Nikah Nama English Translation

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F O R M N O. 2.
(See Rule s : 8 & 10)
Under Rules : 8 & 10 of Muslim Family Laws
Ordinance, 1961 (VIII of 1961)
1. Name of the Ward: 13, Town/ Union 61 Tehsil/ Fort Abbas
Police Station : Fort Abbas and District: BAHAWALNAGAR Where the marriage took place
2. Name of the bridegroom & his father, with GOHAR SROCHE ANWAR S/O ANWAR MUHAMMAD
Their respective residence: 269-ZENAT BLOCK, IQBAL TOWN, LAHORE.
3. Age of the Bridegroom: 18-08-1983
4. Name of the Bride & her father, with their CHAUDHARY NADIA D/O AHMAD BASHIR
Respective residence: Apartment No.D-63, 9
Floor, Empire Centre,20-BLOK, GULISTAN-E-
JOHAR, KARACHI. (Present) Diggi Muhallah Fort Abbas
5. Whether the Bride is Virgin, a Widow or a VIRGIN
Divorced Wife:
6. Age of the Bride: 21-07-1983
7. Name of the Vakil, if any, appointed by the NIL
Bride, his fathers name and his residence:
8. Names of the Witnesses to the appointment NIL
Of Brides Vakil, with their fathers names,
Their residence and the relationship with
the Bride:
9. Name of the Vakil, if any, appointed by the NIL
Bridegroom, his fathers name and his
10. Names of the Witnesses to the appointed NIL
Of the Bridegrooms Vakil with their fathers
Names and their residence:
11. Names of the Witnesses to the Marriage, M. Ayoub S/o M. Afzal H # 287/4, Nawab Colony, FAS
Their fathers names and their residence: Amir Shahzad S/o M. Arshid Chak # 225/9R, FAS
12. Date on which the Marriage was solemnized: 11-01-2012
13. Amount of Dower: Rs. 5000.00
14. How much of the Dower is Muajjal (Prompt) TOTAL PAID
And how much Muwajjal (Deferred):
15. Whether any portion of the Dower was paid TOTAL PAID
At the time of Marriage, if so, how much:

16. Whether any property was given in lien of the NIL
Whole or any part of the dower, with specification
Of the same and its valuation agreed to between
The parties:
17. Special conditions, if any: NIL
18. Whether the Husband has delegated the power NIL
Of divorce to the Wife, if so under what conditions:
19. Whether the husbands right of divorce in any way NIL
20. Whether any documents was drawn up at the time NIL
Of marriage relating to dower and Maintenance, etc,
If so contents thereof:
21. Whether the bridegroom has any existing wife, and NIL
If so, whether he has secured the permission of Arbitration
Council under the Muslim Family Ordinance, 1961 to
Contract another Marriage:
22. Number and date of the Communications conveying to NIL
The Bridegroom the permission of the Arbitration Council
To contract another Marriage:
23. Name, fathers name and address of the person by M. Farhat Abbas S/o Abdul Wahid
Whom the marriage was solemnized: St # 4, Tufail Town, Fort Abbas,
24. Date of Registration of Marriage: 11-01-2012
25. Registration Fee Paid: PAID
Signature of the Witnesses to
the Appointment of the Bridegrooms vakil:
Signature of Bridegroom or his Vakil: (1). ___________________________________
_________________________________ (2). ___________________________________
Signature of Bride: Signature of Brides Vakil Signature of the Witnesses to the appointment
____________________________________ of Brides Vakil:
Signature of the Witnesses to the Marriage: (1). ___________________________________
(1). _________________________________ (2). ___________________________________
(2). ______________________________ Signature of the person who solemnized
The Marriage:
Signature & Seal of the Registrar of Marriage:

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