Put The Sentences From The Legend in Order: Legends Are - A Lessons B Stories C Fantasies
Put The Sentences From The Legend in Order: Legends Are - A Lessons B Stories C Fantasies
Put The Sentences From The Legend in Order: Legends Are - A Lessons B Stories C Fantasies
____ the oldest brother wanted to rule the land for himself
____ once there was an ancient kingdom
____ the kingdom fell to war, chaos and ruin
____ ruled by a wise and fair king
____ when he grew old he divided the kingdom among his 4 sons
Complete the phrase
Legends are _____________ a- lessons b- stories c- fantasies
Put the names of the clans
Whos who? MI (Macintosh) MG (MacGuffin) - (ingwall)
Whos got black hair?
Whos got white hair?
Whos got blonde hair?
Whos got 2 ponytails?
Whos got a stool?
!rue or false?
Macintosh heir ! "e has black hair
"e defends the land from southern invaders
"is swords name is #tab $looder
Mac%uffin heir "e is thin
"e fights the &ikings
"e has very weak hands
'ingwall heir "e has 2 brothers
"es very short
"e bites
"um#er these o#$ects in order of appearance
A hammer a pole a weight
Complete the sentences
( followed _____________ ( am _________________ )his is _______________
*oure never ________________ (m not going to ___________________