Point Processing Using FPGA

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Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology

July 2012. Vol. 41 No.2

2005 - 2012 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195




Asst Prof., Department of ECE, School of EEE, SASTRA University, Thanjavur
Asst Prof., Department of ECE, School of EEE, SASTRA University, Thanjavur


Application areas of signal processing have grown dramatically in importance in recent times, in parallel
with the growth of powerful and low-cost processing chips. This has led, in turn, to many new applications,
including multimedia delivery and hand-held communications delivery. Image processing is one an
important application among them, which has a strong mathematical basis. Specifically authors
demonstrate point processes which use only the information in individual pixels to produce new images.
Arithmetic operations, XOR operations, histograms, contrast stretching and intensity transformations are
implemented using Xilinx System Generator (XSG). XSG is a useful tool to understand fundamental
Digital Signal Processing (DSP) algorithms for Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) implementation.
FPGAs provide a better platform for real-time algorithms on application-specific hardware with
substantially greater performance than programmable DSPs. The study reveals that the hardware
implementation results which are presented here will be extended to perform hardware-in-the-loop

Keywords: Image Processing, Point Processing, Xilinx System Generator, FPGA.


The application domain of DSP over the past
decade expanded because of the advance in VLSI
technology. Application Specific Integrated
Circuits (ASIC) and programmable DSP processors
were the implementation choices for many DSP
applications. But now, reconfigurable computing
are being considered for system implementations
because of the programmable of software and the
functional efficiency of hardware. FPGAs are an
attractive choice due to their low energy dissipation
per unit computation, high performance, and
reconfigurability. The parallel computing power of
the FPGA is extremely useful in the modern world
of demanding applications like DSP, image and
video processing etc. To create custom DSP data
paths in FPGA , System Generator [1,2] is used as a
high level well suited design tool.
In todays modern computers, media
information such as audio, images, and video have
come to be necessary for daily business operations
and entertainment. In this paper, we study digital
images and its processing techniques, specifically
point processing algorithms. Digital images are
electronics snapshots taken of a scene or scanned
from documents, such as photographs, manuscripts,
printed texts, and artwork. The digital image is
sampled and mapped as a grid of dots or picture
elements (pixels). The digital image is picture
information in digital form. The image can be
filtered to remove noise and obtain enhancement
[3]. It can also be transformed to extract features for
pattern recognition. The image can be compressed
for storage and retrieval, as well as transmitted via
a computer network or a communication system.
Digital image processing has found application in
wide variety of fields of human endeavor. There are
number of well defined processes which go to make
up a typical image application. Acquisition,
Enhancement, Restoration, Segmentation and
Analysis are the steps needed by just about every
application which involves image processing [4].
Once images are inside the computer system, or
more specifically, once they are read inside a
program, the images are nothing but matrices.
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
July 2012. Vol. 41 No.2

2005 - 2012 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Hence, all the operations that can be applied to
matrices should theoretically be applicable to the
images as well. Image arithmetic is the
implementation of standard arithmetic operations,
such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division for images. Image arithmetic has many
uses in image processing, both as a preliminary step
in more complex operations and by itself [5].
DSP functions are implemented on two primary
platforms such as Digital Signal Processors (DSPs)
and FPGAs [6]. FPGA is a form of highly
configurable hardware while DSPs are specialized
form of microprocessors. Most engineers prefer
FPGA over DSP because of massive parallel
processing capabilities inherent to FPGA and time
to market make it the better choice. Since FPGAs
can be configured in hardware, FPGAs offer
complete hardware customization while
implementing various DSP applications.
System Generator [7] is a DSP design tool from
Xilinx that enables the use of the Mathworks
model-based design environment Simulink for
FPGA design. It is a system level modeling tool in
which designs are captured in the DSP friendly
Simulink modeling environment using Xilinx
specific Blockset. All of the downstream FPGA
implementation steps including synthesis and place
and route are automatically performed to generate
an FPGA programming file. System Generator
provides many features such as System Resource
Estimation to take full advantage of the FPGA
resources, Hardware Co-Simulation [8] and
accelerated simulation through hardware in the loop
co-simulation; which give many orders of
simulation performance increase [9,10,11].
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
focuses on the fundamentals of all point processes
in image processing and section 3 shows the
simulation results using Xilinx System Generator
for the models designed. Conclusions are presented
in the section 4.


Point processes are the simplest and basic image
processing operations. They operate on a pixel
bases solely on that pixels value. Although point
operations are the simplest, they contain some of
the most powerful and widely used of all image
processing operations. They are especially useful in
image pre-processing, where an image is required
to be modified before the man job is attempted.
This section contains an important point
processing operations such as arithmetic operations,
XOR operations, histograms with equalization,
contrast stretching and intensity transformations
along with the implementations which are done
using XSG.

2.1 Arithmetic Operations

The arithmetic operations include adding,
subtracting, dividing, and multiplying pixels by a
constant value. Addition and subtraction can adjust
the brightness of the image [9]. Fig. 1. shows the
XSG blocks involved while adding and subtracting
40 from the image. Fig. 2. shows the results of an
image which has a size of 512 x 512.

Figure 1: XSG blocks for addition and subtraction.

(a) (b)

Figure 2: (a) Original 512x512 image (b)
image+40 (c) image -40.
Similarly, multiplication and division by
different values can adjust the contrast of the

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
July 2012. Vol. 41 No.2

2005 - 2012 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195


2.2 XOR Operations

The Exclusive OR function sets bits that are the
same in each operand to 0 and bits that are different
to 1. All pixels of a certain value can be found by
applying XOR function. In computers, a cursor for
the mouse can be generated by applying XOR
function frequently used on graphic systems.
Almost a negative image produced by XOR with
255 to the image. Fig. 3. shows the results of an
image with XSG block.

Figure 3: Image XORed with 255 and XSG blocks.
2.3 Histogram Stretching (Contrast Stretching)

The contrast of an image is its distribution of
light and dark pixels. To stretch a histogram,
contrast stretching is applied to an image to fill the
full dynamic range of the image. We can stretch out
the gray levels in the center of the range by
applying piecewise linear function according to the
new pixel = (12/4) (old pixel-5) + 2 (1)
where new pixel is its result after the
transformation. Fig. 4. and Fig. 5. shows the XSG
blocks for the above contrast stretching to the finger
print image and the results respectively.

Figure 4: XSG blocks for contrast stretching.

(a) (b)
Figure 5: (a) Original finger print image (b) image
after contrast stretching.
We demonstrate an another piecewise linear
function which is as follows:
j = ( (255-193) / (255-160) ) (i-160) + 192 (2)
where i is the original gray level and j is its result
after the transformation. Fig. 6. and Fig. 7. shows
the XSG blocks for the above contrast stretching to
the finger print image and the results respectively.

Figure 6: XSG blocks for contrast stretching

Figure 7: Image after transformation.

2.4 Intensity Transformations

Intensity transformations are point processes that
convert an old pixel into a new pixel based on some
predefined function. These transformations are
easily implemented with simple look-up tables.
2.4.1 Negative Transformation
The negative transform exchanges dark values
for light values and vice versa. This is the
complement of a grayscale image like a
photographic negative. The equation is as follows :
new pixel = 255 old pixel (3)
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
July 2012. Vol. 41 No.2

2005 - 2012 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Fig. 8. and Fig. 9. shows the XSG blocks for the
above negative transformation to the finger print
image and the results respectively.

Figure 8: XSG blocks for negative transformation.

Figure 9: Negative image.
2.4.1 Image Segmentation using Threshold
Image segmentation can be used to separate
pixels associated with objects of interest from the
image background. This is an important step in
many imaging applications of automated analysis
and robotics. We demonstrate segmentation on a
simple pixel-by-pixel basis using threshold
decisions. We use histogram of a image to
determine the threshold value . Fig. 10. shows the
original cameraman image and histogram result
Histogram shows that the object and background
are well-separated. We use Mcode block and use 70
as a threshold in our demonstration. Fig. 11. and
Fig. 12. shows the matlab code for Mcode block
and the image after segmentation results
Here we get the foreground portion as a white

Figure 10: Image and histogram.

Figure 11: XSG blocks for segmentation.
The Mcode block description is as follows :
function z = newpixel(x,y)
if x>y
z = x;
z = 1;

Figure 12: Image after segmentation.

2.4.3 Range highlighting Transformation
An intensity transform can also highlight a range
of pixels while keeping others constant. Fig.13.
shows the Xilinx blocks implementation and the
resulting image.
function z = newpixelone(x,y,c)
if (x > y) & (x < c)
z = x;
z = 1;

Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
July 2012. Vol. 41 No.2

2005 - 2012 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Figure 13: Xilinxs blocks and resulting image.

2.4.4 Parabola Transformation
The two formulas for the parabola
transformation are as follows:
new pixel = 255 255 ((old pixel/128) -1)
new pixel = 255 ((old pixel/128) -1)
Xilinx blocks are connected for the above
equations and displayed in Fig. 14. and Fig. 15.
Both the results are observed and produced in Fig.
16. Similarly, solarize transformation, iso-intensity
contouring transformation and bit-clipping
transformation can also be implemented [8].

Figure 14: XSG blocks for Equation (4).

Figure 15: XSG blocks for Equation (5).

(a) (b)

Figure 16: (a) Original image (b) Parabola
Equation (4) (c) Parabola Equation (5).


The hardware implementation results are
produced using Xilinx Spartan 3E FPGA. The
resource utilization summary is obtained for the
parabola transformation (Fig.16 and Fig.17) results
of Equation 4 and 5 respectively in Fig.17 and

Figure 17: XSG blocks for Equation (5).
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology
July 2012. Vol. 41 No.2

2005 - 2012 JATIT & LLS. All rights reserved

ISSN: 1992-8645 www.jatit.org E-ISSN: 1817-3195


Figure 18: XSG blocks for Equation (5).


In this paper, a real-time image processing
algorithms are implemented on FPGA.
Implementation of these algorithms on a FPGA is
having advantage of using large memory and
embedded multipliers. Advances in FPGA
technology with the development of sophisticated
and efficient tools for modeling, simulation and
synthesis have made FPGA a highly useful platform
The study reveals that implementation of point
processing algorithms using Xilinx System
Generator can be extended to applications like
background estimation in video, image filtering
both in spatial and frequency domains and digital
image watermarking applications, etc. The
implementation further can be extended to area
processes and frame processes in the field of digital
image processing. The above experiments may also
be performed with hardware-in-the loop verification
and co-simulation approaches.

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