so called Church, and
moreover a sister Church, with valid Mysteries (Sacraments), Baptism, the Priesthood
and Grace, that Papism and Orthodoxy make up the so-called, two lungs, with which
the Church of Christ breaths, that you, the heretical Pope, are a canonical bishop,
successor of the Apostle Peter and Vicar of Christ on earth, who possess the
Apostolically, Scripturally and Patristically groundless and non-existent Petrine
primacy of power over all the Church, and the blasphemous Papal Infallibility, instead
of the true primacy of honor (!"# $% &'()" $*( +,-( ./0$&1234)) as is commanded by
the Holy Canons of the undivided Church of the first millennium to which the Orthodox
Pope of Rome and Patriarch of the West is entitled, doctrines that are totally unknown
and without foundation or witness in the general Tradition of the Catholic Orthodox
Church of the first ten centuries and of the eight Holy Ecumenical Councils, doctrines
which are a clear blasphemy against the All-Holy Spirit and which show your theological

=<8=< >8,=!?@=< :A8=978*?<, 5-!#6"2(, pp. 533-535.
departure and the satanic pride of which you are possessed. Clear proof of the absurdity
of the Orthodox Ecumenists is that, while they attribute to you ecclesiastical titles, you
who are obviously heretical and erroneous in belief, they do not dare, even though it
would be in keeping with their declarations, to come into sacramental communion with
you, because they know from that moment they will immediately lose their own
ecclesiastical identity. Does this not make up the most blatant proof of the false doctrines
of Ecumenism? If they indeed believe their unacceptable and provocative declarations,
then let them dare to take the step into sacramental communion, because otherwise they
prove by their actions the emptiness of the ecclesiastical titles which they give to you
false bishops of the false believers. Clear conformation of the above was the last-minute
cancellation of your personal attendance at the celebrations of the 1700th anniversary of
the Edict of Milan in NiB, Serbia, on June 10th, 2013,
and the cancellation of your visit
to the Holy Mountain of Athos the same month,
as rumor has it.

In communicating with you through this present Episcopal letter, we desire that it be
made known to you that, according to the diachronic Holy Scriptural, Canonical and
Patristic Tradition and according to the infallible conscience of the fullness of the Eastern
Orthodox Catholic Church, Papism, of which you are the leader, Your Excellency, is not
a Church, but a religious community, a parasynagogue, a heresy, an alteration, a
demolishing and a total perversion of the Truth, namely, of the very God-man, Christ.
Hosts of Orthodox Councils have condemned Papism as a heresy. We will cite some
significant examples: The Council of 879-880 in Constantinople, under the Ecumenical
Patriarch, Archbishop of Constantinople and New Rome, Saint Photios the Great, Equal
to the Apostles, which condemned as heretical the teaching of the Filioque, and is
considered by the consciousness of the Church to be the 8
Ecumenical Council, because
in it were representatives of all the Patriarchates, including the then Orthodox Pope of
Rome, John the 8
and because the decisions of this council were universally accepted.
Unfortunately, this heterodox belief has prevailed as your official teaching, from the
beginning of the 11
century (1014) until today. Papism adopted after more than a
millennium, a heretical teaching, which Rome had already condemned along with the
other Orthodox Patriarchates, refuting and condemning itself as a heresy. Besides that, all
the subsequent Orthodox Councils, like the Constantinopolitan Councils of 1170, 1341,
1450, 1722, 1838, and 1895 unequivocally condemned Papism as a heresy.
What is
more, all of the Saints who lived after the schism of 1054, such as St. Germanos Patriarch
of Constantinople, St. Gregory Palamas, St. Mark of Ephesus, St Simeon of Thessalonica,
St. Nicodemus the Hagiorite, St. Cosmas of Aetolia, St Nektarios of Pentapolis, Saint
Justin PopoviC and others,
with one voice, condemn Papism as a heresy. Papism is not a
Church but a State the Vatican, a worldly organization, with a government, with you,
the Pope, as leader, with the Cardinals as Ministers and Secretaries and with the Bank
of the Holy Spirit. Neither is Papism a Roman Catholic Church, because it is neither

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@)(2("@* ./#9- $F: G@@6-4D):, H(R. 2")R/)FE, 2"33E#)&F(+ 2009, pp. 40-42.
ibid. pp. 33-36.
Roman, nor Catholic, nor a Church. It has no relation with Romiosini or with Romania. It
isnt Catholic since it separated of its own will from the Catholic Orthodox Church in
1054 A.D. and since then it doesnt possess the fullness of the Orthodox Faith of our
Holy Fathers, which you have distorted. You are not a Church, since you became a State,
falling, instead, to the third temptation of Christ.
You accepted the Devils proposal to
make you almighty earthly rulers in return for your allegiance to him. We Orthodox are
the true Roman Catholic Church. We Orthodox are the Romans: to us belong Romania,
Romiosini. Orthodoxy is the One Holy, CATHOLIC, and Apostolic Church, the true
Roman Catholic Church, as we confess in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Symbol of

The fact that Papism is a heresy is revealed by the appalling false doctrines which you
confess. These are: I) the political existence and structure of the Vatican with ministries,
bureaucracies and banks; II) the Filioque (the alleged procession of the Holy Spirit also
from the Son); III) created Grace; IV) the primacy of power; V) the possession of worldly
and spiritual power by the Pope; VI) Papal infallibility; VII) the theories that the Pope is
the ultimate judge and Archpriest, the supreme authority and monarch of the Church;
VIII) Baptism by sprinkling and the separation of it from the mystery of Chrismation; IX)
the use of unleavened bread (Host); X) the transforming of the bread and wine into the
Body and Blood of Christ with the words of institution rather than at the invocation of the
Holy Spirit as well as the doctrine of transubstantiation; XI) the depriving of the Blood of
Christ to the laity; XII) the depriving of Holy Communion to children; XIII) Mary-
worship; XIV) the dogma of the immaculate conception and the bodily assumption
of the Mother of God; XV) purgatory; XVI) indulgences; XVII) the so-called
superabundant merits of Christ; XVIII) the superabundant merits of the Saints; XIX)
the merits of the works of man; XX) statuary and the secularization of religious art
instead of Orthodox iconography; XXI) the mandatory celibacy of the clergy; XXII) the
recognition of murderers (Stepinac) as saints; XXIII) the doctrine of the satisfaction of
divine justice (the result of confusion regarding original sin and the legalism which is
prevalent in Papism); XXIV) the rejection of Holy Tradition and the taking advantage of
it as a tool for Papal claims (the Pope is Tradition); XXV) the belief that the infallible
Pope is the only guardian, judge and interpreter of Divine Revelation; XXVI) the so-
called Church Suffering, which is allegedly made up of the faithful who are presently
in purgatory; XXVII) the rejection of the equality of bishops; XXVIII) the Vaticans
centralized and despotic administrative system where the Pope is absolute monarch,
which introduced Caesaropapism; XXIX) the social/humanitarian character of the
monastic orders; XXX) the impersonal and juridical character of the mystery of
confession; XXXI) and, finally, the accursed Uniate, the Trojan horse of Papism.


Thus, Your Excellency, because Papism was cut off from the Orthodox Catholic Church,
you lost the Orthodox Faith and developed the above heresies, and therefore it is only

Matt. 4:8-10.
g-."/)& $%$#F)&, HL EL/-3"%5 .)K 6EI%3)K, 0P1&E 2009, pp. 175-233.
natural for you to be in a state of continuous crisis, which has even been openly exhibited
as of late. The crisis in the Vatican is a crisis of Papism. One observer commented that
the new Pontifex should employ shock therapy to the Church. Another commented that
Papism is facing the worst crisis since the French Revolution, while a third compared the
current crisis with the Reformation, Calvin and Luther. To a degree, the crisis rhetoric is
justifiable. With the trends that weaken the faith in the western world the rise of
personal spirituality, the influence of atheism, the void between traditional Christian
ethics and modern reality Papism has added scandal, hardening and a communicational
tactic more orientated to the media of 1848.


It is a general conclusion and universal axiom that evil and corrupt dogmas give birth to
an evil and corrupt way of life. As well, the reverse is true that an evil and corrupt way of
life gives birth to evil and corrupt dogmas. There exists an unbroken relationship between
dogma and lifestyle, dogma and ethics, or, as it is put theologically, orthodoxy and
orthopraxis. It is just as bad to have evil dogmas as it is to have an evil way of life. This
is because one is the mother of the other; and whoever has the one is reduced to the other.
Of course, this axiom is witnessed to in the Holy Scriptures and in the entirety of Holy

There is not one, nor a few, but an infinite amount of misconducts and anti-Christian
practices which result from the Papist heresies. One such example is the annual
crucifixions of the faithful on Great and Holy Friday, primarily in the Philippines. This
year there were more crucifixions than in any previous years. Easter in the Philippines, a
country where 80% of the 94 million citizens are Papists. Thousands of faithful and
tourists arrived in the city of San Fernando in the province of Pambagna 60 kilometers
north of Manilla, where more than 30 men were crucified. 57 year old Vilfredo Salvador
stated that he was crucified for the first time seven years ago, to give thanks to Christ for
all the miracles in his life, but also to atone for his sins.
The spiritual shallowness,
which you inspire in your simple-minded followers, is unbelievable. As a rule you teach
the opposite of that which the Gospel teaches and you serve to totally subject your
followers to your designs! We mention as an example the unbelievable magic rites which
take place in the papal temples of Latin America, of which even the neopagans are
jealous, because the Papists can relive the ancient pagan rites with such accuracy and
passion. The point at hand is Christ was crucified in our place, and asks from us, instead,
the crucifixion of our passions and our old, evil, corrupted selves!

Your clergy, Your Excellency, in the evenings view films with sensual content. At least
that is the claim of the website Torrent Freak, which reveals how piracy exists even
inside the Vatican, publishing the full list of films and television shows, which were

g (/F3+ 3.Q eE.%(E&Q (/F3+ .)K ,EP)#%(%3)K, The New York Times from the newspaper
Website: *= e?@:.
g I&"4E.%(1 /+MQ.+5 .)K 6EI%3)K, O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5 26-4-2013.
recently downloaded. The nearly 800 priests, monastics, and other faithful, who reside at
the Vatican, show as their preference for television shows Chicago Fire, Lightfields, The
Neighbors and Touch; for romantic films, Love Actually was among the top pics, as well
as many other films inappropriate for underage viewers. The website published further
information about films which were downloaded inside the Vatican in 2012, including
films featuring hard-core pornography! Titles such as TS Pussy Hunters with its
transsexual porn star, the lesbian movie, Whipped Ass, and the sadomasochistic Russian
Slaves were downloaded!
Sadly, such reports are hardly shocking when they are seen
alongside the thousands of cases of pederasty and child abuse at the hands of priests of
the Holy See, which presents itself as a Church!

When a healthy spiritual life, ascesis and the Grace of God are absent, and when luxury,
comfort, opulence and power-mongering are found in abundance, it is natural that this
corrupt atmosphere will inevitably give birth to such incidents.
The head of the
conference of Italian bishops, cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, appeared in an online video
giving the host (Holy Communion) to a famous transsexual political activist, who was
dressed in womens clothes! The performance took place at the funeral of another
priestly darling, the controversial Genoan priest, Fr. Andrea Gallo, who was a
confessed Marxist and out-spoken advocate for homosexuals, and who last year was
awarded Gay Character of the Year by homosexual activists. In fact, during your
election, he was in favor of the election of a confessed homosexual as Pope! This same
man also proposed homosexual relations between clergy, with the aim of reducing the
cases of pederasty among the Papist priests! At the funeral service, the transvestite was
given the floor, who from the pulpit praised the reposed thus: You opened to us the
doors of your church and your heart. I thank you that you made us transsexual beings feel
that this was the will of God, and that we were loved by God. We hope that many others
will follow your example and somebody will ask forgiveness! Unbelievable! This
impudent transsexual proclaiming inside a Papist temple and before the clergy that
sodomy is the will of God! Meanwhile, the pathetic archbishop not only didnt kick
him out of the temple, but instead, he communed him! And what is more scandalous
the Vatican is playing deaf to the protests of the believers, who have characterized the
service as a porno-funeral.

The secularization of the Holy See has no boundaries. And why should it, since it is
clearly a worldly institution, which is concerned only with worldly matters and is
indifferent to spirituality? The following incident is clearly representative of this worldly
spirit, which rules the Vatican and you, Your Excellency, who call yourself Pope. You
blessed thousands of Harley Davidson motorcycles and their owners during the
celebration of the 110th anniversary of the founding of the Harley Davidson Company!
St. Peters square at the Vatican was filled with motorcycles and the noise drowned out
even your own voice when you blessed the faithful who had gathered in the square after
Sunday Mass. Just because we are bikers doesnt mean that we arent catholic, one
rider recounted. Recently the president of Harley Davidson gave you two Harley
Davidsons, and even a leather jacket! The absence of spirituality in the western heresy
has driven it into such absurdities that now even the Pope causes media storms with his

Website: i:897*7.
DS"M"F#%3"& j kP%(1 $/G%' .)K eE.%(E&)K! O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5 17-5-2013.
6&"4E.%(Q.+5 +R-& R%' .1& `YFE& lR/E&! O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5 21-6-2013.
hip persona!

We reiterate that there exists a total absence of spirituality in Papism. We are not talking
about a Church, but a worldly organization that is, at its best moments, a religion one
of many world religions, which is interested in fulfilling nothing more than the base
psychological-spiritual urges of its followers. Christs true Church is neither a worldly
organization nor is it a religion (in the psychological meaning of the term), but is a new

the newly restored community of those who have been reborn in Christ, the
leaven, which leavens the fallen world, transforming it to a communion of love, based
on the prototype of the Triune God, which is an existence of love the divine workshop,
which deifies the human person. Papism, however, is nothing like this, which is clearly
proved by its behavior for the last thousand years. You proved it yourself, Your
Excellency, during your recent journey to Brazil. To attract the millions of your lost
Brazilian followers, you employed the soccer lingo that the fanatic hooligans of the
stadiums use as they attempt to drive their opponents into total humiliation. This abysmal
athletic hate can only be characterized as satanic, hate that reaches the point of killing
ones opponents! From this rabble of the athletic underworld, Your Excellency, you drew
the terminology for your invitation to your apostatized former-followers, as would a
manager of a football team. Similarly, we point out that it is not by chance that you
yourself are a football fanatic! Since Papism doesnt have the authentic and patristic
spiritual means (because it abandoned and betrayed them) with which to speak to modern
man, it uses what it has: street slang! Instead of the Church transforming the world, the
world instead has devoured the western Church! Unfortunately, this is Papism with
no sign of spirituality, and remade according to the image and likeness of a football

It is literally impossible to keep up with the total secularization of the Papist heresy.
According to one report, it seems that some Papist clergy have strange ideas of how to
approach the faithful and bring them to the Church. After one priest from Mexico
sewed superheroes onto his vestments, serving together with Batman and Superman
and distributing holy water with a water gun, another priest, this time from Italy, seems to
have confused the altar area with a night club stage. In the video, which is
(understandably) making its way around the world, the priest from Milan left bystanders
at a wedding speechless as he merged the sacrament of marriage with the after-wedding
party, placing a radio on the Holy Table and putting on his favorite song!
however, might say that these are merely isolated incidences and that they do not reflect
Papism as a whole. They are unaware, then, that not once was a single objection raised by
the Holy See, and not only for these incidents, but for all the others, which are coming
to light on a daily basis! The decline of Papism is a foregone conclusion and there is only
more to come.

In the Papist parish of St. Anthony Abate in Messina on September 3rd, 2013, masses
were performed using plastic and glass bowls and cups. Of course, this wasnt the first

6'IE5 m +ME&Q$%)5! O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5 19-7-2013
Gal. 6:15.
g m/)#)YFE .]& Y+I-RG& .)K 6'IE T/EY(F3()4! 7/8%!292: ;1.2: (27-9-2013) 2.
g Y"&%(1 (E.'I.G3%5 .)K 6EI%3)K "n&E% HoE&15! O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5 (27-9-2013) 2.
time something like this has happened. Lately during World Youth Day 2013 in Rio de
Janeiro, plastic communion chalices were used!

Wearing a cassock that has Superman and Batman on it, and brandishing a multicolored
water pistol, the Papist priest Omberto is preparing for the customary Mass at the
parish of Ojos de Agua in Coahuila, Mexico. Happy Children and their parents are filling
the temple, anxiously waiting for the moment when the priest will soak them with holy

In addition, the fanciful idea of the Mexican priest is not only entertaining but also
effective, since he has managed with this method to approach children and the younger
members of the faithful. His revolutionary appearance causes at the very least interest,
and as a result more and more people are attending his Masses

The Papist liturgical
revival continues with beer, assuages and songs.

According to a report from the Greek website DOGMA, a Capuchin monk sings heavy
metal! At first glance, Cesare Bonizzi is a simple monk of the Capuchin order, with
sandals, habit and a magnificent beard. The former missionary to the Ivory Coast lives
near Milan and he is a fan and singer of heavy metal. It all started when he attended a
Metallica concert fifteen years ago. Even if he is religious, as he states, he wants to send
a message to people, a message about life, its meaning and its enjoyment. As he himself
has stated, he has never had a problem with his superiors. A sample of his musical output
is a cd with heavy metal songs dedicated to the Holy Virgin. At any rate, as most people
assert, who understand the mission of a monk, heavy metal music cant be considered as
a monks handicraft. It is a departure from the ascetical struggle and from prayer! We
simply have the following observations: a) that heavy metal music is used for the
expression and propagation of Satanism; b) that the heavy metal monk speaks about
enjoyment of life, which is unknown in Christian teaching; and c) that he has never
had a problem with his superiors, and neither shall he, because the Vatican is not
interested in such details as spirituality!

Finally, Your Excellency, you accomplished the following unbelievable and yet true act
you revived the indulgences of the Middle Ages by way of the Internet! This time you
are not selling them, but giving them away, through your Twitter account. This very
strange news report was brought to light by the Greek website THE NEWS (TA NEA):
Pope Francis is giving away indulgences to all who follow him on Twitter. In an effort
to keep in step with modern times, the Vatican decided to marry one of its oldest
traditions with the world of social networking, offering indulgences to all who follow
pope Francis on twitter during the Catholic World Youth Day. This privilege is given by
the Vatican with just one click. This way the faithful secure less time in purgatory after
they have also confessed their sins. According to a report in the British magazine The

3-9-2013, 6EI%(-5 #"%.)4/YF"5 - I).1/%E (Y4'#%&E (EF I#E3.%(') (EF 3E#E.%-/"5, http://aktines.
19-2-20136EI%(Q5 L"/-E5 J"('p"% qY%E3Q - &"/)IF3.)#),
19-2-2013 <4&"MFp".E% j IEI%(1 #"%.)4/Y%(1 r&EY-&&+3+,
6EI%(Q5 (EI)4.3s&)5 )&EMQ5 ./EY)4Rc heavy metal! 7/8%!292: ;1.2: (4-10-2013) 2.
Guardian, one may obtain indulgences by participating in the Catholic World Day of
Youth in Rio de Janeiro. Those who are unable to be present have the ability to follow the
happening through the messages on the Popes Twitter account! Your Excellency, place
your hand on your heart and tell me truly: Is there even a chance that you are a Church
and that we could somehow be united with you? On our part, we cannot see any change
from the Papism of the Middle Ages

which gave birth to the Inquisition, religious wars,
the Crusades, Humanism, the Protestant Reformation, atheism and the de-Christianization
of Europe.


The ink was barely dry on the dramatic announcement of the resignation of His
Excellency, Benedict, and hardly had the tears dried on the faces when the first bomb was
dropped, which, in all probability, was connected to his quiet resignation. In a report of
special interest, which was brought to light by the Greek website t;6>?<*7 97, we
read: A German Pope abandons the Vatican and a German banker arrives. Ernstvon
Freyberg, who is 54 years old, will take over the reigns of a bank with 6 billion Euros and
44,000 secret accounts, amongst which is the Pontiffs own account. The taking over of
the management of the Vatican Bank by the German banker is expected on 24
of May
2012, after his predecessor, Ettore Gotti Tedeschi, was dismissed for wanting the
finances of the Vatican to become more transparent. During this year the Bank was left
without a head, a fact which inflated the rumors about the non-transparency of the Popes
finances! That is only a first answer to those who have rushed to have a look behind the
pure motives of the resignation! So much for the holy business of the Holy See, of
the successors of St. Peter, nor does this surprise us, because the Vatican is a State and
not a Church!


Your election, Your Excellency, was not a chance event, for the World-Wide Centers of
decision-making, seeing the financial rise of many of the countries of Latin America
decided to promote your election as leader of the Vatican, in order to use your
interventions for their own interests. That is the conclusion of an analysis of special
scientists who are involved in the science of geo-politics and geo-strategy (chiefly the
former). The analysts maintain that the World-Wide Centers of Decision Making
designated your new role specifically to renounce the basic title of Leader of Vatican
State, which bothers the faithful of other Christian confessions, and to accept the title
of Bishop or of Patriarch of the West, even though you are outside of the One, Holy,
Catholic, and Apostolic Church (Orthodoxy) and to behave more as a spiritual father and
less as the leader of the Vatican State. Nor was it happenstance that the General Secretary
of the U.N., Ban Ki-moon, greeted you as a world spiritual leader (23
April). This

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0/MFp)4& EL rI)(E#hJ"%5 R%' .1& IE/EF.+3%& .)K 6'IE! 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 29-3-2013.

happened at your meeting with him during which Your Excellency was asked by your
country to do philanthropic work and to approach people of different religions and non

This means that at the Vatican you will be working out a parallel scheme of
communication and propaganda in order to carry out proselytization in the countries you
will target.
In one of Your Excellencys efforts to prove that you are friendly towards
Orthodoxy, you decided to celebrate your name day with your given name, which is
George. On the 23
of April 2013, the feast day of St. George (the Orthodox always
celebrate this feast after Easter), you decided to celebrate and honor the martyred St.
George the Trophy-Bearer. However, the Very Reverend Archimandrite Xaralambos
Vassilopoulos, of blessed memory, in the prologue of his book, St. George the Trophy-
Bearer, writes that Papism has removed St. George from the calendar of Saints, along
with many other Saints of our Orthodox Church. This blessed founder of The Orthodox
Press (O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5) newspaper and The Pan-Hellenic Orthodox Union, writes the

In 1968 the Pope proceeded with an impious action which stunned the world and
caused a storm of protest throughout all of Christendom. The Pope removed from
the calendar of Saints the Great-Martyr St. George! With him he also erased thirty
other Saints, such as Saint Nicholas, Saint Christopher, Saint Barbara, Saint
Catherine etc. It seems that he was very bothered by the fact that the majority of
these Saints are greatly reverenced by the Orthodox. It is these saints who are the
most beloved of the Orthodox people. They are the chief Saints of Orthodoxy.
Especially the Great-Martyr and Trophy-Bearer George, who is loved and honored
by the whole of Orthodoxy. This sacrilegious and impious act on the part of the
Pope deeply saddened every true Orthodox Christian. In fact many stated: The
most bloodthirsty and sadistic man in history, Diocletian, was unable to do away
with St. George. However, along comes the Pope and he erases him from the
catalogue of the Saints with the stroke of the pen! And then they tell us to reunite
with the Pope! Since he doesnt respect the Saints how will he respect Orthodoxy?
Rather, it is not out of the question for this act to be the cause of the crisis of
Papism, the reason why today the foundations of the all-powerful Vatican have
been shaken. This act of the Pope, dear reader, saddened me as well, and is the
reason why I wrote this life of the Holy Great-Martyr George. Here, in this booklet,
you will read about the glorious career of the Saint, about his Christian faith, his
frightful and painful Martyrdom, about the miracles that God performed in order to
honor the heroism of the Saint in his Martyrdom, and the miracles that continue
after his death until today. The life of Saint George will be of benefit and should be
read by every Christian, especially those who bear his name. Finally, we the
Orthodox all have a duty, since the Pope is trying to erase the memory of the Saint,
to make more wildly known his life and miracles. There shouldnt be an Orthodox
house in existence without having the life of the Holy Great-Martyr and Trophy-
Bearer George. After reading this book all will understand what a Saint the Pope

!-& u.) .4MEFE j H(#)Y1 .)K &-)4 6'IE (. T/EY(F3()4, O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5 17-5-2013

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If, Your Excellency, you desire to be different from your predecessors and to make some
small steps towards Orthodoxy, let the first act be to restore Saint George and the others
that are mentioned in the prologue of the book of the Very Reverend Archimandrite
Xaralambos Vassilopoulos, of blessed memory, and to place your trust in them.


The term Jesuit, which according to the Greek Professor of linguistics, G. Babiniotis, is
synonymous with hypocrite and tartuffe, for the members of the undivided and
unchanged Orthodox Catholic Church, concerns the Papist monastic order which was
founded in 1543 by the Spaniard, Ignatius of Loyola, and the Basque, Francis Xavier, for
the countering of the Reformation and the uprising of the people of Europe against the
departures of papocesarism. In fact, this order is guilty of the savage polemics and
insidious actions towards the martyric and Holy Patriarch of Constantinople, Cyril
Lucaris, who was murdered in a horrific manner in 1638. St. Cyril Lucaris was an
educated and able hierarch who struggled on behalf of the Church and the Greek people,
a people whose historical continuation he saw intertwined with the undivided Orthodox
faith. For this reason he fought with all his strength on behalf of the uncompromised and
Apostolic, Gospel Truth. The eminent professor Eleni Koukou

writes: The preferential
status quo of the Ottoman Empire towards France favored the appointing to the Orthodox
East of a large number of French missionaries, chiefly Jesuits and Capuchins, whose
main mission was, besides serving to promote French commerce and French political
influence inside the Ottoman Empire, the proselytism, with whatever means necessary, of
the schismatic Greeks to Papism, especially through the promulgation of French culture
and civilization. The Senior (Ancient) Patriarchate of the West in old Rome, under
toilsome captivity by the Franks and Germans, using the Jesuits as its tools, slandered,
with every means available, the martyric Patriarch to the Clergy and the laity with
unspeakable calumny, myths and lies, bribing the Ottomans and corrupting
consciousnesses, until it managed to provoke the wrath of the High Porte against the
Patriarch of the people, Cyril Lucaris, and to facilitate his atrocious murder, placing him,
in this way, among the Martyrs of the undivided and unchanged Church.

On the 5
of March, 2013, in Buenos Aires, a very important trial began, which had as its
objective to investigate all the crimes which were committed during the famous
Operation Condor, whose goal was, with the help of the U.S.A., to establish Latin-
American dictatorships, which included the extermination and murder of thousands of
dissenters. Perfectly timely is an earlier and severe statement which was issued by the

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Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, relatives of the thousands who disappeared during the
Argentinean dictatorship, which accused The Church of being silent in the face of the
crimes and even of taking an active part in the torturing of children. Those who were
involved, who told us lies, who turned their backs on us, was the Church of Bergoglio.
In the book, Church and Dictatorship: The Role of the Church Under the Light of Its
Relationship With the Military Regime, which was published by M.K.O. CELS of Buenos
Aires, reports that you, Your Excellency, the then Argentinean Eparch of the Societas
Jesu, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, and now Francis I, were directly connected with the
abduction and torture of the Jesuit priests Orlando Yorio and Francisco Jalics by the
military junta in May of 1976.

The famous newspaper The Los Angeles Times reports the same in an article published on
April 1
, 2005, which contains the information that the Jesuit priest Orlando directly
accused you, the then Eparch of the Order, Jorge Bergoglio, of literally handing him over
to the Juntas death squad, denying, before the Regime, protection to him and to the other
Jesuit priest for their preaching in the ghettos of Buenos Aires. The same year the famous
lawyer, Myriam Bergman, filed a lawsuit against you, the then Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio,
with the charge of conspiring with the criminal Junta of the military commander Videla, a
charge that was then repeated in 2010 by the survivors of the dirty war of the Argentinean
military Junta, as was published in the newspaper El Mundo.

During the course of the trial which began after the lawsuit of Myriam Bergman, you,
Cardinal Bergoglio, refused to appear in an open trial, and your answers, when they were
finally given, were full of evasions and ambiguity.

The dictatorship of Argentina was erected by the then U.S. Secretary of State Henry
Kissinger, with his deputy for Latin America, William Rodgers, who, as is gathered from
the declassified U.S. National Security files which were released on the 23
of March,
2006, had stated that in Argentina there will be a lot of blood shed On March 24
1976, the CIA overturned the democratic government of Isabel Peron, using the General
Videla, who was convicted to a life-sentence for crimes against humanity. They did this
in the interest of Wall Street and with its support, and at the advice of Mr. David
Rockefeller, who pressured the Argentinean Secretary of Economy, his close friend Jos
Alfredo Martnez de Hoz, to lead Argentina into recession, poverty and misery,
surrendering the Central Bank and the monetary policy of the country into the hands of
the golden boys of Wall Street and the IMF, keeping the national currency purposely
undervalued and creating extremely high international debt, which led the national
economy of Argentina, rich in raw materials, into bankruptcy. Mr. David Rockefeller is
the well known founder of the museum of Tel Aviv that bears his name with its anti-
Christian productions, which for the last two years were shown by the television channel
SKY during Great and Holy Week, and of the famous Trilateral Commission, which is a
communicating vessel of the equally well-known Bilderberg Group.

In 2006 the Argentinean reporter Horacio Verbitsky, in his book, The Silence, accused
you, Jorge Mario Bergoglio and now Francis I, as a direct collaborator of the Junta of
Videla, relying on the personal accounts of five Papist clergy, from whom you
removed, as the then bishop Bergoglio of Buenos Aires and the Argentinean eparch
of the Society of Jesus, the permission to perform missionary work in the Shanty towns
of Buenos Aires, thus providing the opportunity for Videlas Junta to arrest them. The
prominent human rights lawyer, Myriam Bregman, basing her work on the testimonies of
the Jesuits Yorio and Jalics, supplies the significant information that, after torture
sessions in the Juntas prisons, the two Jesuits were thrown from a helicopter. They,
however, lived to tell of the accomplishments and charity of the seemingly
humanitarian, Jorge Mario Bergoglio, now Francis I.

The well-known newspaper of Buenos Aires, Pagina 12, circulated at the announcement
of your election, a story with the title Dios mo! (My God!) which records the witness
of Gracielas Yorio, the sister of Orlando Yorio, who holds you, the then Bishop of
Buenos Aires, Jorge Bergoglio, responsible for the abduction of her brother by the Junta.
During the ESMA trial, the Argentinean Dictatorships largest torture center, you, the then
chairman of the Argentinean Episcopal Conference, denied in writing that you knew
about the murders and abductions. However your replacement sent the court a copy of a
text which certifies that you, Bergoglio, deliberated together with the dictator Videla and
three other bishops before the trial in order to work out a common plan of defense.

The midday newspaper Greece Tomorrow from the 15
to the 17
of March, 2013,
collapsed the Vaticans propaganda regarding Your Excellency with a front-page theme,
substantiated by photographs, documents and a many-page report, stating that you were a
favorite of the CIA and of the anti-Greek Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, during the
period of the decade of the 1970s, in which the dictatorship of General Jorge Videla was
declared, and who in 1985 was sentenced to lifelong incarceration. You, Your
Excellency, in your capacity as Cardinal of Argentina supported the military regime, as is
reported by the above newspaper in their articles The Dirty War and Cardinal

In 2010 the survivors of the juntas Dirty War accused you as an accomplice in the
kidnapping of two members of the Society of Jesus, which the newspaper El Mundo
gave extensive publicity to in its pages on November 8
2010. During the course of a
trial, which began in 2005 for the investigation into the crimes of the Argentinean junta,
you invoked the right which is given to you by Argentinean law and refused to appear in
an open trial; and when you finally gave witness in 2010, your answers were, as we have
already stated, full of evasions and ambiguity.

On April 1
2005 the Los Angeles Times reported the following: Bergoglio is implicated
in at least two cases. One concerning the investigation into the torture of two Jesuit
priests, Orlando Yario and Fancisco Jalics, who where abducted in 1976 from the poor
neighborhoods where they were preaching the theology of freedom. Yario accused
Bergoglio that he literally handed them over to the death squaddenying to cover for
them before the regime. Jalics has refused to speak about the subject, having cloistered
himself in a German monastery. Conveniently, a week after Your Excellencys election,
Mr. Jalics released a statement denying your involvement in the matter.

In general the Papist elite supported the military regime in Argentina. The Lawyer
Myriam Bergman stated the following in relation to the April 1
, 2005, Los Angeles

g-."/)& 0&E()%&GP-&, QC 4<B4&": $2R 5#.) B $*( S"@$)$2/D) $F: T/>&($"(F:, 22-3-2013.
Times article: Bergoglios own statements proved that church dignitaries from the
beginning knew that the junta was torturing and murdering its citizens, and in spite of all
this they publicly supported the dictators. The dictatorship couldnt have functioned in
this way without this crucial support. You were a conscientious supporter of the junta
and man of the CIA, because you not only compromised Papism with the Argentinean
junta, but also refused to follow the example of other Papist bishops who stood up to
the juntas that were planted by the CIA and Wall Street in Latin America during that
time. In contrast to your policy, after the outbreak of the Chilean coup d'tat on
September 11
, 1973, against the government of Allende, the Cardinal of Santiago, Ral
Silva Henrquez, publicly condemned Pinochets junta. The critical stance of Papism in
Chile against the junta of Pinochet played an important role in limiting the wave of
political murders and human rights abuses. If you had followed the policy of Chilean
Papism you could have saved the lives of many Argentinean dissidents.

The newspaper in its commentary claims that you, Your Excellency, come as a protector
of the Vatican against the Justice of Argentina and against the surviving victims of the
Argentinean junta. In addition, your election has important geo-political repercussions for
Latin America. In the decade of the seventies in Argentina, you were an essential
supporter of the U.S. instigated junta, just as the Argentinean Secretary of Economy,
Martnez de Hoz, acted in the interest of Wall Street. Papism exercises great political
influence in Latin America. This is a well-known fact to the architects of internal politics
in the U.S., who methodically make use of you. Today, in Latin America, many
governments doubt the leadership of the U.S.A. Given all of that, your election provides
important possibilities to Washington, via the Vatican, to undermine and destabilize the
political powers of the Latin American governments which are not pleasing to the White
House. The progressive government of Cristina Kirschner in Argentina, along with
governments of Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia, after the death of Chvez and your
election, can now be pressured more effectively in order to conform to the commands of
the U.S. You are not Francis of Assisi, you are not the Pope of the poor, but the Pope
of the economic elite, the Pope of a ruthless Washington establishment and, of course,
the Pope of those with a fascist mindset.

Another scandal of the City-State of God came to the surface recently, namely the
corrupt position of the Papists in Chile during the dictatorship of the bloodthirsty
Pinochet. The Vatican was attempting to downgrade the crimes, which were committed
in Chile during the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, characterizing them as communist
propaganda, according to American diplomatic documents which date from the 1970s,
and which were published by the website WikiLeaks. A telegram, which was sent to the
American Embassy from the Holy See on the 18
of October, 1973, records a
conversation that the then second-in-hierarchy in the Vatican, Giovanni Benelli, had with
the then Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, describing the concerns of Cardinal Benelli,
as well as those of the Pontiff, before the successful international campaign of the Left,
which presents a completely false view of the reality in Chile.

Again, this doesnt
surprise us at all, because the dirty City-State of God was in the embrace of all the

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Website: t;6>?<*7 97.
despotic and fascist regimes of the 20
century, because they were bound by common
interests. Let us not forget how all the Nazi and fascist criminals, after the 2
World War,
found refuge in the dark halls of the Vatican and from there were helped by the fathers
to escape to Latin America! A classic example was the war criminal Ante PaveliC, who
murdered along with the Croatian UstaBa 800,000 Serbian Orthodox under the command
of the false saint, Aloysius Stepinac. The tragedy is that some actually call this thing a
Church and further, one of its two lungs!


These days the Robber Synod of Vatican II (1962-1965), which modernized and
developed in our times the heresies and false doctrines of the fallen Patriarch of the West
with its four Constitutions, nine Decrees and three Declarations, and altogether
secularized Papism is presented as a so-called spiritual springboard for the
comprehension of the modern world and as a so-called expression of the consciousness of
the Church.

The above fact, however, withholds the reality that the Truth is neither an ideology, nor a
subjective approach, nor a matter of supremacy in numbers, but an incarnate reality,
which is given existence in the person of the perfect God and perfect man, Jesus Christ,
and therefore renders self-evident the fact that even one person together with the Truth-
person, Christ, make up the majority, even if the opposition is made up of many
thousands, as is the case with the parasynagogue of Papism and the Robber Synod of
Vatican II, with its 2,500 participants. In addition, we are found to be in council only
when we are found within the Orthodox Church, communing with the person of Christ,
because Christ is the way and the life, as the Orthodox Church chants, and as Christ
Himself trumpeted-forth I am the way and the truth and the life.

Thus, we are found on the way only when we have communion with the Truth, who is
Christ, and not when we have communion with heresy, who is the devil

We know well, Your Excellency, that you are dedicated to the decisions of the Second
Vatican Council (1965), which aims at the improvement of the relations between Papism
and the other Christian churches, as well as other religions. What, however, is the
Second Vatican Council, which laid the foundation for the union of Papism with, in
particular, the Orthodox, and which has Ecumenism as its vanguard? We shall allow the
modern Saint and Elder of our sister Serbian Orthodox Church, the professor of
Dogmatics and Ecumenical Teacher, Justin PopoviC, to describe it for us through his

*Q 3o%M.EY('#%E3E eE.%(E&)K (EF R%(.E.Q/G& .\5 fE.%&%(\5 0"/%(\5! 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 17-5-
John 14:6
g-."/)& 0&E()%&GP-& Y%' .1& j"/FRE Y%' .1& ey eE.%(E&1 <h&)R), 5-11-2013,

Here, says the ever-memorable one, we have a crucial dilemma and choice: either
the God-man or Man! Before us we have an offspring of the Devil, which is called
European Humanism. The peak of this diabolical humanism is the desire to become
good through evil, to become god through the Devil. The Second Vatican Council
comprises a rebirth of all of European Humanism, a rebirth of a corpse. Because,
from the moment that the God-man Christ is present in the terrestrial world, all of
Humanism is a corpse. The dogma of mans (Papal) Infallibility itself is nothing
less than the hair-raising funeral of all Humanism, from the Vatican, which raised it
to a dogma, to the satanic Humanism of Sarte. Within the Humanistic pantheon of
Europe all the gods are dead, with the European Zeus (the Pope) at their head.

The foundation of all Humanism, even that of the Vatican, is pride, the faith in
mans reason and intellect. All Humanism returns man to idolatry, to a two-fold
death, spiritual and physical. As Humanism distances itself from the God-man it is
slowly transformed into nihilism. In this way, in the European West, Christianity
was gradually changed into Humanism. Slowly and persistently over a long period
of time, they lessened the God-man and in the end diminished him into a man, into
the infallible man of Rome and into the no-less infallible man of Berlin. With this
change there appeared, on the one hand, Western Christian/Humanism Maximalism
(Papism) and on the other hand Western Christian/Humanism Minimalism
(Protestantism), which seek a minimum from Christ, and oftentimes nothing at all.
In both cases Man is placed in the place of Christ as that which is of the highest
value and that which is the ultimate criteria, the result of which is the
transformation of Western Christianity into Humanism. This replacement of the
God-man with man was manifestly shown in the obvious replacement of the
Christian God-man methodology with humanistic methodology.

Here is the wellspring of the Aristotelian philosophical primacy in scholasticism,
the casuist method and the Inquisition in ethics, the Papist diplomacy in
international relations, the Papal State etc. What naturally follows is that now, in
Europe, they are contemplating replacing humanistic Christianity with the ancient
polytheistic religion, something that has already begun.

In a wider historical context, the western dogma of infallibility is nothing other
than an attempt to revive and perpetuate dying European humanism and by
extension the civilization itself. Every effort and attempt to equate Christianity with
the spirit of this present age, with the transient movements of some other age in
history and, in addition, with various political parties or regimes, removes from
Christianity that specific worth, which renders it the worlds sole religion of the

Satan wars against Christ through many and various people: through Herod, and
Nero, but even more dreadfully through Arius. Coming out of the god-murdering
and self-destroying Judas, Satan entered into Arius! What in fact is Arianism? From
where does it originate? Its metaphysical side is rooted in Satanism while the
psychological in rationalism. It is an attempt to replace the Christian Laws of the
Holy Spirit with the rationalistic laws (the categories) of Aristotelian logic.
Newman was correct when he wrote: Aristotle was the bishop of the Arians! (The
Arians of the Fourth Century, p. 31). Every heresy is an offspring of the Devil.
Saint Athanasius underlines this emphatically: The Devil is the creator of heresies.

Arianism has not been buried yet. Today it is more in fashion then ever before and
has been propagated more than in any other age. It has been propagated as the soul
of the body that is modern Europe. If one looks into European culture they will find
Arianism hidden in its depths.

With the leaven of Arianism all European philosophy has been leavened along
with its science, civilization and, in part, its religion. Both Papism and
Protestantism have managed to poison the masses of Europe with vulgar Arianism.
Arianism, like a chameleon, can change externally, in its essence however it is
always the same.

With much pain and agony the race of man has forged for itself a supreme
divinity, which it worships as that which is of the highest worth and standard. This
supreme divinity is summed up thus: Man is the measure of all things. All of
European Humanism, from the most primitive to the most noble and refined, from
basest fetishes to Papism, all are based on faith in man, as he is in his given
psychophysical empirical condition and historicity. In this way idolatrous
humanism and, above all, Greek humanism was elevated to dogma. The value, the
criteria of Greek culture, of Greek civilization, poetry, philosophy, art, and political
science has been raised to dogma: Man is the measure of all things! And what
does all of this mean? It means the elevation of idolatry to dogma! For this reason,
in the final analysis, all of Humanism has idolatrous and polytheistic origins. All of
the Humanism of European man is, in essence, nothing other that an incessant
rebellion against the God-man Christ.

Everywhere man replaces the God-man. The man of European humanism has
taken his place on every European throne. However, outside of the God-man, man
does not exist only as subhuman, half-human or non-human. Without the God-
man, man is in danger of being reduced to a devil-like creature, because sin is
simultaneously the power and image of the devil. Humanistic anthropocentrism is,
in its essence, devil-centrism, because both seek the same thing: to belong to
themselves, for themselves.

And so it is only natural and logical that, in such a world that lieth in wickedness,
there can exist no kind of compromise in a man who follows the God-man! Our
Orthodox Church does not change its faith nor does it change the means with which
it fights every form of Arianism. And as it defeated the old Arianism, so it defeats
every form of new Arianism, including its modern European form.


!%E.'YE.E ey <4&QR)4 eE.%(E&)K, vol. 7, V(R. A/Eo"F)4 ,E#)K *hI)4, `P1&E, pp. 43-44.
The Second Vatican Council gave a great thrust in inter-religious understanding or,
better yet, pan-religious union. The Council writes about the relations of Papism with
non-Christian communities in the Declaration Nostra Aetate, which desires to promote
dialogue and cooperation between the large world religions for causes of justice and
world peace: The Church regards with esteem also the Moslems. They adore the one
God, living and subsisting in Himself; merciful and all-powerful, the Creator of heaven
and earth, (5) who has spoken to men; they take pains to submit wholeheartedly even to
His inscrutable decrees, just as Abraham, with whom the faith of Islam takes pleasure in
linking itself, submitted to God. Though they do not acknowledge Jesus as God, they
revere Him as a prophet. They also honor Mary, His virgin Mother; at times they even
call on her with devotion. In addition, they await the Day of Judgment when God will
render their deserts to all those who have been raised up from the dead. Finally, they
value the moral life and worship God especially through prayer, almsgiving and

You, Your Excellency, invite Christians and Muslims to behave with mutual respect and
to strengthen mutual understanding through education and the upbringing of the younger
generations. You congratulated your brother Muslims at the conclusion of the holy
month of Ramadan, which is dedicated to fasting, prayer and charitable acts. You also
sent greetings to Muslims worldwide during a Sunday blessing of pilgrims that gathered
in Saint Peters Square in Rome.

You, Your Excellency, called on the West to intensify the dialogue with Islam and set as
your priority the fighting of poverty and the protection of the environment. You stated
that you intend to strengthen the dialogue with Islam and unbelievers, and to build
bridges, underlining the meaning of the word Pontiff, which in Latin means bridge-
builder, or more specifically, he who builds bridges between God and man. You said:
Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am
thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam, stating that you felt thankful that so many
Muslim religious and civilian leaders attended your inaugural Mass.

In June of 2012 Egyptian television presented to the world-wide community a frightful,
atrocious and tragic video of the decapitation by knife of a young and anonymous
Tunisian Christian new-martyr at the hands of fanatic hooded Islamists, who manically
read verses from the Quran, while committing their outrageous crime.

This atrocious
event took place in the otherwise cosmopolitan Tunisia, which the so-called Democratic
powers of the West, the U.S.A., England, France, and the rest, took pains to hand over
into the embrace of Islamic fundamentalists, who under the pretext of the self-styled
Arab Spring, are undertaking the re-establishment of the Caliphate.

Besides, the same unrepentant practice is demonstrated by the particular directors of

!%E.'YE.E ey <4&QR)4 eE.%(E&)K, vol. 7, V(R. A/Eo"F)4 ,E#)K *hI)4, `P1&E, pp. 43-44.
U 6'IE5 .\5 9W+5 rI)('#"3" .)h5 )43)4#'&)45 rR"#o)h5,,
z((#+3+ 6'IE Y%' R%'#)Y) - .Q {3#' (EF (E.EI)#-+3+ .\5 o.WM"%E5 22-3-2013, Reuters, HK5L,,

40 international/item/ 26372-apokefalian-ne.
internationalism in the case of much suffering Syria, where it is diligently concealed that
there is being waged an Indo-Islamic religious war between the Alevi, who rule and who
belong to the moderate Shia Islam, and the extremist Sunni, which make up the majority
in the country, and who are being generously armed by the Sunni establishment of the
Arab League and the internationalist establishment of the West, with the obvious goal of
incorporating Syria into the beloved Caliphate.

Which raises the question: are these anthropomorphic monsters, who commit these
crimes, responsible for these atrocities? The simple-minded answer yes thoroughly
distorts the truth. The truth is that their religious confession, manufactured by hate and
evil, is responsible for the beastly perversion of these people. Quranic witnesses such as
this are what have inspired them throughout history, and which inspire them today
And when the sacred months have passed, then kill the polytheists wherever you find
them and capture them and besiege them and sit in wait for them at every place of
ambush. And in this Sura we read:
So when you meet those who disbelieve, strike
their necks until, when you have inflicted slaughter upon them, then secure their bonds,
and either confer favor afterwards or ransom them until the war lays down its burdens.
That is the command. And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon
them Himself, but He ordered armed struggle to test some of you by means of others.
And those who are killed in the cause of Allah never will He waste their deeds. He will
guide them and amend their condition, and admit them to Paradise, which He has made
known to them. O you who have believed, if you support Allah, He will support you and
plant firmly your feet.

And in this Sura:

And fight them until there is no more Fitnah
(disbelief and worshipping of others along with Allah) and (all and every kind of)
worship is for Allah (Alone). But if they cease, let there be no transgression except
against Az-Zalimun (the polytheists, and wrong-doers). And thus, those who with
passion read these fearful perversions, come to believe that in this way the All-Holy God
is, allegedly, pleased, He who from endless love created the universe from nothing.
Blinded by the falsehood of their religious system, whose goal is the domination and
conquest of all peoples by fire and steel, these wretched ones do not see the beauty of the
world, the sweetness of the flowers, the phenomenal splendor of the systems of galaxies,
the exquisite expression of harmony of the oceans, the forests, the rivers, of creation in
general. It is terribly tragic that they believe that the Creator of all this beauty, the God of
the Promise to Abraham, who did not want Isaac as a sacrifice, but replaced him with a
ram, would demand and be pleased to accept the slaughter of young men. Of course, in
our martyric country of Greece, we owe our Orthodox and Hellenic self-consciousness to
the thousands of young boys and girls, who during the five black and endless centuries of
Islamic slavery, where slaughtered for their faith in Christ and strengthened the flame of

The critical question, which unfortunate Islam is unable to answer is the following: Who
speaks the truth? Is it Jesus Christ, the God-Man, Who was born into the world above
nature that is, through the Spirit of God and not according to the natural way of
humans, as is completely accepted and preached even by Muhammad in his Quran

The Repentance 9:5
Muhammad 47:4-10
cf. suras The Spoils of War 8:73,76, The Iron 57:10
The Cow 2:193
whose ministry is the completion and fulfillment of Revelation, which was given by God
to the Prophets of the Old Testament, whose Word and Resurrection was handed over in
all truth by those who gave their lives and were martyred for the truth? Or is it a mere
common man, the Arab merchant Muhammad, the son of Abdullah and Aminah bint
Wahb, who lived six hundred years after Jesus Christ, and who was born, as all humans
are, according to nature, and who is totally and essentially refuted by all of the substance
of Gods revelation through His prophets and through His incarnate, crucified and risen
Son, our Lord Jesus Christ? No one prophesied the coming of Muhammad, his assertion
in the Sura of the Quran
And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: O Children of
Israel! I am the messenger of Allah (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came)
before me, and giving Glad Tidings of a Messenger to come after me, whose name shall
be Ahmad, notwithstanding. As well, the opinion of Muslim scholars that the Gospel
Nevertheless I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I
do not go away, the Counselor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you
allegedly contained the word I"/%(#4.Q5 ,-./- means glorious or illustrious one,
and is a synonym with the Arabic word Achmed, instead of 6E/'(#+.)5, is
completely unworthy of refutation. These assertions run contrary to six centuries of
Christian faith, Ecumenical Councils, theology, church writings, pan-Christian belief and
science and, of course, common logic, because it is completely unthinkable that God
would have waited six full centuries from the supernatural incarnation, work and
presence of the Messiah and his ascension into the heavens until the appearance of the so-
called revelation of the Quran, to send the supposed seal of all the prophets, namely the
mere man Muhammed. On the contrary, the true 6E/'(#+.)5, the third person of the
Holy Trinity, the All-Holy Spirit, descended on the disciples and Apostles of Christ fifty
days after His Resurrection and ten days after His Ascension, founding His Church,
which is His Body, with Him as the Head, giving strength to His frightened and hiding
disciples, in order to spread to all the world the Gospel of the adoption of mankind by
God the Father, enabling the Apostles to be indifferent to their own personal fate, to
fearful tortures, and finally to their martyric and painful death, which would be their
reward for all this spiritual struggle.

When it is also taken into account that Muhammed, as seen in the aforementioned
citations, imposed his religion by violence, death and power, something which is also
manifestly proved today; and, most importantly, if the so-called revelations were true,
which were given to him by a being who appeared to him as the Archangel Gabriel; then
God would have had to be out of His mind, since He proclaimed and revealed for six
centuries one thing to the race of man and six hundred years after His final revelation He
changed His mind and radically altered that which He had made known about Himself.
Since, however, this is blasphemy and an insult against the true God, Who is pure truth,
pure love, and omniscient as the magnificent universe, the work of His hands, bears
witness, with all the mathematical precision of its billion star systems ,it is completely
impossible for this to have happened. The only conclusion, which is easily drawn, is that
Muhammed, a mere man, fashioned his religious system, six hundred years after the
completion of Divine Revelation, on his own initiative, and from his own thought and
understanding. He created a religious system consisting of ancient Arabic religious

Battle Array 61:6
John 16: 7.
beliefs along with Jewish and Christian ideas that he used to unite the Arabic tribes of his
time, and to create his own theocratic and royal regime, seizing power and creating an
empire. From the aforementioned we see that Islam is made up of deep delusion, and its
religious belief system is not a revelation of the living God, but rather a creation of
human passions, a continuation of the hideous heresy of Arius, which has no relation with
the truth revealed in the Old Testament, the truth of the one and only Tri-hypostatic God
and Creator of the universe, Who was revealed to the patriarchs of the Hebrew race
Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and especially to the prophet Moses, and Who according to
the New Testament brought to completion the revelation by His incarnate Word, Who
united without confusion, change, division or separation the Divine and the human
natures in the one hypostasis of the Lord Jesus Christ, perfect God and perfect man, to the
fulfillment of the prophesies throughout the ages concerning the salvation of the world.
Therefore, regardless of how many martyrs of Christ they will decapitate, as pawns of the
Devil they will never be able to detract from or obscure the truth of the one and only
God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


The Decree Unitatis Redintegratio of the Second Vatican Council opens the doors to
cooperation and dialogue with other religions, especially with Judaism, in spite of the
ardent opposition of a minority at the Council.
In the fourth phase of the Council in
1965, a vote was taken for the statements relating to freedom of conscience and religious
freedom, in addition to that concerning relations with other religions, chiefly with
Judaism. These provoked intense debate, because they overturned very old and deeply
rooted mindsets within the Church. Specifically, the Council sought to change the
negative and hostile stance of Papism towards the Jews.

You, Your Excellency, are devoted to the decisions of the Second Vatican Council
(1965), which aims at the improvement of the relations between Papism and Jews. This is
evident by your statements. According to the website on March 26,
2013, you, Your Excellency, exhort the members of all religions and all the people that
belong to a church to unite to defend justice, peace and the environment. I am very
moved and feel great optimism and hope, stated rabbi David Rosen, from Jerusalem,
director of inter-religious relations for the American Jewish Committee. He is deeply
dedicated to Catholic-Judaic relations, said Rosen, who was present at the meeting.
Yahya Pallavicini, leader of the Italian Muslim community, said that he was impressed
by your persistence in the promotion of inter-religious friendship. You met with Christian
leaders of the Orthodox, Anglicans, Lutherans and Methodists and also of other religions
such as Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus. To the religious leaders at the Vatican you

g-."/)& 0&E()%&GP-& I"/F ,)/E&F)4, {3#E%()K o)&.E"&.E#%3)K (EF J"4R)("%-&G& .)K {3#',
I. 27=!|9=< ,=>*8!?<, g e <h&)R)5 .)K eE.%(E&)K r&)FY"% .1& D((#+3FE 3.Q -##)&. ey
eE.%(E&1 <h&)R)5 - DI)M1 34o%#FG3+5 (EF R%E#QY)4, .&/"2!"@% T(2"<$2D 7/DE2($&:, vol. 1028,
December, 2005,
*)K NRF)4, [\ V1(2!2: $2R [)$"@)(2R : ") >&("@* ].2U-, 15/10/2012
stated, The Catholic Church has awareness of the importance of the promotion of amity
between men and women of different religious traditions. Speaking in Italian in Sala
Clementina, you said that members of all religions, even the non-believers, should
recognize the common responsibility they share in the world, in all of creation, which we
should love and protect.

The Jewish communities of Argentina were thrilled with your election, Your
Excellency. Rabbi David Rosen of the AJC told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency that you
are a warm, sweet and modest man, and it is known in Buenos Aires that you cooked
for yourself and answered your own telephone. And of course photographs were provided
showing you, as archbishop of Buenos Aires, observing the service of Rosh Hashanah in
the Benei Tikva Slijot Synagogue in September of 2007. We have no doubts that you
would be pleasing to world-wide Judaism, since it is known that the former two popes
had inaugurated, not simply a truce with the synagogue, but hand-in-hand
collaboration! We remind you of the act of restoration of the name Judah and of the act of
exoneration of the Jewish people for the crucifixion of Christ, which was performed by
His former Excellency, Benedict XVI, while Judaism now and throughout time with the
satanic Kabbalah and the demonic Talmud crucify daily the Savior of the world! Who,
then, could believe that you were chosen by the Holy Spirit and not by the powerful ones
of this world?

Your own affinity, Your Excellency, for the Jews is a known fact. The celebration of all
of the Jews of the world on your election, of their chosen pope, was made complete by
a new incident, which caused a significant stir when it was published. The Jewish website
The Jewish Daily Forward made known, Your Excellency, how your favorite painting
is the White Crucifixion of the Jewish Jesus. The painting, by the Jewish artist Marc
Chagall, is on display at the Art Institute of Chicago. The crucifix in the painting is
nailed to a cross in the form of a T. Instead of the familiar loincloth he is wearing a
Jewish prayer shawl. Below the cross is burning the menorah. On the right of the
crucifix is shown a synagogue on fire and to its left the torah. Those who know about
art affirm that this specific painting does not depict the Crucified Christ of the Christian
faith, but crucified Judaism! Yet another blasphemous work, perverting the true
message of the crucifixion. Of course, the Jews, on their part, are busy at their work,
the work they have been doing for two thousand years now, to demolish faith in Christ.
The question of significance is: how can a Christian Pope have such an artistic
monstrosity as his preference?

You stated many things during Your Excellencys first interview in the Italian newspaper
La Repubblica, all without substance or trace of spirituality. However, you did make
some statements that reveal your total lack of ecclesiastical conscience, as was uploaded
by the website The main issue, for those who do not believe in God, is to
obey their own conscience. You are unaware, then, that, as a rule, the conscience is
corrupted by sin and the passions and cannot replace the faith? Christians do not possess
the truth from the moment that it is given to them by God and for this reason they should

U &-)5 6'IE5 [I-/ .\5 $"#.%W3"G5 .]& 3M-3"G& .)K 6EI%3)K - .)h5 }$/EF)45 (EF .)h5
@)43)4#'&)45, 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 19-4-2013.
U 6'IE5 H(#"(.Q5 (EF .]& }$/EFG&, 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 19-4-2013.
U 6'IE5 PE4E3.15 $#E3o1)4 }$/E~()K V/Y)4 .-M&+5! 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 17-5-2013.
constantly seek the renewal of this gift. You are unaware, then, that Gods truth is found
in the Orthodox Church, and the faithful become communicants of this truth as members
of the Church? Through the terrible trials of these past centuries, the Jews have kept
their faith in God. And for this, we will never be grateful enough to them, as the Church,
but also as humanity at large. We ask Your Excellency: At what point in time did the
Church become grateful for the fact that the heterodox Jews preserved a faith that
vehemently denies the divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ? You also said many other
similar things. We believe, however, that even this small sampling of your own words
clearly shows the complete absence of an ecclesiastical conscience on your part. You
who are presented as the Vicar of Christ on Earth and First of the Church!

Can it really be possible, we ask, that you are also not aware as the Christian Pope that
the hideous Global Zionism,
which was condemned as extremely racist by the U.N.
(when the U.N. was truly free) changed the theism of the Old Testament and the Prophets
into shameful Satanism, with the demonic Kabbalah and the vulgar Talmud, work of the
demonized Rabbis of fallen Judaism and of their ideals regarding world wide government
and domination, through the still awaited false messiah, namely Antichrist?


We wonder if there still exist those who maintain that Your Excellency was chosen by
the Holy Spirit, in light of the wave of revelations concerning what was going on behind
the scenes during your election.
If they exist, let them take a look at the website of the
Grand Orient of Italy (Grande Oriente d'Italia or GOI) and perhaps they will change
their minds.

Along with the Jews, Your Excellency is a favorite of the Freemasons, who, according to
their own publications, were anxiously awaiting your election and rejoiced when you
were chosen! In a statement by the Grand Master, G. Raffi, he stresses that, With
Pope Francis, nothing will be as it was before. It is a clear choice of fraternity for a
Church of dialogue, which is not contaminated by the logic and temptations of temporal
power. He is a man of the poor, far away from the Curia. Fraternity and the desire to
dialogue were his first concrete words. Perhaps nothing in the Church will be as it was
before. The simple cross he wore on his white cassock lets us hope that a Church of the
people will re-discover its capacity to dialogue with all men of good will and with
Freemasonry, which, as the experience of Latin America teaches us, works for the good
and progress of humanity! So here is the heart of the matter: dialogue with all men of

z(R+#)5 j rI)43FE H((#+3%E3.%(\5 34&"%R13"G5 "N5 .Q& 6'IE& (. T/EY(F3()&, 7/8%!292: ;1.2:
(25-10-2013) 2.
g".-/E 52")($2/"@* Z>@1@6"2: Z.D $F =3/")@F $F: 7/82!29D): 2013, :9i8@. i:9:f:@6=<
e:<8f=6=;f=<, O QC@23&("4%: <0/D: #4@), H(R. O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5, 0P1&E 1988, pp. 43-45, 107-
108, <;>:t8< =92=!=t|> ,f?98,|> ,:8 @=>:i|>, S")@*/39": !"# $*( K)42(D)(,
g".-/E G."4$26* ./%: $%( K)@)/",$)$2 T/<"&.D4@2.2 T8-(^( @)D .#4-: _66#!2: @)D $21:
V&`)4"0$#$23: T/<"&/&a: >"# $*( )b/&4- $2R QY@23&("42R, 8-5-2013.
,E/R%&'#%)% I/F& J+oF3)4& Y%Q .Q &-) 6'IE,
good will, which means an intensifying of ecumenism!

Are you not aware, Your Excellency, that Freemasonry promotes, through Ecumenism,
the universal religion of Lucifer, as well as the fact that the source and womb of
Freemasonry is the hideous International Zionism? From Freemasonrys own texts it is
established that they accept and believe in a divinity, which they call The Great
Architect of the Universe (G.A.O.T.U.). They have, of course, rites analogous with
those of the Church (mysteries or sacraments for example: marriage, altars, temples,
symbols, funerals, consecrations) with a specific typicon of rites. In the Masonic texts
G.A.O.T.U. is know by the names: Lucifer, Devil, Satan, Beelzebul, Belial, Baphomet,
Demon, etc. Freemasonrys own ideas about its beliefs and confessions are clear.
In the
Charter of the Grand Lodge of Greece (12-20-1949) it is clearly stated: Freemasonry
believes in the existence of God under the cognomen Great Architect of the Universe.
In the Masonic encyclopedia of N. X. Lascaris, published with the permission of the
Grand Lodge of Greece, in the entry Religion and Masonry, we read: The Masonic
religion does not make distinctions. It accepts in its hospitable embrace men of all
dogmas; it neither completely prefers nor shuns any particular religious dogma The
religion of Freemasonry is a universal religion of nature and of primeval revelation, with
which we were bequeathed by an ancient one and the patriarchal priesthood, in which all
men are able to co-exist. Undisguised are the Syncretism and idolatry of Freemasonry,
but also its anti-Christian character, something that is clear from its claim at universality,
which is in direct conflict with the catholicity and ecumenicity of the Christian Faith and
Church. This was underlined in the historic decision of the Church of Greece in 1933
according to which Freemasonry is not a simple philanthropic organization or
philosophic school, but it forms a mystagogic system, and so reminds us of the ancient
ethnic mystery religions and cults. It is proven to be a mystery cult, completely
different and foreign to the Christian religion it seeks to include in its embrace all
of humankind it raises up itself to a kind of super religion.

In addition,
Archimandrite Epiphanios Theodoropoulos, of blessed memory, an enlightened spiritual
father and eminent theologian, stresses that Freemasonry aspires to become the religion
of all mankind to become a super religion.

Freemasonry is pagan cult worship, an adversary of the pure Orthodox Catholic
Church. That is to say, it is clearly an antichristian and pagan religion. The Masons are
Satan worshipers and luciferists, followers of the religion of Antichrist.
We also
ascertain that the Freemasons, at least those in the higher degrees, are Satan worshipers,

U &-)5 6'IE5 H(#"(.Q5 (EF .]& @E3Q&G&, 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 24-5-2013.
In the Masonic periodical Pythagoras-Gnomon, 1935, in an article by the Lodges theoretician, A. Pike
we read: Freemasonry seeks the diffusion only of its own creed, according to which the universal
religion is taught by nature and logic. Freemason Lodges are not Christian, Jewish or Muslim Temples.
Freemasonry repeats the ethical principles of all religionsit gathers whatever is good from all creeds
cf. >. :9=;!:,?<, K)42(D). g z<"!() $2K V"0("42K<%G&%3)s cf. >. :9=;!:,?<, to
which the universal re
Complete text at [Translator].
6/cS%5 I"/F @E3)&FE5 .\5 _"/E/MFE5 .\5 D((#+3FE5 .\5 }##'R)5.
:9i8@. 768T:>8=< 27=!|9=6=;f=<, g K)42(D) [.% $% W]: $\: r6-8&D):, V(R. 6'.)5,
0P\&E% 1965, p. 18. The goal always remains clear and specific: It is the promotion of religious
syncretism within the framework of Ecumenism (inter-Christian and inter-religious) with the trivialization
of all religious traditions and ideals.
g".-/E 0&)%(.1 DI%3.)#1 I/Q5 .Q IE.) <4$)h#%) .)K 33
.\5 @"Y'#+5 <.)c5 .\5 }##'R)5,
U/8%!292: ;1.2:, 30-11-2012.
praying to Lucifer as Baphomet, as they call their goat-headed god. Moreover, their
association with magic cannot be denied. Paul Naudon, a scholar in the history of their
law and a Freemason himself, informs us that certain rites have as their goal the practice
of magic, which comes to the service of man giving him influence over the world.
claim by Freemasons that they do not occupy themselves with nor interfere in political
matters and developments is untrue. The religious character of Freemasonry, which also
functions expansively and universally, walks hand in hand with active involvement in
international political affairs. Its political involvement foresees the exercise of influence
on politicians in order to guide international political developments. It is by no means a
philanthropic organization, as they allege, which has as its goal the prevalence in society
of morals and ethics. The scandal involving the Italian Lodge P2 in 1981 is one of the
most significant confirmations of Freemasonrys relationship with political intrigues.


The news from the Christian West is dramatic. Unfortunately, the prophet of western
man, Nietzsche, is constantly confirmed: God is dead, neither shall there remain a trace
of His memory. Christianity of the West, having managed to get rid of Christ, with
Papism and Protestantism, is now trying to get rid of faith in God. Behold the evidence!

Firstly, on the 23rd of May, 2013, you made an historic outreach to Atheists. Atheists
should be seen as good people if they do good, Your Excellency stated, in a call for
cooperation among all people, regardless of their religious beliefs. Speaking to atheists
you underlined the meaning of doing good as a principle, which unites all of mankind.
You related the story of a Papist, who once asked a priest if Jesus redeemed even atheists.
Even them, everyone, was the answer given, according to Vatican radio. If someone
told you that he was an atheist you would tell him: We all have the duty to do good. Just
do good and well find a meeting point. Your addressing yourself to the atheists is in
direct contrast with the attitude and views of His former Excellency, Benedict XVI, who
many times caused non-Papists to feel like, as they put it, second-class believers.

Secondly, pastors of different heretical protestant denominations confess that they are
atheists! The Methodist pastor Keith Jenkins stated that the faithful now look to their
pastors as super heroes. He recognized also that there are many pastors that pass a
crisis of personal faith and end up as atheists. The strange thing with these heresies is the
existence of a website, with pastors and other clergy as members, who
no longer believe in God. This group, launched on March 21st, 2011, states that it already
has more than 556 members. Some of these pastors continue to preach, keeping their

Paul Naudon, U D6&38&/2$&@$2("4%:, trans. A"G/YF)4 GY/Eo'(+, 0P1&E 1996, pp. 109,110.
This Lodge, in cooperation with the Mafia, the CIA and Vatican Bank took part in the overthrowing of
the Italian Government and its subordination to U.S.A. cf. >. :9=;!:,?<, K)42(D). A c<"!() $2R
V"0("42R, V(R. O/PQR)S) @-.GI), 0P1&E 1991, pp. 90-98, ,. *<:9=;i:<, A K)42(D) 4$*( _66#!),
V(R. }##+&%(' A/'E.E, 0P1&E 2004.
6'IE5 T/EY(F3()5 I/Q5 rP-)45 : ,'&." .Q (E#Q (EF P' $/)K" 3+"s) 34&'&.+3+5,
broyme-shmeio synanthshs/#.UZ5HaUH0gcg.twitter,
atheism a secret.

These phenomena show us that the spiritual thirst of man, through the adulteration of
faith and the non-existence of liturgical and spiritual life, leads to atheism as another
option! This disturbing news is not at all unrelated to the Vaticans reaching out to
atheists, with whom you are content to have a dialogue, provided they are good people.
It is not by chance that in recent years even atheists have been invited to Assisi for
common prayer! The hair-raising conclusion: Christianity in the West no longer exists,
only idolatry in the guise of Christianity!


You, Your Excellency, on Great and Holy Thursday of this past Papist Easter, visited
one of Romes juvenile detention centers and washed the feet of twelve young men and
women, who according to the Holy See represented the twelve Apostles. So far so
good. However, one of the young women who was portraying the Apostles was a
Muslim! Chance? We think not! Each of the twelve young men and women, who had
their feet washed by the Pope, were chosen to represent the different nationalities and
religions of the inmates of the detention center. Among them were Orthodox Christians
and Muslims.

It is evident that you faithfully follow the policy of your predecessors regarding the
promotion of the Vaticans inter-religious outreach. Let those who believed that you
would bring fresh air to the Vatican not be quick to rejoice. You will faithfully serve
the Vaticans ambitions for world domination in order to subject all religions under your
papal slippers, and to bring about your appointment as the global religious and spiritual
leader. This is the explanation for why a Muslim inmate, portraying an Apostle of Christ,
was brought before you.

You, Your Excellency, have not ceased from the moment of your election to speak in
glowing terms about all the religions of the world, and to call them to collaborate for the
good of mankind. Immediately after your election you exhorted the members of all
religions, as well as those who do not belong to a religious group, to join together in
order to defend justice, peace and the environment. As we have noted earlier, behold the
reactions: I am very moved and feel great optimism and hope, stated rabbi David
Rosen, from Jerusalem, director of interreligious relations for the American Jewish
Committee. He is deeply dedicated to Catholic-Judaic relations, said Rosen. Yahya
Pallavicini, leader of the Italian Muslim community, said that he was impressed by your
persistence in the promotion of interreligious friendship. You met with Christian leaders
of the Orthodox, Anglicans, Lutherans and Methodists and of other religions such as
Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus. The Catholic Church has awareness of the
importance of the promotion of amity between men and women of different religious

Website: !=A@:.
Website: t;6>?<*7 97.
/M%3E& .' r&)FYE.E .)K &-)4 6'IE I/Q5 .'5 P/+3("FE5 .)K (Q3)4, O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5 26-4-
traditions, you stated characteristically. It is obvious why you decided to lead the effort
in uniting the religions of the world, believing that you can become their leader! The
Holy See is leading the way in the creation of a one-world religion, supposedly for the
good of the world. In essence, however, it will be for its devastation.

Another one of your actions is making a sensation these days, Your Excellency. On your
election you chose the mask of simplicity, obviously in order to seem different from your
predecessors, shedding many of the emblems with which the centuries had encumbered
you. These decisions of yours are praiseworthy. However, among other choices, you
refused the valuable gold cross of your predecessors and preferred to wear a simple iron
cross. Nevertheless, the representation on the cross is not, as it should be, the crucified
Christ, but a depiction, unknown in the history of ecclesiastical art, of the good
shepherd, who amazingly resembles an ancient depiction of a young pharaoh! In
addition, in the upper portion of the cross there is an image of a bird, evidently the Holy
Spirit. However, a similar bird is also portrayed in the upper portion of the ancient
Egyptian representation! A Spanish web manager of a catholic website was the first to
highlight the subject, connecting it with the young pharaoh, and also with the other
symbol of the Egyptian religion, the bird.
We do not know whether the depiction on
your cross has any relation to the Vaticans outreach to all religions (even paganism
and atheism), however, its pan-religious orientation strongly suggests something of this

Finally, you requested, Your Excellency, that the followers of all religions follow the lead
of the Papist Church by praying to their gods to avoid an invasion of Syria by the
Western vultures. According to the report, The Pope, speaking to tens of thousands
of people in Saint Peters Square, declared September 7
as a day of prayer and fasting
for peace in Syria and all of the Middle East. He also condemned the use of chemical
weapons, something that the West accuses the Syrian governments military of using.
Coming out against any kind of armed intervention in Syria he stressed, no more war.
The Pontiff petitioned the worlds 1.2 billion Papists to pray for peace in Syria on
September 7
and stressed that he himself would be present at a special liturgy to be held
at the Vatican. The Pope also asked of all the worlds Christians, and even members of
other religions, to follow the lead of the Vatican on September 7
That is why you
invite to Assisi every year the representatives of all the religions to pray commonly in a
pan-religious divine mosaic, because you believe in the existence of other gods
besides the Triune God! And something else which is very important: Because you do not
believe in the effectiveness of the Triune God, in order to avoid an invasion, you solicit
the intervention of other gods by way of their religions!


U 6'IE5 I/G.)I)/"s R% .& R+%)4/YFE& .\5 6E&P/+3("FE5! 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 28-6-2013.
6E&P/+3("%E(1 IE/'3.E3%5 "N5 .Q& 3.E4/Q& .)K 6'IE T/EY(F3()4; 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 2-9-2013
Website: 72>=<.gr 1-9-2013.
U 6'IE5 Hp1.+3" I/)3"4M1& (EF "N5 r##)./F)45 2")h5 R%' .1& 1 "N3$)#1& "N5 .1& <4/FE&!
7/8%!292: ;1.2: (11-10-2013) 2.

It is known, Your Excellency, that, in order to promote your Papist ecumenism, you
employ the decisions of the Second Vatican Council, specifically the Decree on
Ecumenism (Unitatis Redintegratio) and the later Papal encyclical of 1995, Pope John
Paul IIs That they may be one (Ut unum sint). This lengthy Papal encyclical is divided
into three basic chapters with an introduction and an epilogue of exhortation. The first
chapter mentions the ecumenical responsibility of Papism (L'engagement cum"nique de
l' Eglise catholique). The second chapter evaluates the fruits of the bilateral and
multilateral theological dialogues of the modern Ecumenical movement (Les fruits du
Dialogue). The third chapter seeks a more effective course of dialogue in order to hasten
the restoration of ecclesiastical communion between the Christian churches (Quanta est
nobis via). All three of the chapters very frequently utilize the relative decisions of the
recent Second Vatican Council, and more specifically the Decree on Ecumenism
(Unitatis Redintegratio), the related codified instructions of the Papal Guide for
Ecumenism (Directoire... sur l' cumenisme), the relative Papal encyclicals, etc.

For us Orthodox, Your Excellency, Ecumenism has been condemned as a pan-heresy by
the aforementioned Blessed and Venerable and God-bearing Father Saint Justin PopoviC,
who, in his excellent work, The Orthodox Church and Ecumenism, notes, Ecumenism is
a common name for the false Christianities of the false churches of Western Europe.
Within it is found the heart of European Humanism with Papism as its head. All of these
false Christianities and false churches are nothing other than one heresy next to the other.
Their common evangelical name is pan-heresy.

The womb and source of Ecumenism just happens to be Freemasonry, which promotes
through it the universal religion of Lucifer; and the womb and source of Freemasonry is
International Zionism,
which changed the theism of the Old Testament and the Prophets
into shameful Luciferism with the demonic Kabbalah and the vulgar Talmud, work of the
demonized Rabbis of fallen Judaism and of their ideals regarding world wide government
and domination, through the still-awaited false messiah, namely Antichrist.

Ecumenism operates on two levels: the inter-Christian and the inter-religious, which
constitute two of the central agendas of Ecumenism. Inter-Christian ecumenism promotes
the union of the various Christian heresies (Papism, Protestantism, Monophysitism, etc.)
with the Catholic Orthodox Church, using dogmatic minimalism as the criterion.

According to the ecumenist principle of inter-Christian dogmatic syncretism, the
dogmatic differences between the heretics and the Orthodox Church are simply
particular traditions, and should be by-passed for the good of the unity of the Church,

ef:<8=< T78!:<, g IEI%(1 DY(h(#%)5 Ut Unum Sint (EF m R%'#)Y)5 O/P)RQS)4 (EF
9GE%)(EP)#%(\5 D((#+3FE5 T(#$3.2( Z@ $2R .&/"2!"@21 L==dJVMH e$2: Q[' (1995), pp. 585-87,
615-17, 660-63.
:A8=< 8=;<*8>=< 6=6=e8*<, O/PQR)S)5 D((#+3FE (EF =N()4"&%3Q5, 2"33E#)&F(+ 1974, p.
g".-/E 52")($2/"@* Z>@1@6"2: Z.D $F =3/")@F $F: 7/82!29D): 2013, :9i8@. i:9:f:@6=<
e:<8f=6=;f=<, O QC@23&("4%: <0/D: #4@), H(R. O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5, 0P1&E 1988, pp. 43-45, 107-
108, <;>:t8< =92=!=t|> ,f?98,|> ,:8 @=>:i|>, S")@*/39": !"# $*( K)42(D)(,

which can express itself with diverse and varied formulations and views. On the other
hand, inter-religious ecumenism, reckoning that in all the religions there exist positive
elements, promotes the union of all religions and especially of the three so-called
monotheistic religions of the world, namely Christianity, Islam and Judaism. In this way
it contributes to the development of a so-called One World Religion. In accordance
with the ecumenist principle of inter-religious syncretism, the so-called common
theological ground, which exists in all the monotheistic religions should be
highlighted in order to establish universal religious unity.

Ecumenism, in order to materialize its goals, invents diverse theories, such as the false
doctrines of The Expanding Church, Sister Churches, Baptismal theology, The Universal
Invisible Church, The Branch Theory, Two-Lung Theory, dogmatic minimalism and
maximalism, meta-patristic theology, neo-patristic theology, contextual heresy,
Eucharistic theology, post-holy-council theology, deficient and incomplete Churches,
all-inclusiveness, deficient and incomplete mysteriology, the changing of economy into
exactness (r(/F$"%E) and dogma, all of which, of course, are completely foreign and
strange to Orthodox dogmatic teaching and theology.

Ecumenism promotes the modern, pretentious, and methodical ecumenical dialogues,
which are dominated by a lack of orthodox confession; a lack of honesty on the part of
the heterodox; an exaggerated emphasis on love and a de-emphasis of truth; the
concealment and distortion of Biblical verses and especially of the Scriptural phrase that
they may be one, even as we are one (John 17:11); the practice of refusing to discuss
that which divides but only that which unites; the dulling of orthodox criteria; the mutual
recognition of church status, apostolic succession, priesthood, Grace and mysteries
(sacraments); dialogue on equal terms; the pardoning, exoneration and rewarding of the
accursed and demonic Unia, the Trojan Horse of Papism; participation in the thoroughly
Protestant, self-styled World Council of Churches (or rather of Heresies); by the
signing of joint heterodox declarations, statements and texts without synodal conduct or
decision (e.g. Lima, Peru 1982, Balamand, Lebanon 1993, Chambesy, Switzerland 1994,
Porto Alegre, Brazil 2006, Ravenna, Italy 2007 etc.); and common prayer.

Ecumenism adopts and legitimizes all heresies as churches, and it insults the dogma of
the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church. It develops, teaches and imposes a new
dogma regarding the Church, a new ecclesiology, according to which no church has a
right to claim exclusively for itself the character of the Catholic and true Church. Each
one is a part, a portion, but not the fullness of the Church. All together they compose the
Church. However, in this way the borders between truth and delusion, Orthodoxy and
heresy, are demolished, all the while superbly promoting the campaign to demolish

Ecumenism elevates all religions to the same level with the faith which was once for all
delivered to the saints,
which is knowledge of God and Life according to Christ. In this
way it refutes the dogma of the worlds only saving revelation and economy of the
incarnate Son and Word of God, as well as His salvific work through the One and

g".-/E 52")($2/"@* Z>@1@6"2: Z.D $F =3/")@F $F: 7/82!29D): 2013
O QY@23&("4%:, V(R. _. @. 6E/E(#1.)4, /GIQ5 0..%(\5 2004, pp. 11-18.
Jude 1:3
Unique, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, through whom the Holy Spirit works. For
this reason it is undoubtedly implied that Ecumenism is appointed in our days as the
greatest ecclesiological heresy of all time, because it relegates to the same level all
religions and faiths.

Ecumenism actively doubts the Orthodox Patristic tradition and Faith, it sows the seeds
of doubt and confusion in the hearts of the flock, shaking many pious and God-loving
brothers, and leading them into divisions and schism. It misleads a portion of the flock
into delusion and, in this way, into spiritual disaster.

Ecumenism creates a major pastoral and soteriological problem because it shakes the
foundations, abolishes both salvation and mans glorification (P-G3%5) according to
Grace. There is, of course, no danger to the Church, which, because it is the Body of
Christ, and having Christ as its Head, shall never be destroyed. For it is Christ who exists
unto the ages, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it!
But it is the
members of the Church, the faithful, who are in danger of being lost, as the right faith,
Orthodoxy, is lost to them, while heresy and delusion prevail.


Another integral part of the decisions of the Second Vatican Council is the Decree
Orientalium Ecclesiarum, or the Decree on the Catholic Oriental Churches, that is to
say, the Unia, whom the Council officially recognizes and defends with the intention of
increasing its role in the Catholic Church.
This is the infamous Uniate form of
unity, with the supposed mutual enrichening of both traditions, unity in diversity
propaganda with which our age is saturated. Unity, that is to say, not in faith and in truth,
but as a syncretistic fusion, an absorption, in essence, of Orthodoxy into Papism, without
the latter having to divest itself of any of its heretical errors.
It would be useful to note that for centuries now the subject of the Unia has been a thorn
in the side of relations between the Orthodox and Papists. The origins of the Unia are
found in the Lateran Council of 1215 and in the Bull of Pope Innocent IV. Officially,
however, two Jesuits, Antonio Possevino and Peter Skarga, created the Unia in Poland.
These two monks put Unia in practice in Poland. They did this in order to Latinize the
Orthodox of Poland and Northwestern Russia. The King of Poland, Sigismund III, whom
the two Jesuits had raised, helped them in this. The Polish/Latin word Unia, which means

<;>:t8< =92=!=t|> ,f?98,|> ,:8 @=>:i|>, O262>D) 5D4$&0: @)$# $2R QY@23&("42R,
July, 2009, pp. 23-24.
ibid. pp. 25-26.
Matt. 16:18
69|*=697<e. 27=!|9=< ?<?<, ,%&R4&"h"% .W/E 3)$E/' j O/P)R)SFE, I&2!/2D) 21
(January-March 2007) p. 89-94.
I. 27=!|9=< ,=>*8!?<, g e <h&)R)5 .)K eE.%(E&)K r&)FY"% .1& D((#+3FE 3.Q -##)&. ey
eE.%(E&1 <h&)R)5 - DI)M1 34o%#FG3+5 (EF R%E#QY)4, periodical T(2"<$2D 7/DE2($&:, vol. 1028,
December 2005,

union, was used in order to characterize the unionist movement of the Eastern
Orthodox Churches, namely the union of the Orthodox with the Papist heresy.
This same endeavor was later extended to the Copts, the Nestorians, to the Christians of
Malabar, to the Marionites and in general to all Christians, who did not follow the Pope.
For the Papist union is only a pretext. For behind this pretext there exists the intention of
submitting all to the Pope. On the part of the Orthodox, the disparaging and negatively
colored term Unia denotes the religious and political manifestation which was created
by the masterminds of Papism for the westernization of the non-Latin East, namely its
spiritual and political submission to the authority of the Pope. Unia is regarded as
dangerous and heretical for Orthodoxy. Their clergy dress in Orthodox vesture. They
wear cassocks and kalymmafchion. They have beards. They appear in every way as
Orthodox clergy. Their churches are in every way Orthodox. They lack the cold
statues, which give the appearance and impression of an idolatrous temple. Instead of
statues they have icons. The whole structure of the temple, inside and out, is Orthodox.
The Divine Liturgy is performed in the local language of each nation, in which the
Unia always acts in a proselytizing manner. No common Orthodox Christian could
suspect anything foreign to Orthodoxy. In this way it is possible for simple Christians to
take council from Uniate priests and to attend Uniate churches. They are, as Patriarch
Joachim III calls them in his encyclical, wolves in sheeps clothing. The clear
promotion of the Unia, and its historical connection with your Jesuit past, Your
Excellency, is not a coincidence. Even an initial sampling from your enthronement shows
that you are preparing them for an elevated role, something that could cause serious
problems in the future. A careful analysis of the first positive indications which you
gave, leads us to the conclusion that great care is needed for premature exultation.

It is at this point that we must emphasize that the Unia has been condemned by synodal
decisions of all the Orthodox Churches without exception as in the unanimous decision
of the Third Pre-Synodal Pan-Orthodox Conference (Chambesy, 1986), but also in
Freising, Monaco, in 1990, which was even signed by Papist theologians.
Any form of
exoneration for your Trojan Horse, the accursed and demonic Unia, or the attributing to it
of ecclesiastical recognition (text of Balamand 1993), is not a Pan-Orthodox decision, but
rather a blatant disregard of these unanimous Pan-Orthodox decisions, which expressly
condemn the Unia.
Of course no one can forget the barbaric crimes of the Papists in Serbia during the
Second World War: the slaughter of thousands of Serbian Orthodox Christians, in which
Papist Uniate UstaBe clergy, monks, etc. participated, and who acted under the direction
of the Vaticans Holy Archbishop of Genocide Alojzije Viktor Stepinac. Neither can
one forget the fact that the Vatican took an indirect part in the military operations (1990-
1992 and 1998) aimed at the breaking-up of Yugoslavia, to the detriment of the Orthodox
The disgraceful and provocative participation of Uniate pseudo-bishops, the reading of
the Gospel in Greek by the Uniate deacon, and the presence of Uniates in the

e:<8f78=< <6;9=6=;f=<, U HI%()%&G&%E(Q5 6'IE5 (EF j IEYF5 - .)h5 =&F.E5, newspaper
S-2@/)$D) 30-3-2013 and 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 12-4-2013.
69|*=697<e. 27=!|9=< ?<?<, Qf(D) g @)$)!D@- @)D g h8,04-, H(R. e/4-&&%)5, 2"33E#)&F(+
catacombs of the basilica of Saint Peter
during Your Excellencys enthronement, once
again propagate the crime of the Unia and the anti-Christian violation of our immaculate
The Unia is nothing less than the most shameful form of proselytism and
polemics against the Orthodox Church, and these recent actions reveal the true face of the
Unia, as well as the depth of hypocrisy with which the Vatican ceaselessly conducts itself
towards the Orthodox.
In fact, this is part of a propaganda plan by the Vatican that is designed to change the
negative atmosphere surrounding it, and to impress the dogmatically uninitiated
Orthodox faithful. Another reason for these actions was to strengthen the Unia in Greece,
which His resigned Excellency, Benedict XVI, upgraded with the appointment of the
Uniate bishop Dimitri Salachas to Athens (Acharnon St.) in 2008.
On the part of the controlled Greek media, the reading of the Gospel in Greek from a
Uniate deacon was commented on positively as an act of respect on Your Excellencys
part towards His All-Holiness, the Ecumenical Patriarch, Bartholomew, who was present
at your enthronement. However, that you chose a member of the Uniate clergy to read
the Gospel at such an important Papist event obviously sends an additional message to
the world. This kind of symbolic act, viewed live by millions, was not by chance, nor did
the large number of Uniates which took part in the service go without comment.
It is obvious that, on the one hand, and for the above reasons, the Unia is condemned as a
method of unification, and yet on the other hand, it is imposed by the Papists as the sole
means of accomplishing unity, in accordance with the fundamentals of the Second
Vatican Council. However, we unfortunately see an example of the Orthodox toleration
of the Unia in the interruption of the Theological Dialogue between Orthodox and
Papists, due to the problem of Unia (VIII plenary session, Baltimore 2000), followed by
the recommencing of the dialogue, this time with the participation of the Unia as
legitimate interlocutors, without having resolved any issues regarding the Unia. It is well
known that the scandalous intervention by the Papists, on behalf of the Unia, into the
work of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue was the reason for
the derailment of discussions in Baltimore. His former Excellency, Benedict XVI, praised
the Uniate endeavors in the preservation of their distinct character in an epistle to the
Uniate Ukrainian Archbishop Lubomyr Husa, adding in the patient daily journey of
faith, in communion with the successors of the Apostles,... the Ukrainian Catholic
community has managed to uphold Sacred Tradition in its integrity. In order for this
precious heritage of Paradosis (or Tradition) to survive in all its richness, it is important
to guarantee the presence of the two great currents of the one Tradition the Latin
current and the Orthodox current. The dual mission entrusted to the Greek-Catholic
Church in full communion with Peter. On the one hand, her task is to ensure the oriental
tradition remains visible in the Catholic Church, on the other, to favor the encounter of
the traditions, bearing witness not only to their compatibility, but also to their profound
unity in diversity.
His Excellency, Benedict XVI, himself received the Greek-based
Uniate bishop of Gratianopolis, along with a group of Papist Greek bishops, and had
his photograph taken together with them, in which the Uniate bishop of Gratianopolis

g )&%.%(1 IE/)43FE (EF 34".)M1 3.1& H&P/Q&%3+ .)K 6'IE T/EY(F3()4 R"FM&"% .F r(/%$]5 HI%P4"s
m 6EI%3Q5,
g-."/)& 0&E()%&GP-&, QC 4<B4&": $2R 5#.) B $*( S"@$)$2/D) $F: T/>&($"(F:, 22-3-2013.

Do+"/FRE ,EP)#%(1, o. 3046/18-4-2006.
appears dressed in Orthodox garb.
Also, in Ephesus, during the 2006 visit of Benedict
XVI to Turkey and to the Phanar, he supported the Unia, stating according to him the
best way to unity in the Church is that of Unia.

In clear contrast to this, at the 3
Orthodox Conference it was stated by the Orthodox that Unia and Dialogue can not exist

Papisms persistence not only to preserve the Unia, but also to keep it active in the
middle of Athens via the Uniate parish of the Holy Trinity, under the leadership of the
Uniate bishop (as if the Latin bishop of Athens and the Popes Nuncio werent
enough), is a scandal to the Orthodox, and no less a scandal than that of the Inquisition or
the coexistence of both political and ecclesiastical power in Your Excellencys
personage, in spite of the Lords express command Render to Caesar the things that are
Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's.
The fact that Papism has also installed
Uniate churches among all the ancient, and once Orthodox, churches of the East
(Coptic, Armenian, Melkite, Syrian Jacobite, Abyssinian) also establishes, despite the
deceit of the founders and guardians of Unia, Papisms intent to preserve the Unia as a
method, a prototype, of unification in order to return the Orthodox and the remainder
of the eastern Christians to Rome.

In Your Excellencys message at the one-day interfaith seminar in Constantinople, on
May 17, 2013, with the topic Religious Freedom Today, on the 1700th anniversary of
Emperor Constantine the Great's Edict of Milan, you stated: I look forward with hope
to the day when the divisions of the second millennium will be definitively consigned to
the past.

Among other things, you stressed to the representatives of the Ecumenical Patriarch (His
Grace Ioannis Metropolitan of Pergamon, His Grace Athenagoras of Sinope and The
Very Reverend Archimandrite Promdromos Xenakis), who had arrived at the Vatican in
order to take part in the celebrations of the feast of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul: It
is significant that today we are able to reflect together, in truth and love, on these issues,
starting with what we have in common, but without hiding that which still separates us.
This is not merely a theoretical exercise, but one of getting to know each others
traditions in order to understand, and sometimes also to learn from them. Elsewhere,
speaking of unity, you stressed that, We know very well that unity is primarily a gift
from God for which we must pray without ceasing, but we all have the task of preparing
the conditions, of cultivating the soil of the heart, so that this extraordinary grace can be
received. Regarding the developments of the Dialogue between the Orthodox and
Papists you stated: unity among Christians is an urgency which, today more than ever,
we cannot ignore. A fundamental contribution to the search for full communion between
Catholics and Orthodox is offered by the Joint International Commission for Theological
Dialogue, co-chaired by Your Eminence, Metropolitan Ioannis, and by my venerable

ibid., o. 3060/14-11-2006.
O/PQR)S)5 *4I)5, 8-12-2006.
8|:>>?< ,:9@89?<, 7/82!29D) @)D +0)"2@)826"@"4%:, vol. 88, !1#G3+ .\5 O/P)RQS)4
r&.%I/)3GI"FE5 3.1& A 6E&)/PQR)S) !%'3("J+, :P1&E% 1965, p. 38.
Mark 12:17.
:9i8@. A7|9A8=< ,::>?<, 0&+34MFE Y%' .1& I/)".)%Ep)-&+ rIQ .Q eE.%(E&Q &G3+
brother Cardinal Kurt Koch. You also added, I sincerely thank you for your valuable
and tireless commitment. This Commission has already produced many common texts
and is now studying the delicate issue of theological and ecclesiological relationship
between primacy and synodality in the life of the Church. You underscored further, I
am confident that the effort of shared reflection, so complex and laborious, will bear fruit
in due time. Finally, you stressed, I am comforted to know that Catholics and Orthodox
share the same conception of dialogue that does not seek a theological minimalism on
which to reach a compromise, but rather is based on the deepening of the one truth that
Christ has given to His Church.

You should know, Your Excellency, that for us Orthodox there do not exist many forms
and models of reunion, neither is the Uniate form of union valid, which you wish to
impose, allowing each confession to keep its own ecclesiastical customs and traditions,
but requiring that they recognize your universal primacy of power and commemorate you
in the diptychs and the services. For the Orthodox Church the one and only form and
model of reunion with the Catholic Orthodox Church is nothing less than your
repentance, the official renunciation of your heresies and errors, the public confession of
the Orthodox faith in full and your return to the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic
Orthodox Church.

If one studies carefully the development of relations between the Orthodox and the
Papists, one will perceive that there exists a plan of the Vaticans that is gradually being
put into effect until union is achieved. The Professor John Karmiris, of blessed
memory, wrote the following about the Vaticans plan to promote the union of the
Orthodox and Papist: Pope Paul VI and his circle of Papist theologians worked out a
well-researched and broad program of Rome-centered Ecumenism, in agreement with
Latin Ecclesiology.
His Grace, Chrysostom of Peristeri, clarifies the type of union that
is planned: The Papists, in one way or another, are letting it be understood that the
Orthodox Church can unite with them through a form of union that is identical or similar
with that which exists between the former and the Uniates.
However, Fr. John
Romanidis, of blessed memory, revealed that a Papist bishop had confided to him that,
according to the Vaticans plan, the union would not happen from the top, that is to say,
from the bishops, the theologians and the dialogues, but rather from the so-called
grassroots ecumenism, that is to say, through the mutual association between the two
sides and the gradual implementation of sacramental intercommunion (intercommunio),
which is already being put into effect by Rome and the Orthodox Ecumenists.

According to the program of Papist Ecumenism the following steps have already been

6'IE5 T/EY(F3()5 : 6/-I"% &' I/)3"4MQE3." Y%' .1& H&Q.+.E,,
8|:>>?< ,:9@89?<, 7/82!29D) @)D +0)"2@)826"@"4%:, vol. 88, 0P1&E% 1965, p. 170.
<7e. @?*9. 6798<*798=; (. i9;<=<*=@=<, O/P)R)SFE (EF 9GE%)(EP)#%(%3Q5. U
r/S'"&)5 2")#)Y%(Q5 !%'#)Y)5. A"Y)&Q.E (EF 3(-J"%5, periodical I&262>D), vol. 53 (1982), p. 77.
:9i8@. A7|9A8=< ,::>?<, A @/D4": I&262>D): @)D QY@23&("42R Z( J.5.H., 0P1&E% 1968, pp.


1.) The uncanonical lifting of the anathemas of 1054 by the Ecumenical Patriarch
Athenagoras and Pope Paul VI, without solving the dogmatic differences.

2.) The exchange of visits by the Primates and the surrendering, on the part of the
Vatican, of various holy relics. In this way the impression is given that the Vatican is
favorably disposed to the Orthodox.

3.) The commencement of the theological dialogue on the basis of what already unites the
two sides.

In this way the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue, through a series
of common documents which in the beginning contained the seeds of mutual
recognition of the same faith, the same introductory sacraments, the same priesthood and
apostolic succession between the Orthodox and the Papists, and in general the recognition
of the two Churches as sister Churches, ultimately produced, with all solemnity, the
Balamand Declaration (June 23rd, 1993) during its VIIth plenary session. This document
proclaims their ecclesiastical identity to be as follows: Since the pan-Orthodox
Conferences and the Second Vatican Council, the rediscovery and valuation of the
Church as communion, both on the part of Orthodox and of Catholics, has radically
altered perspectives and thus attitudes. On each side it is recognized that what Christ has
entrusted to his Church profession of apostolic faith, participation in the same
sacraments, especially the one priesthood celebrating the one sacrifice of Christ, and the
apostolic succession of bishops cannot be considered the exclusive property of one of
our Churches. It is clear that within this framework, any kind of re-baptism is ruled
And this recognition of Papism as a complete and true Church was made in
spite of the sedulous preservation of its dogmatic differences between it and the faith of
the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Orthodox Church!

The union which is being attempted, regardless of the fact that the Vatican has been
preparing it for decades, will not be accepted by many Orthodox. It will nevertheless
bring about a fragmentation of Orthodoxy; for it will be accomplished not by solving the
essential dogmatic differences that is, without the Papists renouncing their heretical
dogmas (Filioque, Papal Primacy, created Grace, etc.) but rather by a reinterpretation of
these errors in a manner innocuous for the Vatican yet acceptable to some Orthodox. Of
course, our secularized culture, which is suckled by the mantras of globalization and the
New Age movement, does not possess the dogmatic sensitivity of the Orthodox, which
once repudiated the decisions of the uniting Council of Ferrara-Florence. Nevertheless,
there exist, even today, the people of God, the prophetic remnant of conscious Orthodox
Christians, who will resist every form of union that is not a product of the true Orthodox

The concern of many Orthodox Christians for all these recent events proves that the
Orthodox conscience is functioning.
These few will always be a majority: in the

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Church, the majority is not found in numbers but in communion with the Truth, which is
not an idea or a philosophy, but a person, the incarnate Word Who declared: I am the
way, the truth and the life. Even if only one is in communion with the Truth (Christ),
this is a majority!


From the decisions of the Second Vatican Council we ascertain that, except for a few
innocuous and superficial concessions on the part of the Vatican towards the Orthodox,
Papisms Primacy and Infallibility were not limited or concealed, but were even
strengthened in comparison to the First Vatican Council. The Second Vatican
Council did not neglect to elevate and reinforce even further the Papal office, even to
the point where some of the Sees ardent followers in the Council gave the impression
that the head of the Church was no longer Christ but Peter and through him the Pope.

Regarding the concessions, they were external changes in the policy and appearance of
the Church of Rome, not however internal changes in its teaching.
The pioneer and
inspirer of the Second Vatican Council, Pope John XXIII, in his Encyclical Epistle Ad
Petri Cathedram stated the objective of the Council: This event will be a wonderful
spectacle of truth, unity, and charity. For those who behold it but are not one with this
Apostolic See, We hope that it will be a gentle invitation to seek and find that unity for
which Jesus Christ prayed so ardently to His Father in heaven.
Pope Paul VI, in his
first, post-election Encyclical Ecclesi Amsuam (August 6th, 1965) during Vatican II
wrote: Those who believe that we will abandon our perquisites, which were given by
God through the Apostle Peter, are deceiving themselves. Pope John Paul II, with his
Encyclical Lumen Orientalis (March 25th, 1995) followed the same line. As professor
John Panagopoulos, of blessed memory, writes: The Encyclical returns to the statements
of the Second Vatican Council regarding Ecumenism with intransigence and
inflexibility Any discussion about ecclesiastical unity presupposes unconditional
acceptance of Papal Primacy, which God founded as an everlasting and visible authority
and foundation of unity. Similar view points are put forward in the Papal Encyclical
Ut Unum Sint.

On September 22nd, 2013, in an interview in the well-known magazine La Civilta
Cattolica, you spoke about the importance of the dialogue with the Orthodox and also
how you, the Papists, could learn from the way in which conciliarity works within the
Orthodox Churches. In the almost thirty page interview of the magazines final issue you
spoke about, among other things, the importance of the dialogue between the Orthodox
and the Papists. We must walk together: the people, the bishops and the pope.

D((#+3%]& , H& IB)$) G@@6-4"262>D): @)D 52")($"@F:, H(R. _. @. U3F)4 A/+Y)/F)4, XY%)& Z/)5
1999, pp. 53-60 and :9i8@. T8f=27=< 79e:,=<, 6"/F &W3"G5 .]& D((#+3%]&, H& i PB/0(
?"6%8&2: j&/`#@2: (i 2f/)(2!/%2: k!2".%/2:) 1884-1980, vol. 8, H(R. O/PQR)S)5 ,4J-#+, 2"3/(+
1980, pp. 282-299.
8|:>>?< ,:9@89?<, 7/82!29D) @)D +0)"2@)826"@"4%:, vol. 8, 0P1&E% 1964, p. 25.
ibid. vol. 88, 0P1&E% 1965, p. 170.
Synodality should be lived at various levels, you stressed. Maybe it is time to change
the methods of the Synod of Bishops, because it seems to me that the current method is
not dynamic. This will also have ecumenical value, especially with our Orthodox

You underlined how from the Orthodox we can learn more about the meaning of
Episcopal collegiality and the tradition of synodality. You stressed how The joint effort
of reflection, looking at how the Church was governed in the early centuries, before the
breakup between East and West, will bear fruit in due time. In ecumenical relations it is
important not only to know each other better, but also to recognize what the Spirit has
sown in the other as a gift for us.
You also noted your desire to continue the discussion that was begun in 2007 by the
joint [CatholicOrthodox] commission on how to exercise the Petrine primacy, which led
to the signing of the Ravenna Document, and emphasized that, We must continue on
this path.
Touching upon the theological dialogue between the Orthodox and the
Papists you maintained that The biggest problem remains the issue of the Primacy. The
Primacy exists and has always existed in the Church, but it is a matter of how this
Primacy is to be interpreted and applied.

The Roman newspaper La Repubblica on April 7th, 2013, reported that you entered for
the first time into the basilica of St. John Lateran, in the Eternal City, to officially
undertake your responsibilities as bishop of the Italian capital; and in an attempt to
reconnect with the Orthodox, you werent characterized as Owner of the vineyard who
oversees his possession from on high, as was the case with His former Excellency,
Benedict XVI. The new text which was read mentions that you, Your Excellency,
preside with fraternity over all the churches and, with steadfast tenderness, lead all in the
ways of holiness. According to the newspaper, the reason for this behavior is, on the one
hand, to underline that you command a Primacy, which should be exercised, however,
with a spirit of fraternity and mercy. And on the other hand, to push for a more collective
governing of Papism, with a new kind of internal, horizontal management.
As was observed, even from the first days after Your Excellencys election, you prefer to
be referred to as bishop of Rome rather than Pontiff and hint at a return to a Primacy,
which functions on the level of faith and mercy and not as unlimited, general jurisdiction.
Finally, Agostino Vallini, the Vicar General of Rome, read in your presence a wish that
you will be able to form, from all the ends of the earth, one flock, with one shepherd.

It is obvious that there is preparation, promotion and support of newfound theories, with
which the Filioque, Papal Primacy and Papal Infallibility are to be interpreted by the
Papists in a way that will be acceptable to the Orthodox. The well-known Papist cleric
and Vatican executive, Pierre Duprey, once stated: We will formulate Papal Primacy in
a way that they will accept it.

QN@23&("@%: 5)$/"#/<-: : = 6'IE5 "N5 .Q TE&'/%)& .Q& >)-$/%)& .)K 2014, 7/8%!292: ;1.2:
(27-9-2013) 1.
U 6'IE5 ."F&"% .Q M-/% I/Q5 .)h5 /PQR)S)45, :@67
The course set by the Vatican is faithfully being followed. Until recently it was
emphasized, even by Orthodox Ecumenists, that there exist dogmatic differences between
the Orthodox and the Papists, which, unless they are reconciled, will not allow for union.
Now it is emphasized, again even by Orthodox Ecumenists, that we allegedly have a
common faith and a common tradition, and that under certain conditions we would be
able to accept the Primacy: We have the same faith and the same tradition. The main
problem that must be solved is the Primacy of the bishop of Rome, that is to say the role
of the Pope, stated the ecumenist John Metropolitan of Pergamon. I believe that we
can find a solution to what is the exact definition of the position that the bishop of
Rome holds in the structure of the universal Church. The Orthodox are ready to accept
the idea of universal primacy and, according to the canons of the ancient Church, the
bishop of Rome was primus The disagreement is found in a fundamental issue, can
the bishop of Rome intervene in the life of the local churches? He added that: He
cant intervene without a common decision made by all of the bishops. In a word, the
bishop of Rome should always act in agreement with the synod.
First, we would like
to point out here that the consciousness of the Church has never accepted this idea that,
after the schism, the Orthodox and the Papists have a common faith and tradition.
Witnesses to this are great hierarchs and God-bearing Fathers, such as St. Gregory
Palamas, St. Mark of Ephesus, St. Meletius Pegas, St. Nikodemos the Hagiorite, St.
Nektarios of Pentapolis, Dositheos II of Jerusalem and many others, as well as the
Synodical decisions of the Orthodox Patriarchs during the years 1848, 1868, and 1895.
Furthermore, the simple Orthodox people, in spite of the tribulations of the Turkish
occupation and despite systematic Latin propaganda and pressures, which it faced from
time to time on the part of the Unia, did not apostatize, except in a few cases, but
remained faithful to the dogmas and the Faith of its Church.

Your Excellency called upon the bishops of the Vatican, throughout the world, to study
the Synodal (conciliar) System of the Orthodox Church, because useful conclusions could
be drawn from this inquiry. Is this a genuine change of the Vatican or is it a theatrical
performance with the aim of deceiving the Orthodox? If, indeed, it is a genuine change,
prepare yourself to surrender all your privileges Primacy and Infallibility (the latter
making you a god on earth, since only God is infallible) something that is
inconceivable, since, until this day, Papism has not divested itself of its heresies and
erroneous beliefs. If it is a theatrical performance then it serves the plans to deceive the
Orthodox in order to accommodate the false union of the Orthodox with the heretical
Christians without the latter having to renounce its heresies and erroneous beliefs.

The outreach to the Orthodox on the part of the Vatican is one of the keynotes of the
Second Vatican Council through the decree Dominus Iesus. Professor of the
Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Stylianos Tsobanidis, writes: After Vatican II
the promotion of the ecumenist spirit and dialogue, as well as the cooperation with other
churches, became a basic concern of the local Papist Churches in many places of the
world. At the same time bipartite dialogues were begun with the Orthodox, the Anglicans

Periodical S.=.9. 318/2007.
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and the Protestants.
In addition, the decree Unitatis Redintegratio opens the door to
cooperation and dialogue with the other Christian Churches, overcoming age-old
On April 14th, 2013 television stations transmitted reports about Your Excellencys
simplicity of dress, drawing attention to the fact that not only do you differ from your
predecessors in your comportment but also in your manner of living. These reports added
that you had established a commission to change the manner in which the Vatican and the
Churches throughout the world are governed, adding that your desire is to approach the
Orthodox manner of administration and decision making (conciliarity). We pray in all
truth that you will fulfill this. However, if you truly desire to approach the Orthodox way,
you should renounce Papal Primacy or Papal Infallibility, which makes of you a
demigod. You have done neither. Furthermore, you give no indication that you will soon
renounce Papisms greatest heresy, the Filioque, in order to return to Orthodoxy and be
recognized as the legitimate Patriarch Bishop of Old Rome. A ruse of the media will
suffice for you, in order to change the Vaticans image and to mislead those Orthodox,
who are uninitiated in ecclesiastical and dogmatic matters concerning Papism.

Your Excellency, you speak of a deep mutual understanding of the traditions of both
Churches, something which any first year student of theology understands! If, after
almost a century of dialogues the experts have not understood this, when will they?
Also, we know very well the way in which the Catholic Church understands the
meaning of Episcopal coexistence and the tradition of conciliarity, since the
ecclesiological definitions of the last two Vatican Councils are crystal clear, as is the
way in which you wield your authority.

Your Excellencys statement that, In ecumenical relations it is important not only to
know each other better, but also to recognize what the Spirit has sown in the other as a
gift for us, is in itself an implementation of the decisions of the Second Vatican Council,
principally the Decree on Ecumenism, according to which the Grace of the Holy Spirit
works even outside of the Church. Vatican II expanded the concept of the Church and
created a new Church, which includes even heretics and schismatics. It is in this way
that you maintain that the Holy Spirit works within the framework of this new Church,
and therefore within the heretics and schismatics. This means that you have changed the
criteria that you use to acknowledge this new Church. This new Church as
sacramental unity is not founded on unity of faith, apostolic succession, the priesthood
and the sacraments. In contrast, this new ecclesiology of yours is in direct and acute
conflict with the consensus of the Holy Fathers (consensus patrum), according to which
the Holy Spirit and sacramental Grace (purifying, illuminating and deifying energies) do
not exist outside of the Orthodox Catholic Church, and therefore the grace of the Holy
Spirit does not act within heretics and schismatics.
You see the decay of your heresy. You see that the solution is a return to Orthodoxy, and
yet you are worried about losing Petrine primacy! Nevertheless, since you are

<*;f8:>=< *<=@6:>8!?<, g R%E(1/4S+ Dominus Iesus (EF j )N()4"&%(1 3+E3FE .+5,
H(R. 6. 6)4/&E/c5, 2"3/(+ 2008, p. 77
>-E HI%()%&G&%E(' ./h( [IQ .)K 6EI%3)K, 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 19-4-2013.
:L rIF3."4.E% r"/)#)YFE% .)K 6'IE T/EY(F3()4, 7/8%!292: ;1.2: (27-9-2013) 2.

unwilling to abandon your precious Petrine primacy, the collapse of the sinful and
crumbling edifice of Papism is predetermined. In Your Excellencys recent interview
with the Italian magazine La Civilta Cattolica, perhaps unintentionally you let slip how
the governance of the Papist Church needs changing. Maybe it is time to change the
methods of the Synod of Bishops, because it seems to me that the current method is not
dynamic. In other words, youre aware that the despotism of the Papist system is no
longer in style, and now you are searching for ways in which to save the Papism, which
is continually sinking deeper into the unbelievable mire of scandals, some of which have
touched even the Papal chambers. It is obvious how you are no longer able to control the
self-determining tendencies of your Cardinals, who have long ceased to take you into
consideration. The ethical and economical scandals are now happening under your very
nose! Even a powerful gay lobby has been formed in the depths of the Vatican! But
your most interesting statement of all was: The joint effort of reflection, looking at how
the church was governed in the early centuries, before the breakup between East and
West, will bear fruit in due time.

The Ecumenical Council is the highest criteria of ecclesiality. For us Orthodox the
highest form of ecclesiastical government is the Ecumenical Council, not a man, a
Pope. Here is our essential difference with Papism. The Protestants abolished
everything. They are more honorable than you. They are more honorable because they
did not want to keep something from the Churchs tradition yet distort it. Papism,
however, replaced the Ecumenical Council with the Pope and made it a tool of Papism,
a maidservant of Papist schemes. In Orthodoxy the Ecumenical Council is, and will be
until the end of time, the highest institution in the life of the Church. Ecumenical means a
Council of the entire world. According to the definition given by Xenophon and in Greek
Byzantium, that is to say, in Hellenic Romania, the word Ecumenical essentially means
the inhabited world. Thus we have Ecumenical Teachers or Ecumenical Fathers, etc.
So an Ecumenical Council is a council of the whole world that confronts the important
problems of faith and order of the Church. Ecumenical Councils presuppose a crisis in
the body of the Church, which means that salvation is being threatened. As the mouth of
the Church the Ecumenical Council comes to proclaim, in every situation, the saving
Truth, according to the Prophets, the Holy Apostles and the Holy Fathers and Mothers
throughout the ages.

As was stressed at the Theological and Scientific conference of our Holy Metropolis with
the title Primacy, Conciliarity and Unity of the Church, at the Stadium of Peace and
Friendship on April 28th, 2010, Papal primacy has no theological foundation, no
legitimacy from the Holy Spirit, and no ecclesiological legitimacy. It is clearly based on a
worldly understanding of authority. Unity belongs to the nature of the Church, as it is the
Body of Christ and communion in Him. The true Church is one. The unity of the Church
in all its interpretations structural or charismatic (Grace-bearing) clearly has its
foundation in the Holy Spirit. It is extended mystically, but is maintained and fostered
chiefly through Holy Communion. According to the Confession of Faith of the Synod
of Constantinople in 1727, Therefore no other head whatsoever is accepted in this
Eastern Church, save only our Lord Jesus Christ, given by the Father to the whole

69|*=697<e. A7|9A8=< @7*:ff?>=<, U Y%)5 A/+YQ/%)5 6E#Ec5 6E.-/E5 .\5 2y
=N()4"&%(\5 <4&QR)4, V(R. _. @. @"Y'#)4 @"."W/)4, XY%E @".-G/E 2009, pp. 13-14.

Church, and serving as its foundation. According to Orthodox ecclesiology, primate is
not understood generally and indefinitely, but rather in conjunction with a particular
synod of a region. The concept of a rank of honor (the term which Orthodox
ecclesiastical tradition uses, instead of the later term primacy which the Papists use)
expresses and ensures the unity and synodality of the Orthodox Catholic Church. The
pentarchy of the patriarchal thrones is the form that the Church gave to the concept of a
rank of honor during the first millennium. The authority of the primate, which derives
from the rank of honor, is a fruit of synodality, while the primacy which the bishop of
Rome had already started to appropriate during the first millennium is a result of the
abolition of the synodal organization of the Church. In the Church of the first millennium
there was no papal primacy by divine right which had jurisdiction or authority over the
whole Church. On the contrary, the Church had the right to make decisions about its
administration without the Pope, even in spite of his strong opposition, and these
decisions were universally valid. After the schism of 1054, the increasing claim of the
popes for primacy of authority over the whole Church completely subverted the structure
of the mystical body of the Church inspired by the Holy Spirit. It makes synodality (as a
function of this body inspired by the Holy Spirit) relative practically abolishing it and
introduces the worldly mindset to it. It nullifies the equality of bishops, misappropriates
the complete administrative authority of the whole Church, essentially setting aside the
Theanthropos (the God-Man) and making a man the visible head of the Church. In this
way the ancestral sin is repeated in this institution. True unity takes place when there is
unity in faith, in worship, and administration. This is the model of unity in the ancient
Church, which the universal Orthodox Church continues to hold unchanged. The Unia
introduces a false unity and is based on a heretical ecclesiology, since it allows different
forms of faith and worship, and makes unity contingent on the recognition of the primacy
of the pope. The papacy is an institution of human justice which undermines the synodal
structure of the administration of the Church, the true institution of divine justice.
Multiformity is only acceptable in secondary matters of local traditions and customs.
After the First Vatican Council (1870) and especially the Second Vatican Council (1962-
1964) papal primacy no longer comprises a simple administrative assertion, but an
essential dogma of faith absolutely necessary for the salvation of the faithful. Its denial
incurs the anathema of the First Vatican Council, whose validity remains still after the
Second Vatican Council. Due to the heretical and blasphemous doctrine of Papal
Primacy and the spiritual ramifications which come from it (such as the infallibility of
the Pope), Papism has developed into an autocratic-monarchic religious ideology, which
is a perversion of the meaning of the Church. It has proven to be modern Franco-Roman
ethnic paganism in a spiritual disguise, and has taken away the mystical freedom in
Christ for each of [the Churchs] members. This is the unfortunate yet inevitable cause of
the falling away of many from the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church into myriad
heresies, and at the same time acts as an insurmountable obstacle to their return.

According to the assessment by the participants of the current theological dialogue
between Orthodox and Roman Catholics, its attempt to restore ecclesiastical communion
must somehow beyond the elimination of the heretical teachings of Rome (Filioque,
created grace, infallibility, purgatory, etc.) also aim at the definitive elimination of
Papal Primacy, and not at some commonly acceptable interpretation of it. Finally, the

g".-/E "N31Y+3+, U 6EI%3Q5 5 H((#+3%)#)Y%(Q I/Q$#+E (- r&Eo)/' 3.Q 34&)R%(Q 3h3.+E
.\5 D((#+3FE5), 5/)@$"@# I&262>"@\5 g"/FR)5 " P-E 6/G."s)&, <4&)R%(Q.+5 (EF }&Q.+5 .\5
D((#+3FE5, _"/' @+./QI)#%5 6"%/E%]5, 6"%/E%"h5 2011, p. 43.
syncretistic framework of unity in diversity cannot be considered acceptable as a model
for the restoration of full communion.

Concerning the disgraceful Ravenna Document, to which we have alluded, the Holy
Abbot of the Holy Monastery of St. Gregory, Mt. Athos, the Very Reverend
Archimandrite George Kapsanis writes that the Ravenna agreement regarding
conciliarity and authority does not fulfill the Orthodox ecclesiological criteria, so as to
form a safe foundation for further discussion on the subject of Papal Primacy. However,
if there should follow a discussion about how Papal Primacy was interpreted during the
second millennium and by the 1
and 2
Vatican Councils, this ought to happen on the
part of the Orthodox representatives, having as their guide the Orthodoxy of the Holy
Fathers and not the compromising mindset of our times, nor the Vaticans disposition for
control. The recognition of some of the above Papal privileges, or an agreement to
something similar which is contrary to the Orthodox Church undoubtedly would
mean a Uniate union, to which we could not agree. That is because we are obliged to
safeguard ourselves and the Orthodox people from a modern version of uniatization,
which, besides other consequences, would place in danger our eternal salvation. And
because we are obliged at the same time to also help, if it is possible, You, the leaders of
the Western Churches, to come to your senses, as Chrisanthos, the ever memorable
Patriarch of Jerusalem, said, and to reject Papism for their own salvation and the
salvation of their people, who are ignorant of Orthodoxy.
Professor of Dogmatics at
the Theological School of the Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Dimitrios
Tselengidis, underscores that in the common text (of Ravenna) the Orthodox
Ecclesiology is unacceptably extended and applied to the heterodox. This is done
unconditionally, that is to say, without taking into account the existing dogmatic
differences, something that legitimizes the ecclesiology of the heterodox, and raises it to
the same level with Orthodoxy. This modern ecclesiology is found throughout the entire
common Document and breaks it into many individual ecclesiological anomalies,

which alter the self-consciousness that the Orthodox have had until now. That is to say,
the common Document seems clearly to presuppose that the Orthodox and the Papist
belong to the One Church and that the Papists have a common apostolic faith with us, in
spite of identifying Gods essence with His energies, in spite of the Filioque, and in spite
of their erroneous dogmatic teaching regarding the created character of Gods uncreated
and deifying Grace. All of the above, to which the Papists are firmly committed until this
day, acts to abolish the character of the Church as a community of theosis,
using the

6)/F3E.E 2")#)Y%(\5 g"/FR)5 - P-E 6/G."s)&, <4&)R%(Q.+5 (EF }&Q.+5 .\5 D((#+3FE5, _"/'
@+./QI)#%5 6"%/E%]5, 6"%/E%"h5 2011, pp. 197-201., /porismata-hmerida.el.aspx
:9i8@. A7|9A8=< ,::>?<, *Q ("F"&) .\5 9E$-&&E5 (EF .Q I/G."s) .)K 6'IE, XY%)& Z/)5
30-12-2007, D& <4&"%R13"%. =N()4"&%3Q5. _3.)/%(1 (EF (/%.%(1 I/)3-YY%3+, H(R. _. @. @. @"."W/)4,
XY%E @".-G/E, June 2009, pp. 90-99,
E.G. equal synodal rapprochement with Orthodox as well as the heterodox, considering the mysteries of
the Orthodox and heterodox to be of the same value, the extending of dogmatic consciousness to the
heterodox, the wounding of the catholicity of the Church in the breaking of sacramental communion,
apostolic succession, the One Church divided.
For the Orthodox the Church is the mystical Body of Christ, which is made up of the people of God as
a communion of deification. When the Church ceases to function as a communion of deification it
ceases to be a Church. Man is saved when he is freed from death and corruption. And that is only achieved
with his personal participation in the uncreated divine life, which is granted only in the Church as a
communion of deification. cf. A. @:>*:98!?<, U Y%)5 A/+YQ/%)5 m 6E#Ec5 3.1& L3.)/FE (EF .Q
ontological meaning of the phrase, that is to say, actual and not symbolic participation of
man in the divine life. At the same time they abolish the essential character of the
Churchs Mysteries (Sacraments). In examining the common Document (and without
emphasizing the other dogmatic differences of the Papists, regarding Papal Primacy,
Papal Infallibility, Purgatory, the Immaculate Conception, etc.) we can safely maintain
that the basis of the dialogue, judging with theological criteria, is, unfortunately,
completely erroneous. And this is because foundational Biblical and Patristic stipulations
and presuppositions were pushed aside. This is also the reason why the essential failure
of a genuine theological dialogue is a foregone conclusion. The theological dialogue has
already led the Joint International Commission to deliver ten common documents without
the consideration of the above presuppositions, since in none of the these documents is
there a clear condemnation of Papisms newfound dogmas, e.g. the Filioque. Observing
this policy with manifest alarm, the Blessed Elder Paisius of Mt. Athos accurately and
prophetically observed: We started out in one direction and now, without our noticing,
we are headed somewhere else. This is what happens when we do not follow in the
footsteps of the Holy Fathers. From the beginning of the 20
century, starting with the
well known Patriarchal Encyclical of 1920, the exhortation of St. Gregory Palamas to the
Papists that the Theological Dialogue with the Papists can happen only after the
removal of the addition of the Filioque from the Symbol of Faith
has been
essentially pushed aside, and other presuppositions for the Theological Dialogue with the
heterodox have been adopted. In this way a new, non-Patristic course was set, with the
inevitable result that now (perhaps) with out our noticing, we are headed somewhere
else. The Ravenna Document eloquently exhibits the negative consequences of the
erroneous presuppositions of the Theological Dialogue and shows the true face of those
conducting it, unless of course, in the meantime the presuppositions of the Dialogue are

In addition, we humbly infer the following: The Apostle Peter did not receive from the
Lord any Primacy of administration or power more than the other Apostles or anyone
else in the Church (according to the consensus of the great Fathers of the Church about
the true meaning of the Biblical verses), that would make him able to transmit this kind
of power to any of his spiritual successors (despite the fact that the Apostles had no
personal spiritual successors, being the founders of many Churches). You have even
distorted the triple question Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me?, by which the
disciple who had denied Christ was restored to the ranks of the Apostles, as a so-called
argument for the foundation of the false and nonexistent Petrine Primacy. However,
this argument of yours is unsuccessful because the Evangelist writes characteristically,

IE/Q&, 3.Q 34##)Y%(Q .Q) .\5 _"/c5 @)&\5 eE.)IE%RF)4, 6/E(.%(' !%"P&]& DI%3.+)&%(]&
<4&"R/FG& 0P+&]& (EF f""3)K, XY%)& Z/)5 2000, p. 59.
:A8=< A9?A=98=< 6:f:@:<, 5&/D $\: H@.2/&14&0: $2K `>D23 5(&1)$2:, fQY)5 :y, 4, 27-31, 6.
i/13.)4, vol. :y, p. 31: Of course it would be just and right for us to have no dialogue with you if you do
not cease in using the addition (filioque) to the Holy Symbol (Creed). When you remove the addition we
may then discuss if the Holy Spirit also proceeds from the Son and after we can ratify whatever seems to
agree with the mind of the God-bearing Fathers.
!?@?*98=< *<7f7AA8!?<, 7/8%!292" ./2`6-)$"42D B hW2/* $% @&D&(2 $F: +)`B(():,
2"3/(+ 20-5-2009, D& <4&"%R13"%. =N()4"&%3Q5. _3.)/%(1 (EF (/%.%(1 I/)3-YY%3+, H(R. _. @. @.
@"."W/)4, XY%E @".-G/E, June, 2009, pp. 100-111,

Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? (John
21:15-19) He was grieved and did not rejoice because he remembered his thrice denial.
Within the conciliar administration of the first Church of Jerusalem, which was made up
of the Apostles all equal in rank (again, after the conciliar election of Matthias), the
Apostle Peter did, on the one hand, have an honorable distinction, introducing the matters
to be discussed or speaking first. He did not, however, have the leadership of
administration nor the simple honorary chairmanship, because this was held by the
Apostle James (Adelphotheos).

We will now concisely add not only the equally clear Biblical witnesses, but also those of
history, from which it will be (according to us) fully proved that the Apostle Peter was
neither the founder of the Church of Rome, neither was he martyred and neither did he
even travel to that city.

Among these witnesses, the majority of which are more extensively developed in the
scholarly historical study by Saint Nektarios, Bishop of Pentapolis, pgs 12-40, we place
before you the first catholic epistle of the Apostle Peter To the exiles of the Dispersion
in Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, which was written approximately
62 A.D. In this epistle, despite the fact that it is a catholic epistle, the city of Rome is not
mentioned, either because it was written from Rome, or because at the point of his
writing he had not taught in this city. However, the very epistle itself rules out the first
option, since it states that it was written in Babylon. This obviously is the Babylon of
Egypt (since, accord to historical witness it could not be the ancient Babylon) south of
Heliopolis, where there existed a large Jewish community, in which was even kept the
tomb of the prophet Jeremiah. This is also strengthened by the claim of the Christians of
Egypt that the founder of the Church of Alexandria was the Apostle Peter, who entrusted
the care of that Church to his follower the Evangelist Mark. We therefore conclude that
until the composition of the first catholic epistle, namely until about 62 A.D., the Apostle
Peter had not journeyed to Rome.

That the Apostle Peter did not travel to Rome after the composition of his first epistle is
witnessed to in his second catholic epistle, understanding, of course, that this epistle was
obviously written for the Gentile Christians, whereas the first was written for the Jewish
Christians. In this epistle there is also no mention of city of Rome.

Finally, the fact that, near the end of his life, the Apostle Peter did not journey to Rome is
verified by the Apostle Pauls second epistle to Timothy, in which he writes: At my first
defense no one took my part; all deserted me. May it not be charged against them! But
the Lord stood by me and gave me strength to proclaim the message fully, that all the
Gentiles might hear it.

From this epistle of the Apostle Paul, which was written near
the end of his life, it is clearly verified, that during its writing, the Apostle Peter was not
in Rome, otherwise the Apostle Paul would out of necessity have mentioned it.

Moreover, it is clear that before the composition of this epistle, the Apostle Peter had not
traveled to Rome. If he had already preached there it would not be possible for the
Apostle Paul to write that also in Rome the Gentiles were taught and heard the

2 Tim. 4:16-17.
preaching by him.

When we add to these Biblical witnesses all that is mentioned in the Acts of the
regarding the Apostle Pauls first journey to Rome, something that we will
expand upon shortly, along with his epistle to the Romans, we come to the indubitable
conclusion that, before the Apostle Pauls first journey to Rome and also before the
composition of his second epistle to Timothy, the Apostle Peter had not traveled to

Furthermore, the possibility that the Apostle Peter made the journey after the composition
of this epistle, which, as we already stated, was written a few years before the death of
the Apostle Paul, should also be ruled out, for the simple fact that there existed no reason
for the Apostle Peter to do so, since the Church of Rome, which was founded by the
Apostle Paul, already counted among itself a cloud of martyrs. As well, the time period
rules it out, since it is highly probable that shortly after Neros persecution broke out both
of the Apostles were martyred. They were not, however, martyred in Rome; there exists
no serious historical witness. All of the relevant witnesses, as shall be proved by the
following, were based in good faith on ancient custom, which itself was based on
apocryphal books and false sources.

Besides, indisputable historical witnesses confirm the opposite of this possibility in
question. Among these witnesses we find that of St. Clement of Rome (88-97 A.D.):
But not to dwell upon ancient examples, let us come to the most recent spiritual heroes.
Let us take the noble examples furnished in our own generation. Through envy and
jealousy, the greatest and most righteous pillars [of the Church] have been persecuted and
put to death. Let us set before our eyes the illustrious apostles. Peter, through unrighteous
envy of others, endured not one or two, but numerous labors; and when he had at length
suffered martyrdom, departed to the place of glory due to him. Owing to envy, Paul also
obtained the reward of patient endurance, after being seven times thrown into captivity,
compelled to flee, and stoned. After preaching both in the East and West, he gained the
illustrious reputation due to his faith, having taught righteousness to the whole world, and
having come to the extreme limit of the West, and [finally] suffering martyrdom under
the prefects. Thus was he removed from the world, and went into the holy place, having
proved himself a striking example of patience. From these words of our Holy Father we
draw the certain conclusion that neither of the Chiefs of the Apostles were martyred in
Rome, because otherwise he would have mentioned this fact, and in addition, that they
were not executed for accusation of starting the Great Fire of Rome, but because of envy
and jealousy, and finally that only the Apostle Paul became a preacher to the West, and
having come to the extreme limit of the West.

It is also verified that the Apostle Paul traveled to Spain (which was the extreme limit of
the West), as he writes in his epistle the Romans: I have longed for many years to come
to you, I hope to see you in passing as I go to Spain, and to be sped on my journey there
by you
Moreover, according to St. Clement, he was evidently martyred there, and
having come to the extreme limit of the West (Z.D $% $B/) $F: S14&0: Z68,().

Acts 28:14-31.

1 Romans 15:23-24.

Regardless, however, of the time and place of the death of the Chiefs of the Apostles, in
our opinion, the most significant witness to the fact that the Apostle Peter did not travel
to Rome before the Apostle Paul, and therefore that he did not found the Church in
Rome, is concluded from the juxtaposition of the epistle to the Romans with the Acts of
the Apostles
regarding the Apostle Pauls first journey to Rome.

The Christians of Rome (to whom the epistle to the Romans was written) apparently
came, on the one hand, from the Gentiles of Syria, Macedonia and Greece, who had been
former apprentices to the Apostle Paul, and on the other hand from the large Jewish
community in Rome. Without comprising an organized Church they were coming
together and apparently being taught in various homes, such as the home of Aquilla and
We gather this from the first chapter of this epistle, verses 6 through 15
(where the Apostle stresses that he is Apostle to the Gentiles, and I am eager to preach
the gospel to you also who are in Rome), as well as from the eleventh chapter, verse 13
Now I am speaking to you Gentiles

And so, writing from Corinth, around 58 A.D., to the Christians of Rome, the Apostle
Paul emphasizes: so that from Jerusalem and as far round as Illyricum I have fully
preached the gospel of Christ, thus making it my ambition to preach the gospel, not
where Christ has already been named, lest I build on another mans foundation.
he adds: This is the reason why I have so often been hindered from coming to you I
have longed for many years to come to you. I hope to see you in passing as I go to
Is this not sufficient proof that, when writing to the Christians of Rome, the
Apostle Paul knew full well that until him, no one else had told them of Christ, and that
no one before him had laid a foundation, and thus for these reasons he desired to visit

Consequently, the Apostle Peter had not journeyed to Rome before the composition of
this epistle, that is, before 58 A.D. Perhaps he made the journey during the two-year
period that intervened between the writing of the epistle and the Apostle Pauls first visit
to Rome? For us, that which is mentioned in the Acts of the Apostles
regarding the
Apostle Pauls first visit to Rome, and his subsequent two-year stay, rules this out
completely. Here is a summary of events:

The Christians brothers of Rome received the Apostle Paul and those with him, coming
as far as the Forum of Appius.
The fact that these Christians where known to the
Apostle is evident from the fact that they came out to meet him and that, upon seeing
them, the Apostle took courage. Nevertheless, there does not exist among these
brothers any obvious bishop of the Church of Rome, nor presbyter. Otherwise, there
would have been special mention of him, as is the case with the presbyters of the Church

Acts 28:14-31.
Romans. 16:3-4.
Romans 15:22-24.
Acts 28:14-31.
Acts 28:15.
in Ephesus.

Afterwards, receiving permission to stay in his own hired dwelling,
(where he also
resided for two years), he invites, three days after his arrival to Rome, the local leaders
of the Jews,
speaking with them about our Lord Jesus Christ, of the hope of Israel
that I am bound with this chain.
Answering that they had received no letter about him,
and stating as Jews (and especially as elders of the Jews in Rome) that no one else among
their fellow Hebrews had previously reported or spoken any evil about him, they demand
to hear his teaching, which they call heresy, because they knew that everywhere it is
spoken against. A day was appointed, the Apostle began his teaching, and some were
convinced by what he said, while others disbelieved.

It is to those who were convinced, and to the remaining preexisting Christian brothers,
that the epistle to the Romans was addressed; and it was for these same that the Apostle
Paul founded the Church of Rome, ordaining his disciple Linus as bishop. How then is it
possible in this detailed account of the Apostle Pauls first visit to Rome, and his
subsequent two-year stay, for there not to be even the slightest allusion to the Apostle
Peters visit, or to the existence of an organized Church founded by him, or to the name
of the bishop of this Church?

How, too, are the local leaders of the Jews in Rome silent about the prior presence of
the Apostle Peter, the brother and teacher of the Jews? Indeed, they state that none
of the brethren had yet come to them, and they make demands of the Apostle Paul to
hear the Christian teaching. If the Apostle Peter had previously traveled to Rome and had
preached and established a Church would it be possible for the local leaders of the Jews
to be unaware of this? In their discussion with the Apostle Paul is it possible there was no
intimation about a bishop?

In addition, the epistles of the Apostle Paul to the Philippians, Colossians and to Titus,
which undoubtedly were written in Rome during the Apostles two-year stay in that city,
nowhere mention the Apostle Peter, yet, especially in the letter to the Colossians, there is
reference to many other names. All of this comprises an irrefutable witness to the fact
that the Apostle Peter neither went to Rome before the Apostle Paul, nor after, nor during
the latters sojourn. Additionally confirmation that the Apostle Peter had not journeyed to
Rome is found in the second epistle to Timothy, which, as we already stated, was written
from Rome shortly before the death of the Apostle Paul (64-67 A.D.).

Nevertheless, other verified historical events, in combination with the aforementioned
Biblical witnesses, demonstrate that the Papist allegations regarding the Apostle Peters
continuous sojournings in Rome after his arrival in 41 A.D. until his martyrdom under
Nero in 66 A.D. are completely false.

Acts 28:17 et seq.
Acts 28:30.
4 Acts 28:17.
5 Acts 28:20.
6 Acts 28:24.

It is thus certain that the Apostle Paul was converted in 37 A.D., Then after three years I
went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas, and remained with him fifteen days.
And so the
first meeting of the two Apostles took place in Jerusalem in 39 A.D. The Apostle Paul
confirms, in this same epistle,
that he went up to Jerusalem for the second time after
fourteen years with the Apostles Barnabas and Titus. It was during this second visit of
his that the First Apostolic Council of Jerusalem concerning the way in which the
Gentiles were to be received into the Church took place.

And so, after fourteen years, namely from 39 A.D. until 53 A.D., the Apostle Peter is
found to be in Jerusalem taking part in the First Apostolic Council. Evidently during the
same year he extends to the Apostle Paul and Barnabas together with John the right
hand of fellowship, and afterwards is confronted by the Apostle Paul in Antioch.

In 58 A.D., as we previously stated, the epistle to the Romans is written from Corinth, in
which the Apostle Paul is sure that no one else at that time had journeyed to Rome. In 60
A.D. he goes up for the last time to Jerusalem,
from which the Apostle Peter is
obviously absent, because the Apostle Paul only visits James, with whom all the elders
were present. After being arrested in Jerusalem he is transferred to Caesarea, where he
remains in bondage for two years,
and from which he evidently writes the epistle to the
Ephesians. From there he is transported for the first time to Rome, around 62 A.D.

Therefore, in summary, when we take into account the following, is it not made
undeniably clear that, the Apostle Peter, being absent from Jerusalem during the Apostle
Pauls last journey there, is truly found to be, during this period, in Babylon of Egypt,
from where he writes his first Catholic epistle, and in which he makes no mention of
Rome, for the explicit reason that he had not yet traveled there? 1) that the Apostle Peter
had knowledge of the Apostle Pauls letter to the Ephesians, which was written around 62
A.D., when he wrote his own first Catholic epistle to the Jewish Christians of the
Diaspora Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia...; 2) that shortly before the
composition of this epistle, during the Apostle Pauls last journey to Jerusalem, the
Apostle Peter is absent from that city; and 3) that from the writing of the epistle to the
Romans (58 A.D.) and afterwards of the epistle to the Ephesians (60-62 A.D.), until the
Apostle Pauls first journey to Rome, during which he was bound and escorted, the
Apostle Peter had not once traveled to Rome (as is proved by the detailed account, in the
Acts of the Apostles, of the Apostle Pauls first visit there, which we expanded upon
earlier). From the combination of all these witnesses we draw the irrefutable conclusion
that the Apostle Peter did not travel to Rome before the Apostle Paul.
In addition, from the combination of the Apostle Pauls epistles to the Philippians, the
Colossians and to Titus, which were undeniably written in Rome during his many year
stay there (and in which is found no trace of the Apostle Peter, even though many other
names are mentioned in the letter to the Colossians), it is also undoubtedly concluded that

Gal. 1:18.
Gal. 2:1.
Acts 21:17.
Acts 24:27.

during the Apostle Pauls stay in Rome the Apostle Peter did not travel there, for, as we
have previously stated, there existed no reason for him to travel there, inasmuch as the
Church of Rome, founded by the Apostle Paul, was flourishing, and that soon after the
great persecution of Nero began. Finally, from the second epistle of the Apostle Paul to
Timothy, which was written from Rome shortly before the formers death, that which we
developed above is corroborated, namely that the Apostle Peter never traveled to Rome.
In this way the contrary claims of the Papist theologians, as well as the relevant details
given by Eusebius, Irenaeus of Lyons, Dionysius of Corinth and Gaius the Presbyter,
which these theologians invoke, are proved to be baseless and untrue, and this because
these details are obviously based on apocryphal texts and inaccurate sources.
From the same Study by St. Nektarios (pgs. 32-40) we have the following to say
regarding these details: We saw that until the end of 66 A.D. Paul was alive and free in
Rome. Because Peter is nowhere mentioned we conclude that he was not in Rome
As well, that Peter did not travel to Rome after this, or at least until 81 A.D., is proved by
the writings of Eusebius, who contradicts himself. Eusebius, in his third book, chapters
one and two and in the first chapter of his fourth book as well as elsewhere, writes that
Peter journeyed to Rome and there ordained Linus as first Bishop of Rome. In his second
book, chapter twenty-five, he writes that Peter was killed in Rome under Nero. However,
in chapter thirteen of book three, he himself writes: After Vespasian had reigned ten
years Titus, his son, succeeded him. In the second year of his reign, Linus, who had been
bishop of the Church of Rome for twelve years, delivered his office to Anencletus.
Let us see what year corresponds to the second year of the reign of Titus, during which
Anencletus received his episcopate. Claudius ruled from 40 until 54 A.D. Nero from 54
up to 68 A.D. Vespasian from 69 until 79 A.D. Titus from 79 until 81 A.D. and a third
more of that year. So, if we subtract the 12 years of the episcopate of Linus from the year
81 A.D. we get 81-12=69.
So, according to exact chronology and the witness of Eusebius, Linus was ordained
during the years 69-70 A.D.
This raises the question, how, in the fourth chapter of the third book, does Eusebius write
antithetically, but Linus, whom he mentions in the Second Epistle to Timothy as his
(Paul) companion at Rome, was Peters successor in the episcopate of the church there, as
has already been shown? How was he ordained by Peter, who according to the Papists,
was martyred during the year 66 A.D.?

This supports our assertion that the phrase was Peters successor should instead read
was Pauls successor. These details about the ordination of Linus in 69 or 70 A.D.
confirm a second trip to Rome by the Apostle Paul, perhaps after his journey to Spain. In
addition it means that he was still alive and therefore was not martyred, along with the
Apostle Peter, in 66 A.D. under Nero. That it was Paul and not Peter is also witnessed to
by The Didache book LX (60), chapter XLV (45), which allude only to the Apostle Paul
and not at all to Peter.

The episcopate of Anencletus, according to Eusebius, spanned twelve years.
In the
twelfth year of the same reign Clement succeeded Anencletus after the latter had been
bishop of the Church of Rome for twelve years.

According to exact chronology, Titus died, as we stated, in 81 A.D. and the leadership
was taken over by Domitian. Thus, if we add 12 to 81 we have 93, the year in which
Clement was ordained as the third successor of the Roman Episcopal throne, and still the
Papists allege that he also was ordained by the Apostle Peter!

In Eusebius we find the following passage of Irenaeus: The blessed Apostles, having
founded and established the church, entrusted the office of the episcopate to Linus.
addition, in chapter VIII of the same book there is also found another passage of
Irenaeus: Matthew published his Gospel among the Hebrews in their own language,
while Peter and Paul were preaching and founding the church in Rome. After their
departure, Mark, the disciple and interpreter of Peter, also transmitted to us in writing
those things which Peter had preached.

According to these two passages from the history of Irenaeus we learn seven details: 1)
That Peter and Paul co-founded and built the Church of Rome, 2) That both of them
ordained Linus as bishop of the Church of Rome, 3) That the Evangelist Matthew wrote
his Gospel in Hebrew, 4) That he was writing during the time that Peter and Paul were
evangelizing and founding the Church of Rome, 5) That Peter and Paul departed this life
simultaneously, 6) That Mark became the interpreter of Peter in Rome 7) That Mark
wrote his Holy Gospel after the departure of the Apostles.

Let us see if this is indeed how things stand. Irenaeus states that Peter and Paul founded
together the Church of Rome. Irenaeus lived during the second century (140-202 A.D.).
He acquired his information from Rome, and he believed the myth about Simon Magus.
He writes that indeed there was erected in Rome an edifice in honor of Simon Magus and
his magical arts. The acceptance of the myth as a historical truth explains the acceptance
of Peters traveling in Rome during the reign of Claudius Cesar, because this myth
recounts all the struggles of Peter and Paul against Simon Magus, as well as Peters
journeys there.

Before Irenaeus, Justin the philosopher and martyr, who thrived in the second half of the
second century, also believed the myth, having been convinced by the Christians of
Rome. Here are the words of Justin: There was a Samaritan, Simon, a native of the
village called Gitto, who in the reign of Claudius Csar, and in your royal city of Rome,
did mighty acts of magic, by virtue of the art of the devils operating in him. He was
considered a god, and as a god was honoured by you with a statue, which statue was
erected on the river Tiber, between the two bridges, and bore this inscription, in the
language of Rome: Simoni Deo Sancto.

According to the Pseudo-Clementine Writings, Simon Magus predicted that he was going

7;<7e8=<, Book 888, XV.
7;<7e8=<, Book V, VI.

to be honored in Rome as a god, and for his sake they would erect there an edifice. Even
though the Pseudo-Clementine literature appeared during this period, the myth of Simon
Magus and his persecution at the hands of Peter is much earlier, appearing at the
beginning of the second century.

The Acts of the Apostles Peter and Paul and the lost Teaching of Peter are apocryphal
works which have their beginnings in the first century. They are products of the Jewish
Christians who did not break away from the customs and worship of the Law, and who,
because of their devotion to the Jewish religion, warred against the Apostle Paul and his
teachings. Some of them later created the heresy of the Ebionites, while others joined the
Essenes. This is without a doubt the well from which both Justin and Irenaeus drew, and
therefore Irenaeus information about the founding and building of the Church of Rome
by Peter and Paul lacks historical validity.

Let us examine the historical accuracy of the second detail, which tells us that both of the
Apostles entrusted the episcopate of the Church of Rome to Linus (where as in book III,
chapter IV informs us that Peter alone established Linus as bishop). This detail can be
divided into two parts: as a mistaken conclusion drawn from an inaccurate tradition, and
as a historical truth. The conclusion was drawn from a false tradition concerning the myth
of Simon Magus, while the ordination of Linus as bishop by Paul is historical truth.

The third detail, namely that the Evangelist Matthew wrote in the Hebrew dialect, is only
useful to us in as much as it is related to the fourth detail, whereby we are informed that
Matthew wrote during the period in which Peter and Paul were evangelizing and
founding the Church of Rome. We already saw that Irenaeus accepted in good faith the
myth of Simon Magus as historical fact, and consequently Peter and Pauls collaboration
in Rome, which, as we have already shown, lacks historical validity. So how could the
Gospel according to Matthew be written simultaneously with something that never took
place, namely the founding of the Church in Rome by both the Apostles Peter and Paul?

The witness of Irenaeus is proved to be incorrect by the Gospel according to Matthew
itself, which testifies to having been written during the onset of the Jewish War in 67
A.D., as is apparent from the twenty fourth chapter, verse fifteen, and therefore after the
martyrdom of the Apostles Peter and Paul. Close inspection reveals that this detail of
Irenaeus is inaccurate, and we cannot therefore base ourselves on this witness, which he
nevertheless received in good faith.

As for the fifth detail, that Peter and Paul meet their end at the same time (in Rome), we
find no witnesses save apocryphal sources, which are bereft of validity. The witness of
Dionysius of Corinth, who reposed around 170 A.D., and who wrote to the bishop of
Rome You also by this instruction have mingled together the Romans and Corinthians
who are the planting of Peter and Paul. For they both came to our Corinth and planted us,
and taught alike; and alike going to Italy and teaching there, were martyred at the same
time. is also lacking in validity, as it is drawn from the same apocryphal sources. If
this has any truth it is found in the claim that both Peter and Paul preached in Corinth, a
fact that is attested to in Pauls first letter to the Corinthians, where he rebukes them for
the divisions amongst them, each one saying I belong to Paul, or I belong to Apollos,
or I belong to Cephas.
However, he adds nothing about the preaching of Peter in
Rome. If, despite this, the theologians of Rome have a different opinion, let them render
primacy and seniority to the Church of Corinth, for it would not be right for the elder to
be deprived while the younger is boasting.
In addition, the witness of Caius the Presbyter, who lived in the beginning of the third
who wrote to Proclus regarding the trophies (./QIE%E) of the Apostles (that
is, the tombs of the Apostles in Rome), who comes after the witnesses of Irenaeus and
Justin (neither of whom related anything about the trophies), who comes after the
Pseudo-Clementine writings (which were composed to support the ambitions of the
Popes), cannot have validity, because those who wrote the Pseudo-Clementine literature
could have constructed the trophies of the Apostles. Otherwise, there existed the
trophies of the Apostle Paul (chains), which could be ascribed to both Apostles. In
short, the witness of Caius, with the exhibition of the trophies of the Apostles, adds

When Caius speaks of the trophies of those who had founded the Church of Rome how
is it obvious that he is speaking of Peter? This is what is called in logic, pelitio
. In other words, it is necessary to have already proven that Peter was among
the founders of the Church of Rome for us to recognize that Caius is commemorating the
existence of the Apostle Peters tomb in Rome.

So, when he writes of the founders of the Church of Rome, to whom does he refer? Paul
and his disciples; for not only the Twelve are called Apostles, but also their fellow
workers and disciples. Thus, Luke calls Barnabas an Apostle. Paul, many times, names as
Apostles Titus, Timothy and Silas, whereas Clement of Alexandria calls Clement of
Rome, who is a contemporary of Caius, an Apostle.

However, the important argument in the minds of those who claim that Peter founded the
Church of Rome, namely, that which Caius writes about the trophies of the Apostles in
Rome, cannot possibly be true because it is in total conflict with the facts.

Caius mentions the trophies of the Apostles, which anyone can see at the Vatican or on
the Via Ostiensis, in two very conspicuous sites. Would this, however, have been possible
during an era when the Christians were hiding for their lives?

If these tombs truly existed, as Caius mentions, they would have been built in the second
century, that is, under Trajan or Hadrian, because only then did the Christians enjoy a
little freedom. But, if that is the case, why did not Paul of Samosata, bishop of Antioch,
who wrote around the year 260 A.D., mention anything about the subject? And why did
not Ammonius of Alexandria, who wrote his interpretation of the Gospels circa 250 A.D.
mention anything? Why did Marcus Minucius Felix (213 A.D.), in his dialogue on
religion, write nothing? Likewise, Lucian, presbyter of Antioch, and Dionysius, bishop of
Antioch, who wrote around the year 240 A.D., mention nothing.

1 Cor. 1:12.
7;<7e8=< $y 25.
Begging the question, that is, assuming the conclusion (of an argument).


The witness of Origen regarding the death of Paul in Rome under Nero is refuted by
Clement of Rome, who wrote and come to the extreme limit of the West, and suffered
martyrdom under the prefects. Even if, due to its vagueness, we do not take the position
that he was martyred in Spain, surely Rome cannot be described by the phrase extreme
limit of the West.

Neither does the witness of Eusebius, who recounts the death of the two Apostles in
Rome, have any validity, because he also, as we already stated, often contradicts himself,
and has drawn his facts from unreliable sources. Evidence of this is found in the fact that
he relates the myth of Simon Magus as historical fact, while at the same time relating
about the death of the two Apostles, apparently rashly accepting every tradition or piece
of information as historical truth.

The sixth detail that Mark was Peters interpreter in Rome is refuted by Holy
Scripture itself. It is possible that Mark was Peters interpreter, however not in Rome.
Rather, Egypt is more likely, as in Egypt they spoke Coptic, Greek and Latin. It is not
possible that this took place in Rome because a) Peter never traveled to Rome; and b) as
we saw, until 62-63 A.D. Mark was in Egypt with Peter, and then afterwards, as we
learned concerning the letters of Paul, he served as Pauls helper, and no mention is made
of Peter. So this detail of Irenaeus is also deprived of its validity by the witness of
Scripture; and since it is not supported by the latter, it falls. It seems, however, that this
detail includes one truth: Mark was Peters interpreter; and since this did not occur in
Rome, it was probably in Egypt, which supports our opinion concerning where the first
catholic epistle was composed.

The seventh piece of information that Mark wrote his Gospel after the death of the
Apostles in no way supports the idea that it was written in Rome. In particular,
Eusebius report that the work obtained the sanction of his (the Apostle Peters)
authority, as recorded in the fifteenth chapter of his second book, is also bereft of
historical validity. Behold, the proof: The Gospel according to Matthew was translated
into Greek. Comparing the three Gospels, namely the translation of Matthews with the
those of Luke and Mark, it is shown that the latter had Matthews translation in mind
while writing. This because forty-two verses of the Gospels according to Mark and Luke
are identical with the Gospel according to Matthew. Therefore, Mark composed his
Gospel much later.

It is highly likely, if not altogether certain, that he wrote his Gospel in Alexandria, where,
in the position of Peters interpreter he put in writing that which was being preached, for
the benefit of those who had believed. Thus, the witness of Irenaeus, having so many
weak points, cannot serve as a foundation on which to erect Papal Primacy. All of the
witnesses which we have spoken about have the same validity.

And so, it is nowhere proved that the Apostle Peter traveled to Rome, nor that he
preached and died there. Rather the opposite is witnessed to by the Holy Scriptures and
Ecclesiastical History.

From this detailed and analytical criticism of the information given by Irenaeus of Lyons,
Dionysius of Corinth, Caius the Presbyter of Rome, Origen and Eusebius concerning the
Apostle Peters journey to Rome and the founding, by him and the Apostle Paul, of the
Church of Rome, in our opinion, completely proves that these details are based on
erroneous local custom and sources, and moreover, obviously in opposition to the clear
and conflicting evidence from Scripture and History.

As we gather from the Pseudo-Clementine Writings, these erroneous sources and
traditions were obviously, and very opportunely, fabricated by Papism and put into
circulation during the end of the second century, having conceived of the idea to replace
the worldly imperium and the Pontifex maximus of the Roman emperors with
something more spiritual and allegedly Christian.

As was only natural, under the general spiritual conditions of the time, and with the
difficulties of spiritual communication between the large and distant cities, and with the
lack of means to confirm the authenticity of the writings, which at that time were
circulating on parchment, a proper, direct and critical analysis of the relative tradition and
sources was not possible.

However, even if, despite all of this, we accept that the Apostle Peter journeyed to Rome
after, or even before the Apostle Paul (even though the latter is impossible according to
that which we have laid out) and that he founded the Church of Rome together with or
even before the Apostle Paul, Papism could still find no argument to justify or claim
Primacy over all the Church, because, as we have already proved, the Apostle Peter
had no such Primacy. In addition, the possibility that the Church of Rome was founded
by him, or even the possibility of his death there, does not convey to the bishop of the
Church of Rome any special power or jurisdiction over the whole Church.

Concerning this subject, the ever-memorable Archbishop of Bulgaria, Leon very
correctly stresses in the opening of his letter the following:

If Rome is first because it received the chief bishop, how much more should Antioch
have primacy, because, before Rome, the Apostle Peter was bishop of Antioch. Still, if
Rome is deemed to be first, because there the Chief of the Apostles reached his end in
martyrdom, how much more should Jerusalem take precedence over Rome? Even if the
primacy of the sees is a consequence of the quality of the persons, how then does
Jerusalem not gloriously prevail over the others? For the common creator Himself and
master of Peter and of all people without exception, the first and High Priest, the source
of all life and of the High-priesthood, lived there and willingly sacrificed Himself for the
salvation of the world. And again, if Rome seeks primacy because of the chief Apostle,
Byzantium should be first, because Andrew was the first-called and the elder of his
brother (Peter).

After reading the above, your recent presentation of the alleged Holy Relics of the
Apostle Peter, unknown for two centuries, strikingly presents the tragic character of your
religious system.

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That you, Your Excellency, have no inclination to divest yourself of Papal Primacy is
shown by the fact that, during your enthronement, you were given the ring of the
fisherman, which you wear, as the alleged successor of the alleged prince of the
college of the Apostles, the Apostle Peter. The Popes ring is one of the principle
symbols of Papal power. It is called the ring of the fisherman, yet it is a gold ring
weighing... 35 grams! It depicts St. Peter drawing his net from the water encircled by the
name of the Pope. Every Pope is supposed to be the successor of St. Peter the
fisherman. This is how the ring acquired its name.


Another example of your intransigence regarding Papal Primacy are the Thronal
Feasts. At the outset we should note that recently we have heard a lot about Thronal
Feasts, namely festal celebrations of local Churches which occur every time the memory
of the Saints who founded these Churches is celebrated. However, this form of feast is an
innovation and unknown in the history of our Orthodox Church. It was created by Papism
to proclaim from the rooftops each year your alleged Petrine succession. With such
ruses you attempt, within Papism, to remind the world of your accursed Primacy and
your blasphemous Infallibility, and also of your petty theocracy of the Divine State,
with which you are projected to the world not only as a king but also as a bishop of

Nevertheless, as St. Justin PopoviC has stated, this neo-Papist mindset has, unfortunately,
also infiltrated the Orthodox East. Recently, some Orthodox Churches began celebrating
their own Thronal Feasts, which some try to make into big events. However, in
Christs Church there are no thrones that were founded by the Saints, so that we could
celebrate them, but positions of ministry, for the service of the people of God, positions
dipped in blood and watered with sweat and tears. For this reason we cannot and will not
celebrate the throne of a bishop! The Holy Bishops of our Orthodox Church never
celebrated the event of their election to their Episcopal throne, but saw their ministry as
a heavy burden and a personal self-emptying. Those who think otherwise should read the
fourth chapter of St. Pauls letter to the Corinthians, in order to understand what is the
true throne of the Apostles and their successors throughout time.


*Q REM.4#FR% .)K JE/'...Y%' .Q& ('3.)." 6'IE,
:L (E%&)oE&"s5 P/)&%(EF )/.EF "n&E% IEI%(Q& (E.E3("hE3E, 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 26-7-2013.

The final fact, Your Excellency, which proves that you have no plans to set aside the
Primacy of power, is that you recently abandoned the title of Patriarch of the West.
According to some sources, the Annual Pontifical Yearbook Annuario Pontificio
includes information and facts about all the Papist activities. It is a diptych, a statistical
bulletin of information about the hierarchical structure of the Vatican. In this official
Yearbook, as is only natural, the Pope is referred to with all his official titles. This year,
with the resignation of His former Excellency Benedict, it was late in being published. In
the publication of the new Pontifical Yearbook of 2013, it is emphasized that you have
chosen, from the day of your election, to be referred to with the title Bishop of Rome.
At the same time, His Excellency, Benedict XVI, is referred to with the title Supreme
Pontiff Emeritus. In the previous Yearbook of 2012, His former Excellency is not only
referred to as Bishop of Rome but with all the titles, which have been given to him and
for which there has always existed sharp criticism from the Orthodox, such as: His
Holiness Benedict XVI, Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince
of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop
and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, Servant of
the servants of God, however, with the removal of the title Patriarch of the West. This
year, however in the same location is found only the simple: Francis Bishop of
Rome. The other titles did not disappear, they are found along with a short biographical
note (specifically on page 24), which was blank in the Yearbook of 2012. His former
Excellency Benedicts name is written in Latin Benedictus and not in Italian, where as
your name is in Italian Francesco and not in Latin. In addition, the initials PP, which
stand for Pope appears before the name of His former Excellency, Benedict, where as it
is absent from your name. On the facing page of your photograph is found your signature
along with your name in English, while, for His former Excellency, is found the Latin
Benedictus PP XVI. Your Excellency, you have not renounced any of your Papal titles,
titles which have never been acceptable to the Orthodox Church, but only wished to place
them in a less conspicuous location on the following page. You do not wish to reinstate
the title Patriarch of the West, following His Emeritus Excellency, Benedict. Of course,
from an Orthodox stand point, this title, which is given to you, will be valid only when
you will be counted among the Orthodox Patriarchs. Only when you become Orthodox
could we speak of title of Bishop of Rome and Patriarch of the West, not, of course,
of those titles which are mentioned in the Papal Yearbook, because these were never
acceptable in the history of the Church. The title Patriarch of the West, according to
the previous answer of the Vatican Secretary regarding the promotion of Christian Unity,
is no longer in use. Again, your removal of the title Patriarch of the West has the
objective of affirming for a second time the Vaticans claim to Universal Jurisdiction of
the Pope of Rome, which is reflected in all the other titles. Unfortunately you move
heaven and earth to refute all those who would label you a reformer! Not only do you
not intend to change the slightest thing in Papism, but you are impetuously continuing the
hard line of your successors. Regrettably, we are continuously and manifestly confirmed
in our convictions by your every move. As a genuine Jesuit, you are sworn to support the
Papist institution and, true to your vows, this is what you desire, to realize the grand
scheme, to become the spiritual world ruler!

Website 10-7-2013. U 6'IE5 R-& rI)R-M".E% .Q& .F.#)& .)K 6E./%'/M)4 .\5 !h3"G5
and U I'IE5 T/EY(F3()5 k/&1P+


The basis of Papisms new ecclesiology is found in the encyclical Ut Unum Sint (1965)
of Pope John Paul II, who, in essence, repeats the teaching that was formulated in the
Decree Unitatis Redintegratio. It needs be reaffirmed in this regard that acknowledging
our brotherhood is not the consequence of a large-hearted philanthropy or a vague family
spirit. It is rooted in recognition of the oneness of Baptism and the subsequent duty to
glorify God in his work. The Directory for the Application of Principles and Norms on
Ecumenism expresses the hope that Baptisms will be mutually and officially recognized.
This is something much more than an act of ecumenical courtesy; it constitutes a basic
ecclesiological statement.

According to the Decree on Ecumenism, concerning baptism, who believe in
Christ and have been truly baptized are deemed to be in communion with the Catholic
Church (Papism) even if this communion is imperfect (3a). If those who were
baptized Christian, true brothers in Christ, are in communion with the Church
(Papism), even if they are, in some way, in communion only in part, it follows that not
only some, but many elements and endowments, which build up and give life to the
Church (Papism) exist outside of its visible boundaries. These elements include the
written word of God, the life of grace, the inner gifts of the Holy Spirit, and many
others (3b).

According to the Latin teaching, before the Second Vatican Council you Papists believed
that baptism serves for the remission of sins only within the unity of the Church. Grace is
suspended, because of the state of schism or heresy, and it is active only on entrance into
the Church. The schismatic and heretical groups possess nothing more than their schism
and heresy. The mysteries (sacraments) belong to the Church. After Vatican II the above
teaching changed, and from then until the present day, the Papists deem that the mystery
(sacrament) of baptism produces all of its fruits and is a source of grace even when it is
performed by officially separated schismatics and heretics. Even those who are found in
a state of heresy and schism enjoy the life of grace and incorporation in the system of
salvation. The schismatic bodies themselves are deemed as means of salvation.

In believing that the Holy Spirit works in this way even outside of the Church you come
into complete contradiction with Patristic unanimity, according to which, there exists no
mysteriological (sacramental) grace (purifying, illuminating and deifying) outside of the
Church. The Second Vatican Council expanded the Church in order to include even the
very schismatics and heretics. In this way it cannot be said that the Holy Spirit works
only inside the framework of the Church. A schismatic and heretical baptism is now
regarded as fruitful, because it is the one baptism into the one Body, which is the work of
the Holy Spirit. This means, however, that you have changed the criteria that are used in
discerning the Church. The Church, as a mysteriological (sacramental) unity, is, for you,
no longer found in an identity, which is founded upon the unity of faith, apostolic

Pope John Paul II, Ut Unum Sint 1995.05.25, ocuments/f_jp-ii_enc_25051995_ut-unum-

succession, priesthood and the mysteries (sacraments). This Church no longer holds
exclusive rights to these elements, which are, in truth, individual parts of the whole,
establishing instead an incomplete communion, semi-autonomous and invisible.

Thus, on your part, you Papists have three new radical acknowledgements: 1) that
heretical baptisms are to be considered as being in the one baptism (and fruitful), 2)
that the heretical assemblies constitute Churches and 3) that these Churches have
within them the fruit-bearing energy of the Holy Spirit. These three acknowledgements
are preparing the way for the fourth and final acknowledgement that Una Sancta is
comprised of Papism and the schismatic and heretical assemblies.

However, your creation of another, new Church, also entails the creation of another,
new Christ. Every alteration or transformation of the Faith or of the Tradition of the
Gospel is the making of another Jesus, another Church. The Apostle Paul writes: But
even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which
we preached to you, let him be accursed0
Saint James, the brother of the Lord stresses:
For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become accountable for all
of it.
Finally, St. Tarasios, Patriarch of Constantinople points out: Evil is evil,
especially in matters of the Church, as far as dogmas are concerned, it is all the same to
err to a small degree or to a great degree, because in one case or the other the law of God
is broken.

Francis A. Sullivan claims that one can think of the universal Church as a communion,
at various levels of fullness, of bodies that are more or less fully churches. it is a real
communion, realized at various degrees of density or fullness, of bodies, all of which,
though some more fully than others, have a truly ecclesial character.
That is to say,
here we have Christ by degrees.

In accordance, however, with the Orthodox teaching, a Church that is realized by degrees
of fullness is not the Church, because Christ is all and in all. For Papism the True Faith is
not the criterion for the recognition of the Church of Christ.

The central pillars of this new Latin Ecclesiology are the following: 1) The terms
schism and heresy are no longer to be enforced; 2) The Holy Spirit is given to and
sanctifies the schismatic assemblies; 3) schismatic/heretical assemblies are to be
recognized as churches and ecclesiastical communities; 4) the Church includes all
baptized, who participate by degrees; 5) a recognition of degrees of communion,
including full and incomplete; 6) that the confession of faith is no longer essential in
order for one to belong to the Church.

Joseph Ratzinger, His former Excellency, Benedict XVI, working within the above
framework, claims that Something that was once rightly condemned as heresy cannot
later simply become true, but it can gradually develop its own positive ecclesial nature

Galatians 1:8
James 2: 10.
Mansi 12:1030: ,E&Q&"5 .\5 =N()4"&%(\5 <4&QR)4, ,E&W& 1, pp 1030-1034.
FRANCIS A. SULLIVAN, S.J., The Significance of the Vatican II Declaration that the Church of
Christ subsists in the Roman Catholic Church, in Vatican II: Assessments and Perspectives, p. 283
which the individual is presented with as his church, and in which he lives as a believer,
not a heretic.
We have here a passing from heresy to ecclesiality.

This Communio Ecclesiology of Vatican II is in complete contradiction to the
Orthodox Eucharistic Ecclesiology.

According to Orthodox Eucharistic Ecclesiology, the line of unity is clearly drawn with
lines of blood, which includes as many as partake in the Common Cup of the Blood of
Christ. The Mysteriological (Sacramental) foundation is not found in one mystery
(sacrament) or the another, but in all of the mysteries (sacraments) together, united in a
common life and in a common Cup.

According to the Communio Ecclesiology of Vatican II, the lines of the unity of the
Church are drawn first with the water of baptism. Among the baptized there exists a
fundamental unity or communio. In this way, the distinction is not made between those
who are in complete unity and those who have no communio, but between full and
partial cummunio (UR 3). According to Cardinal Walter Kasper, the Mysteriological
(sacramental) foundation of communio is communio in one baptism, with the
pinnacle of communio being participation in the Eucharist, which is reserved for
those who are in full communion.

What, however, is Communio Ecclesiology? It is a composite reality in the form of a
community, the unity of which has developed through many and diverse factors. This
means that there is an open possibility for the elements that comprise the Church to be
present even in Christian communities outside of the Catholic Church (of Papism) and
to give to these communities the character of a Church. Therefore, the one Church of
Christ can also be present outside of the Catholic Church (of Papism) and it is truly
present, and in fact visible, to the degree to which the factors and elements are present
that create unity, and consequently, the Church.

According to the above Latin perception, we have one Church, however on many levels.
The primary level is the precise expression of the Church, namely Papism, in which
allegedly exists the Church of Christ and in which there exists full communion. The
secondary levels are the deficient Churches, such as Orthodoxy, Monophysitism and
Protestantism, which are deprived of communion with the Pope of Rome, since they do
not recognize Papal Primacy and Infallibility and for this reason they are in an
imperfect communion. His former Excellency, Benedict XVI, expressing the above Latin
perception of the Church, described the Orthodox Church as deficient.

What is the new image of the Church in this new Latin ecclesiology? Let us imagine a
system of concentric circles, which comprises the Church of all the baptized and even of
the non-baptized. In the centre of all the circles is Papism, which is the precise expression
of the Church of Christ. Closer to the centre is Orthodoxy. After that follows
Monophysitism. Further away is Anglicanism. Further still is Protestantism, and furthest

JOSERH RATZINGER, The Open Circle : The Meaning of Christian Brotherhood, translated by W.
A. Glen-Doeple (New York : Sheed and Ward, 1966), p. 125.
FEINER, pp. 68-69.
are the righteous, which can be found not only among the baptized, but also among the

Cardinal Charles Morerod writes that separated brethren are rightly considered to be
invincibly ignorant i.e. unable to know Jesus Christ and/or the Roman Catholic
Church as the One Church. Consequently, according to their righteousness and
participation in some sacraments, chief of which is Baptism, those who do not belong to
the Roman Catholic Church still belong to the One Church in a variety of ways,
according to a system of concentric circles: the Greek and the Russians first

So what does it mean for one to belong to the Church? According to Cardinal Charles
Journet, Where God touches someone, where the Holy Spirit leads a person towards a
future conversion, the Church is already present the sacraments given outside the
Roman Catholic Churchhave a natural tendency to invest some corporeal appearances.
This means that every action of the Spirit is part of the process of building the Body of
the Church, which is thus always visible though we do not always recognize it.[T]he
frontier of the Church crosses our heart: everyone is a member of the Church in the
measure that he receives divine grace.

According, however, to the Orthodox teaching about the distinction of the Divine
Energies, the natural energy of God is completely simple. However, this simple energy
is indivisibly divided among individual creatures (&/DE&$)" h&/D4$0: Z( &/"4$2a:).
This means that the energy of God is one, but with many effects: the creative energy of
God, the providential energy, the purifying, the illuminating and the deifying energy.
Between these forms of the one and only energy of God there exists no absolute identity.
If they were absolutely identical all of creation would participate e.g. in the glorifying
(deifying) energy of God, according to Fr. John Romanides. The above teaching, which
is missing from Papism, shows they are lacking in this direct spiritual experience.
Concerning the distinction in actions of the Holy Spirit, Morerod and Journet assert that
every action of the Spirit is part of the process of building the Body of the Church.
However, St. Diadochos of Photiki writes that, before holy baptism, grace encourages
the soul towards good from the outside, while Satan lurks in its depths, trying to block all
the intellects ways of approach to the divine. But from the moment that we are reborn
through baptism, the demon is outside, grace is within.

The chief characteristics of the Vaticans ecclesiology are: 1) Communio ecclesiology; 2)
baptismal basis; 3) the view that the Church exists outside of the Eucharistic Gathering;
4) full and incomplete communion; 5) the members of the whole make up the universal
communion; 6) unity, which is expressed on different levels; 7) the elements, which are
realized in division; and 8) baptism, which constitutes initiation and not a return.
On the exact opposite side we find the chief characteristics of Orthodox ecclesiology,

Fr. CHARLES MOREROD, OP, A Roman Catholic Point of View about the Limits of the Church,
Greek Orthodox Theological Review, Vol. 42, No 3-4, 1997.
SAINT DIADOCHOS OF PHOTIKI, On Spiritual Knowledge and Discrimination: One Hundred
Texts, 76, Philokalia 1 (Faber and Faber Press: London, 1979), p. 279.
which are: 1) Eucharistic ecclesiology; 2) Eucharistic basis; 3) the fixed teaching that the
Church does not exist outside of the Eucharistic Gathering; 4) full and not partial
communion; 5) the catholic communion is absolutely identical with the Eucharistic, local
communion; 6) unity, which is expressed as absolute identity; 7) the non-ecclesiastical
elements are in separation; and 8) baptism constitutes repentance and return.

Your Excellency sent a warm message to the participants of the 10
General Assembly of
the so-called World Council of Churches in Busan, Korea, through your representative
Cardinal Kurt Koch, President of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. In
your message you expressed your intense pastoral concern for the results of the Assembly
and reconfirmed Papisms commitment to continue its longstanding collaboration with
the World Council of Churches.

Papism, asserting for itself, until this very day, ecclesiological exclusivity, being
responsible for the schism, did not make the mistake of participating as a member of the
so-called World Council of Churches, becoming one of the many churches, but
participates in the capacity of an observer. Verbally, however, and hypocritically, it
praises the Ecumenical Movement, which it blesses as the preparation for unity with the
Rome of Peter and the Pope. It especially commends and gloats over the participation
of the Orthodox Church, which in its involvement has abased and annulled itself as the
only true incarnation and continuation of Una Sancta, surrendering its own place and
identity to the schismatic and heretical Rome.

The roots of Ecumenism should be sought in the realm of Protestantism, in the middle of
the 19
century, as an attempt by the Protestant world, split up in to many different
offshoots and sects, to rediscover unity. At that time, some Christian confessions
seeing that people were leaving their groups due to growing disinterest in religion and
organized anti-religious movements, were forced to rally and cooperate with each other.
This unifying activity of theirs received an organized structure, as the Ecumenical
Movement, in the 20
century, and chiefly in 1948 with the establishment in Amsterdam
of the so-called World Council of Churches, now headquartered in Geneva,
Switzerland, which is in essence the World Council of Heresies, of Lucifer and of
falsehood, rather than a council of Churches (W.C.C.).

One of the tools used by Ecumenism in order to achieve its aims is Syncretism, that
deadly foe of the Christian faith, which is promoted by the so-called World Council of
Churches, or rather World Council of Heresies, as it has rightly been characterized.
Syncretism is the relativizing of religions and religious ideas. It is a Pan-ecumenical

697<e. 67*9=< HEERS, *Q e'I.%3E (EF j D((#+3FE 3.Q !%'.EYE I"/F =N()4"&%3)K .\5
!"4.-/E5 eE.%(E&\5 <4&QR)4, R%RE(.)/%(1 R%E./%$1, 2")#)Y%(1 <M)#1 :62, *\E 2")#)YFE5, June,
2"/Q 1&4E .)K 6'IE T/EY(F3()4 3.Q 6<7 (@I)43'&, ,)/-E), 30 October, 2013,
O QY@23&("4%:, H(R. _. @. 6E/E(#1.)4, /GIQ5 0..%(\5 2004, pp. 5-6.
religious synthesis and conjoining of the most antithetical and dissimilar elements.

In the realm of the World Council of Churches and its theological dialogues, issues are
introduced and discussed, which confute the Gospel and tradition of the Church itself
Christianity itself issues such as the priesthood of women, marriage of homosexuals
and various commemorative idolatrous demonstrations of faith and worship.


Late in 2013 rumors were flying that you had the intention of electing the first woman to
the cardinalate. Vatican representatives were, of course, quick to dismiss such speculation
calling it nonsense. Are these simple rumors, or a progressive Pope testing the
waters? Whatever the case may be we shall take this opportunity to set forth the
Orthodox teaching on the subject of women and the priesthood.

Christ has especially honored women, the female sex, not only in the person of His
mother, the Most-Holy Theotokos, who was chosen from among all humans to give birth
to Him, and not only because He blessed women to be the first to learn of the
Resurrection (for it was to them that He first appeared), but also because He has shown
by His deeds and works that women have great ethical and spiritual grandeur often
surpassing men. Many times we find within the Synaxarion of our Church, holy women-
martyrs and venerable ascetic saints, who surpass the supposedly strong men in their
devotion to God. The Holy Fathers of our Church, when speaking of the fragile, delicate
and sensitive female figures, often wonder how these women with their female nature and
sensitivity which one would think that at the first difficulty would break down have
shown such endurance and such dedication, not only during martyrdom, but during
monastic ascesis and were proved to be superior than men.

In the Gospel passage for the Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
we read about the
wonder of the disciples, who marveled that he was talking with a woman. It was
prohibited by the Mosaic Law for men to give honor and worth to women and even to
consider them equals or to speak with them. Of course, there exists in the Jewish
tradition, in the collection of the Jewish fathers, from the book Sayings of the Fathers, a
proverb which says that it would be better for the words of the law to burn and be lost
rather than for women to be heard. There also exist many other examples of the
denigration of the female sex, not only in Judaism, but also in ancient Greek thought.
Orthodox Christianity, however, is that which not only puts men and women on the same
level there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus

but, as
we have just related, has often raised women to a much higher degree of holiness.

And let us note at this point that the equality of men and women cannot be judged by the

@8i:?f @8i:?f8!?<, U <4Y(/+.%3Q5, 7/8%!292: ;1.2: (23-7-2004) 1-2.
=N()4"&%3Q5. A-&"3+, 6/)3R)(F"5, !%EJ"h3"%5, 6/E(.%(' !%)/P)RQS)4 DI%3.+)&%()K <4&"R/F)4,
:^P)43E *"#".]& :.6.2., 20/24-9-2004, vol. II, H(R. 2")R/)FE, pp. 1012-1014, 1020-1021.
John 4:5-42
Gal. 3:28
profession or occupation which one has, as is claimed by the foolish feminist movement,
which only creates confusion and upsets entire communities. For just as the male nature
is created by the Holy Triune God for certain occupations and work (as evidenced by
physical structure of the male sex,) in the same way the delicate and sensitive female
nature is suitable and created by God for its own specific tasks, especially motherhood.
There exists no holier institution or task more sanctified than motherhood. And so
equality does not consist in the profession which one holds in this life, but rather in that
men and women are able to attain to the same spiritual heights, in equality of holiness
and the virtues, if they both choose to understand the Gospel and dedicate themselves to
God, and if they can both attain to His Kingdom. What is this present life with its various
differentiations and inequalities? Do there not exist inequalities between men throughout
the world? Does there not exist inequality between the two sexes besides the differences
in physical function? However, both men and women can equally achieve sainthood
and here is found the great arena of holiness. Whichever woman desires to surpass men,
the door is open before her to the path of virtue and holiness. Today, however, women
are incited by evil and demonic voices to other types of equality with men to equality in
corruption and sin which have trivialized the female sex.

Of course, the Orthodox Church is vehemently and categorically opposed to the
ordination of women to the priesthood, as shown by the following rich theological

The entrance of the Mother of God into the Holy of Holies is truly an unprecedented and
unrepeatable event in history: for the first time a woman was allowed to enter into the
Holy of Holies, and ever since then women have not been allowed to enter into the Holy
Altar, that is, the Sanctuary. This prohibition took on a synodal character with the seal of
the Holy Canons.

In the service of The Salutations of the Entrance of the Mother of God into the Temple, in
the oikos which begins with the letter M, the holy hymnographer relates: Let no
woman dare to enter into the Holy Altar, where only she who is holy among women
entered, into the Holy of Holies, where only the High Priest entered but once a year.

Also, in the oikos which begins with the letter , it is written: Rejoice, you who only
are worthy to enter into the Holy Altar, Rejoice, for you only are allowed to dwell in the

The 69
Holy Canon of the 6th Holy and Ecumenical Council stipulates: It is not
permitted to a layman to enter the sanctuary. The Sanctuary is set apart for the clergy.
For this reason the Canon prevents the laity from entering therein. St. Nikodemos the
Hagiorite makes this note: Hence let priests and confessors be induced to see to it that
the unlawful custom prevailing in many places be cut out the custom, I mean, of letting
laymen come into the Holy Bema, which, failing to distinguish between priests and
laymen, causes the latter to incur the penalty which befell King Ahaz, who, though a
layman, undertook to perform the functions of those in holy orders. For they too, in such
a case, are in a way usurping the functions of priests by entering the place allotted to

&)#QY%)& .Q ME/Q34&)&, Y)4& ME%/".%3.1/%)% )^()% "N5 qYF)45 (EF )/.'5 .\5 D((#+3FE5, V(R. _.
@. <.E4/)$)4&F)4, ,hI/)5 1995, pp. 270, 275.

The priesthood, as is well known, springs from Christ Himself, namely from His priestly
office, and for this reason He Himself is called the Great High Priest. The priesthood of
Christ was prefigured in the Old Testament, as much by the priestly tribe of Levi as by
Melchizedek, about whom the Apostle Paul speaks in his epistle to the Hebrews. Christ
the High Priest delivered over the priesthood, ordaining the Holy Apostles; and they in
turn laid their hands upon
other men worthy of the priesthood, and not on women, as
mistakenly happens with the heretical parasynagogues of Protestantism, especially in
those of the Anglicans, Lutherans and the Reformed, who, influenced by the foolish
feminist movement, allow women to participate in the mystery (sacrament) of the
priesthood, which, unfortunately, even ecumenist Orthodox academic theologians
support. In opposition to these fallacies stands the uninterrupted succession of the
priesthood, which has continued throughout the centuries right down to our age, and will
continue to do so until the end of the ages. For this reason the Orthodox Church speaks
about apostolic succession.

George Mantzaridis, Professor Emeritus of Christian Ethics at the Theological School of
the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, notes:

The interest in this subject on the part of Christian ethics is found chiefly in the opinion
that the denial of ordination to women is connected in some way to a general denigration
of them in the Church. This view, however, overlooks some basic elements, which are
related to the liturgical superiority of women in the life and teaching of the Church. And
first of all it brushes aside the leading role of woman in the salvation of humans and the
crushing of the Devil. The enmity between humans and the Devil is chiefly enmity
between woman and the Devil. It is, of course, characteristic that we read of the seed of
Eve, which would crush the Devil.
Eve received the Protevangelium of salvation and
the Mother of God accepted the annunciation of the Divine Incarnation.

And so, woman, who played the leading role in the fall, now plays the leading role in the
restoration of humankind. Man is deceived along with woman into the fall and goes along
with her to the restoration. The leading role is not found in man, but in woman. In both
cases woman leads and man follows. More specifically, the Mother of God becomes co-
responsible for the Divine Incarnation, along with God Himself. She lends to God human
nature, which becomes the beginning of the new creation. From this view, the Mother of
God is another High Priest, after the first High Priest Christ.

The preclusion, however,
of women from the mystery of the priesthood has actual and symbolic meaning. Woman
cooperates in the mystery of salvation, while man ministers. Priests were widely known
throughout the pre-Christian world outside of Israel, especially in the religions of the
Greeks and Romans. These religions came in direct contact not only with the Church but
also with Israel. For this reason the absence of priestesses in the Judeo-Christian world
seems odd, from a social point of view, where, of course, the situation of woman was

:A8=< >8,=!?@=< :A8=978*?<, 5-!#6"2(, pp. 280-281.
Acts 6:6
Gen. 3:15
27=T:>?< >8,:8:<, d%>2: &Y: $*( l.&/)>D)( I&2$%@2( 11, "(R. M. Jugie, Theorhanes Nicaenus
(+ 1381), Sermo in Sanctissimam Deiparam, Lateranum Romae 1935, p. 64.
more favorable. In addition, throughout all of Christian literature, where most of the
ecclesiastical issues are presented, never is there brought up the issue of priestesses. Only
within the gnostisizing heresy of Montanism were women accepted into the ranks of
bishops and presbyters, something which St. Epiphanius of Cyprus characterizes as an
idol-making occupation and a diabolical undertaking.

These characterizations of St. Epiphanius should not be seen as chance statements, but
representative of the position of the Church towards the mysteriological priesthood of
women. The bishops and the presbyters had, from the beginning, not only a liturgical but
also a symbolical position in the body of the Church. They exist as a type of the Father
or as a type of God.

Whereas both men and women enter indiscriminately into the royal priesthood,
mysteriological priesthood is undertaken only by men. The presence of priestesses would
indicate the existence of female divinities, as was the case with the pre-Christian
religions. The denial of idolatry, which also necessitates the denial of divinities of both
sexes, goes hand in hand with the absence of priestesses. The Church had only female
deacons, who fulfilled practical liturgical needs and not priestesses with mysteriological
priesthood of symbolical character, which are characterized as an idol-making
occupation or a diabolical undertaking, namely idolatry. It is also not by chance that
Montanism, besides the priesthood of women, preserved other idolatrous elements, while
its introducer, Montanus, was originally a priest of the goddess Cybele. But also in our
own days the promotion of women to the priesthood is not unrelated to the promulgation
of neo-gnostic and neo-pagan ideas, which mark the general spirit of our age.

There exist many other arguments against the ordination of women, which we shall
proceed to cite, as recorded by Christos Livanos.

The Ecumenical Patriarchate also
organized an Inter-Orthodox Symposium in Rhodes during the autumn of 1998 with the
topic The impossibility of the special [mysteriological] priesthood of women.

1) The heart of the truth, that only men should be ordained to the priesthood, is found in
Gods command in the Old Testament Every male that opens the womb shall be called
holy to the Lord.

2) The priesthood, according to the Old Testament, was given only to men.

3) Christ did not choose any woman as His Apostle and His twelve Apostles were men.

4) Judas, they betrayer, was not replaced with a woman, but with the man, Matthias.

5) At the Mystical Supper, Christ only called the Twelve and to them only did He hand

:A8=< 768T>8=< ,;69=;, 6E&'/%)& 49, PG 42, 745BC.
8A>:*8=< :>*8=i78:<, 6/Q5 @EY&+3%"F5 4, 6/Q5 */E##%E&)h5 3
1 Peter 2:9.
A7|9A8=< @:>*:98!?<, m/"4$")("@* n8"@* 88, H(R. 6)4/&E/c5, 2"33E#)&F(+, pp. 384-387.
i9?<*=< f8e:>=<, DIQR%E 3.Q& R%'#)Y) - .Q& 6/)."3.E&.%3Q, H& =N()4"&%3Q5 A-&"3+-
6/)3R)(F"5-!%EJ"h3"%5. 6/E(.%(' R%)/P)RQS)4 HI%3.+)&%()K 34&"R/F)4. :^P)43E ."#".]& :.6.2. 20-
24 September 2004, vol. II, H(R. 2")R/)FE, 2"33E#)&F(+ 2008, pp. 627-632.
Luke 2:23
Acts 1:21-26
over the Mystery of the Divine Eucharist.

6) Christ gave the command to baptize all the nations only to His Apostles and not to
the wider circle of His disciples, which was also made up of women.

7) The power to bind and loose sins was give by Christ only to His Apostles and not to

8) The All-Holy Virgin, even if she came from, according to St. Germanus of
Constantinople, a priestly lineage, the tribe of Aaron, a royal and prophetic root,

not receive the priesthood. Her Son Himself did not include her among the Apostles.

9) The Apostles never ordained women.

10) The Apostle Paul writes to the Corinthians: the women should keep silence in the
churches. For they are not permitted to speak,

and to the Apostle Timothy: I permit
no woman to teach.
How then shall a woman be ordained if the Lord
forbids them to teach, something which is an inseparable part of Divine Worship and
one of the basic duties of presbyters and bishops?

11) A presbyter should be the husband of one wife,

the Apostle councils, without
however adding the reverse, namely the wife of one husband.

12) The bishop stands in the place and is a type of Christ. Christ is a man. Is a woman
able to stand in the place and as a type of the man Christ?

13) A priest is alter Christus, another Christ. Christ is the Bridegroom, the Church His
Bride. Are we able to consider a woman a Bridegroom? Can we dare symbolize the
sublime relationship between Christ and the Church with the perverted relationship of a
homosexual couple? This is exactly what those heterodox, who grant the priesthood to
women, are doing.

14) The witnesses of Holy Tradition, which the Protestants do not accept, is opposed to
the ordination of women, inasmuch as for 2014 years now all of the bearers of the
priesthood were and are men.

15) The spiritual firmament of the Church is adorned by a cloud of holy women such as
the Myrrh-bearers, the equal-to-the-Apostles Helen and Photini, as well as the holy
mothers of the Great Fathers of the Church. None of these were ministers of the Divine
Mysteries. None of the ancient women deacons or the nuns throughout the ages
demanded to take upon themselves the rank of the priesthood.

Matt. 28:16-20
John 20:23
A79@:>=< ,|><*:>*8>=;6=f7|<, 7N5 .1& 7^3)R)& .\5 2").Q()4 ey, PG 98, 313A.
1 Cor. 14:34
1 Timothy 2:12
1 Cor. 14:35
Titus 1:6
16) The Didache is clear and emphatic: We do not permit our women to teach in the
Church, but only to pray and hear those that teach; for our Master and Lord, Jesus
Himself, when He sent us the twelve to make disciples of the people and of the nations,
did nowhere send out women to preachBut if in the foregoing constitutions we have
not permitted them to teach, how will any one allow them, contrary to nature, to perform
the office of a priest? For this is one of the ignorant practices of the Gentile atheism, to
ordain women priests to the female deities, not one of the constitutions of Christ.

17) Tertullian writes: It is not allowed for a women to speak in the Church neither to
teach nor to anoint nor the perform the prothesis nor to claim for herself any rank, which
men have, or a priestly ministry.

18) St. Epiphanius of Cyprus asks: To whom then is it not clear that it is not only the
doctrine and the manner of the demons, but also an endeavor of insanity? Because, in no
way did a woman ever become a priest of God.

19) St. John Chrysostom councils: the whole female sex must retire before the
magnitude of the task, and the majority of men also, adding that The divine law indeed
has excluded women from the ministry, but they endeavor to thrust themselves into it.


A Church without saints and especially without newly-revealed saints cannot exist!
You, over at the City-State of God, are aware of this, and wanting to appear as a
Church you have fired-up the saint-making-machine! We read in this relevant article:
Pope John Paul II, who reposed in 2005, will be declared a saint faster than any other of
his modern predecessors. The Vatican, in secret proceedings, verified a mysterious
miracle, which they had kept a secret to this day. It is said that the Pope healed a woman
from Costa Rica, who was suffering from serious brain damage and was a step away from
the grave. The Holy See has not officially announced details about the miracle, but
specialists reported about the miracle working power of the Pope, as well as the relatives
of the woman, who prayed in his memory for the dying woman and she recovered,
according a report in the Telegraph. The Catholic Church demanded an investigation into
the incident and the doctors confirmed that science could not cure the woman, and that
the fact could not be explained scientifically. According to an official representative of
the Vatican a committee of theologians has examined the miracle. Now the issue will be
handed over to a committee of Cardinals and ultimately to Pope Francis himself. John
Paul is expected to be canonized in October on the 35
anniversary of his election to the
Papacy. If all goes well, an official announcement is expected in July, exactly eight years
after his death in 2005. And so, on September 30, 2013 Your Excellency announced that
Pope John Paul II, Wojtya, the Polish Pontiff, who was the leader of Papism for
twenty-seven years (1978-2005) and whose tenure saw the collapse of communism, as

0I)3.)#%(EF !%E.EYEF 888, 6, 1-2 and 9, 1-4.
*79*;ff8:>=<, De Virginibus, IX, 1, C.C. ii, 1218-19.
:A8=< 768T:>8=< ,;69=;, =)$# )C/B4&0( 49, 2-3, PG 41, 881.
:A8=< 8|:>>?< i9;<=<*=@=<, 5&/D o&/041(-: 88, 1, 2.
well as Pope John XXIII (1958-1963), who called the reforming Second Vatican
Council and oversaw sweeping reformations for the modernization of Papism, even
though only one miracle of his has been verified after his death, will be declared saints
on April 27th, 2014.

Firstly, the characterizations secret proceedings and mysterious miracle alone
manifestly reveal the secret intentions of another canonization of the shady Holy

Secondly, it is not possible for saints to exist within a heresy. A heretic and especially a
Pope who is not Orthodox, who does not have the Orthodox faith, but instead is
burdened down by myriad heresies, especially those of Primacy and Papal
Infallibility, cannot be a saint.

Thirdly, a heretic cannot be a saint because he does not have right-practice
(k/82./)9D)), and is not living the Orthodox Christian life.

And fourthly, the deifying and uncreated energy, the uncreated divine Grace of the Holy
Trinity is what makes saints. Since you, the Papists, accept as an official dogmatic
teaching the heretical theory regarding created grace, who then will produce saints? And
due to the fact that you found yourself at a dead end, you replaced the uncreated divine
Grace with Papal infallibility, and gave the Pope the power to make saints at will.

Saint John Chrysostom says that As many as have the true faith and a righteous life are
saints, even if they do not work wonders, and even if they do not cast out demons. And
St. Symeon the New Theologian stresses: For all the praise and blessed joyfulness of the
Saints is constituted by the following: namely in Orthodox faith and a praiseworthy life,
and from the gift and charismata of the Holy Spirit. The former is a result of the latter.
Because when one lives righteously and in a God-loving manner with an Orthodox
mindset and is given Grace by God and glorified with the gift of the Holy Spirit then the
result is praise and blessings not only from all the faithful of the Church but also from its
teachers. If there is not a constant deposit of faith and works it is impossible for the
presence of the venerable and divine Spirit to be achieved, nor for someone to receive its

In the Orthodox Church, Your Excellency, we do not make saints; rather, we recognize
and declare them to be saints. The work of making a saint belongs exclusively to the
Holy Triune God Himself. God makes saints, not man, not the Pope. The Synod
intervenes to proclaim the already existent and evident sainthood proved by his miracles,
not to make the saint, which is your own Frankish tradition.
The terms making a

g +ME&1 qY%)I)%13"G& .)K eE.%(E&)K SE&Ep"3.EF&".E%! 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 2-8-2013,,,
<;@7|> = >7=< 27=f=A=<, d%>2: =)$-<-$"@%: 10, Sources Chretiennes 104 (1964) 142.
69|*=697<e. A7|9A8=< @7*:ff?>=<, U Y%)5 A/+YQ/%)5 6E#Ec5 6E.-/E5 .\5 2y
=N()4"&%(\5 <4&QR)4, V(R. _. @. @"Y'#)4 @"."W/)4, XY%E @".-G/E 2009, p. 12.

saint and canonization are theologically unacceptable, granted that they presuppose
juridical and ecclesiastical views which are foreign to the Orthodox tradition.

With the term recognize we mean the special acceptance and honor in Christ, which
spontaneously is given by the fullness of the Church to certain reposed members, which
are set apart by their God-fearing, virtuous life and their dedication to God.

In the Orthodox Church the only criteria for the recognition of one of its reposed
members as a saint is the recognition of the faithful, the vox populi, the voice of the
people, with the required presuppositions that he had the Orthodox Faith and mindset,
that he was Orthodox and neither a heretic nor heterodox, that he had lived a holy
(7/82./)9D)) or martyric life, that he had performed miracles in life and after his repose,
and finally, that his relics after death are incorrupt and fragrant, often streaming myrrh.
These requirements, according to Church tradition, are considered essential even to this

After the recognition of the saint by the consciousness of the Church, the ecclesiastical
authority records the saint in its diptychs, to be commemorated in the Divine Liturgy and
designates a yearly feast day in his memory, which is usually the day of the saints
repose. The icon and the relics of the saint are also put out for public veneration and a
liturgical service is composed in his honor.

It would be a substantial oversight if we failed to mention the tragic and appalling fact
that you, Your Excellency, in Papism, have canonized murderers as saints. This is
demonstrated by the canonization, by Pope John Paul II, of Cardinal Alojzije
Stepinac, who was sent to Yugoslavia and Serbia during the Second World War (1942-
1944) in order to forcibly convert the Orthodox people to Papism. This Stepinac, after
facilitating the killing of 800,000 Orthodox who refused to be converted by the Latins,
was awarded for his demonic work and, after his death, canonized!

In addition we would like to stress that our Holy Orthodox Church is reproached by you,
the heretic Latins, and slanderously accused of not producing one new Saint, nor any
miracles, since the schism of 1054, having left the western church, that is your
Frankish parasyagogue. All the while, you, having no new true saints to present,
manufacture sculpted saints from stone, wood and metal. Look, however, at our Holy
Orthodox Church, the spotless bride of Christ the Savior, crowned and adorned, as with
precious stones and priceless pearls, with the Holy New-Martyrs, Hierarchs, and
Venerable Asetics, whose holiness is confirmed by the incorruption and unspeakable
fragrance emitted by their Holy Relics, and by the infinite miracles which they perform.
This proves that you schismatic and heretical Latins, calling yourself wise, are, in fact,
fools and because of this, and because you were puffed up with satanic pride, your minds
were darkened and you were made blind. Because, while having eyes you do not see and
while having ears you do not hear nor do you perceive the voice of the Lord, Who says
He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their
eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them,
and in

:9i8@. i:9:f:@6=< e:<8f=6=;f=<, O QY@23&("4%: <0/D: #4@), H(R. O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5,
0P1&E% 1988, pp. 235-251.
John 12:40 and Isaiah 6:10.
this way wandering and deluded you stumble along in the darkness.
For this reason the
Holy Patriarch of Jerusalem (1660 A.D.) Nektarios, that blazing zealot of the Truth,
wanting to stop the prating mouths of the Latins and to prove you liars and slanderers,
enumerated many new Saints of the Orthodox Catholic Church after the schism and
narrated their many wondrous new miracles. The blessed Nektarios, as well as the
blessed Dositheos of Jerusalem,
wrote about Saint Gregory Palamas, Archbishop of
Thessaloniki, the preacher of the uncreated divine Grace and beholder of the uncreated
Light, whom you Papists consider a heretic, so much so that on the island of Santorini,
during the second Sunday of the Great Lent, when the memory of St. Gregory is
celebrated, the Franks purposely sent out children in a boat and who, while sailing, were
clapping their hands and shouting anathema to Palamas! If Palamas is a Saint let him
drown us! The Frankish children blasphemed in this way and, oh strange wonder, oh the
holiness and boldness before God of the divine Gregory, the moment when they were
blaspheming, without a storm and in calm weather, the boat sank with all aboard,
according to their own blasphemous words, if he is a Saint, let him drown us.

It would be very advantageous for you to ask the Bishop of your religious community
in Corfu, John Spiteri, what happened on December 12, 1716 when the Venetian
governor of Corfu, Andrew Pisani, wanted to install an altar in the Church of the
Wonderworker, St. Spyridon. Today, the empty place in the all-holy temple declares the


No one can forget the worldwide protests from the United Nations and from entire
parliaments, such as those of the Netherlands, Ireland and Australia, against the
thousands of cases of heinous sexual abuse by Papist religious ministers.

The revelations about the ethical stench of your heretical Papist parasynagogue have no
end. These awful scandals which beleaguer the Holy See led to the resignation of
Christs vicar on earth, His former Excellency, Benedict XVI, followed not long after
by the resignation of Cardinal Keith O Brien, archbishop of Scotland. The reason for
his resignation are the harsh accusations, by four of his Papist priests, of inappropriate
relations which have been going on for thirty years now! Of course, his resignation,
which His former Excellency, Benedict XVI, accepted, had such an urgent character that
Great Britain was left without a representative in the conclave at Your Excellencys
election. The website The News writes: One of the priests reports how he had an
inappropriate relation with OBrien. Another states that he was 18 years old when the
Cardinal approached him inappropriately after a night of prayer. A third announced that

:A8=< >8,=!?@=< :A8=978*?<, V3()9)/"4$*: $]& RWR"(E +&]& .)K H&%E4.)K, vol. V, H(R.
O/PQR)S)5 ,4J-#+, 2"3/(+ 2003, pp. 485-486 and :A8=< @:,:98=< ,=98>2=; :A8=<
>8,?T=9=< i8=; :A8=< >8,=!?@=< :A8=978*?< =<8=< :2:>:<8=< 6:98=<,
V3()9)/"4$*: N&2)/$1/0(, H(R. O/PQR)S)5 ,4J-#+, 2"3/(+ 1996, pp. 539-540.
!=<827=< 879=<=f;@|>, ;%2: h>#.-:, p. 31.
:A8=< >8,=!?@=< :A8=978*?<, NB2( Z@6%>"2(, H(R. 03.1/ 0#. and 7. 6EIER++./F)4,
0P1&E% 1974, p. 332.

he had been called to OBriens residence in order to get to know him better, where
after the consumption of alcohol, OBrien approached him inappropriately! Even if it
is not directly stated what kind of inappropriate relations the eminent prince of the
Papist parasynagogue had, we can only imagine! And these are not isolated incidents but
an unending chain of sexual scandal that has wound itself around the globe!

His former Excellency, Benedict XVI, denied on September 24, 2013 that he had tried to
cover up sexual abuse of children by Papist priests. His statements were included in a
ten-page letter to the Italian author and mathematician, Piergiorgio Odifreddi, who had
written a book about the problems that Papism was facing before His former
Excellencys resignation. The Italian newspaper La Repubblica published some extracts
of the letter: As for what you say about the moral abuse of minors by priests, I can, as
you know, only note it with deep dismay. I have never tried to hide these things, related
His former Excellency, Benedict. Reality, however, contradicts him because he has been
accused of covering up such deplorable scandals while he was Archbishop of Milan. This
is the first time that His former Excellency, Benedict, has personally answered these
accusations of sexual abuse of minors by priests and the first time, since his resignation,
that something which he had written or said has been published.

Another resounding incident of pederasty, and by a papal nuncio at that (a representative
of the Vatican), is the following: The Vatican has recalled its ambassador to the
Dominican Republic after he was accused of sexually abusing children. Two local TV
channels broadcast allegations of paedophilia against Archbishop Josef Wesolowski, who
had been nuncio, or ambassador, in the capital, Santo Domingo, for nearly six years. A
spokesman for the Catholic church in the Dominican Republic, Monsignor Agripino
Nunez Collado, said that The law is for everyone and there was no excuse for anyone
who violated the law, not citizenship, not faith, not creed, not politics, not religion,
saying again The law is for all. Wesolowski will be investigated over the charges of
paedophilia by the Holy See, as well as by prosecutors in the Dominican Republic.

Naturally not a word was heard about defrocking the naughty Archbishop, but only
legal repercussions, as is the case with the thousands of pederast Frankish Fathers, who
canonically serve in the Papist parasynagogue.
All of this because of blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit and the defiance of Holy Canon XIII of the Sixth Holy
Ecumenical Council, by establishing the anti-biblical general celibacy of the Clergy, and
the voice of the Lord, Who says Not everyone can accept this teaching, but only those to
whom it is given! (Matt. 19:11)


##+ FE IE/EF.+3%5-$Q$E .\5 IEI%(\5 D((#+3FE5, 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 5-4-2013
e"&-R%(.)5 : !-& I/)3I'P+3E &' 34Y(E#hJG .1& (E()I)F+3+ IE%R%]& rIQ L"/"s5,
6EI%(Q5 &)h.3%)5 rI+##'Y+ .]& (EP+(Q&.G& .)4 R%' IE%R"/E3.FE&! O/P)R)S)5 *hI)5 (18-10-


Lively discussion on a universal level was prompted by Your Excellencys statements
when you opened up the topic of homosexuality, that shameful and disgusting passion,
which is the zenith of all carnal sins, and radically changed the course of the discussion in
comparison to your predecessors. The Vatican itself, perhaps unintentionally, reveals the
unbelievable dimension of its ethical stench! The profound ethical crisis, which plagues
the City-State of God, is not only a secret no longer, but a fact known by all. As for
Your Excellency, you who wish to be bishop of the throne of Old Rome, it seems that
you were forced to admit the incurable ethical abscess of the Holy See, which desires
to pose as a church and the one true church at that, characterizing the actual Church
of Christ, the Orthodox Church, as deficient!

Your revelations completely confirm the reports of many daily newspapers and
periodicals that within the Vatican there exists a homosexual lobby and a current of
corruption. Daily newspapers and periodicals had published these reports when His
former Excellency Benedict suddenly resigned. At that time there had been revelations of
the laundering of dirty money by the Vatican, transfers of money to German banks, and
mafia-like methods to serve its interests. You, Your Excellency, proceeded with the
above revelations on May 12, 2013. According to correspondences and reports of the
newspaper Democracy (!+)(/E.FE) on June 13, 2013: It seems that sexuality
doesnt disappear when one dons the cassock, and this is confirmed once again by the
Popes own mouth.

Also confirmed is the economic anarchy on the fringes of Papism. According to reports
by Catholic media, which the Vatican has not refuted, you confirmed the existence of a
gay lobby and a current of corruption in the Vatican, marking the strangest
acknowledgement by the Vatican in recent history, especially after scandals of pederasty
with priests of the Vatican playing the leading roles. To be precise, you, Your
Excellency, during a private audience with a representative of the Latin American
Conference of Religious (CLAR), spoke regarding various burning issues in the
Vatican, including problems within the Curia, the central administration of the
Church, which was recently found at the center of a corruption scandal. These papal
admissions were made in the Spanish language, according to the Chilean Papist website
Reflexion y Liberacion. Once again, here we find the conviction that there is a need for
the reexamination of human sexuality within the sphere of religion, as well as the other
human weaknesses. Your words corroborate this: In the Curia there are holy people,
truly holy people. But there is also a current of corruption They speak of a gay
lobby, and that is true, it is there. We need to see what we can do...

During your return trip from Brazil (July 29th, 2013), while speaking in-flight to
reporters, you issued a liberal (!) statement, in relation to the stance, which was held in
the past in Papism, regarding the issue of homosexuals. When a reporter asked you for
your opinion on homosexuals you answered: If someone is gay and is searching for the
Lord and has good will, then who am I to judge this behavior? In addition, you added
that homosexuals should not be marginalized, but on the contrary should be incorporated

U 6'IE5 HI%$"$E%W&"% .1& IE/S%& Y(-.) m)o4#)oF#G& "N5 .Q eE.%(E&Q&, U)#)YFE I'IE :
[I'/M"% Y(-~ #QI% "N5 .b eE.%(E&Q&! 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 28-6-2013 (EF 5-7-2013.
into the community. You took sides against discrimination against homosexuals,
mentioning, however, the Papist policy, which states that, even if homosexual orientation
is not a sin, homosexual acts are. The distinguished newspaper, The Wall Street Journal,
in its report gives another dimension to your statements. Specifically, it maintains that, by
your statements about homosexuality you opened the way for the acceptance of
homosexual priests.

In agreement with your line of thinking, the Papist bishop of Mexico, Jose Raul Vera
Lopez, in an interview on August 27th, 2013, stated that: Homosexuality is not a
perversion, but homophobia is a mental illness.

On September 19, 2013 Your Excellency stated: Religion has the right to express its
opinion in the service of the people, but God in creation has set us free: it is not possible
to interfere spiritually in the life of a (homosexual) person.
With this statement of
yours you give support to the homosexual community. In truth with such statements
regarding this carnal perversion, which are at heart deeply irresponsible since you do not
condemn it in an era where this issue/passion is being recognized more and more each
day by Governments around the world as marriage you, Your Excellency, have
opened Pandoras box, and in this way have thrown oil into the fire.

The fitting and straightforward answer on your part should have been: This foul passion
which is completely condemned both by God and nearly all cultures and civilizations,
with the exception of a portion of perverted people in our age, is simply seeking
affirmation. Theologically, of course, it has also been characterized, perhaps more that
any other deviation, as an act which God hates.

Truly, oh what shallowness, what carelessness, what indecency, what presumption on
your part, and the lowest degradation, you who boast of the number of the faithful that
you represent. In doing this you have added yet another spiritual deviation to the many
which Papism already possesses. You have torn to shreds any validity as a leader, as
well as your personal dignity. May Papists around the world be proud of you, even
though we hope that through this some would wake up and see where Papism and its
faithful are headed.

Since every Pope, and the Vatican in general, boasts that he has as his chief the Apostle
Peter, and that through him they are a church, Your Excellency naturally should know
what the Apostle Peter has written about this passion: If by turning the cities of Sodom
and Gomorrah to ashes he condemned them to extinction, and made them an example to
those who were to be ungodly, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trial,
and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment, and especially

6'IE5 T/EY(F3()5 : 6)%Q5 "nE% HYW I)h P' (/F&G .)h5 ))o4#Qo%#)45;
6EI%(Q5 HIF3()I)5 R+#W&"% .% : g m)o4#)o%#FE R-& "n&E% %E R%E3./)o1, r##' j )o)$FE "n&E%
%E J4M%(1 r3P-&"%E
6'IE5 T/EY(F3()5 : g H((#+3FE R-& I/-I"% &' IE/"$EF&"% 3.F5 pG-5 .]& )o4#Qo%#G&,

those who indulge in the lust of defiling passion and who despise authority. Bold and
willful, they are not afraid to revile the glorious ones

St. Nikodemos of the Holy Mountain interprets this passage thus: (God) burnt to ashes
those cities, where they were depraved with sodomy, with a cataclysm of fire and
brimstone. If God drowned so many people in fire, those will also be condemned in the
future who, in the same manner as the guilty Sodomites, sin and live impiously. For
those that do not resist lechery and depravity will be punished more severely than the
other sinners, whose sins one should not even write down, because they harm those who
read them by merely the thought.

And the 7
verse of Judes epistle: just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the surrounding
cities, which likewise acted immorally and indulged in unnatural lust, serve as an
example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire. Fear and trembling! But who has
fear now? Apart from punishment, St. Nikodemos stresses: For the body of men
(together) is totally dissimilar and foreign to natural and lawful intercourse, and in no
way is it useful for child-bearing.

The memory of that catastrophe of old remains indelible in that region known as the
Dead Sea, a portion of which was once those two cities. Today it is the border of Israel
and Jordan. It remains a teacher and a reminder for us that, for a body of water devoid of
life to exist there, something dreadful must have happened.

More dreadful are the words of Saint Paul: and the men likewise gave up natural
relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing
shameless acts with men and receiving in their own persons the due penalty for their
It is obvious that the Apostle Paul had in mind what was happening in Pompeii
in regards to this passion.

We present only a few lines from the holy Chrysostom, who translates and comments on
Pauls words: All these affections then were vile, but chiefly the mad lust after males;
for the soul is more the sufferer in sins, and more dishonored, than the body in diseases
having dishonored that which was natural, they ran after that which was contrary to
nature. They made a business of the sin, and not only a business, but even one
zealously followed up. For even if there were no hell, and no punishment had been
threatened, this was worse than any punishment [T]hese (homosexuals) I say are even
worse than murderers And if they that suffer such things perceived them, they would
accept ten thousand deaths so they might not suffer this evil (he has in mind the passive
homosexual). For I should not only say that thou hast become a woman, but that thou hast
lost thy manhood but thou hast been a traitor to both of them at once having
wronged either sex. And what is there more detestable than a man who hath pandered
himself, or what more execrable? Oh, what madness! Oh, ye that were more senseless
than irrational creatures, and more shameless than dogs! Whence then were these evils

2 Peter 2:6-10.
=<8=< >8,=!?@=< :A8=978*?<, }/+&"FE "N5 .'5 I.' (EP)#%('5 HI%3.)#'5 .]& qYFG&
0I)3.Q#G& {E(W$)4, 6-./)4, {G'&&)4 (E% {)hRE, V(R. O/PQR)S)5 ,4J-#+, 2"3/(+ 1986, p. 384.
ibid. p. 688.
Romans 1:27.
born? Of luxury; of not knowing God.

The notable Freud, among other things, in his work Introduction to Psychoanalysis,
reports: we have come in contact with groups of human beings whose sexual life
deviates strikingly from the average. One group among them, the perverse, have, as it
were, crossed off the difference between the sexes from their program. Only the same sex
can arouse their sexual desires. They have to that extent, of course, foregone any
participation in reproduction. We call such persons homosexual [They] have dispensed
with the mutual union of the genital organs, and have, as one of the partners of the act,
replaced the genitals by another organ or part of the body; they have thus overcome both
the short-comings of organic structure and the usual disgust involved. Through their
scientific leaders they proclaim themselves to be a special species of mankind, a third
sex, which shares equal rights with the two other sexes. Of course they are not, as they
would like to claim, the elect of humanity, but comprise just as many worthless second-
rate individuals as those who possess a different sexual organization.

The Apostle Paul in his first epistle to the Corinthians
courageously states that
homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. It seems that you heretical
Christians, in promoting homosexuality and regarding it as something natural and not
punishable by damnation, do not sympathize with these words of the Apostle of the

In other words, you are attempting to prove to us, Your Excellency, that perversion is
natural and that those who reprove such perversion are mentally ill. That is to say,
according to you the Apostle Paul and the Holy Fathers of the Orthodox Catholic Church,
who condemn with vigor the deadly sin of homosexuality, are in need of psychiatric

His All-Holiness, Bartholomew, Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople, differentiates
from your stance on the issue of homosexuality. In a statement that he made after Vespers
in the Cathedral of St. Symeon in Estonia on September 7th, 2013, he sharply censured
those who promote homosexual weddings and civil unions stressing the following:
The modern invention of the so-called civil unions are also condemned, which are the
result of sin and not lawful joy.

We Orthodox respect the individual life of each person as a free and responsible choice.
We have no intention to interfere with bigotry and suspend rights and freedoms. Our
protest is focused on the fact that there is an attempt to present the sin of homosexuality,
of sodomy, of unnatural lechery, which extends to pederasty and pedophilia, as a natural
condition, as simple diversity. However, pan-human conscience through the ages
recognizes the relations between a man and a woman, male and female, as natural sexual
behavior. This is human physiology and ontology. Every other relation overturns human
ontology as unnatural deviation, which is not observed even amongst the animals. Holy

<8A,@=;>* T9=>*, LN4)>0>* 4$*( U3<)(#634-, H(R. A()$Q3.+, 0P1&E, pp. 260-263, 270.
1 Cor. 6:9.
O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5 (6-9-2013) 4.
U =N()4"&%(Q5 6E./%'/M+5 H&E&.F)& .]& Y'G& m)o4#)oF#G& (EF .]& 34oW&G& H#"4P-/E5
34$%W3"G5, 7/8%!292: ;1.2: (13-9-2013) 8.
Scripture especially, which expresses the will of God, of the Creator of man and wise
Master of human nature, condemns homosexuality as a passion, a disgrace and an
outrage, strictly punishing the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah with fire and brimstone.
Homosexuality is considered by all the Holy Fathers to be the most disgusting and foul
sin of all. The support and exoneration of homosexuality constitutes great irreverence
towards God, the Creator of humans as male and female, and a blasphemous abolition of
the Gospel. Who are you, representatives of modernism, who dare to place yourselves
above God and abolish the Gospel and the teaching of the Holy Fathers? The public
promotion of homosexuality, besides the fact that it insults public decency and our
religious conscience, sends to the youth a message of abnormal sexual behavior, which
constitutes a death-blow to the foundation of the family and the community, with its
acute demographic problem, and the cause of psychopathological disorders in children,
who will be raised by homosexual couples, as is now being sought.


The protests against the Vatican for money laundering and for the connections of
economic services of the self-styled Holy See with Cosa Nostra, which Italian Justice
uncovered, are unforgettable. More and more investigations are coming to light, which
show that Papism constitutes, in essence, at its highest level of administration, a criminal
organization, something very dangerous for humanity.

For example, those in charge of a three-year investigation into the Vatican Bank claim
that, according to confidential documents which are invoked by two Italian newspapers,
the operation of the Vatican Bank facilitates money laundering.
However, more
substantiated is the accusation of Karen Hudes, who worked for twenty consecutive years
for the legal department of the World Bank and was fired when she uncovered a giant
scam in Indonesia. The former legal council for the World Bank, in a recent interview
with an American television network, claimed that the global wealth of a group of
crooked megabankers ends up in the Vatican.

Her accusations bring to mind the revelations about the Vaticans connections with the
criminal organization, which was hiding behind the Masonic Lodge P2, as well as with
the mafia! Karen Hudes states that it is now known that the Jesuit organization Opus Dei
not only controls the European banking system, but also is at the head of the powerful
Zionist club of megabankers, which has Switzerland as its headquarters.

Within this framework it is deemed necessary to present a publication
which presents
the manner of operation of the Jesuit organization Opus Dei, and which confirms and
vindicates the claims of the World Banks former legal advisor. From the small passage
that will be cited the activity of these workers of iniquity will be understood. This activity

1o%3E .\5 "N/+&%(\5 R%EE/.4/FE5 Y%' .F5 H(R+#W3"%5 )o4#)o%#%(15 [I"/+o'&"%E5 (Gay Pride)
2"33E#)&F(+, I/)Eh#%)5 MW/)5 _. >. `YF)4 !++./F)4, 14-6-2013.
<.=. vol. 147.
219 z2fuIy2U10
essentially confirms the saying of Saint Cosmas the Aetolian, Curse the Pope, but also
of the teacher, Saint Anastasius Gordius, who in his unprecedented work Against Islam
and the Latins (which some in the past century took great pains to conceal), interprets
passages of the book of Revelation, and identifies the Pope with the two-horned beast,
the false prophet.

The Limmat Foundation, with its headquarters in Switzerland, operates in Central and
Eastern Africa, South America, South Eastern Asia and the countries of the former Soviet
Union. Even though they maintain that they do not have a political or religious character,
it is well known that this foundation directly influences the political policies of the
countries in which it operates. Additionally, all members of the foundation have strong
ties to Opus Dei. The Limmat Foundation has a yearly budget of over $1,000,000, of
which 78% is derived from its own means, and the remaining 22% from governmental
allocations and subsidies from the European Union. The foundation has direct
connections with the Pan-European banking system, which is controlled by Opus Dei. Its
catalogue of members includes chief executives of the Peoples Bank of Spain, of
Nordfinanzbank of Zrich, and of Rhine-Dunude foundation, which is completely
financed by the European Union.

Another organization, which was founded by members of Opus Dei, is the Hanns-Seidel
Foundation, with its headquarters in Germany. The foundation is funded by the European
Union, while it is connected to the Christian Social Union in Bavaria political party
(CSU), the European Parliament Member of which, Fritz Pirkl, was a founding member
of Hanns-Seidel. This foundation, in cooperation with the Limmat Foundation, has
founded the Center for Research and Communication in the Philippines, which counts
among its members the majority of the countrys economical and political elite. (Note:
Karen Hudes, during her interview, accused the World Bank of conducting one of its
largest predatory raids in this very country!) The Progredi foundation, based in
Brussels, is another of Opus Deis showcases. Among the prominent names on the
catalogue of its members was Gianmario Roveraro, owner of the investment bank Akros
of Milan, and an economic adviser to the Vatican. (Unfortunately, he went missing on
July 5, 2006 after having attended an Opus Dei meeting in Milan and was later found
chopped into pieces and hidden in a hut beneath a motorway bridge about 30km from
Parma on July 23rd of the same year. Signor Roveraro had been questioned in an
inquiry into the collapse and fraudulent bankruptcy of the food and dairy conglomerate
Parmalat, Europes largest corporate failure.)
The Instituto per la Cooperazione
Universitaria, with its central offices in Rome and Brussels, was activated in 1993
throughout all the world. It is especially active in countries such as Peru, Albania and
those of the former Soviet Union. Its yearly budget surpassed $4,500,000, of which 10%
is derived from its own capital, while the remaining is covered by allocations from the
European Union.

The organization Association for Cultural, Technical and Educational Cooperation has its
headquarters in Belgium. Its yearly budget exceeds $1,000,000, of which 30% is derived
from private capital, while the remaining 70% comes from social institutions and the
European Union. This organization operates in seven countries of Central Africa and

South America.

Of course, the long list does not end there. It is obvious, then, that Opus Dei has direct
involvement in a wide array of social affairs. The influence that it wields in the political
matters of the countries in which it is present is very strong. It also has a direct impact on
the global political scene. In addition, its members have managed to infiltrate the
European Parliament in order to become delegates of their countries in the European
Union, as well as governmental representatives in the U.N. Thus they have succeeded in
intervening into world developments, even having achieved the control of international
organizations of public benefit such as UNESCO, the former Director-General of which,
Federico Mayor Zaragoza, is a member of the organization.

With the above information even a common-minded person understands the various
games that are being played in the miniature state of the Vatican. According to
ecclesiastical circles it is within this framework that we find a vote for a law in the U.S.
(with retroactive effect!) which granted the capability of hundreds of victims of sexual
abuse at the hand of priests of the Vatican to claim enormous damages. The result of
this is that many of the Vaticans Archdioceses in the U.S.A. have declared bankruptcy.
These same circles claim that this law was instigated by the Zionist megabankers and
aimed exclusively at achieving control of the Vatican by promoting a Pope, who would
function purely in their interests, and who would operate as a pawn in the realization of
their plan of globalization. Karen Hudes asserts quite frankly that the Jesuits, the order
from which Your Excellency hails, completely control the American Bankers

Therefore, just as the Templars with their Satanist-Kabbalist leader, de Molay had
attempted to take over from within the position of the Pope, but were discovered, tried
and executed, so also the Jesuits of Opus Dei, along with their Zionist megabanker
accomplices, have attempted the same, this time with economical means. The difference
is that the latter have avoided errors, and have managed to force the resignation of the
German born Benedict, not only by means of publications, but also with a weighty tome
about economic and other scandals. They have succeeded in this way to promote Your
Excellency, the so-called Black Pope, a title given you due to the high rank which you
had in the order of the Jesuits!

The developments in the City-state of God are snowballing. The underground scandals
have been uncovered and you, Your Excellency, try in vain to calm the storms which are
rising from the sanctum sanctorum! The fiscal dirty laundry that time and time again is
being revealed reminds us more of mafia gangsters or camorra rather than the See of
Christs Vicar on earth!

Pertinent reports relate that: Italian investigators have said the Vatican Bank operated in
a way that facilitated money laundering, according to a leaked inquiry. The disclosed
report followed a three year inquiry into the bank, officially known as the Institute for the
Works of Religion (IOR), and was recently quoted by two Italian newspapers, Corriere
della Sera and La Repubblica. According to the report, IOR did not carry out enough
checks on its clients, and the bank allowed account holders to transfer large sums on
behalf of others. There is a high risk that the way the IOR operates, without specifying
its real clients, can be used as a screen to hide illegal operations, the report read.
Prosecutors behind the inquiry also faulted Italian banks that accepted transfers from the
IOR for not investigating the origin of the money, which could later be moved into other
banks. The IOR can easily become a channel for the laundering of money with a
criminal origin, said the prosecutors. The report also denied IORs statement that its
account holders are all religious congregations or clergy. There are also private
individuals who, because they enjoy a particular relationship with the Holy See, can
deposit money and open accounts, the report read. The inquiry focused on a 23 million
($30 million) transfer made from IOR to Italian lender Credito Artigiano in 2010, with 3
million being transferred to Banca del Fucino and 20 million to JP Morgan Frankfurt.
The transfer was signed off by the IOR Director General at the time, Paolo Cipriani, and
his deputy, Massimo Tulli. The two resigned from their posts on July 1st, and prosecutors
are set to file charges against them for their involvement in the money transfer. An
additional official working at the Vatican Bank, senior priest, Nunzio Scarano, was
arrested earlier by Italian police on June 28th on suspicion of money laundering, fraud
and corruption. According to La Repubblica, the two high Vatican officials were also
responsible for other transfers made to JP Morgan.

The Vatican has frozen the assets of the cleric known as Monsignor 500, as the
scandal involving the Pope's bank continues to escalate. Monsignor Nunzio Scarano was
among three people arrested by Italian financial police for allegedly trying to bring 20
million in cash into the country from Switzerland aboard a government plane. After
suspending Scarano's assets, the Holy See also warned that other people may be involved
in the investigation. Scarano, who was denied house arrest, worked as an accountant in
the Vatican's financial administration. He was already under investigation by magistrates
in the southern Italian city of Salerno, his home town, for a suspected money laundering
plot involving the IOR. Italian secret service agent Giovanni Maria Zito, and a financial
broker, Giovanni Carinzo, were arrested along with Scarano. The three were accused of
fraud, corruption and slander stemming from the IOR plot. Monsignor Scarano
nicknamed Monsignor 500 for his habit of carrying 500 euros worth of cash in his
pocket was asked by some friends to work with Carinzo, the broker, to return 20
million that they had given him to invest. The identity of these friends is still unknown,
according to police sources. Scarano persuaded Carinzo to return the money with the help
of Italian secret agent Zito. The agent went to Switzerland to bring the cash back aboard a
government aircraft, in order to prevent any reporting of the mission in Italy. When the
job was complete, Zito demanded his 400,000 commission. Scarano paid an initial
200,000 by cheque. But in a clumsy attempt to prevent the second installment of the
commission being deposited, the monsignor filed a report for a missing 200,000 cheque.

It is unclear why he wished to prevent the deposit. After filing the report, Scarano was
arrested by Italian financial police. The Vatican said its own investigation into Scarano
was triggered by several suspicious transaction reports filed with the Vaticans financial
watchdog agency. It said its probe could be extended to additional individuals.

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eE.%(E&Q : 6'YG3E& .)h5 #)YE/%E3)h5 r&W."/)4 (#+/%()K, I)h H&-M".E% 3- [IQP"3+ S"I#hE.)5

Our first observation is that, wherever the Grace of God is absent, there is found satanic
energy in abundance. For this reason we have such aforementioned results. Our second
observation is that you, Your Excellency, continue the recital of hypocrisy in a hopeless
attempt to mislead and touch the hearts of the people in order to remedy the Vatican
States bad image. During your visit to Brazil you stated, on August 3rd and 4th,
according to the newpaper The News (*: >7:), among other things: Human rights are
not only violated by terrorism, repression or assassination, but also by unfair economic
structures that create huge inequalities. At another point you stated: Oh, how I would
like a poor Church, and for the poor.

These statements of yours certainly make an impression and provoke wonder. With the
medias help, Your Excellency is polishing the Vaticans very tarnished image, rocked by
every kind of scandal, while you yourself are being made into a saint. You willingly
forget, however, that the Vatican developed into an economic power during the
interbellum, under the economic leadership of the banker Bernardino Nogara. It was he
who founded many lending companies on behalf of the Vatican, which infiltrated into
banks, weapons and drug manufacturing and the fuel and gold markets. You also
willingly forget that: 1) In 1942 the Vatican Bank was founded, the notorious IOR; 2)
During the post-war period the Vatican extended its activities throughout the world with
companies dealing with insurance, cement, steel, pasta, hotels, machines, buildings and
complexes (these activities were helped because they were tax exempt); 3) From 1968,
with Paul VI as Pope, the finances of the Vatican were taken over by the bishop of
Chicago Paul Marcinkus, by mafia banker Michele Sindona, by the multinational banker
Roberto Calvi and multiple agent Licio Gelli, founder and Venerable Master of the
notorious Masonic lodge Propaganda Due (P2). The businesses and banks of the
Vatican launder dirty money, as was revealed shortly before the resignation of His
former Excellency, Benedict.

In 1978, Pope Paul VI reposed and was succeeded by Albino Luciani, who assumed his
duties in August of 1978 with the name John Paul I. Exactly thirty-three days after he
assumed office he died suddenly and inexplicably. He had expressed his desire to clean
up the Vatican and he had begun to take measures towards this end with the removal of
the above-mentioned individuals, along with many of their collaborators and the masons.
After his death it was said (without proof) that the Pope was murdered with digitalis.
An autopsy, however, was never performed. He was succeeded by the Pole Wojty!a, as
Pope John Paul II, and it was business as usual.

Pope John Paul II was succeeded by Pope Benedict XVI, whose resignation was due
as much to the Vaticans homosexual scandal as for its economical scandals. Let us not
forget that shortly before his resignation there were official accusations by Italian
authorities regarding money laundering.

In addition, shortly before his resignation, huge amounts of money were transferred to
German banks. According to sources, the Vatican controls companies in Panama,
Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, which include banks (Luxembourg), publishing groups,
banking unions etc. The Vaticans wealth is legendary. A portion of this wealth could be
put towards the eradication of hunger or diseases etc. But will the Vatican actually
concern itself with the poor? Genuine concern for the daily problems of humanity and
propaganda and two very different things. You, Your Excellency, concern yourself with
propaganda to improve the image of the satanic Vatican State. It is for this reason that we
spoke in the beginning of a recital of hypocrisy on your part.


We shall let our Father among the Saints, Nektarios, Bishop of Pentapolis, speak for us
about the evil that Papism has caused the Greek people. The Saint, in his two-volume
work Historical Study on the Causes of the Schism, which expresses itself very harshly,
negatively and severely regarding the Pope and Papism, has the following to say:
What can one say about all of this? Should one mourn or should one mock these Papal
claims? I am of the opinion that is necessary to mourn, because the Greek people have
shed many tears for such popes, which became the evil demons of the Eastern Church
and the Greek people.
Elsewhere he states: The hate, which the Western Church had
for the Greeks, was inspired throughout the West and rendered the uneducated peoples of
the West fanatical enemies of the Greeks, whom they reckoned as loathsome heretics.
The Crusaders, a mob of uneducated fanatics, fostered the same hate towards the Greeks
as they did towards the Ottomans. The sacking of Constantinople by the Crusaders, the
wild Vandals of the West, applied the seal on the Schism.
And finally, The Popes
sin and are brought down into hell and will continue to make themselves candidates for
hell until the Second Coming, and perhaps eternally because of the evil they have done to
the Church in Greece, and because of the false-unions and impious and anti-Christian

The Vaticans schemes against Greece coincide with the schemes of those who war
against the Church. The Vatican is hiding behind those who war against the Church by
demanding a change in the public school theology lessons from confessional and
catechetical classes of the Orthodox faith to syncretistic religious studies. These same
people also push for the separation of the Church and State. Proof of the above claim is
the article with the title Ancient Greek, Theology and Fanatacism, by Mr. Nicholas
Gasparakis Esq., former director of Papisms Press Office in Greece, which was
published by the well know newspaper G6&38&/2$3.D).

In this article Mr. Gasparakis suggests the need to change the theological lessons to
religious studies lessons and calls for the separation of Church and State. He attempts to
add the following as an argument for the separation of the Orthodox Church from the
state: This separation would prove to be for the Churchs benefit [M]oreover the
economical indicators of our country, which today is suffering heavily, would be much
more favorable for the citizens, insinuating, of course, that if the salary of the Orthodox

A. 79e=<, 9"3%.'# [I)(/%3FE5 [IQ .)K &-)4 I'IE. U%#"s R%' .)h5 I.GM)h5, .E& .Q eE.%(E&Q&
R%EP-."% ./EI-pE5, .E%/"FE5, S"&)R)M"sE, S"I#-&"% EK/)& M/\E, 7/8%!292: ;1.2: (13-9-2013) 1, 7.
:A8=< >7,*:98=< 768<,=6=< 67>*:6=f7|<, K&6B$- L3.)/%(1 I"/F .]& EN.%]& .)K
3MF3E.)5, vol. I, p. 298.
ibid. vol. II, p. 96.
ibid. p. 103.
clergy was discontinued it would lighten the public budget.

However, let Mr. Gasparakis answer this: How can it be otherwise, because according to
Greek law there exists a contract, in which the Government has expropriated 96% of the
assets of the Church of Greece in exchange for paying the salaries of the Orthodox
Clergy, and therefore this is not a benevolent act on the part of the Greek Government,
but a contractual obligation, as was manifestly proved, relatively recently, by the
European Court of Human Rights with the nullification of the well known Tritsis law
(N. 1700/1987).


According to reports, Your Excellency has accepted the invitation of His All-Holiness,
Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, to visit the Holy See of the First-Throne of the
Orthodox Christian Church at the Phanar, in the near future.

Also, according to the
same sources, you agreed with the proposal of His All-Holiness, the Ecumenical
Patriarch, to meet him in the Holy City of Jerusalem in May of 2014, for the 50-year
anniversary of the meeting of your predecessors, Paul VI and Athenagoras.
Finally, it
seems that you accepted the invitation to attend an important exhibition about Mt. Athos,
which will take place in 2015 at the Quirinal Palace in Italy, the inauguration of which is
expected to be performed by His All-Holiness, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, as
Bishop of the Monastic State.

Truly, Your Excellency, what good can you possibly offer to the Orthodox, you who are
the chosen Jesuit Pope of the Jews, of the Rabbis, of the masons, of the dictators, of
America, of Ecumenism, of Pan-religion, of the New Age of Aquarius, and of the
New World Order?


We, the Orthodox, desire union and pray unceasingly for the unity of all (people) a
unity in our Holy Church in truth. We do not pray for the unity of false churches who will
not forsake their various heresies, of some God-sent unity in the diversity of false
doctrines. You, the Papists, in essence, hinder this unity. We Orthodox are unifiers par
excellence, whereas you, the Papists, are separators. If you do not repent here in this

g".-/E DI%3.)#1 I/Q5 .Q& R%"4P4&.1 .\5 Ho+"/FRE5 D#"4P"/).4IFE 3M".%(' - v/P/) .)K (. >.
AE3IE/'(+ - .F.#) ''*' r/MEsE, .' P/+3("4.%(' (EF m oE&E.%3Q5'',
U 6'IE5 3M"R%'p"% HIF3("J%& "N5 .Q TE&'/% (E.' .Q 2014, 7/8%!292: ;1.2: 19-7-2013.
19-3-2013, U =N()4"&%(Q5 6E./%'/M+5 I/)3(E#"s .Q& 6'IE 3.Q TE&'/%,
20-3-2013 DY('/R%E 34&'&.+3+ 6'IE =N()4"&%()K 6E./%'/M+ (EF HI)&.E% (EF v##"5...,
present life, you will repent in Hades, where, however, there is no repentance!

We Orthodox desire union as determined by Christ you Latins want union as
determined by you. If, Your Excellency, you were acting according to Christ, have no
doubt that we Orthodox, who possess the true faith of Christ, would accept union. Since,
however, you do not agree with Christ, it is absolutely not possible for us to agree with
you. How could it be possible, Your Excellency, for us to accept union, since you Papists
are in disagreement with and antithetical to the teaching of the Gospel of our Savior Jesus
Christ, and of the Holy Apostles? How could it possible for us to accept union with you
who speak, believe and act contrary to God and to Patristic Tradition?
And so, since you remain unrepentant and persevere in your heresies, we are obliged to
sever all relations with you and each will go his chosen way, according to the example of
the blessed Ecumenical Patriarch Jeremiah II of Tranos (1581), who held a memorable
and exemplary stance in the dialogue with the protestant theologians of Tubingen.
When he quickly ascertained that they persisted in their errors and rejected the teaching
of the Holy Fathers, the illuminators and theologians of the Church, he severed
communications with them and let them go their own way. Therefore, we request that
from henceforth you do not cause us more grief, nor write to us on the same subject if
you should wish to treat these luminaries and theologians of the Church in a different
manner. You honor and exalt them in words, but you reject them in deeds. For you try to
prove our weapons, which are their holy and divine discourses, as unsuitable. And it is
with these documents that we would have to write and contradict you. Thus, as for you,
please release us from these cares. Therefore, going about your own ways, write no
longer concerning dogmas; but if you do, write only for friendship's sake. Farewell.

The Apostle Paul, that preacher of the Divine Word, writes: So then, brethren, stand
firm and hold to the traditions which you were taught by us, either by word of mouth or
by letter.
And again he writes: But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should
preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be
The same is said by the God-bearing Ignatius: Every one that teaches
anything beyond what is commanded, though he be [deemed] worthy of credit, though he
be in the habit of fasting, though he live in continence, though he work miracles, though
he have the gift of prophecy, let him be in thy sight as a wolf in sheeps clothing, laboring
for the destruction of the sheep. The Seventh Holy and Ecumenical Council also
prescribes: Three times we anathematize all that was innovated and enacted or that
after this shall be enacted outside of Church tradition and the teaching and institution of
the holy and ever-memorable Fathers.
In addition, the wise Bryennios wrote: If
someone changes any of the teachings of the God-bearing Fathers, we should not call
this, by economy, deviation, but rather a transgression and betrayal of the faith and
irreverence to God.

8|:>>?< ,:9@89?<, *' !)YE.%(' (EF <4$)#%(' @&+"sE .\5 O/P)RQS)4 ,EP)#%(\5
D((#+3FE5, Graz 1968, vol. II, p. 489.
2 Thes. 2:15.
3 Gal 1:8.
<4&)R%(Q .\5 ' `YFE5 (EF =N()4"&%(\5 <4&QR)4 [I-/ .\5 O/P)R)SFE5, */%WR%), ,4/%E(1
God gave us the first commandment of love and the Church prays for the union of all.
God, however, taught us true love, not false love. He taught us love, not only with the lips
and the mouth, but love with all our heart and soul. Not superficial love, but interior love
a love of the heart. The Lord taught us true love, but simultaneously He taught us, for
our own protection, to beware of false prophets, of false christs, of false teachers, of
wolves in sheeps clothing, of wolves, dogs, hypocrites, highpriests, priests, scribes and
Pharisees. The Lord Himself castigated these with the fearful and horrible woe,
characterizing them as fools, the blind leading the blind, devourers, unjust,
whitewashed tombs, snakes and generation of vipers. Our Lord commanded us to
beware of such people, warning us to not draw near to them, not to have contact with
them, but only to pray that the Lord would enlighten them to repent. How did the Holy
Fathers behave towards such people? Well, these Holy Fathers, the imitators of the Arch-
pastor, Christ, and successors of his Disciples, the divine shepherds, which sacrificed
their lives for their rational sheep, who set up the nine venerable and holy Ecumenical
Councils, hurled all these heretics far away from the flock of Christ with the sling of the
Holy Spirit. They banished them far away and gave them over, as unrepentant ones, to
eternal anathema.

There can exist no form of compromise between Orthodoxy and Papism, neither with its
older nor its modern spirit, nor with its idolatry. Neither can there exist unity nor, more
importantly, can there exist union. We worship the God-man, while you worship man
man who you made into a god, and finally the false gods of idolatry. The true, conscience
Orthodox Christians in no way take part in mixed marriages, and we do not enter into
relations with those who are heretics and unbelievers. Our aim and the goal which we
seek is heaven and eternal blessedness, whereas for you the end and the goal is this world
and prosperity on earth.

We are obedient to the divinely inspired command of the Apostle Paul: Be ye not
unequally yoked together with unbelievers [W]hat communion hath light with
darkness? And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth
with an infidel? And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?... [C]ome out
from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing.

If, Your Excellency, you desire union, you must recognize and confess all your errors,
your heresies and innovations, which the Popes throughout the second millennium have
fallen into, splintering from the Orthodox Church. You must repent, you must weep
bitterly, humble yourself and then you will be acceptable. If you do not shed your pride
and if you do not humble yourself, imitating the Lord, not only will you not succeed in
union, but also the division will increase and even greater scandal will be caused along
with confusion, turmoil, great pain and damage to the flock.

A79|> T8f=27=< 79e:,=<, !%REM-5 IE./%(-5 (EF PE4E3.' Y"Y)&Q.E .)K Y-/)&.)5 T%#QP")4
"/$'()4,-H(R.-O/PQR)S+-,4J-#+,-pp.-103-111, sid=984.
2 Cor. 6:14-17, O/PQR)S)5 *hI)5, 19-10-2012,
If you imitate the Lord and humble yourself, you will achieve the union, you will greatly
benefit yourself and the flock and you will glorify the Name of the Heavenly Father as it
was glorified by the Holy Apostles, because the Lord resists the proud; but He gives
grace to the humble and for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that
humbleth himself shall be exalted.

That which is reported about the modern holy elders of our Orthodox Church, the monk
Paisius of Mt. Athos and the Hieromonk Porphyrios, regarding this particular matter, is
very characteristic. The Pope at that time, having been informed about the existence of
these holy elders and about the influence which they had on the Orthodox people desired
to meet them. He sent some people to feel them out and see if indeed they wished to visit
with him. The answer which came from both of them, without having any
communication with each other, because they were guided by the spirit and by God, was
that, since the Pope continues to demonstrate egotism, pride and the delusions of
Papism and does not repent, was that a meeting was impossible. No, we cannot go,
because, Papism and the Pope are not prepared. They have too much egotism. Not only
do they wish to subject us to themselves and Papism, but they also do not believe that we
have the truth. There is no need for us to go. We can help the situation better with our
And so, Your Excellency, because death is uncertain and because, according
to the Gospel verse, Ye know not the hour nor the day of death, for this reason we urge
you, as the least of the members of the All-Holy and Spotless Body of Christ and
especially as Orthodox Bishops, hasten to return to the bosom of the Orthodox Church,
before the end comes. The Triune God accepts you with open arms! There will be joy on
earth among the right-believing brothers over your return, and among the Angels in
heaven as well! Make haste to enter the divine bridal chamber before the door is closed,
because, according to St. Cyril, as many as were defiled with heresy will be devoid of the
garment of incorruption.

Finally we must make known to you that any censure and abuse that might come upon us
for this gesture of ours will constitute the greatest crown of our life according to the true
conformation of our Savior (Matt. 10:11); and be sure that the above truth will soon be
verified, because death was given to men that evil might not become immortal.
We pray that the uncreated Grace of the All-Holy Spirit will enlighten your mind and
strengthen you to shake off the slumber of delusion, heresy and sloth and to draw nigh to
the open arms of the Orthodox Church.
Restore the abject and erstwhile senior and ancient Patriarchate of Old Rome and the
West to the Body of Christ, to the Body of the Church. Take upon yourself your holy
duties as the First Orthodox Primate of the Autocephalous Orthodox Churches with the
true primacy of honor, which is your right as the Orthodox First Hierarch, of the One,
Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. Amen.

With respect,

Luke 18:14,
@. @8i:?f, ;% &>#62 34$"@% $2K A-/)&.E 6E~3F)4, ,hI/)5 1997, p. 115.


+ Andrew of Dryinoupolis, Pogoniani and Konitsa

+ Seraphim of Piraeus and Faliro

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